diff --git a/IRP/src/CommonModules/JorDocumentsServer/Module.bsl b/IRP/src/CommonModules/JorDocumentsServer/Module.bsl
index e4eabf3c7c..9efe803202 100644
--- a/IRP/src/CommonModules/JorDocumentsServer/Module.bsl
+++ b/IRP/src/CommonModules/JorDocumentsServer/Module.bsl
@@ -27,8 +27,28 @@ Procedure OnCreateAtServer(Cancel, StandardProcessing, Form, Parameters) Export
If Parameters.Property("CustomFilter") Then
AdditionalParameters.Insert("Ref", Parameters.CustomFilter.QueryParameters.Ref);
If Parameters.Property("DocumentDate") Then
AdditionalParameters.Insert("DocumentDate", Parameters.DocumentDate);
+ DateFilter = Undefined;
+ CurrentDate = CommonFunctionsServer.GetCurrentSessionDate();
+ DateValueFilter =
+ ?(BegOfDay(Parameters.DocumentDate) = BegOfDay(CurrentDate),
+ EndOfDay(CurrentDate), Parameters.DocumentDate);
+ DateField = New DataCompositionField("Ref.Date");
+ For Each FilterItem In Form.List.Filter.Items Do
+ If FilterItem.LeftValue = DateField Then
+ DateFilter = FilterItem;
+ EndIf;
+ EndDo;
+ If DateFilter = Undefined Then
+ DateFilter = Form.List.Filter.Items.Add(Type("DataCompositionFilterItem"));
+ DateFilter.LeftValue = DateField;
+ EndIf;
+ DateFilter.ComparisonType = DataCompositionComparisonType.LessOrEqual;
+ DateFilter.RightValue = DateValueFilter;
+ DateFilter.Use = True;
AdditionalProperties.Insert("AdditionalParameters", AdditionalParameters);
diff --git a/IRP/src/InformationRegisters/CurrencyRates/Commands/CurrencyRates/CommandModule.bsl b/IRP/src/InformationRegisters/CurrencyRates/Commands/CurrencyRates/CommandModule.bsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..755e1b3eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IRP/src/InformationRegisters/CurrencyRates/Commands/CurrencyRates/CommandModule.bsl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Procedure CommandProcessing(CommandParameter, CommandExecuteParameters)
+ FormParameters = New Structure("Currency", CommandParameter);
+ OpenForm("InformationRegister.CurrencyRates.ListForm", FormParameters, CommandExecuteParameters.Source, CommandExecuteParameters.Uniqueness, CommandExecuteParameters.Window, CommandExecuteParameters.URL);
diff --git a/IRP/src/InformationRegisters/CurrencyRates/CurrencyRates.mdo b/IRP/src/InformationRegisters/CurrencyRates/CurrencyRates.mdo
index a758276c58..54c03d298f 100644
--- a/IRP/src/InformationRegisters/CurrencyRates/CurrencyRates.mdo
+++ b/IRP/src/InformationRegisters/CurrencyRates/CurrencyRates.mdo
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
Currency ratestrue
+ InformationRegister.CurrencyRates.Form.ListFormSecondtrueManaged
@@ -76,7 +77,6 @@
- truetrue
@@ -119,4 +119,25 @@
+ ListForm
+ en
+ List form
+ PersonalComputer
+ MobileDevice
+ CurrencyRates
+ en
+ Currency rates
+ FormNavigationPanelGoTo
+ CatalogRef.Currencies
+ Auto
diff --git a/IRP/src/InformationRegisters/CurrencyRates/Forms/ListForm/Attributes/List/ExtInfo/ListSettings.dcss b/IRP/src/InformationRegisters/CurrencyRates/Forms/ListForm/Attributes/List/ExtInfo/ListSettings.dcss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80043487a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IRP/src/InformationRegisters/CurrencyRates/Forms/ListForm/Attributes/List/ExtInfo/ListSettings.dcss
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ Normal
+ 7ad917ea-4be9-409d-a2d9-22daf3612ce5
+ Normal
+ a0bd294f-b58e-4255-a5fb-ad0995f7311e
+ Normal
+ 90d5078f-6ef2-4f69-8d00-46409275cb49
+ Normal
+ 13dae5ad-33da-4659-b917-f1126f5a2698
diff --git a/IRP/src/InformationRegisters/CurrencyRates/Forms/ListForm/Form.form b/IRP/src/InformationRegisters/CurrencyRates/Forms/ListForm/Form.form
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a65c2bd6d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IRP/src/InformationRegisters/CurrencyRates/Forms/ListForm/Form.form
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+ ListSettingsComposerUserSettings
+ 1
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ en
+ User settings group
+ false
+ ListSettingsComposerUserSettingsExtendedTooltip
+ 2
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Label
+ true
+ true
+ Left
+ UsualGroup
+ Vertical
+ Auto
+ WeakSeparation
+ true
+ true
+ Auto
+ Auto
+ List
+ 3
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ List
+ true
+ None
+ Period
+ 16
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ List.Period
+ true
+ PeriodExtendedTooltip
+ 18
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Label
