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abigailgold edited this page Mar 29, 2022 · 3 revisions

New contributors are welcome! The recommended process for a new contributor is to either open a new issue or select an existing issue and assign it to yourself (preferably a small fix/enhancement and/or one marked as 'good first issue'). Then implement the fix/feature and open a pull request.

Requirements for all new contributions

  1. All code must adhere to the PEP 8 coding style guidelines.
  2. All existing unit tests must pass.
  3. New unit tests must be added to check the new functionality or make sure the bug is fixed. Please try to cover as many lines of code as possible (including error flows).
  4. All code must be properly documented using reStructuredText formatted docstrings.
  5. Code should be readable (self-explanatory class, method and field names, inline comments for complicated code) and efficient (prefer use of numpy operations/list comprehension instead of loops, etc.).

Reporting vulnerabilities

To report a security vulnerability privately, please contact Abigail Goldsteen at