{"payload":{"header_redesign_enabled":false,"results":[{"body":"List of methods to balance test HWRM. Over LAN Start HWR twice on one PC and use LAN with MaxedStartingfleets.zip https://github.com/HW-PlayersPatch/File_Share/tree/master/Resources/Testing Console Mod A recently released mod which add an ingame console capable of spawning ships, also capable of running scripts ingame (you can write test files and run them as-you-like from the console): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2894486483 Gearbox Balance Screen This is the best way to test balance and ship vs ship combat. Spawn x ships vs y ships and watch them battle. Currently only available in the internal developer version of the game, but a team is working to enhance it and enable it for the public version of the game too: https://github.com/HW-PlayersPatch/balance-screen Complex mod's balancingmenu.lua Untested, but possibly a primitive version of the Gearbox Balance Screen. Past and Future mod's Ship Dual Gamemode A very primitive version of the Gearbox Balance Screen. QuadS Balance Testing Maps Maps for balance testing \"QuadS Balance Testing Maps.zip\". Note: They appear to crash on load, so not sure how to get them to work. EatThePath's AutomatedTests.zip The fight is being re-run and every time one side loses that side is allocated more ships for the next round. The outcomes of each fight, along with the starting counts and the duration of the fight, are printed to the log after each round. https://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/automated-ship-testing-scripts/1640177 Mikali's Play Balancing Mod This gamerule iterates through a list of ships, comparing the performance of one ship versus the performance of another. Using this method, one can gauge to some degree of accuracy the relative combat strength of each ship versus the others. HWR_PlayBalancingHWRM_v2_4_0.zip https://www.moddb.com/mods/play-balancing-mod-for-hwrm Comments Page Status Updated Formatting? Yes Updated for HWRM? Yes","filename":"Balance-Testing.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"List of methods to balance test HWRM. Over LAN Start HWR twice on one PC and use LAN with MaxedStartingfleets.zip https://github.com/HW-PlayersPatch/File_Share/tree/master/Resources/Testing Console Mod ...","hl_title":"Balance Testing","id":"8482d1c42c736649c59dffbfb0d86ca7d760c98b","path":"Balance-Testing.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":268165836,"name":"KarosGraveyard","owner_id":66184869,"owner_login":"HWRM","updated_at":"2024-04-10T22:43:23.616Z","has_issues":false}},"repo_id":268165836,"title":"Balance Testing","updated_at":"2023-05-18T00:58:32.000-04:00"},{"body":".Big files are loaded by the game in the following order. If there are duplicate files in different .bigs, only the later files will be loaded by the game. When extracting all .big files into one folder, do so in the order listed below. This will overwrite duplicate files in the proper order. Homeworld2.big UpdateHomeworld2.big HW1Ships.big UpdateHW1Ships.big HW2Ships.big UpdateHW2Ships.big HWBackgrounds.big UpdateHWBackgrounds.big English.big UpdateEnglish.big Compatibility.big Campaign .big's Mod .big's Mod English.big EnglishSpeech.big UpdateEnglishSpeech.big Music.big UpdateMusic.big Comments Page Status Updated Formatting? Yes Updated for HWRM? Yes","filename":"Big-Precedence-Order.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":".Big files are loaded by the game in the following order. If there are duplicate files in different .bigs, only the later files will be loaded by the game. When extracting all .big files into one folder, ...","hl_title":"Big Precedence Order","id":"9f867a45300bc65a931c6273e538be9d7cbb91cc","path":"Big-Precedence-Order.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":268165836,"name":"KarosGraveyard","owner_id":66184869,"owner_login":"HWRM","updated_at":"2024-04-10T22:43:23.616Z","has_issues":false}},"repo_id":268165836,"title":"Big Precedence Order","updated_at":"2020-07-13T00:26:40.000-04:00"},{"body":"HWR Bugs & Solutions - GBX Forums For Homeworld Remastered see the link above. Legacy Homeworld 2 bugs are listed below. Homeworld 2 Bugs, Issues, and Workarounds Game Exploits See this thread . Data Modding Related Issues Campaigns Custom campaigns cannot be selected from within the default UI. They can only be loaded via the command-line switch. Campaign descriptions and level thumbnails should be listed in \"*.campaign\" files, IMO. Cannot load levels/maps from outside the (largely) hardcoded level-selection screen. Workaround suggested here , see Mikali's post. Race is set to 1 (Hiigaran) by default in singleplayer campaigns; and, there does not seem to be any way around except by reversing the order of races in \"races.lua\". See this thread . Game Rules It would be better if the entrance of the MS out of hyperspace at the beginning of play were done via scripting, since the workaround for delaying/modifying this is ugly. Need more functions to handle subsystems. Need a function to save persistent data in skirmishes. Automatic