diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/58/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/58/translation.txt index 303615e5d8..531e5f3cd2 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/58/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/58/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 「ほら、見てみろよ。あっちにもカップルがいるぞ。あっ……腕、組んでる……いいなぁ」=Hey, look at this. There's a couple over there too. Ah--... they're walking arm in arm... must be nice. -「ほら、見てないで俺たちも行こう。……腕、組むか?」=Don't stand and watch, we should go too. ...Wanna link arms? +「ほら、見てないで俺たちも行こう。……腕、組むか?」=Don't stand and watch, we should go too. ......Wanna link arms? 「……手なら、いいぞ」=...I don't mind holding hands. 「さっきから大人しいけど、具合でもわるい?」=You've been pretty quiet for a while now, you feel alright? 「ち、ちがう! お前って、見かけより手が硬い。やっぱ男子だよなあ……って」=T-That's not it! Your hand, it's much more solid than it looks. It's so manly... wuh, ignore that. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/66/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/66/translation.txt index 049727d9e7..f766c6ef6a 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/66/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/66/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 「遅かったね。ん? それ何?」=You sure took your time. Hm? What's that? 「いや、ま~た下駄箱に手紙がさぁ……」=Well, someone stuffed a letter in my shoebox again, you see... 「ラブレターってやつ?」=A love letter? -「ち、ちがうよ! 今度のは『妹にしてください』とかいう奴だよ!」="N-No, not at all! This time it's more of a Please let me be your little sister deal!""" +「ち、ちがうよ! 今度のは『妹にしてください』とかいう奴だよ!」=N-No, not at all! This time it's more of a "Please let me be your little sister" deal! 「そ、そう……相変わらず人気あるね」=I-I see... You're as popular as ever. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/75/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/75/translation.txt index f93652bd2f..ed26102780 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/75/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/75/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 「どうした? 顔がその……とろけてるぞ?」=What's up? You look kinda... spaced out. 「私さ、走ってると途中で、頭がボヤっとしてくるんだ」=My head kinda goes blank, whenever I've been running for a while. -「ランナーズハイって、やつか?」="Is it the so called Runner's High?""" +「ランナーズハイって、やつか?」=Is it the so called "Runner's High"? 「うん。これってスッゴイ、気持ちいいんだぞ? お前もしようぜ? ハァ、ハァ」=Yah. It feels amazingly good, you know? You ought to try it too. Haa, haa. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/84/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/84/translation.txt index 89df2dd2f7..9a6236126a 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/84/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/84/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 「へ~、ここがコイカツ部か。つまり恋の勉強をする……のか?」=Heh~, so this is the Koikatsu club, huh. So basically, you study... romance, here? 「まあ、そうだね」=Yeah, basically. -「んで、どんなことするんだ?」="So then, what sort of stuff counts as romance?""" +「んで、どんなことするんだ?」=So then, what sort of stuff counts as "romance"? 「そうだなぁ……例えばこれ。最近流行りの、壁ドン!」=Good question... For example, pushing someone against the wall, like this! Pretty popular these days. 「……ちょ、ちょっと……ハハ。ほ、他には?」=...H-Hey, come on... Haha. W-What else you got? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/9/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/9/translation.txt index 87b07c72d9..61e6afebd0 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/9/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/9/translation.txt @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -「ん? ああいいよ。デートだろ? そんぐらいオッケー……って、デートぉ?! あのデートをしたいのか!? わ、私と!」="Hm? Ah, sure. Just a date, right? I don't mind, yeah... wait, a date--?! You mean a date date!? W-With me?!""" +「ん? ああいいよ。デートだろ? そんぐらいオッケー……って、デートぉ?! あのデートをしたいのか!? わ、私と!」=Hm? Ah, sure. Just a date, right? I don't mind, yeah... wait, a date--?! You mean a "date" date!? W-With me?! 「ああ。こういうのは正式に申し込みたかったからさ」=Yeah. I wanted to do atleast this seriously. 「もちろん良いよ! 私とお前の仲だもんな! あはは!」=Of course I'm all for it! We're chums, afterall! Ahaha! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/90/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/90/translation.txt index 30b6925c61..cda6dfea16 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/90/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/00/90/translation.txt @@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ 「いいよ。なんかいざ呼ぶとなると、ちょっと緊張するかも」=Sure. Now that we're actually about to do it, I feel a bit tense. 「お、思っても口にするな……。えっと……[Pあだ名]」=E-Even if you feel that way, don't say it out loud... Erhm... [Pあだ名]. 「[Hあだ名]」=[Hあだ名]. -「……ん、なんか想像より照れくさいけど、いいもんだな。また呼んでみてもいいか?」=...T-That was way more embarrassing than I thought it'd be, but it felt nice. Can I call you that again sometime? +「……ん、なんか想像より照れくさいけど、いいもんだな。また呼んでみてもいいか?」=......T-That was way more embarrassing than I thought it'd be, but it felt nice. Can I call you that again sometime? 「あれ? これから、ずっと愛称で呼ぶわけじゃないの?」=Huh? We're not calling that each other from now on by default? 「そ、それは……私にはまだ早い。もっと段階を踏んでからだな、うん」=T-That's... that's still too fast for me. I'd like to get used to it step-by-step, step-by-step. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/13/97/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/13/97/translation.txt index 3c93f3e61e..7d80e11dc3 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/13/97/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/13/97/translation.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 「すぅ……すぅ…………ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... (んぅ……ん……なにか、やわらかいものが……あたって……?)=(Nnn... nnn... I feel something... real soft...?) 「…………」=... -「……って、え? え?」=...wuh, eh? eh? +「……って、え? え?」=......wuh, eh? eh? 「おはようさん。おっぱいで起こされた気分はどうだ?」=Morning. How does it feel to be woken up by my boobs? 「えっと……いい気分?」=Erhm... good, I guess? 「へへっ、そっか。気持ちいいならよかったぜ」=Hehe--, I see. Glad to hear that. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/1002/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/1002/translation.txt index 77c504f834..0cabfb9c9d 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/1002/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/1002/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -「……いかん、緊張してきたぞ」=...Damn, this won't do, I'm getting nervous. +「……いかん、緊張してきたぞ」=......Damn, this won't do, I'm getting nervous. (……[H名]は大丈夫かな? きっと緊張してるよな)=(... Wonder if [H名]'s alright? I bet she's sweating bullets.) (無理やり連れてきちゃった感じだし、なんだか申し訳ないな……)=(Feels like shit though, I did just drag her into it...) (いよいよ出番か……)=(Showtime, huh...) @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ (しっかりしないと……!)=(Gotta get a grip...!) (緊張したけど、不恰好にはなってなかったはず……たぶん)=(I was really nervous there but, I'm pretty sure that didn't look too awkward... pretty sure.) 「これより新婦が入場致します。後方の扉口をご覧ください」=And now, the bride will make her entrance. Please pay attention to the main door. -(あ……[H名]……)=(Ah... [H名]...) +(あ……[H名]……)=(Ah... [H名]......) 視線を向けて、そのまま純白のドレスをまとった[H名]に、心を奪われてしまった。=The moment my eyes landed on her, clad in that snow white wedding dress as she was, I had my heart stolen. 普段元気いっぱい、という感じの[H名]が、俺のためにウェディングドレスを着て、貞淑に佇んでいる。=Normally so full of energy, [H名] was standing still, exuding pure femininity, wearing the dress she put on for my sake. その事実に、俺はただ感動していた。=I was moved by that reality. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/1003/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/1003/translation.txt index 2eccd55c8b..3b55e80fe3 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/1003/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/1003/translation.txt @@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ 「この人を守り、笑顔を絶やすことなく幸せにすることを誓いますか?」=protect this woman, and vow to become her happiness? 「はい、誓います」=Yes, I vow. 「[H名]さん、あなたはこの男性とお付き合いし、より親密な関係になろうとしております」=Miss [H名], You have been going out with your groom for a while now. And now you are proceeding towards an even closer relationship. -「……はい、誓います」=...Yes, I vow. +「……はい、誓います」=.........Yes, I vow. 「それでは、二人の愛の証として、誓いのキスをお願いします」=Then, without further ado, as the proof of your love, seal these vows with a kiss. 「……ごめんね。無理に連れて来ちゃったみたいで」=...Sorry. I feel like I dragged you into this. -「無理にって、別に……嫌々ってわけじゃねーから」="It's not like you dragged me... I'm not doing this unwillingly, you know.""" +「無理にって、別に……嫌々ってわけじゃねーから」=It's not like you "dragged" me... I'm not doing this unwillingly, you know. 「でも本当によかったよ。[H名]のウェディング姿が見られて」=But, I'm glad I did. I got to see you in a wedding dress. 「そ、そんな大層なもんじゃねーだろ」=I-It's not that big a deal, is it? 「ううん、きれいだよ……世界で一番」=No, you really are beautiful... the most beautiful in the world. @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ 「あ、う、うん……」=Ah, y-yeah... 「す、好きだよ。[P名]のこと……世界で一番な」=I-I love you. [P名]... The most in the world. 「[H名]……ありがとう……もちろん、俺も好きだよ……」=[H名]... Thank you... of course, I love you too... -「んん……」=Nnn... +「んん……」=Nnn...... ………………=......... …………=...... ……=... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/102/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/102/translation.txt index f551d9519c..064c10e045 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/102/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/102/translation.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 「緑の中を歩くのは気持ちいいなー」=It sure feels great to walk amongst greenery~ 「そうだな。風も穏やかで涼しくて、街なかとはやっぱ違うよ」=Yeah. The wind's nice and refreshing too, feels completely different from the city center. 「そうそう。そんで匂いも違うんだよね。こう、森の香りというか、大地の芳香というか……」=Exactly. The smell is different too, innit? The aroma of forestry, the smell of the earth... -「……ん、あれ? このおいしそうな匂いは……? お、もしかしてあれかな?」=...Nn, huh? What's this appetizing smell...? Oh, is it that? +「……ん、あれ? このおいしそうな匂いは……? お、もしかしてあれかな?」=......Nn, huh? What's this appetizing smell...? Oh, is it that? 「あっ、移動販売車だ。何売ってんだろ」=Ah--, it's a food stall. Wonder what they're selling. 「おお、ケバブだ。どうりでいい匂いがするわけだ」=Ooh, it's a doner kebab stall. No wonder it smells so good. 「せっかくだし、食べていこうよ」=Since we're here anyway, let's grab some. @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ 「え~、食べたいな~。ほら、見なよあの肉。うまそ~だな~」=Eh~, I wanna try it though~. Look, Look at that meat. It looks so damn good~ 「……じゅるっ。い、いやっ、うまそうじゃない! 全然うまそうじゃない!」=...*drool*--. N-No--, it doesn't look good! It doesn't look good at all! 「こ、これは違うぞ! 食べたいわけじゃないからな!」=Y-You've got it wrong! I definitely don't want any! -「[H名]……。本当は食べたいんだろう? 正直に言ってくれよ」=[H名]... You actually really want some, right? Be honest with me. +「[H名]……。本当は食べたいんだろう? 正直に言ってくれよ」=[H名]...... You actually really want some, right? Be honest with me. 「うう……食べたい、けど……[P名]の前でがっついたらみっともないだろ」=Uuu... I do, but... It'd look so bad if I just started stuffing myself in front of you, [P名. 「お前も、そんな女は嫌だろ? ケバブってきれいに食べられそうもないし……」=You don't like those sorts of girls either, do you? I don't think I could eat a doner kebab all prettily either... 「そんなこと気にするわけないだろ。むしろ、たくさん食べてくれたほうが俺は嬉しいよ」=You don't need to bother over stuff like that. If anything, I'd be real happy to see you stuff yourself. 「本当か!? そうなのか!? じゃあ食べよう! すぐ食べよう! ほら行くぞ!」=Really!? For real?! Then let's get some! Let's get some right now! Come on, let's go! 「ちょ、ちょっと、そんなに急がなくたってケバブは逃げないよ」=Y-You don't need rush so much, the doner kebab isn't gonna get up and run away. -「……ケバブ? なんだそれは?」="...doner kebab? What's that?""" +「……ケバブ? なんだそれは?」=..."doner kebab"? What's that? 「あれ、[H名]は知らない? 最近、お祭りなんかでもよく見るようになったよ」=Huh, you don't know? Even festivals tend to have doner kebab stalls these days. 「袋みたいになってるパンに、野菜と肉を入れたサンドイッチみたいな料理だよ。大きな回転する肉を、削ぎ落とすようにして刻むんだ」=They take a large flat piece of bread, fill it with veggies and meat and roll it up like a bag. They shave off a giant cut of meat on a rotisserie into thin shavings and everything. 「どう? 食べたくならない?」=How about it, feel like grabbing some yet? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/105/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/105/translation.txt index 60673ebddc..136cbb2b9c 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/105/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/105/translation.txt @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ 「はい、これでよろしいでしょうか」=Yes, is this acceptable? 「よきかなよきかな……ってむずがゆいなこれ……」=Yep, excellent work... Man, acting like a big-wig feels kinda awkward... 「ご満足いただけましたか? お姫様」=Are you satisfied, my princess? -「よせよ、お姫様なんて……」="Princess, come off it...""" +「よせよ、お姫様なんて……」="Princess", come off it... 「俺にとって[H名]は、たった一人のお姫様だよ」=To me, you're the only one deserving of the title, [H名]. 「バカ……な、なら、もっと近うよれ!」=Dummy... i-in that case, come even closer! 「これ以上って……」=Closer than this...? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/106/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/106/translation.txt index d740cd0cf6..99bc3c6fcc 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/106/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/106/translation.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ 「ホント、何度見ても飽きる気がしない」=For real, it never gets old. 「こうして並んで夜景を見てると、いかにも恋人って感じがして、いいよな」=Man, just looking at this sky together, side by side, really sets in that we're a couple. It's really nice, don't you think? 「そうだね。なんなら、もっと恋人らしくしようか?」=Yeah, it's nice. If you're up for it, wanna get even more lovey-dovey? -「もっと、って?」="even more?""" +「もっと、って?」="even more"? 「例えば……至近距離で見つめ合ったり」=For example... Looking into each other's eyes, at point blank. 「お、そうだな……確かにこれは恋人っぽいな」=Oh, sounds nice... yeah, this really does feel romantic. 「そしてほら、俺たちが両手を繋ぎ合えば……」=And then, if we join our hands together like so... @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ 「うおい! 直接的すぎるぞ! 完璧なムードが台無しじゃねーか!」=Woah! That's way too direct! You've went and ruined that perfect mood you had going there! 「こう、盛り上がってきちゃって」=Well, I can't help it, I'm getting into it. 「やっぱスケベだなー[P名]は」=You really are a pervert, [P名]. -「恋人らしいことといったら、エッチで決まりでしょ」="Well I mean, when you say lovey-dovey stuff, you can't exactly forget about sex, now can you?""" +「恋人らしいことといったら、エッチで決まりでしょ」=Well I mean, when you say "lovey-dovey stuff", you can't exactly forget about sex, now can you? 「調子いいよなーまったく」=Well aren't you on a roll today. 「ダメかな?」=We can't? 「ダメじゃねえよ……私もちょっとドキドキしてたし……」=I didn't say that... I was starting to get into it myself too... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/1100/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/1100/translation.txt index f75064adc4..4ad142b743 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/1100/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/1100/translation.txt @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ 「新婦から新郎へ」=Now from the bride to the groom. 「……[H名]も、少し震えてる?」=...You're shaking a bit too, you know? 「いや違う、これは……む、むしゃぶるいだ!」=No, you're wrong, this is... I-I'm just raring to go, yeah! -「武者震いって……誰と戦おうとしてるのさ……」="raring to go... just where are you raring to go...""" +「武者震いって……誰と戦おうとしてるのさ……」="raring to go"... just where are you raring to go... 「最後に、愛の証としてキスをしていただきます」=Lastly, as the proof of your love, you may now kiss each other. 「[P名]……一応、最終確認させてくれ……本当にいいんだな? 私で……」=[P名]... Let me just confirm this one last time, please... You're really fine with this, right? With me... 「どうしたの? 当たり前だろ、そんなの」=What's the matter? That's obvious, innit? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/202/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/202/translation.txt index 5ecaea003f..cce020166b 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/202/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/202/translation.txt @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 「さて、と。次はどこに行こうか」=Now then. Where do you wanna go next? 「そうだな~……ん? なんだかい~い匂いが……?」=Good question~... Hm? I feel like I can smell something real~ nice...? 「あっ、こんなところに屋台があったのか。……おお、ホットドッグだ!」=Ah--, I didn't know they had food stalls here. ...Ooh, they've got hot dogs! -「……な、なあ、今、聞こえたか?」=...H-Hey, did you hear that just now? +「……な、なあ、今、聞こえたか?」=......H-Hey, did you hear that just now? 「ばっちりとね」=Loud and clear. 「ぬわーん! だ、だってそろそろ昼飯の時間だろ? こんないい匂いがしてきたら、そりゃ腹も減るだろ?」=But--! I-I mean, it's almost lunch time, no? Just about anyone's gonna have their stomach growl when they smell something this good so close to lunch. 「そんな必死になって弁解しなくても……。俺も腹減ったし、お昼にしようか」=You don't need to justify it so frantically... I'm pretty hungry myself anyway, so let's just have lunch here. -………………=... +………………=......... 「うーん、ホットドッグっていっても、結構種類があるんだなー」=Hmmm, even amongst hot dogs, there's all sorts, huh? 「私、これ食べてみたい」=I wanna try this. 「ん? 『辛すぎてごめんねっ!! 激辛チリソースホットドッグ』だって?」=Hm? 『Sorry if it's too spicy--!! Super Spicy Chilly Sauce Hot Dog』 @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ 「え、なんで平然と食べてるの? 俺、唇が焼けただれそうなんだけど……」=Eh, how are you eating it so calmly? I feel like my lips are gonna burn off... 「こんなん売っちゃいけないレベルだよ! 『ごめんねっ』なんて軽い謝罪で許される問題じゃ無いぞ!」=This isn't something you can sell! It's not something you can gloss over with a light『Sorry』! 「大げさだなぁ[P名]は。こんなもん普通だろ。……私もう一個食べようかな」=You're making too big a deal out of it, [P名]. This much is normal, no? ...Maybe I'll go for another one. -「……なるほど、こういう人間がいるから売ってるわけか……うまいことできてるんだな……」=...I see, I guess that's why they're selling it, because people like you exist... Guess they've got some chops alright... +「……なるほど、こういう人間がいるから売ってるわけか……うまいことできてるんだな……」=......I see, I guess that's why they're selling it, because people like you exist... Guess they've got some chops alright... 「私、この普通のホットドッグにするよ。シンプルこそ至高ってな」=I'll go with this normal one here. Simple is best, afterall. 「いいね、ノッた。俺も同じやつにしよう」=Sounds good, I'll go with the same one. 「……お、きたきた。そこのベンチで座って食べようか」=...Oh, it's here. Wanna go sit at that bench and eat it? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/205/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/205/translation.txt index 70300e58ec..212a9967f0 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/205/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/205/translation.txt @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ 「コラ、茶化すな。……まあ、んなわけでさ、男とはずーっと無縁だったんだよ」=Come on, don't poke fun at me. ...Well, because of that, me and boys were completely separate existences, never to meet. 「……これから先も、ずっとずーっと無縁なんだと思ってた……」=...I thought things would forever stay like that... 「[P名]と出会うまでは、な……」=Until I met you, that is... -「……」=... +「……」=...... 「だから、今こうして[P名]と二人でいられることが不思議なんだ」=What I'm trying to say is, just being able to be together with you like this, is still very incredible to me. 「いくら憧れても……絶対来ないって思ってた未来だから……」=After all, no matter how much I wanted it... I never thought this sort of future would ever come true for me... 「[H名]……」=[H名]... @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ 「今度はゆっくり、じっくりとだ。なんなら背中に手も回せ」=Slowly and thoroughly, this time. If you feel like it, rub my back too. 「はは、注文が多いな……わかったよ」=Haha, someone has a lot of orders today... Got it. 「んっ……」=Nn--... -「んんっ……ぁ……」=Nnnn---... ah... +「んんっ……ぁ……」=Nnnn---... ah...... 「[H名]……これでいい?」=[H名]... was that fine? 「……ま、まあまあだな」=...I-It was so-so. 「はは、厳しいなぁ……ねぇ、[H名]」=Haha, that's pretty harsh... hey, [H名]. @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ 「もうちょっと、このままでいてもいい?」=Can we stay like this, just for a bit longer? 「……せっかくの夜景が見えないぞ」=...We won't be able to see the beautiful night sky, you know? 「俺は夜景よりも、[H名]とこうしていたいんだよ」=Forget the night sky, I want to stay with you like this, [H名]. -「……し、しゃーないな。ちょっとだけだぞ」=...G-Guess it can't be helped. Just for a bit, okay? +「……し、しゃーないな。ちょっとだけだぞ」=......G-Guess it can't be helped. Just for a bit, okay? 「[H名]……俺も[H名]と一緒にいられるのは、すごく不思議な感じがするよ」=[H名]... It feels really incredible for me too, you know, to be together with you like this. 「そう……なのか?」=Is that... so? 「ああ、だってこんなに幸せだ……」=Yeah, I mean, I feel so happy right now... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/206/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/206/translation.txt index 46deb6f95c..eafb713915 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/206/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/206/translation.txt @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ 「……そ、そうだよ! 他に誰がいんだよ!」=...O-Of course! Who else would I even say that about! 「うーん、褒められてるのかよくわからないな……」=Mmm, I can't really tell whether that was supposed to be a compliment or not... 「だろ? そんなもんなんだよ、きっと」=See? It's that sort of thing, I'm sure. -「そんなもん?」="That sort of thing?""" +「そんなもん?」="That sort of thing"? 「だからさ、好きになる部分ってのは、わかりやすい長所ばかりじゃないんだなってこと」=You know, the parts of someone you fall in love with don't always have to be obvious virtues and all. 「そっか、そうだね」=I see, you've got a point. 「私だって……短所に見える部分も含めて[P名]のこと、ちゃんと好きだし……」=Even I... love you for what you are, even with all your faults... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/302/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/302/translation.txt index 7e5ddd65c5..6a9e6dd03c 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/302/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/302/translation.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ 「そういえば、[H名]ってアップテンポな曲ばかり歌ってるね」=Come to think of it, you've been singing only up-tempo songs, haven't you, [H名]? 「別に、ばっかりってわけじゃないけどさ。どうせ歌うならテンションあがるのがいいだろ」=I mean, it's not like I go out of my way to sing only them but, if you're gonna sing you might as well sing exciting songs, no? 「そうなんだ。でもたまには、気分を変えてみるのもいいんじゃないか?」=I see. But, wouldn't it be better to change it up every once in a while? -「気分を変える?」="Change it up?""" +「気分を変える?」="Change it up"? 「普段歌わないような曲にチャレンジしてみるとか」=Like taking on songs that you normally don't sing and stuff. 「例えば、どんなんだよ?」=What sort of song, for example? 「これなんてどう? 『舞浜慕情』」=How about this one? 『Longing for Maihama』 diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/306/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/306/translation.txt index 006d4899da..8e5375828e 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/306/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/306/translation.txt @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ 「身体にすいーっと指を滑らせて……」=Slowly slide my finger across your body... 「はぁうあんっ! そ、そこはヤバイんだって……!」=Haaauuaahn--! I-I'm telling you, don't do it there...! 「唇を優しく撫でて……」=Slowly caress your lips... -「ふぅ……んむ……あう……もうゆるひて……」=Fuuu... nnmuh... auu... ret me goh... -「[H名]……ん……」=[H名]... nn... +「ふぅ……んむ……あう……もうゆるひて……」=Fuuu... nnmuh... auu... ret me goh...... +「[H名]……ん……」=[H名]... nn...... 「あっ……んんっ……」=Ah--... nnn--... 「[P名]……なあ、こ、ここで……その……するつもりか?」=[P名]... Hey, y-you really wanna... uhm... do it here? 「ああ、[H名]の体触ってたら、我慢できなくなった」=Yeah, just touching your body, is making my reason evaporate. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/500/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/500/translation.txt index e9b78de58f..e6633fbc9a 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/500/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/500/translation.txt @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ 「帰り際になると、いつも名残惜しくて、どうしても粘っちゃうんだよね」=When it comes time for us to go our own ways, it always feel so lonely, it really makes you want to cling together, doesn't it? 「ははっ、またすぐに会えるだろ」=Haha--, we'll see each other again in no time. 「つっても……私も本当は帰りたくないんだけどな……」=Though I say that but... I don't really wanna go home either... -「[H名]……」=[H名]... +「[H名]……」=[H名]......... 「あの……じゃあさ、うちに来ないか?」=Listen... do you uh, wanna come to my place? 「行ってもいいのか? やったぜ!」=Can I? Yay! 「俺、やっぱりまだ……帰りたくないよ」=I really don't... want to go home. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/601/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/601/translation.txt index 57f95628cc..f9712484ec 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/601/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/20/601/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 「な、なんだこりゃ! すげえな! ラブホって、なんつうか……こんな感じかよ!」=W-What the heck! This is amazing! How do I say this, love hotels... so they're like this, huh! -「こんな感じって?」="Like this?""" +「こんな感じって?」="Like this"? 「なんか……雰囲気がエッチというか……」=It's like... the mood's kinda lewd and stuff... 「そりゃ、ラブホだからね。そのために来たわけだし……」=Well, of course, it's a love hotel afterall. We came here to do that sort of thing, afterall... 「[H名]……そろそろ、いいか?」=[H名]... Can we get to it right away? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/58/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/58/translation.txt index 303615e5d8..531e5f3cd2 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/58/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/58/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 「ほら、見てみろよ。あっちにもカップルがいるぞ。あっ……腕、組んでる……いいなぁ」=Hey, look at this. There's a couple over there too. Ah--... they're walking arm in arm... must be nice. -「ほら、見てないで俺たちも行こう。……腕、組むか?」=Don't stand and watch, we should go too. ...Wanna link arms? +「ほら、見てないで俺たちも行こう。……腕、組むか?」=Don't stand and watch, we should go too. ......Wanna link arms? 「……手なら、いいぞ」=...I don't mind holding hands. 「さっきから大人しいけど、具合でもわるい?」=You've been pretty quiet for a while now, you feel alright? 「ち、ちがう! お前って、見かけより手が硬い。やっぱ男子だよなあ……って」=T-That's not it! Your hand, it's much more solid than it looks. It's so manly... wuh, ignore that. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/66/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/66/translation.txt index 049727d9e7..f766c6ef6a 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/66/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/66/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 「遅かったね。ん? それ何?」=You sure took your time. Hm? What's that? 「いや、ま~た下駄箱に手紙がさぁ……」=Well, someone stuffed a letter in my shoebox again, you see... 「ラブレターってやつ?」=A love letter? -「ち、ちがうよ! 今度のは『妹にしてください』とかいう奴だよ!」="N-No, not at all! This time it's more of a Please let me be your little sister deal!""" +「ち、ちがうよ! 今度のは『妹にしてください』とかいう奴だよ!」=N-No, not at all! This time it's more of a "Please let me be your little sister" deal! 「そ、そう……相変わらず人気あるね」=I-I see... You're as popular as ever. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/75/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/75/translation.txt index f93652bd2f..ed26102780 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/75/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/75/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 「どうした? 顔がその……とろけてるぞ?」=What's up? You look kinda... spaced out. 「私さ、走ってると途中で、頭がボヤっとしてくるんだ」=My head kinda goes blank, whenever I've been running for a while. -「ランナーズハイって、やつか?」="Is it the so called Runner's High?""" +「ランナーズハイって、やつか?」=Is it the so called "Runner's High"? 「うん。これってスッゴイ、気持ちいいんだぞ? お前もしようぜ? ハァ、ハァ」=Yah. It feels amazingly good, you know? You ought to try it too. Haa, haa. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/84/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/84/translation.txt index 89df2dd2f7..9a6236126a 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/84/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/84/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 「へ~、ここがコイカツ部か。つまり恋の勉強をする……のか?」=Heh~, so this is the Koikatsu club, huh. So basically, you study... romance, here? 「まあ、そうだね」=Yeah, basically. -「んで、どんなことするんだ?」="So then, what sort of stuff counts as romance?""" +「んで、どんなことするんだ?」=So then, what sort of stuff counts as "romance"? 「そうだなぁ……例えばこれ。最近流行りの、壁ドン!」=Good question... For example, pushing someone against the wall, like this! Pretty popular these days. 「……ちょ、ちょっと……ハハ。ほ、他には?」=...H-Hey, come on... Haha. W-What else you got? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/9/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/9/translation.txt index 87b07c72d9..61e6afebd0 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/9/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/9/translation.txt @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -「ん? ああいいよ。デートだろ? そんぐらいオッケー……って、デートぉ?! あのデートをしたいのか!? わ、私と!」="Hm? Ah, sure. Just a date, right? I don't mind, yeah... wait, a date--?! You mean a date date!? W-With me?!""" +「ん? ああいいよ。デートだろ? そんぐらいオッケー……って、デートぉ?! あのデートをしたいのか!? わ、私と!」=Hm? Ah, sure. Just a date, right? I don't mind, yeah... wait, a date--?! You mean a "date" date!? W-With me?! 「ああ。こういうのは正式に申し込みたかったからさ」=Yeah. I wanted to do atleast this seriously. 「もちろん良いよ! 私とお前の仲だもんな! あはは!」=Of course I'm all for it! We're chums, afterall! Ahaha! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/90/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/90/translation.txt index 30b6925c61..cda6dfea16 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/90/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/90/translation.txt @@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ 「いいよ。なんかいざ呼ぶとなると、ちょっと緊張するかも」=Sure. Now that we're actually about to do it, I feel a bit tense. 「お、思っても口にするな……。えっと……[Pあだ名]」=E-Even if you feel that way, don't say it out loud... Erhm... [Pあだ名]. 「[Hあだ名]」=[Hあだ名]. -「……ん、なんか想像より照れくさいけど、いいもんだな。また呼んでみてもいいか?」=...T-That was way more embarrassing than I thought it'd be, but it felt nice. Can I call you that again sometime? +「……ん、なんか想像より照れくさいけど、いいもんだな。また呼んでみてもいいか?」=......T-That was way more embarrassing than I thought it'd be, but it felt nice. Can I call you that again sometime? 「あれ? これから、ずっと愛称で呼ぶわけじゃないの?」=Huh? We're not calling that each other from now on by default? 「そ、それは……私にはまだ早い。もっと段階を踏んでからだな、うん」=T-That's... that's still too fast for me. I'd like to get used to it step-by-step, step-by-step. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/97/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/97/translation.txt index 3c93f3e61e..7d80e11dc3 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/97/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/25/97/translation.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 「すぅ……すぅ…………ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... (んぅ……ん……なにか、やわらかいものが……あたって……?)=(Nnn... nnn... I feel something... real soft...?) 「…………」=... -「……って、え? え?」=...wuh, eh? eh? +「……って、え? え?」=......wuh, eh? eh? 「おはようさん。おっぱいで起こされた気分はどうだ?」=Morning. How does it feel to be woken up by my boobs? 「えっと……いい気分?」=Erhm... good, I guess? 「へへっ、そっか。気持ちいいならよかったぜ」=Hehe--, I see. Glad to hear that. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/0/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/0/translation.txt index fef0d7e855..1692559603 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/0/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/0/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「あ、君、ちょっと話良いかな?」=Ah, hey, could we talk for a moment? +「あ、君、ちょっと話良いかな?」=Ah, hey, could we talk for a moment? 「お? お前ってひょっとしてあの噂の男の子?」=Oh? Are you by any chance that boy everyone's been talking about? 「俺は[P名前]。よろしくね。なんか聞いてた?」=I'm [P名前]. Nice to meet you. You've already heard about me? 「クラスの女子たち、お前の話でもちきりだよ」=You're the talk of the town, or I suppose the class. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/1/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/1/translation.txt index 9520ec77be..1ea89761c5 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/1/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/1/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「ねえ、ちょっといいかな?」=Hey, got a moment? +「ねえ、ちょっといいかな?」=Hey, got a moment? 「お? 噂の男の子じゃんか。 どうした?」=Oh? If it isn't the rumoured boy. What's up? 「大した用じゃないんだけど、少し話がしたくてさ」=Nothing much, just wanted to chat for a bit. 「ふーん。いいぜ、私でよければなんでも聞けよな!」=Hmmm. Sure, why not. Ask away. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/10/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/10/translation.txt index 933fded8e4..7f660c28f9 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/10/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/10/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「うーん……正直興味はあるんだけどさ、私が力になれる事なのか?」=Well... honestly, I am a bit interested but, could I really be useful to you? +「うーん……正直興味はあるんだけどさ、私が力になれる事なのか?」=Well... honestly, I am a bit interested but, could I really be useful to you? 「もちろん!」=Of course! 「そうか! じゃあ、私も参加させてもらおう!」=I see! Then, I guess I'll join in! 「ありがとう!」=Thanks! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/11/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/11/translation.txt index 461ef408f6..7ba6554a18 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/11/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/11/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「なあ、別れようか……私たち」=Hey, listen, maybe we should... split up. +「なあ、別れようか……私たち」=Hey, listen, maybe we should... split up. 「え? どうしたんだよ、急に……」=Eh? That's a bit sudden, what's the matter... 「ダメなんだ、お前と居るとイライラするんだ……今もイライラしてるんだ!」=It's not working out, just being with you gets on my nerves... Even now, I'm kinda pissed! 「俺、なんか気に障ることしちゃったかな?」=Did I do something to rub you the wrong way? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/12/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/12/translation.txt index 0f2b6bb2e2..64a4120c69 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/12/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/12/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「ま、マジか? 私もその……[P]となら良いかなって……思ってたんだ……」=F-For real? I was, uhm... thinking that maybe it could work... between us too... +「ま、マジか? 私もその……[P]となら良いかなって……思ってたんだ……」=F-For real? I was, uhm... thinking that maybe it could work... between us too... 「本当? すごく、嬉しいよ」=Really? That makes me more happy than you can imagine. 「[P]、やっ、優しくして……ほしい……」=[P], g-go easy... on me... 「[P]、緊張する……はやく、キスして……くれ……」=[P], I'm getting nervous... kiss me... already... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/13/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/13/translation.txt index cea17757b5..7cc571b805 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/13/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/13/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「デート!? うん、しよう!」=A date!? Yeah, for sure! +「デート!? うん、しよう!」=A date!? Yeah, for sure! 「良かった。形式的な事とか、好きじゃないかと思ってたから」=Great. For a moment there, I was thinking that you wouldn't be into this sort of icky formal stuff. 「こ、恋人……なんだから当然だろ! デート!」=W-We're lovers... so of course I'm into it! Let's do it! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/14/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/14/translation.txt index 6a9595fcb4..4ef93f04ac 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/14/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/14/translation.txt @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@ - -「あ……おはようさん! えっと……見てわかると思うが。腕枕、借りてるよ」=Ah... morning! Erhm... you can tell just by looking but, uh, I've borrowed your arm. As my pillow. +「あ……おはようさん! えっと……見てわかると思うが。腕枕、借りてるよ」=Ah... morning! Erhm... you can tell just by looking but, uh, I've borrowed your arm. As my pillow. 「はぁ~これ。憧れの腕枕だよなぁ……これって」=Haa~, this is it. This is what it feels like... to use someone's arm as a pillow. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/15/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/15/translation.txt index 37d76ff020..38a591d8fc 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/15/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/15/translation.txt @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@ - -「フー……、シャワー気持ちよかったぞ、サンキュ!」=Fuu... that shower felt great, thanks! +「フー……、シャワー気持ちよかったぞ、サンキュ!」=Fuu... that shower felt great, thanks! 「な、なんだ?! あ、あんまり見ないでくれ。また変な気分になる!」=W-What?! D-Don't stare so much. I'll get into that mood again! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/16/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/16/translation.txt index 377d2c9db1..219a33c8ef 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/16/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/16/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -(ん? 昨日はあの後すぐ寝ちゃったのか、……っていうか、何だか下半身がムズムズして……)=(Hm? Must have fallen asleep right after we did the deed. ...Hmm, my crotch feels kinda weird...) +(ん? 昨日はあの後すぐ寝ちゃったのか、……っていうか、何だか下半身がムズムズして……)=(Hm? Must have fallen asleep right after we did the deed. ...Hmm, my crotch feels kinda weird...) 「って、うおっ!?」=Wuh--, Uwoh--!? 「……ん? おはよう……朝からこんなにして、元気だな!」=...Nn? Morning... Getting so hard this early in the morning, you sure are a healthy guy! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/17/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/17/translation.txt index 65e50355b3..08563ea6ee 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/17/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/17/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「んーっ、よく寝た。……あれ? メモがある。なになに――」=Mmm, I slept well. ...Oh? There's a letter. Let's see-- +「んーっ、よく寝た。……あれ? メモがある。なになに――」=Mmm, I slept well. ...Oh? There's a letter. Let's see-- 『おはよう! よく眠れたか? 今日は先にでるぞ』=Morning! Slept well? I gotta leave early today. 『昨晩は[P]、なんか凄かったよな。私もなんかこう、負けてられない』=You were kinda amazing last night, [P]. No way in hell I'm losing though. 『今度は一緒に出ようぜ! すき。だよ』=Let's head out together next time! Love. From me. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/18/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/18/translation.txt index cef34f5761..905f11f978 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/18/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/18/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「おーす! 今日は良い天気だな!」=Yo! Great weather today, ain't it! +「おーす! 今日は良い天気だな!」=Yo! Great weather today, ain't it! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/19/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/19/translation.txt index 84126da99c..ddde5a392f 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/19/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/19/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「よっ! ちょっと肩こってないか? どれ……そうでもないか! はは!」=Yo--! Got stiff shoulders? Lemme have a look... Guess not! Haha! +「よっ! ちょっと肩こってないか? どれ……そうでもないか! はは!」=Yo--! Got stiff shoulders? Lemme have a look... Guess not! Haha! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/2/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/2/translation.txt index 1bcda9492f..cf53acef1f 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/2/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/2/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「あはは。お前って面白い奴なんだな!」=Ahaha. You sure are an interesting guy! +「あはは。お前って面白い奴なんだな!」=Ahaha. You sure are an interesting guy! 「俺もきみとは、なんかこう気楽に話せる感じがするよ」=Thanks. I feel like I can loosen up around you too. 「む、それって私を女として見てないってことじゃないか?」=Mmph, doesn't that mean you don't see me as a woman? 「い、いや、そんなことは……」=N-No, that's not what I--... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/20/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/20/translation.txt index 75628225a9..08c21f0ca2 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/20/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/20/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「[P]、おはよーう。今日も楽しくいこう! 肩組んじゃうぜ!」=[P], morning. Let's have fun today too! Put your arm my shoulder! +「[P]、おはよーう。今日も楽しくいこう! 肩組んじゃうぜ!」=[P], morning. Let's have fun today too! Put your arm my shoulder! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/21/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/21/translation.txt index 3df5415fa7..271f5c494e 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/21/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/21/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「おーす! ほら、急ごうぜ!」=Sup! Come on, we gotta hurry! +「おーす! ほら、急ごうぜ!」=Sup! Come on, we gotta hurry! 「そうだね。って、押さなくても歩けるって」=You're right. Though, I can walk without you pushing me on, you know? 「ん? なんか昨日よりも筋肉ついたか?」=Hm? Did you put on some muscle since yesterday? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/3/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/3/translation.txt index 1402af3b6e..d156d663b4 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/3/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/3/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「おう! いいぜ、帰ろう帰ろう!」=Oh! Sure, let's go, let's walk home together! +「おう! いいぜ、帰ろう帰ろう!」=Oh! Sure, let's go, let's walk home together! 「ありがとな、ひとりじゃなんか嫌でさ」=Thanks mate, walking home alone is kinda a drag. 「気にするな! ……って、あれ? ふたりっきりで歩くなんて、これって……?」=Don't mention it! ...huh. Huh? Just the two of us, walking together, is this a...? 「ん? なんか言った?」=Hm? You say something? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/4/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/4/translation.txt index 81550aa577..ec7a919e12 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/4/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/4/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「勉強……一緒に勉強かぁ! こういうのって良いよな~!」=Studying... studying together, huh! Sounds nice~! +「勉強……一緒に勉強かぁ! こういうのって良いよな~!」=Studying... studying together, huh! Sounds nice~! 「お互いに得意科目を補えるからね」=We can cover for each other's weak points, and all. 「そ、そうだな……! ね、念のために言っておくけど、変なことはするなよな?」=Y-Yeah...! Hey, I'll say this just in case but uh, don't pull any weird stuff, aight? 「変なことってなんだよ?」=What do you mean by weird stuff? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/41/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/41/translation.txt index f5fc088088..6ce73c9d17 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/41/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/41/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「うわっ! だめじゃないか、こんなところに入ってきちゃ! 早くでてけよ!」=Uwah--! You shouldn't be in here! Beat it! +「うわっ! だめじゃないか、こんなところに入ってきちゃ! 早くでてけよ!」=Uwah--! You shouldn't be in here! Beat it! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/42/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/42/translation.txt index 2098e3d85b..a2f3efd3ee 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/42/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/42/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「こら! ここは女子専用だぞ! さっさと出てけー!」=Hey! This place is for girls only! Make like a tree and leave! +「こら! ここは女子専用だぞ! さっさと出てけー!」=Hey! This place is for girls only! Make like a tree and leave! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/43/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/43/translation.txt index 3ab0d33f51..a449e22091 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/43/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/43/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「うわっ! お前……そんなに私の事が知りたいのか?」=Uwah--! You... You wanna know more about me that badly? +「うわっ! お前……そんなに私の事が知りたいのか?」=Uwah--! You... You wanna know more about me that badly? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/44/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/44/translation.txt index 08d9c2bbd7..dd3e39016b 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/44/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/44/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「へえ、色々あるんだね」=Huh. There's quite the variety. +「へえ、色々あるんだね」=Huh. There's quite the variety. 「おっ、カフェだ。入ってみないか?」=Oh--, there's a cafe. Wanna check it out? 「うん、いいよ」=Yeah, sure. 「良い雰囲気の店だったな。その……また行こうぜ!」=Place sure had a nice atmosphere. Uhm... Let's come again! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/45/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/45/translation.txt index 6d200fc5d4..d8bd13fe3e 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/45/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/45/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「私、今すごく幸せだ……もっと、抱きしめて欲しい」=I'm genuinely really happy right now... hug me tighter. +「私、今すごく幸せだ……もっと、抱きしめて欲しい」=I'm genuinely really happy right now... hug me tighter. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/46/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/46/translation.txt index 3a9750d70c..a54dd9869b 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/46/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/46/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「な、なあ……私って変じゃなかったか? 最後、なんか自分の身体じゃないような……」=L-Listen... I wasn't weird, was I? It really didn't feel like I was in control near the end there... +「な、なあ……私って変じゃなかったか? 最後、なんか自分の身体じゃないような……」=L-Listen... I wasn't weird, was I? It really didn't feel like I was in control near the end there... 「変と言うか、カワイイ声だしてたよ」=Rather than weird, your moans were really cute. 「ばっ、バカ! ……ほんとか? 可愛かった……か?」=D-Dummy!... Really? Were they... cute? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/47/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/47/translation.txt index d91851e1b7..a2a79c7a8a 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/47/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/47/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「私ばっかり気持ちよくなって、なんか悪いな。お前はその……上手だよ……」=Man, I feel kinda bad for just wallowing in the pleasure like that. You're, uhm... really good... +「私ばっかり気持ちよくなって、なんか悪いな。お前はその……上手だよ……」=Man, I feel kinda bad for just wallowing in the pleasure like that. You're, uhm... really good... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/48/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/48/translation.txt index de443cb68a..656889c694 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/48/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/48/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「私はもうダメだ! こんな気持ちいい事を知ったら……もっとしたくなるじゃないか!」=I'm just a hopeless case at this point! How am I supposed to stop myself from doing it... when it feels so good! +「私はもうダメだ! こんな気持ちいい事を知ったら……もっとしたくなるじゃないか!」=I'm just a hopeless case at this point! How am I supposed to stop myself from doing it... when it feels so good! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/49/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/49/translation.txt index 7587710653..0a568d5c6f 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/49/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/49/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「ハァ、ハァ……腰がしびれて……言うことを聞かない……よ」=Haa, haa... my hips, they've gone numb... they won't move as I... want them to. +「ハァ、ハァ……腰がしびれて……言うことを聞かない……よ」=Haa, haa... my hips, they've gone numb... they won't move as I... want them to. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/5/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/5/translation.txt index 4b35a699b2..c974ba2a75 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/5/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/5/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「お、おう! 私もちょうど運動したかったんだ!」=S-Sure! I was just feeling like getting a workout myself! +「お、おう! 私もちょうど運動したかったんだ!」=S-Sure! I was just feeling like getting a workout myself! 「な、なんか嬉しそうだな。それで、なにかしたいスポーツとかあるか?」=Y-You sure look happy about it. So then, is there any sport in particular you wanna do? 「そうだなー……私はお前と運動出来ればなんでも……じゃない! お前が得意なスポーツでいいぞ!」=Let's see... well, as long as I can get a workout with you I don't particularly... No, ignore that last one! Any sport you're good at will be fine! 「そ、そうか……じゃあ、お言葉に甘えて……」=I-I see... then, I'll take you up on that... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/50/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/50/translation.txt index fee51be0b6..71f10f726c 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/50/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/50/translation.txt @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@ - -「[P]とより深く繋がった気がするんだ」=I feel like we've gotten even closer together, [P]. +「[P]とより深く繋がった気がするんだ」=I feel like we've gotten even closer together, [P]. 「もっともっと、二人でその……あ、愛し合いたいな!」=I wanna, uhm, you know... m-make lots more love with you! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/51/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/51/translation.txt index ac2d83e32a..4c9bd0467f 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/51/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/51/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「どうした? 私はまだまだ……いやもっと、できるぞ?」=What's the matter? I'm still not--... no, I can still keep going, you know? +「どうした? 私はまだまだ……いやもっと、できるぞ?」=What's the matter? I'm still not--... no, I can still keep going, you know? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/52/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/52/translation.txt index ad10d8bbe2..da67d95ee2 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/52/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/52/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「むぅ……もう終わりか? まぁ、調子が悪いとかあるんだろうけどさ……次は頼むぜ?」=Muu... We done already? Well, I'm sure you just don't feel all that good today but... I expect your A game next time, aight? +「むぅ……もう終わりか? まぁ、調子が悪いとかあるんだろうけどさ……次は頼むぜ?」=Muu... We done already? Well, I'm sure you just don't feel all that good today but... I expect your A game next time, aight? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/53/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/53/translation.txt index d8246b0954..d3cdc9946f 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/53/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/53/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「な、何か足りなかったか? 私、もっと動いたりした方が良いのか?」=W-Was I doing it wrong somehow? Should I have moved on my own volition more? +「な、何か足りなかったか? 私、もっと動いたりした方が良いのか?」=W-Was I doing it wrong somehow? Should I have moved on my own volition more? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/54/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/54/translation.txt index b02e331440..04c320c8f6 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/54/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/54/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「誰かに見つかったらどうするんだよ! き、嫌いじゃないけど!」=What'll you do if someone sees us! N-Not to say I hate it though! +「誰かに見つかったらどうするんだよ! き、嫌いじゃないけど!」=What'll you do if someone sees us! N-Not to say I hate it though! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/55/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/55/translation.txt index 9707b8c954..340cec4288 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/55/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/55/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「ハァ、ハァ……なんかいつもより私、感じてる……ち、ちょっとだけだぞ!」=Haa, haa... I'm feeling more pleasure today, than usual... J-Just a little bit more, alright!? +「ハァ、ハァ……なんかいつもより私、感じてる……ち、ちょっとだけだぞ!」=Haa, haa... I'm feeling more pleasure today, than usual... J-Just a little bit more, alright!? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/56/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/56/translation.txt index 07be20d9fd..e280b90fce 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/56/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/56/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「え?! 私なんかしちゃった?! 嫌われることした?!」=Eh!? Did I do something wrong!? Did I do something you hate?! +「え?! 私なんかしちゃった?! 嫌われることした?!」=Eh!? Did I do something wrong!? Did I do something you hate?! 「いや……そうじゃないんだ。しばらく距離を置こうというか……」=No... That's not it. I just think we should maintain our distance for a bit... 「な、なんで。もっといっぱい恋したいのに……いやだよ」=W-Why? I want to love you so much more... I don't want this. 「ごめん、[H]」=Sorry, [H]. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/57/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/57/translation.txt index e14498776a..f07e8fa210 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/57/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/57/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「やっぱりデートと言えば公園。だよな!?」=Man, when you think of a date, it's gotta be at the park. Don't you think!? +「やっぱりデートと言えば公園。だよな!?」=Man, when you think of a date, it's gotta be at the park. Don't you think!? 「あはは……お約束と言えば、そうかもね」=Ahaha... as far as cliches go, yeah. 「む……お約束は嫌か? 私らはまだデート初心者なんだぞ?」=Mmph... you hate cliches? We're still beginners at this dating thing, you know? 「嫌なわけないだろ、きみとならどこだって楽しいさ」=Nah, not to say I hate it. When I'm with you, I can enjoy myself just about anywhere. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/58/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/58/translation.txt index 19ccc2bfd2..531e5f3cd2 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/58/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/58/translation.txt @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ - -「ほら、見てみろよ。あっちにもカップルがいるぞ。あっ……腕、組んでる……いいなぁ」=Hey, look at this. There's a couple over there too. Ah--... they're walking arm in arm... must be nice. -「ほら、見てないで俺たちも行こう。……腕、組むか?」=Don't stand and watch, we should go too. ...Wanna link arms? +「ほら、見てみろよ。あっちにもカップルがいるぞ。あっ……腕、組んでる……いいなぁ」=Hey, look at this. There's a couple over there too. Ah--... they're walking arm in arm... must be nice. +「ほら、見てないで俺たちも行こう。……腕、組むか?」=Don't stand and watch, we should go too. ......Wanna link arms? 「……手なら、いいぞ」=...I don't mind holding hands. 「さっきから大人しいけど、具合でもわるい?」=You've been pretty quiet for a while now, you feel alright? 「ち、ちがう! お前って、見かけより手が硬い。やっぱ男子だよなあ……って」=T-That's not it! Your hand, it's much more solid than it looks. It's so manly... wuh, ignore that. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/59/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/59/translation.txt index edd2e9a406..4c9c6b90d2 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/59/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/59/translation.txt @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@ - -「今日は色々、ありがと! 楽しかった。……あ、あのな、そのぉ……」=Thanks for everything today! I had a blast. ...H-Hey, listen... +「今日は色々、ありがと! 楽しかった。……あ、あのな、そのぉ……」=Thanks for everything today! I had a blast. ...H-Hey, listen... 「次はもっとさ……おしゃれな恰好とかしてみたいんだ……また付き合ってくれよな? ……それじゃ、またな」=Next time, you know... I'm gonna try dressing up a lot better so... ask me out again, alright? ...Well then, see ya. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/6/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/6/translation.txt index fc52b5e4cf..103ad3f3d0 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/6/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/6/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「いいぞ。でもどこに行くんだ?」=Sure. But where are we going? +「いいぞ。でもどこに行くんだ?」=Sure. But where are we going? 「ちょっと二人になりたいんだ」=Somewhere we can be alone together. 「なんだよ改まって。相談事ならいつでも聞くぞ」=No need to stand on ceremony with me, you know? If you need to ask me something, I'm always all ears. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/60/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/60/translation.txt index be58e6a499..5ae40229fd 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/60/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/60/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「いや~こうして出掛けるのも良いもんだ! また誘ってくれよな!」=Man, it's nice to get out like this every so often! Invite me out again sometime! +「いや~こうして出掛けるのも良いもんだ! また誘ってくれよな!」=Man, it's nice to get out like this every so often! Invite me out again sometime! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/63/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/63/translation.txt index a0aa47c76b..fc5832ad73 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/63/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/63/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「こ、これが男子の部屋か……エロ本とか、あるんだよな?」=S-So this is a boy's room, huh... You've got porn mags hidden somewhere around here, don't you? +「こ、これが男子の部屋か……エロ本とか、あるんだよな?」=S-So this is a boy's room, huh... You've got porn mags hidden somewhere around here, don't you? 「……なあ、いつもどんなエロ本読んでるんだ?」=...Hey, so what kind of porn do you tend to read anyway? 「やっぱりそのエロ本に出てくる登場人物は……私に似てたりするのか?」=Do the girls that show up in those mags... look like me? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/64/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/64/translation.txt index a8a69c5302..0cd52e4684 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/64/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/64/translation.txt @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@ - -「へへっ……ただいまー。なんてな」=Hehe--... I'm home. Heh. Kidding. +「へへっ……ただいまー。なんてな」=Hehe--... I'm home. Heh. Kidding. 「って……ベッドの上でやる気満々じゃねぇか。……まぁ、私も人の事は言えないんだけど……な」=...And you're just raring to go at it, aren't you? ...Well, I guess I'm not one to talk... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/65/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/65/translation.txt index ef13bf3a80..3ca8b9f49a 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/65/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/65/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「せっかくだし、少し寄り道していかない?」=Since we're doing this anyway, wanna take the scenic route? +「せっかくだし、少し寄り道していかない?」=Since we're doing this anyway, wanna take the scenic route? 「ああ、別に構わないぜ」=Yeah, I don't really mind. 「街の方にでもいくか? あそこなら大体何でもあるしな」=Wanna hit up downtown? There should be all sorts of places there. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/66/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/66/translation.txt index e303287dc2..f766c6ef6a 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/66/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/66/translation.txt @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ - -「遅かったね。ん? それ何?」=You sure took your time. Hm? What's that? +「遅かったね。ん? それ何?」=You sure took your time. Hm? What's that? 「いや、ま~た下駄箱に手紙がさぁ……」=Well, someone stuffed a letter in my shoebox again, you see... 「ラブレターってやつ?」=A love letter? -「ち、ちがうよ! 今度のは『妹にしてください』とかいう奴だよ!」="N-No, not at all! This time it's more of a Please let me be your little sister deal!""" +「ち、ちがうよ! 今度のは『妹にしてください』とかいう奴だよ!」=N-No, not at all! This time it's more of a "Please let me be your little sister" deal! 「そ、そう……相変わらず人気あるね」=I-I see... You're as popular as ever. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/67/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/67/translation.txt index 021bed619a..8cdecba432 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/67/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/67/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「ところで、手……つながないか?」=By the way, wanna... hold hands? +「ところで、手……つながないか?」=By the way, wanna... hold hands? 「どうした? あらたまって……いいよ。ほら貸して」=What's the matter, being all formal and stuff... But sure. Come on, give it here. 「は、肌が触れ合うって感じ、良いよな……」=F-Feels pretty nice, to touch each other's skin like this, doesn't it... 「ああ。[H]の熱が伝わってくるよ」=Yeah. I can feel your warmth, [H]. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/68/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/68/translation.txt index a0d43af565..d17b450b85 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/68/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/68/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「それじゃ、また学園で」=Well then, see you at school. