format-version: 1.2 data-version: 0.1.0 date: 27:09:2018 16:05 saved-by: julianu import: import: import: default-namespace: QC namespace-id-rule: * MS:$sequence(7,0,9999999)$ namespace-id-rule: * QC:$sequence(7,0,9999999)$ remark: namespace: MS remark: namespace: QC remark: coverage: Mass spectrometer quality control metrics remark: creator: Martin Eisenacher> remark: creator: Julian Uszkoreit> ontology: qc [Term] id: MS:1009001 name: quality control metrics generating software def: "Quality control metrics generating softwares are special types of analysis softwares, which are capable to generate QC metrics." [PSI:PI] is_a: MS:1001456 ! analysis software [Term] id: MS:1009002 name: QuaMeter IDFree def: "QuaMeter IDFree is a QC metrics generating software." [PSI:PI] is_a: MS:1009001 ! quality control metrics generating software [Term] id: MS:1009003 name: iMonDB def: "iMonDB is a QC metrics generating software." [PSI:PI] is_a: MS:1009001 ! quality control metrics generating software [Term] id: QC:4000001 name: QC metric def: "Parent term for QC metrics, each metric MUST have this as an ancestor in its is_a relations." [PSI:QC] [Term] id: QC:4000002 name: QC metric type def: "the QC metric type describes what type the respective metric is, like e.g. single value, n-tuple or table" [PSI:QC] [Term] id: QC:4000003 name: single value def: "metrics consisting of a single value (in contrast to n-tuple or table)." [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000002 ! QC metric type [Term] id: QC:4000004 name: n-tuple def: "Metrics consisting of n values (in contrast to single_value or table), n specified by the CV param value, e.g. n=4 for quartiles." [PSI:QC] xref: value-type:xsd\:int "The allowed value-type for this CV term." is_a: QC:4000002 ! QC metric type [Term] id: QC:4000005 name: corresponding lists def: "Metrics consisting of a variable number of lists with n elements each, n specified by the CV param value. The k-th elements of the lists correspond to each other (as RT and intensity lists for a chromatogram)." [PSI:QC] xref: value-type:xsd\:int "The allowed value-type for this CV term." is_a: QC:4000002 ! QC metric type [Term] id: QC:4000006 name: table def: "metrics consisting of a table or data frame (in contrast to single_value or n-tuple), the values of the table may have different types in each column (in contrast to a matrix). The actual structure of the matrix is defined in the QC document." [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000002 ! QC metric type [Term] id: QC:4000007 name: matrix def: "A matrix is a rectangular array of values of the same type (in contrast to a table). The actual structure of the matrix is defined in the QC document." [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000002 ! QC metric type [Term] id: QC:4000008 name: QC metric basis def: "The basis for this QC metric, like ID based, ID free, quant based..." [PSI:QC] [Term] id: QC:4000009 name: ID based def: "metrics based on a previous identification run (in contrast to ID_free, Quant_based)" [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000008 ! QC metric basis [Term] id: QC:4000010 name: ID free def: "metrics not based on a previous identification run (in contrast to ID_based, quant_based)" [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000008 ! QC metric basis [Term] id: QC:4000011 name: Quantification based def: "metrics based on a previous quantification run (in contrast to ID_free, ID_based)" [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000008 ! QC metric basis [Term] id: QC:4000012 name: QC metric relation def: "A QC metric describes the basis for the metric calculation like \"one MS run\" or \"one spectrum\"" [PSI:QC] [Term] id: QC:4000013 name: QC metric relation: one run def: "describes a metric which is calculated on one run (e.g. one .raw file)" [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000012 ! QC metric relation [Term] id: QC:4000014 name: QC metric relation: multiple runs def: "a metric which is calculated on multiple runs / a set of runs (e.g. multiple .raw files)" [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000012 ! QC metric relation [Term] id: QC:4000015 name: QC metric relation: one spectrum def: "a metric which is calculated on one spectrum" [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000012 ! QC metric relation [Term] id: QC:4000016 name: QC metric relation: multiple spectra def: "a metric which is calculated on multiple spectra" [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000012 ! QC metric relation [Term] id: QC:4000020 name: XIC metric def: "a metric based on extracted ion chromatograms" [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000022 ! chromatogram metric [Term] id: QC:4000021 name: retention time metric def: "a metric based on the retention time" [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000001 ! QC metric [Term] id: QC:4000022 