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A library for handling SHAR save games.

SHAR Save Game Editor

All Settings

Save Game Info

  • Save Date - The last saved date of the file, displays in the Load Game and Save Game screens.
    • Auto update - Will automatically update the Save Date when the file is saved.
  • Display Level/Display Mission - The Level/Mission to show in the Load Game and Save Game screens.
    • This is different from Character Sheet->Current Mission Info. You can display one mission and launch another.

Save Game Info

Input Manager

  • Is Rumble Enabled - Controller rumble.

Input Manager

Character Sheet


  • Player Name - Entirely useless, game always sets it to Player1. Probably a relic of when the game supported split screen in story mode.
  • Current Mission Info - The mission to launch when on Resume Game.
  • Highest Mission Info - All missions up to this one will be available for mission warping.
  • Is Nav System Enabled - Enables/Disables road arrows I believe.
  • Coins - The number of coins you have.
  • Itchy Scratchy CBG First/Itchy Scratchy Ticket - Related to talking to CBG to get the ticket after collecting all cards.
  • Persistent Object States - Breakable objects, coins and wasps. Maybe more things I haven't figured out yet.



  • FMV Unlocked - For every level other than 3, it allows you to skip the video that plays during that level. For level 3 it's if you've watched the Itchy Scratchy movie.
  • Num Cars Purchased - Number of Purchased Rewards that are cars.
  • Num Skins Purchased - Number of Purchased Rewards that are skins.
  • Wasps Destroyed - Number of wasps destroyed in the level.
  • Current Skin - Current costume in the level.
  • Purchased Rewards - The list of rewards in the level.
    • The sum of Num Cars Purchased and Num Skins Purchased must equal the number of items checked.
      • However, if a save with IncreasedRewardLimits is loaded, any reward with an index greater than 11 should be omitted from this count.
  • Gags Viewed - The gags viewed in the level.


  • Mission Name - The name of the mission. Determined by the AddMission MFK function.
  • Completed - If the mission has been completed.
  • Bonus Objective - If the, unused by the vanilla game, bonus objective of the mission is completed.
  • Num Attempts - The number of times the mission was attempted prior to completion.
  • Skipped Mission - If the mission was skipped.
  • Best Time - Really only used by the Race 1 (Time Trial). The best time of the trial.


  • Card Name - Unused by the game. Hardcodedly set to Cardx.
  • Collected - If the card has been collected.


  • Name - The car name.
  • Current Health (%) - The current health of the vehicle (think damage in the phonebooth).
  • Max Health - Unused by the game. Should be the vehicles hit points.
  • Counter - The number of cars in the inventory.
    • This should equal the number of cars with names that aren't n/a, but this isn't enforced.

Character Sheet

Sound Settings

  • Music Volume - The music volume percentage.
  • SFX Volume - The SFX volume percentage.
  • Car Volume - The car volume percentage.
  • Dialog Volume - The dialog volume percentage.
  • Is Surround - If checked, the game uses surround sound. If unchecked, the game uses stereo audio.

Sound Settings

Super Cam Central

Note: The 4 options are the 4 players in the bonus game.

  • Jump Cams Enabled - If enabled, camera angle changes when going over a jump.
  • Is Inverted Camera Enabled - If enabled, the first person camera is inverted.
  • Perferred Follow Cam - The default follow cam for the player.

Super Cam Central

Tutorial Manager

  • Enable Tutorial Events - Should the tutorial events be shown.
  • Tutorials Seen - The different tutorials.

Tutorial Manager

GUI System

  • Is Radar Enabled - Is the radar shown in-game.

GUI System

Card Gallery

  • Collected Card IDs - A list of all cards.

Card Gallery

Custom Save Data


  • As save files can contain any data after the vanilla contents, any completely unknown data will be displayed here.

Lucas Mod Launcher Data

  • Mod Launcher Version - The version of the mod launcher the save was created in.
  • Main Mod - The name of the mod the save was created for.

Custom Save Data

Overall File Structure

A valid save file starts with a magic number and is composed of various sections, each corresponding to a specific part of the game state. The expected size for a vanilla save file is 7194 bytes.

Save File Header

  • Magic Number (ushort, 2 bytes): Must be 1978.
  • SaveGameInfo: General information about the save.


  1. InputManager
  2. CharacterSheet
  3. SoundSettings
  4. PlayerSuperCamCentrals (Array)
  5. TutorialManager
  6. GUISystem
  7. CardGallery
  8. CustomSaveData

Save File Components


Contains general information about the save file.

  • SaveDate (8 bytes)
    • Year (ushort, 2 bytes)
    • Month (byte, 1 byte)
    • Day (byte, 1 byte)
    • Hour (byte, 1 byte)
    • Minute (byte, 1 byte)
    • Second (byte, 1 byte)
    • Padding (byte, 1 byte): Reserved byte for alignment.
  • DisplayLevel (byte, 1 byte)
  • DisplayMission (byte, 1 byte)
  • FileSize (uint, 4 bytes)


Handles input settings.

  • IsRumbleEnabled (bool, 1 byte)


Represents the player's progress and state.