+ true
+ true
+ Left
+ PeriodContextMenu
+ 17
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ LabelField
+ Enter
+ true
+ Left
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ CurrencyFrom
+ 19
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ List.CurrencyFrom
+ CurrencyFromExtendedTooltip
+ 21
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Label
+ true
+ true
+ Left
+ CurrencyFromContextMenu
+ 20
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ LabelField
+ Enter
+ true
+ Left
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ CurrencyTo
+ 22
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ List.CurrencyTo
+ CurrencyToExtendedTooltip
+ 24
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Label
+ true
+ true
+ Left
+ CurrencyToContextMenu
+ 23
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ LabelField
+ Enter
+ true
+ Left
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Multiplicity
+ 28
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ List.Multiplicity
+ MultiplicityExtendedTooltip
+ 30
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Label
+ true
+ true
+ Left
+ MultiplicityContextMenu
+ 29
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ LabelField
+ Enter
+ true
+ Left
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Rate
+ 31
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ List.Rate
+ RateExtendedTooltip
+ 33
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Label
+ true
+ true
+ Left
+ RateContextMenu
+ 32
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ LabelField
+ Enter
+ true
+ Left
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Source
+ 25
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ List.Source
+ SourceExtendedTooltip
+ 27
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Label
+ true
+ true
+ Left
+ SourceContextMenu
+ 26
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ LabelField
+ Enter
+ true
+ Left
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ None
+ ListCommandBar
+ 5
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Left
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ ListSearchString
+ 7
+ ListSearchStringExtendedTooltip
+ 9
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Label
+ true
+ true
+ Left
+ ListSearchStringContextMenu
+ 8
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ ListSearchString
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ ListViewStatus
+ 10
+ ListViewStatusExtendedTooltip
+ 12
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Label
+ true
+ true
+ Left
+ ListViewStatusContextMenu
+ 11
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ ViewStatusAddition
+ ListViewStatus
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ ListSearchControl
+ 13
+ ListSearchControlExtendedTooltip
+ 15
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Label
+ true
+ true
+ Left
+ ListSearchControlContextMenu
+ 14
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ SearchControlAddition
+ ListSearchControl
+ true
+ ListExtendedTooltip
+ 6
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Label
+ true
+ true
+ Left
+ ListContextMenu
+ 4
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ MultiRow
+ true
+ 1
+ 1
+ AutoUse
+ AutoUse
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Auto
+ Auto
+ ExpandTopLevel
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ AsFileRef
+ List.DefaultPicture
+ 60
+ 0001-01-01T00:00:00
+ 0001-01-01T00:00:00
+ true
+ true
+ ListSettingsComposerUserSettings
+ FormCommandBar
+ -1
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Left
+ true
+ OnCreateAtServer
+ OnCreateAtServer
+ true
+ true
+ Vertical
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ List
+ 1
+ DynamicList
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ InformationRegister.CurrencyRates
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
diff --git a/IRP/src/InformationRegisters/CurrencyRates/Forms/ListForm/Module.bsl b/IRP/src/InformationRegisters/CurrencyRates/Forms/ListForm/Module.bsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63554f4140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IRP/src/InformationRegisters/CurrencyRates/Forms/ListForm/Module.bsl
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Procedure OnCreateAtServer(Cancel, StandardProcessing)
+ If Parameters.Property("Currency") Then
+ GroupOr = List.Filter.Items.Add(Type("DataCompositionFilterItemGroup"));