name: chromatogram metric def: "a metric based on the chromatogram" [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000001 ! QC metric [Term] id: QC:4000023 name: MS1 metric def: "a metric based on MS1 events" [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000001 ! QC metric [Term] id: QC:4000024 name: MS2 metric def: "a metric based on MS2 events" [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000001 ! QC metric [Term] id: QC:4000025 name: ion source metric def: "a metric related to events in the ions source" [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000001 ! QC metric [Term] id: QC:4000026 name: environment metric def: "a metric related to measurements of the environment" [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000001 ! QC metric [Term] id: QC:4000050 name: XIC-WideFrac def: "The fraction of precursor ions accounting for the top half of all peak widths" [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000003 ! single value is_a: QC:4000010 ! ID free is_a: QC:4000020 ! XIC metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run relationship: has_relation MS:1000086 ! full width at half-maximum [Term] id: QC:4000051 name: XIC-FWHM quantiles def: "The first to n-th quantile of peak widths for the wide XICs. The cvParam value defines the number of given quantiles n." [PSI:QC] xref: value-type:xsd\:int "The allowed value-type for this CV term." is_a: QC:4000004 ! n-tuple is_a: QC:4000010 ! ID free is_a: QC:4000020 ! XIC metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run relationship: has_relation MS:1000086 ! full width at half-maximum [Term] id: QC:4000052 name: XIC-Height quantiles ratio to Q1 def: "The log ratio for second to n-th quantile of wide XIC heights over first quantile of heights. The cvParam value defines the number of given quantiles n (the corresponding tuple of the metric has n-1 values)." [PSI:QC] xref: value-type:xsd\:int "The allowed value-type for this CV term." is_a: QC:4000004 ! n-tuple is_a: QC:4000010 ! ID free is_a: QC:4000020 ! XIC metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run relationship: has_relation MS:1000627 ! selected ion current chromatogram relationship: has_relation MS:1000042 ! peak intensity [Term] id: QC:4000053 name: RT duration def: "The retention time duration of the MS run, similar to the highest scan time minus the lowest scan time." [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000003 ! single value is_a: QC:4000010 ! ID free is_a: QC:4000021 ! retention time metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run [Term] id: QC:4000054 name: RT of TIC quantile def: "The interval when the respective quantile of the TIC accumulates divided by retention time duration. The number of quantiles n is is defined by the cvParam value." [PSI:QC] xref: value-type:xsd\:int "The allowed value-type for this CV term." is_a: QC:4000004 ! n-tuple is_a: QC:4000010 ! ID free is_a: QC:4000021 ! retention time metric is_a: QC:4000022 ! chromatogram metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run relationship: has_relation MS:1000235 ! total ion current chromatogram [Term] id: QC:4000055 name: MS1 quantiles RT fraction def: "The interval for the first to n-th quantile of all MS1 events divided by RT-Duration. The number of quantiles n is is defined by the cvParam value." [PSI:QC] xref: value-type:xsd\:int "The allowed value-type for this CV term." is_a: QC:4000004 ! n-tuple is_a: QC:4000010 ! ID free is_a: QC:4000021 ! retention time metric is_a: QC:4000023 ! MS1 metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run relationship: has_relation MS:1000579 ! MS1 spectrum [Term] id: QC:4000056 name: MS2 quantiles RT fraction def: "The interval for the first to n-th quantile of all MS2 events divided by RT-Duration. The number of quantiles n is is defined by the cvParam value." [PSI:QC] xref: value-type:xsd\:int "The allowed value-type for this CV term." is_a: QC:4000004 ! n-tuple is_a: QC:4000010 ! ID free is_a: QC:4000021 ! retention time metric is_a: QC:4000024 ! MS2 metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run relationship: has_relation MS:1000580 ! MSn spectrum [Term] id: QC:4000057 name: MS1 quantile TIC change ratio to Q1 def: "The log ratio for the second to n-th quantile of TIC changes over first quantile of TIC changes. The cvParam value defines the number of given quantiles n (the corresponding tuple of the metric has n-1 values)." [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000004 ! n-tuple is_a: QC:4000010 ! ID free is_a: QC:4000022 ! chromatogram metric is_a: QC:4000023 ! MS1 metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run relationship: has_relation MS:1000235 ! total ion current chromatogram [Term] id: QC:4000058 name: MS1 quantile TIC ratio to Q1 def: "The log ratio for the second to n-th quantile of TIC over first quantile of TIC. The cvParam value defines the number of given