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Merging 7.1.x into master (#3526)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* refactor(displayDensity): Code cleanup in display density base class

Cleaned host bindings in child components.
The displayDensity getter cannot retrun undefined anymore.

* refactor(displayDensity): Address code review suggestions

* chore(*): Added itemSize to width calculations - forOf.

* refactor(displayDensity): Fix header group

* refactor(linear-progress): modify styles and template for indeterminate state

* refactor(circular-bar): add indeterminate state and animation

* refactor(progressbar): apply type classes to the host and refactor the tests

* fix(slider): prevent snapping of maxValue to minValue

Closes #2610

* test(slider): add some tests about the exceeding bounds

Closes #2610

* test(slider): run all and modify some tests

Closes #2610

* fix(slider.spec): fix some lint errors

Closes #2610

* fix(progress): fix progress bars to work in IE11

* chore(changelog, readme): update to reflect the new indeterminate property

* refactor(progressbar): update circular progress when not in indeterminate

* test(progressbar): fix circularbar tests

Closes #1997 #1986

* test(progress): fix failing tests after binding test to host

* fix(progressbar): prevent value update when indeterminate mode is on

Closes #1997 #1986

* refactor(avatar): allow for more robust styling of the avatar

* Update avatar.component.spec.ts

* test(transaction): deleting w/ transactions + paging in grid, #3425

* fix(transaction): check for transactions when commiting delete, #3425

* fix(transaction): hier trans getAggregatedChanges uses state copy instead, #3425

* chore(*): Changed the way to get the item size.

* Update avatar.component.spec.ts

* chore(*): Added test for bug 3087.

* fix(grid): proper check for paging w/ transactions in place, #3425

* chore(*): Improved test about width for_of.

* chore(*): Fixed identation change.

* fix(grid): can no longer select deleted rows, #3424

* refactor(grid): move deleted checks to API, remove extra loop, #3424

* refactor(treeGrid): row_deleted_parent is now private, remove imports, #3424

* test(treeGrid): add row selection + transaction tests, #3424

* refactor(treeGrid): remove isRowDeleted, get deleted; use api service, #3424

* refactor(grid): remove unnecessary assignment, #3424

* fix(IgxGridCell): focus input when enter cell in edit mode #2801

* fix(igx-grid): Scroll filtered column in view, #3451

* refactor(grid): add comment to row delete+paging, change check for page, #3425

* test(forof): adding failing test for scrollNext wraparound #3365

* chore(*): fix tests using avatar #3444

* fix(forof): fixing break clause for scrollTo #3365

* chore(*): removing left-over fit

* chore(ng-add): bump Ignite UI CLI version

* test(forof): fixing some tests for better passability #3365

* refactor(*): refactor some comments and exports

hide GroupedRecords class from typedoc API doc and refactor
igx-drop-down-theme param comment

Closes #3483 #3484

* test(grid): #3047 igxGrid isn't displayed properly in IE11 when in igxTabs

* chore(*): Fixing lint errors

* fix(grid): igxGrid isn't displayed properly in IE11 in igxTabs #3047

* Include grid's unpinnedWidth and totalWidth in cell width calculation (#3465)

* test(grid): add test for summary alignment #3462

* fix(grid): include grid widths in cell width calculation #3462

* fix(summary): convert getCellWidth from getter to method #3462

* Derive possible heights after markForCheck() is called #3467 (#3479)

* fix(grid): add pipeTrigger in the AfterViewInit event #3467

* test(grid): add general test for treegrid default rendering #8347

* fix(grid): calling pipeTrigger is not needed #3467

* test(grid): move general test to component test file #3467

* test(grid): remove f from test file #3467

*  docs(*): updating changelog for 7.1.x #3495

* chore(*): adding sections for 6.2.4 and 7.0.5 as well

* test(update): Modify firstMonth selector #3508

* Fix - Convert % column width to px when calculating default column width (#3319)

* test(grid): add test for a column width in % #1245

* fix(grid): convert % to px when calculating default width #1245

* test(grid): remove fit #1245

* fix(#3332): Exception when exporting more than 8 nested levels (#3501)

* fix(#3332): Exception when exporting more than 8 level

* fix(Exporter): #3332 Adding a test.

* fix(Exporter): #3332 Improve the fix and test

* fix(Exporter): #3332 Fix was braking the existing export

* fix(headers-api-docs): set header IG main page link depending on the lang

Closes #3516

* fix(*): build errors due to displayDensity changes #3310

* chore(*): more code optimizations #3310

* igxTimePicker - editable masked input + dropdown new mode (#3394)