+ GroupOr.GroupType = DataCompositionFilterItemsGroupType.OrGroup;
+ GroupOr.Use = True;
+ FilterFrom = GroupOr.Items.Add(Type("DataCompositionFilterItem"));
+ FilterFrom.LeftValue = New DataCompositionField("CurrencyFrom");
+ FilterFrom.RightValue = Parameters.Currency;
+ FilterFrom.Use = True;
+ FilterTo = GroupOr.Items.Add(Type("DataCompositionFilterItem"));
+ FilterTo.LeftValue = New DataCompositionField("CurrencyTo");
+ FilterTo.RightValue = Parameters.Currency;
+ FilterTo.Use = True;
+ EndIf;
diff --git a/features/Internal/_0500 Cash management/_0500PostingCashReciept.feature b/features/Internal/_0500 Cash management/_0500PostingCashReciept.feature
index 35c02f8743..184a432e53 100644
--- a/features/Internal/_0500 Cash management/_0500PostingCashReciept.feature
+++ b/features/Internal/_0500 Cash management/_0500PostingCashReciept.feature
@@ -516,9 +516,21 @@ Scenario: _0500012 check form for select basis document
And I change "Status" radio button value to "By document date"
Then the number of "List" table lines is "равно" 0
And I change "Status" radio button value to "Current time"
+ Then the number of "List" table lines is "равно" 0
+ And I close current window
+ * Check forms DocumentsForIncomingPayment by time
+ And I input "{CurrentDate()}" text in the field named "Date"
+ And I move to "Payments" tab
+ And I go to line in "PaymentList" table
+ | '#' | 'Partner' | 'Partner term' | 'Payer' |
+ | '2' | 'Ferron BP' | 'Basic Partner terms, TRY' | 'Company Ferron BP' |
+ And I finish line editing in "PaymentList" table
+ And I activate "Basis document" field in "PaymentList" table
+ And I select current line in "PaymentList" table
And "List" table contains lines
| 'Document' | 'Company' | 'Partner' | 'Amount' | 'Legal name' | 'Partner term' | 'Currency' |
| 'Sales invoice 1*' | 'Main Company' | 'Ferron BP' | '4 150,00' | 'Company Ferron BP' | 'Basic Partner terms, TRY' | 'TRY' |
+ And I close current window
And I close all client application windows
diff --git a/features/Internal/_0500 Cash management/_0510PostingCashPayment.feature b/features/Internal/_0500 Cash management/_0510PostingCashPayment.feature
index 9ef43a32de..81a1446b72 100644
--- a/features/Internal/_0500 Cash management/_0510PostingCashPayment.feature
+++ b/features/Internal/_0500 Cash management/_0510PostingCashPayment.feature
@@ -402,101 +402,108 @@ Scenario: _0510011 create Cash payment (independently)
| 'Number' |
| '$$NumberCashPayment0510013$$' |
-# Scenario: _0510012 check form for select basis document
-# And I close all client application windows
-# * Create Cash payment in lire for Ferron BP (Purchase invoice in lire)
-# Given I open hyperlink "e1cib/list/Document.CashPayment"
-# And I click the button named "FormCreate"
-# * Filling in the details of the document
-# And I select "Payment to the vendor" exact value from "Transaction type" drop-down list
-# And I click Select button of "Company" field
-# And I go to line in "List" table
-# | Description |
-# | Main Company |
-# And I select current line in "List" table
-# And I click Select button of "Currency" field
-# And I activate "Description" field in "List" table
-# And I go to line in "List" table
-# | Code | Description |
-# | TRY | Turkish lira |
-# And I select current line in "List" table
-# And I click Select button of "Cash account" field
-# And I go to line in "List" table
-# | Description |
-# | Cash desk №1 |
-# And I select current line in "List" table
-# And in the table "PaymentList" I click the button named "PaymentListAdd"
-# * Filling in a partner in a tabular part
-# And I activate "Partner" field in "PaymentList" table
-# And I click choice button of "Partner" attribute in "PaymentList" table
-# And I go to line in "List" table
-# | Description |
-# | Ferron BP |
-# And I select current line in "List" table
-# And I click choice button of "Payee" attribute in "PaymentList" table
-# And I go to line in "List" table
-# | Description |
-# | Company Ferron BP |
-# And I select current line in "List" table
-# * Filling in an Partner term
-# And I click choice button of "Partner term" attribute in "PaymentList" table
-# And I go to line in "List" table
-# | 'Description' |
-# | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' |
-# And I select current line in "List" table
-# * Check forms DocumentsForOutgoingPayment (current time)
-# And I finish line editing in "PaymentList" table
-# And I activate "Basis document" field in "PaymentList" table
