Ireland election hexes 2017 boundaries. Applicable to the 2020 February general election.
One hex for each seat in a constituency.
Also provided is each electoral distirict divided into equal pieces based on the number of seats.
Based on: Constituency Boundaries Ungeneralised 2017 - OSi National Electoral Boundaries
geom.geojson Each constituency split into equal parts based on number of seats. Inherits: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
ireland.geojson Ireland outline simplified. © OpenStreetMap contributors
hex.geojson One hex for each seat.
hex_constituency.geojson Hexes grouped in constituencies.
hex_grouped.geojson Constituencies grouped in regions.
Results.csv Election results. Can be joined based on "constituen" and "c_id".
- You can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we
- meet someday, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can
- buy me a beer in return.