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/69/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/69/translation.txt index 698306cccd..471d1c42d3 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/69/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/69/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「じゃあ、とりあえず何から始めようか?」=Well then, what should we start with? +「じゃあ、とりあえず何から始めようか?」=Well then, what should we start with? 「うーん、そうだなぁ。腕相撲でもするか!」=Hmm, good question. Let's have a bout of arm wrestling! 「あのな……今日は勉強、だったよな?」=You know... we're meant to be studying today, no? 「頭の血流アップにちょうど良いんだぜ、これ。ほらほら、お前も腕まくりしよう!」=It helps to get the blood pumping first. Come on, roll up your sleeves! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/7/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/7/translation.txt index fae1e49926..d1ef73d113 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/7/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/7/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「そ、それってつまり……、こっ、恋人というか、その……あれか?」=B-By that, uh... you mean, uh,... a co--, couple? +「そ、それってつまり……、こっ、恋人というか、その……あれか?」=B-By that, uh... you mean, uh,... a co--, couple? 「うん。その“あれ”だよ。俺と付き合ってほしいんだ」=Yeah. I do mean a couple. Go out with me. 「……お、お前は私でいいのか……? 私ってほら、この通り女っぽくないし……」=...A-Are you really fine with me...? I mean, as you know, I'm not all that girly and stuff... 「……嫌なのか? 真剣に答えてくれ」=...Do you hate the idea of it? Hit me with your honest feelings. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/70/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/70/translation.txt index 76b013a341..dcd634e4c0 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/70/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/70/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「なあ、化学記号ってなんか、やらしいよな?」=Hey, these chemical symbols are pretty lewd, don't you think? +「なあ、化学記号ってなんか、やらしいよな?」=Hey, these chemical symbols are pretty lewd, don't you think? 「え、そうか? ただの記号にしか見えないけど」=Eh, really? I can't see them as anything but just chemical symbols though. 「これなんて、男女が上下逆にくっついて、クルクル回ってる感じで……」=Like, look at this one, doesn't it look like a guy and girl doing the 69... 「……集中しようぜ」=...Let's focus on the work. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/71/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/71/translation.txt index a27782fc4a..91c6303879 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/71/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/71/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「……」=... +「……」=... 「やけに静かになったな、[H]」=You've become awfully quiet, [H]. 「ああ……少しは真面目にやらないと、本当に怒られちゃうからな」=Yeah... Thought I'd become atleast a little bit serious, before I make you pop a vein. 「うん。でさ、机の下で足がその、俺の足に乗ってるのは、なぜかな?」=Yeah. So then, uh, why've you got your feet on top of mine, under the desk? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/72/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/72/translation.txt index 6e69fdb8d9..68eb0b99e2 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/72/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/72/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「やっぱ、協力するって良いよな! サンキュ」=Jolly co-operation really is the best! Thanks. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/73/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/73/translation.txt index eb812160ff..f5bc5fb0e9 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/73/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/73/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「おつかれ! でさ……ちょっとはその、男女っぽい展開は……無いのか?」=Good work! So then... are we uh, not gonna any of the... romantic character development? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/74/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/74/translation.txt index 6551f0c7d6..c73b2feafe 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/74/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/74/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「じゃ、先にやるぞ。……はっ! と」=Then, I'll go first. ...Hah--! There. +「じゃ、先にやるぞ。……はっ! と」=Then, I'll go first. ...Hah--! There. 「凄っ! めっちゃ高く飛んでたよ」=Amazing--! That flew real far. 「いやぁ~、昔からこういうのは得意でさ」=Heh~, I've always been good at this sort of stuff. 「どんなスポーツでも、どんとこいって感じだな」=Feels like you could take on just about any sport head on. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/75/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/75/translation.txt index a3a689c0e1..ed26102780 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/75/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/75/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「どうした? 顔がその……とろけてるぞ?」=What's up? You look kinda... spaced out. +「どうした? 顔がその……とろけてるぞ?」=What's up? You look kinda... spaced out. 「私さ、走ってると途中で、頭がボヤっとしてくるんだ」=My head kinda goes blank, whenever I've been running for a while. -「ランナーズハイって、やつか?」="Is it the so called Runner's High?""" +「ランナーズハイって、やつか?」=Is it the so called "Runner's High"? 「うん。これってスッゴイ、気持ちいいんだぞ? お前もしようぜ? ハァ、ハァ」=Yah. It feels amazingly good, you know? You ought to try it too. Haa, haa. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/76/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/76/translation.txt index 11361f3987..d6605b77e1 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/76/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/76/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「結構入念にストレッチするんだな~」=You sure do go all in with your stretches, don't you~ +「結構入念にストレッチするんだな~」=You sure do go all in with your stretches, don't you~ 「うぐぐ……ちょっと背中、もう少し押してくれないか?」=Uguguh... Push my back a bit harder, will you? 「こ、これ以上開脚するの? 大丈夫か?」=Y-You're gonna open your legs even wider? You sure? 「あ、あんま見るなよ? ……ち、ちょっとしか、見るなよな……」=D-Don't stare too much, aight? ...J-Just a little bit, not too much... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/77/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/77/translation.txt index 979a55d48c..e89c19a238 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/77/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/77/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「やっぱ男子は違うよな! またやろうぜっ」=Man, it really hits different to do it with a guy! Let's do it again sometime-- diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/78/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/78/translation.txt index 510cca2036..4f0e7d88d7 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/78/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/78/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「私の身体に、興味わいてきたか? なーんて……」=Gotten interested in my body yet? Kidding... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/79/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/79/translation.txt index 7927094f4f..e5d0b5d667 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/79/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/79/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「さっ、メシメシ~。今日はなに食べる?」=Now then--, time for some grub~. Whatcha going for today? +「さっ、メシメシ~。今日はなに食べる?」=Now then--, time for some grub~. Whatcha going for today? 「ここって結構、色々あるんだよな。迷うね」=This place has quite the variety, doesn't it? I'm not sure. 「おー、迷ったら肉じゃないか? 男子と言えば肉、筋肉と言えば男子。だろ?」=Oh, well, when in doubt, go for meat, no? A man's gotta be manly, and have manly muscles. No? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/8/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/8/translation.txt index b7e1929f3d..c2b18f52ff 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/8/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/8/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「な、なにぃー?! え、エッチって……あのエッチのこと、だよな……?」」=W-What--?! B-By sex... you mean that sort of thing, right...? +「な、なにぃー?! え、エッチって……あのエッチのこと、だよな……?」」=W-What--?! B-By sex... you mean that sort of thing, right...? 「うん。どうしてもきみと……してみたいんだ」=Yeah. I really wanna... try doing it with you. 「け、けど……心の準備もあるし……いや、私なら体力に自信もあるし、きっとお前が満足するような……」=B-But... my heart's not ready... no, I do have confidence in my stamina, I'm sure I could satisfy you... 「わ、わかった! Hをしよう!」=G-Got it! Let's have sex! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/80/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/80/translation.txt index 1d6c19e7f7..3d35a94ed8 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/80/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/80/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「こうやって机を並べて食べるのって、その、アレみたいだよな」=Lining up our desks and eating lunch together like this, it has that sort of feeling to it, don't you think? +「こうやって机を並べて食べるのって、その、アレみたいだよな」=Lining up our desks and eating lunch together like this, it has that sort of feeling to it, don't you think? 「んー? ワイワイやって楽しいよな」=Hm? Yeah, it's pretty fun. 「じゃなくて! アレ! 男女が向かい合って食事してるんだから、その」=That's not what I mean! You know, 'that'! Two people, eating lunch together, facing each other, you know, that sort of thing. 「あー! 給食!」=Ah! Like a school meal service! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/81/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/81/translation.txt index 8b8e50192b..1187e6a684 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/81/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/81/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「ん~いい風。やっぱランチは屋上に限るなあ」=Nnn~, such a nice wind. You really gotta have lunch at the rooftop afterall. +「ん~いい風。やっぱランチは屋上に限るなあ」=Nnn~, such a nice wind. You really gotta have lunch at the rooftop afterall. 「へ~、天気が良いと、結構人が出るんだな。知らなかったよ」=Heh~, lots of people show up when the weather's good, huh. I had no idea. 「ちょっと[P]、他の子より私を見ろよな~」=Hey, [P], keep your eyes on me rather than the other girls, alright~? 「ああ、ゴメンな。別に女の子を見てたわけじゃないんだ」=Ah, my bad. It's not like I was trying to look at other girls. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/82/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/82/translation.txt index 8cced18942..76731f16fe 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/82/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/82/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「は~、くったぁ~。ちょっと腹ごなしに、肩もんでやるぞ!」=Hah~, I'm stuffed~. Here, I'll give you a shoulder rub, it'll help with digestion! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/83/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/83/translation.txt index cda72d4dc2..0cb1356b62 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/83/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/83/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「もうこんな時間かあ。……次も、一緒に食べような!」=Already over, huh. ...Let's eat lunch together next time too! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/84/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/84/translation.txt index debdb63db7..9a6236126a 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/84/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/84/translation.txt @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ - -「へ~、ここがコイカツ部か。つまり恋の勉強をする……のか?」=Heh~, so this is the Koikatsu club, huh. So basically, you study... romance, here? +「へ~、ここがコイカツ部か。つまり恋の勉強をする……のか?」=Heh~, so this is the Koikatsu club, huh. So basically, you study... romance, here? 「まあ、そうだね」=Yeah, basically. -「んで、どんなことするんだ?」="So then, what sort of stuff counts as romance?""" +「んで、どんなことするんだ?」=So then, what sort of stuff counts as "romance"? 「そうだなぁ……例えばこれ。最近流行りの、壁ドン!」=Good question... For example, pushing someone against the wall, like this! Pretty popular these days. 「……ちょ、ちょっと……ハハ。ほ、他には?」=...H-Hey, come on... Haha. W-What else you got? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/85/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/85/translation.txt index 8c9720a8ed..e64bd53a4b 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/85/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/85/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「今日は上級編だ! 一つのグラスから二本のストローで、一緒に飲むぞ!」=Time for some of the more advanced stuff! We're gonna drink together from the same glass, using 2 straws! +「今日は上級編だ! 一つのグラスから二本のストローで、一緒に飲むぞ!」=Time for some of the more advanced stuff! We're gonna drink together from the same glass, using 2 straws! 「なるほど。こうやって顔が近いと、相手の気持ちが良くわかる気がするな」=I see, good idea. Our faces are gonna be real close like this, it'll be way easier to tell exactly how the other person's feeling. 「上級編だから、手も握ったりするんだろ? こうやって……」=And since this is supposed to be the more advanced stuff, we gotta hold each others' hands too, no? Like so... 「ぶはっ! ちょ、指を絡ませて、どういうつもりだ?!」=*cough*! Wai--, why do you need to wrap your fingers around mine like that?! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/86/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/86/translation.txt index aad104ba15..b8b3426b3e 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/86/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/86/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「な、なあ……一歩も動けない……ぞ」=H-Hey... I can't move like this... you know? +「な、なあ……一歩も動けない……ぞ」=H-Hey... I can't move like this... you know? 「ははは。目隠ししてると、感覚が鋭くなるだろう?」=Hahaha. Your other senses are becoming sharper, now that you've got a blindfold on, right? 「ちょ、まって! [P]はどこにいるんだ?」=Wai--, stop! Where are you, [P]? 「暗闇でも相手を感じるための訓練。まさに究極のコイカツだよ」=This is training, for you to be able to find your partner even in the darkness. Truly, the ultimate love-activity. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/87/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/87/translation.txt index 1c297cd171..06fdc4795c 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/87/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/87/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「ま、まあ……恋愛の事、分かってきた気がするぞ」=W-Well... I feel like I'm starting to understand, what this romance thing is about. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/88/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/88/translation.txt index 713fe6c9ff..3c77899646 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/88/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/88/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「なんかモンモンするぞ……またな」=I feel kinda horny... see ya. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/89/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/89/translation.txt index 5da9eb19f5..884f935a7b 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/89/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/89/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「いきなりだけど、頼みがあるんだ!」=I know it's completely out of the blue but, I have a request! +「いきなりだけど、頼みがあるんだ!」=I know it's completely out of the blue but, I have a request! 「お、おう、どうしたんだよ? 私に出来ることならなんでもするぜ!」=S-Sure, what's up? If it's something I can do then I'll definitely do it! 「俺のこと、愛称で呼んで欲しいんだ!」=I want you to call me by a nickname! 「なんだ、そんなことかよ……深刻そうな顔してるから、もっとヤバいことかと」=What, is that it?... Looking at your grave expression, I thought it was something more serious. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/9/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/9/translation.txt index 88f4947622..61e6afebd0 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/9/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/9/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「ん? ああいいよ。デートだろ? そんぐらいオッケー……って、デートぉ?! あのデートをしたいのか!? わ、私と!」="Hm? Ah, sure. Just a date, right? I don't mind, yeah... wait, a date--?! You mean a date date!? W-With me?!""" +「ん? ああいいよ。デートだろ? そんぐらいオッケー……って、デートぉ?! あのデートをしたいのか!? わ、私と!」=Hm? Ah, sure. Just a date, right? I don't mind, yeah... wait, a date--?! You mean a "date" date!? W-With me?! 「ああ。こういうのは正式に申し込みたかったからさ」=Yeah. I wanted to do atleast this seriously. 「もちろん良いよ! 私とお前の仲だもんな! あはは!」=Of course I'm all for it! We're chums, afterall! Ahaha! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/90/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/90/translation.txt index b8fcc18b79..cda6dfea16 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/90/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/90/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「なあ、愛称ほしい」=Hey, I want a nickname. +「なあ、愛称ほしい」=Hey, I want a nickname. 「……急だね」=...That's a bit sudden. 「だって普通恋人同士は愛称で呼ぶもんだろ!? 私の知ってるドラマや漫画は全部そうだ!」=I mean, couples normally call each other by nicknames, don't they!? All the ones in the manga I read or the TV dramas I watch do that! 「まあ、確かにそうかもね。じゃあちょっとお互いの愛称を考えてみよっか」=Well, that might be true, yeah. Then, wanna think about nicknames for each other for a bit? @@ -9,6 +8,6 @@ 「いいよ。なんかいざ呼ぶとなると、ちょっと緊張するかも」=Sure. Now that we're actually about to do it, I feel a bit tense. 「お、思っても口にするな……。えっと……[Pあだ名]」=E-Even if you feel that way, don't say it out loud... Erhm... [Pあだ名]. 「[Hあだ名]」=[Hあだ名]. -「……ん、なんか想像より照れくさいけど、いいもんだな。また呼んでみてもいいか?」=...T-That was way more embarrassing than I thought it'd be, but it felt nice. Can I call you that again sometime? +「……ん、なんか想像より照れくさいけど、いいもんだな。また呼んでみてもいいか?」=......T-That was way more embarrassing than I thought it'd be, but it felt nice. Can I call you that again sometime? 「あれ? これから、ずっと愛称で呼ぶわけじゃないの?」=Huh? We're not calling that each other from now on by default? 「そ、それは……私にはまだ早い。もっと段階を踏んでからだな、うん」=T-That's... that's still too fast for me. I'd like to get used to it step-by-step, step-by-step. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/91/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/91/translation.txt index 0da6d226b6..c0942bba23 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/91/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/91/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「えっと……おはよう! [Pあだ名]」=Erhm... Morning! [Pあだ名] +「えっと……おはよう! [Pあだ名]」=Erhm... Morning! [Pあだ名] 「おはよう、[Hあだ名]」=Morning, [Hあだ名] 「朝の挨拶らしく元気よく呼んでみたが……少し恥ずかしさが薄れた気が……する」=I tried using it as a morning greeting as a test and... it feels a bit less embarrassing... now. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/92/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/92/translation.txt index 9360be41e6..3205d965b7 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/92/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/92/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「えっと、付き合ってくれてさんきゅな!」=Erhm, thanks for going along with me! +「えっと、付き合ってくれてさんきゅな!」=Erhm, thanks for going along with me! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/94/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/94/translation.txt index df2be8a29f..70d5f71492 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/94/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/94/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「すぅ……すぅ……ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... +「すぅ……すぅ……ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... (ん、んん……何だか下半身に違和感が……?)=(Nn, nnn... my crotch feels kinda weird...?) 「…………」=... 「えっ、何して……っ、うあっ!」=Eh--, what are you...--, uwah--! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/95/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/95/translation.txt index 53cd1caea2..54807716ed 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/95/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/95/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「すぅ……すぅ…………ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... +「すぅ……すぅ…………ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... (んぅ……すごく気持ちいいような……いったい、何が……?)=(Nn... Something feels really good... just, what is it...?) 「…………」=... 「って……え? え?」=Wuh... Eh? Eh? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/96/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/96/translation.txt index fdcfc236ce..f12762d609 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/96/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/96/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「すぅ……すぅ……ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... +「すぅ……すぅ……ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... (んぅ……ん……なんか、下半身に違和感が……?)=(Nnn... nnn... there's this weird sensation, near my crotch...?) 「…………」=... 「って……え? え?」=Wuh... Eh? Eh? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/97/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/97/translation.txt index 405e5abe78..7d80e11dc3 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/97/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c07/30/97/translation.txt @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ - -「すぅ……すぅ…………ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... +「すぅ……すぅ…………ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... (んぅ……ん……なにか、やわらかいものが……あたって……?)=(Nnn... nnn... I feel something... real soft...?) 「…………」=... -「……って、え? え?」=...wuh, eh? eh? +「……って、え? え?」=......wuh, eh? eh? 「おはようさん。おっぱいで起こされた気分はどうだ?」=Morning. How does it feel to be woken up by my boobs? 「えっと……いい気分?」=Erhm... good, I guess? 「へへっ、そっか。気持ちいいならよかったぜ」=Hehe--, I see. Glad to hear that. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/12/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/12/translation.txt index 7404909682..4bf0be5ce0 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/12/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/12/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -「……その……実は、あなたと出会ったときから、この瞬間をずっと……ずっと待ち望んでいました……」=...Uhm... the truth is, I've been waiting for this moment, ever since I met you... waiting, for so long... +「……その……実は、あなたと出会ったときから、この瞬間をずっと……ずっと待ち望んでいました……」=......Uhm... the truth is, I've been waiting for this moment, ever since I met you... waiting, for so long... 「じゃあ……」=Then... 「はい♡ 生まれたときからあなたのためにとっておいた『はじめて』を、も、もら、もらっ……」=Yes♡ The virginity that I've held onto for you, ever since the day I was born, p-p-plea--... 「はうっ、昨日ずっと練習していたのに、緊張しすぎて噛んじゃいました……も、もらってくださーい!」=Hauu--, I was practicing for this moment the whole day yesterday too, but I tripped up on the important moment... P-Please take my virginity! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/5/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/5/translation.txt index d6a878bafb..6e6b63aea7 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/5/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/5/translation.txt @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -「もしかして、好き合っている男女が二人っきりでする『運動♡』のことですか?」="By any chance, are you talking about the sort of exercise♡" a loving couple in a healthy relationship often does?"" +「もしかして、好き合っている男女が二人っきりでする『運動♡』のことですか?」=By any chance, are you talking about the sort of "exercise♡" a loving couple in a healthy relationship often does? 「え? あっ、そうじゃなくて! 普通に身体を動かそうってことだよ!」=Eh? Ah--, not that! I just meant a normal workout! 「え……私ったら、なんて早とちりを♡ ごめんなさい、聞かなかったことにしてください♡」=Eh... I always jump to the wrong conclusion so fast♡ I'm sorry, please pretend you didn't hear that♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/68/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/68/translation.txt index 644273a7b8..681acc6049 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/68/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/68/translation.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ ……=... 「……あ、俺はこっちだけど、きみは違うよね?」=...Ah, this is where my place is, but yours is still a ways off, isn't it? 「えっ……もうそんな所まで来ていたんですね。私、お話に夢中で……」=Eh--... We already came this far, huh? I got so lost in our chat... -「……」=... +「……」=...... 「もしよかったら、送っていこうか? この後、特に用事もないし」=If you want, shall I drop you off? It's not like I have anything important to do later. 「っ! 本当ですか♡ 嬉しいです♡ そういう優しいところもずっと見てました♡」=--! Really?♡ I'm so happy♡ That sweet side of you is so lovely too♡ (ちょっと危なっかしい子だとは思うんだけど、放っておけないんだよな……)=(She seems kinda unsteady, but I can't just leave her be...) diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/84/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/84/translation.txt index 884fee69bf..32c3dcd8d8 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/84/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/84/translation.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ 「うん。何かしたいことがあったら提案してもらえると嬉しいな。その、無理のない範囲で……」=Yeah. If there's anything you wanna do in particular, I'd be happy to go along with it. Uhm, as long as you keep it reasonable... 「うふふ♡ 身構えなくても大丈夫ですよ♡ じゃあ……手を握ってもらっていいですか?」=Ufufu♡ You don't need to prepare for a life-and-death battle like that, you know♡ Well then... could we hold hands? 「それぐらいなら……えっ? 手、すごく冷たいよ……」=If it's just that much... eh--? Your hand, it's freezing cold... -「……あなたにとって『それぐらい』でも、私にとっては結構無理のある範囲なんですよ♡」="...To you, it might be just that much" but, I'm pushing myself quite a bit here, you know?♡"" +「……あなたにとって『それぐらい』でも、私にとっては結構無理のある範囲なんですよ♡」=...To you, it might be "just that much" but, I'm pushing myself quite a bit here, you know?♡ (よく見たら、震えてるじゃないか……)=(Now that I look closer, isn't she's shaking...) 「そっか……ごめん。俺も握り返すね」=I see... Sorry. I'll grip back. (言動は派手だけど、この子も男性に免疫がないんだよな。相手は等身大の女の子だってこと、忘れちゃダメだ)=(She may act all flashily at times but, even she isn't accustomed to being near guys, huh? I shouldn't forget that in the end, she's just a normal girl.) diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/86/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/86/translation.txt index feceebd6f2..950c735dc8 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/86/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/00/86/translation.txt @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 「私、あなたと付き合う前まで、『エッチすればあなたに好きになってもらえる』って、本気で信じていたんです♡」=Before we became a couple, I really used to believe that as long as I laid myself on a platter for you and let you have your way with me, you'd love me and stuff♡ 「かなり積極的だったし、焦ってたよね」=You were pretty aggressive, must have been pretty anxious. -「はい♡ 今思うと『エッチ』と『好き』の順番が逆だったんです♡ それが恋で、それを学んだのがあなたとのコイカツでした♡」="Yes♡ If I think about it now, I realize the sex" comes after falling in "love", not before♡ Your club is the thing that taught me the real meaning of love♡"" -「『エッチ』とか『好き』とか『恋』って、言葉の意味は分かるけど、関係が複雑だよね」="Words like sex" and "love" and "romance", the meanings look simple on the surface but, the way they tie with each other is complex, isn'tit?"" -「そうなんです♡ 順番が逆になっただけで、あなたへの『好き』も『恋』もより深くなりましたから♡」="Indeed♡ My love" for you has only grown stronger, from the order flipping itself on its head♡"" +「はい♡ 今思うと『エッチ』と『好き』の順番が逆だったんです♡ それが恋で、それを学んだのがあなたとのコイカツでした♡」=Yes♡ If I think about it now, I realize the "sex" comes after falling in "love", not before♡ Your club is the thing that taught me the real meaning of love♡ +「『エッチ』とか『好き』とか『恋』って、言葉の意味は分かるけど、関係が複雑だよね」=Words like "sex" and "love" and "romance", the meanings look simple on the surface but, the way they tie with each other is complex, isn'tit? +「そうなんです♡ 順番が逆になっただけで、あなたへの『好き』も『恋』もより深くなりましたから♡」=Indeed♡ My "love" for you has only grown stronger, from the order flipping itself on its head♡ 「これからも、コイカツ部の活動を通して成長したいね、お互いに」=Hopefully, we both keep learning more about love, and about each other, through these activities. -「大丈夫です♡ だって私たちはお互いを『好き』な『恋』人同士ですから♡ 基本は間違っていません♡」="It'll be alright♡ Afterall, we're lovers" who "love" each other deeply♡ Our foundation is alright♡"" +「大丈夫です♡ だって私たちはお互いを『好き』な『恋』人同士ですから♡ 基本は間違っていません♡」=It'll be alright♡ Afterall, we're "lovers" who "love" each other deeply♡ Our foundation is alright♡ 「うん、そうだね。俺も[H]のことが好きだから、大丈夫だと思う。これからもよろしくね」=Yeah, you're right. I love you too so, I think it'll be fine. Take care of me in the future as well. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/13/97/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/13/97/translation.txt index 6962e631ff..ffe1f938f4 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/13/97/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/13/97/translation.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 「すぅ……すぅ…………ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... (んぅ……ん……なにか、やわらかいものが……あたって……?)=(Nnn... nnn... I feel something... really soft...?) 「…………」=... -「……って、え? え?」=...wuh, eh? eh? +「……って、え? え?」=......wuh, eh? eh? 「うふふ♡ まだ眠たそうですね。おっぱいで……起こしてさしあげます♡」=Ufufu♡ Seems like you still wanna sleep some more. I'll wake you right up... with my boobs♡ -「ちょ、待って……んんっ……」=Wai--, just a... nnn--... +「ちょ、待って……んんっ……」=Wai--, just a... nnn--...... 「ん……ずっと擦っていたので……私のおっぱいも気持ちよく、なってきました♡」=Nnn... I've been rubbing them on your dick for quite a while so... my boobs have started feeling good too♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/1002/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/1002/translation.txt index 2552ebd6ad..4d0952d1ca 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/1002/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/1002/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -「……まずは俺から入場するんだったな」=...I'm supposed to be making my way over first, aren't I? +「……まずは俺から入場するんだったな」=......I'm supposed to be making my way over first, aren't I? ([H名]、すごく楽しみにしてたからな……格好いいところ見せないと)=([H名] was looking really forward to this... I gotta show her my cool side.) (まるで本物の新郎新婦みたいに……覚悟を決めるか)=(It's like we're a real bride and groom... Guess I'll prepare myself for the real thing anyway.) (いよいよ出番か……)=(Finally, showtime...) @@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ (うん……幸せ絶頂の[H名]を迎え入れよう)=(Yeah... Let's usher in my bride, I bet she's just bursting from happiness.) (ふぅ……ちょっと緊張したけど、[H名]の新郎役として堂々とできたかな)=(Fuu... I got a bit nervous there, wonder if I put up a good image as her groom?) 「これより新婦が入場致します。後方の扉口をご覧ください」=And now, the bride will make her entrance. Please pay attention to the main door. -(……[H名]?)=(...[H名]?) +(……[H名]?)=(.........[H名]?) [H名]は怯えた小動物のように震えていて、俺だけでなくスタッフの人たちの息を呑ませた。=[H名] was quivering so much from fear, like a deer in headlights, that it made not just me, but even the staff catch their breaths. 純白のドレスはとても似合ってるはずなのに、縮こまってしまっているからか、ドレスに着られてしまっているようだ。=Even though a dress like that should look perfect on her, I wonder if it was because she had curled herself up or what but, it looked more like the dress was wearing her instead. すぐに駆けつけようとしたが、おずおずと歩き出そうとした[H名]を見えて踏みとどまる。=I wanted to run towards her and calm her down right away but, seeing her walk timidly towards me, I held my ground. (な、何があったんだ?)=(W-What the fuck happened?) -「[H名]……?」=[H名]...? +「[H名]……?」=[H名]......? 「あ……ぅ……」=Ah... uu... モブ=Mob diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/1003/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/1003/translation.txt index bd34ea3b35..b84bb20373 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/1003/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/1003/translation.txt @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ 「[H名]、周りなんていいから、俺だけを見て」=[H名], forget about everyone else, just look at me. 「っ! は、はい……」=--! Y-Yes... 「俺も不安なんだ」=I'm anxious too. -「え……」=Eh... +「え……」=Eh...... 「俺も、[H名]のことを幸せに出来るか、不安なんだ。だから[H名]に勇気づけてほしいんだ。俺ならできるって」=I'm axious too, worried if I'll ever be able to make you happy. That's why, I need you to cheer for me. I need you to tell me that I can do it. 「もう、俺なんかより[H名]の方が俺のことを理解してくれてるんだよ。少なくとも俺はそう思ってる」=At this point, you understand me better than I do myself, [H名]. Atleast, that's how I feel. 「だから、俺の不安を消し去れるのは[H名]だけなんだよ。頼む」=That's why, you're the only one who has the power to erase my doubts, the only one who can make me feel relieved. Please, I'm begging you. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/1004/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/1004/translation.txt index bb14fb9b7b..e2b6984d32 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/1004/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/1004/translation.txt @@ -6,16 +6,16 @@ 「あ、いえ♡ その……♡ 私に……自分に、おまじないをかけていたんです♡」=Ah, no♡ It's,,,♡ I was... just casting a small spell on myself♡ 「おまじない?」=A spell? 「はい♡ さっきの式はあくまで模擬で、本当じゃないって……私、勘違い女ですから、こうでもしないと、明日から奥さん面しちゃいそうで♡」=Yes♡ The ceremony we just had was in the end just a mock one... I'm a woman that misunderstands a whole lot, so if I don't do atleast this much, I'll start thinking that I really am your wife, from tomorrow onwards♡ -「[H名]……」=[H名]... +「[H名]……」=[H名]...... 「も、もう大丈夫ですよ? あなたとコイカツ部の部員さんたちに迷惑はかけません♡ 私は、あなたと付き合って、普通の子になったんです♡」=I-I'm alright now, you know? Don't worry, I won't cause trouble for you or the other members of the Koikatsu club♡ Ever since we started dating, I've become a more normal person♡ 「…………」=... 「たしかに俺はコイカツ部の部長だけど、[H名]と付き合ってるのは、コイカツ部の一環ってわけじゃないよ?」=I may be the president of the Koikatsu club but, I'm not dating you in that capacity, you know? Our relationship isn't something related to the club. 「はい♡ それはわかってるつもりです♡ ……でも……」=Yes♡ I understand that♡ ...but... -「……そうだね。さっきは絶対、なんて言ったけど、もしかしたら、五年後、十年後、俺たちは別れてるかもしれない」="...Yeah. I did say definitely" just then but, who knows, maybe in 5 years, or 10, we might not be together anymore."" +「……そうだね。さっきは絶対、なんて言ったけど、もしかしたら、五年後、十年後、俺たちは別れてるかもしれない」=...Yeah. I did say "definitely" just then but, who knows, maybe in 5 years, or 10, we might not be together anymore. 「でも、少なくとも今は、式場の[H名]を見て、結婚したいって、本気で思ったよ」=But, at the very least, when I saw you in that dress, during that ceremony, I really did feel the desire, to marry you. 「!」=! 「もし[H名]もそう思ってくれたなら、この気持ちをずっと二人で大切にしていかないといけないよね? だから、[H名]も本気で来てよ」=If you felt the same way, [H名], then we have to treasure these feelings between us for as long as we can, no? That's why, come at me, for real. -「……私、絶対、あなたにふさわしい女性になって、あなたと結婚します♡ あなたを一生飽きさせない奥さんになります♡」=...I'll definitely become a woman worthy of you, and marry you someday♡ I'll become a wife you will never get bored of♡ +「……私、絶対、あなたにふさわしい女性になって、あなたと結婚します♡ あなたを一生飽きさせない奥さんになります♡」=......I'll definitely become a woman worthy of you, and marry you someday♡ I'll become a wife you will never get bored of♡ 「うん! 二人で頑張ろうね!」=Yeah! Let's both do our best! (俺も、[H名]に愛され続けるように、男を磨き続けないとな)=(I've gotta keep sharpening myself too, so that I can keep being worthy of her love.) diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/101/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/101/translation.txt index 2708edb8ea..02f9892af2 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/101/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/101/translation.txt @@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ 「はい♡ 子供みたいにはしゃぐあなたを見て、私もはしゃいじゃいました♡」=Yes♡ Looking at you frolic around like a child, I got into the mood too♡ 「じゃあ、もっと遊ぼうよ」=Then, let's play lots more. 「その前にお昼にしませんか? そろそろ、鳴る頃だと思うので……♡」=Before that, why don't we have lunch? I think it's just about time for it to rumble as well...♡ -「鳴るって、何が? ……あ」="Rumble"? What gonna rumble?... Ah."" +「鳴るって、何が? ……あ」="Rumble"? What gonna rumble?... Ah. ぐ~=*rumble*~ 「あなたのお腹が、です♡ お弁当を作ってきたので、そこのベンチでお昼ご飯にしませんか?」=Your belly~♡ I prepared some lunchboxes for us, so wanna have lunch on that bench? 「[H名]には敵わないな。じゃあ、お言葉に甘えてお昼にしようか。[H名]の手作り弁当も楽しみだ」=Man, I'm no match for you, [H名]. Then, I'll take you up on that. I've been looking forward to trying your home cooking for a while now anyway. 「はい♡ 私の特製弁当でお腹いっぱいになってくださいね♡」=Yes♡ Please fill up your belly with my special home cooking♡ -………………=... +………………=......... 「ん~、お腹いっぱい。ごちそうさま、美味しかったよ!」=Nnn~, I'm stuffed. Man, that was great, thanks for making it! 「おそまつさまです♡ お茶もどうぞ」=It was nothing♡ Have some tea as well. 「いただきます……ずず……はぁ。空気も美味しいし、最高だなぁ……」=Alright, I won't hold back... *sip*... Haa. The air here's great too, this is bliss... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/105/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/105/translation.txt index fcc7e20aa3..719e8f26c4 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/105/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/105/translation.txt @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ (あれ? てっきり、もっと喜ぶかと思ったけど……)=Huh? I thought she'd be happier about it... 「どうしたの? 夜景、あんまり好きじゃなかったかな」=What's up? Does it not match your tastes? 「あ、夜景、好きです♡ 私も、あなたとこんなシチュエーションで夜景を見てみたかったですし、妄想もしてました♡ 実際に見た方が、何倍も綺麗です……♡」=Ah, no, I love this view♡ I wanted to look at the night sky together with you in this sort of setting too, so much so that I even fantasized about it♡ The real thing is, much more pretty...♡ -「でも、綺麗すぎて……それに、あなたの『一緒に見たかった』の言葉が嬉しくて……嬉しすぎて、私、わからなくなっちゃいました……」="But, it's way too pretty... on top of that, those words of yours, I wanted to look at this together with you", made me so happy... so happy, that I couldn't understand anymore..."" +「でも、綺麗すぎて……それに、あなたの『一緒に見たかった』の言葉が嬉しくて……嬉しすぎて、私、わからなくなっちゃいました……」=But, it's way too pretty... on top of that, those words of yours, "I wanted to look at this together with you", made me so happy... so happy, that I couldn't understand anymore... 「何がわからなくなったの?」=What couldn't you understand? 「あなたが、私を好きな、理由です……私……本当に何度も言って、しつこくて、ごめんなさい……私、見た目も性格も可愛くないし、気持ち悪いですよ……」=The reason, you love me... I... I'm sorry, for always bringing this up, for being this obstinate about this... Neither my looks nor my personality are cute, I'm actually quite a revolting person... 「あなたの血を舐めたいとか、おしっこを飲みたいとか、爪を集めたいとか、髪の毛しゃぶりたいとか、飼いたいとか殺したいとか復活させたいとか思ってるんですよ?」=I think things like wanting to lick your blood, drinking your pee, collecting your nails, sucking on your hair, keeping you as a pet, killing you, reviving you, and stuff, you know? 「それって、そんなに気持ち悪いことかな?」=Is that something that revolting though? 「え……?」=Eh...? -「今の学園に転校する前だったら、[H名]のこと、可愛くないとか気持ち悪いとか、思ったのかもしれない」="If it was before I transferred into this school, then sure, I might have thought of you as not cute" or even "revolting"."" +「今の学園に転校する前だったら、[H名]のこと、可愛くないとか気持ち悪いとか、思ったのかもしれない」=If it was before I transferred into this school, then sure, I might have thought of you as "not cute" or even "revolting". 「でも、学園の色んな女の子と接して、一人ひとりの考え方や生き方を見てると、[H名]みたいな子がいてもおかしくないって思えるようになったんだ」=But, after coming in contact with all the girls in our school, and seeing how each and every one of them was different in all sorts of ways, a girl like you doesn't stand out too much from my worldview. 「あ、もしかしたら、世間一般? と比べれば気持ち悪いのかもね……モラルとかいうのかな。でも、そんなのと比べてもどうしようもなくない?」=Ah, I suppose if you were to compare it to with society at large, then it might be revolting... stuff like morals and such. But, if you start doing that, there will be no end to it, you know? 「でも……比べなくても、私はまともな女の子じゃなくて……そんな私と付き合ってたら、あなたが汚れてしまうかも……」=But... even if I don't, I'm not a decent person to begin with... If you go out with someone like me, you might get stained too... @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ 「あなたと付き合う前の私なら、こんなことなかったのに……妄想の中ではいつも理想的な私なのに、現実のあなたと付き合うと現実のダメな私しかいないんです……」=Even though, the me from before didn't feel like this... even though within my delusions, I'm always the ideal me, when I'm with the real you, there's nothing except my very much real and very much pathetic side. 「こんな……こんなの酷いですよね? ふふふ……私、馬鹿ですね、恋人同士を楽しめばいいのに、不安で、毎日泣いて……グズ女です。こんな女、いっそ死んだ方が――」=This is... this is just horrible, isn't it? Fufufu... I'm such an idiot, even though all I have to do is enjoy being your girlfriend, I cry everyday from anxiety... I'm just trash. A girl like me should just kill herse-- パンッッッ!!=*thwack*---!! -「っ……!?」=---...!? +「っ……!?」=---......!? 「ごめんね、本当は女の子に手なんてあげたくなかったんだけど……あんまり酷いこと言うから」=Sorry, normally I'd never raise my hand at a girl but... you were just saying such horrible things. 「ご……ごめんなさ、ぐすっ、ごめんなさい……うぇっ、ごめんなさい、ごめんなさい……ひっく、ごめんなさい、ごめんなさい、ごめんなさい……」=S--... sorr, *sob*, I'm sorry... uweh--, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... *sob*, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... 「…………俺との関係を解消したくて、こんなこと言ってるわけじゃないって分かってるけど、確認させて。俺に振られたいワケじゃないよね?」=...I understand that you're not saying all of this because you want to break it off with me, but let me confirm it. You don't want to be dumped by me, do you? @@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ 「…………はぁ」=...haa. 「っ! いやぁっ! 捨てないで! お願い、付き合って! あなたのことが好き! あなたのことが好きな気持ち、誰にも負けないからぁぁっっ!」=--! Noo--! Don't throw me away! Please, go out with me! I love you! My love for you won't lose out to anybody else's--! 「んんっ……」=Nnn--... -「ん、んん……ちゅっ……んちゅっ……」=Nn, nnn... *kiss*... *kiss*... -「…………ぷは……やっと逃げないで言ってくれた。ごめんね、追い詰めて。でも、そうしないと出てこない本音もあるかと思って」=...puhaa... you finally asked me to not leave you. Sorry, for driving you into a corner like that. But I thought you wouldn't be honest with yourself if I didn't do that. +「ん、んん……ちゅっ……んちゅっ……」=Nn, nnn... *kiss*... *kiss*...... +「…………ぷは……やっと逃げないで言ってくれた。ごめんね、追い詰めて。でも、そうしないと出てこない本音もあるかと思って」=...puhaa...... you finally asked me to not leave you. Sorry, for driving you into a corner like that. But I thought you wouldn't be honest with yourself if I didn't do that. 「最近は俺に合わせたり、伺い立てるだけで、本音を封印してたでしょ、不安だから。でも、俺のことが本気で好きなら言ってくれるって信じてた」=Recently, you've been trying to match me in everything, and sealing up your true feelings everytime I asked anything, because of fear, no? But, I believed that you would eventually say that, if you truly did love me. 「俺は、[H名]が俺を本気で好きでいてくれてる限り、嫌いになることなんてないよ。もし[H名]が俺のことを嫌いになっても、絶対にまた好きにさせてみせる」=I could never come to hate you, [H名], as long as you keep loving me sincerely. Even if you come to hate me one day, I'll make you fall in love with me again. 「俺を信じてくれる?」=Will you believe me? -「……は、はい♡ あなたのこと、疑ったことなんてないです♡ 疑いたくないのに……不安が勝ると……私……」=...Y-Yes♡ I could never doubt you♡ Even though I don't want to doubt you... My anxiety wins out... +「……は、はい♡ あなたのこと、疑ったことなんてないです♡ 疑いたくないのに……不安が勝ると……私……」=......Y-Yes♡ I could never doubt you♡ Even though I don't want to doubt you... My anxiety wins out... 「うん。だから不安を負かした。ごめんね、ビンタ痛かったでしょ? でも、[H名]が不安になったときは、いつでも俺が助けてあげる。何をしてでも」=Yeah. That's why I beat that anxiety down. I'm sorry, that slap really hurt, didn't it? But, anytime your anxiety takes hold of you, [H名], I'll save you, no matter what I have to do. 「だから……これからも心配になったり不安になったりしていいよ。変に強がったりしなくていいし、妄想を現実にしようって頑張ってほしい。[H名]なら出来る」=That's why... you can let your fear and anxiety out in the future, you don't need to hide it. You don't need to put on a tough act, all I want is for you to turn your fantasies into reality. I'm sure you could do it, of all people. 「妄想を現実に…………なら、今、一つだけ現実にしたい妄想があります♡」=My fantasies into reality... in that case, there's one fantasy I'd like to turn into reality right now♡ @@ -54,6 +54,6 @@ 「即答なんて♡ 嬉しいです♡ 心の底から……頭のてっぺんからつま先まで、私を愛して、愛して……愛して、愛して愛して愛して、安心させてください♡」=You always reply straight away♡ I'm so happy♡ From the bottom of my heart... From the top of my head to the ends of my toes, make love to me, love me... love me, lovemelovemeloveme, make me feel relieved♡ 「もちろん。誰にも邪魔させたくないから、人気のないところに行こう……」=Of course. We wouldn't want to be a bother to others, so let's go to a more secluded place... 「っ♡ あの、私、初めてで面倒くさいと思いますけど♡ 何も気にしないで全部奪ってください♡」=--♡ Uhm, it'll be my first time so, I think I'll be a real pain in the ass but♡, don't worry about anything and take all of my virginity♡ -「さすがに気にしないでってのは無理だけど……でも、[H名]を傷つけていいのは俺だけだもんね」="Even I can't exactly just not worry about it but... well, I'm the only one allowed to cause you any pain, afterall."" +「さすがに気にしないでってのは無理だけど……でも、[H名]を傷つけていいのは俺だけだもんね」=Even I can't exactly just "not worry about it but... well, I'm the only one allowed to cause you any pain, afterall. 「傷つけていいのは……♡ 俺だけだから……♡ はい♡ その通りです♡ 私の処女膜をビリビリに引き裂けるのはあなただけです♡」=The only one allowed to cause me pain...♡ You're the only one...♡ Yes♡ That's exactly right♡ You're the only one who gets to tear my hymen to shreds♡ 「俺も我慢できなくなってきた……人気のないところに行こう」=I'm starting to lose my self-control too... Let's go somewhere secluded. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/106/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/106/translation.txt index 97e21d23ba..edb412dfa9 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/106/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/106/translation.txt @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ 「それが私の個性ですから♡」=That's what my personality, my individuality is, afterall♡ 「あのときは夜景どころじゃなかったけど、今なら落ち着いて眺められるかな」=Last time we were here, appreciating this view was the last thing on our minds but, maybe we can do it this time. 「はい♡ あなたと見る夜景……♡ 何度見ても、綺麗です♡ 今の私みたいにキラキラしてます♡」=Yes♡ Appreciating this with you...♡ No matter how many times I look at it, it's so beautiful♡ It's sparkling, like I am right now♡ -(もし、[H名]のことを知らない人が聞いたら『自分でキラキラしてるって言うか?』と思うかな)="(If someone who didn't know what she was like heard her, I wonder if they'd go You're sparkling?")"" +(もし、[H名]のことを知らない人が聞いたら『自分でキラキラしてるって言うか?』と思うかな)=(If someone who didn't know what she was like heard her, I wonder if they'd go "You're sparkling?") (でも、ずっと自分自身がコンプレックスで、自分を貶めてばっかりだった[H名]が、こんなことを言うようになったと思うと、本当に嬉しい)=(But, when I think about how the girl that used to hate herself so much, the girl who could not believe in herself, can say that about herself now, I feel happiness from the bottom of my heart) 「なんだか、今の[H名]を見ると、やっぱりコイカツ部をやっててよかったなって、何度だってそう思うよ」=Man, when I look at how much you've grown, I can't help but be glad that I did this Koikatsu club thing. 「私はあなたコイカツ部を始めてくれたことを、何度も何度も感謝しています♡ あなたに出会えて、恋することの本当の意味を教わりましたから♡」=I feel thankful everyday that you started the Koikatsu club at our school♡ It let me meet you, and understand the real meaning of love♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/1100/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/1100/translation.txt index cd82c21368..007336259d 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/1100/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/1100/translation.txt @@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ 「綺麗だよ」=You're beautiful. 「あなたは毎日……文字通り、毎日、そう言ってくれました。だから、綺麗な花が咲いたんです」=You say that everyday... literally, every day. That's why I've grown into such beautiful woman. Because of those words. 「色々な付き合いもあるのに、毎日しっかり帰ってきてくれて、女の人とも極力会わないようにしてくれて……」=Even though you had so much going on, you always came back home to me everyday, and always did your best to keep other women at a distance for my sake... -「私の友達、みんな羨ましがってくれますよ。『あんな愛妻家、どこで見つけたの?』って」="All my friends are jealous of us, you know? Just where did you find such a devoted man?", and all."" +「私の友達、みんな羨ましがってくれますよ。『あんな愛妻家、どこで見つけたの?』って」=All my friends are jealous of us, you know? "Just where did you find such a devoted man?", and all. 「なんて答えるの?」=What do you tell them? -「ヒ・ミ・ツ♪ って。もう私は何かを独り占めなんてしませんけど、あの時だけは……あなたと恋をした、大切な日々だけは、私とあなただけの秘密です」="It's・a・secret♪". I mean, it's not like I try to keep anything hidden away these days but, those days are... the days where we fell in love with each other, our precious days. They're a secret just between us."" +「ヒ・ミ・ツ♪ って。もう私は何かを独り占めなんてしませんけど、あの時だけは……あなたと恋をした、大切な日々だけは、私とあなただけの秘密です」="It's・a・secret♪". I mean, it's not like I try to keep anything hidden away these days but, those days are... the days where we fell in love with each other, our precious days. They're a secret just between us. 「やばい。俺、けっこう喋っちゃってる」=Damn. You see, I've got a pretty loose mouth. 「え……うっふふ♪ もう……でも、あなたはいいんです。あなただけは私の特別で、何でもありで、いつだって自由でいてほしいですから」=Eh... Uffufu♪ Jeez... But, I don't mind, since it's you. You're the only person special to me, so you can do anything, whatever you like. I want you to do whatever you please. 「……俺もヒミツにしよう。出会った頃、あんなだった[H名]が、今はこんな風に言ってくれる子になったんだって。そのことは俺だけの宝物にする」=...I'll seal my lips too. The fact that the girl that used to be like that, when we first met, can say things like this to me now, is a treasure that I won't share with anyone. 「[H名]……」=[H名]... 「ん……」=Nn... -「ん、ん……」=Nn, nn... +「ん、ん……」=Nn, nn............... ………………=......... …………=...... ……=... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/201/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/201/translation.txt index 69f4c5d226..a151accfb9 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/201/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/201/translation.txt @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ 「ご、ごめんなさいっ! ごめんなさいっ、ごめんな――」=I-I'm sorry--! I'm sorry--, I'm so-- ポカッ=*flick*-- 「痛ぁっ!? ……!? で、デコピン……?」=That hurt--?! ...!? Y-You flicked my forehead...? -「そこは『ごめんなさい』じゃなくて、『もうしません』……だよね?」="Shouldn't you be saying I won't do it again", rather than "I'm sorry"...?"" -「ひっ、も、もう、しません! 嫌われて当然なんてマイナス思考なこと言いませんっ……」="Hii--, I-I won't, do it again! I won't say something negative like It's natural that you'd hate me" ever again--..."" +「そこは『ごめんなさい』じゃなくて、『もうしません』……だよね?」=Shouldn't you be saying "I won't do it again", rather than "I'm sorry"...? +「ひっ、も、もう、しません! 嫌われて当然なんてマイナス思考なこと言いませんっ……」=Hii--, I-I won't, do it again! I won't say something negative like "It's natural that you'd hate me" ever again--... 「よし、偉い偉い。じゃあ、もう少し休んで回復したらデートの続きをしようか」=Alright, good girl. Then, once you feel a bit better, let's continue with our date. (やれやれ……普段、怒ることなんてないから、ぎこちなくなっちゃった。でも、これからも[H名]と付き合うなら、悪いクセは直してあげた方がいい、よな?)=(Good grief... I don't tend to get angry to begin with, so I'll admit that I handled that a bit awkwardly. But, if I plan on keeping up this relationship with her, I should try and fix her bad habits, right?) diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/203/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/203/translation.txt index ec6535ec91..cabbcf3377 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/203/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/203/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 「色々ありましたけど、遊園地ってとっても楽しいですね♡」=A lot of stuff happened but, amusement parks are really fun, no?♡ -(本当に楽しんでそうだけど、色々って言葉が引っ掛かるな。たしかに、だいぶ気を遣ったみたいだからな……)="(Yeah, it really has been a ton of fun but, that stuff" is the problem. We really had to avoid quite a few landmines there...)"" +(本当に楽しんでそうだけど、色々って言葉が引っ掛かるな。たしかに、だいぶ気を遣ったみたいだからな……)=(Yeah, it really has been a ton of fun but, that "stuff" is the problem. We really had to avoid quite a few landmines there...) 「[H名]、よかったら観覧車に乗らない? もう少ししたら、綺麗な夜景が見える時間になりそうだし」=[H名], wanna ride the ferris wheel? The stars are gonna come out in just a little bit, I think we'll catch quite the view. 「はい♡ あなたと二人っきりになれる場所なら、どこだって行きます♡ 観覧車で素敵な二人旅行をしましょう♡」=Yes♡ If it's somewhere we can be alone together, I'm willing to go anywhere♡ Let's have a lovely trip on the ferris wheel♡ 「二人旅行、いいね。じゃあ、行こうか」=A trip, huh? Sounds nice. Well then, let's go. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/205/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/205/translation.txt index 4de7554c8e..c34f08a941 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/205/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/205/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -「…………もし、世界があなたと私の二人きりになったら、どうしますか?」=...If, for some reason, we were the only ones left in the world, what would you do? +「…………もし、世界があなたと私の二人きりになったら、どうしますか?」=......If, for some reason, we were the only ones left in the world, what would you do? 「うーん。まずは[H名]と協力して自給自足の環境を整えなきゃね。俺たちが大人になるために必要な栄養素を毎日とれるようにしないと、幸せになれないよ」=Mmm. Well, first we'll have to fix together a self-sufficient environment for ourselves. We won't be able to become happy adults if we don't get our daily nutrient intake, afterall. 「私との幸せをそんな現実的に考えてくれてるんですね♡」=You're always so practical and down-to-earth about thinking of our happiness together♡ 「そのifストーリーは考えたことなかったけど、[H名]との将来のことはけっこう考えてるよ」=I've never really thought about that particular future but, I actually think quite a bit about our future together, you know? @@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ 「いいね……[H名]はやっぱり、純粋だよ」=That's nice... You really are a pure-hearted girl. 「純粋、ですか?」=A pure hearted girl, you say? 「うん。きっと学園の誰よりもまっすぐで、真面目で、素直だよ」=Yeah. I bet you're straighter, more earnest, more honest than anyone at school. -「思い込みが激しい、じゃなくてですか? 愛が重くて、面倒くさくて、構ってちゃんなら、私が昔、よく言われたことです……」="Not that I'm too full of myself? I've always been told things like Your love is too heavy", or "You're too much of a pain", or "You attention whore" instead..."" +「思い込みが激しい、じゃなくてですか? 愛が重くて、面倒くさくて、構ってちゃんなら、私が昔、よく言われたことです……」=Not that I'm too full of myself? I've always been told things like "Your love is too heavy", or "You're too much of a pain", or "You attention whore" instead... 「純粋すぎるからだと思うよ。俺と付き合う前までの[H名]はその純粋さが悪い方向に行ってた。でも、今は違うよ」=I think that's because you're just too pure. Before we started going out, you were taking that pure-heartedness of yours in the wrong direction. But, now you're different. 「SNSとか見てると、世の中色々な人がいるなーって思うよね。ひねくれた人とか、諦めた人。ずるい人もいるし、人の悪口ばっかり言ってる人もたくさんいる」=If you look at social media, you can find all sorts of people, no? Twisted people, or people who've given up. There's all sorts of cheats as well, as well as lots of people who spend all day just badmouthing others. 「でも、[H名]は、世界に人がいっぱいいるから俺と幸せな時間が過ごせるって言った。そんなことを言えるのは根が純粋な子だけだよ」=But, you said that you were glad that there are lots of people in this world, because we can spend our days in happiness like this. The only people who can say those sorts of things are people who are pure at their core. -「純粋……純粋って、私には一番似合わない言葉だと思ってました……とっても爽やかで、女の子らしい感じがします……」="Pure... I thought that pure" was a word that was my antithesis... It sounds so fresh, and girly..."" +「純粋……純粋って、私には一番似合わない言葉だと思ってました……とっても爽やかで、女の子らしい感じがします……」=Pure... I thought that "pure" was a word that was my antithesis... It sounds so fresh, and girly... 「俺はさっきの[H名]の答えを聞いて、爽やかで女の子らしいって思ったよ」=Hearing your answer earlier, I thought it was very fresh and girly. 「俺も遊園地のスタッフさんや観覧車を動かす電気を供給してくれてる電力会社さんに感謝したくなったもん」=So much so, it made me feel gratitude too, torwards the amusement park staff and even the power company people supplying electricity to this ferris wheel. 「……あなたは、たぶん、女の子のいいところを見るのが得意、なんですね……♡」=...I think your strongest ability, is seeing the good in every girl...♡ @@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ 「その先生は、[H名]のことが好きだったんだね。やっぱり[H名]は純粋なんだよ」=That teacher really liked you, didn't they? You really are pure, [H名]. 「その時のこと、あまり覚えてないんですけど……覚えてないってことは、きっとしっくり来なかったんでしょうね」=I don't remember all that much from back then but... I'm sure the reason I didn't remember it until now, is because it didn't really fit me. 「でも、思い出せたってことは、きっと心のどこかに引っ掛かってたんだよ。埋まってたとも言えるのかな……」=But, the fact that you remembered it means that it must have stuck, buried somewhere deep inside your heart... -「純粋……そんな素敵な言葉が私の中に埋まってたなんて、自分では気づけませんでした」="Pure"... I never realized, that such a lovely word existed inside my heart."" +「純粋……そんな素敵な言葉が私の中に埋まってたなんて、自分では気づけませんでした」="Pure"... I never realized, that such a lovely word existed inside my heart. 「あなたのお陰で私は……♡ 自分の魅力にどんどん気付いていってます♡ それは、あなたが最初に今のままの私を受け入れてくれたからです♡」=Thanks to you, I...♡ I'm starting to realize my own charms♡ That's only happening because you accepted me for who I was, at the start♡ 「あはは、[H名]は最初は現実の俺より妄想の俺の方が好きだったっけね」=Ahaha, you used to love the me in your fantasies more than the me in reality back then, didn't you? 「あ、あれは、その……でも、そのあとに気付きましたよ♡ 私が妄想で描き出した理想的なあなたよりも、人間味があって優しいあなたの方が素敵だって♡」=T-That's, uhm... but, I realized the truth soon after that♡ That the real you, with your humane kindness, and sweetness, was more lovely than the one I drew out in my delusions could ever be♡ 「うん。だから嬉しかったな。普通、妄想の中のイケメンなんかに勝てないでしょ。少女漫画のヒーローとか、乙女ゲームのイケメンとか見ると、敵わないなって思うよ」=Yeah. That's what made me really happy. Normally, I'd never be able to win against a girl's ideal man. When I look at the heroes in shoujo manga, or the chads in otome games, it really doesn't feel like I compare to them. 「たしかに、そういう男の子たちは女の子から好かれるために生まれた存在ですから、格好いいです。でも……」=Certainly, because those men were made with the express purpose of being loved by women. They're really cool. But... 「いくら見た目がイケメンでも、性格がよくても、私のことを認めてはくれないんです。少女漫画の主人公は可愛い女の子ですし、私じゃありません……」=No matter how much they look like chads, and how cool they are, they would never accept me. The girls in shoujo manga are cute. Way cuter, than someone like me... -「でも、あなたは私のことを可愛いって言ってくれます♡ 付き合ってからはもっと可愛くなったねって、私の成長を褒めてくれます♡」="But, you always tell me how cute I am♡ You always praise me, with words like You've gotten so much cuter, ever since we started going out", and all. "" +「でも、あなたは私のことを可愛いって言ってくれます♡ 付き合ってからはもっと可愛くなったねって、私の成長を褒めてくれます♡」=But, you always tell me how cute I am♡ You always praise me, with words like "You've gotten so much cuter, ever since we started going out", and all. 「だから、あなたじゃないとだめなんです♡ だから私の好きな人は、あなただけなんです♡」=That's why, nobody aside from you will do♡ That's why the person I love, is you and only you♡ 「一番最初に私のことを好きだって言ってくれた人だから♡ いいときの私だけじゃなくて、悪いときの私のことも気遣ってくれるあなただから、好きになりました♡」=Because you were the first person ever, to say you loved me♡ Not just when I was docile and calm, but you also worried about me when I was falling apart♡ That's why I fell in love with you. 「[H名]……」=[H名]... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/252/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/252/translation.txt index bad577fe04..195a73d078 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/252/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/252/translation.txt @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ 「……ふふ♡ 興奮、しちゃいましたか? なんて、聞かなくても、わかってますけど♡」=...Fufu♡ Are you getting aroused? Even if you don't tell me, I already know the answer♡ 「あ、あはは……ごめん。ちょっとだけ我慢しててもらってもいいかな」=A-Ahaha... Sorry. Could you just bear with this for a bit? 「あなたがそう言うなら、いくらでも我慢します♡ でも、辛抱できなくなったら、襲ってもいいですか?」=If that's what you want me to do, then I'll bear anything and everything for you♡ But, if I can't bear it anymore, is it alright if I lay my assault on you? -「い、いや、その我慢じゃなくて……」="N-No, that's not what I meant by bear with it"..."" -「私はいいですよ? いつでもどこでもが、あなたに対する私のモットーですから♡ ……ふふ♡ しませんか?」="I'm fine with it, you know? It's my personal motto, whenever you want, wherever you want"♡ ...Fufu♡ Don't you want to?♡"" +「い、いや、その我慢じゃなくて……」=N-No, that's not what I meant by "bear with it"... +「私はいいですよ? いつでもどこでもが、あなたに対する私のモットーですから♡ ……ふふ♡ しませんか?」=I'm fine with it, you know? It's my personal motto, "whenever you want, wherever you want"♡ ...Fufu♡ Don't you want to?♡ (だめだ、本当に我慢できそうにない……!)=(Damn, I really can't endure this...!) (っ、気持ちいいけど、ここは我慢して抑えなきゃ……!)=(--, It feels good but, I have to hold myself back here...!) (きっと[H名]は、勃起しても許してくれるだろけど……その優しさに甘えてちゃダメだ!)=(I'm sure [H名] will forgive me, even if I pop a chub here, but... I can't take advantage of her love like that!) diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/253/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/253/translation.txt index bae5db3a4c..3a9d6c24fb 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/253/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/253/translation.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ 「っ、おっと……!」=--Woah...! (おぉ……公共の場で[H名]の身体がこんなにも……まずい、反応しちゃう……)=(Ooo... [H名]'s body, glued to me like this, in a public place... this is bad, it's gonna react...) (さ、さすがにここで勃たせるのは……あぁ、でも身体はどこまでも正直だ……)=(P-Popping a chub here really would be... Aah, but my body's too damningly honest... -「……ふふ♡ こんな状況でも私で反応してくれるんですね♡ 苦しくありませんか? ここでご奉仕、しましょうか?」=...Fufu♡ Even in this situation, your body reacts to mine, huh?♡ Is it not hard to bear? Shall I serve you right here? +「……ふふ♡ こんな状況でも私で反応してくれるんですね♡ 苦しくありませんか? ここでご奉仕、しましょうか?」=......Fufu♡ Even in this situation, your body reacts to mine, huh?♡ Is it not hard to bear? Shall I serve you right here? 「い、いや、それはやばいよ」=N-No, that really would be bad. 「大丈夫です♡ 絶対にバレないようにするので、任せてください♡」=It's alright♡ I'll do it in such a way that we won't be caught, so leave it to me♡ 「え、え……」=A-Alright... