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Final Project

Team Members

James Shallcross
Nick Bartling
Hunter Wallace
Bryson Ward

Study Buddy

An all in one study suite.


 Online text editor with Word functionality
 Music Integration
 Three windows for web browsing
 Supports YouTube


To contact our group for help, there is an button under the help menu with an email in it.
Additional information on how the program functions is also under the help menu.


In today's day and age, people are constantly busy and multitasking in order to achieve as much as they can. Whether it be a college 
student studying for their midterm or potentially a stock broker watching stocks and trying to make the best plan for his customers, 
maybe even an up and coming writer trying to work on their first big hit. All will most likely face one issue that slows their progress 
and stops them from being the best they can be, clutter and being overwhelmed. 

It's not uncommon to lose your place while working. Managing multiple tabs and pages, controlling your music while switching to watch a 
video, losing your progress while becoming too eager to clean up your screen are problems all too common. But this will no longer be the 
case with the latest and greatest innovation in multitasking efficiency, Study Buddy.

Study Buddy is an all in one suite that promises its user the fastest and cleanest experience no matter what they want to do. With a 
clean and simple user interface, the user can customize their suite for the best experience catered to their interests. At the beginning 
the user will be greeted with a text box that contains all the necessities to format, keep track, and produce all kinds of written 
content whether it be a stock broker taking note of stocks or a keen fantasy football player trying to create the best line up and stay 
up to date. What makes the program great though is it’s wide array of integrated modules and functionality, starting from the simplest 
things such as pulling up a wiki page to displaying live streams from youtube or other various sites. The user will also be able to 
customize which windows they desire such as wiki and quizlet for students, ESPN and betting sites for fantasy football, and so much 
more. And if the user chooses to not be distracted by videos, they can use a built in spotify and pandora player to listen to whatever 
music they desire.

When all is done, the user can export whatever content they have created in the text box and save it where ever need be so that they can 
use it for future projects or store it for later use.