Replaces the "Rank" in Map Result Screen with score percentage and adds score percentage to the "Highscore" in the Level Selection Menu below the Leaderboard.
Since 1.2: Adds Score- and Percentage Difference to Result Screen, if you already had a score on the map / difficulty.
Warning: Percentage on menu screen will be incorrect when your highscore was set using modifiers, since Beat Saber only saves score without modifier information.
Examples: Map Result Screen
Below Leaderboard
Every Change this mod makes can be disabled / enabled one by one to fit your preferences. These can be set in Beat Saber\UserData\ScorePercentage.json.
Currently available Options (as of 1.2.3):
This enables replacing the "Rank" label on the result screen (default: true):
"EnableLevelEndRank": true
This enables adding percentage to your score in the menu (default:true):
"EnableMenuHighscore": true
This enables score difference display on results (default:true)
"EnableScoreDifference": true
This enables score percentage difference display on results (default: true)
"EnableScorePercentageDifference: true
This enables average cut score display on results (default:false)
"EnableAvarageCutScore: true
AverageCutScore and ScorePercentageDifference are exclusive of each other. So if you enable both, percentage will take priority.
AverageCutScore Option has been removed as of Version 1.4.11