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/261/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/261/translation.txt index eed8f1ce3b..86b57faf0d 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/261/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/261/translation.txt @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -「……あはは、さすが[H名]」=...Ahaha, you're amazing, [H名]. +「……あはは、さすが[H名]」=......Ahaha, you're amazing, [H名]. 「褒めてもらえて嬉しいです♡ おちんちんも気持ち良さそうにビクビクしていましたね♡」=Thank you, hearing that makes me really happy♡ Your dick was twitching from the pleasure too, wasn't it?♡ ([H名]のテクニック、上達したなぁ……)=(Her technique's improved so much...) diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/301/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/301/translation.txt index 2ec2f267c8..5b2bded54f 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/301/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/301/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -「混んでて待たされたけど、運よく角部屋に入れたね。ドアの向かい側が通路じゃなくて壁なのって何だか安心するんだよね」=We had to wait a long time for this, but luckily we got the corner room. Having the door outside leading to just a wall rather than a corridor feels a lot more safer, doesn't it? +「混んでて待たされたけど、運よく角部屋に入れたね。ドアの向かい側が通路じゃなくて壁なのって何だか安心するんだよね」=We had to wait a long time for this, but luckily we got the corner room. Having the door outside leading to just a wall rather than a corridor feels a lot more safer, doesn't it? 「わかります♡ 安心してあなたとエッチできますから♡ まずは生脱衣鑑賞会ですか? それとも、おしゃぶりカラオケしますか?」=I feel you♡ We can have sex without worrying that someone's gonna walk outside our door♡ Shall we start with a classy undressing appreciation show? Or would you like me to give you a karaoke blowjob? 「ちょ、ちょっと待った! どうしてそうなるの!?」=W-Wait just a moment! How did we suddenly get to that!? (おしゃぶりカラオケの内容を詳しく問い詰めたいけど、ここは一旦、前提から整理しよう)=(I do actually wanna hear about the details on that karaoke blowjob but, let's hold off on that for the moment) @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ 「そ、それなら、[H名]から歌っていいよ」=I-In that case, you can go ahead and sing first, [H名]. 「わかりました♡ あ、でも……私、すごく音痴なので、それだけは許してください♡ あ、いえ……許してくれなくてもいいです♡」=Got it♡ Ah, but... I'm super tone deaf so, please forgive me for that♡ Ah, no... it's fine even if you don't♡ 「え?」=Eh? -「歌が下手だからお仕置きエッチとか、俺がレッスンしてやるって言って、おしゃぶりカラオケを……♡」="You could punish me during sex for sucking at singing, or you could also make me give you a karaoke blowjob while going I'll give you some hands-on lessons" and whatnot...♡"" +「歌が下手だからお仕置きエッチとか、俺がレッスンしてやるって言って、おしゃぶりカラオケを……♡」=You could punish me during sex for sucking at singing, or you could also make me give you a karaoke blowjob while going "I'll give you some hands-on lessons" and whatnot...♡ 「ほ、ほら、[H名]なら俺の好きな歌知ってるだろ? 入れたから、とりあえず歌って」=C-Come on, you should know all the songs I like, no? I've put them in so, just sing them for now. 「あ♡ はい♡」=Ah♡ Alright♡ 『もしも今 背中に羽が生えて 大空自由に 飛び回れたら~♪』=『If only I could, sprout wings from my back, and fly freely, in this wide open sky~♪』 diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/302/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/302/translation.txt index a0ec6f93fb..57c84ce256 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/302/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/302/translation.txt @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ 「い、一番の、理解者♡ わ、私がですか? 嬉しい、です♡」=Y-Your biggest, supporter?♡ M-Me? I'm so, happy♡ 「そもそも、俺のことを色々勘違いしてたのは最初の頃だけだったしね」=To begin with, you really only had misunderstandings about me when we first met. 「はい♡ 今はあなたと付き合えて、あなたの本当の魅力を日々体感してます♡ どこを切り取っても、魅力的な男の人です♡」=Yes♡ Nowadays, I'm experiencing your charm firsthand, by being next to you everyday♡ No matter which part of you I snap off, you're still just as charming♡ -(どこを切り取ってもって……言い回しがちょっと怖いぞ)="(No matter which part I snap off"... that way of phrasing it is a bit scary.)"" +(どこを切り取ってもって……言い回しがちょっと怖いぞ)=("No matter which part I snap off"... that way of phrasing it is a bit scary.) 「あ、でも、[H名]は思い込みが激しいし、すぐ病んじゃうタイプなんだから、言いたいことがあったら我慢せずに言ってね。自分のこともよく理解するように」=Ah, but, you easily misunderstand stuff, and you fall into depressive slumps way too easily, so if you have something you wanna say to me, just say it directly. It'll help me understand myself better too. 「は、はいぃ♡ あなたに心配してもらえて嬉しいです♡ ちゃんと自分を大切にしますね♡ あなたのために♡」=O-Okay♡ The fact that you worry about me makes me so happy♡ I'll take care of myself♡ For you♡ (ビミョーにずれてるんだけど、どんな形であれ自分を大切にしてくれれば、今はそれでいいか)=(Well, she should do it for herself but, as long as she takes care of herself, it doesn't matter I guess.) diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/306/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/306/translation.txt index a7f7ddceea..f78cc610c7 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/306/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/306/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 「……さてと、次に何を歌おうかな。この前覚えたあの曲か、それとも……んー」=...Now then, what shall I sing next? That song I heard the other day, or... Nnn. -「…………あの、もしかして、私に飽きちゃいましたか……?」=...Uhm, by any chance, have you gotten bored of me...? +「…………あの、もしかして、私に飽きちゃいましたか……?」=......Uhm, by any chance, have you gotten bored of me...? 「えっ!? 急にどうしたの?」=Eh--!? Where did that come from? 「今日は誘ってくれないので……」=You haven't asked for it today, so... 「…………」=... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/401/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/401/translation.txt index 7969e73f60..fe71b110d2 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/401/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/401/translation.txt @@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ 「一応、おしゃれには気を遣っているので分かるんです♡ あの服はあの子だから似合うんだって……私なんかが着たら、周りから勘違い女って言われてしまいます♡」=I do pay attention to things like fashion, so I can tell♡ That those clothes looked good on her because of her body... If someone like me wore them, people would ask if I had my head on straight♡ 「そ、そんなことないよ……あ、でも、その人だから似合うって感覚はわかる。俺も絶対に似合わないなって思うメンズファッションあるし」=T-That's not true... Ah, but, I do understand that feeling. There's all sorts of outfits that I could never pull off. 「それこそ、そんなことありません。あなたはどんな服でも似合います。でも、私は違うんです。だから、あの服が似合うように身体を改造しなくちゃなんです♡」=Now that's something that actually isn't true. You'll look good in anything. But, it's different for me. That's why, I have to remodel my body to fit those clothes♡ -(う、うーん。やっぱり[H名]が改造とか言うと、何をしでかすか分からないから少し怖いなぁ……一つ一つの言葉が重いというか……でも、信頼しないとな)="(M-Mmm. When she goes and says stuff like remodel my body", it's kinda scary, you never know what she might end up doing... Every word of hers is kinda full of negative nuance... But, I have to trust her.)"" +(う、うーん。やっぱり[H名]が改造とか言うと、何をしでかすか分からないから少し怖いなぁ……一つ一つの言葉が重いというか……でも、信頼しないとな)=(M-Mmm. When she goes and says stuff like "remodel my body", it's kinda scary, you never know what she might end up doing... Every word of hers is kinda full of negative nuance... But, I have to trust her.) 「あまり無理しすぎないようにね。分かってると思うけど、俺は今の[H名]のことが好きなんだからさ」=Don't force yourself too much, alright? I know you already know this but, I love the way you are right now, [H名]. 「あ……てっきり私、怖いって言われて止められるかと思ってました♡ 信頼、してくれてるんですね♡ はい、私はあなたのものなので、あまり勝手なことはしません♡」=Ah... I thought for sure you'd say that I was being scary and try to stop me♡ You're putting faith in me, aren't you?♡ Yes, me and my body belong to you, so I won't change them selfishly♡ (やっぱり[H名]は昔と変わったな。言葉の危なっかしさは変わってないけど、見えないところで前向きになってくれてる気がするよ)=(She really has changed from back then. The dodginess of her words hasn't changed a bit but, I feel like she's become a lot more positive overall in spots that I can't see) 「本当ですか? ふふふ♡ 私、よく友達に私服のセンスが悪いって言われるので、そういうこと言ってくれると助かります♡ ちょっと待っててください♡」=Really? Fufufu♡ My friends tell me all the time that I have no sense for fashion, so that's really helpful♡ Please wait just a moment♡ 「え? どこへ……店の外に出てっちゃったぞ」=Eh? Where are you... she left the shop. -………………=... +………………=......... 「ただいま戻りました。さっきの女の子を探して、着ている服をどこで買ったのか聞いてきましたよ♡ アクセサリーと化粧品と下着も、チェック済みです♡」=I'm back. I found the girl from before, and asked her where she bought those clothes♡ I also asked about her accessories, and her makeup, and even the underwear she was wearing♡ 「えぇっ!? そ、そこまでしなくてもよかったのに」=Eeeeh--?! Y-You didn't have to go that far. 「え、でも……あの服が気に入ったんですよね? それなら、全部同じ服じゃないとダメじゃないですか♡ 今度、全部買ってあなたに見せますので……」=Eh, but... you liked those clothes, no? In that case, I have to go the whole way, no?♡ I'll go buy them all sometime and show you...♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/402/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/402/translation.txt index d814b30f06..fc8bc7ff1c 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/402/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/402/translation.txt @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ (メニューが来るの楽しみだなぁ……ん? [H名]の鞄から真っ赤な日記帳がはみ出てるぞ……)=(Can't wait for our food to arrive... Hm? A red diary's sticking out of [H名]'s bag...) (とめどなく溢れる好奇心を抑えることができない。ごめん、[H名]……)=(Sorry, [H名], please don't kill this cat for being curious...) ペラッ……=*flip*--... -[P姓][P名][P姓][P名][P姓][P名][P姓][P名][P姓]……=[P姓][P名][P姓][P名][P姓][P名][P姓][P名][P姓]... -(これは…………あ、俺の名前を綺麗に書けるようになってきて嬉しいって書いてある。よかった、この一文がなかったら呪いだと思ってた……)="(This is... Ah, I'm so happy I can write his name so nicely now", so it's just writing practice. I'm glad, I almost thought this was supposed to be a curse...)"" +[P姓][P名][P姓][P名][P姓][P名][P姓][P名][P姓]……=[P姓][P名][P姓][P名][P姓][P名][P姓][P名][P姓]…… +(これは…………あ、俺の名前を綺麗に書けるようになってきて嬉しいって書いてある。よかった、この一文がなかったら呪いだと思ってた……)=(This is... Ah, "I'm so happy I can write his name so nicely now", so it's just writing practice. I'm glad, I almost thought this was supposed to be a curse...) 『×月〇日。学園に男の人が転入してくることになった♡ これって、ずっと男の人と接点がなかった私に訪れた運命だよね♡ もしかしたら前世で結ばれた人かも♡』=『X Month, Y Day. Seems like a boy's going to transfer to our school♡ This ought to be fate knocking on my door, right?♡ After all this time of not even talking to a boy. Maybe he's my lover from my last life♡』 『×月△日。櫻井先生の机から、運命の人が暮らすお家の住所が書かれた書類を見つけた♡ 明日引っ越してくるみたい♡ こっそりお茶を差し入れようかな♡』=『X Month, Z Day. I managed to find out my fated's address from a document in Sakurai-sensei's desk♡ Seems like he's gonna be moving in tomorrow♡ Maybe I'll sneakily leave some tea in the fridge for him♡』 ペラッ、ペラッ、ペラッ……=*flip*, *flip*, *flip*--... 『×月□日。運命の人と付き合ったときのために、運命の人との恋愛小説を書き始めちゃった♡ 男の人はエッチらしいから、しっかり勉強しなくちゃ♡』=『X Month, β Day. For the sake of being able to be a good girlfriend, I've started writing a romance novel with me and him in it♡ He seems like a lewd boy, so I have to study up♡』 『×月×日。運命の人が話しかけてくれた♡ でも、私が口下手すぎて、自分を殺したい……彼は優しくて、格好よくて、こんな私に合わせて話してくれるいい人♡』=『X Month, X Day. He called out to me♡ But, I kept tripping over my words, I want to kill myself... He's so sweet, so cool, such a nice guy, he even chatted with me without getting hung up on my words♡』 『〇月×日。ついに運命の人と恋人に♡ 迷惑をかけるかもって言ったら、それでもいいって♡ でも、かけたくないから彼のために変わらないと♡ でもどうやって?』=『Y Month, X Day. We're finally a couple♡ When I told him that I might cause him tons of trouble, he said he was fine with it♡ But I really don't want to do that, so I have to change for him♡ But how?』 -ペラッ、ペラッ、ペラッ…………=*flip*, *flip, *flip*--... +ペラッ、ペラッ、ペラッ…………=*flip*, *flip, *flip*--...... 『△月〇日。彼を安心させるために、他の女の子たちに友達になってほしいってお願いした。私から距離を置いてたのに、みんな優しく受け入れてくれた。嬉しい……』=『Z Month, Y Day. To give him peace of mind, I asked the other girls to please be my friends. Even though all of them had distanced themselves from me before, they still kindly accepted it. I'm so happy...』 『△月□日。明日は運命の人とデート。迷惑かけないか不安だけど、最近は頑張って普通の女の子になってきてるし、大丈夫、だよね? 私、昔の私を殺せたかな……?』=『Z Month, β Day. I'm going on a date with him tomorrow. I'm worried whether I'll be a bother but, I've been trying my best to become more normal these days, so it should be fine, right? Did I kill my past self...?』 記述はここで途切れている……=*Nothing more is written*... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/404/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/404/translation.txt index fed746981c..f7f3560e92 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/404/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/404/translation.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 「じゃあ、食べようか」=Well then, shall we eat? 「はい♡ ……あ♡ あの、もしあなたが嫌じゃなかったら、やってみたいことがあるんですけど……♡」=Yes♡ ...Ah♡ Uhm, there's something I'd really like to try, if you wouldn't mind...♡ 「?」=? -「一緒に『いただきます』してもいいですか? 男の人と付き合ったら、やりたいことだったんです♡ 同じテーブルで向き合って、ニコニコ笑い合いながら♡」="Could we say I'm digging in", together? It's something I've always wanted to try, with a boy♡ On the same table, facing each other, while laughing♡"" +「一緒に『いただきます』してもいいですか? 男の人と付き合ったら、やりたいことだったんです♡ 同じテーブルで向き合って、ニコニコ笑い合いながら♡」=Could we say "I'm digging in", together? It's something I've always wanted to try, with a boy♡ On the same table, facing each other, while laughing♡ 「もちろん! それじゃ、いただきます」=Of course! Well then, I'm digging in. 「いただきます♡」=I'm digging in♡ 「ぱくっ♡ んん♡ 好きな人と一緒に食べるパフェ、甘くておいしいです♡ 一人で食べたときより美味しいです♡」=*Chew*♡ Nnn♡ Even this parfait tastes so sweet and tasty, when I'm eating it with you♡ It's tastier than when I eat it by myself♡ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ 「私、何の才能もないと思ってましたから、嬉しいです♡ ほろ苦いチョコモカブラウニーが甘く感じるぐらい幸せです♡」=I didn't think I was ever talented at anything, so that makes me really happy♡ I'm so happy, even this chocomocha brownie tastes sweet♡ 「[H名]って甘いもの苦手だから、逆に不幸なんじゃ……?」=You don't like sweet stuff though, do you, [H名]? So wouldn't that actually make you unhapp...? 「こういう甘いものは別腹です♡」=This sort of sweet stuff goes to a different belly♡ -「あはは、なるほど! じゃあ、幸せのお裾分けをしてよ。あーんって」="Ahaha, I see! Well then, share some of that happiness with me. You know, that aaahn" thing."" -「あーんですか♡ わかりました、あなたに私の幸せが伝わるようにおまじないをかけて……♡ ♡ ♡ できあがりです♡」="Aaahn", you say♡ Got it, I'll cast a charm on it so that you can feel just as happy as I do...♡ ♡ ♡ It's done♡"" +「あはは、なるほど! じゃあ、幸せのお裾分けをしてよ。あーんって」=Ahaha, I see! Well then, share some of that happiness with me. You know, that "aaahn" thing. +「あーんですか♡ わかりました、あなたに私の幸せが伝わるようにおまじないをかけて……♡ ♡ ♡ できあがりです♡」="Aaahn", you say♡ Got it, I'll cast a charm on it so that you can feel just as happy as I do...♡ ♡ ♡ It's done♡ 「ぱくっ♡ あ、本当にちょっと甘い気が……」=*Chew*♡ Ah, it really does taste a bit sweet... (いや、冗談抜きに甘い……[H名]、どんなおまじないをかけたんだろう……?)=(No, it seriously does taste sweet... Just what sort of charm did she cast on it...?) diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/405/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/405/translation.txt index a46ff5c953..c58e37ad21 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/405/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/405/translation.txt @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ 「じゃあ、次は私が作ってきたハンバーグをどうぞ♡」=Then, please try some of the one I made♡ 「ぱくっ……うん、[H名]の作ってきてくれたハンバーグの方が美味しいよ」=*Chew*... Yeah, the one you made is way tastier. 「ふふふ♡ あなたへの愛がつまってますから♡ もう一口♡」=Fufufu♡ After all, it's got my love for you packed into it♡ Here's another bite♡ -「あ~~~~ん……」=Aaaaaahn... +「あ~~~~ん……」=Aaaaaahn...... 「ぱくっ……もぐもぐ……あぁ、もっと食べたい。あ~ん」=*chew*--... *chew chew*... aah, I wanna eat more. Aaahn. 「そんなに私のハンバーグが気に入ってくれたんですね♡ じゃあ、お店のハンバーグは捨てちゃってもいいですね?」=You like the one I made that much, huh?♡ Well then, is it alright if I throw away the one from the store? 「うん、いいよ。それより早く[H名]のハンバーグ食べさせて、あ~~ん」=Yeah, I don't care. Rather than that, feed me more of yours, [H名]. Aaaahn~ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/500/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/500/translation.txt index fafc79c7a7..5610222ce0 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/500/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/20/500/translation.txt @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ 「あ♡ ここで大丈夫ですよ♡ お見送りまでしてもらっちゃって……今日は本当に、本当に本当にありがとうございました♡ 私、すごく幸せです♡」=Ah♡ I'll be fine from here♡ You even saw me off and everything... Thank you so, so, so very much♡ I feel extremely happy♡ 「うん、俺もだよ。またデートしようね」=Yeah, me too. Let's go on another date soon. 「はい♡ ……あっ、あの……もし迷惑じゃなかったら、あなたの家にお邪魔しちゃだめですか? このままバイバイは寂しいです♡」=Yes♡ ...Ah--, uhm... if I'm not being a bother, could I come intrude at your place? I hate saying bye-bye like this♡ -「[H名]……」=[H名]... +「[H名]……」=[H名]...... 「俺もそう思ってた。うちにおいでよ」=I was just thinking the same thing. Come to my place. 「っ♡ 実はお泊りセットを持ってきてたんです♡ 外泊も親に承諾とってます♡」=--♡ I actually brought everything I need to stay the night♡ I even got permission from my parents for it♡ 「はは、ずいぶん準備がいいね。連絡を取る必要もないなら、さっそく行こうか」=Haha, someone's well prepared. Well then, if you don't need to call them, then let's get going. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/12/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/12/translation.txt index 7404909682..4bf0be5ce0 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/12/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/12/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -「……その……実は、あなたと出会ったときから、この瞬間をずっと……ずっと待ち望んでいました……」=...Uhm... the truth is, I've been waiting for this moment, ever since I met you... waiting, for so long... +「……その……実は、あなたと出会ったときから、この瞬間をずっと……ずっと待ち望んでいました……」=......Uhm... the truth is, I've been waiting for this moment, ever since I met you... waiting, for so long... 「じゃあ……」=Then... 「はい♡ 生まれたときからあなたのためにとっておいた『はじめて』を、も、もら、もらっ……」=Yes♡ The virginity that I've held onto for you, ever since the day I was born, p-p-plea--... 「はうっ、昨日ずっと練習していたのに、緊張しすぎて噛んじゃいました……も、もらってくださーい!」=Hauu--, I was practicing for this moment the whole day yesterday too, but I tripped up on the important moment... P-Please take my virginity! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/5/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/5/translation.txt index d6a878bafb..6e6b63aea7 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/5/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/5/translation.txt @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -「もしかして、好き合っている男女が二人っきりでする『運動♡』のことですか?」="By any chance, are you talking about the sort of exercise♡" a loving couple in a healthy relationship often does?"" +「もしかして、好き合っている男女が二人っきりでする『運動♡』のことですか?」=By any chance, are you talking about the sort of "exercise♡" a loving couple in a healthy relationship often does? 「え? あっ、そうじゃなくて! 普通に身体を動かそうってことだよ!」=Eh? Ah--, not that! I just meant a normal workout! 「え……私ったら、なんて早とちりを♡ ごめんなさい、聞かなかったことにしてください♡」=Eh... I always jump to the wrong conclusion so fast♡ I'm sorry, please pretend you didn't hear that♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/68/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/68/translation.txt index 644273a7b8..681acc6049 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/68/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/68/translation.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ ……=... 「……あ、俺はこっちだけど、きみは違うよね?」=...Ah, this is where my place is, but yours is still a ways off, isn't it? 「えっ……もうそんな所まで来ていたんですね。私、お話に夢中で……」=Eh--... We already came this far, huh? I got so lost in our chat... -「……」=... +「……」=...... 「もしよかったら、送っていこうか? この後、特に用事もないし」=If you want, shall I drop you off? It's not like I have anything important to do later. 「っ! 本当ですか♡ 嬉しいです♡ そういう優しいところもずっと見てました♡」=--! Really?♡ I'm so happy♡ That sweet side of you is so lovely too♡ (ちょっと危なっかしい子だとは思うんだけど、放っておけないんだよな……)=(She seems kinda unsteady, but I can't just leave her be...) diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/84/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/84/translation.txt index 884fee69bf..32c3dcd8d8 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/84/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/84/translation.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ 「うん。何かしたいことがあったら提案してもらえると嬉しいな。その、無理のない範囲で……」=Yeah. If there's anything you wanna do in particular, I'd be happy to go along with it. Uhm, as long as you keep it reasonable... 「うふふ♡ 身構えなくても大丈夫ですよ♡ じゃあ……手を握ってもらっていいですか?」=Ufufu♡ You don't need to prepare for a life-and-death battle like that, you know♡ Well then... could we hold hands? 「それぐらいなら……えっ? 手、すごく冷たいよ……」=If it's just that much... eh--? Your hand, it's freezing cold... -「……あなたにとって『それぐらい』でも、私にとっては結構無理のある範囲なんですよ♡」="...To you, it might be just that much" but, I'm pushing myself quite a bit here, you know?♡"" +「……あなたにとって『それぐらい』でも、私にとっては結構無理のある範囲なんですよ♡」=...To you, it might be "just that much" but, I'm pushing myself quite a bit here, you know?♡ (よく見たら、震えてるじゃないか……)=(Now that I look closer, isn't she's shaking...) 「そっか……ごめん。俺も握り返すね」=I see... Sorry. I'll grip back. (言動は派手だけど、この子も男性に免疫がないんだよな。相手は等身大の女の子だってこと、忘れちゃダメだ)=(She may act all flashily at times but, even she isn't accustomed to being near guys, huh? I shouldn't forget that in the end, she's just a normal girl.) diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/86/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/86/translation.txt index feceebd6f2..950c735dc8 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/86/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/86/translation.txt @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ 「私、あなたと付き合う前まで、『エッチすればあなたに好きになってもらえる』って、本気で信じていたんです♡」=Before we became a couple, I really used to believe that as long as I laid myself on a platter for you and let you have your way with me, you'd love me and stuff♡ 「かなり積極的だったし、焦ってたよね」=You were pretty aggressive, must have been pretty anxious. -「はい♡ 今思うと『エッチ』と『好き』の順番が逆だったんです♡ それが恋で、それを学んだのがあなたとのコイカツでした♡」="Yes♡ If I think about it now, I realize the sex" comes after falling in "love", not before♡ Your club is the thing that taught me the real meaning of love♡"" -「『エッチ』とか『好き』とか『恋』って、言葉の意味は分かるけど、関係が複雑だよね」="Words like sex" and "love" and "romance", the meanings look simple on the surface but, the way they tie with each other is complex, isn'tit?"" -「そうなんです♡ 順番が逆になっただけで、あなたへの『好き』も『恋』もより深くなりましたから♡」="Indeed♡ My love" for you has only grown stronger, from the order flipping itself on its head♡"" +「はい♡ 今思うと『エッチ』と『好き』の順番が逆だったんです♡ それが恋で、それを学んだのがあなたとのコイカツでした♡」=Yes♡ If I think about it now, I realize the "sex" comes after falling in "love", not before♡ Your club is the thing that taught me the real meaning of love♡ +「『エッチ』とか『好き』とか『恋』って、言葉の意味は分かるけど、関係が複雑だよね」=Words like "sex" and "love" and "romance", the meanings look simple on the surface but, the way they tie with each other is complex, isn'tit? +「そうなんです♡ 順番が逆になっただけで、あなたへの『好き』も『恋』もより深くなりましたから♡」=Indeed♡ My "love" for you has only grown stronger, from the order flipping itself on its head♡ 「これからも、コイカツ部の活動を通して成長したいね、お互いに」=Hopefully, we both keep learning more about love, and about each other, through these activities. -「大丈夫です♡ だって私たちはお互いを『好き』な『恋』人同士ですから♡ 基本は間違っていません♡」="It'll be alright♡ Afterall, we're lovers" who "love" each other deeply♡ Our foundation is alright♡"" +「大丈夫です♡ だって私たちはお互いを『好き』な『恋』人同士ですから♡ 基本は間違っていません♡」=It'll be alright♡ Afterall, we're "lovers" who "love" each other deeply♡ Our foundation is alright♡ 「うん、そうだね。俺も[H]のことが好きだから、大丈夫だと思う。これからもよろしくね」=Yeah, you're right. I love you too so, I think it'll be fine. Take care of me in the future as well. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/97/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/97/translation.txt index 6962e631ff..ffe1f938f4 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/97/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/25/97/translation.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 「すぅ……すぅ…………ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... (んぅ……ん……なにか、やわらかいものが……あたって……?)=(Nnn... nnn... I feel something... really soft...?) 「…………」=... -「……って、え? え?」=...wuh, eh? eh? +「……って、え? え?」=......wuh, eh? eh? 「うふふ♡ まだ眠たそうですね。おっぱいで……起こしてさしあげます♡」=Ufufu♡ Seems like you still wanna sleep some more. I'll wake you right up... with my boobs♡ -「ちょ、待って……んんっ……」=Wai--, just a... nnn--... +「ちょ、待って……んんっ……」=Wai--, just a... nnn--...... 「ん……ずっと擦っていたので……私のおっぱいも気持ちよく、なってきました♡」=Nnn... I've been rubbing them on your dick for quite a while so... my boobs have started feeling good too♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/0/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/0/translation.txt index bcb91db795..a1ddf80d07 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/0/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/0/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「今ちょっといいかな? コイカツ部の活動をしてるんだけど」=You got a moment? I'm from the Koikatsu club. +「今ちょっといいかな? コイカツ部の活動をしてるんだけど」=You got a moment? I'm from the Koikatsu club. 「? っ! っっ!? えっ、あの……えっと……」=? --! ---!? Eh--, uhm... erhm... 「あ、驚かせたならごめんね。俺、[P名前]って言って……」=Ah, sorry if I caught you off guard. I go by [P名前]... 「知ってます。あなたのことも、コイカツ部のことも……全部♡」=I know. About you, about your Koikatsu club... everything♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/1/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/1/translation.txt index 62a8507927..a143a4ba8e 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/1/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/1/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「あ、今ちょっといいかな」=Ah, do you have a moment? +「あ、今ちょっといいかな」=Ah, do you have a moment? 「!! ……はい。お話……ですよね? コイカツ部の……」=!! ... Yes. You want to... chat, right? About the Koikatsu club... 「あ、噂で聞いてたかな?」=Oh, did you hear about me from the others? 「そうですね……情報収集の八割は噂話です……」=I suppose so... Rumours do make up 80% of all information gathering, afterall... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/10/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/10/translation.txt index 935a1861fb..d0733718bb 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/10/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/10/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「私がコイカツ部に……いいんですか?」=Me, in the Koikatsu club... are you sure? +「私がコイカツ部に……いいんですか?」=Me, in the Koikatsu club... are you sure? 「うん……是非一緒に活動したいと思ってさ」=Yeah... I just really wanna do the club activities with you. 「とっても嬉しいんですけど……他の子とも一緒に活動するんですよね?」=That makes me happier than you realize but... other girls will be joining in too, won't they? 「あっ! たまにそういう時があるけど、基本は二人きりだよ」=Ah--! There might be times like that every so often but, it'll usually just be the two of us. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/11/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/11/translation.txt index 02feef7c2e..a0e0b52169 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/11/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/11/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「……ごめんなさい。もう私、あなたとは付き合えません……」=...I'm sorry. I can't go out with you anymore... +「……ごめんなさい。もう私、あなたとは付き合えません……」=...I'm sorry. I can't go out with you anymore... 「え……」=Wha... 「私……今朝……最近あなたと仲良くしてるあの子のこと、殺したいって……」=This morning... I... felt the urge to kill the girl you've recently been getting along with... 「グチャグチャにすりつぶしてやりたいって思っちゃいました! もう私、自分が抑えきれません……♡」=I really wanted to grind her into a bloody pulp! I can't control myself anymore...♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/12/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/12/translation.txt index c452fa45b6..4bf0be5ce0 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/12/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/12/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「……その……実は、あなたと出会ったときから、この瞬間をずっと……ずっと待ち望んでいました……」=...Uhm... the truth is, I've been waiting for this moment, ever since I met you... waiting, for so long... +「……その……実は、あなたと出会ったときから、この瞬間をずっと……ずっと待ち望んでいました……」=......Uhm... the truth is, I've been waiting for this moment, ever since I met you... waiting, for so long... 「じゃあ……」=Then... 「はい♡ 生まれたときからあなたのためにとっておいた『はじめて』を、も、もら、もらっ……」=Yes♡ The virginity that I've held onto for you, ever since the day I was born, p-p-plea--... 「はうっ、昨日ずっと練習していたのに、緊張しすぎて噛んじゃいました……も、もらってくださーい!」=Hauu--, I was practicing for this moment the whole day yesterday too, but I tripped up on the important moment... P-Please take my virginity! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/13/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/13/translation.txt index f4c7e63b74..459532a100 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/13/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/13/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「デート……デートですね……わ、わかりました」=Date... a date, right?... G-Got it. +「デート……デートですね……わ、わかりました」=Date... a date, right?... G-Got it. 「そ、そんなに肩肘張らなくても……」=Y-You don't have to stiffen up so much, we're not going to war. 「それも、そうですね。私たち恋人同士ですもんね。し、深呼吸しながら、楽しみにしてます♡」=You do have a point. We're a couple afterall. I'll count seconds till our date, while taking deep breaths and relaxing... ♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/14/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/14/translation.txt index 6f1fb0ed07..1c19e498f0 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/14/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/14/translation.txt @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@ - -「……おはようございます。あなたの寝顔を見てたらドキドキして眠れなくて……」=...Good morning. Looking at your sleeping face got me so excited, I couldn't sleep a wink... +「……おはようございます。あなたの寝顔を見てたらドキドキして眠れなくて……」=...Good morning. Looking at your sleeping face got me so excited, I couldn't sleep a wink... 「昔も妄想の中であなたを妄想して寝不足になってましたけど、こんなに幸せな寝不足は初めてです♡」=There were times when I would stay up all night just thinking about you in the past but, this is the first time I've ever felt so happy while being so sleep deprived♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/15/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/15/translation.txt index 23846e38e0..f63c2f5ba5 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/15/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/15/translation.txt @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@ - -「あ……おはようございます。シャワー借りました」=Ah... good morning. I borrowed your shower. +「あ……おはようございます。シャワー借りました」=Ah... good morning. I borrowed your shower. 「そろそろあなたが起きる頃だと思って、バスタオルを巻いてきました♡ こういうの、好きですよね♡」=I thought it was about time you woke up so, I wrapped a bath towel around myself and everything♡ You love this sort of thing, don't you♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/16/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/16/translation.txt index 41806c8b5b..905186a44f 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/16/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/16/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -(なんだか下半身がムズムズする……あれ? もう朝か……?)=(My crotch feels real twitchy for some reason... Huh? Already morning, huh...?) +(なんだか下半身がムズムズする……あれ? もう朝か……?)=(My crotch feels real twitchy for some reason... Huh? Already morning, huh...?) 「って、うわあっ!?」=Wuh, Uwaah--!? 「うふふ♡ おはようございます。昨日私のことを沢山愛してくれたオチンチンに恩返しをしていました♡」=Ufufu♡ Good morning. I was just returning the favour to this little guy, for making so much love to me last night♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/17/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/17/translation.txt index b3cb1e76f3..b31a8fe065 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/17/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/17/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「んーっ、よく寝た。……あれ? メモがある。なになに――」=Mmm, I slept well. ...Oh? There's a note. Let's see---- +「んーっ、よく寝た。……あれ? メモがある。なになに――」=Mmm, I slept well. ...Oh? There's a note. Let's see---- 『[P]さんへ おはようございます♡ 今日は日直の日なので、先に学園に向かいます』=『To [P]-san, good morning♡ I'm on day duty today, so I'll be heading out first.』 『本当は新婚の奥さんみたいに身の回りのお世話をしたかったんですけど……』=『Though I honestly really just wanted to clean up around the place and take care of you as if we were newlyweds...』 『昨日の今日なので、身支度に時間がかかってしまいました(照 それではまた学園で「愛」ましょう♡』=『It took a good while for me to dress up for class, you know? *blush*, well then, let's continue where we left off at school ♡』 diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/18/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/18/translation.txt index 3f342754c6..96a8032794 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/18/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/18/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「おはようございます♡ 今日も一日、よろしくお願いします♡」=Good morning♡ Let's have a great day today as well♡ +「おはようございます♡ 今日も一日、よろしくお願いします♡」=Good morning♡ Let's have a great day today as well♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/19/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/19/translation.txt index c86a2fb079..5a5084fe51 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/19/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/19/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「おはようございます♡ 他の女の子と登校していなくて安心しました♡」=Good morning♡ I'm really relieved that you're not walking to class with any other girl♡ +「おはようございます♡ 他の女の子と登校していなくて安心しました♡」=Good morning♡ I'm really relieved that you're not walking to class with any other girl♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/2/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/2/translation.txt index d1390bea86..741be63a3d 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/2/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/2/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「私、あなたのことを変に美化し過ぎていたのかもしれません」=You know, I might have been putting you on too much of a pedestal. +「私、あなたのことを変に美化し過ぎていたのかもしれません」=You know, I might have been putting you on too much of a pedestal. 「う、うん。だと思ったよ。幻滅させちゃったかな?」=Y-Yeah. I thought as much. Did I let you down? 「いいえ……その逆で、もっと好きになってしまいました♡」=Not at all... If anything, I've fallen even more in love with you♡ 「え?」=Eh? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/20/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/20/translation.txt index 852393ae28..73ab092d96 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/20/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/20/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「おはようございます♡ 今日もあなたの元気そうなお顔が見られて幸せです♡」=Good morning♡ I'm really happy to see that you're feeling great today too♡ +「おはようございます♡ 今日もあなたの元気そうなお顔が見られて幸せです♡」=Good morning♡ I'm really happy to see that you're feeling great today too♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/21/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/21/translation.txt index 509b77e4c8..960c03031a 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/21/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/21/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「おはようございます♡ よかったら教室まで一緒に行きませんか?」=Good morning♡ Shall we walk to the classroom together? +「おはようございます♡ よかったら教室まで一緒に行きませんか?」=Good morning♡ Shall we walk to the classroom together? 「もちろん! そういえば、初めて会った頃はずっと眠そうだったけど、今はそんなことないよね」=Of course! Come to think of it, when we first met, you always looked so sleepy, but nowadays you seem fine. 「もともと夜更かしでしたから……でも、少しでもあなたと同じ時間を過ごしたいと思ってからは、自然と規則正しくなりました♡」=I used to stay up all night afterall... but, when I started wanting to spend even a bit more of my time together with you, my sleep schedule automatically fixed itself♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/3/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/3/translation.txt index 32a45f92b2..204274691f 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/3/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/3/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「!! ……はい♡ 一緒に帰りたいです♡ ずっと夢に見ていました♡」=!! ...Yes♡ I'd love to walk home together♡ It's been my dream for the longest time♡ +「!! ……はい♡ 一緒に帰りたいです♡ ずっと夢に見ていました♡」=!! ...Yes♡ I'd love to walk home together♡ It's been my dream for the longest time♡ 「あはは、大げさだよ」=Ahaha, you're exaggerating. 「うふふ、そうですか? こういうことが普通になってくれるなら、それこそ夢みたいです♡」=Ufufu, am I? If this sort of thing is going to become something normal between us, then that'd be a dream in itself♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/4/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/4/translation.txt index 1d6e18a701..b3b2d43610 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/4/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/4/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「はい、喜んで♡ たしか、今は物理で分からないところがあるんですよね?」=Yes, gladly♡ If I recall correctly, there's a physics problem that's puzzling you at the moment, isn't there? +「はい、喜んで♡ たしか、今は物理で分からないところがあるんですよね?」=Yes, gladly♡ If I recall correctly, there's a physics problem that's puzzling you at the moment, isn't there? 「えっ、そんなことまで……」=Eh--, how'd you know that?... 「あなたのことは何でも知ってますから♡ 頑張って勉強してきたので、教えてあげますね♡」=I know everything there is to know about you♡ I did my best and studied it as thoroughly as I could, so I'll teach you♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/41/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/41/translation.txt index 6098ab4317..1206c6aa2b 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/41/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/41/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「今はダメです。隣りの個室に他の子がいます……」=Not right now. There's a girl in the next stall... +「今はダメです。隣りの個室に他の子がいます……」=Not right now. There's a girl in the next stall... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/42/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/42/translation.txt index 8079af0323..d4dc0fac3d 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/42/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/42/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「自分を棚にあげるようですけど、覗きは魅力的な男性がするような行為ではないと思います」=I know I'm not exactly in a position to be preaching this but, I don't think peeping is something a stand-up guy like you should be doing. +「自分を棚にあげるようですけど、覗きは魅力的な男性がするような行為ではないと思います」=I know I'm not exactly in a position to be preaching this but, I don't think peeping is something a stand-up guy like you should be doing. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/43/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/43/translation.txt index 4834f9597e..2134d8ecc3 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/43/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/43/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「うふふ♡ やっぱり覗いてくれましたね♡ あなたのこと、誘いこんでしまいました♡」=Ufufu♡ You really did come to peep on me♡ I was tempting you this whole time♡ +「うふふ♡ やっぱり覗いてくれましたね♡ あなたのこと、誘いこんでしまいました♡」=Ufufu♡ You really did come to peep on me♡ I was tempting you this whole time♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/44/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/44/translation.txt index ea1b867599..2e63f9765f 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/44/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/44/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「へえ、色々あるんだね」=Heh, there's all sorts, aren't there? +「へえ、色々あるんだね」=Heh, there's all sorts, aren't there? 「あのお店に入ってみませんか? あなたの好きなものがたくさんありそうです」=Wanna go take a look at that store? I think you'll like what they have to offer. 「うん、いいよ」=Yeah, alright. 「うふふ♡ あなたの喜ぶ顔がたくさん見られてとっても幸せでした♡」=Ufufu♡ I'm so happy right now, since I got to see so many of your bright smiles♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/45/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/45/translation.txt index dc24996453..4f6b23e9b2 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/45/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/45/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「今でも信じられません……ずっと想いを寄せていたあなたに、はじめてを奪ってもらえるなんて♡」=I still can't believe it... To think I'd have my virginity taken by the person I've already given my heart to♡ +「今でも信じられません……ずっと想いを寄せていたあなたに、はじめてを奪ってもらえるなんて♡」=I still can't believe it... To think I'd have my virginity taken by the person I've already given my heart to♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/46/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/46/translation.txt index ed18fcbf47..8246e55825 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/46/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/46/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「あなたの愛を身体いっぱいに感じて……とっても幸せでした♡」=I felt your love for me throughout my body... It was pure happiness♡ +「あなたの愛を身体いっぱいに感じて……とっても幸せでした♡」=I felt your love for me throughout my body... It was pure happiness♡ 「すごく可愛かったよ」=You were real cute. 「ありがとうございます♡ 次はもっとあなたが興奮できるように、エッチなことをいっぱい研究してきます♡」=Thank you♡ I'll study up on lewd things a lot more, so that I can make you lots more aroused next time♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/47/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/47/translation.txt index 2a418f29aa..92c0abba4f 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/47/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/47/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「最近、段々とあなたのおちんちんが身体に馴染んできた気がします。もう、私の身体の一部ですね♡」=I feel like your dick's been adapting to my body recently. At this point, your dick's just another part of my body now♡ +「最近、段々とあなたのおちんちんが身体に馴染んできた気がします。もう、私の身体の一部ですね♡」=I feel like your dick's been adapting to my body recently. At this point, your dick's just another part of my body now♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/48/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/48/translation.txt index 635ba77df3..3e6e83387c 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/48/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/48/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「私、昔はあなたの心さえ繋ぎ止めていられれば満足だったんです。でも今は、あなたのオチンポも独り占めしたくて♡」=In the past, I was satisfied enough with just having a hold on your heart. But now, I just can't help but want to monopolize your dick as well♡ +「私、昔はあなたの心さえ繋ぎ止めていられれば満足だったんです。でも今は、あなたのオチンポも独り占めしたくて♡」=In the past, I was satisfied enough with just having a hold on your heart. But now, I just can't help but want to monopolize your dick as well♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/49/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/49/translation.txt index 8a962e805f..424eb4ac68 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/49/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/49/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「あなたの愛の棒が何度も突き刺さって…はぁ♡ 身も心もイカされてしまいました♡」=Your rod of love pierced me so much... Haa♡ I felt both my body and my heart climax♡ +「あなたの愛の棒が何度も突き刺さって…はぁ♡ 身も心もイカされてしまいました♡」=Your rod of love pierced me so much... Haa♡ I felt both my body and my heart climax♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/5/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/5/translation.txt index af3525916c..6e6b63aea7 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/5/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/5/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「もしかして、好き合っている男女が二人っきりでする『運動♡』のことですか?」="By any chance, are you talking about the sort of exercise♡" a loving couple in a healthy relationship often does?"" +「もしかして、好き合っている男女が二人っきりでする『運動♡』のことですか?」=By any chance, are you talking about the sort of "exercise♡" a loving couple in a healthy relationship often does? 「え? あっ、そうじゃなくて! 普通に身体を動かそうってことだよ!」=Eh? Ah--, not that! I just meant a normal workout! 「え……私ったら、なんて早とちりを♡ ごめんなさい、聞かなかったことにしてください♡」=Eh... I always jump to the wrong conclusion so fast♡ I'm sorry, please pretend you didn't hear that♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/50/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/50/translation.txt index da5fb12496..442649f934 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/50/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/50/translation.txt @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@ - -「私、エッチの最中に重い女だと思われるようなことを口走っていませんでしたか?」=I didn't say anything that made you think that I had too much baggage while we were having sex, right? +「私、エッチの最中に重い女だと思われるようなことを口走っていませんでしたか?」=I didn't say anything that made you think that I had too much baggage while we were having sex, right? 「昔と違って、今の私はあなたと仲良く暮らせればそれで幸せな女です。嫌いにならないでくださいね♡」=Unlike the past, I'm happy enough just being able to spend my days with you. Please don't come to hate me, okay?♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/51/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/51/translation.txt index e2173a1d66..90babfe215 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/51/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/51/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「まだあなたの愛を十分に注いでもらっていませんけど……あなたが満足したなら、それで十分ですよね♡」=I still haven't had enough of your love but... if you're satisfied, then we'll leave it at that♡ +「まだあなたの愛を十分に注いでもらっていませんけど……あなたが満足したなら、それで十分ですよね♡」=I still haven't had enough of your love but... if you're satisfied, then we'll leave it at that♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/52/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/52/translation.txt index 94e63e3c8d..dc19099d4f 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/52/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/52/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「わざと私を焦らして、愛を試しているんですね? わかりました、次のエッチまでオナニーもしませんから♡」=You're teasing me on purpose to try and test my love for you, right? I got it. I'll hold off from even touching myself until the next time we have sex♡ +「わざと私を焦らして、愛を試しているんですね? わかりました、次のエッチまでオナニーもしませんから♡」=You're teasing me on purpose to try and test my love for you, right? I got it. I'll hold off from even touching myself until the next time we have sex♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/53/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/53/translation.txt index ca5c15aab6..27c73695b7 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/53/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/53/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「もう、終わりですか? もしかして私に飽きてしまったんですか? そうじゃないって、言ってください……」=Is that it? Are you already bored of me, by any chance? Please say that that's not the truth... +「もう、終わりですか? もしかして私に飽きてしまったんですか? そうじゃないって、言ってください……」=Is that it? Are you already bored of me, by any chance? Please say that that's not the truth... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/54/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/54/translation.txt index a6a7c60776..b73d1c2278 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/54/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/54/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「あなたのことを独り占めしたいって知ってるくせに、こんなところで……あなたが興奮したならいいですけど♡」=Even though you know how much I want to monopolize you, doing it in a place like this... well, it's fine if it gets you in the mood♡ +「あなたのことを独り占めしたいって知ってるくせに、こんなところで……あなたが興奮したならいいですけど♡」=Even though you know how much I want to monopolize you, doing it in a place like this... well, it's fine if it gets you in the mood♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/55/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/55/translation.txt index 09c6116eb5..f800b227be 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/55/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/55/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「私、変なんです。あなたを独り占めしたいのに、他の子に見せびらかしたくもなって、たまらなくて♡」=I feel weird. Even though I want to have you all to myself, I also can't stand the urge to flaunt our sex life, to the other girls♡ +「私、変なんです。あなたを独り占めしたいのに、他の子に見せびらかしたくもなって、たまらなくて♡」=I feel weird. Even though I want to have you all to myself, I also can't stand the urge to flaunt our sex life, to the other girls♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/56/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/56/translation.txt index 8799994f7d..51672f3d41 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/56/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/56/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「ど、どうして……ですか? 私、やっぱりあなたに迷惑をかけてしまいましたか? 何か、不都合なことを……」=W-Why...? As I thought, did I cause you problems? Did I do something wrong... +「ど、どうして……ですか? 私、やっぱりあなたに迷惑をかけてしまいましたか? 何か、不都合なことを……」=W-Why...? As I thought, did I cause you problems? Did I do something wrong... 「それは……」=That's... 「言ってください、私、絶対に直します! あなたは私の全てなんです!」=Please say it, I'll definitely change! You're everything to me! 「……ごめん」=...Sorry. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/57/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/57/translation.txt index b655cbbabb..10bea95164 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/57/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/57/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「ごめん! 待った!?」=Sorry! Did you wait long?! +「ごめん! 待った!?」=Sorry! Did you wait long?! 「そんなに急がなくても大丈夫ですよ♡ まだ集合10分前です♡」=You don't need to rush that much, you know?♡ There's still 10 minutes before the time we set♡ 「俺が先に来てると思ってたからビックリしたんだ」=I thought I'd be here first so I was really surprised. 「楽しみすぎて、速めに着いちゃったんです♡ では、行きましょうか♡」=I was looking forward to this so much, that I ended up arriving a bit early♡ Well then, shall we go?♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/58/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/58/translation.txt index f42a5c6082..f18b098fcb 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/58/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/58/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「お待たせしました♡ 今日は早く来てくれたんですね♡」=Oh, sorry for making you wait♡ You came really early today, huh?♡ +「お待たせしました♡ 今日は早く来てくれたんですね♡」=Oh, sorry for making you wait♡ You came really early today, huh?♡ 「この前、時間が足りなかったでしょ? だから、出来るだけ早く来ようと思って」=We didn't have enough time last time, no? That's why, I tried to come as early as I could. 「そんなこと言われると、照れてしまいます♡ 今日もいっぱい楽しみましょうね♡」=You're gonna make me blush if you say those sorts of things to me♡ Let's have lots of fun today as well♡ 「あ、これ美味しいな」=Ah, this tastes great. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/59/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/59/translation.txt index 89462a7e2f..ed2e2423f7 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/59/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/59/translation.txt @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@ - -「あなたとのデートは二人っきりでいられる数少ない時間……私にとって至福の時間です♡」=The dates we have together are the rare chances when we can be together by ourselves... To me, they're a time of bliss♡ +「あなたとのデートは二人っきりでいられる数少ない時間……私にとって至福の時間です♡」=The dates we have together are the rare chances when we can be together by ourselves... To me, they're a time of bliss♡ 「私はきっと、今日を迎えるために生きていたのだと思います♡ また誘ってくださいね♡」=I'm sure that the only reason I was born, was for this day♡ Please ask me out again sometime♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/6/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/6/translation.txt index 88764f272e..bb9bf7ae44 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/6/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/6/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「はい、どこにでも連れていってください♡」=Yes, take me wherever you want♡ +「はい、どこにでも連れていってください♡」=Yes, take me wherever you want♡ 「時間大丈夫?」=You alright on time? 「大丈夫じゃなくても付いていきます♡ あなたと私は一心同体ですから♡」=Even if I wasn't, I'd still go with you♡ We're one, in body and spirit, afterall♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/60/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/60/translation.txt index 23af82653a..40710f9975 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/60/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/60/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「うふふ♡ 今日もあなたの新しい一面を沢山知ることができました♡ ありがとうございます♡」=Ufufu♡ I got to see lots more about yet another fresh side of you today♡ Thank you very much♡ +「うふふ♡ 今日もあなたの新しい一面を沢山知ることができました♡ ありがとうございます♡」=Ufufu♡ I got to see lots more about yet another fresh side of you today♡ Thank you very much♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/63/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/63/translation.txt index 597d5d2692..7a2597c42b 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/63/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/63/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「お邪魔します♡ ……昨日の夜まで汚かったのに……今朝片づけたんですね♡」=Sorry for intruding♡ ...Even though it was so filthy till last night... You must have cleaned up this morning, huh?♡ +「お邪魔します♡ ……昨日の夜まで汚かったのに……今朝片づけたんですね♡」=Sorry for intruding♡ ...Even though it was so filthy till last night... You must have cleaned up this morning, huh?♡ 「ま、またどこかから見てたの?」=W-Were you watching me from somewhere again? 「すみません、もうあなたを観察するのがクセになっていて♡ 今度から私が片づけますよ♡」=I'm sorry, it's just become a habit of mine to watch over you♡ I'll clean it up for you next time♡ 「片付けもいいんだけど……」=You don't really need to, you know... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/64/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/64/translation.txt index 2e65664282..e9b18004cd 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/64/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/64/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「お邪魔します♡ 今日はお部屋の片づけから先に……うふふ♡ どうしてベッドだけ片づけてあるんですか?」=Sorry for intruding♡ Seems like we'll have to start with cleaning up a bit first... Ufufu♡ Why is the bed the only thing you've got cleaned up?♡ +「お邪魔します♡ 今日はお部屋の片づけから先に……うふふ♡ どうしてベッドだけ片づけてあるんですか?」=Sorry for intruding♡ Seems like we'll have to start with cleaning up a bit first... Ufufu♡ Why is the bed the only thing you've got cleaned up?♡ 「俺のことなら、何でも知ってるんだよね?」=You should know all there is to know about me by now, no? 「はい♡ ベッドの上で、あなたの性欲のお片づけをしちゃいますね♡」=Of course♡ I'll take care of all your desires on top of the bed♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/65/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/65/translation.txt index 7f22273e6d..5b4f734aff 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/65/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/65/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「ごめん、待った?」=Sorry, did I make you wait? +「ごめん、待った?」=Sorry, did I make you wait? 「いいえ、私も今来たところです♡ ……うふふ♡ 一度言ってみたかったんです♡」=Not at all, I got here just now myself♡ ...Ufufu♡ I've always wanted to say that once in my life♡ 「校門で待ち合わせって男女共通のロマンなんだね」=Man, meeting up at the back of the school as a couple is what it's all about, isn't it? 「はい♡ それでは、帰りましょう♡」=Yes♡ Well then, let's go home♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/66/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/66/translation.txt index 979faa6693..a128e9f943 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/66/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/66/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「見慣れた街なのに、違う街みたいに見えます♡」=Even though I know this town like the back of my hand, it feels like an entirely different place now♡ +「見慣れた街なのに、違う街みたいに見えます♡」=Even though I know this town like the back of my hand, it feels like an entirely different place now♡ 「え、どうして?」=Eh, why? 「大好きなあなたと二人きりで歩いているからです♡ 今まで興味のなかったお店も、あなたとなら入りたくなってしまって♡」=It's because I'm walking side by side with you, my love♡ Even the stores that never interested me till now, I can't help but want to check them out together with you♡ 「じゃあ、ちょっと寄り道してみる?」=Wanna take a slight detour then? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/67/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/67/translation.txt index c591712355..62fcfd64ed 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/67/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/67/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「昔、学園に行きたくないときに、ここの公園でよく妄想していました……私は学園の人気者って……痛い子ですよね」=Back in the day, whenever I wouldn't feel like going to school, I'd come here and fantasize... about being the most popular girl in school and stuff... sounds cringy, doesn't it? +「昔、学園に行きたくないときに、ここの公園でよく妄想していました……私は学園の人気者って……痛い子ですよね」=Back in the day, whenever I wouldn't feel like going to school, I'd come here and fantasize... about being the most popular girl in school and stuff... sounds cringy, doesn't it? 「そ、そんなことないよ……」=N-Not at all... 「すみません、暗い話をしてしまって。でも、もう大丈夫です♡ 今はあなたのおかげで学園に行くのが楽しみで仕方ないんです♡」=I'm sorry, I started talking about depressing stuff. But, I'm alright now♡ These days, thanks to you, going to school has become so fun, I almost can't help myself sometimes♡ 「そう言ってもらえると嬉しいな」=Hearing that makes me really happy. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/68/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/68/translation.txt index c065e14fef..681acc6049 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/68/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/68/translation.txt @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「……あ、俺はこっちだけど、きみは違うよね?」=...Ah, this is where my place is, but yours is still a ways off, isn't it? 「えっ……もうそんな所まで来ていたんですね。私、お話に夢中で……」=Eh--... We already came this far, huh? I got so lost in our chat... -「……」=... +「……」=...... 「もしよかったら、送っていこうか? この後、特に用事もないし」=If you want, shall I drop you off? It's not like I have anything important to do later. 「っ! 本当ですか♡ 嬉しいです♡ そういう優しいところもずっと見てました♡」=--! Really?♡ I'm so happy♡ That sweet side of you is so lovely too♡ (ちょっと危なっかしい子だとは思うんだけど、放っておけないんだよな……)=(She seems kinda unsteady, but I can't just leave her be...) diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/69/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/69/translation.txt index 471be02213..2e5372711e 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/69/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/69/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「物理の63ページの問2がわからないんでしたよね♡」=You were stuck on the 2nd question of the 63rd page of the Physics textbook, right?♡ +「物理の63ページの問2がわからないんでしたよね♡」=You were stuck on the 2nd question of the 63rd page of the Physics textbook, right?♡ 「え……何で知ってるの?」=Eh... How'd you know that? 「クラスの子から聞きました♡ ちゃんとわかりやすく説明しますね♡」=I heard it from a classmate♡ I'll explain it in a way that makes sense♡ (これが女の子の情報網!? 助かるような、怖いような……)=(So this is the power of a girl's information network!? I don't know whether to feel scared or thankful for the rescue...) diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/7/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/7/translation.txt index 18924bbf87..85c84a218c 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/7/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/7/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「私……今、告白されたんですか? 他の誰でもない、あなたに?」=Did I... just get confessed to? By you? And not to anyone else? +「私……今、告白されたんですか? 他の誰でもない、あなたに?」=Did I... just get confessed to? By you? And not to anyone else? 「あれ、喜んでくれると思ったんだけど……」=Huh. I thought you'd be a bit more happier about it... 「もちろん、嬉しいです! この瞬間を、何度も夢で見ました♡ ずっと……ずっと待ちわびていました♡」=Of course, I'm really happy! I've been dreaming about this moment, for so long♡ So long... I've been waiting for so long♡ 「でも……私、たぶん、面倒な女……ですよ? 他の子に嫉妬して、迷惑かけるかもしれないですよ」=But... I'm probably going to be... a pain in the ass, you know? I might get jealous of other girls at the drop of a hat, and cause you problems, you know? