IPFS Gateway Selector is a serverless service that checks public IPFS gateway status and latency to user browser.
You only need to visit one of the URLs listed in Try It section in your browser. Input the CID you want to download, or simply copy&paste the link contains the CID, then click "Reload Gateways", it will refresh the download links list with estimated latency of each gateway.
You may integrate this service with your website to provide a mirrors
feature. By adding a cid
parameter it will display the download list of this CID on start. For example, use this link to provide a list of mirrors of this lovely cat image from IPFS docs, try the link:
This service should be available on any working gateways
- ipfs.io
- gateway.ipfs.io
- gateway.originprotocol.com
- ipfs.greyh.at
- ipfs.drink.cafe
- jorropo.net
- ipfs.best-practice.se
- many more gateways ...
The code of this repository is licensed under GPL v3.