-# And I select current line in "PaymentList" table
-# And "List" table contains lines
-# | 'Document' | 'Company' | 'Partner' | 'Amount' | 'Legal name' | 'Partner term' | 'Currency' |
-# | 'Purchase invoice 1*' | 'Main Company' | 'Ferron BP' | '136 000,00' | 'Company Ferron BP' | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' | 'TRY' |
-# | 'Purchase invoice 2*' | 'Main Company' | 'Ferron BP' | '13 000,00' | 'Company Ferron BP' | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' | 'TRY' |
-# And I go to line in "List" table
-# | 'Amount' |
-# | '136 000,00' |
-# And I click "Select" button
-# And I activate field named "PaymentListTotalAmount" in "PaymentList" table
-# And I input "100,00" text in the field named "PaymentListTotalAmount" of "PaymentList" table
-# And I finish line editing in "PaymentList" table
-# And in the table "PaymentList" I click the button named "PaymentListAdd"
-# And I activate "Partner" field in "PaymentList" table
-# And I click choice button of "Partner" attribute in "PaymentList" table
-# And I go to line in "List" table
-# | 'Code' | 'Description' |
-# | '50' | 'Ferron BP' |
-# And I select current line in "List" table
-# And I activate "Partner term" field in "PaymentList" table
-# And I click choice button of "Partner term" attribute in "PaymentList" table
-# And I go to line in "List" table
-# | 'Description' |
-# | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' |
-# And I select current line in "List" table
-# And I finish line editing in "PaymentList" table
-# And I activate "Basis document" field in "PaymentList" table
-# And I select current line in "PaymentList" table
-# And "List" table contains lines
-# | 'Document' | 'Company' | 'Partner' | 'Amount' | 'Legal name' | 'Partner term' | 'Currency' |
-# | 'Purchase invoice 1*' | 'Main Company' | 'Ferron BP' | '135 900,00' | 'Company Ferron BP' | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' | 'TRY' |
-# | 'Purchase invoice 2*' | 'Main Company' | 'Ferron BP' | '13 000,00' | 'Company Ferron BP' | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' | 'TRY' |
-# And I close current window
-# * Check forms DocumentsForIncomingPayment (by document date)
-# And I input "{CurrentDate() - 86401}" text in the field named "Date"
-# And I move to "Payments" tab
-# And I go to line in "PaymentList" table
-# | '#' | 'Partner' | 'Partner term' | 'Payee' |
-# | '2' | 'Ferron BP' | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' | 'Company Ferron BP' |
-# And I finish line editing in "PaymentList" table
-# And I activate "Basis document" field in "PaymentList" table
-# And I select current line in "PaymentList" table
-# And I change "Status" radio button value to "By document date"
-# Then the number of "List" table lines is "равно" 0
-# And I change "Status" radio button value to "Current time"
-# And "List" table contains lines
-# | 'Document' | 'Company' | 'Partner' | 'Amount' | 'Legal name' | 'Partner term' | 'Currency' |
-# | 'Purchase invoice 1*' | 'Main Company' | 'Ferron BP' | '135 900,00' | 'Company Ferron BP' | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' | 'TRY' |
-# | 'Purchase invoice 2*' | 'Main Company' | 'Ferron BP' | '13 000,00' | 'Company Ferron BP' | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' | 'TRY' |
-# And I close all client application windows
+Scenario: _0510012 check form for select basis document
+ And I close all client application windows
+ * Create Cash payment in lire for Ferron BP (Purchase invoice in lire)
+ Given I open hyperlink "e1cib/list/Document.CashPayment"
+ And I click the button named "FormCreate"
+ * Filling in the details of the document
+ And I select "Payment to the vendor" exact value from "Transaction type" drop-down list
+ And I click Select button of "Company" field
+ And I go to line in "List" table
+ | Description |
+ | Main Company |
+ And I select current line in "List" table
+ And I click Select button of "Currency" field
+ And I activate "Description" field in "List" table
+ And I go to line in "List" table
+ | Code | Description |
+ | TRY | Turkish lira |
+ And I select current line in "List" table
+ And I click Select button of "Cash account" field
+ And I go to line in "List" table
+ | Description |
+ | Cash desk №1 |
+ And I select current line in "List" table
+ And in the table "PaymentList" I click the button named "PaymentListAdd"
+ * Filling in a partner in a tabular part