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/70/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/70/translation.txt index d05a1df938..52d3dc1c09 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/70/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/70/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「さっきからキョロキョロして集中できてないみたいだけど、どうかした?」=Something the matter? You've been looking around all over and haven't really been focusing on it for a while now. +「さっきからキョロキョロして集中できてないみたいだけど、どうかした?」=Something the matter? You've been looking around all over and haven't really been focusing on it for a while now. 「あなたに挨拶してくる子の顔と名前を憶えているんです……今は私とコイカツ中なのに……」=I'm memorizing the face and name of every girl that comes to say hello to you... Even though this should be our private koikatsu time... (まずい……図書室でやった方がよかったな……ここはひとまず……)=(This is bad... Should have done this at the library... For now, I gotta...) 「あ、じゃあこうしない? あと30分でノルマ達成できたら、今度甘いもの食べに行こうよ」=Ah, then how about this? If we finish this up in the next 30 minutes, I'll take you out for some ice cream. How about it? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/71/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/71/translation.txt index cb37224192..68672d2fe8 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/71/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/71/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「すみません、あそこにいる子も勉強に誘ってもいいですか?」=I'm sorry, could I invite that girl over there to our study session? +「すみません、あそこにいる子も勉強に誘ってもいいですか?」=I'm sorry, could I invite that girl over there to our study session? 「えっ……いいけど、どうしたの?」=Eh--... I'm fine with it but, what's up? 「ありがとうございます♡ クラスメイトなんですけど、丁度ここがわからないって言ってたんです。誘ってきますね♡」=Thank you very much♡ She's my classmate, she was telling me the other day about how she didn't really understand the part we're going over. I'll go invite her♡ (付き合う前に比べると、他の子に寛容になったよなぁ……)=(Compared to when we just started going out, she's become a lot more tolerant of other girls...) diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/72/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/72/translation.txt index 2613749674..8e69b635d2 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/72/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/72/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「あなたのお陰でとても捗りました♡ これでテストもばっちりですね♡」=Thanks to you, I got a lot done♡ With this, the studies for the test are taken care of♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/73/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/73/translation.txt index 69edc5acd7..367e9b6ca2 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/73/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/73/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「学園のお勉強は無事終了です♡ あとは、恋のお勉強が残っていますけど、居残りしていきますか? うふふ♡」=With this, the academics are sorted♡ Now all that's left are the romance studies but, are you going to be working overtime today? Ufufu♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/74/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/74/translation.txt index 887447fa2e..3b29053b48 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/74/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/74/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「あなたの体操着姿、素敵です♡ 写メ撮ってもいいですか?」=You look so handsome in that track suit♡ Would you mind if I took a picture? +「あなたの体操着姿、素敵です♡ 写メ撮ってもいいですか?」=You look so handsome in that track suit♡ Would you mind if I took a picture? 「い、いいよ?」=G-Go ahead. 「ありがとうございます♡ 何もポーズ取ってないのに格好いいです♡ 好きです♡ 誰にも渡したくありません♡」=Thank you very much♡ You look so cool even without taking any sort of pose♡ I love you♡ I don't want to let you go, ever♡ 「あはは、ありがと……」=Ahaha, thanks... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/75/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/75/translation.txt index 0091608268..c887f0b3e9 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/75/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/75/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「うう……運動部の子たちの視線があなたにくぎ付けです……うう~~……」=Uuu... All those sports club girls staring at you... Uuu~~... +「うう……運動部の子たちの視線があなたにくぎ付けです……うう~~……」=Uuu... All those sports club girls staring at you... Uuu~~... (しまった……これじゃ他の子に嫉妬しちゃう!)=(Damn... At this rate, she's gonna burn up from jealousy!) 「よ、よーし! じゃあ今日はラブラブカップル向けの『二人で出来るストレッチ』をしよう!」=A-Alright! Then, how about some 2-person stretches that are perfect for a pair of lovebirds?! 「!! はい♡ ラブラブカップル向け♡ 二人でエッチ♡」=!!! Yes♡ Like a pair of lovebirds♡ 2-person sex♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/76/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/76/translation.txt index 4a31837ce1..e432c18bf8 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/76/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/76/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「お待たせしました♡」=Sorry for making you wait♡ +「お待たせしました♡」=Sorry for making you wait♡ 「おぉ……やっぱり似合うね!」=Oooh... You really do look great in that! 「うふふ♡ 褒めてくれたので、さっきまで他の子をジロジロ見てたのは許してあげます♡」=Ufufu♡ Since you complimented me, I'll overlook how you were staring at the other girls♡ 「うっ、やっぱり見られてた?」=Urgh--, so you really did see that? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/77/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/77/translation.txt index c23a6dda5c..8a2dcc2b79 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/77/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/77/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「また誘ってくださいね♡ 次はもっと触れ合っても……」=Let's do this again sometime♡ And I don't mind if you get a bit more touchy-feely, you know... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/78/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/78/translation.txt index 854045f675..923c7342ad 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/78/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/78/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「うふふ♡ 早くシャワーを浴びないといけない身体になってしまいました♡」=Ufufu♡ I really need a shower, stat♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/79/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/79/translation.txt index e28d54ee7f..89e77e7ec3 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/79/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/79/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「今日はあなたの大好物ばっかりのお弁当を作ってきていたんです」=I made lunch for you today, packed full of only stuff that you love. +「今日はあなたの大好物ばっかりのお弁当を作ってきていたんです」=I made lunch for you today, packed full of only stuff that you love. 「わ……本当だ。……え? もともと俺と食べるために?」=Wah... For real. ...Eh? Were you planning on eating lunch with me today? 「もともとは、一人あーんごっこをするためです♡ でも今日は二人あーんごっこですね♡ はい、あーん♡」=Well, the original plan was to pretend that we were feeding lunch to each other♡ But today we can feed each other for real♡ Here you go, open up♡ 「もぐっ……」=*Chew*--... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/8/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/8/translation.txt index 68e1f4f48d..6687d100cf 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/8/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/8/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「私とH……いいですよ♡」=Sex, with me... Alright♡ +「私とH……いいですよ♡」=Sex, with me... Alright♡ 「自分で言っててアレだけど……付き合ってないけど、いいの?」=I'm not exactly in a position to be saying this but... we're not going out, are you sure? 「もちろんです♡ 最近、あなたが私にムラムラしてるのは知っていました♡ だから、好きにしていいんですよ♡」=Of course♡ I know that you've been really into me these past few days♡ So, you can have your way with me♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/80/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/80/translation.txt index e5dea6a946..2c11fd0c5e 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/80/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/80/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「ここなら誰もいませんし、あなたとイチャイチャしてお昼ご飯を食べられますね♡ ここは私たちの聖域です♡」=Nobody's here at this time anyway, so we can flirt while eating lunch as much as we want♡ This is our personal love sanctuary♡ +「ここなら誰もいませんし、あなたとイチャイチャしてお昼ご飯を食べられますね♡ ここは私たちの聖域です♡」=Nobody's here at this time anyway, so we can flirt while eating lunch as much as we want♡ This is our personal love sanctuary♡ 「あ、猫……」=Ah, there's a cat... 「う……猫ちゃんなら、許してあげます……あなたの目線を奪ったのは罪ですけど……お魚、食べますか?」=Ugh... Well, as long as it's just a cat, I can let it go... It's a sin for it to steal your gaze from me though... Hey, kitten, want some fish? (動物には優しいんだ……)=(So she's got a sweet spot for animals, huh...) diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/81/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/81/translation.txt index 2a39cceeb2..a4acac49ad 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/81/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/81/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「うふふ♡ お揃いの定食ですね♡ きゃっ?」=Ufufu♡ We got the same set meal♡ Kyah--? +「うふふ♡ お揃いの定食ですね♡ きゃっ?」=Ufufu♡ We got the same set meal♡ Kyah--? (なぜか急にムラムラして、テーブルの下から足で[H]の股間をまさぐってしまった!)=(I dunno why but I suddenly felt really horny, and before I could stop myself I ended up groping her crotch with my foot! 「もう♡ 私はいつでもどこでも好きにしてほしいタイプですからいいですけど、他の子にしたらダメですよ♡」=Jeez♡ I don't really mind if you have your way with me whenever and wherever so it's fine but, you shouldn't do that to other girls, okay?♡ 「うん。たぶん[H]だからしたんだと思う」=Yeah. I only did that because it's you, [H]. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/82/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/82/translation.txt index 174982f6a1..c30f377971 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/82/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/82/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「うふふ♡ お粗末さまです♡」=Ufufu♡ I'm glad you enjoyed that♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/83/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/83/translation.txt index 12659e4312..52b0474176 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/83/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/83/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「うふふ♡ おそまつさまです♡」=Ufufu♡ I'm glad you liked it♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/84/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/84/translation.txt index e7bb7980f5..32c3dcd8d8 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/84/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/84/translation.txt @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ - -「今更かもしれませんけど、コイカツ部ってお喋りをするだけの部活じゃないですよね?」=I know it's a bit late to ask this but, the Koikatsu club isn't just a place for us to have chats, is it? +「今更かもしれませんけど、コイカツ部ってお喋りをするだけの部活じゃないですよね?」=I know it's a bit late to ask this but, the Koikatsu club isn't just a place for us to have chats, is it? 「うん。何かしたいことがあったら提案してもらえると嬉しいな。その、無理のない範囲で……」=Yeah. If there's anything you wanna do in particular, I'd be happy to go along with it. Uhm, as long as you keep it reasonable... 「うふふ♡ 身構えなくても大丈夫ですよ♡ じゃあ……手を握ってもらっていいですか?」=Ufufu♡ You don't need to prepare for a life-and-death battle like that, you know♡ Well then... could we hold hands? 「それぐらいなら……えっ? 手、すごく冷たいよ……」=If it's just that much... eh--? Your hand, it's freezing cold... -「……あなたにとって『それぐらい』でも、私にとっては結構無理のある範囲なんですよ♡」="...To you, it might be just that much" but, I'm pushing myself quite a bit here, you know?♡"" +「……あなたにとって『それぐらい』でも、私にとっては結構無理のある範囲なんですよ♡」=...To you, it might be "just that much" but, I'm pushing myself quite a bit here, you know?♡ (よく見たら、震えてるじゃないか……)=(Now that I look closer, isn't she's shaking...) 「そっか……ごめん。俺も握り返すね」=I see... Sorry. I'll grip back. (言動は派手だけど、この子も男性に免疫がないんだよな。相手は等身大の女の子だってこと、忘れちゃダメだ)=(She may act all flashily at times but, even she isn't accustomed to being near guys, huh? I shouldn't forget that in the end, she's just a normal girl.) diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/85/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/85/translation.txt index d4b63c81d9..8061983092 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/85/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/85/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「うふふ♡ ようやく二人っきりになれましたね♡ ナニをします? あなたがしたいこと、全部していいんですよ♡」=Ufufu♡ Finally some alone time with you♡ What would you like to do? I'm fine with anything that you want to do♡ +「うふふ♡ ようやく二人っきりになれましたね♡ ナニをします? あなたがしたいこと、全部していいんですよ♡」=Ufufu♡ Finally some alone time with you♡ What would you like to do? I'm fine with anything that you want to do♡ 「す、ストップ! あまりストレートすぎても、男が引いちゃったりするから注意だよ」=S-Stop right there! If you throw too much of a straight ball like that, some guys might get turned off, so be careful. 「はわ……ごめんなさいっ、あなたのことが好きすぎて……でも、そうですよね、直しますから嫌いにならないでくださいっ」=Hawah--... I'm sorry--, I just love you so much... But, you're right, I'll change so, please don't come to hate me-- 「うん、大丈夫だよ。わかってくれたなら平気だから」=Yeah, it's alright. It's perfectly fine, as long as you understand. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/86/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/86/translation.txt index 90c4b34888..950c735dc8 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/86/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/86/translation.txt @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ - -「私、あなたと付き合う前まで、『エッチすればあなたに好きになってもらえる』って、本気で信じていたんです♡」=Before we became a couple, I really used to believe that as long as I laid myself on a platter for you and let you have your way with me, you'd love me and stuff♡ +「私、あなたと付き合う前まで、『エッチすればあなたに好きになってもらえる』って、本気で信じていたんです♡」=Before we became a couple, I really used to believe that as long as I laid myself on a platter for you and let you have your way with me, you'd love me and stuff♡ 「かなり積極的だったし、焦ってたよね」=You were pretty aggressive, must have been pretty anxious. -「はい♡ 今思うと『エッチ』と『好き』の順番が逆だったんです♡ それが恋で、それを学んだのがあなたとのコイカツでした♡」="Yes♡ If I think about it now, I realize the sex" comes after falling in "love", not before♡ Your club is the thing that taught me the real meaning of love♡"" -「『エッチ』とか『好き』とか『恋』って、言葉の意味は分かるけど、関係が複雑だよね」="Words like sex" and "love" and "romance", the meanings look simple on the surface but, the way they tie with each other is complex, isn'tit?"" -「そうなんです♡ 順番が逆になっただけで、あなたへの『好き』も『恋』もより深くなりましたから♡」="Indeed♡ My love" for you has only grown stronger, from the order flipping itself on its head♡"" +「はい♡ 今思うと『エッチ』と『好き』の順番が逆だったんです♡ それが恋で、それを学んだのがあなたとのコイカツでした♡」=Yes♡ If I think about it now, I realize the "sex" comes after falling in "love", not before♡ Your club is the thing that taught me the real meaning of love♡ +「『エッチ』とか『好き』とか『恋』って、言葉の意味は分かるけど、関係が複雑だよね」=Words like "sex" and "love" and "romance", the meanings look simple on the surface but, the way they tie with each other is complex, isn'tit? +「そうなんです♡ 順番が逆になっただけで、あなたへの『好き』も『恋』もより深くなりましたから♡」=Indeed♡ My "love" for you has only grown stronger, from the order flipping itself on its head♡ 「これからも、コイカツ部の活動を通して成長したいね、お互いに」=Hopefully, we both keep learning more about love, and about each other, through these activities. -「大丈夫です♡ だって私たちはお互いを『好き』な『恋』人同士ですから♡ 基本は間違っていません♡」="It'll be alright♡ Afterall, we're lovers" who "love" each other deeply♡ Our foundation is alright♡"" +「大丈夫です♡ だって私たちはお互いを『好き』な『恋』人同士ですから♡ 基本は間違っていません♡」=It'll be alright♡ Afterall, we're "lovers" who "love" each other deeply♡ Our foundation is alright♡ 「うん、そうだね。俺も[H]のことが好きだから、大丈夫だと思う。これからもよろしくね」=Yeah, you're right. I love you too so, I think it'll be fine. Take care of me in the future as well. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/87/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/87/translation.txt index c980d196fd..cfcede816a 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/87/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/87/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「恋って、難しいですね♡」=Love is pretty hard, isn't it?♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/88/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/88/translation.txt index 8396e9b94d..3da52a6f7b 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/88/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/88/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -………………=......... +………………=......... …………=...... ……=... 「私、やっぱりあなたのことが好きです♡ もう何百回何千回と確認したことですけど、改めてそう思いました♡」=I really do love you♡ It's something that I've already gone over hundreds, thousands of times but, I just felt even more love for you♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/89/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/89/translation.txt index a64d991f64..9d215dfd61 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/89/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/89/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「ちょっと提案なんだけど、恋人同士なんだから、愛称で呼び合ってみない?」=I've a suggestion. Since we're a couple and everything, wanna try calling each other by a nicknames? +「ちょっと提案なんだけど、恋人同士なんだから、愛称で呼び合ってみない?」=I've a suggestion. Since we're a couple and everything, wanna try calling each other by a nicknames? 「素敵です♡ 本当にラブラブな二人という感じがしていいと思います♡」=It's a wonderful idea♡ It'll seem like we're extremely lovey-dovey with each other, I think it's great♡ 「じゃあ、俺のことは[Pあだ名]って呼んでくれない?」=Then, won't you call me [Pあだ名]? 「うふふ♡ あなたの性癖通りの愛称ですね♡」=Ufufu♡ That matches your fetishes to a T♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/9/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/9/translation.txt index c5446a9332..5a02c69810 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/9/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/9/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「デートのお誘い嬉しいです♡ あの、もしよかったら、私がデートプランを考えてもいいですか?」=I'm really happy that you asked me out♡ Uhm, if it's alright, could I plan the date out? +「デートのお誘い嬉しいです♡ あの、もしよかったら、私がデートプランを考えてもいいですか?」=I'm really happy that you asked me out♡ Uhm, if it's alright, could I plan the date out? 「え、いいの?」=Eh, you sure? 「はい♡ きっと、あなたに楽しんでもらえると思います♡」=Yes♡ You'll love it, I'm sure♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/90/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/90/translation.txt index 5a57271599..b58794299b 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/90/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/90/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「実は、折り入ってお願いしたいことがあるんです♡」=Truth is, there's something I'd really like to request from you♡ +「実は、折り入ってお願いしたいことがあるんです♡」=Truth is, there's something I'd really like to request from you♡ 「え……なに?」=Eh... What is it? 「そんなに身構えないでください♡ ただ、愛称で呼び合いたいだけですから♡」=You don't need to brace yourself like that♡ I just want for us to call each other by nicknames♡ 「愛称? そんなことなら全然いいけど」=Nicknames? That's perfectly fine by me. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/91/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/91/translation.txt index 83d7de275e..392389fbed 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/91/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/91/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - -「おはようございます。[Pあだ名]♡」=Good morning, [Pあだ名]♡ +「おはようございます。[Pあだ名]♡」=Good morning, [Pあだ名]♡ 「あ……おはよう、[Hあだ名]」=Ah... Morning, [Hあだ名]. 「うふふ♡ 愛称で呼び合うと、幸せな一日が始まった感じがしますね♡」=Ufufu♡ When we call each other by nicknames, it really does feel like the day's began in just the right way♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/92/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/92/translation.txt index 7c0ad50c69..6af9bbe1d7 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/92/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/92/translation.txt @@ -1,2 +1 @@ - -「うふふ♡ 私の誘いを受けてくれて、本当にありがとうございます♡」=Ufufu♡ Thank you very much. I really am thankful, that you accepted it in stride♡ +「うふふ♡ 私の誘いを受けてくれて、本当にありがとうございます♡」=Ufufu♡ Thank you very much. I really am thankful, that you accepted it in stride♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/94/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/94/translation.txt index 689f0827b4..f60ea5d289 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/94/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/94/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「すぅ……すぅ……ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... +「すぅ……すぅ……ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... (ううん、何だか下半身に違和感が……?)=(Nnn... my crotch feels kinda weird...?) 「…………」=... 「って……え? え?」=---wuh... eh? eh? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/95/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/95/translation.txt index 6d5c485e09..1502e5e0b9 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/95/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/95/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「すぅ……すぅ…………ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... +「すぅ……すぅ…………ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... (んぅ……すごく気持ちいいような……いったい、何が……?)=(Nn... Something feels really good... just, what is it...?) 「…………」=... 「へっ! ど、どうして俺の上に……?」=Geh--! W-Why are you on top of me...? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/96/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/96/translation.txt index 1ab0e5d83b..4ddad626ef 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/96/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/96/translation.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - -「すぅ……すぅ……ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... +「すぅ……すぅ……ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... (んぅ……ん……なんか、下半身に違和感が……?)=(Nnn... nnn... there's this weird sensation, near my crotch...?) 「…………」=... 「って……え? え?」=Wuh... Eh? Eh? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/97/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/97/translation.txt index 0c7712f621..ffe1f938f4 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/97/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/adv/scenario/c24/30/97/translation.txt @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ - -「すぅ……すぅ…………ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... +「すぅ……すぅ…………ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn... (んぅ……ん……なにか、やわらかいものが……あたって……?)=(Nnn... nnn... I feel something... really soft...?) 「…………」=... -「……って、え? え?」=...wuh, eh? eh? +「……って、え? え?」=......wuh, eh? eh? 「うふふ♡ まだ眠たそうですね。おっぱいで……起こしてさしあげます♡」=Ufufu♡ Seems like you still wanna sleep some more. I'll wake you right up... with my boobs♡ -「ちょ、待って……んんっ……」=Wai--, just a... nnn--... +「ちょ、待って……んんっ……」=Wai--, just a... nnn--...... 「ん……ずっと擦っていたので……私のおっぱいも気持ちよく、なってきました♡」=Nnn... I've been rubbing them on your dick for quite a while so... my boobs have started feeling good too♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_00/communication_07/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_00/communication_07/translation.txt index 627aef2b8e..bfd0751dab 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_00/communication_07/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_00/communication_07/translation.txt @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ 「そりゃ~やっぱ、バラの花束に綺麗な夕日は、基本だろうな~」=Well, the basics of the basics would be to set up a scene with a boquet of roses and a beautiful sunset for a backdrop~ 「き、気持ちだよ! やっぱ純粋な心が一番だ。うん」=T-The feelings are what's important! The most important thing is to have a pure heart. Yeah. 「どういうタイプの男が好きなの?」=What sort of type of guys do you like? -「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」="Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the cool sort, I guess?""" +「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」=Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the "cool" sort, I guess? 「ん~わりぃ、考えたことないから分かんないわ」=Nn, sorry, I've never really thought about it so I don't really know. 「お前な! いきなりそんな質問するんじゃない……もう」=Dude! Don't go asking girls those sorts of questions out of nowhere... jeez. 「この学園の生徒は、恋愛について興味が強い方なのかな?」=Would you say that the students of this school are particularly interested in romance and the like? @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ 「あー……違う話題にしようぜ!」=Aah... Let's talk about something else! 「まあ、詳しいことは知らないんだけどな~」=Well, not that I know the concrete details~ 「そうか~ それちょっと面白いな」=I see~, that's pretty interesting. -「理想の恋愛ってある?」="Do you have an ideal in terms of romance?""" +「理想の恋愛ってある?」=Do you have an "ideal" in terms of romance? 「もちろん、両想いのラブラブだ! ……わ、悪いかよ?」=Of course, requited love! ...W-What, got a problem? 「贅沢は言わないな~。相手を幸せにしたいね」=Nothing too fancy~. I'd just want to make my boyfriend happy. 「どんな告白されたら、嬉しい?」=What sort of a confession would make you happy? @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ 「そうだな……昔やってた、部活内での恋愛ドラマとか好きだったぞ」=Hmm, let me think... I really liked the sort of highschool club member romance dramas that they used to air back in the day. 「んー。恋愛がメインになってるドラマはないな」=Nnn. I don't really watch dramas where the romance is the main focus, to tell you the truth. 「デートするなら、どんな場所がいい?」=If someone were to take you on a date, where would you like to go? -「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」="Any place you'd go to for a typical date... I love that sort of thing.""" +「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」=Any place you'd go to for a "typical" date... I love that sort of thing. 「場所よりも、雰囲気なんじゃないかなぁ……」=I think the mood is more important, rather than the place itself... 「……小っ恥ずかしいからさ、別の話にしようぜ」=...It's a bit embarrassing, so let's talk about something else. 「この間、読んだ漫画なんだけど……」=I read this in a manga the other day... @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ 「そっか! それなら安心……いや、私もそう思う!」=I see! That's a relief... No, I feel the same way as you! 「そうそう、服選ぶのとかも楽なんだぜ?」=Exactly, it's easy to pick out clothes too, you know? 「わ、私さぁ、ずっと身長伸びてないんだ~。こまったこまった」=Y-You know, I haven't gotten any taller in years~. Whatever shall I do~ -「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」="Do you have an ideal body figure, when it comes to girls?""" +「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」=Do you have an "ideal" body figure, when it comes to girls? 「だよな? 海外じゃその方が人気だって言うしな~」=I know, right? Seems like a lot of guys like it like that too, in the west~ 「ほう、そうか~。んじゃ、現状維持だな、ははっ」=Hoh, I see~. Well then, guess I gotta maintain my current figure, haha-- 「そうかそうか。そう言えば私、いくら食べても太らないんだよ。体質かね~」=I see, I see. Come to think of it, no matter how much I stuff myself, I never put on any weight. I wonder if that's just how I'm built~ @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ 「そこらのクッションみたいに、気軽にさわるな!」=Don't fondle them like they're just decorative cushions! 「……私が女子ってこと、忘れてないよな?」=...You're not forgetting that I'm a girl, right? 「ちょっ、お前は私のお父さんかっての……」=Hey--, you're not my dad... -「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this... like hell!""" +「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this"... like hell! 「あーもう! お前ってやつは何がしたいんだ?」=Ahh, jeez! Just what are you trying here? 「き、急になにすんだよ……」=W-What's gotten into you... 「こらこら。女子の顔は気軽にさわるもんじゃないぜ?」=Hey, come on. You shouldn't be going around touching girls' faces so casually, you know? @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ 「わりぃ、つい話し込んじゃったな! でも楽しかったぜ!」=Sorry, we really got into it there for a moment, didn't we! But it was fun! 「ん? いいのか? んじゃあな」=Hm? You sure? Well then, see ya. 「あのさ、俺と付き合ってくれないか?」=Hey, won't you go out with me? -「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ... Sorry... +「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ...... Sorry... 「やっぱり、きみのことが好きなんだ」=I really do love you. 「私もそれを言おうと思ってた……いっ、いいぜ? よろしくな!」=I was just about to say the same thing... S-Sure. I don't mind dating you. Take care of me! 「どうしても、付き合うってまだ想像つかない。ごめんな」=I really can't see us going out together just yet. Sorry. @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ 「しつこいようだけど……私、[P]と付き合いたいんだ!」=I know I'm being real obstinate but... I really wanna go out with you! 「や、やったぁ! はぁ~! いま私、死んでもいいぞぉ!」=Y-Yay! Haa~! If I were to die right now, I'd die happy! 「だ、だよなあ! 他にイイ女子がいるのに、私なんかじゃ、なぁ……」=O-Of course! When there's already so many good girls here, someone like me is... -「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=...I wanna have sex with you. +「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=......I wanna have sex with you. 「な、なーに言ってんだか! マジな顔しちゃって。ハハ」=W-What the heck are you saying! With such a serious face too. Haha. 「俺、きみとエッチしたいんだ」=I wanna do it with you. 「い、いいぞ。私もその、うずうずしてたしな……や、やるか!」=S-Sure. I was feeling, uhm, real itchy to do it too... T-Then let's get to it! @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ 「な、なぁ……もっと女の子らしさを出した方がいいのか?」=H-Hey... do you think I should act more girly? 「そ、そうか。女の子らしさ……口調とか、か? わからん……」=I-I see. Girliness... like my way of speaking, and stuff? I don't really know... 「そっか! そのままでいいか! ありがとな!」=I see! I'm fine as I am, huh! Thanks! -「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」="Have people ever told you stuff like You resemble your parents and junk?""" +「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」=Have people ever told you stuff like "You resemble your parents" and junk? 「お前もか~。私もよく言われるんだよ。あれ、やめて欲しいよな~」=A fellow comrade, huh~. I get that a lot too. Would be great if people dropped that, you know?~ 「そうだよなぁ、親子だからって、絶対似るってわけでもないよな」=I know, right? Just because we're a parent and child doesn't mean we have to resemble each other. 「お前は徹夜とかしたことあるのか?」=Have you ever stayed up all night? @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ 「ちょっ……私、我慢できなくなるから……」=Hey--... I won't be able to hold myself back, if you keep this up... 「だから! 発情しちゃうって~の!」=I told you! I'll start getting into the mood! 「せ、責任とれるのか? これ以上気持ちよくして……」=C-Can you take responsibility? Huh? If you make me feel any more of this... -「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? +「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~...... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? 「このまま眠っちゃいそうだ……ってそれは困る。やめようぜっ」=I feel like I could just take a nap right here... No, that'd be bad. Let's stop there--. 「そりゃ私だって、この場で甘えまくりたいさ……でも止められなくなるから、ここまでな!」=Even I want to just get crazy spoiled by you too... but that's a train that won't stop once it gets going, so let's leave it at that! 「その指、舐めちゃうぞ? ペロペロって……」=I'll lick that finger of yours, you know? *slurp* and all... @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ 「……どうしたの? [Hあだ名]」=...What's up? [Hあだ名]. 「いや、深い意味はない……愛称で呼びたい気分だったんだ」=No, well, I didn't mean anything by it... I just felt like calling you that. 「……いいぞ。[Pあだ名]……私を抱いてくれ」=...Sure. [Pあだ名]... embrace me. -「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ...[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? +「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ......[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? 「おっす! 暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup! If you're free, let's chat. 「おっす! [Pあだ名]。暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup, [Pあだ名]! If you're free, let's chat. 「ちょっ……何でここに来てるんだよっ」=Hey--... Why are you coming in here--. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_00/communication_24/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_00/communication_24/translation.txt index 69219bb1bb..d7efe6f41b 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_00/communication_24/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_00/communication_24/translation.txt @@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ 「キスって興味ある?」=You got any interest in kissing? 「あります♡ 優しくついばむようなキスが次第に激しくなって、ついには舌が……んん♡ んんん♡」=I do♡ Our kisses would start gentle first, just pecks, but slowly they'd turn more intense, and eventually our tongues would... nnn♡ nnnnn♡ 「あなたの唇ばかり見ていたの、バレてしまいましたか?」=Darn~, did you notice that I've been staring at your lips for a while now? -「好きな男性のタイプってある?」="Do you have a type", in terms of guys?"" +「好きな男性のタイプってある?」=Do you have a "type", in terms of guys? 「真面目にお付き合いしてくれる人がいいと思います。私も……真剣ですから♡」=I think someone who'd take our relationship fully seriously. I'm a... pretty earnest person too, afterall♡ 「あなたなら、どんなタイプでもいいです♡」=I don't care about the type, as long as it's you♡ 「そんなこと答えなくても、あなたなら分かってくれていますよね?」=Even if I don't tell you that in words, you should already know the answer, right? -「恋バナと言えばさ……」="On the topic of love talk" between girls..."" +「恋バナと言えばさ……」=On the topic of "love talk" between girls... 「……はい♡ 私もそう思います♡」=...Yes♡ I feel the same way♡ 「女の子の恋心についてなんだけど……」=A girl's heart is pretty difficult to understand... 「あなたはそのままでも十分魅力的だと思います♡」=I think you're plenty charming just the way you are♡ @@ -55,16 +55,16 @@ 「積極的な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of aggressive guys? 「積極的なあなた……強引に引っ張ってもらいたいです♡ 昼も夜も♡」=You, being aggressive... I want you to pull me close to you♡ Whether it's day or night♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたなら構いません」=I can't really handle aggressiveness but, I don't mind if it's you. -「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of prudent" guys?"" +「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "prudent" guys? 「慎重なあなた……奥ゆかしくて素敵です♡ 私からどんどんアプローチをかけますね♡」=A prudent you... Sounds very refined and lovely♡ I'll have to approach you myself, huh?♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたならきっと好きになります」=I'm kinda bad with them but, I'll do my best to learn to love that side of you. 「勤勉な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of industrious guys? 「勤勉なあなた……奥さんになって、支えてあげたいです♡ 身も心も♡」=An industrious you... I'd love to become your wife, and support you from the sidelines♡ With both my body and heart♡ 「私のタイプではありませんけど、あなたなら関係ありません」=They're not really my type but, my type doesn't matter. You matter. 「マイペースな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of laid back guys? The sort to take their life at their own pace. -「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」="A my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡"" +「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」=A "my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡ 「本当は苦手ですけど、あなたならむしろ好きです♡」=I actually have a hard time handling them but, I'd just love to be pushed around by you♡ -「優しい男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of gentle" and "kind" guys?"" +「優しい男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "gentle" and "kind" guys? 「優しいあなた……理想的な旦那さんになってくれそうです♡ 子供は何人ほしいですか?」=A gentle you... You'd make for the best husband♡ How many kids should we have? 「あまり興味は……というより、あなた以外に興味のある男の人なんていませんけど♡」=I'm not all that interested in them... rather, there's nobody on this planet that I'm really all that interested in, other than you♡ 「クールな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of the stylish and cool sort of guys? @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ 「他の子と比べると、自分ってエッチな方?」=Do you think you're lewder than most other girls? 「はい…そう思います♡ あなたのことを考えている時は、特に♡」=Yes... I do think so♡ Especially when I'm thinking of you♡ 「あなた次第です♡ そういう私が好きなら、誰よりもいやらしくなります♡」=It depends on you♡ If you like that side of me, then I can be lewder than anyone else, for you♡ -「理想の初エッチって、ある?」="Do you have an ideal" first time in mind?"" +「理想の初エッチって、ある?」=Do you have an "ideal" first time in mind? 「あります♡ あなたが理想とする初夜を実現することです♡」=I do♡ It's making your own ideal wedding night come true♡ 「あなたと身体を重ねる時まで秘密です♡」=That's gonna stay a secret until we actually have sex♡ 「ごめんなさい、刺激が強すぎて鼻血が……別の会話にしませんか?」=I'm sorry, this conversation is way too stimulating, my nose is about to bleed... Could we talk about something else? @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ 「うふふ、いつも楽しそうに作ってますよね♡ 今度ご馳走してほしいです♡」=Ufufu, you're always doing it with such a smile♡ Won't you treat me to your handmade food one of these days?♡ 「私も苦手なんですけど、いつかあなたに美味しいお味噌汁を毎日飲んでもらいたくて、特訓中です♡」=I'm pretty bad at cooking too but, I wanna make you all sorts of fancy lunches for you to take to work once we're married, so I'm taking classes♡ 「この前、体操着のあなたを見て、惚れ直してしまいました。スポーツは得意なんですか?」=The other day, I saw you in a track suit and just fell in love with you again. Are you good at sports? -「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」="Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a workout♡" together one of these days♡"" +「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」=Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a "workout♡" together one of these days♡ 「私もなんです♡ でも、あなたのためなら身体だって張りますから、遠慮しないでくださいね♡」=Same here♡ But, if it's for you, I can learn to get better at them, so please feel free to ask me for anything♡ 「熱心に授業を受けてるときのあなたも好きです♡ 予習と復習はよくするんですか?」=You look so handsome when you're concentrating in class♡ Do you study at home a lot too? 「だから前の学園でも成績がよかったんですね♡ 私もよくするので、今度一緒にしませんか?」=That's why you had such good grades, even in your previous school, huh?♡ I study a lot too so, wanna do it together sometime? @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ 「……今です♡ どこか二人きりになれる場所で、もっと幸せになりませんか?」=...It's this moment♡ Shall we get even happier together, in a more secluded place? 「あなたが他の女の子と話していない時なら、いつでも♡」=Any moment that you're not talking to another girl♡ 「好きな言葉ってある?」=Do you have a word or a phrase that you love? -「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」="Lots but, my favourite has to be Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡"" +「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」=Lots but, my favourite has to be "Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡ 「言葉よりも何よりも、あなたが好きです♡ 愛しています♡」=Forget words, the thing I love the most is you♡ I love you♡ 「この前、仲のいい女の子が怪我したんだけど……きみじゃないよな?」=The other day, a girl I'm friends with got injured... It wasn't you, right? 「うふふ♡ 私はそんなことしません♡ 恨み帳をつけるだけです♡」=Ufufu♡ I wouldn't do that sort of thing♡ I just tend to bear grudges, that's all♡ @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ 「最近、俺に依存してないか……?」=Haven't you been a bit too dependant on me recently...? 「最近ではなくて、あなたがこの学園に来た時からです♡ そしてこれからも……♡」=It's not something recent, I've been dependant on you ever since you joined this school♡ It'll be the same in the future too...♡ 「あなたが中心の生活をしているだけで、依存はしていません♡」=I'm not dependant on you at all, it's just that you're the center of my life♡ -「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=...Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? +「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=......Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? 「そういえばこの前、信号待ちしてたら……」=Reminds me, the other day, while I was waiting on a red light... 「はい♡ 私も茂みの影から見ていましたよ♡」=I know♡ I was watching from behind a bush as well♡ 「恋と愛の違いってわかる?」=Do you understand the difference between love and lust? @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ 「あなたと一生一緒にいられるなら、結婚できなくてもいいです♡」=As long as we can be together for our entire lives, I don't care if we never get married♡ 「俺のこと好き?」=Do you like me? 「大好きです♡ 好きすぎて好きです♡ うふふ♡ 好きなんです♡ あなたのことが♡」=I love you♡ I love you so much I can't love you any more♡ Ufufu♡ I love you♡ You, nobody else.♡ -「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」="Rather than like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡"" +「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」=Rather than "like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡ 「デートに行くならどこに行きたい?」=If we were to go on a date, where would you like to go? 「あなたの家がいいです♡ 歯ブラシとか、下着とか……少しずつ、私のものが増えていくんです♡」=Your place♡ I'll slowly start bring more and more of my stuff over... like my brush, or my panties♡ 「あなたを独り占めできる場所……この世にはきっとありませんけれど♡」=Any place I can have you all to myself... I don't think we could be sure of that in the living world though♡ @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ 「!? あの、私、何かしちゃいましたか? ま、待ってください、行かないで……」=?! Uhm, did I do something? P-Please wait, don't leave me... 「きみのことが好きなんだ」=I love you. 「!! あの……ごめんなさい、理想と現実がごっちゃになって……頭が、割れちゃう……ごめんなさい、今はダメです……」=!!! Uhm... I'm sorry, I can't tell, what's real and what's just in my... my head is gonna split apart... I'm sorry, I can't right now... -「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ...Please take care of me♡ +「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ......Please take care of me♡ 「あなたとの幸せな未来を想像したら、急に怖くなって……もう少し待ってくれませんか? ごめんなさい」=When I think about our happy future together, I just get so scared... Could you wait just a bit longer, please? I'm really sorry. 「私に優しくしてくれる脳も、私に触れてくれる皮膚も大好きです♡ 私と付き合ってください♡」=Your brain, that's always so kind to me, and your skin, that always touches me, I love them both♡ Please be my boyfriend♡ 「!! 私をあなたと一緒のお墓に入れてくれて、ありがとうございます♡」=!! Thank you, for letting me have the privilege, of eventually being buried next to you♡ @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ 「ごめんなさい……本当にごめんなさい……今から絶対に外せない用事がありまして……」=I'm sorry... I really am... there's something I really need to take care of... 「今、時間ありますよね。少し身体を動かしませんか?」=You have some time right now, yes? Won't you get a workout with me? 「あくまで普通の運動ですから、どさくさに紛れて身体を触ってくださいね♡」=In the end, it's just going to be a normal workout, but feel free to take advantage of the situation and touch me all you want♡ -「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」="Would you have preferred we do that sort of a workout" instead...?"" +「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」=Would you have preferred we do that sort of a "workout" instead...? 「コイカツ部に興味ない? よかったら入ってほしいな」=Do you have any interest in the Koikatsu club? I'd love it if you joined. 「あなたとの将来がかかった、とても大事なお誘いですね♡ 答えは決まっていますが、よく考えさせてください」=This is a really important invitation to me, our future together hangs upon it♡ My answer is already decided but, please let me think over it a bit more. 「色々考えたんですが……私をコイカツ部に入れてくれませんか?」=I've thought over it a bunch... Won't you let me join your club? @@ -395,13 +395,13 @@ 「昨日テレビの特集で紹介されてたんだけど……」=They were airing this TV special yesterday and... 「私も見ました。あなたと一緒に行きたいなぁって、そればっかり思ってました♡」=I saw it too. The only thing on my mind was how much I wanted to visit that place with you♡ 「あまりにも取るに足らない話なんだけど……」=I know this is a pretty worthless thing to ask but... -「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡"" +「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡ 「はい、大好きです♡ うう……今まで平気だったのに、何だかとっても照れてしまいます♡」=Yes, I love you♡ Uuu... Even though I used to be fine before, these days it makes me really embarrassed to say it out loud♡ 「もう、嫌いって答えたらどうするんです? 嫌い、の真逆です♡」=Jeez, what if I were to say I hate you, what'd you do then? My feelings are the exact opposite of hate though♡ 「もし喧嘩して別れることになったら、きっと俺が悪いんだろうね」=I imagine if we ever got into a fight bad enough to break up, it'd definitely be my fault. 「もしそうだとしても、考えたくありません。あなたがいなければ、私はまた元通りになってしまいますから……」=Even if that might be the case, I don't want to think about it. Without you, I'll go back to being the way I used to be... 「きっと、お互いが悪いんだと思います。謝り合って、前より仲良くなれたら理想ですね♡」=I'm sure it'll be both of us in the wrong. It would be great if we could make up and put it behind us though♡ -「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」="You used to be a so-called Yandere", right?"" +「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」=You used to be a so-called "Yandere", right? 「はい……あなたのこと以外、見えなくなっていました♡ 今は気を付けていますよ?」=Yes... Back then, I couldn't see anything, aside from you♡ So you know, I try to be more careful these days, okay? 「違います……と言いたいところですが、そうですね。すっかり私の黒歴史です……」=I'd love to tell you otherwise... but, it's the truth. I can't ignore my dark past... 「俺に言いたくても言えないことってある?」=Is there anything you want to tell me but can't bring yourself to? @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ 「ありません♡ 痛いプレイでも、気持ちよくないプレイでも、あなたが悦んでいれば感じちゃいますから♡」=Nope♡ Even if it hurts, or doesn't feel good, as long as it's something that makes you happy, I can enjoy it♡ 「もし他の男の人とHしてほしいってお願いされたらOKする?」=If I wanted you to have sex with other men, would you do it? 「正直、すごく嫌です……でも、他の人に抱かれている私を見てあなたが興奮してくれるなら、OKします♡」=Honestly, the idea is revolting... but, if that's what'd get you off, then I'd do it♡ -「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」="I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡"" +「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」=I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going "I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡ 「もし浮気したいって言ったら、別れる?」=If I told you I wanted to have an affair, would you break up with me? 「はい、確実に♡ ……なんて、無理です♡ 私のことを一番に考えてくれるなら、考えます♡」=I would, yes♡ ...Kidding, of course I won't, you know that♡ As long as I'm your top priority, I might consider it♡ 「私からは何があっても別れません。でも、ナイショで他の子と付き合うのはやめてくださいね」=I would never dump you. But, please don't do it in secret, just tell me, okay? @@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ 「ウソです……だって、あなたに一番迷惑をかけましたよ? でも、そういうところも好きなんです♡」=You're lying... Afterall, you were the one I caused the most trouble for, out of anyone, you know? But, I love that kind side of yours too♡ 「急に不安になったので、教えてください。私と付き合えて、よかったですか?」=I've become all anxious all of a sudden, so please tell me this. Do you really not regret dating me? 「……私もよかったです♡ あなたに出会えていなかったら、ここまで変われませんでしたから♡」=...I don't regret it either♡ I wouldn't have changed and grown so much, if I never met you♡ -「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」="Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡"" +「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」=Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, "Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡ 「こんな楽しい毎日が、明日も明後日も続くんですね♡」=This fun life of ours, it'll stay like this tomorrow and the day after as well, right? 「ずっと続くよ」=You bet. Forever. 「はい♡ ずっと……ずーーっと、一緒ですよ♡ うふふっ♡」=Yes♡ Forever... We'll be together, forever~♡ Ufufu--♡ @@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ 「あなたと恋人になってよかったです♡ こんな幸せ、もうきっと来ません♡」=I'm so glad that you're my boyfriend♡ I don't think I could ever be this happy again♡ 「ごめんなさい。私、はしたない子になっています♡ あなたが魅力的すぎるから……♡」=I'm sorry. I'm turning into such a vulgar girl♡ You're just way too charming... ♡ 「あなたに話したいことが次々浮かびます♡」=Things I want to chat with you about keep rushing into my head, one after another♡ -「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ...Ufufu♡ +「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ......Ufufu♡ 「あなたに依存しきって、すぐ折れる私の方が好きでしたか?」=Did you like me better when I was overdependent on you and would just break without you next to me? 「はやくあなたと楽しくお喋りできるのを楽しみにしていますね♡」=I'm really looking forward to being able to have fun chatting with you again♡ 「本当はもう怒ってません♡ でも、お互いしっかりしないと、依存していた時と同じなんです♡」=I'm actually not angry anymore♡ But, we both have to do things properly, otherwise it'd be the same as when I used to depend on you just to live. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_00/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_00/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt index 9caa295c17..39966ea5e6 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_00/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_00/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ OPTION[13]:高いのが=I like 'em tall. 高いのが=I like 'em tall. OPTION[13]:程よいのが=I like average height girls. OPTION[13]:小さいのが=I like 'em petite. -OPTION[14]:ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are best. -ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are best. +OPTION[14]:ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are the best. +ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are the best. OPTION[14]:程よいのが=Somewhere in the middle. OPTION[14]:痩せているのが=I prefer thin girls. 痩せているのが=I prefer thin girls. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_06/communication_07/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_06/communication_07/translation.txt index 41595097ba..c4045c13ee 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_06/communication_07/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_06/communication_07/translation.txt @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ 「そりゃ~やっぱ、バラの花束に綺麗な夕日は、基本だろうな~」=Well, the basics of the basics would be to set up a scene with a boquet of roses and a beautiful sunset for a backdrop~ 「き、気持ちだよ! やっぱ純粋な心が一番だ。うん」=T-The feelings are what's important! The most important thing is to have a pure heart. Yeah. 「どういうタイプの男が好きなの?」=What sort of type of guys do you like? -「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」="Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the cool sort, I guess?""" +「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」=Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the "cool" sort, I guess? 「ん~わりぃ、考えたことないから分かんないわ」=Nn, sorry, I've never really thought about it so I don't really know. 「お前な! いきなりそんな質問するんじゃない……もう」=Dude! Don't go asking girls those sorts of questions out of nowhere... jeez. 「この学園の生徒は、恋愛について興味が強い方なのかな?」=Would you say that the students of this school are particularly interested in romance and the like? @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ 「あー……違う話題にしようぜ!」=Aah... Let's talk about something else! 「まあ、詳しいことは知らないんだけどな~」=Well, not that I know the concrete details~ 「そうか~ それちょっと面白いな」=I see~, that's pretty interesting. -「理想の恋愛ってある?」="Do you have an ideal in terms of romance?""" +「理想の恋愛ってある?」=Do you have an "ideal" in terms of romance? 「もちろん、両想いのラブラブだ! ……わ、悪いかよ?」=Of course, requited love! ...W-What, got a problem? 「贅沢は言わないな~。相手を幸せにしたいね」=Nothing too fancy~. I'd just want to make my boyfriend happy. 「どんな告白されたら、嬉しい?」=What sort of a confession would make you happy? @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ 「そうだな……昔やってた、部活内での恋愛ドラマとか好きだったぞ」=Hmm, let me think... I really liked the sort of highschool club member romance dramas that they used to air back in the day. 「んー。恋愛がメインになってるドラマはないな」=Nnn. I don't really watch dramas where the romance is the main focus, to tell you the truth. 「デートするなら、どんな場所がいい?」=If someone were to take you on a date, where would you like to go? -「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」="Any place you'd go to for a typical date... I love that sort of thing.""" +「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」=Any place you'd go to for a "typical" date... I love that sort of thing. 「場所よりも、雰囲気なんじゃないかなぁ……」=I think the mood is more important, rather than the place itself... 「……小っ恥ずかしいからさ、別の話にしようぜ」=...It's a bit embarrassing, so let's talk about something else. 「この間、読んだ漫画なんだけど……」=I read this in a manga the other day... @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ 「そっか! それなら安心……いや、私もそう思う!」=I see! That's a relief... No, I feel the same way as you! 「そうそう、服選ぶのとかも楽なんだぜ?」=Exactly, it's easy to pick out clothes too, you know? 「わ、私さぁ、ずっと身長伸びてないんだ~。こまったこまった」=Y-You know, I haven't gotten any taller in years~. Whatever shall I do~ -「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」="Do you have an ideal body figure, when it comes to girls?""" +「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」=Do you have an "ideal" body figure, when it comes to girls? 「だよな? 海外じゃその方が人気だって言うしな~」=I know, right? Seems like a lot of guys like it like that too, in the west~ 「ほう、そうか~。んじゃ、現状維持だな、ははっ」=Hoh, I see~. Well then, guess I gotta maintain my current figure, haha-- 「そうかそうか。そう言えば私、いくら食べても太らないんだよ。体質かね~」=I see, I see. Come to think of it, no matter how much I stuff myself, I never put on any weight. I wonder if that's just how I'm built~ @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ 「そこらのクッションみたいに、気軽にさわるな!」=Don't fondle them like they're just decorative cushions! 「……私が女子ってこと、忘れてないよな?」=...You're not forgetting that I'm a girl, right? 「ちょっ、お前は私のお父さんかっての……」=Hey--, you're not my dad... -「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this... like hell!""" +「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this"... like hell! 「あーもう! お前ってやつは何がしたいんだ?」=Ahh, jeez! Just what are you trying here? 「き、急になにすんだよ……」=W-What's gotten into you... 「こらこら。女子の顔は気軽にさわるもんじゃないぜ?」=Hey, come on. You shouldn't be going around touching girls' faces so casually, you know? @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ 「わりぃ、つい話し込んじゃったな! でも楽しかったぜ!」=Sorry, we really got into it there for a moment, didn't we! But it was fun! 「ん? いいのか? んじゃあな」=Hm? You sure? Well then, see ya. 「あのさ、俺と付き合ってくれないか?」=Hey, won't you go out with me? -「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ... Sorry... +「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ...... Sorry... 「やっぱり、きみのことが好きなんだ」=I really do love you. 「私もそれを言おうと思ってた……いっ、いいぜ? よろしくな!」=I was just about to say the same thing... S-Sure. I don't mind dating you. Take care of me! 「どうしても、付き合うってまだ想像つかない。ごめんな」=I really can't see us going out together just yet. Sorry. @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ 「しつこいようだけど……私、[P]と付き合いたいんだ!」=I know I'm being real obstinate but... I really wanna go out with you! 「や、やったぁ! はぁ~! いま私、死んでもいいぞぉ!」=Y-Yay! Haa~! If I were to die right now, I'd die happy! 「だ、だよなあ! 他にイイ女子がいるのに、私なんかじゃ、なぁ……」=O-Of course! When there's already so many good girls here, someone like me is... -「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=...I wanna have sex with you. +「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=......I wanna have sex with you. 「な、なーに言ってんだか! マジな顔しちゃって。ハハ」=W-What the heck are you saying! With such a serious face too. Haha. 「俺、きみとエッチしたいんだ」=I wanna do it with you. 「い、いいぞ。私もその、うずうずしてたしな……や、やるか!」=S-Sure. I was feeling, uhm, real itchy to do it too... T-Then let's get to it! @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ 「な、なぁ……もっと女の子らしさを出した方がいいのか?」=H-Hey... do you think I should act more girly? 「そ、そうか。女の子らしさ……口調とか、か? わからん……」=I-I see. Girliness... like my way of speaking, and stuff? I don't really know... 「そっか! そのままでいいか! ありがとな!」=I see! I'm fine as I am, huh! Thanks! -「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」="Have people ever told you stuff like You resemble your parents and junk?""" +「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」=Have people ever told you stuff like "You resemble your parents" and junk? 「お前もか~。私もよく言われるんだよ。あれ、やめて欲しいよな~」=A fellow comrade, huh~. I get that a lot too. Would be great if people dropped that, you know?~ 「そうだよなぁ、親子だからって、絶対似るってわけでもないよな」=I know, right? Just because we're a parent and child doesn't mean we have to resemble each other. 「お前は徹夜とかしたことあるのか?」=Have you ever stayed up all night? @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ 「ちょっ……私、我慢できなくなるから……」=Hey--... I won't be able to hold myself back, if you keep this up... 「だから! 発情しちゃうって~の!」=I told you! I'll start getting into the mood! 「せ、責任とれるのか? これ以上気持ちよくして……」=C-Can you take responsibility? Huh? If you make me feel any more of this... -「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? +「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~...... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? 「このまま眠っちゃいそうだ……ってそれは困る。やめようぜっ」=I feel like I could just take a nap right here... No, that'd be bad. Let's stop there--. 「そりゃ私だって、この場で甘えまくりたいさ……でも止められなくなるから、ここまでな!」=Even I want to just get crazy spoiled by you too... but that's a train that won't stop once it gets going, so let's leave it at that! 「その指、舐めちゃうぞ? ペロペロって……」=I'll lick that finger of yours, you know? *slurp* and all... @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ 「……どうしたの? [Hあだ名]」=...What's up? [Hあだ名]. 「いや、深い意味はない……愛称で呼びたい気分だったんだ」=No, well, I didn't mean anything by it... I just felt like calling you that. 「……いいぞ。[Pあだ名]……私を抱いてくれ」=...Sure. [Pあだ名]... embrace me. -「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ...[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? +「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ......[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? 「おっす! 暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup! If you're free, let's chat. 「おっす! [Pあだ名]。暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup, [Pあだ名]! If you're free, let's chat. 「ちょっ……何でここに来てるんだよっ」=Hey--... Why are you coming in here--. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_06/communication_24/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_06/communication_24/translation.txt index 5153df04c4..8111e56acc 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_06/communication_24/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_06/communication_24/translation.txt @@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ 「キスって興味ある?」=You got any interest in kissing? 「あります♡ 優しくついばむようなキスが次第に激しくなって、ついには舌が……んん♡ んんん♡」=I do♡ Our kisses would start gentle first, just pecks, but slowly they'd turn more intense, and eventually our tongues would... nnn♡ nnnnn♡ 「あなたの唇ばかり見ていたの、バレてしまいましたか?」=Darn~, did you notice that I've been staring at your lips for a while now? -「好きな男性のタイプってある?」="Do you have a type", in terms of guys?"" +「好きな男性のタイプってある?」=Do you have a "type", in terms of guys? 「真面目にお付き合いしてくれる人がいいと思います。私も……真剣ですから♡」=I think someone who'd take our relationship fully seriously. I'm a... pretty earnest person too, afterall♡ 「あなたなら、どんなタイプでもいいです♡」=I don't care about the type, as long as it's you♡ 「そんなこと答えなくても、あなたなら分かってくれていますよね?」=Even if I don't tell you that in words, you should already know the answer, right? -「恋バナと言えばさ……」="On the topic of love talk" between girls..."" +「恋バナと言えばさ……」=On the topic of "love talk" between girls... 「……はい♡ 私もそう思います♡」=...Yes♡ I feel the same way♡ 「女の子の恋心についてなんだけど……」=A girl's heart is pretty difficult to understand... 「あなたはそのままでも十分魅力的だと思います♡」=I think you're plenty charming just the way you are♡ @@ -55,16 +55,16 @@ 「積極的な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of aggressive guys? 「積極的なあなた……強引に引っ張ってもらいたいです♡ 昼も夜も♡」=You, being aggressive... I want you to pull me close to you♡ Whether it's day or night♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたなら構いません」=I can't really handle aggressiveness but, I don't mind if it's you. -「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of prudent" guys?"" +「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "prudent" guys? 「慎重なあなた……奥ゆかしくて素敵です♡ 私からどんどんアプローチをかけますね♡」=A prudent you... Sounds very refined and lovely♡ I'll have to approach you myself, huh?♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたならきっと好きになります」=I'm kinda bad with them but, I'll do my best to learn to love that side of you. 「勤勉な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of industrious guys? 「勤勉なあなた……奥さんになって、支えてあげたいです♡ 身も心も♡」=An industrious you... I'd love to become your wife, and support you from the sidelines♡ With both my body and heart♡ 「私のタイプではありませんけど、あなたなら関係ありません」=They're not really my type but, my type doesn't matter. You matter. 「マイペースな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of laid back guys? The sort to take their life at their own pace. -「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」="A my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡"" +「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」=A "my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡ 「本当は苦手ですけど、あなたならむしろ好きです♡」=I actually have a hard time handling them but, I'd just love to be pushed around by you♡ -「優しい男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of gentle" and "kind" guys?"" +「優しい男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "gentle" and "kind" guys? 