resource harvesting at the end of missions is really annoying. Auto-harvesting is easily disabled; however, one would still need to provide the player with a means to end the mission manually (e.g., by mapping the function to an unused key). Victory conditions based on the number of build-capable ships don't work so well when build capabilities are added to such things as fighters, corvettes and frigates. that is not such a problem; you can easily add another condition to the game ending chunk (like the ships being of capital attack family) - SunTzu New, scripted commands (such as evillejedi's kamikaze command) cause de-syncs in multiplayer. Players affecting deterministic data is not permitted in gamerules. Weapons Weapons with \"gimble\" setting will not periodically update their targeting assignment even if secondary target engagement and independent scanning is enabled. These will \"stick\" their target to the one designated either by the player, or the ship's selected target. If no target is selected, then the Gimble weapon will scan once, then \"stick\" to that regardless of whether it is within field of traverse or not. Use AnimatedTurret if you'd like to have weapons independently selecting and engaging targets without player input. Vagyr and HGN Mothership defense guns function much better as AnimatedTurret setting. Note that this does not require an actual turret model, see Vagyr Battlecruiser's side hull lasers. Munitions don't take dustcloud or nebula damage. Ships Resource collectors tend go clear across the map in search of ships to deliver their salvage to -- even when a suitable destination is close at hand. There should be a scripting method for getting/setting the inclination and azimuth of a ship, relative to the map plane. Currently this can only be done in the .level file. Marine frigates will continue their approach, even when their target is no longer visible (or no longer appears in sensors). One shouldn't be able to retire ships inside battlecruisers, IMO. Can't dock Movers with Battlecruisers. Can't retire captured carrier modules, but can retire captured mothership modules. Ships will only use one (the first) launch path, even when several exist. Can't build ships from other races. There have been some workarounds suggested. See this thread . A greater number of ships may temporarily dock with a target ship than is specified for the target ship's shiphold size. AI AI doesn't avoid radioactive nebulae. AI doesn't use minelayers. AI never uses command corvettes.This can be changed in the AI building script. However the RDN docs say that AI cannot properly use the command corvettes when they build them. AI never repairs its own ships. AI never retires ships or subsystems. AI doesn't use EMP. AI doesn't use Keeper ships. This is easily fixed by editing \"data\\ai\\classdef.lua\". AI quits playing after it runs out of production/resourcing options. Starting Fleets Starting fleets are per-race, only. Per-player-and-race starting fleets would be better. See this thread . Collectors should be listed within the mothership's shiphold in the starting fleet luas rather than being listed seperately (...and having to resort to a crude hack to make them exit the shiphold as a result). Madstate Animations often work better if they start on frame 2 instead of frame 1, for some reason. See this thread . Quote from the RDN docs: \"NEVER create keyframes at frame 0! Start at frame 1\" . Counting beginning with zero, frame 0 is the first frame and frame 1 is the second. UI On large maps, when a ship is past a certain distance from the camera, it cannot be selected using the mouse (even though it can still be seen). It's tactical icon will also disappear when this is the case; so, it's probably due to a setting in the .ship file. See this thread . Change the farClip value in \"ui\\camera.lua\". Sometimes the \"Edit Profile\" menu doesn't leave the screen (e.g., when the host leaves the game setup screen while you're editing your profile). This happens with other menus, too. Very laggy! It is often becomes difficult to add/remove ships to/from contol groups using the mouse, or to assign a target to a ship. The level name isn't displayed in the game setup screen when joining a game with a custom level. Can't use the keyboard to navigate through the front-end menus. This can probably be made to work by modifying \"keybidings.lua\" (in the \"locale\\english\\scripts\" directory). Can probably even make the bound actions vary depending on the currently-active screen. -Mikali It would be nice to be able to view more than one thumbnail per map. More substantial text level descriptions would have been nice. One workaround is to add the text to the level thumbnail in a graphics program. It would be better if one were able to select levels from more than one directory. This would make it possible to distribute levels made to work with specific mods, while still allowing the player player to play on maps meant for 'vanilla' HW2 when running the mod. Clicking on the queue (accessed in game using the 'q' key) a second time should