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Docker container for PostgresRAW-UI

This project creates a Docker image for running PostgresRAW-UI.

It has been developed on Ubuntu and not tested on other platforms.

Clone this project

$ git clone
$ cd PostgresRAW-UI-docker

Clone the PostgresRAW-UI sources

$ git clone src

Build the PostgresRAW-UI docker image

The image is build and given the name 'hbpmip/postgresraw-ui' with the following command:

$ docker build -t hbpmip/postgresraw-ui \
    --build-arg BUILD_DATE=`date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"` \
    --build-arg VCS_REF=`git -C ./src/ rev-parse --short HEAD` \

Use the PostgresRAW-UI docker image

Assuming you started the docker container of PostgresRAW as presented in the example, you can use the following command:

$ docker run --rm \
    -e POSTGRES_HOST=db \
    -e POSTGRES_PORT=5432 \
    -e POSTGRES_USER=dbuser \
    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret \
    -e POSTGRES_DB=db \
    -p 4445:5555 \
    -v $PWD/../data:/data:rw \
    -v $PWD/../datasets:/datasets:ro \
    --name PostgresRAW-UI \
    --link PostgresRAW:db \
  • Note 1: The folder mounted on /data is expected to contain the pg_data folder.
  • Note 2: The folder mounted on /datasets is where you store the CSV files.
  • Note 3: In the example above, we use --link to link to the PostgresRAW container. In this case, we have to connect to the port used internaly by the PostgresRAW docker container, which is 5432, and not the externally mapped 5554.
  • Note 4: Use the LOCAL_DATA_SOURCE and FED_DATA_SOURCE environment variables to override the default configuration for the MIP views. See PostgresRAW-UI documentation for more information. Example use (to show the research data at the Federation level): -e FED_DATA_SOURCE="mip_cde_features"

The PostgresRAW-UI will be available on http://localhost:4445 and allows you to execute SQL queries, and choose several display options of the results.


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