「優しいあなた……理想的な旦那さんになってくれそうです♡ 子供は何人ほしいですか?」=A gentle you... You'd make for the best husband♡ How many kids should we have? 「あまり興味は……というより、あなた以外に興味のある男の人なんていませんけど♡」=I'm not all that interested in them... rather, there's nobody on this planet that I'm really all that interested in, other than you♡ 「クールな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of the stylish and cool sort of guys? @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ 「他の子と比べると、自分ってエッチな方?」=Do you think you're lewder than most other girls? 「はい…そう思います♡ あなたのことを考えている時は、特に♡」=Yes... I do think so♡ Especially when I'm thinking of you♡ 「あなた次第です♡ そういう私が好きなら、誰よりもいやらしくなります♡」=It depends on you♡ If you like that side of me, then I can be lewder than anyone else, for you♡ -「理想の初エッチって、ある?」="Do you have an ideal" first time in mind?"" +「理想の初エッチって、ある?」=Do you have an "ideal" first time in mind? 「あります♡ あなたが理想とする初夜を実現することです♡」=I do♡ It's making your own ideal wedding night come true♡ 「あなたと身体を重ねる時まで秘密です♡」=That's gonna stay a secret until we actually have sex♡ 「ごめんなさい、刺激が強すぎて鼻血が……別の会話にしませんか?」=I'm sorry, this conversation is way too stimulating, my nose is about to bleed... Could we talk about something else? @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ 「うふふ、いつも楽しそうに作ってますよね♡ 今度ご馳走してほしいです♡」=Ufufu, you're always doing it with such a smile♡ Won't you treat me to your handmade food one of these days?♡ 「私も苦手なんですけど、いつかあなたに美味しいお味噌汁を毎日飲んでもらいたくて、特訓中です♡」=I'm pretty bad at cooking too but, I wanna make you all sorts of fancy lunches for you to take to work once we're married, so I'm taking classes♡ 「この前、体操着のあなたを見て、惚れ直してしまいました。スポーツは得意なんですか?」=The other day, I saw you in a track suit and just fell in love with you again. Are you good at sports? -「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」="Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a workout♡" together one of these days♡"" +「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」=Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a "workout♡" together one of these days♡ 「私もなんです♡ でも、あなたのためなら身体だって張りますから、遠慮しないでくださいね♡」=Same here♡ But, if it's for you, I can learn to get better at them, so please feel free to ask me for anything♡ 「熱心に授業を受けてるときのあなたも好きです♡ 予習と復習はよくするんですか?」=You look so handsome when you're concentrating in class♡ Do you study at home a lot too? 「だから前の学園でも成績がよかったんですね♡ 私もよくするので、今度一緒にしませんか?」=That's why you had such good grades, even in your previous school, huh?♡ I study a lot too so, wanna do it together sometime? @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ 「……今です♡ どこか二人きりになれる場所で、もっと幸せになりませんか?」=...It's this moment♡ Shall we get even happier together, in a more secluded place? 「あなたが他の女の子と話していない時なら、いつでも♡」=Any moment that you're not talking to another girl♡ 「好きな言葉ってある?」=Do you have a word or a phrase that you love? -「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」="Lots but, my favourite has to be Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡"" +「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」=Lots but, my favourite has to be "Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡ 「言葉よりも何よりも、あなたが好きです♡ 愛しています♡」=Forget words, the thing I love the most is you♡ I love you♡ 「この前、仲のいい女の子が怪我したんだけど……きみじゃないよな?」=The other day, a girl I'm friends with got injured... It wasn't you, right? 「うふふ♡ 私はそんなことしません♡ 恨み帳をつけるだけです♡」=Ufufu♡ I wouldn't do that sort of thing♡ I just tend to bear grudges, that's all♡ @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ 「最近、俺に依存してないか……?」=Haven't you been a bit too dependant on me recently...? 「最近ではなくて、あなたがこの学園に来た時からです♡ そしてこれからも……♡」=It's not something recent, I've been dependant on you ever since you joined this school♡ It'll be the same in the future too...♡ 「あなたが中心の生活をしているだけで、依存はしていません♡」=I'm not dependant on you at all, it's just that you're the center of my life♡ -「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=...Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? +「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=......Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? 「そういえばこの前、信号待ちしてたら……」=Reminds me, the other day, while I was waiting on a red light... 「はい♡ 私も茂みの影から見ていましたよ♡」=I know♡ I was watching from behind a bush as well♡ 「恋と愛の違いってわかる?」=Do you understand the difference between love and lust? @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ 「あなたと一生一緒にいられるなら、結婚できなくてもいいです♡」=As long as we can be together for our entire lives, I don't care if we never get married♡ 「俺のこと好き?」=Do you like me? 「大好きです♡ 好きすぎて好きです♡ うふふ♡ 好きなんです♡ あなたのことが♡」=I love you♡ I love you so much I can't love you any more♡ Ufufu♡ I love you♡ You, nobody else.♡ -「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」="Rather than like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡"" +「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」=Rather than "like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡ 「デートに行くならどこに行きたい?」=If we were to go on a date, where would you like to go? 「あなたの家がいいです♡ 歯ブラシとか、下着とか……少しずつ、私のものが増えていくんです♡」=Your place♡ I'll slowly start bring more and more of my stuff over... like my brush, or my panties♡ 「あなたを独り占めできる場所……この世にはきっとありませんけれど♡」=Any place I can have you all to myself... I don't think we could be sure of that in the living world though♡ @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ 「!? あの、私、何かしちゃいましたか? ま、待ってください、行かないで……」=?! Uhm, did I do something? P-Please wait, don't leave me... 「きみのことが好きなんだ」=I love you. 「!! あの……ごめんなさい、理想と現実がごっちゃになって……頭が、割れちゃう……ごめんなさい、今はダメです……」=!!! Uhm... I'm sorry, I can't tell, what's real and what's just in my... my head is gonna split apart... I'm sorry, I can't right now... -「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ...Please take care of me♡ +「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ......Please take care of me♡ 「あなたとの幸せな未来を想像したら、急に怖くなって……もう少し待ってくれませんか? ごめんなさい」=When I think about our happy future together, I just get so scared... Could you wait just a bit longer, please? I'm really sorry. 「私に優しくしてくれる脳も、私に触れてくれる皮膚も大好きです♡ 私と付き合ってください♡」=Your brain, that's always so kind to me, and your skin, that always touches me, I love them both♡ Please be my boyfriend♡ 「!! 私をあなたと一緒のお墓に入れてくれて、ありがとうございます♡」=!! Thank you, for letting me have the privilege, of eventually being buried next to you♡ @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ 「ごめんなさい……本当にごめんなさい……今から絶対に外せない用事がありまして……」=I'm sorry... I really am... there's something I really need to take care of... 「今、時間ありますよね。少し身体を動かしませんか?」=You have some time right now, yes? Won't you get a workout with me? 「あくまで普通の運動ですから、どさくさに紛れて身体を触ってくださいね♡」=In the end, it's just going to be a normal workout, but feel free to take advantage of the situation and touch me all you want♡ -「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」="Would you have preferred we do that sort of a workout" instead...?"" +「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」=Would you have preferred we do that sort of a "workout" instead...? 「コイカツ部に興味ない? よかったら入ってほしいな」=Do you have any interest in the Koikatsu club? I'd love it if you joined. 「あなたとの将来がかかった、とても大事なお誘いですね♡ 答えは決まっていますが、よく考えさせてください」=This is a really important invitation to me, our future together hangs upon it♡ My answer is already decided but, please let me think over it a bit more. 「色々考えたんですが……私をコイカツ部に入れてくれませんか?」=I've thought over it a bunch... Won't you let me join your club? @@ -395,13 +395,13 @@ 「昨日テレビの特集で紹介されてたんだけど……」=They were airing this TV special yesterday and... 「私も見ました。あなたと一緒に行きたいなぁって、そればっかり思ってました♡」=I saw it too. The only thing on my mind was how much I wanted to visit that place with you♡ 「あまりにも取るに足らない話なんだけど……」=I know this is a pretty worthless thing to ask but... -「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡"" +「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡ 「はい、大好きです♡ うう……今まで平気だったのに、何だかとっても照れてしまいます♡」=Yes, I love you♡ Uuu... Even though I used to be fine before, these days it makes me really embarrassed to say it out loud♡ 「もう、嫌いって答えたらどうするんです? 嫌い、の真逆です♡」=Jeez, what if I were to say I hate you, what'd you do then? My feelings are the exact opposite of hate though♡ 「もし喧嘩して別れることになったら、きっと俺が悪いんだろうね」=I imagine if we ever got into a fight bad enough to break up, it'd definitely be my fault. 「もしそうだとしても、考えたくありません。あなたがいなければ、私はまた元通りになってしまいますから……」=Even if that might be the case, I don't want to think about it. Without you, I'll go back to being the way I used to be... 「きっと、お互いが悪いんだと思います。謝り合って、前より仲良くなれたら理想ですね♡」=I'm sure it'll be both of us in the wrong. It would be great if we could make up and put it behind us though♡ -「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」="You used to be a so-called Yandere", right?"" +「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」=You used to be a so-called "Yandere", right? 「はい……あなたのこと以外、見えなくなっていました♡ 今は気を付けていますよ?」=Yes... Back then, I couldn't see anything, aside from you♡ So you know, I try to be more careful these days, okay? 「違います……と言いたいところですが、そうですね。すっかり私の黒歴史です……」=I'd love to tell you otherwise... but, it's the truth. I can't ignore my dark past... 「俺に言いたくても言えないことってある?」=Is there anything you want to tell me but can't bring yourself to? @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ 「ありません♡ 痛いプレイでも、気持ちよくないプレイでも、あなたが悦んでいれば感じちゃいますから♡」=Nope♡ Even if it hurts, or doesn't feel good, as long as it's something that makes you happy, I can enjoy it♡ 「もし他の男の人とHしてほしいってお願いされたらOKする?」=If I wanted you to have sex with other men, would you do it? 「正直、すごく嫌です……でも、他の人に抱かれている私を見てあなたが興奮してくれるなら、OKします♡」=Honestly, the idea is revolting... but, if that's what'd get you off, then I'd do it♡ -「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」="I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡"" +「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」=I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going "I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡ 「もし浮気したいって言ったら、別れる?」=If I told you I wanted to have an affair, would you break up with me? 「はい、確実に♡ ……なんて、無理です♡ 私のことを一番に考えてくれるなら、考えます♡」=I would, yes♡ ...Kidding, of course I won't, you know that♡ As long as I'm your top priority, I might consider it♡ 「私からは何があっても別れません。でも、ナイショで他の子と付き合うのはやめてくださいね」=I would never dump you. But, please don't do it in secret, just tell me, okay? @@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ 「ウソです……だって、あなたに一番迷惑をかけましたよ? でも、そういうところも好きなんです♡」=You're lying... Afterall, you were the one I caused the most trouble for, out of anyone, you know? But, I love that kind side of yours too♡ 「急に不安になったので、教えてください。私と付き合えて、よかったですか?」=I've become all anxious all of a sudden, so please tell me this. Do you really not regret dating me? 「……私もよかったです♡ あなたに出会えていなかったら、ここまで変われませんでしたから♡」=...I don't regret it either♡ I wouldn't have changed and grown so much, if I never met you♡ -「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」="Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡"" +「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」=Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, "Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡ 「こんな楽しい毎日が、明日も明後日も続くんですね♡」=This fun life of ours, it'll stay like this tomorrow and the day after as well, right? 「ずっと続くよ」=You bet. Forever. 「はい♡ ずっと……ずーーっと、一緒ですよ♡ うふふっ♡」=Yes♡ Forever... We'll be together, forever~♡ Ufufu--♡ @@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ 「あなたと恋人になってよかったです♡ こんな幸せ、もうきっと来ません♡」=I'm so glad that you're my boyfriend♡ I don't think I could ever be this happy again♡ 「ごめんなさい。私、はしたない子になっています♡ あなたが魅力的すぎるから……♡」=I'm sorry. I'm turning into such a vulgar girl♡ You're just way too charming... ♡ 「あなたに話したいことが次々浮かびます♡」=Things I want to chat with you about keep rushing into my head, one after another♡ -「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ...Ufufu♡ +「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ......Ufufu♡ 「あなたに依存しきって、すぐ折れる私の方が好きでしたか?」=Did you like me better when I was overdependent on you and would just break without you next to me? 「はやくあなたと楽しくお喋りできるのを楽しみにしていますね♡」=I'm really looking forward to being able to have fun chatting with you again♡ 「本当はもう怒ってません♡ でも、お互いしっかりしないと、依存していた時と同じなんです♡」=I'm actually not angry anymore♡ But, we both have to do things properly, otherwise it'd be the same as when I used to depend on you just to live. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_10/communication_07/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_10/communication_07/translation.txt index de0f87355a..5eaff14f46 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_10/communication_07/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_10/communication_07/translation.txt @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ 「そりゃ~やっぱ、バラの花束に綺麗な夕日は、基本だろうな~」=Well, the basics of the basics would be to set up a scene with a boquet of roses and a beautiful sunset for a backdrop~ 「き、気持ちだよ! やっぱ純粋な心が一番だ。うん」=T-The feelings are what's important! The most important thing is to have a pure heart. Yeah. 「どういうタイプの男が好きなの?」=What sort of type of guys do you like? -「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」="Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the cool sort, I guess?""" +「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」=Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the "cool" sort, I guess? 「ん~わりぃ、考えたことないから分かんないわ」=Nn, sorry, I've never really thought about it so I don't really know. 「お前な! いきなりそんな質問するんじゃない……もう」=Dude! Don't go asking girls those sorts of questions out of nowhere... jeez. 「この学園の生徒は、恋愛について興味が強い方なのかな?」=Would you say that the students of this school are particularly interested in romance and the like? @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ 「あー……違う話題にしようぜ!」=Aah... Let's talk about something else! 「まあ、詳しいことは知らないんだけどな~」=Well, not that I know the concrete details~ 「そうか~ それちょっと面白いな」=I see~, that's pretty interesting. -「理想の恋愛ってある?」="Do you have an ideal in terms of romance?""" +「理想の恋愛ってある?」=Do you have an "ideal" in terms of romance? 「もちろん、両想いのラブラブだ! ……わ、悪いかよ?」=Of course, requited love! ...W-What, got a problem? 「贅沢は言わないな~。相手を幸せにしたいね」=Nothing too fancy~. I'd just want to make my boyfriend happy. 「どんな告白されたら、嬉しい?」=What sort of a confession would make you happy? @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ 「そうだな……昔やってた、部活内での恋愛ドラマとか好きだったぞ」=Hmm, let me think... I really liked the sort of highschool club member romance dramas that they used to air back in the day. 「んー。恋愛がメインになってるドラマはないな」=Nnn. I don't really watch dramas where the romance is the main focus, to tell you the truth. 「デートするなら、どんな場所がいい?」=If someone were to take you on a date, where would you like to go? -「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」="Any place you'd go to for a typical date... I love that sort of thing.""" +「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」=Any place you'd go to for a "typical" date... I love that sort of thing. 「場所よりも、雰囲気なんじゃないかなぁ……」=I think the mood is more important, rather than the place itself... 「……小っ恥ずかしいからさ、別の話にしようぜ」=...It's a bit embarrassing, so let's talk about something else. 「この間、読んだ漫画なんだけど……」=I read this in a manga the other day... @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ 「そっか! それなら安心……いや、私もそう思う!」=I see! That's a relief... No, I feel the same way as you! 「そうそう、服選ぶのとかも楽なんだぜ?」=Exactly, it's easy to pick out clothes too, you know? 「わ、私さぁ、ずっと身長伸びてないんだ~。こまったこまった」=Y-You know, I haven't gotten any taller in years~. Whatever shall I do~ -「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」="Do you have an ideal body figure, when it comes to girls?""" +「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」=Do you have an "ideal" body figure, when it comes to girls? 「だよな? 海外じゃその方が人気だって言うしな~」=I know, right? Seems like a lot of guys like it like that too, in the west~ 「ほう、そうか~。んじゃ、現状維持だな、ははっ」=Hoh, I see~. Well then, guess I gotta maintain my current figure, haha-- 「そうかそうか。そう言えば私、いくら食べても太らないんだよ。体質かね~」=I see, I see. Come to think of it, no matter how much I stuff myself, I never put on any weight. I wonder if that's just how I'm built~ @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ 「そこらのクッションみたいに、気軽にさわるな!」=Don't fondle them like they're just decorative cushions! 「……私が女子ってこと、忘れてないよな?」=...You're not forgetting that I'm a girl, right? 「ちょっ、お前は私のお父さんかっての……」=Hey--, you're not my dad... -「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this... like hell!""" +「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this"... like hell! 「あーもう! お前ってやつは何がしたいんだ?」=Ahh, jeez! Just what are you trying here? 「き、急になにすんだよ……」=W-What's gotten into you... 「こらこら。女子の顔は気軽にさわるもんじゃないぜ?」=Hey, come on. You shouldn't be going around touching girls' faces so casually, you know? @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ 「わりぃ、つい話し込んじゃったな! でも楽しかったぜ!」=Sorry, we really got into it there for a moment, didn't we! But it was fun! 「ん? いいのか? んじゃあな」=Hm? You sure? Well then, see ya. 「あのさ、俺と付き合ってくれないか?」=Hey, won't you go out with me? -「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ... Sorry... +「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ...... Sorry... 「やっぱり、きみのことが好きなんだ」=I really do love you. 「私もそれを言おうと思ってた……いっ、いいぜ? よろしくな!」=I was just about to say the same thing... S-Sure. I don't mind dating you. Take care of me! 「どうしても、付き合うってまだ想像つかない。ごめんな」=I really can't see us going out together just yet. Sorry. @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ 「しつこいようだけど……私、[P]と付き合いたいんだ!」=I know I'm being real obstinate but... I really wanna go out with you! 「や、やったぁ! はぁ~! いま私、死んでもいいぞぉ!」=Y-Yay! Haa~! If I were to die right now, I'd die happy! 「だ、だよなあ! 他にイイ女子がいるのに、私なんかじゃ、なぁ……」=O-Of course! When there's already so many good girls here, someone like me is... -「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=...I wanna have sex with you. +「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=......I wanna have sex with you. 「な、なーに言ってんだか! マジな顔しちゃって。ハハ」=W-What the heck are you saying! With such a serious face too. Haha. 「俺、きみとエッチしたいんだ」=I wanna do it with you. 「い、いいぞ。私もその、うずうずしてたしな……や、やるか!」=S-Sure. I was feeling, uhm, real itchy to do it too... T-Then let's get to it! @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ 「な、なぁ……もっと女の子らしさを出した方がいいのか?」=H-Hey... do you think I should act more girly? 「そ、そうか。女の子らしさ……口調とか、か? わからん……」=I-I see. Girliness... like my way of speaking, and stuff? I don't really know... 「そっか! そのままでいいか! ありがとな!」=I see! I'm fine as I am, huh! Thanks! -「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」="Have people ever told you stuff like You resemble your parents and junk?""" +「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」=Have people ever told you stuff like "You resemble your parents" and junk? 「お前もか~。私もよく言われるんだよ。あれ、やめて欲しいよな~」=A fellow comrade, huh~. I get that a lot too. Would be great if people dropped that, you know?~ 「そうだよなぁ、親子だからって、絶対似るってわけでもないよな」=I know, right? Just because we're a parent and child doesn't mean we have to resemble each other. 「お前は徹夜とかしたことあるのか?」=Have you ever stayed up all night? @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ 「ちょっ……私、我慢できなくなるから……」=Hey--... I won't be able to hold myself back, if you keep this up... 「だから! 発情しちゃうって~の!」=I told you! I'll start getting into the mood! 「せ、責任とれるのか? これ以上気持ちよくして……」=C-Can you take responsibility? Huh? If you make me feel any more of this... -「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? +「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~...... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? 「このまま眠っちゃいそうだ……ってそれは困る。やめようぜっ」=I feel like I could just take a nap right here... No, that'd be bad. Let's stop there--. 「そりゃ私だって、この場で甘えまくりたいさ……でも止められなくなるから、ここまでな!」=Even I want to just get crazy spoiled by you too... but that's a train that won't stop once it gets going, so let's leave it at that! 「その指、舐めちゃうぞ? ペロペロって……」=I'll lick that finger of yours, you know? *slurp* and all... @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ 「……どうしたの? [Hあだ名]」=...What's up? [Hあだ名]. 「いや、深い意味はない……愛称で呼びたい気分だったんだ」=No, well, I didn't mean anything by it... I just felt like calling you that. 「……いいぞ。[Pあだ名]……私を抱いてくれ」=...Sure. [Pあだ名]... embrace me. -「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ...[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? +「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ......[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? 「おっす! 暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup! If you're free, let's chat. 「おっす! [Pあだ名]。暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup, [Pあだ名]! If you're free, let's chat. 「ちょっ……何でここに来てるんだよっ」=Hey--... Why are you coming in here--. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_10/communication_24/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_10/communication_24/translation.txt index fa268fc1e3..7ba0e16d3e 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_10/communication_24/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_10/communication_24/translation.txt @@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ 「キスって興味ある?」=You got any interest in kissing? 「あります♡ 優しくついばむようなキスが次第に激しくなって、ついには舌が……んん♡ んんん♡」=I do♡ Our kisses would start gentle first, just pecks, but slowly they'd turn more intense, and eventually our tongues would... nnn♡ nnnnn♡ 「あなたの唇ばかり見ていたの、バレてしまいましたか?」=Darn~, did you notice that I've been staring at your lips for a while now? -「好きな男性のタイプってある?」="Do you have a type", in terms of guys?"" +「好きな男性のタイプってある?」=Do you have a "type", in terms of guys? 「真面目にお付き合いしてくれる人がいいと思います。私も……真剣ですから♡」=I think someone who'd take our relationship fully seriously. I'm a... pretty earnest person too, afterall♡ 「あなたなら、どんなタイプでもいいです♡」=I don't care about the type, as long as it's you♡ 「そんなこと答えなくても、あなたなら分かってくれていますよね?」=Even if I don't tell you that in words, you should already know the answer, right? -「恋バナと言えばさ……」="On the topic of love talk" between girls..."" +「恋バナと言えばさ……」=On the topic of "love talk" between girls... 「……はい♡ 私もそう思います♡」=...Yes♡ I feel the same way♡ 「女の子の恋心についてなんだけど……」=A girl's heart is pretty difficult to understand... 「あなたはそのままでも十分魅力的だと思います♡」=I think you're plenty charming just the way you are♡ @@ -55,16 +55,16 @@ 「積極的な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of aggressive guys? 「積極的なあなた……強引に引っ張ってもらいたいです♡ 昼も夜も♡」=You, being aggressive... I want you to pull me close to you♡ Whether it's day or night♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたなら構いません」=I can't really handle aggressiveness but, I don't mind if it's you. -「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of prudent" guys?"" +「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "prudent" guys? 「慎重なあなた……奥ゆかしくて素敵です♡ 私からどんどんアプローチをかけますね♡」=A prudent you... Sounds very refined and lovely♡ I'll have to approach you myself, huh?♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたならきっと好きになります」=I'm kinda bad with them but, I'll do my best to learn to love that side of you. 「勤勉な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of industrious guys? 「勤勉なあなた……奥さんになって、支えてあげたいです♡ 身も心も♡」=An industrious you... I'd love to become your wife, and support you from the sidelines♡ With both my body and heart♡ 「私のタイプではありませんけど、あなたなら関係ありません」=They're not really my type but, my type doesn't matter. You matter. 「マイペースな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of laid back guys? The sort to take their life at their own pace. -「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」="A my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡"" +「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」=A "my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡ 「本当は苦手ですけど、あなたならむしろ好きです♡」=I actually have a hard time handling them but, I'd just love to be pushed around by you♡ -「優しい男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of gentle" and "kind" guys?"" +「優しい男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "gentle" and "kind" guys? 「優しいあなた……理想的な旦那さんになってくれそうです♡ 子供は何人ほしいですか?」=A gentle you... You'd make for the best husband♡ How many kids should we have? 「あまり興味は……というより、あなた以外に興味のある男の人なんていませんけど♡」=I'm not all that interested in them... rather, there's nobody on this planet that I'm really all that interested in, other than you♡ 「クールな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of the stylish and cool sort of guys? @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ 「他の子と比べると、自分ってエッチな方?」=Do you think you're lewder than most other girls? 「はい…そう思います♡ あなたのことを考えている時は、特に♡」=Yes... I do think so♡ Especially when I'm thinking of you♡ 「あなた次第です♡ そういう私が好きなら、誰よりもいやらしくなります♡」=It depends on you♡ If you like that side of me, then I can be lewder than anyone else, for you♡ -「理想の初エッチって、ある?」="Do you have an ideal" first time in mind?"" +「理想の初エッチって、ある?」=Do you have an "ideal" first time in mind? 「あります♡ あなたが理想とする初夜を実現することです♡」=I do♡ It's making your own ideal wedding night come true♡ 「あなたと身体を重ねる時まで秘密です♡」=That's gonna stay a secret until we actually have sex♡ 「ごめんなさい、刺激が強すぎて鼻血が……別の会話にしませんか?」=I'm sorry, this conversation is way too stimulating, my nose is about to bleed... Could we talk about something else? @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ 「うふふ、いつも楽しそうに作ってますよね♡ 今度ご馳走してほしいです♡」=Ufufu, you're always doing it with such a smile♡ Won't you treat me to your handmade food one of these days?♡ 「私も苦手なんですけど、いつかあなたに美味しいお味噌汁を毎日飲んでもらいたくて、特訓中です♡」=I'm pretty bad at cooking too but, I wanna make you all sorts of fancy lunches for you to take to work once we're married, so I'm taking classes♡ 「この前、体操着のあなたを見て、惚れ直してしまいました。スポーツは得意なんですか?」=The other day, I saw you in a track suit and just fell in love with you again. Are you good at sports? -「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」="Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a workout♡" together one of these days♡"" +「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」=Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a "workout♡" together one of these days♡ 「私もなんです♡ でも、あなたのためなら身体だって張りますから、遠慮しないでくださいね♡」=Same here♡ But, if it's for you, I can learn to get better at them, so please feel free to ask me for anything♡ 「熱心に授業を受けてるときのあなたも好きです♡ 予習と復習はよくするんですか?」=You look so handsome when you're concentrating in class♡ Do you study at home a lot too? 「だから前の学園でも成績がよかったんですね♡ 私もよくするので、今度一緒にしませんか?」=That's why you had such good grades, even in your previous school, huh?♡ I study a lot too so, wanna do it together sometime? @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ 「……今です♡ どこか二人きりになれる場所で、もっと幸せになりませんか?」=...It's this moment♡ Shall we get even happier together, in a more secluded place? 「あなたが他の女の子と話していない時なら、いつでも♡」=Any moment that you're not talking to another girl♡ 「好きな言葉ってある?」=Do you have a word or a phrase that you love? -「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」="Lots but, my favourite has to be Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡"" +「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」=Lots but, my favourite has to be "Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡ 「言葉よりも何よりも、あなたが好きです♡ 愛しています♡」=Forget words, the thing I love the most is you♡ I love you♡ 「この前、仲のいい女の子が怪我したんだけど……きみじゃないよな?」=The other day, a girl I'm friends with got injured... It wasn't you, right? 「うふふ♡ 私はそんなことしません♡ 恨み帳をつけるだけです♡」=Ufufu♡ I wouldn't do that sort of thing♡ I just tend to bear grudges, that's all♡ @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ 「最近、俺に依存してないか……?」=Haven't you been a bit too dependant on me recently...? 「最近ではなくて、あなたがこの学園に来た時からです♡ そしてこれからも……♡」=It's not something recent, I've been dependant on you ever since you joined this school♡ It'll be the same in the future too...♡ 「あなたが中心の生活をしているだけで、依存はしていません♡」=I'm not dependant on you at all, it's just that you're the center of my life♡ -「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=...Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? +「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=......Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? 「そういえばこの前、信号待ちしてたら……」=Reminds me, the other day, while I was waiting on a red light... 「はい♡ 私も茂みの影から見ていましたよ♡」=I know♡ I was watching from behind a bush as well♡ 「恋と愛の違いってわかる?」=Do you understand the difference between love and lust? @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ 「あなたと一生一緒にいられるなら、結婚できなくてもいいです♡」=As long as we can be together for our entire lives, I don't care if we never get married♡ 「俺のこと好き?」=Do you like me? 「大好きです♡ 好きすぎて好きです♡ うふふ♡ 好きなんです♡ あなたのことが♡」=I love you♡ I love you so much I can't love you any more♡ Ufufu♡ I love you♡ You, nobody else.♡ -「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」="Rather than like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡"" +「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」=Rather than "like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡ 「デートに行くならどこに行きたい?」=If we were to go on a date, where would you like to go? 「あなたの家がいいです♡ 歯ブラシとか、下着とか……少しずつ、私のものが増えていくんです♡」=Your place♡ I'll slowly start bring more and more of my stuff over... like my brush, or my panties♡ 「あなたを独り占めできる場所……この世にはきっとありませんけれど♡」=Any place I can have you all to myself... I don't think we could be sure of that in the living world though♡ @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ 「!? あの、私、何かしちゃいましたか? ま、待ってください、行かないで……」=?! Uhm, did I do something? P-Please wait, don't leave me... 「きみのことが好きなんだ」=I love you. 「!! あの……ごめんなさい、理想と現実がごっちゃになって……頭が、割れちゃう……ごめんなさい、今はダメです……」=!!! Uhm... I'm sorry, I can't tell, what's real and what's just in my... my head is gonna split apart... I'm sorry, I can't right now... -「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ...Please take care of me♡ +「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ......Please take care of me♡ 「あなたとの幸せな未来を想像したら、急に怖くなって……もう少し待ってくれませんか? ごめんなさい」=When I think about our happy future together, I just get so scared... Could you wait just a bit longer, please? I'm really sorry. 「私に優しくしてくれる脳も、私に触れてくれる皮膚も大好きです♡ 私と付き合ってください♡」=Your brain, that's always so kind to me, and your skin, that always touches me, I love them both♡ Please be my boyfriend♡ 「!! 私をあなたと一緒のお墓に入れてくれて、ありがとうございます♡」=!! Thank you, for letting me have the privilege, of eventually being buried next to you♡ @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ 「ごめんなさい……本当にごめんなさい……今から絶対に外せない用事がありまして……」=I'm sorry... I really am... there's something I really need to take care of... 「今、時間ありますよね。少し身体を動かしませんか?」=You have some time right now, yes? Won't you get a workout with me? 「あくまで普通の運動ですから、どさくさに紛れて身体を触ってくださいね♡」=In the end, it's just going to be a normal workout, but feel free to take advantage of the situation and touch me all you want♡ -「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」="Would you have preferred we do that sort of a workout" instead...?"" +「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」=Would you have preferred we do that sort of a "workout" instead...? 「コイカツ部に興味ない? よかったら入ってほしいな」=Do you have any interest in the Koikatsu club? I'd love it if you joined. 「あなたとの将来がかかった、とても大事なお誘いですね♡ 答えは決まっていますが、よく考えさせてください」=This is a really important invitation to me, our future together hangs upon it♡ My answer is already decided but, please let me think over it a bit more. 「色々考えたんですが……私をコイカツ部に入れてくれませんか?」=I've thought over it a bunch... Won't you let me join your club? @@ -395,13 +395,13 @@ 「昨日テレビの特集で紹介されてたんだけど……」=They were airing this TV special yesterday and... 「私も見ました。あなたと一緒に行きたいなぁって、そればっかり思ってました♡」=I saw it too. The only thing on my mind was how much I wanted to visit that place with you♡ 「あまりにも取るに足らない話なんだけど……」=I know this is a pretty worthless thing to ask but... -「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡"" +「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡ 「はい、大好きです♡ うう……今まで平気だったのに、何だかとっても照れてしまいます♡」=Yes, I love you♡ Uuu... Even though I used to be fine before, these days it makes me really embarrassed to say it out loud♡ 「もう、嫌いって答えたらどうするんです? 嫌い、の真逆です♡」=Jeez, what if I were to say I hate you, what'd you do then? My feelings are the exact opposite of hate though♡ 「もし喧嘩して別れることになったら、きっと俺が悪いんだろうね」=I imagine if we ever got into a fight bad enough to break up, it'd definitely be my fault. 「もしそうだとしても、考えたくありません。あなたがいなければ、私はまた元通りになってしまいますから……」=Even if that might be the case, I don't want to think about it. Without you, I'll go back to being the way I used to be... 「きっと、お互いが悪いんだと思います。謝り合って、前より仲良くなれたら理想ですね♡」=I'm sure it'll be both of us in the wrong. It would be great if we could make up and put it behind us though♡ -「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」="You used to be a so-called Yandere", right?"" +「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」=You used to be a so-called "Yandere", right? 「はい……あなたのこと以外、見えなくなっていました♡ 今は気を付けていますよ?」=Yes... Back then, I couldn't see anything, aside from you♡ So you know, I try to be more careful these days, okay? 「違います……と言いたいところですが、そうですね。すっかり私の黒歴史です……」=I'd love to tell you otherwise... but, it's the truth. I can't ignore my dark past... 「俺に言いたくても言えないことってある?」=Is there anything you want to tell me but can't bring yourself to? @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ 「ありません♡ 痛いプレイでも、気持ちよくないプレイでも、あなたが悦んでいれば感じちゃいますから♡」=Nope♡ Even if it hurts, or doesn't feel good, as long as it's something that makes you happy, I can enjoy it♡ 「もし他の男の人とHしてほしいってお願いされたらOKする?」=If I wanted you to have sex with other men, would you do it? 「正直、すごく嫌です……でも、他の人に抱かれている私を見てあなたが興奮してくれるなら、OKします♡」=Honestly, the idea is revolting... but, if that's what'd get you off, then I'd do it♡ -「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」="I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡"" +「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」=I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going "I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡ 「もし浮気したいって言ったら、別れる?」=If I told you I wanted to have an affair, would you break up with me? 「はい、確実に♡ ……なんて、無理です♡ 私のことを一番に考えてくれるなら、考えます♡」=I would, yes♡ ...Kidding, of course I won't, you know that♡ As long as I'm your top priority, I might consider it♡ 「私からは何があっても別れません。でも、ナイショで他の子と付き合うのはやめてくださいね」=I would never dump you. But, please don't do it in secret, just tell me, okay? @@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ 「ウソです……だって、あなたに一番迷惑をかけましたよ? でも、そういうところも好きなんです♡」=You're lying... Afterall, you were the one I caused the most trouble for, out of anyone, you know? But, I love that kind side of yours too♡ 「急に不安になったので、教えてください。私と付き合えて、よかったですか?」=I've become all anxious all of a sudden, so please tell me this. Do you really not regret dating me? 「……私もよかったです♡ あなたに出会えていなかったら、ここまで変われませんでしたから♡」=...I don't regret it either♡ I wouldn't have changed and grown so much, if I never met you♡ -「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」="Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡"" +「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」=Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, "Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡ 「こんな楽しい毎日が、明日も明後日も続くんですね♡」=This fun life of ours, it'll stay like this tomorrow and the day after as well, right? 「ずっと続くよ」=You bet. Forever. 「はい♡ ずっと……ずーーっと、一緒ですよ♡ うふふっ♡」=Yes♡ Forever... We'll be together, forever~♡ Ufufu--♡ @@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ 「あなたと恋人になってよかったです♡ こんな幸せ、もうきっと来ません♡」=I'm so glad that you're my boyfriend♡ I don't think I could ever be this happy again♡ 「ごめんなさい。私、はしたない子になっています♡ あなたが魅力的すぎるから……♡」=I'm sorry. I'm turning into such a vulgar girl♡ You're just way too charming... ♡ 「あなたに話したいことが次々浮かびます♡」=Things I want to chat with you about keep rushing into my head, one after another♡ -「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ...Ufufu♡ +「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ......Ufufu♡ 「あなたに依存しきって、すぐ折れる私の方が好きでしたか?」=Did you like me better when I was overdependent on you and would just break without you next to me? 「はやくあなたと楽しくお喋りできるのを楽しみにしていますね♡」=I'm really looking forward to being able to have fun chatting with you again♡ 「本当はもう怒ってません♡ でも、お互いしっかりしないと、依存していた時と同じなんです♡」=I'm actually not angry anymore♡ But, we both have to do things properly, otherwise it'd be the same as when I used to depend on you just to live. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_10/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_10/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt index 9caa295c17..39966ea5e6 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_10/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_10/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ OPTION[13]:高いのが=I like 'em tall. 高いのが=I like 'em tall. OPTION[13]:程よいのが=I like average height girls. OPTION[13]:小さいのが=I like 'em petite. -OPTION[14]:ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are best. -ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are best. +OPTION[14]:ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are the best. +ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are the best. OPTION[14]:程よいのが=Somewhere in the middle. OPTION[14]:痩せているのが=I prefer thin girls. 痩せているのが=I prefer thin girls. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_12/communication_07/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_12/communication_07/translation.txt index 49daa04ee4..8b9007c69a 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_12/communication_07/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_12/communication_07/translation.txt @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ 「そりゃ~やっぱ、バラの花束に綺麗な夕日は、基本だろうな~」=Well, the basics of the basics would be to set up a scene with a boquet of roses and a beautiful sunset for a backdrop~ 「き、気持ちだよ! やっぱ純粋な心が一番だ。うん」=T-The feelings are what's important! The most important thing is to have a pure heart. Yeah. 「どういうタイプの男が好きなの?」=What sort of type of guys do you like? -「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」="Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the cool sort, I guess?""" +「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」=Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the "cool" sort, I guess? 「ん~わりぃ、考えたことないから分かんないわ」=Nn, sorry, I've never really thought about it so I don't really know. 「お前な! いきなりそんな質問するんじゃない……もう」=Dude! Don't go asking girls those sorts of questions out of nowhere... jeez. 「この学園の生徒は、恋愛について興味が強い方なのかな?」=Would you say that the students of this school are particularly interested in romance and the like? @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ 「あー……違う話題にしようぜ!」=Aah... Let's talk about something else! 「まあ、詳しいことは知らないんだけどな~」=Well, not that I know the concrete details~ 「そうか~ それちょっと面白いな」=I see~, that's pretty interesting. -「理想の恋愛ってある?」="Do you have an ideal in terms of romance?""" +「理想の恋愛ってある?」=Do you have an "ideal" in terms of romance? 「もちろん、両想いのラブラブだ! ……わ、悪いかよ?」=Of course, requited love! ...W-What, got a problem? 「贅沢は言わないな~。相手を幸せにしたいね」=Nothing too fancy~. I'd just want to make my boyfriend happy. 「どんな告白されたら、嬉しい?」=What sort of a confession would make you happy? @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ 「そうだな……昔やってた、部活内での恋愛ドラマとか好きだったぞ」=Hmm, let me think... I really liked the sort of highschool club member romance dramas that they used to air back in the day. 「んー。恋愛がメインになってるドラマはないな」=Nnn. I don't really watch dramas where the romance is the main focus, to tell you the truth. 「デートするなら、どんな場所がいい?」=If someone were to take you on a date, where would you like to go? -「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」="Any place you'd go to for a typical date... I love that sort of thing.""" +「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」=Any place you'd go to for a "typical" date... I love that sort of thing. 「場所よりも、雰囲気なんじゃないかなぁ……」=I think the mood is more important, rather than the place itself... 「……小っ恥ずかしいからさ、別の話にしようぜ」=...It's a bit embarrassing, so let's talk about something else. 「この間、読んだ漫画なんだけど……」=I read this in a manga the other day... @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ 「そっか! それなら安心……いや、私もそう思う!」=I see! That's a relief... No, I feel the same way as you! 「そうそう、服選ぶのとかも楽なんだぜ?」=Exactly, it's easy to pick out clothes too, you know? 「わ、私さぁ、ずっと身長伸びてないんだ~。こまったこまった」=Y-You know, I haven't gotten any taller in years~. Whatever shall I do~ -「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」="Do you have an ideal body figure, when it comes to girls?""" +「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」=Do you have an "ideal" body figure, when it comes to girls? 「だよな? 海外じゃその方が人気だって言うしな~」=I know, right? Seems like a lot of guys like it like that too, in the west~ 「ほう、そうか~。んじゃ、現状維持だな、ははっ」=Hoh, I see~. Well then, guess I gotta maintain my current figure, haha-- 「そうかそうか。そう言えば私、いくら食べても太らないんだよ。体質かね~」=I see, I see. Come to think of it, no matter how much I stuff myself, I never put on any weight. I wonder if that's just how I'm built~ @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ 「そこらのクッションみたいに、気軽にさわるな!」=Don't fondle them like they're just decorative cushions! 「……私が女子ってこと、忘れてないよな?」=...You're not forgetting that I'm a girl, right? 「ちょっ、お前は私のお父さんかっての……」=Hey--, you're not my dad... -「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this... like hell!""" +「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this"... like hell! 「あーもう! お前ってやつは何がしたいんだ?」=Ahh, jeez! Just what are you trying here? 「き、急になにすんだよ……」=W-What's gotten into you... 「こらこら。女子の顔は気軽にさわるもんじゃないぜ?」=Hey, come on. You shouldn't be going around touching girls' faces so casually, you know? @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ 「わりぃ、つい話し込んじゃったな! でも楽しかったぜ!」=Sorry, we really got into it there for a moment, didn't we! But it was fun! 「ん? いいのか? んじゃあな」=Hm? You sure? Well then, see ya. 「あのさ、俺と付き合ってくれないか?」=Hey, won't you go out with me? -「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ... Sorry... +「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ...... Sorry... 「やっぱり、きみのことが好きなんだ」=I really do love you. 「私もそれを言おうと思ってた……いっ、いいぜ? よろしくな!」=I was just about to say the same thing... S-Sure. I don't mind dating you. Take care of me! 「どうしても、付き合うってまだ想像つかない。ごめんな」=I really can't see us going out together just yet. Sorry. @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ 「しつこいようだけど……私、[P]と付き合いたいんだ!」=I know I'm being real obstinate but... I really wanna go out with you! 「や、やったぁ! はぁ~! いま私、死んでもいいぞぉ!」=Y-Yay! Haa~! If I were to die right now, I'd die happy! 「だ、だよなあ! 他にイイ女子がいるのに、私なんかじゃ、なぁ……」=O-Of course! When there's already so many good girls here, someone like me is... -「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=...I wanna have sex with you. +「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=......I wanna have sex with you. 「な、なーに言ってんだか! マジな顔しちゃって。ハハ」=W-What the heck are you saying! With such a serious face too. Haha. 「俺、きみとエッチしたいんだ」=I wanna do it with you. 「い、いいぞ。私もその、うずうずしてたしな……や、やるか!」=S-Sure. I was feeling, uhm, real itchy to do it too... T-Then let's get to it! @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ 「な、なぁ……もっと女の子らしさを出した方がいいのか?」=H-Hey... do you think I should act more girly? 「そ、そうか。女の子らしさ……口調とか、か? わからん……」=I-I see. Girliness... like my way of speaking, and stuff? I don't really know... 「そっか! そのままでいいか! ありがとな!」=I see! I'm fine as I am, huh! Thanks! -「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」="Have people ever told you stuff like You resemble your parents and junk?""" +「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」=Have people ever told you stuff like "You resemble your parents" and junk? 「お前もか~。私もよく言われるんだよ。あれ、やめて欲しいよな~」=A fellow comrade, huh~. I get that a lot too. Would be great if people dropped that, you know?~ 「そうだよなぁ、親子だからって、絶対似るってわけでもないよな」=I know, right? Just because we're a parent and child doesn't mean we have to resemble each other. 「お前は徹夜とかしたことあるのか?」=Have you ever stayed up all night? @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ 「ちょっ……私、我慢できなくなるから……」=Hey--... I won't be able to hold myself back, if you keep this up... 「だから! 発情しちゃうって~の!」=I told you! I'll start getting into the mood! 「せ、責任とれるのか? これ以上気持ちよくして……」=C-Can you take responsibility? Huh? If you make me feel any more of this... -「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? +「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~...... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? 「このまま眠っちゃいそうだ……ってそれは困る。やめようぜっ」=I feel like I could just take a nap right here... No, that'd be bad. Let's stop there--. 「そりゃ私だって、この場で甘えまくりたいさ……でも止められなくなるから、ここまでな!」=Even I want to just get crazy spoiled by you too... but that's a train that won't stop once it gets going, so let's leave it at that! 「その指、舐めちゃうぞ? ペロペロって……」=I'll lick that finger of yours, you know? *slurp* and all... @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ 「……どうしたの? [Hあだ名]」=...What's up? [Hあだ名]. 「いや、深い意味はない……愛称で呼びたい気分だったんだ」=No, well, I didn't mean anything by it... I just felt like calling you that. 「……いいぞ。[Pあだ名]……私を抱いてくれ」=...Sure. [Pあだ名]... embrace me. -「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ...[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? +「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ......[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? 「おっす! 暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup! If you're free, let's chat. 「おっす! [Pあだ名]。暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup, [Pあだ名]! If you're free, let's chat. 「ちょっ……何でここに来てるんだよっ」=Hey--... Why are you coming in here--. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_12/communication_24/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_12/communication_24/translation.txt index 2a56343ad9..00fdc2904b 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_12/communication_24/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_12/communication_24/translation.txt @@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ 「キスって興味ある?」=You got any interest in kissing? 「あります♡ 優しくついばむようなキスが次第に激しくなって、ついには舌が……んん♡ んんん♡」=I do♡ Our kisses would start gentle first, just pecks, but slowly they'd turn more intense, and eventually our tongues would... nnn♡ nnnnn♡ 「あなたの唇ばかり見ていたの、バレてしまいましたか?」=Darn~, did you notice that I've been staring at your lips for a while now? -「好きな男性のタイプってある?」="Do you have a type", in terms of guys?"" +「好きな男性のタイプってある?」=Do you have a "type", in terms of guys? 「真面目にお付き合いしてくれる人がいいと思います。私も……真剣ですから♡」=I think someone who'd take our relationship fully seriously. I'm a... pretty earnest person too, afterall♡ 「あなたなら、どんなタイプでもいいです♡」=I don't care about the type, as long as it's you♡ 「そんなこと答えなくても、あなたなら分かってくれていますよね?」=Even if I don't tell you that in words, you should already know the answer, right? -「恋バナと言えばさ……」="On the topic of love talk" between girls..."" +「恋バナと言えばさ……」=On the topic of "love talk" between girls... 「……はい♡ 私もそう思います♡」=...Yes♡ I feel the same way♡ 「女の子の恋心についてなんだけど……」=A girl's heart is pretty difficult to understand... 「あなたはそのままでも十分魅力的だと思います♡」=I think you're plenty charming just the way you are♡ @@ -55,16 +55,16 @@ 「積極的な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of aggressive guys? 「積極的なあなた……強引に引っ張ってもらいたいです♡ 昼も夜も♡」=You, being aggressive... I want you to pull me close to you♡ Whether it's day or night♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたなら構いません」=I can't really handle aggressiveness but, I don't mind if it's you. -「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of prudent" guys?"" +「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "prudent" guys? 「慎重なあなた……奥ゆかしくて素敵です♡ 私からどんどんアプローチをかけますね♡」=A prudent you... Sounds very refined and lovely♡ I'll have to approach you myself, huh?♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたならきっと好きになります」=I'm kinda bad with them but, I'll do my best to learn to love that side of you. 「勤勉な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of industrious guys? 「勤勉なあなた……奥さんになって、支えてあげたいです♡ 身も心も♡」=An industrious you... I'd love to become your wife, and support you from the sidelines♡ With both my body and heart♡ 「私のタイプではありませんけど、あなたなら関係ありません」=They're not really my type but, my type doesn't matter. You matter. 「マイペースな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of laid back guys? The sort to take their life at their own pace. -「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」="A my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡"" +「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」=A "my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡ 「本当は苦手ですけど、あなたならむしろ好きです♡」=I actually have a hard time handling them but, I'd just love to be pushed around by you♡ -「優しい男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of gentle" and "kind" guys?"" +「優しい男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "gentle" and "kind" guys? 「優しいあなた……理想的な旦那さんになってくれそうです♡ 子供は何人ほしいですか?」=A gentle you... You'd make for the best husband♡ How many kids should we have? 「あまり興味は……というより、あなた以外に興味のある男の人なんていませんけど♡」=I'm not all that interested in them... rather, there's nobody on this planet that I'm really all that interested in, other than you♡ 「クールな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of the stylish and cool sort of guys? @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ 「他の子と比べると、自分ってエッチな方?」=Do you think you're lewder than most other girls? 「はい…そう思います♡ あなたのことを考えている時は、特に♡」=Yes... I do think so♡ Especially when I'm thinking of you♡ 「あなた次第です♡ そういう私が好きなら、誰よりもいやらしくなります♡」=It depends on you♡ If you like that side of me, then I can be lewder than anyone else, for you♡ -「理想の初エッチって、ある?」="Do you have an ideal" first time in mind?"" +「理想の初エッチって、ある?」=Do you have an "ideal" first time in mind? 「あります♡ あなたが理想とする初夜を実現することです♡」=I do♡ It's making your own ideal wedding night come true♡ 「あなたと身体を重ねる時まで秘密です♡」=That's gonna stay a secret until we actually have sex♡ 「ごめんなさい、刺激が強すぎて鼻血が……別の会話にしませんか?」=I'm sorry, this conversation is way too stimulating, my nose is about to bleed... Could we talk about something else? @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ 「うふふ、いつも楽しそうに作ってますよね♡ 今度ご馳走してほしいです♡」=Ufufu, you're always doing it with such a smile♡ Won't you treat me to your handmade food one of these days?♡ 「私も苦手なんですけど、いつかあなたに美味しいお味噌汁を毎日飲んでもらいたくて、特訓中です♡」=I'm pretty bad at cooking too but, I wanna make you all sorts of fancy lunches for you to take to work once we're married, so I'm taking classes♡ 「この前、体操着のあなたを見て、惚れ直してしまいました。スポーツは得意なんですか?」=The other day, I saw you in a track suit and just fell in love with you again. Are you good at sports? -「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」="Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a workout♡" together one of these days♡"" +「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」=Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a "workout♡" together one of these days♡ 「私もなんです♡ でも、あなたのためなら身体だって張りますから、遠慮しないでくださいね♡」=Same here♡ But, if it's for you, I can learn to get better at them, so please feel free to ask me for anything♡ 「熱心に授業を受けてるときのあなたも好きです♡ 予習と復習はよくするんですか?」=You look so handsome when you're concentrating in class♡ Do you study at home a lot too? 「だから前の学園でも成績がよかったんですね♡ 私もよくするので、今度一緒にしませんか?」=That's why you had such good grades, even in your previous school, huh?♡ I study a lot too so, wanna do it together sometime? @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ 「……今です♡ どこか二人きりになれる場所で、もっと幸せになりませんか?」=...It's this moment♡ Shall we get even happier together, in a more secluded place? 「あなたが他の女の子と話していない時なら、いつでも♡」=Any moment that you're not talking to another girl♡ 「好きな言葉ってある?」=Do you have a word or a phrase that you love? -「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」="Lots but, my favourite has to be Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡"" +「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」=Lots but, my favourite has to be "Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡ 「言葉よりも何よりも、あなたが好きです♡ 愛しています♡」=Forget words, the thing I love the most is you♡ I love you♡ 「この前、仲のいい女の子が怪我したんだけど……きみじゃないよな?」=The other day, a girl I'm friends with got injured... It wasn't you, right? 「うふふ♡ 私はそんなことしません♡ 恨み帳をつけるだけです♡」=Ufufu♡ I wouldn't do that sort of thing♡ I just tend to bear grudges, that's all♡ @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ 「最近、俺に依存してないか……?」=Haven't you been a bit too dependant on me recently...? 「最近ではなくて、あなたがこの学園に来た時からです♡ そしてこれからも……♡」=It's not something recent, I've been dependant on you ever since you joined this school♡ It'll be the same in the future too...♡ 「あなたが中心の生活をしているだけで、依存はしていません♡」=I'm not dependant on you at all, it's just that you're the center of my life♡ -「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=...Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? +「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=......Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? 「そういえばこの前、信号待ちしてたら……」=Reminds me, the other day, while I was waiting on a red light... 「はい♡ 私も茂みの影から見ていましたよ♡」=I know♡ I was watching from behind a bush as well♡ 「恋と愛の違いってわかる?」=Do you understand the difference between love and lust? @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ 「あなたと一生一緒にいられるなら、結婚できなくてもいいです♡」=As long as we can be together for our entire lives, I don't care if we never get married♡ 「俺のこと好き?」=Do you like me? 「大好きです♡ 好きすぎて好きです♡ うふふ♡ 好きなんです♡ あなたのことが♡」=I love you♡ I love you so much I can't love you any more♡ Ufufu♡ I love you♡ You, nobody else.♡ -「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」="Rather than like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡"" +「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」=Rather than "like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡ 「デートに行くならどこに行きたい?」=If we were to go on a date, where would you like to go? 「あなたの家がいいです♡ 歯ブラシとか、下着とか……少しずつ、私のものが増えていくんです♡」=Your place♡ I'll slowly start bring more and more of my stuff over... like my brush, or my panties♡ 「あなたを独り占めできる場所……この世にはきっとありませんけれど♡」=Any place I can have you all to myself... I don't think we could be sure of that in the living world though♡ @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ 「!? あの、私、何かしちゃいましたか? ま、待ってください、行かないで……」=?! Uhm, did I do something? P-Please wait, don't leave me... 「きみのことが好きなんだ」=I love you. 「!! あの……ごめんなさい、理想と現実がごっちゃになって……頭が、割れちゃう……ごめんなさい、今はダメです……」=!!! Uhm... I'm sorry, I can't tell, what's real and what's just in my... my head is gonna split apart... I'm sorry, I can't right now... -「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ...Please take care of me♡ +「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ......Please take care of me♡ 「あなたとの幸せな未来を想像したら、急に怖くなって……もう少し待ってくれませんか? ごめんなさい」=When I think about our happy future together, I just get so scared... Could you wait just a bit longer, please? I'm really sorry. 「私に優しくしてくれる脳も、私に触れてくれる皮膚も大好きです♡ 私と付き合ってください♡」=Your brain, that's always so kind to me, and your skin, that always touches me, I love them both♡ Please be my boyfriend♡ 「!! 私をあなたと一緒のお墓に入れてくれて、ありがとうございます♡」=!! Thank you, for letting me have the privilege, of eventually being buried next to you♡ @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ 「ごめんなさい……本当にごめんなさい……今から絶対に外せない用事がありまして……」=I'm sorry... I really am... there's something I really need to take care of... 「今、時間ありますよね。少し身体を動かしませんか?」=You have some time right now, yes? Won't you get a workout with me? 「あくまで普通の運動ですから、どさくさに紛れて身体を触ってくださいね♡」=In the end, it's just going to be a normal workout, but feel free to take advantage of the situation and touch me all you want♡ -「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」="Would you have preferred we do that sort of a workout" instead...?"" +「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」=Would you have preferred we do that sort of a "workout" instead...? 「コイカツ部に興味ない? よかったら入ってほしいな」=Do you have any interest in the Koikatsu club? I'd love it if you joined. 「あなたとの将来がかかった、とても大事なお誘いですね♡ 答えは決まっていますが、よく考えさせてください」=This is a really important invitation to me, our future together hangs upon it♡ My answer is already decided but, please let me think over it a bit more. 「色々考えたんですが……私をコイカツ部に入れてくれませんか?」=I've thought over it a bunch... Won't you let me join your club? @@ -395,13 +395,13 @@ 「昨日テレビの特集で紹介されてたんだけど……」=They were airing this TV special yesterday and... 「私も見ました。あなたと一緒に行きたいなぁって、そればっかり思ってました♡」=I saw it too. The only thing on my mind was how much I wanted to visit that place with you♡ 「あまりにも取るに足らない話なんだけど……」=I know this is a pretty worthless thing to ask but... -「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡"" +「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡ 「はい、大好きです♡ うう……今まで平気だったのに、何だかとっても照れてしまいます♡」=Yes, I love you♡ Uuu... Even though I used to be fine before, these days it makes me really embarrassed to say it out loud♡ 「もう、嫌いって答えたらどうするんです? 嫌い、の真逆です♡」=Jeez, what if I were to say I hate you, what'd you do then? My feelings are the exact opposite of hate though♡ 「もし喧嘩して別れることになったら、きっと俺が悪いんだろうね」=I imagine if we ever got into a fight bad enough to break up, it'd definitely be my fault. 「もしそうだとしても、考えたくありません。あなたがいなければ、私はまた元通りになってしまいますから……」=Even if that might be the case, I don't want to think about it. Without you, I'll go back to being the way I used to be... 「きっと、お互いが悪いんだと思います。謝り合って、前より仲良くなれたら理想ですね♡」=I'm sure it'll be both of us in the wrong. It would be great if we could make up and put it behind us though♡ -「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」="You used to be a so-called Yandere", right?"" +「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」=You used to be a so-called "Yandere", right? 「はい……あなたのこと以外、見えなくなっていました♡ 今は気を付けていますよ?」=Yes... Back then, I couldn't see anything, aside from you♡ So you know, I try to be more careful these days, okay? 「違います……と言いたいところですが、そうですね。すっかり私の黒歴史です……」=I'd love to tell you otherwise... but, it's the truth. I can't ignore my dark past... 「俺に言いたくても言えないことってある?」=Is there anything you want to tell me but can't bring yourself to? @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ 「ありません♡ 痛いプレイでも、気持ちよくないプレイでも、あなたが悦んでいれば感じちゃいますから♡」=Nope♡ Even if it hurts, or doesn't feel good, as long as it's something that makes you happy, I can enjoy it♡ 「もし他の男の人とHしてほしいってお願いされたらOKする?」=If I wanted you to have sex with other men, would you do it? 「正直、すごく嫌です……でも、他の人に抱かれている私を見てあなたが興奮してくれるなら、OKします♡」=Honestly, the idea is revolting... but, if that's what'd get you off, then I'd do it♡ -「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」="I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡"" +「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」=I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going "I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡ 「もし浮気したいって言ったら、別れる?」=If I told you I wanted to have an affair, would you break up with me? 「はい、確実に♡ ……なんて、無理です♡ 私のことを一番に考えてくれるなら、考えます♡」=I would, yes♡ ...Kidding, of course I won't, you know that♡ As long as I'm your top priority, I might consider it♡ 「私からは何があっても別れません。