close the build/research window. The Diplomacy menu is not available in Skirmish mode. (Arguably, this would give the player an unfair advantage over the CPU.) The kick player dialog steals focus from the chat window. This is really annoying. Levels It should not be possible to add clouds or pebbles to a level from within the DetermChunk portion of a level file, as they do not get saved along with the rest of the map data when saving the game. There may be issues, where programmatically creating start positions causes games to de-sync in multiplayer (but not in skirmish). See this thread . Can't have \"extra\" CPU players like you could in HW1. There is a maximum limit of six players in a game; and, all six players are visible in the game-setup screen. Other When added to the HW2 shortcut, the \"-GameRule\" flag is often ignored (I think). As of the 1.1 patch, the randomseed function is ignored. What the devs could have done is created a global variable containing a random seed value. This way map authors would have the choice whether to use a random seed value or a pre-defined seed value. Lua tables start with index number 1. Some tables, such as the 'player' table in level files, begin with index number 0. Unfortunately, Lua treats index number 0 like a string index--making iterating through tables difficult. Missions Game-stopping bug in Mission 12. See this thread . Multiplayer Kicking players should be done via a vote, IMO. Stuff that can only be done in Maya See this thread . Engine Limitations Also, see this thread ) Object Size Limit: Objects cannot be larger than somewhere around 25000 units. One solution is to split a model up into several sections and then bind them together. Please update this with the correct info, and a link to a discussion thread, preferably. -Mikali Object Number Limit: Through testing I have found out that you can have 5000 asteroids in a map, but not 10000. I don't know the exact cut-off number, and whether this applies to all objects. -Mikali Render Distance Limit: There is a farClip value in \"camera.lua\". Objects beyond this distance from the camera are not rendered. This makes creating/playing on large maps difficult. Very Large Objects (VLOs) & Collision: Collision meshes can only take the shape of a rectangular prism. In order to have more complex collision meshes, you'll have to split your model into several smaller objects. See this thread and this thread . The hyperspace effect is hardcoded. Performance See this thread and this thread . Game Recordings See this thread and this thread . No. Polygons See this thread . Differences with Mac version See this thread and this thread . Bugs/Errors/Typos The parameter RequiredResearch for PlatformIonWeapons in the Hiigaran \"research.lua\" is mispelled. HW2 prints the following error message regarding the 16-bit color-depth setting. \"do not show again has not been hooked up properly for this dialog. you must give your message a name\" The pop-up window is not supposed to appear after you have checked the box. \"FrigateSpeedUpgrade2\" is misnamed for all Vaygr ships. \"Fleet Defense\" is mispelled in the description for the Defense Field Frigate. The description for the Hgn Gun Turret should say \"StaticDefense\" instead of \"StatiMinelayer\". There's a typo in \"ShipTuning.xls\". The string \"RepairAbility\" should be \"MinelayerAbility\" in the Minelayer Ability section. 'data\\scripts\\scar\\scar_util.lua' contains many instances of poorly-formed strings. The 'vgr_prisonstation' (as well as its special sensors module) is missing an icon in 'shipicons.lua'. If you zoom in real close to a ship, the level light source will shine through the model. Level glare set using the setGlareIntensity function doesn't work with all graphics chipsets/drivers. See this thread . Tech Sharing If you've researched, say, Battlecruisers or Destroyers and you transfer a ship with a Capital Module, your teammate benifits from your research and is able to build those ships. Badge Glitch (Not sure exactly how this works.) If you're in the GS lobby and a player has applied a badge you haven't downloaded yet, a different badge is displayed in its place. Players Dropping I suspect I've noticed that players drop frequently when I do very rapid zooms using the mouse wheel. Players still drop and game desync all too frequently for other reasons. Game Loading Games often freeze in multiplayer when initially loading. The function \"SobGroup_FillSubstract\" is mispelled. Related Pages Elite modding taskforce: what needs to be figured out? Comments Page Status Updated Formatting? Yes Updated for HWRM? Partially","filename":"Bugs.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"HWR Bugs & Solutions - GBX Forums For Homeworld Remastered see the link above. Legacy Homeworld 2 bugs are listed below. Homeworld 2 Bugs, Issues, and Workarounds Game Exploits See this thread . Data ...","hl_title":"Bugs","id":"637bb7b5e1f54c6e0f28f3b38a29bd96f890e82d","path":"Bugs.