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Adrian Quintana edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 1 revision

Wish list for far-future versions

  • MS Windows binaries. A port, even if only available to developers. Options are:

    • Cygwin
    • Visual C++
    • msys
    • Borland
  • A full GUI able to call all executables via dialogs, with scripting capabilities too

    • pyQT may be an excellent option, as QT is already used by Xmipp and python is an easy language
    • if you combine that qith QT Designerxml configuration files, RAD may be a possible
  • A rewritten selfile, docfile, proj... schema. Plain text files are not optimal for parsing

  • As few macros in the code as possible

  • A full main() example with each @code tag, so the new developer can just copy, paste, compile and run.

  • Shorter, more specific Doxygen comments (We already know what dot product is)

  • Eliminate REPORT_ERROR and use assert()

  • Use C++ casts instead of the old C type

  • Shorter parameter names in functions, without underscores at all!

  • A full demo of each program, for newbies

  • Better coherence in x, y, z and i, j, k

  • Recheck if logical access is needed that much

  • A port of some of the algorithms to the GPU, or a parallel architecture like IBM's Cell

  • WishForMark

  • Allow rotation of masks (rectangle and ellipse) in xmipp_design_mask

  • Port the old Contour to New_Xmipp

  • Modify xmipp_selfile_copy to avoid it changes the input selfile. At this moment the program rewrites the input selfile and removes the path of the images form the selfile

  • Alfredo'sToDo

  • Roberto'sTrash.XmippThinkstoDoIfIHaveTime

  • In the RCT protocl: During the alignment of the untilted images, the protocol should be center the reference image. If so, the volume will be reconstruct in the center of the 3Dmap and would be symmetry easily by wbp or after the protocl

  • Write a 2 ways translator between boxer and xmipp coordinates. Rafa has one written in python to trasnform boxer in xmipp coordinates but not the other way around.

  • Reinclude the old xmipp_adapt_for_spider to the new release.The rename selfile option was very useful.

--Main.AlfredoSolano - 15 Jan 2007

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