でも、ナイショで他の子と付き合うのはやめてくださいね」=I would never dump you. But, please don't do it in secret, just tell me, okay? @@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ 「ウソです……だって、あなたに一番迷惑をかけましたよ? でも、そういうところも好きなんです♡」=You're lying... Afterall, you were the one I caused the most trouble for, out of anyone, you know? But, I love that kind side of yours too♡ 「急に不安になったので、教えてください。私と付き合えて、よかったですか?」=I've become all anxious all of a sudden, so please tell me this. Do you really not regret dating me? 「……私もよかったです♡ あなたに出会えていなかったら、ここまで変われませんでしたから♡」=...I don't regret it either♡ I wouldn't have changed and grown so much, if I never met you♡ -「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」="Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡"" +「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」=Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, "Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡ 「こんな楽しい毎日が、明日も明後日も続くんですね♡」=This fun life of ours, it'll stay like this tomorrow and the day after as well, right? 「ずっと続くよ」=You bet. Forever. 「はい♡ ずっと……ずーーっと、一緒ですよ♡ うふふっ♡」=Yes♡ Forever... We'll be together, forever~♡ Ufufu--♡ @@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ 「あなたと恋人になってよかったです♡ こんな幸せ、もうきっと来ません♡」=I'm so glad that you're my boyfriend♡ I don't think I could ever be this happy again♡ 「ごめんなさい。私、はしたない子になっています♡ あなたが魅力的すぎるから……♡」=I'm sorry. I'm turning into such a vulgar girl♡ You're just way too charming... ♡ 「あなたに話したいことが次々浮かびます♡」=Things I want to chat with you about keep rushing into my head, one after another♡ -「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ...Ufufu♡ +「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ......Ufufu♡ 「あなたに依存しきって、すぐ折れる私の方が好きでしたか?」=Did you like me better when I was overdependent on you and would just break without you next to me? 「はやくあなたと楽しくお喋りできるのを楽しみにしていますね♡」=I'm really looking forward to being able to have fun chatting with you again♡ 「本当はもう怒ってません♡ でも、お互いしっかりしないと、依存していた時と同じなんです♡」=I'm actually not angry anymore♡ But, we both have to do things properly, otherwise it'd be the same as when I used to depend on you just to live. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_12/communication_off_07/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_12/communication_off_07/translation.txt index 85960ac13f..49884fed9c 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_12/communication_off_07/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_12/communication_off_07/translation.txt @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ 「そりゃ~やっぱ、バラの花束に綺麗な夕日は、基本だろうな~」=Well, the basics of the basics would be to set up a scene with a boquet of roses and a beautiful sunset for a backdrop~ 「き、気持ちだよ! やっぱ純粋な心が一番だ。うん」=T-The feelings are what's important! The most important thing is to have a pure heart. Yeah. 「どういうタイプの男が好きなの?」=What sort of type of guys do you like? -「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」="Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the cool sort, I guess?""" +「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」=Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the "cool" sort, I guess? 「ん~わりぃ、考えたことないから分かんないわ」=Nn, sorry, I've never really thought about it so I don't really know. 「お前な! いきなりそんな質問するんじゃない……もう」=Dude! Don't go asking girls those sorts of questions out of nowhere... jeez. 「この学園の生徒は、恋愛について興味が強い方なのかな?」=Would you say that the students of this school are particularly interested in romance and the like? @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ 「あー……違う話題にしようぜ!」=Aah... Let's talk about something else! 「まあ、詳しいことは知らないんだけどな~」=Well, not that I know the concrete details~ 「そうか~ それちょっと面白いな」=I see~, that's pretty interesting. -「理想の恋愛ってある?」="Do you have an ideal in terms of romance?""" +「理想の恋愛ってある?」=Do you have an "ideal" in terms of romance? 「もちろん、両想いのラブラブだ! ……わ、悪いかよ?」=Of course, requited love! ...W-What, got a problem? 「贅沢は言わないな~。相手を幸せにしたいね」=Nothing too fancy~. I'd just want to make my boyfriend happy. 「どんな告白されたら、嬉しい?」=What sort of a confession would make you happy? @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ 「そうだな……昔やってた、部活内での恋愛ドラマとか好きだったぞ」=Hmm, let me think... I really liked the sort of highschool club member romance dramas that they used to air back in the day. 「んー。恋愛がメインになってるドラマはないな」=Nnn. I don't really watch dramas where the romance is the main focus, to tell you the truth. 「デートするなら、どんな場所がいい?」=If someone were to take you on a date, where would you like to go? -「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」="Any place you'd go to for a typical date... I love that sort of thing.""" +「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」=Any place you'd go to for a "typical" date... I love that sort of thing. 「場所よりも、雰囲気なんじゃないかなぁ……」=I think the mood is more important, rather than the place itself... 「……小っ恥ずかしいからさ、別の話にしようぜ」=...It's a bit embarrassing, so let's talk about something else. 「この間、読んだ漫画なんだけど……」=I read this in a manga the other day... @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ 「そっか! それなら安心……いや、私もそう思う!」=I see! That's a relief... No, I feel the same way as you! 「そうそう、服選ぶのとかも楽なんだぜ?」=Exactly, it's easy to pick out clothes too, you know? 「わ、私さぁ、ずっと身長伸びてないんだ~。こまったこまった」=Y-You know, I haven't gotten any taller in years~. Whatever shall I do~ -「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」="Do you have an ideal body figure, when it comes to girls?""" +「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」=Do you have an "ideal" body figure, when it comes to girls? 「だよな? 海外じゃその方が人気だって言うしな~」=I know, right? Seems like a lot of guys like it like that too, in the west~ 「ほう、そうか~。んじゃ、現状維持だな、ははっ」=Hoh, I see~. Well then, guess I gotta maintain my current figure, haha-- 「そうかそうか。そう言えば私、いくら食べても太らないんだよ。体質かね~」=I see, I see. Come to think of it, no matter how much I stuff myself, I never put on any weight. I wonder if that's just how I'm built~ @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ 「そこらのクッションみたいに、気軽にさわるな!」=Don't fondle them like they're just decorative cushions! 「……私が女子ってこと、忘れてないよな?」=...You're not forgetting that I'm a girl, right? 「ちょっ、お前は私のお父さんかっての……」=Hey--, you're not my dad... -「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this... like hell!""" +「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this"... like hell! 「あーもう! お前ってやつは何がしたいんだ?」=Ahh, jeez! Just what are you trying here? 「き、急になにすんだよ……」=W-What's gotten into you... 「こらこら。女子の顔は気軽にさわるもんじゃないぜ?」=Hey, come on. You shouldn't be going around touching girls' faces so casually, you know? @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ 「わりぃ、つい話し込んじゃったな! でも楽しかったぜ!」=Sorry, we really got into it there for a moment, didn't we! But it was fun! 「ん? いいのか? んじゃあな」=Hm? You sure? Well then, see ya. 「あのさ、俺と付き合ってくれないか?」=Hey, won't you go out with me? -「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ... Sorry... +「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ...... Sorry... 「やっぱり、きみのことが好きなんだ」=I really do love you. 「私もそれを言おうと思ってた……いっ、いいぜ? よろしくな!」=I was just about to say the same thing... S-Sure. I don't mind dating you. Take care of me! 「どうしても、付き合うってまだ想像つかない。ごめんな」=I really can't see us going out together just yet. Sorry. @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ 「しつこいようだけど……私、[P]と付き合いたいんだ!」=I know I'm being real obstinate but... I really wanna go out with you! 「や、やったぁ! はぁ~! いま私、死んでもいいぞぉ!」=Y-Yay! Haa~! If I were to die right now, I'd die happy! 「だ、だよなあ! 他にイイ女子がいるのに、私なんかじゃ、なぁ……」=O-Of course! When there's already so many good girls here, someone like me is... -「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=...I wanna have sex with you. +「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=......I wanna have sex with you. 「な、なーに言ってんだか! マジな顔しちゃって。ハハ」=W-What the heck are you saying! With such a serious face too. Haha. 「俺、きみとエッチしたいんだ」=I wanna do it with you. 「い、いいぞ。私もその、うずうずしてたしな……や、やるか!」=S-Sure. I was feeling, uhm, real itchy to do it too... T-Then let's get to it! @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ 「な、なぁ……もっと女の子らしさを出した方がいいのか?」=H-Hey... do you think I should act more girly? 「そ、そうか。女の子らしさ……口調とか、か? わからん……」=I-I see. Girliness... like my way of speaking, and stuff? I don't really know... 「そっか! そのままでいいか! ありがとな!」=I see! I'm fine as I am, huh! Thanks! -「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」="Have people ever told you stuff like You resemble your parents and junk?""" +「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」=Have people ever told you stuff like "You resemble your parents" and junk? 「お前もか~。私もよく言われるんだよ。あれ、やめて欲しいよな~」=A fellow comrade, huh~. I get that a lot too. Would be great if people dropped that, you know?~ 「そうだよなぁ、親子だからって、絶対似るってわけでもないよな」=I know, right? Just because we're a parent and child doesn't mean we have to resemble each other. 「お前は徹夜とかしたことあるのか?」=Have you ever stayed up all night? @@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ 「ちょっ……私、我慢できなくなるから……」=Hey--... I won't be able to hold myself back, if you keep this up... 「だから! 発情しちゃうって~の!」=I told you! I'll start getting into the mood! 「せ、責任とれるのか? これ以上気持ちよくして……」=C-Can you take responsibility? Huh? If you make me feel any more of this... -「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? +「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~...... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? 「このまま眠っちゃいそうだ……ってそれは困る。やめようぜっ」=I feel like I could just take a nap right here... No, that'd be bad. Let's stop there--. 「そりゃ私だって、この場で甘えまくりたいさ……でも止められなくなるから、ここまでな!」=Even I want to just get crazy spoiled by you too... but that's a train that won't stop once it gets going, so let's leave it at that! 「その指、舐めちゃうぞ? ペロペロって……」=I'll lick that finger of yours, you know? *slurp* and all... @@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ 「……どうしたの? [Hあだ名]」=...What's up? [Hあだ名]. 「いや、深い意味はない……愛称で呼びたい気分だったんだ」=No, well, I didn't mean anything by it... I just felt like calling you that. 「……いいぞ。[Pあだ名]……私を抱いてくれ」=...Sure. [Pあだ名]... embrace me. -「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ...[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? +「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ......[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? 「おっす! 暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup! If you're free, let's chat. 「おっす! [Pあだ名]。暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup, [Pあだ名]! If you're free, let's chat. 「ちょっ……何でここに来てるんだよっ」=Hey--... Why are you coming in here--. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_12/communication_off_24/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_12/communication_off_24/translation.txt index f7467da92f..7087440b10 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_12/communication_off_24/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_12/communication_off_24/translation.txt @@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ 「キスって興味ある?」=You got any interest in kissing? 「あります♡ 優しくついばむようなキスが次第に激しくなって、ついには舌が……んん♡ んんん♡」=I do♡ Our kisses would start gentle first, just pecks, but slowly they'd turn more intense, and eventually our tongues would... nnn♡ nnnnn♡ 「あなたの唇ばかり見ていたの、バレてしまいましたか?」=Darn~, did you notice that I've been staring at your lips for a while now? -「好きな男性のタイプってある?」="Do you have a type", in terms of guys?"" +「好きな男性のタイプってある?」=Do you have a "type", in terms of guys? 「真面目にお付き合いしてくれる人がいいと思います。私も……真剣ですから♡」=I think someone who'd take our relationship fully seriously. I'm a... pretty earnest person too, afterall♡ 「あなたなら、どんなタイプでもいいです♡」=I don't care about the type, as long as it's you♡ 「そんなこと答えなくても、あなたなら分かってくれていますよね?」=Even if I don't tell you that in words, you should already know the answer, right? -「恋バナと言えばさ……」="On the topic of love talk" between girls..."" +「恋バナと言えばさ……」=On the topic of "love talk" between girls... 「……はい♡ 私もそう思います♡」=...Yes♡ I feel the same way♡ 「女の子の恋心についてなんだけど……」=A girl's heart is pretty difficult to understand... 「あなたはそのままでも十分魅力的だと思います♡」=I think you're plenty charming just the way you are♡ @@ -54,16 +54,16 @@ 「積極的な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of aggressive guys? 「積極的なあなた……強引に引っ張ってもらいたいです♡ 昼も夜も♡」=You, being aggressive... I want you to pull me close to you♡ Whether it's day or night♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたなら構いません」=I can't really handle aggressiveness but, I don't mind if it's you. -「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of prudent" guys?"" +「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "prudent" guys? 「慎重なあなた……奥ゆかしくて素敵です♡ 私からどんどんアプローチをかけますね♡」=A prudent you... Sounds very refined and lovely♡ I'll have to approach you myself, huh?♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたならきっと好きになります」=I'm kinda bad with them but, I'll do my best to learn to love that side of you. 「勤勉な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of industrious guys? 「勤勉なあなた……奥さんになって、支えてあげたいです♡ 身も心も♡」=An industrious you... I'd love to become your wife, and support you from the sidelines♡ With both my body and heart♡ 「私のタイプではありませんけど、あなたなら関係ありません」=They're not really my type but, my type doesn't matter. You matter. 「マイペースな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of laid back guys? The sort to take their life at their own pace. -「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」="A my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡"" +「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」=A "my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡ 「本当は苦手ですけど、あなたならむしろ好きです♡」=I actually have a hard time handling them but, I'd just love to be pushed around by you♡ -「優しい男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of gentle" and "kind" guys?"" +「優しい男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "gentle" and "kind" guys? 「優しいあなた……理想的な旦那さんになってくれそうです♡ 子供は何人ほしいですか?」=A gentle you... You'd make for the best husband♡ How many kids should we have? 「あまり興味は……というより、あなた以外に興味のある男の人なんていませんけど♡」=I'm not all that interested in them... rather, there's nobody on this planet that I'm really all that interested in, other than you♡ 「クールな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of the stylish and cool sort of guys? @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ 「他の子と比べると、自分ってエッチな方?」=Do you think you're lewder than most other girls? 「はい…そう思います♡ あなたのことを考えている時は、特に♡」=Yes... I do think so♡ Especially when I'm thinking of you♡ 「あなた次第です♡ そういう私が好きなら、誰よりもいやらしくなります♡」=It depends on you♡ If you like that side of me, then I can be lewder than anyone else, for you♡ -「理想の初エッチって、ある?」="Do you have an ideal" first time in mind?"" +「理想の初エッチって、ある?」=Do you have an "ideal" first time in mind? 「あります♡ あなたが理想とする初夜を実現することです♡」=I do♡ It's making your own ideal wedding night come true♡ 「あなたと身体を重ねる時まで秘密です♡」=That's gonna stay a secret until we actually have sex♡ 「ごめんなさい、刺激が強すぎて鼻血が……別の会話にしませんか?」=I'm sorry, this conversation is way too stimulating, my nose is about to bleed... Could we talk about something else? @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ 「うふふ、いつも楽しそうに作ってますよね♡ 今度ご馳走してほしいです♡」=Ufufu, you're always doing it with such a smile♡ Won't you treat me to your handmade food one of these days?♡ 「私も苦手なんですけど、いつかあなたに美味しいお味噌汁を毎日飲んでもらいたくて、特訓中です♡」=I'm pretty bad at cooking too but, I wanna make you all sorts of fancy lunches for you to take to work once we're married, so I'm taking classes♡ 「この前、体操着のあなたを見て、惚れ直してしまいました。スポーツは得意なんですか?」=The other day, I saw you in a track suit and just fell in love with you again. Are you good at sports? -「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」="Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a workout♡" together one of these days♡"" +「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」=Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a "workout♡" together one of these days♡ 「私もなんです♡ でも、あなたのためなら身体だって張りますから、遠慮しないでくださいね♡」=Same here♡ But, if it's for you, I can learn to get better at them, so please feel free to ask me for anything♡ 「熱心に授業を受けてるときのあなたも好きです♡ 予習と復習はよくするんですか?」=You look so handsome when you're concentrating in class♡ Do you study at home a lot too? 「だから前の学園でも成績がよかったんですね♡ 私もよくするので、今度一緒にしませんか?」=That's why you had such good grades, even in your previous school, huh?♡ I study a lot too so, wanna do it together sometime? @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ 「……今です♡ どこか二人きりになれる場所で、もっと幸せになりませんか?」=...It's this moment♡ Shall we get even happier together, in a more secluded place? 「あなたが他の女の子と話していない時なら、いつでも♡」=Any moment that you're not talking to another girl♡ 「好きな言葉ってある?」=Do you have a word or a phrase that you love? -「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」="Lots but, my favourite has to be Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡"" +「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」=Lots but, my favourite has to be "Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡ 「言葉よりも何よりも、あなたが好きです♡ 愛しています♡」=Forget words, the thing I love the most is you♡ I love you♡ 「この前、仲のいい女の子が怪我したんだけど……きみじゃないよな?」=The other day, a girl I'm friends with got injured... It wasn't you, right? 「うふふ♡ 私はそんなことしません♡ 恨み帳をつけるだけです♡」=Ufufu♡ I wouldn't do that sort of thing♡ I just tend to bear grudges, that's all♡ @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ 「最近、俺に依存してないか……?」=Haven't you been a bit too dependant on me recently...? 「最近ではなくて、あなたがこの学園に来た時からです♡ そしてこれからも……♡」=It's not something recent, I've been dependant on you ever since you joined this school♡ It'll be the same in the future too...♡ 「あなたが中心の生活をしているだけで、依存はしていません♡」=I'm not dependant on you at all, it's just that you're the center of my life♡ -「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=...Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? +「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=......Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? 「そういえばこの前、信号待ちしてたら……」=Reminds me, the other day, while I was waiting on a red light... 「はい♡ 私も茂みの影から見ていましたよ♡」=I know♡ I was watching from behind a bush as well♡ 「恋と愛の違いってわかる?」=Do you understand the difference between love and lust? @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ 「あなたと一生一緒にいられるなら、結婚できなくてもいいです♡」=As long as we can be together for our entire lives, I don't care if we never get married♡ 「俺のこと好き?」=Do you like me? 「大好きです♡ 好きすぎて好きです♡ うふふ♡ 好きなんです♡ あなたのことが♡」=I love you♡ I love you so much I can't love you any more♡ Ufufu♡ I love you♡ You, nobody else.♡ -「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」="Rather than like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡"" +「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」=Rather than "like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡ 「デートに行くならどこに行きたい?」=If we were to go on a date, where would you like to go? 「あなたの家がいいです♡ 歯ブラシとか、下着とか……少しずつ、私のものが増えていくんです♡」=Your place♡ I'll slowly start bring more and more of my stuff over... like my brush, or my panties♡ 「あなたを独り占めできる場所……この世にはきっとありませんけれど♡」=Any place I can have you all to myself... I don't think we could be sure of that in the living world though♡ @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ 「!? あの、私、何かしちゃいましたか? ま、待ってください、行かないで……」=?! Uhm, did I do something? P-Please wait, don't leave me... 「きみのことが好きなんだ」=I love you. 「!! あの……ごめんなさい、理想と現実がごっちゃになって……頭が、割れちゃう……ごめんなさい、今はダメです……」=!!! Uhm... I'm sorry, I can't tell, what's real and what's just in my... my head is gonna split apart... I'm sorry, I can't right now... -「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ...Please take care of me♡ +「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ......Please take care of me♡ 「あなたとの幸せな未来を想像したら、急に怖くなって……もう少し待ってくれませんか? ごめんなさい」=When I think about our happy future together, I just get so scared... Could you wait just a bit longer, please? I'm really sorry. 「私に優しくしてくれる脳も、私に触れてくれる皮膚も大好きです♡ 私と付き合ってください♡」=Your brain, that's always so kind to me, and your skin, that always touches me, I love them both♡ Please be my boyfriend♡ 「!! 私をあなたと一緒のお墓に入れてくれて、ありがとうございます♡」=!! Thank you, for letting me have the privilege, of eventually being buried next to you♡ @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ 「はい♡ ちょうどあなたと汗を流したかったんです♡」=I'd love to♡ I was just feeling like sweating together with you♡ 「今、時間ありますよね。少し身体を動かしませんか?」=You have some time right now, yes? Won't you get a workout with me? 「あくまで普通の運動ですから、どさくさに紛れて身体を触ってくださいね♡」=In the end, it's just going to be a normal workout, but feel free to take advantage of the situation and touch me all you want♡ -「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」="Would you have preferred we do that sort of a workout" instead...?"" +「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」=Would you have preferred we do that sort of a "workout" instead...? 「コイカツ部に興味ない? よかったら入ってほしいな」=Do you have any interest in the Koikatsu club? I'd love it if you joined. 「あなたとの将来がかかった、とても大事なお誘いですね♡ 答えは決まっていますが、よく考えさせてください」=This is a really important invitation to me, our future together hangs upon it♡ My answer is already decided but, please let me think over it a bit more. 「色々考えたんですが……私をコイカツ部に入れてくれませんか?」=I've thought over it a bunch... Won't you let me join your club? @@ -389,13 +389,13 @@ 「昨日テレビの特集で紹介されてたんだけど……」=They were airing this TV special yesterday and... 「私も見ました。あなたと一緒に行きたいなぁって、そればっかり思ってました♡」=I saw it too. The only thing on my mind was how much I wanted to visit that place with you♡ 「あまりにも取るに足らない話なんだけど……」=I know this is a pretty worthless thing to ask but... -「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡"" +「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡ 「はい、大好きです♡ うう……今まで平気だったのに、何だかとっても照れてしまいます♡」=Yes, I love you♡ Uuu... Even though I used to be fine before, these days it makes me really embarrassed to say it out loud♡ 「もう、嫌いって答えたらどうするんです? 嫌い、の真逆です♡」=Jeez, what if I were to say I hate you, what'd you do then? My feelings are the exact opposite of hate though♡ 「もし喧嘩して別れることになったら、きっと俺が悪いんだろうね」=I imagine if we ever got into a fight bad enough to break up, it'd definitely be my fault. 「もしそうだとしても、考えたくありません。あなたがいなければ、私はまた元通りになってしまいますから……」=Even if that might be the case, I don't want to think about it. Without you, I'll go back to being the way I used to be... 「きっと、お互いが悪いんだと思います。謝り合って、前より仲良くなれたら理想ですね♡」=I'm sure it'll be both of us in the wrong. It would be great if we could make up and put it behind us though♡ -「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」="You used to be a so-called Yandere", right?"" +「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」=You used to be a so-called "Yandere", right? 「はい……あなたのこと以外、見えなくなっていました♡ 今は気を付けていますよ?」=Yes... Back then, I couldn't see anything, aside from you♡ So you know, I try to be more careful these days, okay? 「違います……と言いたいところですが、そうですね。すっかり私の黒歴史です……」=I'd love to tell you otherwise... but, it's the truth. I can't ignore my dark past... 「俺に言いたくても言えないことってある?」=Is there anything you want to tell me but can't bring yourself to? @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ 「ありません♡ 痛いプレイでも、気持ちよくないプレイでも、あなたが悦んでいれば感じちゃいますから♡」=Nope♡ Even if it hurts, or doesn't feel good, as long as it's something that makes you happy, I can enjoy it♡ 「もし他の男の人とHしてほしいってお願いされたらOKする?」=If I wanted you to have sex with other men, would you do it? 「正直、すごく嫌です……でも、他の人に抱かれている私を見てあなたが興奮してくれるなら、OKします♡」=Honestly, the idea is revolting... but, if that's what'd get you off, then I'd do it♡ -「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」="I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡"" +「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」=I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going "I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡ 「もし浮気したいって言ったら、別れる?」=If I told you I wanted to have an affair, would you break up with me? 「はい、確実に♡ ……なんて、無理です♡ 私のことを一番に考えてくれるなら、考えます♡」=I would, yes♡ ...Kidding, of course I won't, you know that♡ As long as I'm your top priority, I might consider it♡ 「私からは何があっても別れません。でも、ナイショで他の子と付き合うのはやめてくださいね」=I would never dump you. But, please don't do it in secret, just tell me, okay? @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ 「ウソです……だって、あなたに一番迷惑をかけましたよ? でも、そういうところも好きなんです♡」=You're lying... Afterall, you were the one I caused the most trouble for, out of anyone, you know? But, I love that kind side of yours too♡ 「急に不安になったので、教えてください。私と付き合えて、よかったですか?」=I've become all anxious all of a sudden, so please tell me this. Do you really not regret dating me? 「……私もよかったです♡ あなたに出会えていなかったら、ここまで変われませんでしたから♡」=...I don't regret it either♡ I wouldn't have changed and grown so much, if I never met you♡ -「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」="Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡"" +「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」=Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, "Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡ 「こんな楽しい毎日が、明日も明後日も続くんですね♡」=This fun life of ours, it'll stay like this tomorrow and the day after as well, right? 「ずっと続くよ」=You bet. Forever. 「はい♡ ずっと……ずーーっと、一緒ですよ♡ うふふっ♡」=Yes♡ Forever... We'll be together, forever~♡ Ufufu--♡ @@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ 「あなたと恋人になってよかったです♡ こんな幸せ、もうきっと来ません♡」=I'm so glad that you're my boyfriend♡ I don't think I could ever be this happy again♡ 「ごめんなさい。私、はしたない子になっています♡ あなたが魅力的すぎるから……♡」=I'm sorry. I'm turning into such a vulgar girl♡ You're just way too charming... ♡ 「あなたに話したいことが次々浮かびます♡」=Things I want to chat with you about keep rushing into my head, one after another♡ -「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ...Ufufu♡ +「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ......Ufufu♡ 「あなたに依存しきって、すぐ折れる私の方が好きでしたか?」=Did you like me better when I was overdependent on you and would just break without you next to me? 「はやくあなたと楽しくお喋りできるのを楽しみにしていますね♡」=I'm really looking forward to being able to have fun chatting with you again♡ 「本当はもう怒ってません♡ でも、お互いしっかりしないと、依存していた時と同じなんです♡」=I'm actually not angry anymore♡ But, we both have to do things properly, otherwise it'd be the same as when I used to depend on you just to live. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/communication_07/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/communication_07/translation.txt index 1db9b2d0c1..133d7f817c 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/communication_07/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/communication_07/translation.txt @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ 「そりゃ~やっぱ、バラの花束に綺麗な夕日は、基本だろうな~」=Well, the basics of the basics would be to set up a scene with a boquet of roses and a beautiful sunset for a backdrop~ 「き、気持ちだよ! やっぱ純粋な心が一番だ。うん」=T-The feelings are what's important! The most important thing is to have a pure heart. Yeah. 「どういうタイプの男が好きなの?」=What sort of type of guys do you like? -「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」="Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the cool sort, I guess?""" +「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」=Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the "cool" sort, I guess? 「ん~わりぃ、考えたことないから分かんないわ」=Nn, sorry, I've never really thought about it so I don't really know. 「お前な! いきなりそんな質問するんじゃない……もう」=Dude! Don't go asking girls those sorts of questions out of nowhere... jeez. 「この学園の生徒は、恋愛について興味が強い方なのかな?」=Would you say that the students of this school are particularly interested in romance and the like? @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ 「あー……違う話題にしようぜ!」=Aah... Let's talk about something else! 「まあ、詳しいことは知らないんだけどな~」=Well, not that I know the concrete details~ 「そうか~ それちょっと面白いな」=I see~, that's pretty interesting. -「理想の恋愛ってある?」="Do you have an ideal in terms of romance?""" +「理想の恋愛ってある?」=Do you have an "ideal" in terms of romance? 「もちろん、両想いのラブラブだ! ……わ、悪いかよ?」=Of course, requited love! ...W-What, got a problem? 「贅沢は言わないな~。相手を幸せにしたいね」=Nothing too fancy~. I'd just want to make my boyfriend happy. 「どんな告白されたら、嬉しい?」=What sort of a confession would make you happy? @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ 「そうだな……昔やってた、部活内での恋愛ドラマとか好きだったぞ」=Hmm, let me think... I really liked the sort of highschool club member romance dramas that they used to air back in the day. 「んー。恋愛がメインになってるドラマはないな」=Nnn. I don't really watch dramas where the romance is the main focus, to tell you the truth. 「デートするなら、どんな場所がいい?」=If someone were to take you on a date, where would you like to go? -「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」="Any place you'd go to for a typical date... I love that sort of thing.""" +「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」=Any place you'd go to for a "typical" date... I love that sort of thing. 「場所よりも、雰囲気なんじゃないかなぁ……」=I think the mood is more important, rather than the place itself... 「……小っ恥ずかしいからさ、別の話にしようぜ」=...It's a bit embarrassing, so let's talk about something else. 「この間、読んだ漫画なんだけど……」=I read this in a manga the other day... @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ 「そっか! それなら安心……いや、私もそう思う!」=I see! That's a relief... No, I feel the same way as you! 「そうそう、服選ぶのとかも楽なんだぜ?」=Exactly, it's easy to pick out clothes too, you know? 「わ、私さぁ、ずっと身長伸びてないんだ~。こまったこまった」=Y-You know, I haven't gotten any taller in years~. Whatever shall I do~ -「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」="Do you have an ideal body figure, when it comes to girls?""" +「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」=Do you have an "ideal" body figure, when it comes to girls? 「だよな? 海外じゃその方が人気だって言うしな~」=I know, right? Seems like a lot of guys like it like that too, in the west~ 「ほう、そうか~。んじゃ、現状維持だな、ははっ」=Hoh, I see~. Well then, guess I gotta maintain my current figure, haha-- 「そうかそうか。そう言えば私、いくら食べても太らないんだよ。体質かね~」=I see, I see. Come to think of it, no matter how much I stuff myself, I never put on any weight. I wonder if that's just how I'm built~ @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ 「そこらのクッションみたいに、気軽にさわるな!」=Don't fondle them like they're just decorative cushions! 「……私が女子ってこと、忘れてないよな?」=...You're not forgetting that I'm a girl, right? 「ちょっ、お前は私のお父さんかっての……」=Hey--, you're not my dad... -「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this... like hell!""" +「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this"... like hell! 「あーもう! お前ってやつは何がしたいんだ?」=Ahh, jeez! Just what are you trying here? 「き、急になにすんだよ……」=W-What's gotten into you... 「こらこら。女子の顔は気軽にさわるもんじゃないぜ?」=Hey, come on. You shouldn't be going around touching girls' faces so casually, you know? @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ 「わりぃ、つい話し込んじゃったな! でも楽しかったぜ!」=Sorry, we really got into it there for a moment, didn't we! But it was fun! 「ん? いいのか? んじゃあな」=Hm? You sure? Well then, see ya. 「あのさ、俺と付き合ってくれないか?」=Hey, won't you go out with me? -「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ... Sorry... +「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ...... Sorry... 「やっぱり、きみのことが好きなんだ」=I really do love you. 「私もそれを言おうと思ってた……いっ、いいぜ? よろしくな!」=I was just about to say the same thing... S-Sure. I don't mind dating you. Take care of me! 「どうしても、付き合うってまだ想像つかない。ごめんな」=I really can't see us going out together just yet. Sorry. @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ 「しつこいようだけど……私、[P]と付き合いたいんだ!」=I know I'm being real obstinate but... I really wanna go out with you! 「や、やったぁ! はぁ~! いま私、死んでもいいぞぉ!」=Y-Yay! Haa~! If I were to die right now, I'd die happy! 「だ、だよなあ! 他にイイ女子がいるのに、私なんかじゃ、なぁ……」=O-Of course! When there's already so many good girls here, someone like me is... -「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=...I wanna have sex with you. +「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=......I wanna have sex with you. 「な、なーに言ってんだか! マジな顔しちゃって。ハハ」=W-What the heck are you saying! With such a serious face too. Haha. 「俺、きみとエッチしたいんだ」=I wanna do it with you. 「い、いいぞ。私もその、うずうずしてたしな……や、やるか!」=S-Sure. I was feeling, uhm, real itchy to do it too... T-Then let's get to it! @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ 「な、なぁ……もっと女の子らしさを出した方がいいのか?」=H-Hey... do you think I should act more girly? 「そ、そうか。女の子らしさ……口調とか、か? わからん……」=I-I see. Girliness... like my way of speaking, and stuff? I don't really know... 「そっか! そのままでいいか! ありがとな!」=I see! I'm fine as I am, huh! Thanks! -「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」="Have people ever told you stuff like You resemble your parents and junk?""" +「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」=Have people ever told you stuff like "You resemble your parents" and junk? 「お前もか~。私もよく言われるんだよ。あれ、やめて欲しいよな~」=A fellow comrade, huh~. I get that a lot too. Would be great if people dropped that, you know?~ 「そうだよなぁ、親子だからって、絶対似るってわけでもないよな」=I know, right? Just because we're a parent and child doesn't mean we have to resemble each other. 「お前は徹夜とかしたことあるのか?」=Have you ever stayed up all night? @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ 「ちょっ……私、我慢できなくなるから……」=Hey--... I won't be able to hold myself back, if you keep this up... 「だから! 発情しちゃうって~の!」=I told you! I'll start getting into the mood! 「せ、責任とれるのか? これ以上気持ちよくして……」=C-Can you take responsibility? Huh? If you make me feel any more of this... -「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? +「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~...... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? 「このまま眠っちゃいそうだ……ってそれは困る。やめようぜっ」=I feel like I could just take a nap right here... No, that'd be bad. Let's stop there--. 「そりゃ私だって、この場で甘えまくりたいさ……でも止められなくなるから、ここまでな!」=Even I want to just get crazy spoiled by you too... but that's a train that won't stop once it gets going, so let's leave it at that! 「その指、舐めちゃうぞ? ペロペロって……」=I'll lick that finger of yours, you know? *slurp* and all... @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ 「……どうしたの? [Hあだ名]」=...What's up? [Hあだ名]. 「いや、深い意味はない……愛称で呼びたい気分だったんだ」=No, well, I didn't mean anything by it... I just felt like calling you that. 「……いいぞ。[Pあだ名]……私を抱いてくれ」=...Sure. [Pあだ名]... embrace me. -「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ...[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? +「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ......[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? 「おっす! 暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup! If you're free, let's chat. 「おっす! [Pあだ名]。暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup, [Pあだ名]! If you're free, let's chat. 「ちょっ……何でここに来てるんだよっ」=Hey--... Why are you coming in here--. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/communication_24/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/communication_24/translation.txt index 97c2e3144f..73f8ddd454 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/communication_24/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/communication_24/translation.txt @@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ 「キスって興味ある?」=You got any interest in kissing? 「あります♡ 優しくついばむようなキスが次第に激しくなって、ついには舌が……んん♡ んんん♡」=I do♡ Our kisses would start gentle first, just pecks, but slowly they'd turn more intense, and eventually our tongues would... nnn♡ nnnnn♡ 「あなたの唇ばかり見ていたの、バレてしまいましたか?」=Darn~, did you notice that I've been staring at your lips for a while now? -「好きな男性のタイプってある?」="Do you have a type", in terms of guys?"" +「好きな男性のタイプってある?」=Do you have a "type", in terms of guys? 「真面目にお付き合いしてくれる人がいいと思います。私も……真剣ですから♡」=I think someone who'd take our relationship fully seriously. I'm a... pretty earnest person too, afterall♡ 「あなたなら、どんなタイプでもいいです♡」=I don't care about the type, as long as it's you♡ 「そんなこと答えなくても、あなたなら分かってくれていますよね?」=Even if I don't tell you that in words, you should already know the answer, right? -「恋バナと言えばさ……」="On the topic of love talk" between girls..."" +「恋バナと言えばさ……」=On the topic of "love talk" between girls... 「……はい♡ 私もそう思います♡」=...Yes♡ I feel the same way♡ 「女の子の恋心についてなんだけど……」=A girl's heart is pretty difficult to understand... 「あなたはそのままでも十分魅力的だと思います♡」=I think you're plenty charming just the way you are♡ @@ -55,16 +55,16 @@ 「積極的な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of aggressive guys? 「積極的なあなた……強引に引っ張ってもらいたいです♡ 昼も夜も♡」=You, being aggressive... I want you to pull me close to you♡ Whether it's day or night♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたなら構いません」=I can't really handle aggressiveness but, I don't mind if it's you. -「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of prudent" guys?"" +「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "prudent" guys? 「慎重なあなた……奥ゆかしくて素敵です♡ 私からどんどんアプローチをかけますね♡」=A prudent you... Sounds very refined and lovely♡ I'll have to approach you myself, huh?♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたならきっと好きになります」=I'm kinda bad with them but, I'll do my best to learn to love that side of you. 「勤勉な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of industrious guys? 「勤勉なあなた……奥さんになって、支えてあげたいです♡ 身も心も♡」=An industrious you... I'd love to become your wife, and support you from the sidelines♡ With both my body and heart♡ 「私のタイプではありませんけど、あなたなら関係ありません」=They're not really my type but, my type doesn't matter. You matter. 「マイペースな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of laid back guys? The sort to take their life at their own pace. -「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」="A my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡"" +「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」=A "my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡ 「本当は苦手ですけど、あなたならむしろ好きです♡」=I actually have a hard time handling them but, I'd just love to be pushed around by you♡ -「優しい男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of gentle" and "kind" guys?"" +「優しい男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "gentle" and "kind" guys? 「優しいあなた……理想的な旦那さんになってくれそうです♡ 子供は何人ほしいですか?」=A gentle you... You'd make for the best husband♡ How many kids should we have? 「あまり興味は……というより、あなた以外に興味のある男の人なんていませんけど♡」=I'm not all that interested in them... rather, there's nobody on this planet that I'm really all that interested in, other than you♡ 「クールな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of the stylish and cool sort of guys? @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ 「他の子と比べると、自分ってエッチな方?」=Do you think you're lewder than most other girls? 「はい…そう思います♡ あなたのことを考えている時は、特に♡」=Yes... I do think so♡ Especially when I'm thinking of you♡ 「あなた次第です♡ そういう私が好きなら、誰よりもいやらしくなります♡」=It depends on you♡ If you like that side of me, then I can be lewder than anyone else, for you♡ -「理想の初エッチって、ある?」="Do you have an ideal" first time in mind?"" +「理想の初エッチって、ある?」=Do you have an "ideal" first time in mind? 「あります♡ あなたが理想とする初夜を実現することです♡」=I do♡ It's making your own ideal wedding night come true♡ 「あなたと身体を重ねる時まで秘密です♡」=That's gonna stay a secret until we actually have sex♡ 「ごめんなさい、刺激が強すぎて鼻血が……別の会話にしませんか?」=I'm sorry, this conversation is way too stimulating, my nose is about to bleed... Could we talk about something else? @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ 「うふふ、いつも楽しそうに作ってますよね♡ 今度ご馳走してほしいです♡」=Ufufu, you're always doing it with such a smile♡ Won't you treat me to your handmade food one of these days?♡ 「私も苦手なんですけど、いつかあなたに美味しいお味噌汁を毎日飲んでもらいたくて、特訓中です♡」=I'm pretty bad at cooking too but, I wanna make you all sorts of fancy lunches for you to take to work once we're married, so I'm taking classes♡ 「この前、体操着のあなたを見て、惚れ直してしまいました。スポーツは得意なんですか?」=The other day, I saw you in a track suit and just fell in love with you again. Are you good at sports? -「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」="Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a workout♡" together one of these days♡"" +「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」=Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a "workout♡" together one of these days♡ 「私もなんです♡ でも、あなたのためなら身体だって張りますから、遠慮しないでくださいね♡」=Same here♡ But, if it's for you, I can learn to get better at them, so please feel free to ask me for anything♡ 「熱心に授業を受けてるときのあなたも好きです♡ 予習と復習はよくするんですか?」=You look so handsome when you're concentrating in class♡ Do you study at home a lot too? 「だから前の学園でも成績がよかったんですね♡ 私もよくするので、今度一緒にしませんか?」=That's why you had such good grades, even in your previous school, huh?♡ I study a lot too so, wanna do it together sometime? @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ 「……今です♡ どこか二人きりになれる場所で、もっと幸せになりませんか?」=...It's this moment♡ Shall we get even happier together, in a more secluded place? 「あなたが他の女の子と話していない時なら、いつでも♡」=Any moment that you're not talking to another girl♡ 「好きな言葉ってある?」=Do you have a word or a phrase that you love? -「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」="Lots but, my favourite has to be Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡"" +「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」=Lots but, my favourite has to be "Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡ 「言葉よりも何よりも、あなたが好きです♡ 愛しています♡」=Forget words, the thing I love the most is you♡ I love you♡ 「この前、仲のいい女の子が怪我したんだけど……きみじゃないよな?」=The other day, a girl I'm friends with got injured... It wasn't you, right? 「うふふ♡ 私はそんなことしません♡ 恨み帳をつけるだけです♡」=Ufufu♡ I wouldn't do that sort of thing♡ I just tend to bear grudges, that's all♡ @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ 「最近、俺に依存してないか……?」=Haven't you been a bit too dependant on me recently...? 「最近ではなくて、あなたがこの学園に来た時からです♡ そしてこれからも……♡」=It's not something recent, I've been dependant on you ever since you joined this school♡ It'll be the same in the future too...♡ 「あなたが中心の生活をしているだけで、依存はしていません♡」=I'm not dependant on you at all, it's just that you're the center of my life♡ -「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=...Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? +「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=......Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? 「そういえばこの前、信号待ちしてたら……」=Reminds me, the other day, while I was waiting on a red light... 「はい♡ 私も茂みの影から見ていましたよ♡」=I know♡ I was watching from behind a bush as well♡ 「恋と愛の違いってわかる?」=Do you understand the difference between love and lust? @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ 「あなたと一生一緒にいられるなら、結婚できなくてもいいです♡」=As long as we can be together for our entire lives, I don't care if we never get married♡ 「俺のこと好き?」=Do you like me? 「大好きです♡ 好きすぎて好きです♡ うふふ♡ 好きなんです♡ あなたのことが♡」=I love you♡ I love you so much I can't love you any more♡ Ufufu♡ I love you♡ You, nobody else.♡ -「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」="Rather than like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡"" +「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」=Rather than "like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡ 「デートに行くならどこに行きたい?」=If we were to go on a date, where would you like to go? 「あなたの家がいいです♡ 歯ブラシとか、下着とか……少しずつ、私のものが増えていくんです♡」=Your place♡ I'll slowly start bring more and more of my stuff over... like my brush, or my panties♡ 「あなたを独り占めできる場所……この世にはきっとありませんけれど♡」=Any place I can have you all to myself... I don't think we could be sure of that in the living world though♡ @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ 「!? あの、私、何かしちゃいましたか? ま、待ってください、行かないで……」=?! Uhm, did I do something? P-Please wait, don't leave me... 「きみのことが好きなんだ」=I love you. 「!! あの……ごめんなさい、理想と現実がごっちゃになって……頭が、割れちゃう……ごめんなさい、今はダメです……」=!!! Uhm... I'm sorry, I can't tell, what's real and what's just in my... my head is gonna split apart... I'm sorry, I can't right now... -「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ...Please take care of me♡ +「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ......Please take care of me♡ 「あなたとの幸せな未来を想像したら、急に怖くなって……もう少し待ってくれませんか? ごめんなさい」=When I think about our happy future together, I just get so scared... Could you wait just a bit longer, please? I'm really sorry. 「私に優しくしてくれる脳も、私に触れてくれる皮膚も大好きです♡ 私と付き合ってください♡」=Your brain, that's always so kind to me, and your skin, that always touches me, I love them both♡ Please be my boyfriend♡ 「!! 私をあなたと一緒のお墓に入れてくれて、ありがとうございます♡」=!! Thank you, for letting me have the privilege, of eventually being buried next to you♡ @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ 「ごめんなさい……本当にごめんなさい……今から絶対に外せない用事がありまして……」=I'm sorry... I really am... there's something I really need to take care of... 「今、時間ありますよね。少し身体を動かしませんか?」=You have some time right now, yes? Won't you get a workout with me? 「あくまで普通の運動ですから、どさくさに紛れて身体を触ってくださいね♡」=In the end, it's just going to be a normal workout, but feel free to take advantage of the situation and touch me all you want♡ -「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」="Would you have preferred we do that sort of a workout" instead...?"" +「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」=Would you have preferred we do that sort of a "workout" instead...? 「コイカツ部に興味ない? よかったら入ってほしいな」=Do you have any interest in the Koikatsu club? I'd love it if you joined. 「あなたとの将来がかかった、とても大事なお誘いですね♡ 答えは決まっていますが、よく考えさせてください」=This is a really important invitation to me, our future together hangs upon it♡ My answer is already decided but, please let me think over it a bit more. 「色々考えたんですが……私をコイカツ部に入れてくれませんか?」=I've thought over it a bunch... Won't you let me join your club? @@ -395,13 +395,13 @@ 「昨日テレビの特集で紹介されてたんだけど……」=They were airing this TV special yesterday and... 「私も見ました。あなたと一緒に行きたいなぁって、そればっかり思ってました♡」=I saw it too. The only thing on my mind was how much I wanted to visit that place with you♡ 「あまりにも取るに足らない話なんだけど……」=I know this is a pretty worthless thing to ask but... -「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡"" +「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡ 「はい、大好きです♡ うう……今まで平気だったのに、何だかとっても照れてしまいます♡」=Yes, I love you♡ Uuu... Even though I used to be fine before, these days it makes me really embarrassed to say it out loud♡ 「もう、嫌いって答えたらどうするんです? 嫌い、の真逆です♡」=Jeez, what if I were to say I hate you, what'd you do then? My feelings are the exact opposite of hate though♡ 「もし喧嘩して別れることになったら、きっと俺が悪いんだろうね」=I imagine if we ever got into a fight bad enough to break up, it'd definitely be my fault. 「もしそうだとしても、考えたくありません。あなたがいなければ、私はまた元通りになってしまいますから……」=Even if that might be the case, I don't want to think about it. Without you, I'll go back to being the way I used to be... 「きっと、お互いが悪いんだと思います。謝り合って、前より仲良くなれたら理想ですね♡」=I'm sure it'll be both of us in the wrong. It would be great if we could make up and put it behind us though♡ -「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」="You used to be a so-called Yandere", right?"" +「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」=You used to be a so-called "Yandere", right? 「はい……あなたのこと以外、見えなくなっていました♡ 今は気を付けていますよ?」=Yes... Back then, I couldn't see anything, aside from you♡ So you know, I try to be more careful these days, okay? 「違います……と言いたいところですが、そうですね。すっかり私の黒歴史です……」=I'd love to tell you otherwise... but, it's the truth. I can't ignore my dark past... 「俺に言いたくても言えないことってある?」=Is there anything you want to tell me but can't bring yourself to? @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ 「ありません♡ 痛いプレイでも、気持ちよくないプレイでも、あなたが悦んでいれば感じちゃいますから♡」=Nope♡ Even if it hurts, or doesn't feel good, as long as it's something that makes you happy, I can enjoy it♡ 「もし他の男の人とHしてほしいってお願いされたらOKする?」=If I wanted you to have sex with other men, would you do it? 「正直、すごく嫌です……でも、他の人に抱かれている私を見てあなたが興奮してくれるなら、OKします♡」=Honestly, the idea is revolting... but, if that's what'd get you off, then I'd do it♡ -「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」="I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡"" +「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」=I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going "I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡ 「もし浮気したいって言ったら、別れる?」=If I told you I wanted to have an affair, would you break up with me? 「はい、確実に♡ ……なんて、無理です♡ 私のことを一番に考えてくれるなら、考えます♡」=I would, yes♡ ...Kidding, of course I won't, you know that♡ As long as I'm your top priority, I might consider it♡ 「私からは何があっても別れません。でも、ナイショで他の子と付き合うのはやめてくださいね」=I would never dump you. But, please don't do it in secret, just tell me, okay? @@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ 「ウソです……だって、あなたに一番迷惑をかけましたよ? でも、そういうところも好きなんです♡」=You're lying... Afterall, you were the one I caused the most trouble for, out of anyone, you know? But, I love that kind side of yours too♡ 「急に不安になったので、教えてください。私と付き合えて、よかったですか?」=I've become all anxious all of a sudden, so please tell me this. Do you really not regret dating me? 「……私もよかったです♡ あなたに出会えていなかったら、ここまで変われませんでしたから♡」=...I don't regret it either♡ I wouldn't have changed and grown so much, if I never met you♡ -「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」="Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡"" +「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」=Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, "Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡ 「こんな楽しい毎日が、明日も明後日も続くんですね♡」=This fun life of ours, it'll stay like this tomorrow and the day after as well, right? 「ずっと続くよ」=You bet. Forever. 「はい♡ ずっと……ずーーっと、一緒ですよ♡ うふふっ♡」=Yes♡ Forever... We'll be together, forever~♡ Ufufu--♡ @@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ 「あなたと恋人になってよかったです♡ こんな幸せ、もうきっと来ません♡」=I'm so glad that you're my boyfriend♡ I don't think I could ever be this happy again♡ 「ごめんなさい。私、はしたない子になっています♡ あなたが魅力的すぎるから……♡」=I'm sorry. I'm turning into such a vulgar girl♡ You're just way too charming... ♡ 「あなたに話したいことが次々浮かびます♡」=Things I want to chat with you about keep rushing into my head, one after another♡ -「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ...Ufufu♡ +「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ......Ufufu♡ 「あなたに依存しきって、すぐ折れる私の方が好きでしたか?」=Did you like me better when I was overdependent on you and would just break without you next to me? 「はやくあなたと楽しくお喋りできるのを楽しみにしていますね♡」=I'm really looking forward to being able to have fun chatting with you again♡ 「本当はもう怒ってません♡ でも、お互いしっかりしないと、依存していた時と同じなんです♡」=I'm actually not angry anymore♡ But, we both have to do things properly, otherwise it'd be the same as when I used to depend on you just to live. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/communication_off_07/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/communication_off_07/translation.txt index 12e76fc9b4..d664748f67 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/communication_off_07/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/communication_off_07/translation.txt @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ 「そりゃ~やっぱ、バラの花束に綺麗な夕日は、基本だろうな~」=Well, the basics of the basics would be to set up a scene with a boquet of roses and a beautiful sunset for a backdrop~ 「き、気持ちだよ! やっぱ純粋な心が一番だ。うん」=T-The feelings are what's important! The most important thing is to have a pure heart. Yeah. 「どういうタイプの男が好きなの?」=What sort of type of guys do you like? -「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」="Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the cool sort, I guess?""" +「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」=Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the "cool" sort, I guess? 「ん~わりぃ、考えたことないから分かんないわ」=Nn, sorry, I've never really thought about it so I don't really know. 「お前な! いきなりそんな質問するんじゃない……もう」=Dude! Don't go asking girls those sorts of questions out of nowhere... jeez. 「この学園の生徒は、恋愛について興味が強い方なのかな?」=Would you say that the students of this school are particularly interested in romance and the like? @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ 「あー……違う話題にしようぜ!」=Aah... Let's talk about something else! 「まあ、詳しいことは知らないんだけどな~」=Well, not that I know the concrete details~ 「そうか~ それちょっと面白いな」=I see~, that's pretty interesting. -「理想の恋愛ってある?」="Do you have an ideal in terms of romance?""" +「理想の恋愛ってある?」=Do you have an "ideal" in terms of romance? 「もちろん、両想いのラブラブだ! ……わ、悪いかよ?」=Of course, requited love! ...W-What, got a problem? 「贅沢は言わないな~。相手を幸せにしたいね」=Nothing too fancy~. I'd just want to make my boyfriend happy. 「どんな告白されたら、嬉しい?」=What sort of a confession would make you happy? @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ 「そうだな……昔やってた、部活内での恋愛ドラマとか好きだったぞ」=Hmm, let me think... I really liked the sort of highschool club member romance dramas that they used to air back in the day. 「んー。恋愛がメインになってるドラマはないな」=Nnn. I don't really watch dramas where the romance is the main focus, to tell you the truth. 「デートするなら、どんな場所がいい?」=If someone were to take you on a date, where would you like to go? -「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」="Any place you'd go to for a typical date... I love that sort of thing.""" +「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」=Any place you'd go to for a "typical" date... I love that sort of thing. 「場所よりも、雰囲気なんじゃないかなぁ……」=I think the mood is more important, rather than the place itself... 「……小っ恥ずかしいからさ、別の話にしようぜ」=...It's a bit embarrassing, so let's talk about something else. 「この間、読んだ漫画なんだけど……」=I read this in a manga the other day... @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ 「そっか! それなら安心……いや、私もそう思う!」=I see! That's a relief... No, I feel the same way as you! 「そうそう、服選ぶのとかも楽なんだぜ?」=Exactly, it's easy to pick out clothes too, you know? 「わ、私さぁ、ずっと身長伸びてないんだ~。こまったこまった」=Y-You know, I haven't gotten any taller in years~. Whatever shall I do~ -「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」="Do you have an ideal body figure, when it comes to girls?""" +「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」=Do you have an "ideal" body figure, when it comes to girls? 「だよな? 海外じゃその方が人気だって言うしな~」=I know, right? Seems like a lot of guys like it like that too, in the west~ 「ほう、そうか~。んじゃ、現状維持だな、ははっ」=Hoh, I see~. Well then, guess I gotta maintain my current figure, haha-- 「そうかそうか。そう言えば私、いくら食べても太らないんだよ。体質かね~」=I see, I see. Come to think of it, no matter how much I stuff myself, I never put on any weight. I wonder if that's just how I'm built~ @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ 「そこらのクッションみたいに、気軽にさわるな!」=Don't fondle them like they're just decorative cushions! 「……私が女子ってこと、忘れてないよな?」=...You're not forgetting that I'm a girl, right? 「ちょっ、お前は私のお父さんかっての……」=Hey--, you're not my dad... -「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this... like hell!""" +「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this"... like hell! 「あーもう! お前ってやつは何がしたいんだ?」=Ahh, jeez! Just what are you trying here? 「き、急になにすんだよ……」=W-What's gotten into you... 「こらこら。女子の顔は気軽にさわるもんじゃないぜ?」=Hey, come on. You shouldn't be going around touching girls' faces so casually, you know? @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ 「わりぃ、つい話し込んじゃったな! でも楽しかったぜ!」=Sorry, we really got into it there for a moment, didn't we! But it was fun! 「ん? いいのか? んじゃあな」=Hm? You sure? Well then, see ya. 「あのさ、俺と付き合ってくれないか?」=Hey, won't you go out with me? -「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ... Sorry... +「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ...... Sorry... 「やっぱり、きみのことが好きなんだ」=I really do love you. 「私もそれを言おうと思ってた……いっ、いいぜ? よろしくな!」=I was just about to say the same thing... S-Sure. I don't mind dating you. Take care of me! 「どうしても、付き合うってまだ想像つかない。ごめんな」=I really can't see us going out together just yet. Sorry. @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ 「しつこいようだけど……私、[P]と付き合いたいんだ!」=I know I'm being real obstinate but... I really wanna go out with you! 「や、やったぁ! はぁ~! いま私、死んでもいいぞぉ!」=Y-Yay! Haa~! If I were to die right now, I'd die happy! 「だ、だよなあ! 他にイイ女子がいるのに、私なんかじゃ、なぁ……」=O-Of course! When there's already so many good girls here, someone like me is... -「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=...I wanna have sex with you. +「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=......I wanna have sex with you. 「な、なーに言ってんだか! マジな顔しちゃって。ハハ」=W-What the heck are you saying! With such a serious face too. Haha. 「俺、きみとエッチしたいんだ」=I wanna do it with you. 「い、いいぞ。私もその、うずうずしてたしな……や、やるか!」=S-Sure. I was feeling, uhm, real itchy to do it too... T-Then let's get to it! @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ 「な、なぁ……もっと女の子らしさを出した方がいいのか?」=H-Hey... do you think I should act more girly? 「そ、そうか。女の子らしさ……口調とか、か? わからん……」=I-I see. Girliness... like my way of speaking, and stuff? I don't really know... 「そっか! そのままでいいか! ありがとな!」=I see! I'm fine as I am, huh! Thanks! -「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」="Have people ever told you stuff like You resemble your parents and junk?""" +「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」=Have people ever told you stuff like "You resemble your parents" and junk? 「お前もか~。私もよく言われるんだよ。あれ、やめて欲しいよな~」=A fellow comrade, huh~. I get that a lot too. Would be great if people dropped that, you know?~ 「そうだよなぁ、親子だからって、絶対似るってわけでもないよな」=I know, right? Just because we're a parent and child doesn't mean we have to resemble each other. 「お前は徹夜とかしたことあるのか?」=Have you ever stayed up all night? @@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ 「ちょっ……私、我慢できなくなるから……」=Hey--... I won't be able to hold myself back, if you keep this up... 「だから! 発情しちゃうって~の!」=I told you! I'll start getting into the mood! 「せ、責任とれるのか? これ以上気持ちよくして……」=C-Can you take responsibility? Huh? If you make me feel any more of this... -「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? +「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~...... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? 「このまま眠っちゃいそうだ……ってそれは困る。やめようぜっ」=I feel like I could just take a nap right here... No, that'd be bad. Let's stop there--. 「そりゃ私だって、この場で甘えまくりたいさ……でも止められなくなるから、ここまでな!」=Even I want to just get crazy spoiled by you too... but that's a train that won't stop once it gets going, so let's leave it at that! 「その指、舐めちゃうぞ? ペロペロって……」=I'll lick that finger of yours, you know? *slurp* and all... @@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ 「……どうしたの? [Hあだ名]」=...What's up? [Hあだ名]. 「いや、深い意味はない……愛称で呼びたい気分だったんだ」=No, well, I didn't mean anything by it... I just felt like calling you that. 「……いいぞ。[Pあだ名]……私を抱いてくれ」=...Sure. [Pあだ名]... embrace me. -「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ...[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? +「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ......[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? 「おっす! 暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup! If you're free, let's chat. 「おっす! [Pあだ名]。暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup, [Pあだ名]! If you're free, let's chat. 「ちょっ……何でここに来てるんだよっ」=Hey--... Why are you coming in here--. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/communication_off_24/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/communication_off_24/translation.txt index 9cbdbb39df..599d8ec7f4 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/communication_off_24/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/communication_off_24/translation.txt @@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ 「キスって興味ある?」=You got any interest in kissing? 「あります♡ 優しくついばむようなキスが次第に激しくなって、ついには舌が……んん♡ んんん♡」=I do♡ Our kisses would start gentle first, just pecks, but slowly they'd turn more intense, and eventually our tongues would... nnn♡ nnnnn♡ 「あなたの唇ばかり見ていたの、バレてしまいましたか?」=Darn~, did you notice that I've been staring at your lips for a while now? -「好きな男性のタイプってある?」