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":268165836,"name":"KarosGraveyard","owner_id":66184869,"owner_login":"HWRM","updated_at":"2024-04-10T22:43:23.616Z","has_issues":false}},"repo_id":268165836,"title":"Bugs","updated_at":"2020-06-13T16:51:12.000-04:00"},{"body":"Command line parameters are also known as options/switches/flags. Below is a long list of parameters, some of them are older and may not work with the latest version of Homeworld Remastered. Steam Auto Load Instructions Go to your Steam Library Right click on Homeworld Remastered Collection Click Properties, and click Set Launch Options Type in the desired parameters. For example: -nomovies -luatrace Note that capitalization does matter for some parameters. Desktop Shortcuts Instructions Create a shortcut to this location: “C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Homeworld\\HomeworldRM\\Bin\\Release\\HomeworldRM.exe” Add the desired parameters to the end of the target location. For example: -nomovies -luatrace Note that capitalization does matter for some parameters. General -params < path\\params.txt > - Loads a text file containing a list of parameters, with each parameter on a separate line. This is useful to go beyond the character limit in Windows shortcuts. If the path contains spaces, you will need to surround the path with double quotes (Example: -params “c:\\users\\ < user name > \\Desktop\\params.txt ”). Note, this command does not work with the steam auto load instructions and must be called from a desktop shortcut. Other commands may be affected as well, but most seem to work with the steam auto load method. Languages -locale < language > Loads the specified language .big instead of your default language Controls -CameraDragX mouse speed multiplier -CameraDragY mouse speed multiplier -freeMouse Free the mouse from being constrained by the window boundaries. Press Ctrl+F11 once or twice to toggle edge-of-screen pan -noMouseCap The game won't capture the mouse into on the first frame -hardwareCursor enable hardware cursor. Likely no longer works. -smCentreCamera Focuses the camera at the center of the map when Home is pressed -noMinimise Overrides Alt+Tab command when process is running -noPause The game will not be auto-paused when Alt+Tab or the WinKey is pressed. Graphics -windowed Windowed mode. May need to specify a w and h resolution. -window Starts the game in a window -freeWindow or -freeWindow=1 Don't apply any rules to the cmd-line ’s window properties. Things like ‘dont go off screen’ or ‘don’t be wider than all screens’, etc. -noborder Disables window borders -fullscreen Full screen mode -fakeFullscreen Fullscreen without any border, doesn't respond to window focus changes the same way either. Handy for using fullscreen on a multi-monitor system. -forceResolution -w 1910 -h 1010 Custom resolution -w < width > Screen resolution width. Has to be used in conjunction with correct height. -h < height > Screen resolution height. Has to be used in conjunction with correct width. -x < horizontal pos > Horizontal screen position in pixels. Has to be used in conjunction with vertical position. -y < vertical pos > Vertical screen position in pixels. Has to be used in conjunction with horizontal position. -800 800x600 Resolution -640 640x480 Resolution -1024 1024x768 Resolution -1280 1280x980 Resolution -1600 1600x1200 Resolution -refresh < refresh rate > Changes the refresh rate. Set it to your desktop resolution and refresh rate for quick alt-tabbing. -facetCount 24 Draws screen in vertical slices to prevent distortion, ‘bends’ the view. Can allow for 360 degree rendering, etc. For 3 screens, use multiples of 3 up to 24. Using 3 will make each screen a unique view side by side. Ideal formula: width_in_pixels_for_360_degrees =  [ tan(180/number_of_facets) / tan(default_FOV/2) ] * height_in_pixels * number_of_facets More information is here . -BACK_FOV=70 Changes the background FOV. The foreground FOV stays the same, and so wraps around. Use with facecount to prevent the background/foreground from being visually separate. Can use lower numbers. -facetAutoFOV=180 Use with facetcount to limit total horizontal FOV. Can use any number like 90, 120, 180, 360 etc. This pulls down your vertical FOV to whatever is required for the width of your views to be that many degrees. If you know, sitting at your desk, that relative to where your head usually is the ‘arc’ of your monitors is a specific amount (usually something like 120-140), setting this near that will result in your screens suddenly looking like a port in to actual space. It’s a bit creepy. At least with facetCount=24. This can also be used to limit those cases where the ultra-wide view (5:1 and up) are seeing more than 360 (where ships repeat on the edges). Now they can be exactly 360, by having the vertical FOV pulled down a small bit. -uiLeft=0.34 UI left border position (useful for triple monitor setups) -uiRight=0.66 UI right border position -uiTop=0.0 UI top border position -uiBottom=1.0 UI bottom border position Advanced Graphics -noVideoErrors Disables error messages caused by incompatible graphics cards, video settings, etc. -nopbuffer Disables pixel buffer. Effectively disables