+ And I activate "Partner" field in "PaymentList" table
+ And I click choice button of "Partner" attribute in "PaymentList" table
+ And I go to line in "List" table
+ | Description |
+ | Ferron BP |
+ And I select current line in "List" table
+ And I click choice button of "Payee" attribute in "PaymentList" table
+ And I go to line in "List" table
+ | Description |
+ | Company Ferron BP |
+ And I select current line in "List" table
+ * Filling in an Partner term
+ And I click choice button of "Partner term" attribute in "PaymentList" table
+ And I go to line in "List" table
+ | 'Description' |
+ | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' |
+ And I select current line in "List" table
+ * Check forms DocumentsForOutgoingPayment (current time)
+ And I finish line editing in "PaymentList" table
+ And I activate "Basis document" field in "PaymentList" table
+ And I select current line in "PaymentList" table
+ And "List" table contains lines
+ | 'Document' | 'Company' | 'Partner' | 'Amount' | 'Legal name' | 'Partner term' | 'Currency' |
+ | 'Purchase invoice 1*' | 'Main Company' | 'Ferron BP' | '136 000,00' | 'Company Ferron BP' | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' | 'TRY' |
+ | 'Purchase invoice 2*' | 'Main Company' | 'Ferron BP' | '13 000,00' | 'Company Ferron BP' | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' | 'TRY' |
+ And I go to line in "List" table
+ | 'Amount' |
+ | '136 000,00' |
+ And I click "Select" button
+ And I activate field named "PaymentListTotalAmount" in "PaymentList" table
+ And I input "100,00" text in the field named "PaymentListTotalAmount" of "PaymentList" table
+ And I finish line editing in "PaymentList" table
+ And in the table "PaymentList" I click the button named "PaymentListAdd"
+ And I activate "Partner" field in "PaymentList" table
+ And I click choice button of "Partner" attribute in "PaymentList" table
+ And I go to line in "List" table
+ | 'Code' | 'Description' |
+ | '50' | 'Ferron BP' |
+ And I select current line in "List" table
+ And I activate "Partner term" field in "PaymentList" table
+ And I click choice button of "Partner term" attribute in "PaymentList" table
+ And I go to line in "List" table
+ | 'Description' |
+ | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' |
+ And I select current line in "List" table
+ And I finish line editing in "PaymentList" table
+ And I activate "Basis document" field in "PaymentList" table
+ And I select current line in "PaymentList" table
+ And "List" table contains lines
+ | 'Document' | 'Company' | 'Partner' | 'Amount' | 'Legal name' | 'Partner term' | 'Currency' |
+ | 'Purchase invoice 1*' | 'Main Company' | 'Ferron BP' | '135 900,00' | 'Company Ferron BP' | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' | 'TRY' |
+ | 'Purchase invoice 2*' | 'Main Company' | 'Ferron BP' | '13 000,00' | 'Company Ferron BP' | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' | 'TRY' |
+ And I close current window
+ * Check forms DocumentsForIncomingPayment
+ And I input "{CurrentDate()}" text in the field named "Date"
+ And I move to "Payments" tab
+ And I go to line in "PaymentList" table
+ | '#' | 'Partner' | 'Partner term' | 'Payee' |
+ | '2' | 'Ferron BP' | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' | 'Company Ferron BP' |
+ And I finish line editing in "PaymentList" table
+ And I activate "Basis document" field in "PaymentList" table
+ And I select current line in "PaymentList" table
+ And "List" table contains lines
+ | 'Document' | 'Company' | 'Partner' | 'Amount' | 'Legal name' | 'Partner term' | 'Currency' |
+ | 'Purchase invoice 1*' | 'Main Company' | 'Ferron BP' | '135 900,00' | 'Company Ferron BP' | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' | 'TRY' |
+ | 'Purchase invoice 2*' | 'Main Company' | 'Ferron BP' | '13 000,00' | 'Company Ferron BP' | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' | 'TRY' |
+ And I close current window
+ And I input "{CurrentDate() - 86401}" text in the field named "Date"
+ And I move to "Payments" tab
+ And I go to line in "PaymentList" table
+ | '#' | 'Partner' | 'Partner term' | 'Payee' |
+ | '2' | 'Ferron BP' | 'Vendor Ferron, TRY' | 'Company Ferron BP' |
+ And I finish line editing in "PaymentList" table
+ And I activate "Basis document" field in "PaymentList" table
+ And I select current line in "PaymentList" table
+ Then the number of "List" table lines is "равно" 0
+ And I close all client application windows
# Filters