* feat(time-picker): initial implementation of removing dialog #2337

* feat(time picker): spin on edit functionality #2337

* feat(time picker): editable input implementation #2337

* feat(time-picker): dropdown/dialog display rework #2337

* feat(time-picker): sync dropdwwon navigation and input display #2337

* feat(time picker): emit events when necessary #2337

* feat(time picker): code restructuring and demo rework #2337

* feat(time picker): fix broken sample #2337

* feat(time picker): fix test failures and styles #2337

* feat(time-picker): minor fixes and improvements #2337

* feat(time-picker): more fixes and improvements #2337

* feat(time-picker): cover corner cases with invalid value #2337

* refactor(theme): adjust time picker theme

* feat(time picker): hide/show overlay via hidden attribute #2337

* test(timePicker): Adding TimePicker DropDown initial Tests. #2337

* test(timePicker): Adding TimePicker DropDown Tests. #2337

* feat(time-picker): mask directive placeholder #2337

* test(timePicker): Fixing falling Vertical test. #2337

* feat(time picker): some code refactoring #2337

* feat(time picker): code refactoring and bug fixing #2337

* test(timePicker): Finalizing TimePicker DropDown Tests. #2337

* feat(time picker): tests refactoring and bug fixing #2337

* feat(time picker): code styling #2337

* feat(time picker): update and #2337

* feat(time picker): minor fixes/improvements #2337

* feat(time picker): some more little refinements #2337

* chore(*): mask demo enhancement #2337

* chore(*): address review comments #2337

* chore(*): more refinements #2337

* feat(time picker): address comments form review #2337

* feat(time picker): expose enum again in common #2337

* feat(time picker): cover some more corner cases #2337

* feat(time picker): some more minor bug fixes #2337

* feat(time picker): fix undesired input event firing in IE #2337

* fix(IgxColumnMovingDropDirective): focus last active cell on column moving #3407 (#3524)

* fix(igx-grid): Add function to localize summaries, #3533 (#3534)

* chore(*): Fix 7.1.1 duplicate section in Changelog

* chore(*): Update changelog
  • Loading branch information
zdrawku committed Jan 8, 2019
1 parent d87c61e commit b9b8f69
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Showing 81 changed files with 3,463 additions and 1,128 deletions.
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
# Ignite UI for Angular Change Log

All notable changes for each version of this project will be documented in this file.
## 7.1.2
### Features
- `igx-circular-bar` and `igx-linear-bar` now feature an indeterminate input property. When this property is set to true the indicator will be continually growing and shrinking along the track.
- `IgxTimePickerComponent`: in addition to the current dialog interaction mode, now the user can select or edit a time value, using an editable masked input with a dropdown.

## 7.1.1
### Bug Fixes
* onSortingDone is not fired when sorting indicator of a header in the group by area is clicked ([#3257](
* igx-grid isn't displayed properly in IE11 when it is inside an igx-tabs-group ([#3047](
* Preventing wrap-around for scrollNext and scrollPrev([#3365](
* IgxTreeGrid does not respect its parent container height ([#3467](
* Include grid's unpinnedWidth and totalWidth in cell width calculation ([#3465](

### Other
* update typedoc-plugin-localization version to 1.4.1 ([#3440](

## 7.1.0
### Features
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -28,6 +44,28 @@ All notable changes for each version of this project will be documented in this
- `IgxOverlayService`:
- `ElasticPositioningStrategy` added. This strategy positions the element as in **Connected** positioning strategy and resize the element to fit in the view port in case the element is partially getting out of view.

## 7.0.5

### Bug Fixes

* igx-grid isn't displayed properly in IE11 when it is inside an igx-tabs-group. ([#3047](
* igx-slider max-value defaults to min-value ([#3418](
* Inconsistency in scrollNext and scrollPrev ([#3365](
* The header link in the api docs page should be to the product page ([#3423](
* Error thrown when edit primaryKey cell in Tree Grid ([#3329](
* IgxGridHeaderGroupComponent should have preset min width ([#3071](
* Pressing ESC on a cell in an editable column throws an error ([#3429](
* Cell foreground is white on hover with the default theme ([#3384](
* [IE] Grid toolbar's buttons and title are misaligned ([#3371](
* Dialog window does not hold the focus when opened ([#3199](
* refactor(themes): don't include contrast colors in the palettes ([#3166](

### Other
* update typedoc-plugin-localization version to 1.4.1 ([#3440](
* Move all keyboard navigation tests in a separate file ([#2975](

## 7.0.4
### Bug fixes
- Fix(igx-grid): revert row editing styles ([#2672](
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,6 +129,44 @@ All notable changes for each version of this project will be documented in this
- Updated package dependencies to Angular 7 ([#3000](
- Themes: Add dark schemas and mixins (PR [#3025](

## 6.2.4

### Bug Fixes
* onSortingDone is not fired when sorting indicator of a header in the group by area is clicked ([#3257](
* igx-grid isn't displayed properly in IE11 when it is inside an igx-tabs-group ([#3047](
* Preventing wrap-around for scrollNext and scrollPrev([#3365](
* IgxTreeGrid does not respect its parent container height ([#3467](
* The header link in the api docs page should be to the product page ([#3423](
* fix(dialog): dialog gets focus when is opened ([#3276](
* IgxTreeGrid - Add row editing + transactions to tree grid ([#2908](
* Regular highlight makes the highlighted text unreadable when the row is selected. ([#1852](
* Use value instead of ngModel to update editValue for checkbox and calendar in igxCell ([#3224](
* Disable combo checkbox animations on scroll ([#3300](
* "Select/Unselect All" checkbox is checked after deleting all rows ([#3068](
* Fixing column chooser column updating ([#3234](
* Fix - Combo - Hide Search input when !filterable && !allowCustomValues ([#3315](
* Add @inheritdoc ([#2943](
* refactor(displayDensity): Code cleanup in display density base class #3280
* Calculating updated grid height when rebinding columns ([#3285](
* Fix - Combo, Drop Down - Fix TAB key navigation ([#3206](
* Added validation if last column collides with grid's scroll ([#3142](
* When in the tree grid are pinned columns and scroll horizontal the cells text is over the pinned text ([#3163](
* refactor(themes): don't include contrast colors in the palettes ([#3166](

