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Stylesheets (LESS and CSS)

If you're familiar with and want to use LESS, this theme is set up to make it easy to do so out of the box.

Every WordPress theme requires a style.css file. The comment/header at the top of style.css provides details about the theme.

For child themes, it is important that the Template line of the header block match the name of the folder that contains the parent theme it is based on.

Aside from the required header, the only other function the style.css file in this theme serves is to import the css/style.css file.

The css/style.css file is set up to be compiled from less/style.less.

Using Grunt

Our team likes to use Grunt to compile the theme's LESS files to CSS. You can also have Grunt watch your LESS files and recompile your CSS files as changes are made.

Grunt uses the package.json and Gruntfile.js included with the theme.

To get started:

1. Install Node.js

If you're using OS X, open a terminal window and type:

> brew install node

2. Install Grunt

> npm install -g grunt-cli

3. Edit package.json, changing the name attribute to suit you.

  "name": "your-theme-name",

4. Install dependencies

> npm install

5. Run grunt less to compile your LESS files

> grunt less
Running "less:development" (less) task
File css/style.css created: 0 B → 40 B
File homepages/assets/css/your_homepage.css created: 0 B → 51 B

Watching your style.less file for changes

While you're developing your theme, it can be helpful to have your css/style.css file recompiled anytime there is a change made to less/style.less.

To have Grunt watch your less/style.less file for changes:

> grunt watch
Running "watch" task