A Device-Agnostic, Open-Source Python Software for Wearable Circadian Rhythm and Sleep Analysis and Visualization
You can install HypnosPy with pip in a (bash) shell environment, type:
pip install hypnospy
To update HypnosPy type:
pip install -U hypnospy
Dependencies include python 3.7 and the following packages:
Here is a simple example of how you can use HypnosPy in your research:
from hypnospy import Wearable
from hypnospy.data import MESAPreProcessing
from hypnospy.analysis import SleepWakeAnalysis, Viewer, NonWearingDetector
# MESAPreProcessing is a specialized class to preprocess csv files from Philips Actiwatch Spectrum devices used in the MESA Sleep experiment
# MESA Sleep dataset can be found here: https://sleepdata.org/datasets/mesa/
preprocessed = MESAPreProcessing("../data/examples_mesa/mesa-sample.csv")
# Wearable is the main object in HypnosPy.
w = Wearable(preprocessed)
# In HypnosPy, we have the concept of ``experiment day'' which by default starts at midnight (00 hours).
# We can easily change it to any other time we wish. For example, lets run this script with experiment days
# that start at 3pm (15h)
# Sleep Wake Analysis module
sw = SleepWakeAnalysis(w)
sw.run_sleep_algorithm("ScrippsClinic", inplace=True) # runs alg and creates new col named 'ScrippsClinic'
sw.run_sleep_algorithm("Cole-Kripke", inplace=True) # runs alg and creates new col named 'Cole-Kripke'
# View results
v = Viewer(w)
v.view_signals(signal_categories=["activity"], signal_as_area=["ScrippsClinic", "Cole-Kripke", "Oakley"],
colors={"area": ["green", "red", "blue"]}, alphas={"area": 0.6})
# Easily remove non-wearing epochs/days.
nwd = NonWearingDetector(w)
Some of the amazing features of HypnosPy are showcased here. Try it out! 🧪
HypnosPy is a device-agnostic, open-source Python software library for the analysis and visualization of circadian rhythms and sleep using wearable sensors. HypnosPy centralizes most well-established algorithms for the analysis of sleep and circadian rhythms and provides ease of use while supporting a wide array of devices. Augmenting the work introduced by previous packages, HypnosPy allows for the analysis of various signal inputs at different sampling rates (i.e., acceleration, actigraphy and HR in its current release) while also providing with a comprehensive set of tools that allows users to chose how to analyze these signals.
Hypnospy is implemented in Python with standard data science dependencies and uses the object-oriented paradigm. This makes Hypnospy an open-source framework that is both easy to use and to extend (please join us for this mission! 🚀). Data inputs in HypnosPy rely only on the module called PreProcessor and its descendants. PreProcessor is used to translate the raw data captured by a wearable device (i.e., what is the input data format? A .csv file? What are the columns, if any, for the activity count or heart rate?) to Hypnospy's Wearable module. We already provide a set of pre-defined preprocessors for different open collections commonly used in research, such as the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) and the Hispanic Community Health Study (HCHS) collections from http://www.sleepdata.org, which have been increasingly used in machine learning and epidemiological studies. Nevertheless, users can easily specific their own preprocessing module using or extending the PrePreprocessor module.
While all data analysis in HypnosPy can be performed on one single wearable, Hypnospy provides a layer of abstraction for experiments containing multiple wearables, namely, the Experiment module. All further data analysis can be performed on a single wearable or on a set of them (using the Experimen module). With Hypnospy, it is straightforward to perform complex data analysis, such as sleep inferences, circadian analysis or non-wear detection, among many other weearable related functionalities. At the core of HypnosPy is the modularity and choice of algorithms for these different purposes. A holistic overview of the software architecture is provided in the Figure bellow:
Hypnospy's core functionalities can be summarized as follows:
- Labelling cohort datasets for clinical and epidemiological sleep research: HypnosPy allows the user to run most traditional heuristic sleep algorithms, triaxial accelerometry and heart rate-based approaches in a seamless and modular way. The software also supports sleep diary and expert sleep annotation options and can be used to calculate a battery of sleep quality metrics.
The HR algorithm developed by our group consists of the following steps: (1) Wearable sensor HR data is obtained and pre-processed, setting initial sleep blocks through ECDF quantile thresholds Q. (2) Blocks longer than L minutes are kept and merged with other blocks if their gap is smaller than G minutes. The limits of the resulting blocks are then used as sleep candidates for sleep onset and offset. (3) Then, rolling heart rate volatility is used for the refinement of these candidate times by finding nearby periods where HR volatility is high. In free-living conditions with full-day of recordings, we recommend Q to be set to 0.35, L to be on the range of 30-40 minutes and
- Integration of sleep and physical activity in a chronobiology framework: HypnosPy enables circadian rhythm analysis, supporting a variety of traditional methods like the cosinor approach as well as more recent ones like Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA). These tools can be used with HypnosPy's built-in physical activity analysis toolkit to interface the influence of activities in both absolute and relative temporal frameworks. For example, in chronobiology, acrophase refers to a time when a certain biological function is at its periodic, usually daily, maximum. HypnosPy produces not only the physical activity acrophase using both cosinor and SSA, but also the delay between this acrophase and sleep onset and offset. For instance, the figure bellow showcases an example where the software is used in both activity and HR data:
Personalized health monitoring using research and commercial-grade device data: HypnosPy facilitates the integration of a diverse range of wearables ranging from research grade tools to commercial, readily-available devices. Through this encompassing support, which will continue to grow over time, HypnosPy aims to enable comparative analysis across the growing number of tools available to both researchers and consumers.
For example, here is a subject labelled with HypnosPy for physical activity and sleep:
We are very keen on having other colleagues contribute to our work and to make this as generalizable as possible of a package. This project came about due to the frustration of not having a centralized analysis tool that worked across devices, so if you find our project interesting or think you can improve it, please contribute by:
- reporting bugs (how you got it and if possible, how to solve it)
- adding new tools- if you are interested on this please email one of the main developers, we'd love to hear from you
- adding pre-processing pipelines for new devices. The more, the merrier.
- sharing our work with your colleagues, this will allow the project to improve and not die in this corner of the interweb.
- reaching out!- we are always keen on learning more of how you are using/want to use hypnospy
This project is released under a BSD 2-Clause Licence (see LICENCE file)
- João Palotti (MIT) @joaopalotti main developer
- Marius Posa (Cambridge) @marius-posa main developer
- Abdulaziz Al-Homaid (QCRI) @abalhomaid developer
- Ignacio Perez-Pozuelo (Cambridge) @ippozuelo main developer
- Perez-Pozuelo, I., Posa, M., Spathis, D., Westgate, K., Wareham, N., Mascolo, C., ... & Palotti, J. (2022). Detecting sleep outside the clinic using wearable heart rate devices. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-13.
- We thank the MRC Epidemiology Unit at Cambridge for supporting some of the research associated to this work as well as the Alan Turing Institute, QCRI and MIT.