### Code enhancements
* Fix the logic calculating test results ([#3461](
* Update typedoc version and localize some shell strings ([#3237](
* fix(toolbar): including custom content in the show toolbar check ([#2983](
* docs(toolbar): adding more API docs ([#2983](

### Other
* update typedoc-plugin-localization version to 1.4.1 ([#3440](
* Update contributing document with localization ([#3313](
* docs(*): add 6.2.3 missing changes and bug fixes to changelog ([#3251](
* Docs - Expansion Panel - Add comments and README([#3245](
* Move all keyboard navigation tests in a separate file ([#2975](

## 6.2.3
- `igxGrid`
- `resourceStrings` property added, which allows changing/localizing strings for component. If a new instance is set,
Expand Down
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions extras/docs/themes/sassdoc/index.js
Expand Up @@ -130,23 +130,23 @@ const theme = themeleon(__dirname, function (t) {
switch (operator) {
case '==':
// tslint:disable-next-line:triple-equals
return (v1 == v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
return (v1 == v2) ? options.fn( : options.inverse(;
case '===':
return (v1 === v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
return (v1 === v2) ? options.fn( : options.inverse(;
case '<':
return (v1 < v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
return (v1 < v2) ? options.fn( : options.inverse(;
case '<=':
return (v1 <= v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
return (v1 <= v2) ? options.fn( : options.inverse(;
case '>':
return (v1 > v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
return (v1 > v2) ? options.fn( : options.inverse(;
case '>=':
return (v1 >= v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
return (v1 >= v2) ? options.fn( : options.inverse(;
case '&&':
return (v1 && v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
return (v1 && v2) ? options.fn( : options.inverse(;
case '||':
return (v1 || v2) ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
return (v1 || v2) ? options.fn( : options.inverse(;
return options.inverse(this);
return options.inverse(;
localize: (options) => {
Expand Down
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions extras/docs/themes/sassdoc/views/partials/header.hbs
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,13 @@
{{#ifCond lang '==' 'jp'}}{{> infraHeadJA }}{{else}}{{> infraHead }}{{/ifCond}}
<div class="header__secondary">
<div class="header__logo">
<a class="header__logo-name" href="" class="title">{{}}</a>
<span class="header__logo-version">API ver. 7.0.x</span>
{{#ifCond lang '==' 'jp'}}
<a class="header__logo-name" href="" class="title">{{}}</a>
<span class="header__logo-version">API ver. 7.0.x</span>
<a class="header__logo-name" href="" class="title">{{}}</a>
<span class="header__logo-version">API ver. 7.0.x</span>

<div class="tsd-nav-toggle align-end">
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion extras/docs/themes/typedoc/src/partials/header.hbs
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
<div class="tsd-header-content">
<div class="tsd-header-group">
<h1 class="tsd-header-logo">
<a href="" class="title">{{}}</a>
{{#ifCond project.localization '==' 'jp'}}
<a href="" class="title">{{}}</a>
<a href="" class="title">{{}}</a>
<span class="version">API ver. <strong>7.0.x</strong></span>
<div class="tsd-nav-toggle">
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion projects/igniteui-angular/package.json
Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
"web-animations-js": "^2.3.1"
"devDependencies": {
"igniteui-cli": "~3.1.0"
"igniteui-cli": "~3.2.0"
"ng-update": {
"migrations": "./migrations/migration-collection.json"
Expand Down
16 changes: 7 additions & 9 deletions projects/igniteui-angular/src/lib/avatar/avatar.component.html
@@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
<ng-template #defaultTemplate>

<ng-template #imageTemplate>
<div #image [style.backgroundImage]="getSrcUrl()" class="igx-avatar__image" [style.backgroundColor]="bgColor" [attr.aria-roledescription]="roleDescription"
<div #image class="igx-avatar__image" [style.backgroundImage]="getSrcUrl()"></div>

<ng-template #initialsTemplate>
<div class="igx-avatar__initials" [style.backgroundColor]="bgColor" [style.color]="color" [attr.aria-roledescription]="roleDescription">
<span>{{initials.substring(0, 2)}}</span>
<span>{{initials.substring(0, 2)}}</span>

<ng-template #iconTemplate>
<span class="igx-avatar__icon" [style.backgroundColor]="bgColor" [style.color]="color" [attr.aria-roledescription]="roleDescription">

<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="template"></ng-container>

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