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80 lines (74 loc) · 4.83 KB

File metadata and controls

80 lines (74 loc) · 4.83 KB


This file contains the key code for keys to use with 2Keys. These go in the hotkeys section in each keyboard. I.e:

      ^A: HelloWorld # ^A means fire this hotkey when control + A is pushed

Table of modifiers

! Alt
^ Control
+ Shift
# Windows key
< Left key (i.e. left control (<^), left shift (<+))
> Right key (i.e. right control (^>), right Alt/AltGr (!>))
$key$ Used to denote special keys, such as UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT arrow keys; CAPS (Caps Lock), TAB. Replace key with key name in caps
character Used for all keys that are one character, except one's in table below (i.e. numpad)

Table of keys

  1. SSH into the detector.
  2. cd to where your 2Keys project is stored.
  3. Run sudo bash ./.2Keys/ stop to stop the server.
  4. Run 2Keys watch <keyboard_name>, replacing <keyboard_name> with the keyboard the key is on.
  5. Press the key and see what mapping comes up, if any. See below if the mapping is blank.
  6. Restart the server with sudo bash ./.2Keys/ start once you're done.

If no mapping comes up, note down the key code and add the following to config, under the keyboard with the key on:

  keyboard_1: # Assuming that is the name
      C1: key_code # Note that C1 can be whatever you want it to be.
      # I.e.:
      C2: 42

You can now use this key by wrapping the value you set (i.e. C1) in brackets:

  keyboard_1: # Assuming that is the name
      (C1): HelloWorld
Symbol Corresponding Key Notes
$NUM_*$ Numpad asterisk
$SPACE$ Spacebar
$BACKSPACE$ Backspace
$TAB$ Tab
$CAPS$ Caps lock
F1-F24 Function keys $ not required
$ENTER$ Enter
$NUMLOCK$ Numlock
NUM1-9 Numpad numbers $ not required
$NUM_-$ Numpad negative
$NUM_+$ Numpad plus
$NUM_.$ Numpad full stop
$#$ The extra key on UK keyboard with ~ and # on
$NUM_ENTER$ Enter key on numpad
$NUM_/$ Slash key on numpad
$PRINT_SCR$ Print screen/SysReq key
$HOME$ Home key
$UP$ Arrow Up key
$PAGE_UP$ Page Up key
$LEFT$ Left Arrow key
$RIGHT$ Right arrow key
$END$ End key
$DOWN$ Down arrow key
$PAGE_DOWN$ Page down key
$INSERT$ Insert key
$DELETE$ Delete key
$NUM_=$ Numpad equals
$PAUSE$ Pause key (not symbol pause, word Pause)
$NUM_,$ Numpad comma