render to texture effects (shadows, the high quality hyperspace effect, you'll be able to see into your ship like HW1). More info . -quickLoad Loads the game without a lot of graphical 'perks', textures being one of them -truecolour Uses 24-bit colour with sharper rendering -d < int > Unknown, likely bits per pixel depth? -d8 8-bit Colors -d16 16-bit Colors -d24 24-bit Colors -d36 36-bit Colors -lowTex Unknown. -noS3TC Disables S3 Texture Compression. -noDisplayLists Disables display lists. Useful for troubleshooting geometry related glitches, more info . -noRenderToTexture Unknown. -noRenderToDepthTexture Unknown. crashes during load? -noRender Disables display rendering. -texLoadNoROT Sets preference of 2D DDS and TGA resources over ROTs -texLoadPreferROT Sets preference of 2D ROT resources over DDS and TGA resources -texLoadMostRecent Sets preference of 2D resources via file date? -texLoadAlwaysROT Forces loading of ROT files -noMipMap Disables mip-mapping. does not seem to work -nv_reg_combiners2 < int > Unknown. Nvidea shader spec for old cards -SC -nv_reg_combiners_up < int > Unknown. Nvidea Shader spec only -SC -nv_reg_combiners < int > Unknown. Nvidea shader all of above Nvidea cards -env_combine_up < int > Unknown. ATI range cards -SC -ATI_combine3 < int > Unknown. ATI range cards -SC -env_combine4 < int > Unknown. ATI range cards -SC -env_combine3 < int > Unknown. ATI Range Cards -SC -env_combine2 < int > Unknown. ATI range cards -SC -noVBO Disables support for Vertex Buffer Objects. Useful for troubleshooting geometry related glitches, more info . -d3d Uses direct 3D -gl Forces OpenGL -device < sw|fx|d3d > Uses RGL device -sw Resets renderers to default settings -noFilter Disables bi-linear Filters -noSmooth Disables polygon smoothing - may improve game performace -disablePacking Disables the packed textures -NoFETextures Disables front-end textures -stipple Stipples renderer alpha Movies/Effects -nomovies Skips intro movies at game start. Likely to also skip campaign related movies. -disableAVI Auto-skips all cutscenes -noBG No backgrounds are shown -niltextures Disables wallpapers -CFG_LensFlare_Power=0.0 - use values between 1.0 and 0.0 -BACK_SwapTimer=XX - Every XX seconds, cycles through the backgrounds from M01 through M16 -BACK_List=M01,EZ01,MyAmazingBackground,WetPonyGrotto - Define a list of backgrounds to cycle through. -BACK_Fixed=Background_Name - Likely use with BACK_SwapTimer to reload one background over and over. Used for tweaking lighting and tuning. -BACK_EyeTest=1 -Cycles the background between solid colors. Allows a paused scene to be screen-capped, so you can use an image editing tool to change the solid background to anything you like. -CFG_Shadow_Size=X (0 = 512, 1 = 1024, 2 = 2048, 3 = 4096, 4 = 8192) -docklines Shows docking lines - is on by default -gunlines Shows the target line - is on by default -boxes All ships become boxier -NoATITOSetting Turn off all ATI and TO (the graphics that appear over units in game). does not seem to work -nohint Disables the hints from the sensors manager -slowblits Enables slow screen blips -noshowdamage Ships will not show damage effects -noBattleScar Unknown. May disable battle scar effects (scorch marks etc.)? -battleScar_noHealthCap Unknown. -battleScar_noTriCap Unknown. -noHSClip Unknown. -noHSRender Unknown. May turn off Hyperspace effect rendering? Camera -screenshotcam -superZoom -ssBW Take black & white screenshots. -ssBoth Take black & white, and colour screenshots. -ssJPG Take screenshots in JPG format. -ssTGA Take screenshots in TGA format. -ssNoLogo Take screenshots without logo. -ssSetSuperSample -ssSetCompression Audio -closeCaptioned Subtitled Cutscenes -dsound Uses direct sound driver -nosound Runs the game without sound. Useful if trying to rule out sound problems. -noSoundData Unknown. -noSpeech Disables all voices -waveout Output converted to WAV -reversestereo Reverses stereo - Left becomes Right and vice versa Campaign -campaign < campaign name > Select a campaign to be used. -startinglevel < level name > Select a level to load at start up like M05_Gehenna -persist Persist uses default persist files Multiplayer -mpbeta no longer needed, used to launch multiplayer -startFleet < int > Default scripts\\startingfleets\\Hiigaran00.lua. Create new starting fleets with different contents like Hiigaran01.lua. Now you can use the -startFleet 1 for skirmishes. -port < port number > Force the game to use the given port. -useRandomSeed Used to eliminate MP sync errors, probably deprecated with hw2c 1.1 patch -unitCapsMode < str > Unknown. Probably the name of a DATA:scripts/unitcaps .lua to load? -noWinLose < bool > Unknown. -forceLAN Allows you to play a LAN game with other versions -maxplayers < > Gamerules -GameRules=BalanceMod Use a specific gamerule -GameRules < str > Brings the requested gamerule to the top of the list, in skirmishes and MP (handy if you're doing alot of editing). Requires the gamerule filename, without the extension. Maps -lvlPassTags=balance Include specific map level tags -testmaps Enables testing maps Demos Note, demo's do