quantiles n (the corresponding tuple of the metric has n-1 values)." [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000004 ! n-tuple is_a: QC:4000010 ! ID free is_a: QC:4000022 ! chromatogram metric is_a: QC:4000023 ! MS1 metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run relationship: has_relation MS:1000235 ! total ion current chromatogram [Term] id: QC:4000059 name: MS1 count def: "The number of MS1 events in the run." [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000003 ! single value is_a: QC:4000010 ! ID free is_a: QC:4000023 ! MS1 metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run relationship: has_relation MS:1000579 ! MS1 spectrum [Term] id: QC:4000060 name: MS2 count def: "The number of MS2 events in the run." [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000003 ! single value is_a: QC:4000010 ! ID free is_a: QC:4000023 ! MS1 metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run relationship: has_relation MS:1000580 ! MSn spectrum [Term] id: QC:4000061 name: maximal MS2 frequency def: "The fastest frequency for MS/MS collection in any minute over the complete run" [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000003 ! single value is_a: QC:4000010 ! ID free is_a: QC:4000024 ! MS2 metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run relationship: has_relation MS:1000580 ! MSn spectrum relationship: has_relation MS:1000029 ! sampling frequency [Term] id: QC:4000062 name: MS2 density per quantile def: "The was the first to n-th quantile of MS2 scan peak counts. The cvParam value defines the number of given quantiles n." [PSI:QC] xref: value-type:xsd\:int "The allowed value-type for this CV term." is_a: QC:4000004 ! n-tuple is_a: QC:4000010 ! ID free is_a: QC:4000024 ! MS2 metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run relationship: has_relation MS:1000035 ! peak picking [Term] id: QC:4000063 name: MS2 known precursor charges fractions def: "The fraction of MS/MS precursors of the corresponding charge. The fractions are given in the first list, charges in the second list. The cvParam value defines the number of entries in both lists." [PSI:QC] xref: value-type:xsd\:int "The allowed value-type for this CV term." is_a: QC:4000005 ! corresponding lists is_a: QC:4000010 ! ID free is_a: QC:4000024 ! MS2 metric is_a: QC:4000025 ! ion source metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run relationship: has_relation MS:1000041 ! charge state [Term] id: QC:4000064 name: MS2 unknown and likely precursor charges fractions def: "The fraction of MS/MS precursors of unknown, but possible likely charges. The fractions are given in the first list, the likely charges in the second list, charge 0 stands for unknown. The cvParam value defines the number of entries in both lists." [PSI:QC] xref: value-type:xsd\:int "The allowed value-type for this CV term." is_a: QC:4000005 ! corresponding lists is_a: QC:4000010 ! ID free is_a: QC:4000024 ! MS2 metric is_a: QC:4000025 ! ion source metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run relationship: has_relation MS:1000041 ! charge state [Term] id: QC:4000065 name: Precursor median m/z for IDs def: "Median m/z value for all identified peptides (unique ions)." [PSI:QC] is_a: QC:4000003 ! single value is_a: QC:4000009 ! ID based is_a: QC:4000023 ! MS1 metric is_a: QC:4000025 ! ion source metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run [Term] id: QC:4000066 name: Fraction of MS2 identified at different MS1 quantiles def: "Fraction of total MS2 scans identified in the respective quantile of peptides sorted by MS1 maximum intensity. The cvParam value defines the number of given quantiles n." [PSI:QC] xref: value-type:xsd\:int "The allowed value-type for this CV term." is_a: QC:4000004 ! n-tuple is_a: QC:4000009 ! ID based is_a: QC:4000023 ! MS1 metric is_a: QC:4000024 ! MS2 metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run [Term] id: QC:4000067 name: Total ion current chromatogram def: "The (centroided) total ion current chromatogram. The first list contains the m/z values, the second list the corresponding abundancies. The cvParam value defines the number of entries in both lists." [PSI:QC] xref: value-type:xsd\:int "The allowed value-type for this CV term." is_a: QC:4000005 ! corresponding lists is_a: QC:4000010 ! ID free is_a: QC:4000022 ! chromatogram metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run [Term] id: QC:4000068 name: Ambient humidity def: "The Ambient humidity. The cvParam value defines the number of values. TODO: why is this an n-tuple?" [PSI:QC] xref: value-type:xsd\:int "The allowed value-type for this CV term." is_a: QC:4000004 ! n-tuple is_a: QC:4000010 ! ID free is_a: QC:4000026 ! environment metric relationship: has_relation QC:4000013 ! QC metric relation: one run [Typedef] id: has_relation name: has_relation [Typedef] id: has_type name: has_type [Typedef] id: has_units name: has_units