="Do you have a type", in terms of guys?"" +「好きな男性のタイプってある?」=Do you have a "type", in terms of guys? 「真面目にお付き合いしてくれる人がいいと思います。私も……真剣ですから♡」=I think someone who'd take our relationship fully seriously. I'm a... pretty earnest person too, afterall♡ 「あなたなら、どんなタイプでもいいです♡」=I don't care about the type, as long as it's you♡ 「そんなこと答えなくても、あなたなら分かってくれていますよね?」=Even if I don't tell you that in words, you should already know the answer, right? -「恋バナと言えばさ……」="On the topic of love talk" between girls..."" +「恋バナと言えばさ……」=On the topic of "love talk" between girls... 「……はい♡ 私もそう思います♡」=...Yes♡ I feel the same way♡ 「女の子の恋心についてなんだけど……」=A girl's heart is pretty difficult to understand... 「あなたはそのままでも十分魅力的だと思います♡」=I think you're plenty charming just the way you are♡ @@ -54,16 +54,16 @@ 「積極的な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of aggressive guys? 「積極的なあなた……強引に引っ張ってもらいたいです♡ 昼も夜も♡」=You, being aggressive... I want you to pull me close to you♡ Whether it's day or night♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたなら構いません」=I can't really handle aggressiveness but, I don't mind if it's you. -「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of prudent" guys?"" +「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "prudent" guys? 「慎重なあなた……奥ゆかしくて素敵です♡ 私からどんどんアプローチをかけますね♡」=A prudent you... Sounds very refined and lovely♡ I'll have to approach you myself, huh?♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたならきっと好きになります」=I'm kinda bad with them but, I'll do my best to learn to love that side of you. 「勤勉な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of industrious guys? 「勤勉なあなた……奥さんになって、支えてあげたいです♡ 身も心も♡」=An industrious you... I'd love to become your wife, and support you from the sidelines♡ With both my body and heart♡ 「私のタイプではありませんけど、あなたなら関係ありません」=They're not really my type but, my type doesn't matter. You matter. 「マイペースな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of laid back guys? The sort to take their life at their own pace. -「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」="A my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡"" +「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」=A "my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡ 「本当は苦手ですけど、あなたならむしろ好きです♡」=I actually have a hard time handling them but, I'd just love to be pushed around by you♡ -「優しい男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of gentle" and "kind" guys?"" +「優しい男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "gentle" and "kind" guys? 「優しいあなた……理想的な旦那さんになってくれそうです♡ 子供は何人ほしいですか?」=A gentle you... You'd make for the best husband♡ How many kids should we have? 「あまり興味は……というより、あなた以外に興味のある男の人なんていませんけど♡」=I'm not all that interested in them... rather, there's nobody on this planet that I'm really all that interested in, other than you♡ 「クールな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of the stylish and cool sort of guys? @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ 「他の子と比べると、自分ってエッチな方?」=Do you think you're lewder than most other girls? 「はい…そう思います♡ あなたのことを考えている時は、特に♡」=Yes... I do think so♡ Especially when I'm thinking of you♡ 「あなた次第です♡ そういう私が好きなら、誰よりもいやらしくなります♡」=It depends on you♡ If you like that side of me, then I can be lewder than anyone else, for you♡ -「理想の初エッチって、ある?」="Do you have an ideal" first time in mind?"" +「理想の初エッチって、ある?」=Do you have an "ideal" first time in mind? 「あります♡ あなたが理想とする初夜を実現することです♡」=I do♡ It's making your own ideal wedding night come true♡ 「あなたと身体を重ねる時まで秘密です♡」=That's gonna stay a secret until we actually have sex♡ 「ごめんなさい、刺激が強すぎて鼻血が……別の会話にしませんか?」=I'm sorry, this conversation is way too stimulating, my nose is about to bleed... Could we talk about something else? @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ 「うふふ、いつも楽しそうに作ってますよね♡ 今度ご馳走してほしいです♡」=Ufufu, you're always doing it with such a smile♡ Won't you treat me to your handmade food one of these days?♡ 「私も苦手なんですけど、いつかあなたに美味しいお味噌汁を毎日飲んでもらいたくて、特訓中です♡」=I'm pretty bad at cooking too but, I wanna make you all sorts of fancy lunches for you to take to work once we're married, so I'm taking classes♡ 「この前、体操着のあなたを見て、惚れ直してしまいました。スポーツは得意なんですか?」=The other day, I saw you in a track suit and just fell in love with you again. Are you good at sports? -「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」="Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a workout♡" together one of these days♡"" +「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」=Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a "workout♡" together one of these days♡ 「私もなんです♡ でも、あなたのためなら身体だって張りますから、遠慮しないでくださいね♡」=Same here♡ But, if it's for you, I can learn to get better at them, so please feel free to ask me for anything♡ 「熱心に授業を受けてるときのあなたも好きです♡ 予習と復習はよくするんですか?」=You look so handsome when you're concentrating in class♡ Do you study at home a lot too? 「だから前の学園でも成績がよかったんですね♡ 私もよくするので、今度一緒にしませんか?」=That's why you had such good grades, even in your previous school, huh?♡ I study a lot too so, wanna do it together sometime? @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ 「……今です♡ どこか二人きりになれる場所で、もっと幸せになりませんか?」=...It's this moment♡ Shall we get even happier together, in a more secluded place? 「あなたが他の女の子と話していない時なら、いつでも♡」=Any moment that you're not talking to another girl♡ 「好きな言葉ってある?」=Do you have a word or a phrase that you love? -「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」="Lots but, my favourite has to be Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡"" +「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」=Lots but, my favourite has to be "Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡ 「言葉よりも何よりも、あなたが好きです♡ 愛しています♡」=Forget words, the thing I love the most is you♡ I love you♡ 「この前、仲のいい女の子が怪我したんだけど……きみじゃないよな?」=The other day, a girl I'm friends with got injured... It wasn't you, right? 「うふふ♡ 私はそんなことしません♡ 恨み帳をつけるだけです♡」=Ufufu♡ I wouldn't do that sort of thing♡ I just tend to bear grudges, that's all♡ @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ 「最近、俺に依存してないか……?」=Haven't you been a bit too dependant on me recently...? 「最近ではなくて、あなたがこの学園に来た時からです♡ そしてこれからも……♡」=It's not something recent, I've been dependant on you ever since you joined this school♡ It'll be the same in the future too...♡ 「あなたが中心の生活をしているだけで、依存はしていません♡」=I'm not dependant on you at all, it's just that you're the center of my life♡ -「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=...Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? +「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=......Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? 「そういえばこの前、信号待ちしてたら……」=Reminds me, the other day, while I was waiting on a red light... 「はい♡ 私も茂みの影から見ていましたよ♡」=I know♡ I was watching from behind a bush as well♡ 「恋と愛の違いってわかる?」=Do you understand the difference between love and lust? @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ 「あなたと一生一緒にいられるなら、結婚できなくてもいいです♡」=As long as we can be together for our entire lives, I don't care if we never get married♡ 「俺のこと好き?」=Do you like me? 「大好きです♡ 好きすぎて好きです♡ うふふ♡ 好きなんです♡ あなたのことが♡」=I love you♡ I love you so much I can't love you any more♡ Ufufu♡ I love you♡ You, nobody else.♡ -「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」="Rather than like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡"" +「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」=Rather than "like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡ 「デートに行くならどこに行きたい?」=If we were to go on a date, where would you like to go? 「あなたの家がいいです♡ 歯ブラシとか、下着とか……少しずつ、私のものが増えていくんです♡」=Your place♡ I'll slowly start bring more and more of my stuff over... like my brush, or my panties♡ 「あなたを独り占めできる場所……この世にはきっとありませんけれど♡」=Any place I can have you all to myself... I don't think we could be sure of that in the living world though♡ @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ 「!? あの、私、何かしちゃいましたか? ま、待ってください、行かないで……」=?! Uhm, did I do something? P-Please wait, don't leave me... 「きみのことが好きなんだ」=I love you. 「!! あの……ごめんなさい、理想と現実がごっちゃになって……頭が、割れちゃう……ごめんなさい、今はダメです……」=!!! Uhm... I'm sorry, I can't tell, what's real and what's just in my... my head is gonna split apart... I'm sorry, I can't right now... -「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ...Please take care of me♡ +「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ......Please take care of me♡ 「あなたとの幸せな未来を想像したら、急に怖くなって……もう少し待ってくれませんか? ごめんなさい」=When I think about our happy future together, I just get so scared... Could you wait just a bit longer, please? I'm really sorry. 「私に優しくしてくれる脳も、私に触れてくれる皮膚も大好きです♡ 私と付き合ってください♡」=Your brain, that's always so kind to me, and your skin, that always touches me, I love them both♡ Please be my boyfriend♡ 「!! 私をあなたと一緒のお墓に入れてくれて、ありがとうございます♡」=!! Thank you, for letting me have the privilege, of eventually being buried next to you♡ @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ 「はい♡ ちょうどあなたと汗を流したかったんです♡」=I'd love to♡ I was just feeling like sweating together with you♡ 「今、時間ありますよね。少し身体を動かしませんか?」=You have some time right now, yes? Won't you get a workout with me? 「あくまで普通の運動ですから、どさくさに紛れて身体を触ってくださいね♡」=In the end, it's just going to be a normal workout, but feel free to take advantage of the situation and touch me all you want♡ -「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」="Would you have preferred we do that sort of a workout" instead...?"" +「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」=Would you have preferred we do that sort of a "workout" instead...? 「コイカツ部に興味ない? よかったら入ってほしいな」=Do you have any interest in the Koikatsu club? I'd love it if you joined. 「あなたとの将来がかかった、とても大事なお誘いですね♡ 答えは決まっていますが、よく考えさせてください」=This is a really important invitation to me, our future together hangs upon it♡ My answer is already decided but, please let me think over it a bit more. 「色々考えたんですが……私をコイカツ部に入れてくれませんか?」=I've thought over it a bunch... Won't you let me join your club? @@ -389,13 +389,13 @@ 「昨日テレビの特集で紹介されてたんだけど……」=They were airing this TV special yesterday and... 「私も見ました。あなたと一緒に行きたいなぁって、そればっかり思ってました♡」=I saw it too. The only thing on my mind was how much I wanted to visit that place with you♡ 「あまりにも取るに足らない話なんだけど……」=I know this is a pretty worthless thing to ask but... -「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡"" +「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡ 「はい、大好きです♡ うう……今まで平気だったのに、何だかとっても照れてしまいます♡」=Yes, I love you♡ Uuu... Even though I used to be fine before, these days it makes me really embarrassed to say it out loud♡ 「もう、嫌いって答えたらどうするんです? 嫌い、の真逆です♡」=Jeez, what if I were to say I hate you, what'd you do then? My feelings are the exact opposite of hate though♡ 「もし喧嘩して別れることになったら、きっと俺が悪いんだろうね」=I imagine if we ever got into a fight bad enough to break up, it'd definitely be my fault. 「もしそうだとしても、考えたくありません。あなたがいなければ、私はまた元通りになってしまいますから……」=Even if that might be the case, I don't want to think about it. Without you, I'll go back to being the way I used to be... 「きっと、お互いが悪いんだと思います。謝り合って、前より仲良くなれたら理想ですね♡」=I'm sure it'll be both of us in the wrong. It would be great if we could make up and put it behind us though♡ -「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」="You used to be a so-called Yandere", right?"" +「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」=You used to be a so-called "Yandere", right? 「はい……あなたのこと以外、見えなくなっていました♡ 今は気を付けていますよ?」=Yes... Back then, I couldn't see anything, aside from you♡ So you know, I try to be more careful these days, okay? 「違います……と言いたいところですが、そうですね。すっかり私の黒歴史です……」=I'd love to tell you otherwise... but, it's the truth. I can't ignore my dark past... 「俺に言いたくても言えないことってある?」=Is there anything you want to tell me but can't bring yourself to? @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ 「ありません♡ 痛いプレイでも、気持ちよくないプレイでも、あなたが悦んでいれば感じちゃいますから♡」=Nope♡ Even if it hurts, or doesn't feel good, as long as it's something that makes you happy, I can enjoy it♡ 「もし他の男の人とHしてほしいってお願いされたらOKする?」=If I wanted you to have sex with other men, would you do it? 「正直、すごく嫌です……でも、他の人に抱かれている私を見てあなたが興奮してくれるなら、OKします♡」=Honestly, the idea is revolting... but, if that's what'd get you off, then I'd do it♡ -「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」="I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡"" +「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」=I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going "I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡ 「もし浮気したいって言ったら、別れる?」=If I told you I wanted to have an affair, would you break up with me? 「はい、確実に♡ ……なんて、無理です♡ 私のことを一番に考えてくれるなら、考えます♡」=I would, yes♡ ...Kidding, of course I won't, you know that♡ As long as I'm your top priority, I might consider it♡ 「私からは何があっても別れません。でも、ナイショで他の子と付き合うのはやめてくださいね」=I would never dump you. But, please don't do it in secret, just tell me, okay? @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ 「ウソです……だって、あなたに一番迷惑をかけましたよ? でも、そういうところも好きなんです♡」=You're lying... Afterall, you were the one I caused the most trouble for, out of anyone, you know? But, I love that kind side of yours too♡ 「急に不安になったので、教えてください。私と付き合えて、よかったですか?」=I've become all anxious all of a sudden, so please tell me this. Do you really not regret dating me? 「……私もよかったです♡ あなたに出会えていなかったら、ここまで変われませんでしたから♡」=...I don't regret it either♡ I wouldn't have changed and grown so much, if I never met you♡ -「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」="Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡"" +「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」=Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, "Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡ 「こんな楽しい毎日が、明日も明後日も続くんですね♡」=This fun life of ours, it'll stay like this tomorrow and the day after as well, right? 「ずっと続くよ」=You bet. Forever. 「はい♡ ずっと……ずーーっと、一緒ですよ♡ うふふっ♡」=Yes♡ Forever... We'll be together, forever~♡ Ufufu--♡ @@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ 「あなたと恋人になってよかったです♡ こんな幸せ、もうきっと来ません♡」=I'm so glad that you're my boyfriend♡ I don't think I could ever be this happy again♡ 「ごめんなさい。私、はしたない子になっています♡ あなたが魅力的すぎるから……♡」=I'm sorry. I'm turning into such a vulgar girl♡ You're just way too charming... ♡ 「あなたに話したいことが次々浮かびます♡」=Things I want to chat with you about keep rushing into my head, one after another♡ -「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ...Ufufu♡ +「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ......Ufufu♡ 「あなたに依存しきって、すぐ折れる私の方が好きでしたか?」=Did you like me better when I was overdependent on you and would just break without you next to me? 「はやくあなたと楽しくお喋りできるのを楽しみにしていますね♡」=I'm really looking forward to being able to have fun chatting with you again♡ 「本当はもう怒ってません♡ でも、お互いしっかりしないと、依存していた時と同じなんです♡」=I'm actually not angry anymore♡ But, we both have to do things properly, otherwise it'd be the same as when I used to depend on you just to live. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt index 9caa295c17..39966ea5e6 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_13/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ OPTION[13]:高いのが=I like 'em tall. 高いのが=I like 'em tall. OPTION[13]:程よいのが=I like average height girls. OPTION[13]:小さいのが=I like 'em petite. -OPTION[14]:ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are best. -ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are best. +OPTION[14]:ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are the best. +ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are the best. OPTION[14]:程よいのが=Somewhere in the middle. OPTION[14]:痩せているのが=I prefer thin girls. 痩せているのが=I prefer thin girls. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_25/communication_07/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_25/communication_07/translation.txt index 1db9b2d0c1..133d7f817c 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_25/communication_07/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_25/communication_07/translation.txt @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ 「そりゃ~やっぱ、バラの花束に綺麗な夕日は、基本だろうな~」=Well, the basics of the basics would be to set up a scene with a boquet of roses and a beautiful sunset for a backdrop~ 「き、気持ちだよ! やっぱ純粋な心が一番だ。うん」=T-The feelings are what's important! The most important thing is to have a pure heart. Yeah. 「どういうタイプの男が好きなの?」=What sort of type of guys do you like? -「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」="Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the cool sort, I guess?""" +「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」=Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the "cool" sort, I guess? 「ん~わりぃ、考えたことないから分かんないわ」=Nn, sorry, I've never really thought about it so I don't really know. 「お前な! いきなりそんな質問するんじゃない……もう」=Dude! Don't go asking girls those sorts of questions out of nowhere... jeez. 「この学園の生徒は、恋愛について興味が強い方なのかな?」=Would you say that the students of this school are particularly interested in romance and the like? @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ 「あー……違う話題にしようぜ!」=Aah... Let's talk about something else! 「まあ、詳しいことは知らないんだけどな~」=Well, not that I know the concrete details~ 「そうか~ それちょっと面白いな」=I see~, that's pretty interesting. -「理想の恋愛ってある?」="Do you have an ideal in terms of romance?""" +「理想の恋愛ってある?」=Do you have an "ideal" in terms of romance? 「もちろん、両想いのラブラブだ! ……わ、悪いかよ?」=Of course, requited love! ...W-What, got a problem? 「贅沢は言わないな~。相手を幸せにしたいね」=Nothing too fancy~. I'd just want to make my boyfriend happy. 「どんな告白されたら、嬉しい?」=What sort of a confession would make you happy? @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ 「そうだな……昔やってた、部活内での恋愛ドラマとか好きだったぞ」=Hmm, let me think... I really liked the sort of highschool club member romance dramas that they used to air back in the day. 「んー。恋愛がメインになってるドラマはないな」=Nnn. I don't really watch dramas where the romance is the main focus, to tell you the truth. 「デートするなら、どんな場所がいい?」=If someone were to take you on a date, where would you like to go? -「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」="Any place you'd go to for a typical date... I love that sort of thing.""" +「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」=Any place you'd go to for a "typical" date... I love that sort of thing. 「場所よりも、雰囲気なんじゃないかなぁ……」=I think the mood is more important, rather than the place itself... 「……小っ恥ずかしいからさ、別の話にしようぜ」=...It's a bit embarrassing, so let's talk about something else. 「この間、読んだ漫画なんだけど……」=I read this in a manga the other day... @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ 「そっか! それなら安心……いや、私もそう思う!」=I see! That's a relief... No, I feel the same way as you! 「そうそう、服選ぶのとかも楽なんだぜ?」=Exactly, it's easy to pick out clothes too, you know? 「わ、私さぁ、ずっと身長伸びてないんだ~。こまったこまった」=Y-You know, I haven't gotten any taller in years~. Whatever shall I do~ -「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」="Do you have an ideal body figure, when it comes to girls?""" +「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」=Do you have an "ideal" body figure, when it comes to girls? 「だよな? 海外じゃその方が人気だって言うしな~」=I know, right? Seems like a lot of guys like it like that too, in the west~ 「ほう、そうか~。んじゃ、現状維持だな、ははっ」=Hoh, I see~. Well then, guess I gotta maintain my current figure, haha-- 「そうかそうか。そう言えば私、いくら食べても太らないんだよ。体質かね~」=I see, I see. Come to think of it, no matter how much I stuff myself, I never put on any weight. I wonder if that's just how I'm built~ @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ 「そこらのクッションみたいに、気軽にさわるな!」=Don't fondle them like they're just decorative cushions! 「……私が女子ってこと、忘れてないよな?」=...You're not forgetting that I'm a girl, right? 「ちょっ、お前は私のお父さんかっての……」=Hey--, you're not my dad... -「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this... like hell!""" +「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this"... like hell! 「あーもう! お前ってやつは何がしたいんだ?」=Ahh, jeez! Just what are you trying here? 「き、急になにすんだよ……」=W-What's gotten into you... 「こらこら。女子の顔は気軽にさわるもんじゃないぜ?」=Hey, come on. You shouldn't be going around touching girls' faces so casually, you know? @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ 「わりぃ、つい話し込んじゃったな! でも楽しかったぜ!」=Sorry, we really got into it there for a moment, didn't we! But it was fun! 「ん? いいのか? んじゃあな」=Hm? You sure? Well then, see ya. 「あのさ、俺と付き合ってくれないか?」=Hey, won't you go out with me? -「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ... Sorry... +「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ...... Sorry... 「やっぱり、きみのことが好きなんだ」=I really do love you. 「私もそれを言おうと思ってた……いっ、いいぜ? よろしくな!」=I was just about to say the same thing... S-Sure. I don't mind dating you. Take care of me! 「どうしても、付き合うってまだ想像つかない。ごめんな」=I really can't see us going out together just yet. Sorry. @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ 「しつこいようだけど……私、[P]と付き合いたいんだ!」=I know I'm being real obstinate but... I really wanna go out with you! 「や、やったぁ! はぁ~! いま私、死んでもいいぞぉ!」=Y-Yay! Haa~! If I were to die right now, I'd die happy! 「だ、だよなあ! 他にイイ女子がいるのに、私なんかじゃ、なぁ……」=O-Of course! When there's already so many good girls here, someone like me is... -「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=...I wanna have sex with you. +「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=......I wanna have sex with you. 「な、なーに言ってんだか! マジな顔しちゃって。ハハ」=W-What the heck are you saying! With such a serious face too. Haha. 「俺、きみとエッチしたいんだ」=I wanna do it with you. 「い、いいぞ。私もその、うずうずしてたしな……や、やるか!」=S-Sure. I was feeling, uhm, real itchy to do it too... T-Then let's get to it! @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ 「な、なぁ……もっと女の子らしさを出した方がいいのか?」=H-Hey... do you think I should act more girly? 「そ、そうか。女の子らしさ……口調とか、か? わからん……」=I-I see. Girliness... like my way of speaking, and stuff? I don't really know... 「そっか! そのままでいいか! ありがとな!」=I see! I'm fine as I am, huh! Thanks! -「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」="Have people ever told you stuff like You resemble your parents and junk?""" +「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」=Have people ever told you stuff like "You resemble your parents" and junk? 「お前もか~。私もよく言われるんだよ。あれ、やめて欲しいよな~」=A fellow comrade, huh~. I get that a lot too. Would be great if people dropped that, you know?~ 「そうだよなぁ、親子だからって、絶対似るってわけでもないよな」=I know, right? Just because we're a parent and child doesn't mean we have to resemble each other. 「お前は徹夜とかしたことあるのか?」=Have you ever stayed up all night? @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ 「ちょっ……私、我慢できなくなるから……」=Hey--... I won't be able to hold myself back, if you keep this up... 「だから! 発情しちゃうって~の!」=I told you! I'll start getting into the mood! 「せ、責任とれるのか? これ以上気持ちよくして……」=C-Can you take responsibility? Huh? If you make me feel any more of this... -「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? +「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~...... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? 「このまま眠っちゃいそうだ……ってそれは困る。やめようぜっ」=I feel like I could just take a nap right here... No, that'd be bad. Let's stop there--. 「そりゃ私だって、この場で甘えまくりたいさ……でも止められなくなるから、ここまでな!」=Even I want to just get crazy spoiled by you too... but that's a train that won't stop once it gets going, so let's leave it at that! 「その指、舐めちゃうぞ? ペロペロって……」=I'll lick that finger of yours, you know? *slurp* and all... @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ 「……どうしたの? [Hあだ名]」=...What's up? [Hあだ名]. 「いや、深い意味はない……愛称で呼びたい気分だったんだ」=No, well, I didn't mean anything by it... I just felt like calling you that. 「……いいぞ。[Pあだ名]……私を抱いてくれ」=...Sure. [Pあだ名]... embrace me. -「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ...[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? +「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ......[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? 「おっす! 暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup! If you're free, let's chat. 「おっす! [Pあだ名]。暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup, [Pあだ名]! If you're free, let's chat. 「ちょっ……何でここに来てるんだよっ」=Hey--... Why are you coming in here--. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_25/communication_24/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_25/communication_24/translation.txt index 97c2e3144f..73f8ddd454 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_25/communication_24/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_25/communication_24/translation.txt @@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ 「キスって興味ある?」=You got any interest in kissing? 「あります♡ 優しくついばむようなキスが次第に激しくなって、ついには舌が……んん♡ んんん♡」=I do♡ Our kisses would start gentle first, just pecks, but slowly they'd turn more intense, and eventually our tongues would... nnn♡ nnnnn♡ 「あなたの唇ばかり見ていたの、バレてしまいましたか?」=Darn~, did you notice that I've been staring at your lips for a while now? -「好きな男性のタイプってある?」="Do you have a type", in terms of guys?"" +「好きな男性のタイプってある?」=Do you have a "type", in terms of guys? 「真面目にお付き合いしてくれる人がいいと思います。私も……真剣ですから♡」=I think someone who'd take our relationship fully seriously. I'm a... pretty earnest person too, afterall♡ 「あなたなら、どんなタイプでもいいです♡」=I don't care about the type, as long as it's you♡ 「そんなこと答えなくても、あなたなら分かってくれていますよね?」=Even if I don't tell you that in words, you should already know the answer, right? -「恋バナと言えばさ……」="On the topic of love talk" between girls..."" +「恋バナと言えばさ……」=On the topic of "love talk" between girls... 「……はい♡ 私もそう思います♡」=...Yes♡ I feel the same way♡ 「女の子の恋心についてなんだけど……」=A girl's heart is pretty difficult to understand... 「あなたはそのままでも十分魅力的だと思います♡」=I think you're plenty charming just the way you are♡ @@ -55,16 +55,16 @@ 「積極的な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of aggressive guys? 「積極的なあなた……強引に引っ張ってもらいたいです♡ 昼も夜も♡」=You, being aggressive... I want you to pull me close to you♡ Whether it's day or night♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたなら構いません」=I can't really handle aggressiveness but, I don't mind if it's you. -「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of prudent" guys?"" +「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "prudent" guys? 「慎重なあなた……奥ゆかしくて素敵です♡ 私からどんどんアプローチをかけますね♡」=A prudent you... Sounds very refined and lovely♡ I'll have to approach you myself, huh?♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたならきっと好きになります」=I'm kinda bad with them but, I'll do my best to learn to love that side of you. 「勤勉な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of industrious guys? 「勤勉なあなた……奥さんになって、支えてあげたいです♡ 身も心も♡」=An industrious you... I'd love to become your wife, and support you from the sidelines♡ With both my body and heart♡ 「私のタイプではありませんけど、あなたなら関係ありません」=They're not really my type but, my type doesn't matter. You matter. 「マイペースな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of laid back guys? The sort to take their life at their own pace. -「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」="A my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡"" +「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」=A "my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡ 「本当は苦手ですけど、あなたならむしろ好きです♡」=I actually have a hard time handling them but, I'd just love to be pushed around by you♡ -「優しい男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of gentle" and "kind" guys?"" +「優しい男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "gentle" and "kind" guys? 「優しいあなた……理想的な旦那さんになってくれそうです♡ 子供は何人ほしいですか?」=A gentle you... You'd make for the best husband♡ How many kids should we have? 「あまり興味は……というより、あなた以外に興味のある男の人なんていませんけど♡」=I'm not all that interested in them... rather, there's nobody on this planet that I'm really all that interested in, other than you♡ 「クールな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of the stylish and cool sort of guys? @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ 「他の子と比べると、自分ってエッチな方?」=Do you think you're lewder than most other girls? 「はい…そう思います♡ あなたのことを考えている時は、特に♡」=Yes... I do think so♡ Especially when I'm thinking of you♡ 「あなた次第です♡ そういう私が好きなら、誰よりもいやらしくなります♡」=It depends on you♡ If you like that side of me, then I can be lewder than anyone else, for you♡ -「理想の初エッチって、ある?」="Do you have an ideal" first time in mind?"" +「理想の初エッチって、ある?」=Do you have an "ideal" first time in mind? 「あります♡ あなたが理想とする初夜を実現することです♡」=I do♡ It's making your own ideal wedding night come true♡ 「あなたと身体を重ねる時まで秘密です♡」=That's gonna stay a secret until we actually have sex♡ 「ごめんなさい、刺激が強すぎて鼻血が……別の会話にしませんか?」=I'm sorry, this conversation is way too stimulating, my nose is about to bleed... Could we talk about something else? @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ 「うふふ、いつも楽しそうに作ってますよね♡ 今度ご馳走してほしいです♡」=Ufufu, you're always doing it with such a smile♡ Won't you treat me to your handmade food one of these days?♡ 「私も苦手なんですけど、いつかあなたに美味しいお味噌汁を毎日飲んでもらいたくて、特訓中です♡」=I'm pretty bad at cooking too but, I wanna make you all sorts of fancy lunches for you to take to work once we're married, so I'm taking classes♡ 「この前、体操着のあなたを見て、惚れ直してしまいました。スポーツは得意なんですか?」=The other day, I saw you in a track suit and just fell in love with you again. Are you good at sports? -「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」="Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a workout♡" together one of these days♡"" +「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」=Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a "workout♡" together one of these days♡ 「私もなんです♡ でも、あなたのためなら身体だって張りますから、遠慮しないでくださいね♡」=Same here♡ But, if it's for you, I can learn to get better at them, so please feel free to ask me for anything♡ 「熱心に授業を受けてるときのあなたも好きです♡ 予習と復習はよくするんですか?」=You look so handsome when you're concentrating in class♡ Do you study at home a lot too? 「だから前の学園でも成績がよかったんですね♡ 私もよくするので、今度一緒にしませんか?」=That's why you had such good grades, even in your previous school, huh?♡ I study a lot too so, wanna do it together sometime? @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ 「……今です♡ どこか二人きりになれる場所で、もっと幸せになりませんか?」=...It's this moment♡ Shall we get even happier together, in a more secluded place? 「あなたが他の女の子と話していない時なら、いつでも♡」=Any moment that you're not talking to another girl♡ 「好きな言葉ってある?」=Do you have a word or a phrase that you love? -「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」="Lots but, my favourite has to be Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡"" +「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」=Lots but, my favourite has to be "Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡ 「言葉よりも何よりも、あなたが好きです♡ 愛しています♡」=Forget words, the thing I love the most is you♡ I love you♡ 「この前、仲のいい女の子が怪我したんだけど……きみじゃないよな?」=The other day, a girl I'm friends with got injured... It wasn't you, right? 「うふふ♡ 私はそんなことしません♡ 恨み帳をつけるだけです♡」=Ufufu♡ I wouldn't do that sort of thing♡ I just tend to bear grudges, that's all♡ @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ 「最近、俺に依存してないか……?」=Haven't you been a bit too dependant on me recently...? 「最近ではなくて、あなたがこの学園に来た時からです♡ そしてこれからも……♡」=It's not something recent, I've been dependant on you ever since you joined this school♡ It'll be the same in the future too...♡ 「あなたが中心の生活をしているだけで、依存はしていません♡」=I'm not dependant on you at all, it's just that you're the center of my life♡ -「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=...Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? +「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=......Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? 「そういえばこの前、信号待ちしてたら……」=Reminds me, the other day, while I was waiting on a red light... 「はい♡ 私も茂みの影から見ていましたよ♡」=I know♡ I was watching from behind a bush as well♡ 「恋と愛の違いってわかる?」=Do you understand the difference between love and lust? @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ 「あなたと一生一緒にいられるなら、結婚できなくてもいいです♡」=As long as we can be together for our entire lives, I don't care if we never get married♡ 「俺のこと好き?」=Do you like me? 「大好きです♡ 好きすぎて好きです♡ うふふ♡ 好きなんです♡ あなたのことが♡」=I love you♡ I love you so much I can't love you any more♡ Ufufu♡ I love you♡ You, nobody else.♡ -「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」="Rather than like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡"" +「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」=Rather than "like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡ 「デートに行くならどこに行きたい?」=If we were to go on a date, where would you like to go? 「あなたの家がいいです♡ 歯ブラシとか、下着とか……少しずつ、私のものが増えていくんです♡」=Your place♡ I'll slowly start bring more and more of my stuff over... like my brush, or my panties♡ 「あなたを独り占めできる場所……この世にはきっとありませんけれど♡」=Any place I can have you all to myself... I don't think we could be sure of that in the living world though♡ @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ 「!? あの、私、何かしちゃいましたか? ま、待ってください、行かないで……」=?! Uhm, did I do something? P-Please wait, don't leave me... 「きみのことが好きなんだ」=I love you. 「!! あの……ごめんなさい、理想と現実がごっちゃになって……頭が、割れちゃう……ごめんなさい、今はダメです……」=!!! Uhm... I'm sorry, I can't tell, what's real and what's just in my... my head is gonna split apart... I'm sorry, I can't right now... -「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ...Please take care of me♡ +「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ......Please take care of me♡ 「あなたとの幸せな未来を想像したら、急に怖くなって……もう少し待ってくれませんか? ごめんなさい」=When I think about our happy future together, I just get so scared... Could you wait just a bit longer, please? I'm really sorry. 「私に優しくしてくれる脳も、私に触れてくれる皮膚も大好きです♡ 私と付き合ってください♡」=Your brain, that's always so kind to me, and your skin, that always touches me, I love them both♡ Please be my boyfriend♡ 「!! 私をあなたと一緒のお墓に入れてくれて、ありがとうございます♡」=!! Thank you, for letting me have the privilege, of eventually being buried next to you♡ @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ 「ごめんなさい……本当にごめんなさい……今から絶対に外せない用事がありまして……」=I'm sorry... I really am... there's something I really need to take care of... 「今、時間ありますよね。少し身体を動かしませんか?」=You have some time right now, yes? Won't you get a workout with me? 「あくまで普通の運動ですから、どさくさに紛れて身体を触ってくださいね♡」=In the end, it's just going to be a normal workout, but feel free to take advantage of the situation and touch me all you want♡ -「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」="Would you have preferred we do that sort of a workout" instead...?"" +「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」=Would you have preferred we do that sort of a "workout" instead...? 「コイカツ部に興味ない? よかったら入ってほしいな」=Do you have any interest in the Koikatsu club? I'd love it if you joined. 「あなたとの将来がかかった、とても大事なお誘いですね♡ 答えは決まっていますが、よく考えさせてください」=This is a really important invitation to me, our future together hangs upon it♡ My answer is already decided but, please let me think over it a bit more. 「色々考えたんですが……私をコイカツ部に入れてくれませんか?」=I've thought over it a bunch... Won't you let me join your club? @@ -395,13 +395,13 @@ 「昨日テレビの特集で紹介されてたんだけど……」=They were airing this TV special yesterday and... 「私も見ました。あなたと一緒に行きたいなぁって、そればっかり思ってました♡」=I saw it too. The only thing on my mind was how much I wanted to visit that place with you♡ 「あまりにも取るに足らない話なんだけど……」=I know this is a pretty worthless thing to ask but... -「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡"" +「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡ 「はい、大好きです♡ うう……今まで平気だったのに、何だかとっても照れてしまいます♡」=Yes, I love you♡ Uuu... Even though I used to be fine before, these days it makes me really embarrassed to say it out loud♡ 「もう、嫌いって答えたらどうするんです? 嫌い、の真逆です♡」=Jeez, what if I were to say I hate you, what'd you do then? My feelings are the exact opposite of hate though♡ 「もし喧嘩して別れることになったら、きっと俺が悪いんだろうね」=I imagine if we ever got into a fight bad enough to break up, it'd definitely be my fault. 「もしそうだとしても、考えたくありません。あなたがいなければ、私はまた元通りになってしまいますから……」=Even if that might be the case, I don't want to think about it. Without you, I'll go back to being the way I used to be... 「きっと、お互いが悪いんだと思います。謝り合って、前より仲良くなれたら理想ですね♡」=I'm sure it'll be both of us in the wrong. It would be great if we could make up and put it behind us though♡ -「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」="You used to be a so-called Yandere", right?"" +「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」=You used to be a so-called "Yandere", right? 「はい……あなたのこと以外、見えなくなっていました♡ 今は気を付けていますよ?」=Yes... Back then, I couldn't see anything, aside from you♡ So you know, I try to be more careful these days, okay? 「違います……と言いたいところですが、そうですね。すっかり私の黒歴史です……」=I'd love to tell you otherwise... but, it's the truth. I can't ignore my dark past... 「俺に言いたくても言えないことってある?」=Is there anything you want to tell me but can't bring yourself to? @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ 「ありません♡ 痛いプレイでも、気持ちよくないプレイでも、あなたが悦んでいれば感じちゃいますから♡」=Nope♡ Even if it hurts, or doesn't feel good, as long as it's something that makes you happy, I can enjoy it♡ 「もし他の男の人とHしてほしいってお願いされたらOKする?」=If I wanted you to have sex with other men, would you do it? 「正直、すごく嫌です……でも、他の人に抱かれている私を見てあなたが興奮してくれるなら、OKします♡」=Honestly, the idea is revolting... but, if that's what'd get you off, then I'd do it♡ -「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」="I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡"" +「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」=I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going "I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡ 「もし浮気したいって言ったら、別れる?」=If I told you I wanted to have an affair, would you break up with me? 「はい、確実に♡ ……なんて、無理です♡ 私のことを一番に考えてくれるなら、考えます♡」=I would, yes♡ ...Kidding, of course I won't, you know that♡ As long as I'm your top priority, I might consider it♡ 「私からは何があっても別れません。でも、ナイショで他の子と付き合うのはやめてくださいね」=I would never dump you. But, please don't do it in secret, just tell me, okay? @@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ 「ウソです……だって、あなたに一番迷惑をかけましたよ? でも、そういうところも好きなんです♡」=You're lying... Afterall, you were the one I caused the most trouble for, out of anyone, you know? But, I love that kind side of yours too♡ 「急に不安になったので、教えてください。私と付き合えて、よかったですか?」=I've become all anxious all of a sudden, so please tell me this. Do you really not regret dating me? 「……私もよかったです♡ あなたに出会えていなかったら、ここまで変われませんでしたから♡」=...I don't regret it either♡ I wouldn't have changed and grown so much, if I never met you♡ -「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」="Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡"" +「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」=Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, "Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡ 「こんな楽しい毎日が、明日も明後日も続くんですね♡」=This fun life of ours, it'll stay like this tomorrow and the day after as well, right? 「ずっと続くよ」=You bet. Forever. 「はい♡ ずっと……ずーーっと、一緒ですよ♡ うふふっ♡」=Yes♡ Forever... We'll be together, forever~♡ Ufufu--♡ @@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ 「あなたと恋人になってよかったです♡ こんな幸せ、もうきっと来ません♡」=I'm so glad that you're my boyfriend♡ I don't think I could ever be this happy again♡ 「ごめんなさい。私、はしたない子になっています♡ あなたが魅力的すぎるから……♡」=I'm sorry. I'm turning into such a vulgar girl♡ You're just way too charming... ♡ 「あなたに話したいことが次々浮かびます♡」=Things I want to chat with you about keep rushing into my head, one after another♡ -「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ...Ufufu♡ +「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ......Ufufu♡ 「あなたに依存しきって、すぐ折れる私の方が好きでしたか?」=Did you like me better when I was overdependent on you and would just break without you next to me? 「はやくあなたと楽しくお喋りできるのを楽しみにしていますね♡」=I'm really looking forward to being able to have fun chatting with you again♡ 「本当はもう怒ってません♡ でも、お互いしっかりしないと、依存していた時と同じなんです♡」=I'm actually not angry anymore♡ But, we both have to do things properly, otherwise it'd be the same as when I used to depend on you just to live. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_25/communication_off_07/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_25/communication_off_07/translation.txt index 12e76fc9b4..d664748f67 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_25/communication_off_07/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_25/communication_off_07/translation.txt @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ 「そりゃ~やっぱ、バラの花束に綺麗な夕日は、基本だろうな~」=Well, the basics of the basics would be to set up a scene with a boquet of roses and a beautiful sunset for a backdrop~ 「き、気持ちだよ! やっぱ純粋な心が一番だ。うん」=T-The feelings are what's important! The most important thing is to have a pure heart. Yeah. 「どういうタイプの男が好きなの?」=What sort of type of guys do you like? -「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」="Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the cool sort, I guess?""" +「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」=Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the "cool" sort, I guess? 「ん~わりぃ、考えたことないから分かんないわ」=Nn, sorry, I've never really thought about it so I don't really know. 「お前な! いきなりそんな質問するんじゃない……もう」=Dude! Don't go asking girls those sorts of questions out of nowhere... jeez. 「この学園の生徒は、恋愛について興味が強い方なのかな?」=Would you say that the students of this school are particularly interested in romance and the like? @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ 「あー……違う話題にしようぜ!」=Aah... Let's talk about something else! 「まあ、詳しいことは知らないんだけどな~」=Well, not that I know the concrete details~ 「そうか~ それちょっと面白いな」=I see~, that's pretty interesting. -「理想の恋愛ってある?」="Do you have an ideal in terms of romance?""" +「理想の恋愛ってある?」=Do you have an "ideal" in terms of romance? 「もちろん、両想いのラブラブだ! ……わ、悪いかよ?」=Of course, requited love! ...W-What, got a problem? 「贅沢は言わないな~。相手を幸せにしたいね」=Nothing too fancy~. I'd just want to make my boyfriend happy. 「どんな告白されたら、嬉しい?」=What sort of a confession would make you happy? @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ 「そうだな……昔やってた、部活内での恋愛ドラマとか好きだったぞ」=Hmm, let me think... I really liked the sort of highschool club member romance dramas that they used to air back in the day. 「んー。恋愛がメインになってるドラマはないな」=Nnn. I don't really watch dramas where the romance is the main focus, to tell you the truth. 「デートするなら、どんな場所がいい?」=If someone were to take you on a date, where would you like to go? -「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」="Any place you'd go to for a typical date... I love that sort of thing.""" +「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」=Any place you'd go to for a "typical" date... I love that sort of thing. 「場所よりも、雰囲気なんじゃないかなぁ……」=I think the mood is more important, rather than the place itself... 「……小っ恥ずかしいからさ、別の話にしようぜ」=...It's a bit embarrassing, so let's talk about something else. 「この間、読んだ漫画なんだけど……」=I read this in a manga the other day... @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ 「そっか! それなら安心……いや、私もそう思う!」=I see! That's a relief... No, I feel the same way as you! 「そうそう、服選ぶのとかも楽なんだぜ?」=Exactly, it's easy to pick out clothes too, you know? 「わ、私さぁ、ずっと身長伸びてないんだ~。こまったこまった」=Y-You know, I haven't gotten any taller in years~. Whatever shall I do~ -「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」="Do you have an ideal body figure, when it comes to girls?""" +「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」=Do you have an "ideal" body figure, when it comes to girls? 「だよな? 海外じゃその方が人気だって言うしな~」=I know, right? Seems like a lot of guys like it like that too, in the west~ 「ほう、そうか~。んじゃ、現状維持だな、ははっ」=Hoh, I see~. Well then, guess I gotta maintain my current figure, haha-- 「そうかそうか。そう言えば私、いくら食べても太らないんだよ。体質かね~」=I see, I see. Come to think of it, no matter how much I stuff myself, I never put on any weight. I wonder if that's just how I'm built~ @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ 「そこらのクッションみたいに、気軽にさわるな!」=Don't fondle them like they're just decorative cushions! 「……私が女子ってこと、忘れてないよな?」=...You're not forgetting that I'm a girl, right? 「ちょっ、お前は私のお父さんかっての……」=Hey--, you're not my dad... -「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this... like hell!""" +「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this"... like hell! 「あーもう! お前ってやつは何がしたいんだ?」=Ahh, jeez! Just what are you trying here? 「き、急になにすんだよ……」=W-What's gotten into you... 「こらこら。女子の顔は気軽にさわるもんじゃないぜ?」=Hey, come on. You shouldn't be going around touching girls' faces so casually, you know? @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ 「わりぃ、つい話し込んじゃったな! でも楽しかったぜ!」=Sorry, we really got into it there for a moment, didn't we! But it was fun! 「ん? いいのか? んじゃあな」=Hm? You sure? Well then, see ya. 「あのさ、俺と付き合ってくれないか?」=Hey, won't you go out with me? -「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ... Sorry... +「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ...... Sorry... 「やっぱり、きみのことが好きなんだ」=I really do love you. 「私もそれを言おうと思ってた……いっ、いいぜ? よろしくな!」=I was just about to say the same thing... S-Sure. I don't mind dating you. Take care of me! 「どうしても、付き合うってまだ想像つかない。ごめんな」=I really can't see us going out together just yet. Sorry. @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ 「しつこいようだけど……私、[P]と付き合いたいんだ!」=I know I'm being real obstinate but... I really wanna go out with you! 「や、やったぁ! はぁ~! いま私、死んでもいいぞぉ!」=Y-Yay! Haa~! If I were to die right now, I'd die happy! 「だ、だよなあ! 他にイイ女子がいるのに、私なんかじゃ、なぁ……」=O-Of course! When there's already so many good girls here, someone like me is... -「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=...I wanna have sex with you. +「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=......I wanna have sex with you. 「な、なーに言ってんだか! マジな顔しちゃって。ハハ」=W-What the heck are you saying! With such a serious face too. Haha. 「俺、きみとエッチしたいんだ」=I wanna do it with you. 「い、いいぞ。私もその、うずうずしてたしな……や、やるか!」=S-Sure. I was feeling, uhm, real itchy to do it too... T-Then let's get to it! @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ 「な、なぁ……もっと女の子らしさを出した方がいいのか?」=H-Hey... do you think I should act more girly? 「そ、そうか。女の子らしさ……口調とか、か? わからん……」=I-I see. Girliness... like my way of speaking, and stuff? I don't really know... 「そっか! そのままでいいか! ありがとな!」=I see! I'm fine as I am, huh! Thanks! -「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」="Have people ever told you stuff like You resemble your parents and junk?""" +「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」=Have people ever told you stuff like "You resemble your parents" and junk? 「お前もか~。私もよく言われるんだよ。あれ、やめて欲しいよな~」=A fellow comrade, huh~. I get that a lot too. Would be great if people dropped that, you know?~ 「そうだよなぁ、親子だからって、絶対似るってわけでもないよな」=I know, right? Just because we're a parent and child doesn't mean we have to resemble each other. 「お前は徹夜とかしたことあるのか?」=Have you ever stayed up all night? @@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ 「ちょっ……私、我慢できなくなるから……」=Hey--... I won't be able to hold myself back, if you keep this up... 「だから! 発情しちゃうって~の!」=I told you! I'll start getting into the mood! 「せ、責任とれるのか? これ以上気持ちよくして……」=C-Can you take responsibility? Huh? If you make me feel any more of this... -「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? +「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~...... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? 「このまま眠っちゃいそうだ……ってそれは困る。やめようぜっ」=I feel like I could just take a nap right here... No, that'd be bad. Let's stop there--. 「そりゃ私だって、この場で甘えまくりたいさ……でも止められなくなるから、ここまでな!」=Even I want to just get crazy spoiled by you too... but that's a train that won't stop once it gets going, so let's leave it at that! 「その指、舐めちゃうぞ? ペロペロって……」=I'll lick that finger of yours, you know? *slurp* and all... @@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ 「……どうしたの? [Hあだ名]」=...What's up? [Hあだ名]. 「いや、深い意味はない……愛称で呼びたい気分だったんだ」=No, well, I didn't mean anything by it... I just felt like calling you that. 「……いいぞ。[Pあだ名]……私を抱いてくれ」=...Sure. [Pあだ名]... embrace me. -「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ...[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? +「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ......[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? 「おっす! 暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup! If you're free, let's chat. 「おっす! [Pあだ名]。暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup, [Pあだ名]! If you're free, let's chat. 「ちょっ……何でここに来てるんだよっ」=Hey--... Why are you coming in here--. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_25/communication_off_24/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_25/communication_off_24/translation.txt index 9cbdbb39df..599d8ec7f4 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_25/communication_off_24/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_25/communication_off_24/translation.txt @@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ 「キスって興味ある?」=You got any interest in kissing? 「あります♡ 優しくついばむようなキスが次第に激しくなって、ついには舌が……んん♡ んんん♡」=I do♡ Our kisses would start gentle first, just pecks, but slowly they'd turn more intense, and eventually our tongues would... nnn♡ nnnnn♡ 「あなたの唇ばかり見ていたの、バレてしまいましたか?」=Darn~, did you notice that I've been staring at your lips for a while now? -「好きな男性のタイプってある?」="Do you have a type", in terms of guys?"" +「好きな男性のタイプってある?」=Do you have a "type", in terms of guys? 「真面目にお付き合いしてくれる人がいいと思います。私も……真剣ですから♡」=I think someone who'd take our relationship fully seriously. I'm a... pretty earnest person too, afterall♡ 「あなたなら、どんなタイプでもいいです♡」=I don't care about the type, as long as it's you♡ 「そんなこと答えなくても、あなたなら分かってくれていますよね?」=Even if I don't tell you that in words, you should already know the answer, right? -「恋バナと言えばさ……」="On the topic of love talk" between girls..."" +「恋バナと言えばさ……」=On the topic of "love talk" between girls... 「……はい♡ 私もそう思います♡」=...Yes♡ I feel the same way♡ 「女の子の恋心についてなんだけど……」=A girl's heart is pretty difficult to understand... 「あなたはそのままでも十分魅力的だと思います♡」=I think you're plenty charming just the way you are♡ @@ -54,16 +54,16 @@ 「積極的な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of aggressive guys? 「積極的なあなた……強引に引っ張ってもらいたいです♡ 昼も夜も♡」=You, being aggressive... I want you to pull me close to you♡ Whether it's day or night♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたなら構いません」=I can't really handle aggressiveness but, I don't mind if it's you. -「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of prudent" guys?"" +「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "prudent" guys? 「慎重なあなた……奥ゆかしくて素敵です♡ 私からどんどんアプローチをかけますね♡」=A prudent you... Sounds very refined and lovely♡ I'll have to approach you myself, huh?♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたならきっと好きになります」=I'm kinda bad with them but, I'll do my best to learn to love that side of you. 「勤勉な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of industrious guys? 「勤勉なあなた……奥さんになって、支えてあげたいです♡ 身も心も♡」=An industrious you... I'd love to become your wife, and support you from the sidelines♡ With both my body and heart♡ 「私のタイプではありませんけど、あなたなら関係ありません」=They're not really my type but, my type doesn't matter. You matter. 「マイペースな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of laid back guys? The sort to take their life at their own pace. -「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」="A my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡"" +「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」=A "my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡ 「本当は苦手ですけど、あなたならむしろ好きです♡」=I actually have a hard time handling them but, I'd just love to be pushed around by you♡ -「優しい男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of gentle" and "kind" guys?"" +「優しい男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "gentle" and "kind" guys? 「優しいあなた……理想的な旦那さんになってくれそうです♡ 子供は何人ほしいですか?」=A gentle you... You'd make for the best husband♡ How many kids should we have? 「あまり興味は……というより、あなた以外に興味のある男の人なんていませんけど♡」=I'm not all that interested in them... rather, there's nobody on this planet that I'm really all that interested in, other than you♡ 「クールな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of the stylish and cool sort of guys? @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ 「他の子と比べると、自分ってエッチな方?」=Do you think you're lewder than most other girls? 「はい…そう思います♡ あなたのことを考えている時は、特に♡」=Yes... I do think so♡ Especially when I'm thinking of you♡ 「あなた次第です♡ そういう私が好きなら、誰よりもいやらしくなります♡」=It depends on you♡ If you like that side of me, then I can be lewder than anyone else, for you♡ -「理想の初エッチって、ある?」="Do you have an ideal" first time in mind?"" +「理想の初エッチって、ある?」=Do you have an "ideal" first time in mind? 「あります♡ あなたが理想とする初夜を実現することです♡」=I do♡ It's making your own ideal wedding night come true♡ 「あなたと身体を重ねる時まで秘密です♡」=That's gonna stay a secret until we actually have sex♡ 「ごめんなさい、刺激が強すぎて鼻血が……別の会話にしませんか?」=I'm sorry, this conversation is way too stimulating, my nose is about to bleed... Could we talk about something else? @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ 「うふふ、いつも楽しそうに作ってますよね♡ 今度ご馳走してほしいです♡」=Ufufu, you're always doing it with such a smile♡ Won't you treat me to your handmade food one of these days?♡ 「私も苦手なんですけど、いつかあなたに美味しいお味噌汁を毎日飲んでもらいたくて、特訓中です♡」=I'm pretty bad at cooking too but, I wanna make you all sorts of fancy lunches for you to take to work once we're married, so I'm taking classes♡ 「この前、体操着のあなたを見て、惚れ直してしまいました。スポーツは得意なんですか?」=The other day, I saw you in a track suit and just fell in love with you again. Are you good at sports? -「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」="Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a workout♡" together one of these days♡"" +「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」=Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a "workout♡" together one of these days♡ 「私もなんです♡ でも、あなたのためなら身体だって張りますから、遠慮しないでくださいね♡」=Same here♡ But, if it's for you, I can learn to get better at them, so please feel free to ask me for anything♡ 「熱心に授業を受けてるときのあなたも好きです♡ 予習と復習はよくするんですか?」=You look so handsome when you're concentrating in class♡ Do you study at home a lot too? 「だから前の学園でも成績がよかったんですね♡ 私もよくするので、今度一緒にしませんか?」=That's why you had such good grades, even in your previous school, huh?♡ I study a lot too so, wanna do it together sometime? @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ 「……今です♡ どこか二人きりになれる場所で、もっと幸せになりませんか?」=...It's this moment♡ Shall we get even happier together, in a more secluded place? 「あなたが他の女の子と話していない時なら、いつでも♡」=Any moment that you're not talking to another girl♡ 「好きな言葉ってある?」=Do you have a word or a phrase that you love? -「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」="Lots but, my favourite has to be Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡"" +「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」=Lots but, my favourite has to be "Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡ 「言葉よりも何よりも、あなたが好きです♡ 愛しています♡」=Forget words, the thing I love the most is you♡ I love you♡ 「この前、仲のいい女の子が怪我したんだけど……きみじゃないよな?」=The other day, a girl I'm friends with got injured... It wasn't you, right? 「うふふ♡ 私はそんなことしません♡ 恨み帳をつけるだけです♡」=Ufufu♡ I wouldn't do that sort of thing♡ I just tend to bear grudges, that's all♡ @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ 「最近、俺に依存してないか……?」=Haven't you been a bit too dependant on me recently...? 「最近ではなくて、あなたがこの学園に来た時からです♡ そしてこれからも……♡」=It's not something recent, I've been dependant on you ever since you joined this school♡ It'll be the same in the future too...♡ 「あなたが中心の生活をしているだけで、依存はしていません♡」=I'm not dependant on you at all, it's just that you're the center of my life♡ -「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=...Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? +「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=......Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? 「そういえばこの前、信号待ちしてたら……」=Reminds me, the other day, while I was waiting on a red light... 「はい♡ 私も茂みの影から見ていましたよ♡」=I know♡ I was watching from behind a bush as well♡ 「恋と愛の違いってわかる?」=Do you understand the difference between love and lust? @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ 「あなたと一生一緒にいられるなら、結婚できなくてもいいです♡」=As long as we can be together for our entire lives, I don't care if we never get married♡ 「俺のこと好き?」=Do you like me? 「大好きです♡ 好きすぎて好きです♡ うふふ♡ 好きなんです♡ あなたのことが♡」=I love you♡ I love you so much I can't love you any more♡ Ufufu♡ I love you♡ You, nobody else.♡ -「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」="Rather than like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡"" +「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」=Rather than "like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡ 「デートに行くならどこに行きたい?」=If we were to go on a date, where would you like to go? 「あなたの家がいいです♡ 歯ブラシとか、下着とか……少しずつ、私のものが増えていくんです♡」=Your place♡ I'll slowly start bring more and more of my stuff over... like my brush, or my panties♡ 「あなたを独り占めできる場所……この世にはきっとありませんけれど♡」=Any place I can have you all to myself... I don't think we could be sure of that in the living world though♡ @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ 「!? あの、私、何かしちゃいましたか? ま、待ってください、行かないで……」=?! Uhm, did I do something? P-Please wait, don't leave me... 「きみのことが好きなんだ」=I love you. 「!! あの……ごめんなさい、理想と現実がごっちゃになって……頭が、割れちゃう……ごめんなさい、今はダメです……」=!!! Uhm... I'm sorry, I can't tell, what's real and what's just in my... my head is gonna split apart... I'm sorry, I can't right now... -「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ...Please take care of me♡ +「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ......Please take care of me♡ 「あなたとの幸せな未来を想像したら、急に怖くなって……もう少し待ってくれませんか? ごめんなさい」=When I think about our happy future together, I just get so scared... Could you wait just a bit longer, please? I'm really sorry. 「私に優しくしてくれる脳も、私に触れてくれる皮膚も大好きです♡ 私と付き合ってください♡」=Your brain, that's always so kind to me, and your skin, that always touches me, I love them both♡ Please be my boyfriend♡ 「!! 私をあなたと一緒のお墓に入れてくれて、ありがとうございます♡」=!! Thank you, for letting me have the privilege, of eventually being buried next to you♡ @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ 「はい♡ ちょうどあなたと汗を流したかったんです♡」=I'd love to♡ I was just feeling like sweating together with you♡ 「今、時間ありますよね。少し身体を動かしませんか?」=You have some time right now, yes? Won't you get a workout with me? 「あくまで普通の運動ですから、どさくさに紛れて身体を触ってくださいね♡」=In the end, it's just going to be a normal workout, but feel free to take advantage of the situation and touch me all you want♡ -「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」="Would you have preferred we do that sort of a workout" instead...?"" +「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」=Would you have preferred we do that sort of a "workout" instead...? 「コイカツ部に興味ない? よかったら入ってほしいな」=Do you have any interest in the Koikatsu club? I'd love it if you joined. 「あなたとの将来がかかった、とても大事なお誘いですね♡ 答えは決まっていますが、よく考えさせてください」=This is a really important invitation to me, our future together hangs upon it♡ My answer is already decided but, please let me think over it a bit more. 「色々考えたんですが……私をコイカツ部に入れてくれませんか?」=I've thought over it a bunch... Won't you let me join your club? @@ -389,13 +389,13 @@ 「昨日テレビの特集で紹介されてたんだけど……」=They were airing this TV special yesterday and... 「私も見ました。あなたと一緒に行きたいなぁって、そればっかり思ってました♡」=I saw it too. The only thing on my mind was how much I wanted to visit that place with you♡ 「あまりにも取るに足らない話なんだけど……」=I know this is a pretty worthless thing to ask but... -「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡"" +「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡ 「はい、大好きです♡ うう……今まで平気だったのに、何だかとっても照れてしまいます♡」=Yes, I love you♡ Uuu... Even though I used to be fine before, these days it makes me really embarrassed to say it out loud♡ 「もう、嫌いって答えたらどうするんです? 