not work. These are legacy parameters: -demorecord Records a demo -demoplay Plays a demo -packetrecord Records packets during multiplayes skirmishes. Possibly use in conjunction with demorecord -packetplay Plays packet recordings -debugsync Records packets and auto-saves frequently Game Speed -superTurbo Makes the in-game speed go extremely fast Logging -logfilename=C:\\Test\\test.log - Custom log file name and path -filelog Unknown. -logfiles < path? > Unknown -logfileloads Logs data files loaded -logonverbose Enables verbose logging files -saveOutputFile -textfeedback All feedback you receive is stored in a text file in the main game directory -aiplayerlog Logs AI player data in text files -logOn Enables the text files after a multiplayer match -logOff Disables Multiplayer Logs -captaincyLogOff Disables end-of-match text reports -captaincyLogOn Enables the text files after a battle -statlogon Enables the Stats text files. Possibly use in conjunction with captaincyLogOn? -gatherstats Gathers statistics -dumpPlayBalanceStats Outputs a CSV file containing additional end-of-game stats to the \"\\Bin\\LOGFILES\" directory. May cause the game to lock up when entering multiplayer. Debugging -luatrace Adds lua trace debugging information to the HwRM.log file to debug scripts and issues -traceHODs Adds HOD trace information to the HwRM.log file, useful for debugging .HOD files -fullMiniDump Full dump crash file, useful for Gearbox -ignorebigfiles -allowProgramReloads -produceHODMemoryInfo Unknown. -silentErrors Disables popup debug windows. -fragment_program < int > Seems to disable scar and utility scripts in some cases -debug Debug mode, useful after a crash. Possibly disabled. -debugName < ? > -r2DDebug -noInt3 Turns off debug code. May cause game to crash. -nodebugInt Disables 3rd Mode Error -outOfSync < int > Unknown. -intonsync Makes an integer 3 when a sync. error occurs -syncCheckingLevel < int > Unknown. -notForPublic Displays the not for public display ui in game, from mission 3 onwards in the campaign. There's a disabled UI screen called NotForPublicDisplay that could be related. Perhaps something related to Beta versions. -heap (x) Global memory size heap setter - set (x) to a number - in MB -lightlines Light lines are shown in debug mode -testNIS NIS testing -testnisscript NIS testing using the SCRIPT files -luaplayer_console -skeletonShip -showCasts Shows UI raycast markers, likely for debugging ship selection. Testing -load < mapname > - Loads the game directly into a map. See here for more info. -Camera_Target= < x, y, z > - Point camera is looking at. -Camera_Eye= < x, y, z > - Camera origin. -Spawn_Back= < background > - Background to use for map. -Spawn_Ship_ < N > = < shipname > - Ship to be spawned in map. -Spawn_Pos_ < N > = < x, y, z > - Initial location of spawned ship. -Spawn_Rot_ < N > = < x, y, z > - Initial rotation of spawned ship. -Spawn_Team_ < N > = < iTeam > - Possible values are 0 for friendly or 1 for enemy. Mods/Modding -workshopmod < path\\mod.big > - Loads a mod .big file from HomeworldRM\\Workshop\\ < path\\mod.big > . You can load multiple files like this: < path1\\mod1.big > , < path2\\mod2.big > -mod < mod.big > - Loads a mod .big file from HomeworldRM\\Data\\ < mod.big > . -moddatapath < path > - Loads uncompressed files from HomeworldRM\\ < path > to override all other .big files. -overridebigfile - Loads uncompressed files from HomeworldRM\\Data\\ to override all other .big files and moddatapath. -datapath < path > - Sets the data path, where data will be loaded from. By default, it is the HomeworldRM\\Data\\ folder. -scriptFile < file? > - Unknown. -exec < str > - Unknown. Probably executes commands through the command shell (e.g. MS-DOS), like the \"execute\" function. -gameendexec < str > - Unknown. Perhaps execute a script at game end. Miscellaneous/Unknown -Init < ? > -prepath x:path Sets path to open files - x is name of drive -cdpath x: path Sets path to CD - x is name of CD drive. Likely obsolete in HWR. -movieRecord < ? > -movieFPS < float > -dp8sim Possibly for network testing? -dpsim -todo load defaults from teamcolours.lua -bunny Unknown, may not exist. Turns out there's an actual Easter egg in the game files though, unrelated to this command. -conin -starfield -absCoord < bool > -disableKatmai Disables KNI -forcekatmai Use KNI -noShadowBatch -bgSim Unknown. -deathshake Aggressively shakes the camera when a ship dies. -lawnmower Seems to make the game world not render. UI still appears. Developer These features are available only on the developer/internal beta versions of HWR: -developer: enables developer menus in game -balance: Enables the in game balance screen. Be sure to set player 1 and player 2 to the races you want to test, and enable \"Complete Research\". If player 1 is vaygr, and you spawn Hiigaran units, the proper research will not be applied. An improved balance screen is being worked on here . Comments Page Status Updated Formatting? Yes Updated for HWRM? Partially","filename":"Command-Line-Parameters-(Launch-Options).md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"Command