Version 0.0.23
- Updade to rails 5.1.1
- Removed middleman generators
- Removed cucumber
Version 0.0.22
- Updating setup_controller
Version 0.0.21
- Upgrade to Rails 5.0.0
- Upgrade rspec-rails to 3.5.0.beta1
- Integrated simple_form for scaffolded code
- Got rid of FormUser
- Added OAuth feature specs
- Added happy_seed:html_email - premailer and HTML emails
- Added happy_seed:devise_confirmable
- Added happy_seed:roles
- Switch to github version of devise_invitable
- Updated Forgotpassword and invite emails to html
- Including better errors
- Updated ActiveAdmin generator
- Added ckeditor to ActiveAdmin
- Fixed #53
- Added fake redis
- Changed admin generator to optionally use roles
- Updated Splashpage
- Removed quiet_assets gem
- Added react_on_rails
Version 0.0.20
- Updated Bootstrap panels in the templates
- Disabled many default test generators
- Updated Google Analytics javascript
- Added lograte to the base install
- Fixed Gibbon API login on admin panel
Version 0.0.19
- Updated Gibbon to latest version
Version 0.0.18
- Updated github to use Octokit
- Updated splash page generator
Version 0.0.17
- New Configuration Wizard
- Moved from unicorn to puma
- Cleaned up twitter generator
- Changed angular generator to move @app into the global scope
- Changed angular generator to define controllers via @app.controller
- Moved Devise testing support from base_generator to devise_generator
- Moved happy_seed to development section of Gemfile
- Moved things out of application template into base_generator
- Include bower integration into vendor/assets
Version 0.0.16
- Fixes for rbenv (require bundler)
- Switched to bundle install --without production and print the output
- Switched to BH for the static sites
- Fixed problem with sticky footer
- Fixed a problem in the default generated CSS
- Fixed a missing include file for the bootstrap generator
Version 0.0.15
- Added API Generator
Version 0.0.14
- Cleaned up google apps
- Added VCR
- Added github oauth
- Cleaned up testing helpers for authentication
- Updated Admin Generator to use inherited_resources gem
Version 0.0.13
- Removed testing code that shouldn't have been checked in
- Improved cucumber testing
- Added devise_invitable generator
- Added google oauth generator
Version 0.0.12
- Updated rails dependancy to 4.2
- Moved to guard from autotest
- Added cucumber
- Added spring to rspec test
- Moved to bh for bootstrap helpers
- Refactored omniauth generators
- Updated ActiveAdmin
- Added config defaults from ~/.seed_defaults
Version 0.0.10
- Started the Changelog
- Split the generate into a Thor class
- Added middleman generators