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@gsemet gsemet released this 25 Apr 15:42
· 739 commits to master since this release

New Features

  • Thanks to @arcticicestudio, a new nice, clean new palette theme is available for Guake users: Nord (#1275)

Known Issues

  • Multiline url are sometimes not handled correctly.

  • Users of Byobu or Tmux as default shell should disable the "login shell" option (in the "Shell" panel). This uses an option, --login, that does not exist on these two tools.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix duplication in theme list (#1304)

  • Fix right click selection in Midnight Commander

  • Corrected usage of Vte.Regex.new_for_match to fix regular expression matching (hyperlinks, quick open) on VTE >0.50 (#1295)

  • URL with ' (simple quote) and () (parenthesis) are now captured by hyperlink matcher. This may causes some issues with log and so that use parenthesis around hyperlinks, but since parenthesis and quotes are valid characters inside a URL, like for instance URL created by Kibana, they deserve the right to be shown as proper url in Guake.

    User can still select the URL in the terminal if he wishes to capture the exact url, before doing a Ctrl+click or a right click.

    For developers, it is advised to end the URL with a character that cannot be used in URL, such as space, tab, new line. Ending with a dot (.) or a comma (,) will not be seen as part of the URL by Guake, so most logs and traces that adds a dot or a comma at the end of the URL might still work.

  • Fix "Grubbox Dark" theme

Translation Updates

  • fr

  • pl

  • ru


  • Rework the documentation. The README grew up a lot and was hard to use. It has been cut into several user manual pages in the official online documentation.