line parameters are also known as options/switches/flags. Below is a long list of parameters, some of them are older and may not work with the latest version of Homeworld Remastered. Steam Auto ...","hl_title":"Command Line Parameters (Launch Options)","id":"beae45c62de681469558ffadea4616108c5ab7b1","path":"Command-Line-Parameters-(Launch-Options).md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":268165836,"name":"KarosGraveyard","owner_id":66184869,"owner_login":"HWRM","updated_at":"2024-04-10T22:43:23.616Z","has_issues":false}},"repo_id":268165836,"title":"Command Line Parameters (Launch Options)","updated_at":"2023-08-04T20:01:47.000-04:00"},{"body":"One of the very first HWRM patches added Cursor/Badge mods. These mods were supposed to work online with people who don't have them, but this doesn't seem to work in v2.1 (and may have never worked). This functionality only works for language mods. Quote from a developer: \"Yes. I've got things working for mods that have localized text (even custom localizations not supported by the game). I've added in the ability to create a mod that is \"localization only\" (for creating new localization text that isn't supported by the game) that will allow you to load it in multiplayer without requiring everyone in mp to have it loaded as well. This, and the ability to have cursors mods and badges mods, will be in the next update for the game.\" Related Pages Custom Music and UI Ideas on how to use optional/custom grapics and audio online. Comments Page Status Updated Formatting? Yes Updated for HWRM? Yes","filename":"Cursor-Badge-and-Language-Mods.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"One of the very first HWRM patches added Cursor/Badge mods. These mods were supposed to work online with people who don't have them, but this doesn't seem to work in v2.1 (and may have never worked). ...","hl_title":"Cursor Badge and Language Mods","id":"7b38e3eeb11343203ab4fde8a8b64025b3dab375","path":"Cursor-Badge-and-Language-Mods.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":268165836,"name":"KarosGraveyard","owner_id":66184869,"owner_login":"HWRM","updated_at":"2024-04-10T22:43:23.616Z","has_issues":false}},"repo_id":268165836,"title":"Cursor Badge and Language Mods","updated_at":"2020-07-14T23:41:42.000-04:00"},{"body":"Definitions and information on modding terminology for Homeworld Remastered. ⚠️ This list is not being updated. You should use the search functionality to see an up-to-date list of pages! Please read Tutorial; Navigating Karos Graveyard . A alias C control group D decompile deterministic DisplayFamily G game rule Gearbox Software Forums H handedness I Immelmann turn L localization ID N NewShipType P Player_Ships PlayerStartPoint R RDN RelicNews RU rule S SOB sobgroup SphereBurst T TargetRandom U undump UnitCapsFamily UnitCapsShipType Comments Page Status Updated Formatting? Yes Updated for HWRM? Partially","filename":"Dictionary-Reference.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"Definitions and information on modding terminology for Homeworld Remastered. ⚠️ This list is not being updated. You should use the search functionality to see an up-to-date list of pages! Please read Tutorial; ...","hl_title":"Dictionary Reference","id":"6f2c877c5491c5248096f260aa5a1377cc1c5c1f","path":"Dictionary-Reference.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":268165836,"name":"KarosGraveyard","owner_id":66184869,"owner_login":"HWRM","updated_at":"2024-04-10T22:43:23.616Z","has_issues":false}},"repo_id":268165836,"title":"Dictionary Reference","updated_at":"2022-10-26T15:22:11.000+01:00"},{"body":"alias An alias is a shortcut to a particular directory within the HW2 path. They are used by functions, such as dofilepath , as well as when creating the TOC in a .big file. Valid aliases include: data locale profiles player bin ...others (to do) Places where aliases are used include: function: dofilepath ...others (to do) Comments Page Status Updated Formatting? Initial Updated for HWRM? Initial","filename":"Dictionary;-Alias.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"alias An alias is a shortcut to a particular directory within the HW2 path. They are used by functions, such as dofilepath , as well as when creating the TOC in a .big file. Valid aliases include: data ...","hl_title":"Dictionary; Alias","id":"15ee39b73958cab3c9f47b18da3fccf1861f6793","path":"Dictionary;-Alias.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":268165836,"name":"KarosGraveyard","owner_id":66184869,"owner_login":"HWRM","updated_at":"2024-04-10T22:43:23.616Z","has_issues":false}},"repo_id":268165836,"title":"Dictionary; Alias","updated_at":"2020-06-10T00:09:23.000-04:00"},{"body":"Deterministic Refers to deterministic data. Deterministic data is data that can directly influence the otcome of a game. Level files have a \"determ\" function (for deterministic data) and a \"nondeterm\" function (for non-deterministic data). Examples of deterministic data include ships (which can be maneuvered and assigned orders), asteroids (which can be harvested for RUs), dust clouds (which inflict ion damage on ships), and nebulae (which inflict radiation damage on ships). Examples of non-deterministic data include clouds (which only obscure the player's vision -- an indirect affect on gameplay) and pebbles (which do absolutely nothing). Comments Page Status Updated Formatting? Initial Updated for HWRM? Initial","filename":"Dictionary;-Deterministic.