BatchTINT is A GUI created by the Taub Institute in order to create an end-user friendly batch processing solution to complement Axona's new command line modification of TINT.
This GUI will allow the user to define a directory. Within this directory it will be continuously (unless closed) searching for new files to analyze via Tint. The user simply drags a folder containing the appropriate '.set', '.eegx', '.pos', and '.x' tetrode files and the GUI will automatically detect these files and take care of the rest.
- BatchTINTV3
- PyQt5
- PyQt5-sip
Since it utilizes PyQt5 as the GUI framework it should be available to a wide variety of Python versions and Operating Systems. However it was only tested on Python 3.7 with Windows 10. I do recommend using the latest version of Python as it makes it easy to download some of these C++ based dependencies.
- Geoff Barrett - Geoff’s GitHub
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License - see the file for details