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Adrian Quintana edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 1 revision

!xmipp_transform_center_image (v3.1)


Center a set of images (preferably with a good SNR, e.g., class averages). After calling the program, all classes will be centered and they will tend to show the same orientation. The program centers the images by comparing the image with its X, Y, and XY mirrors. The orientation is determined by comparing the image with its X mirror.


$``: Input file: metadata, stack, volume or image. $--mode &lt;modeoverwrite> where <mode> can be:

    • $--label &lt;image_labelimage> $-o, --output &lt;output_file> $--oroot &lt;root> $--save_metadata_stack &lt;output_md> $: Store the original image filename in the output metadata in column imageOriginal. $: Preserve the columns from the input metadata. Some of the column values can be changed by the program. $--iter &lt;n10> $``: Limit the maximum shift allowed

Examples and notes

Center images in smallStack.stk and store results in a different file:

xmipp_transform_center_image -i smallStack.stk -o stackCentered.stk

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