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"Deterministic Refers to deterministic data. Deterministic data is data that can directly influence the otcome of a game. Level files have a "determ" function (for deterministic data) and a "nondeterm" ...","hl_title":"Dictionary; Deterministic","id":"6dcaa72da1d2eda12a957bf8b7842a851a0cb29f","path":"Dictionary;-Deterministic.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":268165836,"name":"KarosGraveyard","owner_id":66184869,"owner_login":"HWRM","updated_at":"2024-04-10T22:43:23.616Z","has_issues":false}},"repo_id":268165836,"title":"Dictionary; Deterministic","updated_at":"2020-06-09T13:45:42.000-04:00"},{"body":"DisplayFamily is a grouping system that organizes the build and research menus. Defined in Data\\scripts\\familylist.lua. For example, the corvette family reads thus: {\nname = \" Corvette \" ,\nstringParam = \" $2101 \" ,\nnumParam = 2 ,\n}, And in the ship definition file Vgr_lasercorvette.ship we have the line: NewShipType.DisplayFamily = \"Corvette\" In Data\\ui\\newui\\build\\finalbuild.lua it is written: {\ntype = \" RadioButton \" ,\nbuttonStyle = \" IGButtonCorvette \" ,\nname = \" Corvette \" ,\nhelpTip = \" $2624 \" ,\nhelpTipTextLabel = \" lblCurrentFacility \" ,\nhotKeyID = 91 ,\n}, This means that there is a DisplayFamily Corvette defined, the Vgr_lasercorvette ship is a member of this said family, and the family has its own button under the build menus. In other words, entries related to the Vaygr Laser corvettte appear under Corvette in the build menus. Note that DisplayFamily is not tightly connected to BuildFamily , so you can do interesting things like mix different families and make new submenus for research and build. You can easily add your own DisplayFamily into familylist.lua. --VarisWiki Comments Page Status Updated Formatting? Initial Updated for HWRM? Initial","filename":"Dictionary;-DisplayFamily.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"DisplayFamily is a grouping system that organizes the build and research menus. Defined in Data\\scripts\\familylist.lua. For example, the corvette family reads thus: {\nname = " Corvette " ,\nstringParam ...","hl_title":"Dictionary; DisplayFamily","id":"e47d717a87c615b091f3a1b0b4e6f4d321309741","path":"Dictionary;-DisplayFamily.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":268165836,"name":"KarosGraveyard","owner_id":66184869,"owner_login":"HWRM","updated_at":"2024-04-10T22:43:23.616Z","has_issues":false}},"repo_id":268165836,"title":"Dictionary; DisplayFamily","updated_at":"2020-06-10T00:09:23.000-04:00"},{"body":"Game Rule The terms 'game rule' and 'rule' are interchangeable. Quote from \"HW2_SCAR.pdf\": \"A Rule is simply a user-defined function that, once \"added\", is then evaluated by the game every interval. The Rule is added by using the Rule_Add( \"name of Rule\" ) function, and passing in the name of the Rule that you wish to add. The interval that the Rule is evaluated at can either be the default (every frame) or can be set (every x seconds), using the Rule_AddInterval function in place of the Rule_Add . The interval can be defined on a per-Rule basis, allowing you to specify a different interval for every Rule that you have.\" For example: function myRuleFunction () print ( \" Hello! Gametime is now: \" .. Universe_GameTime ()); end Rule_AddInterval ( \" myRuleFunction \" , 1 ); -- call it every 1 second 💡 Using Rule_Add can be expensive, and you will rarely need to call a function as fast as possible; for this reason its generally preferred to use Rule_AddInterval . Related Pages Rule_Add Rule_AddInterval Rule_Exists Rule_Remove","filename":"Dictionary;-GameRule.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"Game Rule The terms 'game rule' and 'rule' are interchangeable. Quote from "HW2_SCAR.pdf": "A Rule is simply a user-defined function that, once "added", is then ...","hl_title":"Dictionary; GameRule","id":"569b9b47554b72e3e9e2b1a42e7341720a419cd8","path":"Dictionary;-GameRule.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":268165836,"name":"KarosGraveyard","owner_id":66184869,"owner_login":"HWRM","updated_at":"2024-04-10T22:43:23.616Z","has_issues":false}},"repo_id":268165836,"title":"Dictionary; GameRule","updated_at":"2023-08-27T05:26:39.000+01:00"}],"type":"wikis","page":1,"page_count":100,"elapsed_millis":119,"errors":[],"result_count":1333,"facets":[],"protected_org_logins":[],"topics":null,"query_id":"","logged_in":false,"sign_up_path":"/signup?source=code_search_results","sign_in_path":"/login?return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Drepo%253AHWRM%252FKarosGraveyard%2B%26type%3DWikis","metadata":null},"title":"Wiki search results"}