  • PlayerName (string, 16 bytes): Null-terminated string of 16 bytes.
  • Levels (Level[7], 4340 bytes): An array of 7 levels, each containing specific progress data.
  • CurrentMissionInfo (CurrentMission, 8 bytes)
  • HighestMissionInfo (CurrentMission, 8 bytes)
  • IsNavSystemEnabled (bool, 1 byte)
  • Padding (byte[3]): Reserved bytes for alignment.
  • Coins (int, 4 bytes)
  • Cars (CarInventory, 1444 bytes)
  • PersistentObjectStates (byte[1312]): States of persistent/breakable objects in the game.
  • States (byte[1]): Additional states data.
  • Padding (byte[3]): Reserved bytes for alignment.


Represents a specific level's data.

  • Cards (Card[7], 119 bytes): An array of 7 collectible cards.
  • Padding (byte, 1 byte): Reserved byte for alignment.
  • Missions (MissionRecord[7], 224 bytes): An array of 7 missions.
  • StreetRaces (MissionRecord[3], 96 bytes): An array of 3 street races.
  • BonusMission (MissionRecord, 32 bytes): The bonus mission.
  • GambleRace (MissionRecord, 32 bytes): The gamble race.
  • FMVUnlocked (bool, 1 byte)
  • Padding (byte[3]): Reserved bytes for alignment.
  • NumCarsPurchased (int, 4 bytes)
  • NumSkinsPurchased (int, 4 bytes)
  • WaspsDestroyed (int, 4 bytes)
  • CurrentSkin (string, 16 bytes): Null-terminated string of 16 bytes.
  • GagsViewed (int, 4 bytes)
  • GagMask (uint, 4 bytes): A bitmask representing the gags.
  • GagsCompleted (bool[32]): An array of 32 booleans.
  • PurchasedRewards (bool[12]): An array of 12 booleans.


Represents a collectible card.

  • Name (string, 16 bytes): Null-terminated string of 16 bytes.
  • Collected (bool, 1 byte)


Represents the record for a mission.

  • Name (string, 16 bytes): Null-terminated string of 16 bytes.
  • Completed (bool, 1 byte)
  • BonusObjective (bool, 1 byte)
  • Padding (byte[2]): Reserved bytes for alignment.
  • NumAttempts (uint, 4 bytes)
  • SkippedMission (bool, 1 byte)
  • Padding (byte[3]): Reserved bytes for alignment.
  • BestTime (int, 4 bytes)


Represents the current mission's progress.

  • Level (uint, 4 bytes)
  • Mission (uint, 4 bytes)


Represents the player's car inventory.

  • Cars (Car[], 1440 bytes): An array of cars.
  • Counter (int, 4 bytes): The number of cars in the inventory.


Represents a car.

  • Name (string, 16 bytes): Null-terminated string of 16 bytes.
  • CurrentHealth (float, 4 bytes)
  • MaxHealth (float, 4 bytes)


Stores volume and audio settings.

  • MusicVolume (float, 4 bytes)
  • SFXVolume (float, 4 bytes)
  • CarVolume (float, 4 bytes)
  • DialogVolume (float, 4 bytes)
  • IsSurround (bool, 1 byte)
  • Padding (byte[3]): Reserved bytes for alignment.


Handles camera settings.

  • Bitmask (byte)
    • JumpCamsEnabled (bool, Bitmask & 0x01)
    • IsInvertedCameraEnabled (bool, Bitmask & 0x02)
    • PreferredFollowCam (PreferredFollowCams, Bitmask >> 2)


  • Default
  • Follow
  • Near Follow
  • Far Follow
  • Bumper
  • Chase
  • Debug
  • Wreckless
  • Walker
  • Comedy
  • Kull
  • Tracker
  • Spline
  • Rail
  • Conversation
  • Static
  • Burnout
  • Reverse
  • Snapshot
  • Surveillance
  • Animated
  • Relative Animated
  • Super Sprint
  • First Person
  • On Foot
  • PC


Manages tutorial events.

  • EnableTutorialEvents (bool, 1 byte)
  • TutorialsSeen (int, 4 bytes)


Handles GUI settings.

  • IsRadarEnabled (bool, 1 byte)


Represents the collectible card gallery.

  • Data (byte[7]): The data representing the card gallery.
    • Each bit lines up with a card ID. 1 if collected, 0 if not.


Stores any additional custom data.

  • Data (byte[]): The custom data.

Binary Structure

Reading a Save File

  1. Magic Number: Read ushort (2 bytes).
  2. SaveGameInfo: Read SaveGameInfo (14 bytes).
  3. InputManager: Read InputManager (1 byte).
  4. CharacterSheet: Read CharacterSheet (7140 bytes).
  5. SoundSettings: Read SoundSettings (20 bytes).
  6. PlayerSuperCamCentrals: Read 4 SuperCamCentrals (4 bytes).
  7. TutorialManager: Read TutorialManager (5 bytes).
  8. GUISystem: Read GUISystem (1 byte).
  9. CardGallery: Read CardGallery (7 bytes).
  10. CustomSaveData: Read remaining bytes as CustomSaveData.

Writing a Save File

  1. Magic Number: Write ushort (2 bytes).
  2. SaveGameInfo: Write SaveGameInfo (14 bytes).
  3. InputManager: Write InputManager (1 byte).
  4. CharacterSheet: Write CharacterSheet (7140 bytes).
  5. SoundSettings: Write SoundSettings (20 bytes).
  6. PlayerSuperCamCentrals: Write 4 SuperCamCentrals (4 bytes).
  7. TutorialManager: Write TutorialManager (5 bytes).
  8. GUISystem: Write GUISystem (1 byte).
  9. CardGallery: Write CardGallery (7 bytes).
  10. CustomSaveData: Write CustomSaveData (remaining bytes).