嫌い、の真逆です♡」=Jeez, what if I were to say I hate you, what'd you do then? My feelings are the exact opposite of hate though♡ 「もし喧嘩して別れることになったら、きっと俺が悪いんだろうね」=I imagine if we ever got into a fight bad enough to break up, it'd definitely be my fault. 「もしそうだとしても、考えたくありません。あなたがいなければ、私はまた元通りになってしまいますから……」=Even if that might be the case, I don't want to think about it. Without you, I'll go back to being the way I used to be... 「きっと、お互いが悪いんだと思います。謝り合って、前より仲良くなれたら理想ですね♡」=I'm sure it'll be both of us in the wrong. It would be great if we could make up and put it behind us though♡ -「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」="You used to be a so-called Yandere", right?"" +「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」=You used to be a so-called "Yandere", right? 「はい……あなたのこと以外、見えなくなっていました♡ 今は気を付けていますよ?」=Yes... Back then, I couldn't see anything, aside from you♡ So you know, I try to be more careful these days, okay? 「違います……と言いたいところですが、そうですね。すっかり私の黒歴史です……」=I'd love to tell you otherwise... but, it's the truth. I can't ignore my dark past... 「俺に言いたくても言えないことってある?」=Is there anything you want to tell me but can't bring yourself to? @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ 「ありません♡ 痛いプレイでも、気持ちよくないプレイでも、あなたが悦んでいれば感じちゃいますから♡」=Nope♡ Even if it hurts, or doesn't feel good, as long as it's something that makes you happy, I can enjoy it♡ 「もし他の男の人とHしてほしいってお願いされたらOKする?」=If I wanted you to have sex with other men, would you do it? 「正直、すごく嫌です……でも、他の人に抱かれている私を見てあなたが興奮してくれるなら、OKします♡」=Honestly, the idea is revolting... but, if that's what'd get you off, then I'd do it♡ -「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」="I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡"" +「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」=I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going "I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡ 「もし浮気したいって言ったら、別れる?」=If I told you I wanted to have an affair, would you break up with me? 「はい、確実に♡ ……なんて、無理です♡ 私のことを一番に考えてくれるなら、考えます♡」=I would, yes♡ ...Kidding, of course I won't, you know that♡ As long as I'm your top priority, I might consider it♡ 「私からは何があっても別れません。でも、ナイショで他の子と付き合うのはやめてくださいね」=I would never dump you. But, please don't do it in secret, just tell me, okay? @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ 「ウソです……だって、あなたに一番迷惑をかけましたよ? でも、そういうところも好きなんです♡」=You're lying... Afterall, you were the one I caused the most trouble for, out of anyone, you know? But, I love that kind side of yours too♡ 「急に不安になったので、教えてください。私と付き合えて、よかったですか?」=I've become all anxious all of a sudden, so please tell me this. Do you really not regret dating me? 「……私もよかったです♡ あなたに出会えていなかったら、ここまで変われませんでしたから♡」=...I don't regret it either♡ I wouldn't have changed and grown so much, if I never met you♡ -「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」="Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡"" +「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」=Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, "Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡ 「こんな楽しい毎日が、明日も明後日も続くんですね♡」=This fun life of ours, it'll stay like this tomorrow and the day after as well, right? 「ずっと続くよ」=You bet. Forever. 「はい♡ ずっと……ずーーっと、一緒ですよ♡ うふふっ♡」=Yes♡ Forever... We'll be together, forever~♡ Ufufu--♡ @@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ 「あなたと恋人になってよかったです♡ こんな幸せ、もうきっと来ません♡」=I'm so glad that you're my boyfriend♡ I don't think I could ever be this happy again♡ 「ごめんなさい。私、はしたない子になっています♡ あなたが魅力的すぎるから……♡」=I'm sorry. I'm turning into such a vulgar girl♡ You're just way too charming... ♡ 「あなたに話したいことが次々浮かびます♡」=Things I want to chat with you about keep rushing into my head, one after another♡ -「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ...Ufufu♡ +「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ......Ufufu♡ 「あなたに依存しきって、すぐ折れる私の方が好きでしたか?」=Did you like me better when I was overdependent on you and would just break without you next to me? 「はやくあなたと楽しくお喋りできるのを楽しみにしていますね♡」=I'm really looking forward to being able to have fun chatting with you again♡ 「本当はもう怒ってません♡ でも、お互いしっかりしないと、依存していた時と同じなんです♡」=I'm actually not angry anymore♡ But, we both have to do things properly, otherwise it'd be the same as when I used to depend on you just to live. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_26/optiondisplayitems_07/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_26/optiondisplayitems_07/translation.txt index 22a0819570..241b9bc25e 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_26/optiondisplayitems_07/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_26/optiondisplayitems_07/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -//OPTION[0]:はい= +//OPTION[0]:はい= はい=Yes. //OPTION[0]:いいえ= いいえ=No. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_26/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_26/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt index 7a56b2366c..cbb19aabbf 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_26/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_26/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ OPTION[13]:高いのが=I like 'em tall. 高いのが=I like 'em tall. OPTION[13]:程よいのが=I like average height girls. OPTION[13]:小さいのが=I like 'em petite. -OPTION[14]:ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are best. -ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are best. +OPTION[14]:ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are the best. +ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are the best. OPTION[14]:程よいのが=Somewhere in the middle. OPTION[14]:痩せているのが=I prefer thin girls. 痩せているのが=I prefer thin girls. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/communication_07/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/communication_07/translation.txt index 273ef524ee..c37e607c9b 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/communication_07/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/communication_07/translation.txt @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ 「そりゃ~やっぱ、バラの花束に綺麗な夕日は、基本だろうな~」=Well, the basics of the basics would be to set up a scene with a boquet of roses and a beautiful sunset for a backdrop~ 「き、気持ちだよ! やっぱ純粋な心が一番だ。うん」=T-The feelings are what's important! The most important thing is to have a pure heart. Yeah. 「どういうタイプの男が好きなの?」=What sort of type of guys do you like? -「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」="Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the cool sort, I guess?""" +「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」=Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the "cool" sort, I guess? 「ん~わりぃ、考えたことないから分かんないわ」=Nn, sorry, I've never really thought about it so I don't really know. 「お前な! いきなりそんな質問するんじゃない……もう」=Dude! Don't go asking girls those sorts of questions out of nowhere... jeez. 「この学園の生徒は、恋愛について興味が強い方なのかな?」=Would you say that the students of this school are particularly interested in romance and the like? @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ 「あー……違う話題にしようぜ!」=Aah... Let's talk about something else! 「まあ、詳しいことは知らないんだけどな~」=Well, not that I know the concrete details~ 「そうか~ それちょっと面白いな」=I see~, that's pretty interesting. -「理想の恋愛ってある?」="Do you have an ideal in terms of romance?""" +「理想の恋愛ってある?」=Do you have an "ideal" in terms of romance? 「もちろん、両想いのラブラブだ! ……わ、悪いかよ?」=Of course, requited love! ...W-What, got a problem? 「贅沢は言わないな~。相手を幸せにしたいね」=Nothing too fancy~. I'd just want to make my boyfriend happy. 「どんな告白されたら、嬉しい?」=What sort of a confession would make you happy? @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ 「そうだな……昔やってた、部活内での恋愛ドラマとか好きだったぞ」=Hmm, let me think... I really liked the sort of highschool club member romance dramas that they used to air back in the day. 「んー。恋愛がメインになってるドラマはないな」=Nnn. I don't really watch dramas where the romance is the main focus, to tell you the truth. 「デートするなら、どんな場所がいい?」=If someone were to take you on a date, where would you like to go? -「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」="Any place you'd go to for a typical date... I love that sort of thing.""" +「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」=Any place you'd go to for a "typical" date... I love that sort of thing. 「場所よりも、雰囲気なんじゃないかなぁ……」=I think the mood is more important, rather than the place itself... 「……小っ恥ずかしいからさ、別の話にしようぜ」=...It's a bit embarrassing, so let's talk about something else. 「この間、読んだ漫画なんだけど……」=I read this in a manga the other day... @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ 「そっか! それなら安心……いや、私もそう思う!」=I see! That's a relief... No, I feel the same way as you! 「そうそう、服選ぶのとかも楽なんだぜ?」=Exactly, it's easy to pick out clothes too, you know? 「わ、私さぁ、ずっと身長伸びてないんだ~。こまったこまった」=Y-You know, I haven't gotten any taller in years~. Whatever shall I do~ -「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」="Do you have an ideal body figure, when it comes to girls?""" +「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」=Do you have an "ideal" body figure, when it comes to girls? 「だよな? 海外じゃその方が人気だって言うしな~」=I know, right? Seems like a lot of guys like it like that too, in the west~ 「ほう、そうか~。んじゃ、現状維持だな、ははっ」=Hoh, I see~. Well then, guess I gotta maintain my current figure, haha-- 「そうかそうか。そう言えば私、いくら食べても太らないんだよ。体質かね~」=I see, I see. Come to think of it, no matter how much I stuff myself, I never put on any weight. I wonder if that's just how I'm built~ @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ 「そこらのクッションみたいに、気軽にさわるな!」=Don't fondle them like they're just decorative cushions! 「……私が女子ってこと、忘れてないよな?」=...You're not forgetting that I'm a girl, right? 「ちょっ、お前は私のお父さんかっての……」=Hey--, you're not my dad... -「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this... like hell!""" +「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this"... like hell! 「あーもう! お前ってやつは何がしたいんだ?」=Ahh, jeez! Just what are you trying here? 「き、急になにすんだよ……」=W-What's gotten into you... 「こらこら。女子の顔は気軽にさわるもんじゃないぜ?」=Hey, come on. You shouldn't be going around touching girls' faces so casually, you know? @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ 「わりぃ、つい話し込んじゃったな! でも楽しかったぜ!」=Sorry, we really got into it there for a moment, didn't we! But it was fun! 「ん? いいのか? んじゃあな」=Hm? You sure? Well then, see ya. 「あのさ、俺と付き合ってくれないか?」=Hey, won't you go out with me? -「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ... Sorry... +「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ...... Sorry... 「やっぱり、きみのことが好きなんだ」=I really do love you. 「私もそれを言おうと思ってた……いっ、いいぜ? よろしくな!」=I was just about to say the same thing... S-Sure. I don't mind dating you. Take care of me! 「どうしても、付き合うってまだ想像つかない。ごめんな」=I really can't see us going out together just yet. Sorry. @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ 「しつこいようだけど……私、[P]と付き合いたいんだ!」=I know I'm being real obstinate but... I really wanna go out with you! 「や、やったぁ! はぁ~! いま私、死んでもいいぞぉ!」=Y-Yay! Haa~! If I were to die right now, I'd die happy! 「だ、だよなあ! 他にイイ女子がいるのに、私なんかじゃ、なぁ……」=O-Of course! When there's already so many good girls here, someone like me is... -「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=...I wanna have sex with you. +「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=......I wanna have sex with you. 「な、なーに言ってんだか! マジな顔しちゃって。ハハ」=W-What the heck are you saying! With such a serious face too. Haha. 「俺、きみとエッチしたいんだ」=I wanna do it with you. 「い、いいぞ。私もその、うずうずしてたしな……や、やるか!」=S-Sure. I was feeling, uhm, real itchy to do it too... T-Then let's get to it! @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ 「な、なぁ……もっと女の子らしさを出した方がいいのか?」=H-Hey... do you think I should act more girly? 「そ、そうか。女の子らしさ……口調とか、か? わからん……」=I-I see. Girliness... like my way of speaking, and stuff? I don't really know... 「そっか! そのままでいいか! ありがとな!」=I see! I'm fine as I am, huh! Thanks! -「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」="Have people ever told you stuff like You resemble your parents and junk?""" +「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」=Have people ever told you stuff like "You resemble your parents" and junk? 「お前もか~。私もよく言われるんだよ。あれ、やめて欲しいよな~」=A fellow comrade, huh~. I get that a lot too. Would be great if people dropped that, you know?~ 「そうだよなぁ、親子だからって、絶対似るってわけでもないよな」=I know, right? Just because we're a parent and child doesn't mean we have to resemble each other. 「お前は徹夜とかしたことあるのか?」=Have you ever stayed up all night? @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ 「ちょっ……私、我慢できなくなるから……」=Hey--... I won't be able to hold myself back, if you keep this up... 「だから! 発情しちゃうって~の!」=I told you! I'll start getting into the mood! 「せ、責任とれるのか? これ以上気持ちよくして……」=C-Can you take responsibility? Huh? If you make me feel any more of this... -「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? +「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~...... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? 「このまま眠っちゃいそうだ……ってそれは困る。やめようぜっ」=I feel like I could just take a nap right here... No, that'd be bad. Let's stop there--. 「そりゃ私だって、この場で甘えまくりたいさ……でも止められなくなるから、ここまでな!」=Even I want to just get crazy spoiled by you too... but that's a train that won't stop once it gets going, so let's leave it at that! 「その指、舐めちゃうぞ? ペロペロって……」=I'll lick that finger of yours, you know? *slurp* and all... @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ 「……どうしたの? [Hあだ名]」=...What's up? [Hあだ名]. 「いや、深い意味はない……愛称で呼びたい気分だったんだ」=No, well, I didn't mean anything by it... I just felt like calling you that. 「……いいぞ。[Pあだ名]……私を抱いてくれ」=...Sure. [Pあだ名]... embrace me. -「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ...[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? +「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ......[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? 「おっす! 暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup! If you're free, let's chat. 「おっす! [Pあだ名]。暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup, [Pあだ名]! If you're free, let's chat. 「ちょっ……何でここに来てるんだよっ」=Hey--... Why are you coming in here--. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/communication_24/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/communication_24/translation.txt index 8f653079d8..614f2e84fb 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/communication_24/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/communication_24/translation.txt @@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ 「キスって興味ある?」=You got any interest in kissing? 「あります♡ 優しくついばむようなキスが次第に激しくなって、ついには舌が……んん♡ んんん♡」=I do♡ Our kisses would start gentle first, just pecks, but slowly they'd turn more intense, and eventually our tongues would... nnn♡ nnnnn♡ 「あなたの唇ばかり見ていたの、バレてしまいましたか?」=Darn~, did you notice that I've been staring at your lips for a while now? -「好きな男性のタイプってある?」="Do you have a type", in terms of guys?"" +「好きな男性のタイプってある?」=Do you have a "type", in terms of guys? 「真面目にお付き合いしてくれる人がいいと思います。私も……真剣ですから♡」=I think someone who'd take our relationship fully seriously. I'm a... pretty earnest person too, afterall♡ 「あなたなら、どんなタイプでもいいです♡」=I don't care about the type, as long as it's you♡ 「そんなこと答えなくても、あなたなら分かってくれていますよね?」=Even if I don't tell you that in words, you should already know the answer, right? -「恋バナと言えばさ……」="On the topic of love talk" between girls..."" +「恋バナと言えばさ……」=On the topic of "love talk" between girls... 「……はい♡ 私もそう思います♡」=...Yes♡ I feel the same way♡ 「女の子の恋心についてなんだけど……」=A girl's heart is pretty difficult to understand... 「あなたはそのままでも十分魅力的だと思います♡」=I think you're plenty charming just the way you are♡ @@ -56,16 +56,16 @@ 「積極的な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of aggressive guys? 「積極的なあなた……強引に引っ張ってもらいたいです♡ 昼も夜も♡」=You, being aggressive... I want you to pull me close to you♡ Whether it's day or night♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたなら構いません」=I can't really handle aggressiveness but, I don't mind if it's you. -「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of prudent" guys?"" +「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "prudent" guys? 「慎重なあなた……奥ゆかしくて素敵です♡ 私からどんどんアプローチをかけますね♡」=A prudent you... Sounds very refined and lovely♡ I'll have to approach you myself, huh?♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたならきっと好きになります」=I'm kinda bad with them but, I'll do my best to learn to love that side of you. 「勤勉な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of industrious guys? 「勤勉なあなた……奥さんになって、支えてあげたいです♡ 身も心も♡」=An industrious you... I'd love to become your wife, and support you from the sidelines♡ With both my body and heart♡ 「私のタイプではありませんけど、あなたなら関係ありません」=They're not really my type but, my type doesn't matter. You matter. 「マイペースな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of laid back guys? The sort to take their life at their own pace. -「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」="A my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡"" +「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」=A "my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡ 「本当は苦手ですけど、あなたならむしろ好きです♡」=I actually have a hard time handling them but, I'd just love to be pushed around by you♡ -「優しい男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of gentle" and "kind" guys?"" +「優しい男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "gentle" and "kind" guys? 「優しいあなた……理想的な旦那さんになってくれそうです♡ 子供は何人ほしいですか?」=A gentle you... You'd make for the best husband♡ How many kids should we have? 「あまり興味は……というより、あなた以外に興味のある男の人なんていませんけど♡」=I'm not all that interested in them... rather, there's nobody on this planet that I'm really all that interested in, other than you♡ 「クールな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of the stylish and cool sort of guys? @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ 「他の子と比べると、自分ってエッチな方?」=Do you think you're lewder than most other girls? 「はい…そう思います♡ あなたのことを考えている時は、特に♡」=Yes... I do think so♡ Especially when I'm thinking of you♡ 「あなた次第です♡ そういう私が好きなら、誰よりもいやらしくなります♡」=It depends on you♡ If you like that side of me, then I can be lewder than anyone else, for you♡ -「理想の初エッチって、ある?」="Do you have an ideal" first time in mind?"" +「理想の初エッチって、ある?」=Do you have an "ideal" first time in mind? 「あります♡ あなたが理想とする初夜を実現することです♡」=I do♡ It's making your own ideal wedding night come true♡ 「あなたと身体を重ねる時まで秘密です♡」=That's gonna stay a secret until we actually have sex♡ 「ごめんなさい、刺激が強すぎて鼻血が……別の会話にしませんか?」=I'm sorry, this conversation is way too stimulating, my nose is about to bleed... Could we talk about something else? @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ 「うふふ、いつも楽しそうに作ってますよね♡ 今度ご馳走してほしいです♡」=Ufufu, you're always doing it with such a smile♡ Won't you treat me to your handmade food one of these days?♡ 「私も苦手なんですけど、いつかあなたに美味しいお味噌汁を毎日飲んでもらいたくて、特訓中です♡」=I'm pretty bad at cooking too but, I wanna make you all sorts of fancy lunches for you to take to work once we're married, so I'm taking classes♡ 「この前、体操着のあなたを見て、惚れ直してしまいました。スポーツは得意なんですか?」=The other day, I saw you in a track suit and just fell in love with you again. Are you good at sports? -「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」="Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a workout♡" together one of these days♡"" +「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」=Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a "workout♡" together one of these days♡ 「私もなんです♡ でも、あなたのためなら身体だって張りますから、遠慮しないでくださいね♡」=Same here♡ But, if it's for you, I can learn to get better at them, so please feel free to ask me for anything♡ 「熱心に授業を受けてるときのあなたも好きです♡ 予習と復習はよくするんですか?」=You look so handsome when you're concentrating in class♡ Do you study at home a lot too? 「だから前の学園でも成績がよかったんですね♡ 私もよくするので、今度一緒にしませんか?」=That's why you had such good grades, even in your previous school, huh?♡ I study a lot too so, wanna do it together sometime? @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ 「……今です♡ どこか二人きりになれる場所で、もっと幸せになりませんか?」=...It's this moment♡ Shall we get even happier together, in a more secluded place? 「あなたが他の女の子と話していない時なら、いつでも♡」=Any moment that you're not talking to another girl♡ 「好きな言葉ってある?」=Do you have a word or a phrase that you love? -「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」="Lots but, my favourite has to be Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡"" +「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」=Lots but, my favourite has to be "Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡ 「言葉よりも何よりも、あなたが好きです♡ 愛しています♡」=Forget words, the thing I love the most is you♡ I love you♡ 「この前、仲のいい女の子が怪我したんだけど……きみじゃないよな?」=The other day, a girl I'm friends with got injured... It wasn't you, right? 「うふふ♡ 私はそんなことしません♡ 恨み帳をつけるだけです♡」=Ufufu♡ I wouldn't do that sort of thing♡ I just tend to bear grudges, that's all♡ @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ 「最近、俺に依存してないか……?」=Haven't you been a bit too dependant on me recently...? 「最近ではなくて、あなたがこの学園に来た時からです♡ そしてこれからも……♡」=It's not something recent, I've been dependant on you ever since you joined this school♡ It'll be the same in the future too...♡ 「あなたが中心の生活をしているだけで、依存はしていません♡」=I'm not dependant on you at all, it's just that you're the center of my life♡ -「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=...Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? +「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=......Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? 「そういえばこの前、信号待ちしてたら……」=Reminds me, the other day, while I was waiting on a red light... 「はい♡ 私も茂みの影から見ていましたよ♡」=I know♡ I was watching from behind a bush as well♡ 「恋と愛の違いってわかる?」=Do you understand the difference between love and lust? @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ 「あなたと一生一緒にいられるなら、結婚できなくてもいいです♡」=As long as we can be together for our entire lives, I don't care if we never get married♡ 「俺のこと好き?」=Do you like me? 「大好きです♡ 好きすぎて好きです♡ うふふ♡ 好きなんです♡ あなたのことが♡」=I love you♡ I love you so much I can't love you any more♡ Ufufu♡ I love you♡ You, nobody else.♡ -「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」="Rather than like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡"" +「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」=Rather than "like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡ 「デートに行くならどこに行きたい?」=If we were to go on a date, where would you like to go? 「あなたの家がいいです♡ 歯ブラシとか、下着とか……少しずつ、私のものが増えていくんです♡」=Your place♡ I'll slowly start bring more and more of my stuff over... like my brush, or my panties♡ 「あなたを独り占めできる場所……この世にはきっとありませんけれど♡」=Any place I can have you all to myself... I don't think we could be sure of that in the living world though♡ @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ 「!? あの、私、何かしちゃいましたか? ま、待ってください、行かないで……」=?! Uhm, did I do something? P-Please wait, don't leave me... 「きみのことが好きなんだ」=I love you. 「!! あの……ごめんなさい、理想と現実がごっちゃになって……頭が、割れちゃう……ごめんなさい、今はダメです……」=!!! Uhm... I'm sorry, I can't tell, what's real and what's just in my... my head is gonna split apart... I'm sorry, I can't right now... -「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ...Please take care of me♡ +「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ......Please take care of me♡ 「あなたとの幸せな未来を想像したら、急に怖くなって……もう少し待ってくれませんか? ごめんなさい」=When I think about our happy future together, I just get so scared... Could you wait just a bit longer, please? I'm really sorry. 「私に優しくしてくれる脳も、私に触れてくれる皮膚も大好きです♡ 私と付き合ってください♡」=Your brain, that's always so kind to me, and your skin, that always touches me, I love them both♡ Please be my boyfriend♡ 「!! 私をあなたと一緒のお墓に入れてくれて、ありがとうございます♡」=!! Thank you, for letting me have the privilege, of eventually being buried next to you♡ @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ 「ごめんなさい……本当にごめんなさい……今から絶対に外せない用事がありまして……」=I'm sorry... I really am... there's something I really need to take care of... 「今、時間ありますよね。少し身体を動かしませんか?」=You have some time right now, yes? Won't you get a workout with me? 「あくまで普通の運動ですから、どさくさに紛れて身体を触ってくださいね♡」=In the end, it's just going to be a normal workout, but feel free to take advantage of the situation and touch me all you want♡ -「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」="Would you have preferred we do that sort of a workout" instead...?"" +「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」=Would you have preferred we do that sort of a "workout" instead...? 「コイカツ部に興味ない? よかったら入ってほしいな」=Do you have any interest in the Koikatsu club? I'd love it if you joined. 「あなたとの将来がかかった、とても大事なお誘いですね♡ 答えは決まっていますが、よく考えさせてください」=This is a really important invitation to me, our future together hangs upon it♡ My answer is already decided but, please let me think over it a bit more. 「色々考えたんですが……私をコイカツ部に入れてくれませんか?」=I've thought over it a bunch... Won't you let me join your club? @@ -395,13 +395,13 @@ 「昨日テレビの特集で紹介されてたんだけど……」=They were airing this TV special yesterday and... 「私も見ました。あなたと一緒に行きたいなぁって、そればっかり思ってました♡」=I saw it too. The only thing on my mind was how much I wanted to visit that place with you♡ 「あまりにも取るに足らない話なんだけど……」=I know this is a pretty worthless thing to ask but... -「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡"" +「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡ 「はい、大好きです♡ うう……今まで平気だったのに、何だかとっても照れてしまいます♡」=Yes, I love you♡ Uuu... Even though I used to be fine before, these days it makes me really embarrassed to say it out loud♡ 「もう、嫌いって答えたらどうするんです? 嫌い、の真逆です♡」=Jeez, what if I were to say I hate you, what'd you do then? My feelings are the exact opposite of hate though♡ 「もし喧嘩して別れることになったら、きっと俺が悪いんだろうね」=I imagine if we ever got into a fight bad enough to break up, it'd definitely be my fault. 「もしそうだとしても、考えたくありません。あなたがいなければ、私はまた元通りになってしまいますから……」=Even if that might be the case, I don't want to think about it. Without you, I'll go back to being the way I used to be... 「きっと、お互いが悪いんだと思います。謝り合って、前より仲良くなれたら理想ですね♡」=I'm sure it'll be both of us in the wrong. It would be great if we could make up and put it behind us though♡ -「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」="You used to be a so-called Yandere", right?"" +「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」=You used to be a so-called "Yandere", right? 「はい……あなたのこと以外、見えなくなっていました♡ 今は気を付けていますよ?」=Yes... Back then, I couldn't see anything, aside from you♡ So you know, I try to be more careful these days, okay? 「違います……と言いたいところですが、そうですね。すっかり私の黒歴史です……」=I'd love to tell you otherwise... but, it's the truth. I can't ignore my dark past... 「俺に言いたくても言えないことってある?」=Is there anything you want to tell me but can't bring yourself to? @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ 「ありません♡ 痛いプレイでも、気持ちよくないプレイでも、あなたが悦んでいれば感じちゃいますから♡」=Nope♡ Even if it hurts, or doesn't feel good, as long as it's something that makes you happy, I can enjoy it♡ 「もし他の男の人とHしてほしいってお願いされたらOKする?」=If I wanted you to have sex with other men, would you do it? 「正直、すごく嫌です……でも、他の人に抱かれている私を見てあなたが興奮してくれるなら、OKします♡」=Honestly, the idea is revolting... but, if that's what'd get you off, then I'd do it♡ -「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」="I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡"" +「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」=I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going "I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡ 「もし浮気したいって言ったら、別れる?」=If I told you I wanted to have an affair, would you break up with me? 「はい、確実に♡ ……なんて、無理です♡ 私のことを一番に考えてくれるなら、考えます♡」=I would, yes♡ ...Kidding, of course I won't, you know that♡ As long as I'm your top priority, I might consider it♡ 「私からは何があっても別れません。でも、ナイショで他の子と付き合うのはやめてくださいね」=I would never dump you. But, please don't do it in secret, just tell me, okay? @@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ 「ウソです……だって、あなたに一番迷惑をかけましたよ? でも、そういうところも好きなんです♡」=You're lying... Afterall, you were the one I caused the most trouble for, out of anyone, you know? But, I love that kind side of yours too♡ 「急に不安になったので、教えてください。私と付き合えて、よかったですか?」=I've become all anxious all of a sudden, so please tell me this. Do you really not regret dating me? 「……私もよかったです♡ あなたに出会えていなかったら、ここまで変われませんでしたから♡」=...I don't regret it either♡ I wouldn't have changed and grown so much, if I never met you♡ -「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」="Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡"" +「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」=Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, "Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡ 「こんな楽しい毎日が、明日も明後日も続くんですね♡」=This fun life of ours, it'll stay like this tomorrow and the day after as well, right? 「ずっと続くよ」=You bet. Forever. 「はい♡ ずっと……ずーーっと、一緒ですよ♡ うふふっ♡」=Yes♡ Forever... We'll be together, forever~♡ Ufufu--♡ @@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ 「あなたと恋人になってよかったです♡ こんな幸せ、もうきっと来ません♡」=I'm so glad that you're my boyfriend♡ I don't think I could ever be this happy again♡ 「ごめんなさい。私、はしたない子になっています♡ あなたが魅力的すぎるから……♡」=I'm sorry. I'm turning into such a vulgar girl♡ You're just way too charming... ♡ 「あなたに話したいことが次々浮かびます♡」=Things I want to chat with you about keep rushing into my head, one after another♡ -「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ...Ufufu♡ +「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ......Ufufu♡ 「あなたに依存しきって、すぐ折れる私の方が好きでしたか?」=Did you like me better when I was overdependent on you and would just break without you next to me? 「はやくあなたと楽しくお喋りできるのを楽しみにしていますね♡」=I'm really looking forward to being able to have fun chatting with you again♡ 「本当はもう怒ってません♡ でも、お互いしっかりしないと、依存していた時と同じなんです♡」=I'm actually not angry anymore♡ But, we both have to do things properly, otherwise it'd be the same as when I used to depend on you just to live. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/communication_off_07/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/communication_off_07/translation.txt index b41c02519a..bd432a3356 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/communication_off_07/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/communication_off_07/translation.txt @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ 「そりゃ~やっぱ、バラの花束に綺麗な夕日は、基本だろうな~」=Well, the basics of the basics would be to set up a scene with a boquet of roses and a beautiful sunset for a backdrop~ 「き、気持ちだよ! やっぱ純粋な心が一番だ。うん」=T-The feelings are what's important! The most important thing is to have a pure heart. Yeah. 「どういうタイプの男が好きなの?」=What sort of type of guys do you like? -「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」="Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the cool sort, I guess?""" +「そうだなぁ……どちらかというとクールな方が好みかな?」=Good question... If I had to say, I'd say the "cool" sort, I guess? 「ん~わりぃ、考えたことないから分かんないわ」=Nn, sorry, I've never really thought about it so I don't really know. 「お前な! いきなりそんな質問するんじゃない……もう」=Dude! Don't go asking girls those sorts of questions out of nowhere... jeez. 「この学園の生徒は、恋愛について興味が強い方なのかな?」=Would you say that the students of this school are particularly interested in romance and the like? @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ 「あー……違う話題にしようぜ!」=Aah... Let's talk about something else! 「まあ、詳しいことは知らないんだけどな~」=Well, not that I know the concrete details~ 「そうか~ それちょっと面白いな」=I see~, that's pretty interesting. -「理想の恋愛ってある?」="Do you have an ideal in terms of romance?""" +「理想の恋愛ってある?」=Do you have an "ideal" in terms of romance? 「もちろん、両想いのラブラブだ! ……わ、悪いかよ?」=Of course, requited love! ...W-What, got a problem? 「贅沢は言わないな~。相手を幸せにしたいね」=Nothing too fancy~. I'd just want to make my boyfriend happy. 「どんな告白されたら、嬉しい?」=What sort of a confession would make you happy? @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ 「そうだな……昔やってた、部活内での恋愛ドラマとか好きだったぞ」=Hmm, let me think... I really liked the sort of highschool club member romance dramas that they used to air back in the day. 「んー。恋愛がメインになってるドラマはないな」=Nnn. I don't really watch dramas where the romance is the main focus, to tell you the truth. 「デートするなら、どんな場所がいい?」=If someone were to take you on a date, where would you like to go? -「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」="Any place you'd go to for a typical date... I love that sort of thing.""" +「お約束のデートコースって言うのかな……憧れるよ」=Any place you'd go to for a "typical" date... I love that sort of thing. 「場所よりも、雰囲気なんじゃないかなぁ……」=I think the mood is more important, rather than the place itself... 「……小っ恥ずかしいからさ、別の話にしようぜ」=...It's a bit embarrassing, so let's talk about something else. 「この間、読んだ漫画なんだけど……」=I read this in a manga the other day... @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ 「そっか! それなら安心……いや、私もそう思う!」=I see! That's a relief... No, I feel the same way as you! 「そうそう、服選ぶのとかも楽なんだぜ?」=Exactly, it's easy to pick out clothes too, you know? 「わ、私さぁ、ずっと身長伸びてないんだ~。こまったこまった」=Y-You know, I haven't gotten any taller in years~. Whatever shall I do~ -「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」="Do you have an ideal body figure, when it comes to girls?""" +「理想的な女子の体型ってあるのか?」=Do you have an "ideal" body figure, when it comes to girls? 「だよな? 海外じゃその方が人気だって言うしな~」=I know, right? Seems like a lot of guys like it like that too, in the west~ 「ほう、そうか~。んじゃ、現状維持だな、ははっ」=Hoh, I see~. Well then, guess I gotta maintain my current figure, haha-- 「そうかそうか。そう言えば私、いくら食べても太らないんだよ。体質かね~」=I see, I see. Come to think of it, no matter how much I stuff myself, I never put on any weight. I wonder if that's just how I'm built~ @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ 「そこらのクッションみたいに、気軽にさわるな!」=Don't fondle them like they're just decorative cushions! 「……私が女子ってこと、忘れてないよな?」=...You're not forgetting that I'm a girl, right? 「ちょっ、お前は私のお父さんかっての……」=Hey--, you're not my dad... -「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this... like hell!""" +「頭がよくなりますよーに……なわけないだろ!」="Hopefully I'll become more intelligent from this"... like hell! 「あーもう! お前ってやつは何がしたいんだ?」=Ahh, jeez! Just what are you trying here? 「き、急になにすんだよ……」=W-What's gotten into you... 「こらこら。女子の顔は気軽にさわるもんじゃないぜ?」=Hey, come on. You shouldn't be going around touching girls' faces so casually, you know? @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ 「わりぃ、つい話し込んじゃったな! でも楽しかったぜ!」=Sorry, we really got into it there for a moment, didn't we! But it was fun! 「ん? いいのか? んじゃあな」=Hm? You sure? Well then, see ya. 「あのさ、俺と付き合ってくれないか?」=Hey, won't you go out with me? -「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ... Sorry... +「そ、そう言うのってまだ早いんじゃないか?……。悪いな……」=I-Isn't that still too fast for us? ...... Sorry... 「やっぱり、きみのことが好きなんだ」=I really do love you. 「私もそれを言おうと思ってた……いっ、いいぜ? よろしくな!」=I was just about to say the same thing... S-Sure. I don't mind dating you. Take care of me! 「どうしても、付き合うってまだ想像つかない。ごめんな」=I really can't see us going out together just yet. Sorry. @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ 「しつこいようだけど……私、[P]と付き合いたいんだ!」=I know I'm being real obstinate but... I really wanna go out with you! 「や、やったぁ! はぁ~! いま私、死んでもいいぞぉ!」=Y-Yay! Haa~! If I were to die right now, I'd die happy! 「だ、だよなあ! 他にイイ女子がいるのに、私なんかじゃ、なぁ……」=O-Of course! When there's already so many good girls here, someone like me is... -「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=...I wanna have sex with you. +「……俺、二人でHなことしたいんだ」=......I wanna have sex with you. 「な、なーに言ってんだか! マジな顔しちゃって。ハハ」=W-What the heck are you saying! With such a serious face too. Haha. 「俺、きみとエッチしたいんだ」=I wanna do it with you. 「い、いいぞ。私もその、うずうずしてたしな……や、やるか!」=S-Sure. I was feeling, uhm, real itchy to do it too... T-Then let's get to it! @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ 「な、なぁ……もっと女の子らしさを出した方がいいのか?」=H-Hey... do you think I should act more girly? 「そ、そうか。女の子らしさ……口調とか、か? わからん……」=I-I see. Girliness... like my way of speaking, and stuff? I don't really know... 「そっか! そのままでいいか! ありがとな!」=I see! I'm fine as I am, huh! Thanks! -「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」="Have people ever told you stuff like You resemble your parents and junk?""" +「親に似てるとかって言われたことあるか?」=Have people ever told you stuff like "You resemble your parents" and junk? 「お前もか~。私もよく言われるんだよ。あれ、やめて欲しいよな~」=A fellow comrade, huh~. I get that a lot too. Would be great if people dropped that, you know?~ 「そうだよなぁ、親子だからって、絶対似るってわけでもないよな」=I know, right? Just because we're a parent and child doesn't mean we have to resemble each other. 「お前は徹夜とかしたことあるのか?」=Have you ever stayed up all night? @@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ 「ちょっ……私、我慢できなくなるから……」=Hey--... I won't be able to hold myself back, if you keep this up... 「だから! 発情しちゃうって~の!」=I told you! I'll start getting into the mood! 「せ、責任とれるのか? これ以上気持ちよくして……」=C-Can you take responsibility? Huh? If you make me feel any more of this... -「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? +「二ャ~……。クゥ~ン……。どっちが好みだ?」=Nyah~...... Kuun~... Which one of those do you like the best? 「このまま眠っちゃいそうだ……ってそれは困る。やめようぜっ」=I feel like I could just take a nap right here... No, that'd be bad. Let's stop there--. 「そりゃ私だって、この場で甘えまくりたいさ……でも止められなくなるから、ここまでな!」=Even I want to just get crazy spoiled by you too... but that's a train that won't stop once it gets going, so let's leave it at that! 「その指、舐めちゃうぞ? ペロペロって……」=I'll lick that finger of yours, you know? *slurp* and all... @@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ 「……どうしたの? [Hあだ名]」=...What's up? [Hあだ名]. 「いや、深い意味はない……愛称で呼びたい気分だったんだ」=No, well, I didn't mean anything by it... I just felt like calling you that. 「……いいぞ。[Pあだ名]……私を抱いてくれ」=...Sure. [Pあだ名]... embrace me. -「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ...[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? +「あのさ、さっきから疼いて仕方ないんだ。……[Pあだ名]……しないか?」=Hey, I've been throbbing so bad down there for a while now, I can't endure it anymore. ......[Pあだ名]... do you feel like it too? 「おっす! 暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup! If you're free, let's chat. 「おっす! [Pあだ名]。暇ならちょっと話そーぜ」=Sup, [Pあだ名]! If you're free, let's chat. 「ちょっ……何でここに来てるんだよっ」=Hey--... Why are you coming in here--. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/communication_off_24/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/communication_off_24/translation.txt index 01fe23e303..d332668372 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/communication_off_24/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/communication_off_24/translation.txt @@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ 「キスって興味ある?」=You got any interest in kissing? 「あります♡ 優しくついばむようなキスが次第に激しくなって、ついには舌が……んん♡ んんん♡」=I do♡ Our kisses would start gentle first, just pecks, but slowly they'd turn more intense, and eventually our tongues would... nnn♡ nnnnn♡ 「あなたの唇ばかり見ていたの、バレてしまいましたか?」=Darn~, did you notice that I've been staring at your lips for a while now? -「好きな男性のタイプってある?」="Do you have a type", in terms of guys?"" +「好きな男性のタイプってある?」=Do you have a "type", in terms of guys? 「真面目にお付き合いしてくれる人がいいと思います。私も……真剣ですから♡」=I think someone who'd take our relationship fully seriously. I'm a... pretty earnest person too, afterall♡ 「あなたなら、どんなタイプでもいいです♡」=I don't care about the type, as long as it's you♡ 「そんなこと答えなくても、あなたなら分かってくれていますよね?」=Even if I don't tell you that in words, you should already know the answer, right? -「恋バナと言えばさ……」="On the topic of love talk" between girls..."" +「恋バナと言えばさ……」=On the topic of "love talk" between girls... 「……はい♡ 私もそう思います♡」=...Yes♡ I feel the same way♡ 「女の子の恋心についてなんだけど……」=A girl's heart is pretty difficult to understand... 「あなたはそのままでも十分魅力的だと思います♡」=I think you're plenty charming just the way you are♡ @@ -55,16 +55,16 @@ 「積極的な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of aggressive guys? 「積極的なあなた……強引に引っ張ってもらいたいです♡ 昼も夜も♡」=You, being aggressive... I want you to pull me close to you♡ Whether it's day or night♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたなら構いません」=I can't really handle aggressiveness but, I don't mind if it's you. -「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of prudent" guys?"" +「慎重な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "prudent" guys? 「慎重なあなた……奥ゆかしくて素敵です♡ 私からどんどんアプローチをかけますね♡」=A prudent you... Sounds very refined and lovely♡ I'll have to approach you myself, huh?♡ 「苦手ですけど、あなたならきっと好きになります」=I'm kinda bad with them but, I'll do my best to learn to love that side of you. 「勤勉な男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of industrious guys? 「勤勉なあなた……奥さんになって、支えてあげたいです♡ 身も心も♡」=An industrious you... I'd love to become your wife, and support you from the sidelines♡ With both my body and heart♡ 「私のタイプではありませんけど、あなたなら関係ありません」=They're not really my type but, my type doesn't matter. You matter. 「マイペースな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of laid back guys? The sort to take their life at their own pace. -「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」="A my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡"" +「マイペースなあなた……私を思う存分振り回してほしいです♡ 私、一生あなたに添い遂げます♡」=A "my pace" you... I want you to push me around and swing me about however you like♡ I'll stay by your side our whole lives♡ 「本当は苦手ですけど、あなたならむしろ好きです♡」=I actually have a hard time handling them but, I'd just love to be pushed around by you♡ -「優しい男性ってどう思う?」="What do you think of gentle" and "kind" guys?"" +「優しい男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of "gentle" and "kind" guys? 「優しいあなた……理想的な旦那さんになってくれそうです♡ 子供は何人ほしいですか?」=A gentle you... You'd make for the best husband♡ How many kids should we have? 「あまり興味は……というより、あなた以外に興味のある男の人なんていませんけど♡」=I'm not all that interested in them... rather, there's nobody on this planet that I'm really all that interested in, other than you♡ 「クールな男性ってどう思う?」=What do you think of the stylish and cool sort of guys? @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ 「他の子と比べると、自分ってエッチな方?」=Do you think you're lewder than most other girls? 「はい…そう思います♡ あなたのことを考えている時は、特に♡」=Yes... I do think so♡ Especially when I'm thinking of you♡ 「あなた次第です♡ そういう私が好きなら、誰よりもいやらしくなります♡」=It depends on you♡ If you like that side of me, then I can be lewder than anyone else, for you♡ -「理想の初エッチって、ある?」="Do you have an ideal" first time in mind?"" +「理想の初エッチって、ある?」=Do you have an "ideal" first time in mind? 「あります♡ あなたが理想とする初夜を実現することです♡」=I do♡ It's making your own ideal wedding night come true♡ 「あなたと身体を重ねる時まで秘密です♡」=That's gonna stay a secret until we actually have sex♡ 「ごめんなさい、刺激が強すぎて鼻血が……別の会話にしませんか?」=I'm sorry, this conversation is way too stimulating, my nose is about to bleed... Could we talk about something else? @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ 「うふふ、いつも楽しそうに作ってますよね♡ 今度ご馳走してほしいです♡」=Ufufu, you're always doing it with such a smile♡ Won't you treat me to your handmade food one of these days?♡ 「私も苦手なんですけど、いつかあなたに美味しいお味噌汁を毎日飲んでもらいたくて、特訓中です♡」=I'm pretty bad at cooking too but, I wanna make you all sorts of fancy lunches for you to take to work once we're married, so I'm taking classes♡ 「この前、体操着のあなたを見て、惚れ直してしまいました。スポーツは得意なんですか?」=The other day, I saw you in a track suit and just fell in love with you again. Are you good at sports? -「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」="Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a workout♡" together one of these days♡"" +「じゃあ、前の学園のデータは合っているんですね♡ 今度、私と一緒に「運動♡」してください♡」=Then, looks like the records from your old school were correct♡ We should get a "workout♡" together one of these days♡ 「私もなんです♡ でも、あなたのためなら身体だって張りますから、遠慮しないでくださいね♡」=Same here♡ But, if it's for you, I can learn to get better at them, so please feel free to ask me for anything♡ 「熱心に授業を受けてるときのあなたも好きです♡ 予習と復習はよくするんですか?」=You look so handsome when you're concentrating in class♡ Do you study at home a lot too? 「だから前の学園でも成績がよかったんですね♡ 私もよくするので、今度一緒にしませんか?」=That's why you had such good grades, even in your previous school, huh?♡ I study a lot too so, wanna do it together sometime? @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ 「……今です♡ どこか二人きりになれる場所で、もっと幸せになりませんか?」=...It's this moment♡ Shall we get even happier together, in a more secluded place? 「あなたが他の女の子と話していない時なら、いつでも♡」=Any moment that you're not talking to another girl♡ 「好きな言葉ってある?」=Do you have a word or a phrase that you love? -「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」="Lots but, my favourite has to be Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡"" +「沢山ありますけど、やっぱり『死がふたりを分かつまで』です♡ あなたと私のことですよ♡」=Lots but, my favourite has to be "Till death do us part"♡ Of course, I'm talking about us♡ 「言葉よりも何よりも、あなたが好きです♡ 愛しています♡」=Forget words, the thing I love the most is you♡ I love you♡ 「この前、仲のいい女の子が怪我したんだけど……きみじゃないよな?」=The other day, a girl I'm friends with got injured... It wasn't you, right? 「うふふ♡ 私はそんなことしません♡ 恨み帳をつけるだけです♡」=Ufufu♡ I wouldn't do that sort of thing♡ I just tend to bear grudges, that's all♡ @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ 「最近、俺に依存してないか……?」=Haven't you been a bit too dependant on me recently...? 「最近ではなくて、あなたがこの学園に来た時からです♡ そしてこれからも……♡」=It's not something recent, I've been dependant on you ever since you joined this school♡ It'll be the same in the future too...♡ 「あなたが中心の生活をしているだけで、依存はしていません♡」=I'm not dependant on you at all, it's just that you're the center of my life♡ -「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=...Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? +「……うふふ♡ 別のお話にしませんか?」=......Ufufu♡ Would you like to talk about something else? 「そういえばこの前、信号待ちしてたら……」=Reminds me, the other day, while I was waiting on a red light... 「はい♡ 私も茂みの影から見ていましたよ♡」=I know♡ I was watching from behind a bush as well♡ 「恋と愛の違いってわかる?」=Do you understand the difference between love and lust? @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ 「あなたと一生一緒にいられるなら、結婚できなくてもいいです♡」=As long as we can be together for our entire lives, I don't care if we never get married♡ 「俺のこと好き?」=Do you like me? 「大好きです♡ 好きすぎて好きです♡ うふふ♡ 好きなんです♡ あなたのことが♡」=I love you♡ I love you so much I can't love you any more♡ Ufufu♡ I love you♡ You, nobody else.♡ -「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」="Rather than like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡"" +「好きというより、愛しています♡ 一緒に死にたいです♡」=Rather than "like", I love you♡ I want to die together with you♡ 「デートに行くならどこに行きたい?」=If we were to go on a date, where would you like to go? 「あなたの家がいいです♡ 歯ブラシとか、下着とか……少しずつ、私のものが増えていくんです♡」=Your place♡ I'll slowly start bring more and more of my stuff over... like my brush, or my panties♡ 「あなたを独り占めできる場所……この世にはきっとありませんけれど♡」=Any place I can have you all to myself... I don't think we could be sure of that in the living world though♡ @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ 「!? あの、私、何かしちゃいましたか? ま、待ってください、行かないで……」=?! Uhm, did I do something? P-Please wait, don't leave me... 「きみのことが好きなんだ」=I love you. 「!! あの……ごめんなさい、理想と現実がごっちゃになって……頭が、割れちゃう……ごめんなさい、今はダメです……」=!!! Uhm... I'm sorry, I can't tell, what's real and what's just in my... my head is gonna split apart... I'm sorry, I can't right now... -「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ...Please take care of me♡ +「!! 信じて……いいんですか? ……よろしくお願いします♡」=!!! Can I really... believe you? ......Please take care of me♡ 「あなたとの幸せな未来を想像したら、急に怖くなって……もう少し待ってくれませんか? ごめんなさい」=When I think about our happy future together, I just get so scared... Could you wait just a bit longer, please? I'm really sorry. 「私に優しくしてくれる脳も、私に触れてくれる皮膚も大好きです♡ 私と付き合ってください♡」=Your brain, that's always so kind to me, and your skin, that always touches me, I love them both♡ Please be my boyfriend♡ 「!! 私をあなたと一緒のお墓に入れてくれて、ありがとうございます♡」=!! Thank you, for letting me have the privilege, of eventually being buried next to you♡ @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ 「はい♡ ちょうどあなたと汗を流したかったんです♡」=I'd love to♡ I was just feeling like sweating together with you♡ 「今、時間ありますよね。少し身体を動かしませんか?」=You have some time right now, yes? Won't you get a workout with me? 「あくまで普通の運動ですから、どさくさに紛れて身体を触ってくださいね♡」=In the end, it's just going to be a normal workout, but feel free to take advantage of the situation and touch me all you want♡ -「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」="Would you have preferred we do that sort of a workout" instead...?"" +「もしかして、男女の運動の方がよかったですか……?」=Would you have preferred we do that sort of a "workout" instead...? 「コイカツ部に興味ない? よかったら入ってほしいな」=Do you have any interest in the Koikatsu club? I'd love it if you joined. 「あなたとの将来がかかった、とても大事なお誘いですね♡ 答えは決まっていますが、よく考えさせてください」=This is a really important invitation to me, our future together hangs upon it♡ My answer is already decided but, please let me think over it a bit more. 「色々考えたんですが……私をコイカツ部に入れてくれませんか?」=I've thought over it a bunch... Won't you let me join your club? @@ -389,13 +389,13 @@ 「昨日テレビの特集で紹介されてたんだけど……」=They were airing this TV special yesterday and... 「私も見ました。あなたと一緒に行きたいなぁって、そればっかり思ってました♡」=I saw it too. The only thing on my mind was how much I wanted to visit that place with you♡ 「あまりにも取るに足らない話なんだけど……」=I know this is a pretty worthless thing to ask but... -「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡"" +「取るに足らないなんて……あなたとのお喋りは、何でも特別です♡」="worthless"... nothing you say is ever worthless to me, it's all special♡ 「はい、大好きです♡ うう……今まで平気だったのに、何だかとっても照れてしまいます♡」=Yes, I love you♡ Uuu... Even though I used to be fine before, these days it makes me really embarrassed to say it out loud♡ 「もう、嫌いって答えたらどうするんです? 嫌い、の真逆です♡」=Jeez, what if I were to say I hate you, what'd you do then? My feelings are the exact opposite of hate though♡ 「もし喧嘩して別れることになったら、きっと俺が悪いんだろうね」=I imagine if we ever got into a fight bad enough to break up, it'd definitely be my fault. 「もしそうだとしても、考えたくありません。あなたがいなければ、私はまた元通りになってしまいますから……」=Even if that might be the case, I don't want to think about it. Without you, I'll go back to being the way I used to be... 「きっと、お互いが悪いんだと思います。謝り合って、前より仲良くなれたら理想ですね♡」=I'm sure it'll be both of us in the wrong. It would be great if we could make up and put it behind us though♡ -「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」="You used to be a so-called Yandere", right?"" +「[H]っていわゆるヤンデレだったよね?」=You used to be a so-called "Yandere", right? 「はい……あなたのこと以外、見えなくなっていました♡ 今は気を付けていますよ?」=Yes... Back then, I couldn't see anything, aside from you♡ So you know, I try to be more careful these days, okay? 「違います……と言いたいところですが、そうですね。すっかり私の黒歴史です……」=I'd love to tell you otherwise... but, it's the truth. I can't ignore my dark past... 「俺に言いたくても言えないことってある?」=Is there anything you want to tell me but can't bring yourself to? @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ 「ありません♡ 痛いプレイでも、気持ちよくないプレイでも、あなたが悦んでいれば感じちゃいますから♡」=Nope♡ Even if it hurts, or doesn't feel good, as long as it's something that makes you happy, I can enjoy it♡ 「もし他の男の人とHしてほしいってお願いされたらOKする?」=If I wanted you to have sex with other men, would you do it? 「正直、すごく嫌です……でも、他の人に抱かれている私を見てあなたが興奮してくれるなら、OKします♡」=Honestly, the idea is revolting... but, if that's what'd get you off, then I'd do it♡ -「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」="I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡"" +「絶対にしません! でも、何度もイカされてしまった後に「好きだから頼んでる」なんて言われたら、頷いちゃいそうで怖いです♡」=I definitely wouldn't! But, if you make me cum again and again, and put it forward while going "I'm asking you because I love you", I'm scared that I might agree♡ 「もし浮気したいって言ったら、別れる?」=If I told you I wanted to have an affair, would you break up with me? 「はい、確実に♡ ……なんて、無理です♡ 私のことを一番に考えてくれるなら、考えます♡」=I would, yes♡ ...Kidding, of course I won't, you know that♡ As long as I'm your top priority, I might consider it♡ 「私からは何があっても別れません。でも、ナイショで他の子と付き合うのはやめてくださいね」=I would never dump you. But, please don't do it in secret, just tell me, okay? @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ 「ウソです……だって、あなたに一番迷惑をかけましたよ? でも、そういうところも好きなんです♡」=You're lying... Afterall, you were the one I caused the most trouble for, out of anyone, you know? But, I love that kind side of yours too♡ 「急に不安になったので、教えてください。私と付き合えて、よかったですか?」=I've become all anxious all of a sudden, so please tell me this. Do you really not regret dating me? 「……私もよかったです♡ あなたに出会えていなかったら、ここまで変われませんでしたから♡」=...I don't regret it either♡ I wouldn't have changed and grown so much, if I never met you♡ -「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」="Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡"" +「うふふ♡ お顔に「いじわるしてやろ」って書いてありますよ♡ あなたのことは何でもお見通しです♡」=Ufufu♡ It's written right on your face, "Maybe I'll tease her a bit", you know?♡ I can see right through you♡ 「こんな楽しい毎日が、明日も明後日も続くんですね♡」=This fun life of ours, it'll stay like this tomorrow and the day after as well, right? 「ずっと続くよ」=You bet. Forever. 「はい♡ ずっと……ずーーっと、一緒ですよ♡ うふふっ♡」=Yes♡ Forever... We'll be together, forever~♡ Ufufu--♡ @@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ 「あなたと恋人になってよかったです♡ こんな幸せ、もうきっと来ません♡」=I'm so glad that you're my boyfriend♡ I don't think I could ever be this happy again♡ 「ごめんなさい。私、はしたない子になっています♡ あなたが魅力的すぎるから……♡」=I'm sorry. I'm turning into such a vulgar girl♡ You're just way too charming... ♡ 「あなたに話したいことが次々浮かびます♡」=Things I want to chat with you about keep rushing into my head, one after another♡ -「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ...Ufufu♡ +「……うふ♡ …………うふふ♡」=...Ufu♡ ......Ufufu♡ 「あなたに依存しきって、すぐ折れる私の方が好きでしたか?」=Did you like me better when I was overdependent on you and would just break without you next to me? 「はやくあなたと楽しくお喋りできるのを楽しみにしていますね♡」=I'm really looking forward to being able to have fun chatting with you again♡ 「本当はもう怒ってません♡ でも、お互いしっかりしないと、依存していた時と同じなんです♡」=I'm actually not angry anymore♡ But, we both have to do things properly, otherwise it'd be the same as when I used to depend on you just to live. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/optiondisplayitems_07/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/optiondisplayitems_07/translation.txt index 0ef3c8b905..d99c29ec03 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/optiondisplayitems_07/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/optiondisplayitems_07/translation.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - はい=Yes. いいえ=No. //OPTION[1]:っぽい= diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt index 438bd06772..f5dad59313 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/communication/info_30/optiondisplayitems_24/translation.txt @@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ OPTION[13]:高いのが=I like 'em tall. 高いのが=I like 'em tall. OPTION[13]:程よいのが=I like average height girls. OPTION[13]:小さいのが=I like 'em petite. -OPTION[14]:ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are best. -ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are best. +OPTION[14]:ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are the best. +ぽっちゃりしているのが=Plump girls are the best. OPTION[14]:程よいのが=Somewhere in the middle. OPTION[14]:痩せているのが=I prefer thin girls. 痩せているのが=I prefer thin girls. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c07_01_00/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c07_01_00/translation.txt index b9d3279d61..9c39dba606 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c07_01_00/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c07_01_00/translation.txt @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ ち、乳首は感じてしまうからよ……あぁん……=M-My nipples will start feeling too good... aahn... ん……もっと、乳首を弄ってくれ……=Nn... fiddle even more, with my nipples... はぁん……んっ、だめ……=Haaann... nn--, don't... -はぁん、あっ…・…乳首をそんな……=Haann, aah--... if you play with them that much... +はぁん、あっ…・…乳首をそんな……=Haann, aah--...... if you play with them that much... 頼む、もっと……感じさせてくれ……=Please, more... make me feel even better... さ、先をつまむな……あぁん、だめ……=D-Don't pinch the tips... aahn, don't... す、すごい……乳首弄られると、身体がビクンて……=A-Amazing... when you fiddle with my nipples, my body quivers... @@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ あぁん……だめ、気持ちよすぎ……る……=Aaahn... don't, it feels way too... good... んっ、やば……おまんこが……お前ので……んっ……=Nn--, damn... my pussy... with your... nn--... 私のおまんこを、もっと虐めてくれ……=Tease my pussy, even more... -そ、そこは……んっ、なんだ……体が疼いて……んっんっ……=T-That's... nn--, what... it's making my body throb... nnnnn... -うん……もっと、おしりを弄ってくれ……=Yeah... play with my butt, even more... +そ、そこは……んっ、なんだ……体が疼いて……んっんっ……=T-That's... nn--, what... it's making my body throb... nnnnn...... +うん……もっと、おしりを弄ってくれ……=Yeah... play with my butt, even more...... あぁん、もっとおしりを犯してくれ……=Aaahn, violate my butt even more... お、おしりが熱い……=M-My butt's so hot... あぁん……ち、力が入らない……=Aaahn... I-I'm going limp... @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ んっ……乳首を虐めるなよ……=Nn--... Don't bully my nipples... 乳首は、感じちゃうから……=They'll start, feeling really good... あぁん……もっと乳首つついてくれ……=Aahn... poke them even more... -あぁん、んっ……=Aahn, nn--... +あぁん、んっ……=Aahn, nn--...... ひゃあ……乳首、気持ちいい……=Hyah... my nipples, they feel so good... いじめてくれ……私の乳首を……=Bully them... bully my nipples... ひゃあ、引っ張るな……=Hyah, don't pull on them... @@ -135,13 +135,13 @@ し、尻かよ……=W-Why my ass... お、お前だから触らせているんだからよ=T-The only reason I'm tolerating this, is because it's you. はぁん……尻が熱くなってくる……=Haan... my ass is turning hotter and hotter... -はぁん……あっあっ……んっ……=Haaan... Ah ah... nn--... +はぁん……あっあっ……んっ……=Haaan... Ah ah... nn--...... あまり、し、尻でこう……弄ったら……可笑しくなるから=Don't play with my a-ass... this much... it'll go crazy. そこは……んっ……=That's... nnn--... お前……んっ……遠慮するな……=Don't... nn--... hold back... -んっ、お前の手が……ひゃぁん……=Nn--, your hand... hyaahn... +んっ、お前の手が……ひゃぁん……=Nn--, your hand... hyaahn...... お前なら……いいからよ……=I don't mind... if it's you... -ここ触って、私を気持ちよくさせてくれないか……=Won't you touch me here, and make me feel good?... +ここ触って、私を気持ちよくさせてくれないか……=Won't you touch me here, and make me feel good?...... あぁん……お前、遠慮なさすぎるんじゃないのか……=Aaahn... aren't you a bit too lacking, in restraint... おまんこ、こすられると熱くなる……=if you rub my pussy, it'll get even hotter... おまんこ、いいよ……=My pussy, feels so nice... @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ んあ! もっと、なめまわしてくれ=Nnaah! More, lick it all over. お前の舌で感じるなんて……=To think I feel good, from your tongue... もっと、なめて……=Lick me, more... -お前の舌が熱くて、興奮しちゃってるよ……あっ……=Your tongue's so hot, I'm getting even more aroused... ah--... +お前の舌が熱くて、興奮しちゃってるよ……あっ……=Your tongue's so hot, I'm getting even more aroused... ah--...... なめるときのお前は……なんだが、可愛いな……ひゃん!?=When you lick me... you kinda, look really cute... hyahn!? お前の舌、気持ちよすぎるんだよ……あぁ……=Your tongue, it feels way too good... aah... んんっ、そこもっとなめて……=Nnn--, lick that spot even more... @@ -260,8 +260,8 @@ 乳首、ぶるぶるって……すごい……=My nipples, they're twitching... amazing... これ、やばい…もっと乳首感じさせて……=This is, insane... make me feel even better, from my nipples... そんなおもちゃで、乳首が気持ちいいなんて……ひゃあ!=The fact that I feel good, from a toy like that... Hyah! -すごすぎて、声が……=It's too amazing, my voice... -おもちゃで乳首虐められて……はあぁん……=My nipples are being teased to death, by a toy... haaaan... +すごすぎて、声が……=It's too amazing, my voice...... +おもちゃで乳首虐められて……はあぁん……=My nipples are being teased to death, by a toy... haaaan...... おまんこに、振動が……ひゃあ!=The vibration, going through my pussy... hyaah! これ、ちょっといいかも……=This, might not be too bad... も、もう……おまんこ感じすぎて、力が……=D-Damn... my pussy feels so good, I'm going limp... @@ -279,9 +279,9 @@ だめだめ、身体が熱くなって……!=No no, my body's getting hotter and...! もう何も考えられな、い……あっあっ……!=I can't even think anymo, re... ah ah...! これ以上はもう、私でも耐えられ……んっんっ……!=Even I can't bear, any more than this... nn nn...! -あぁああああああ!!! んっ……あぁ……=Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Nnn--... aaah... +あぁああああああ!!! んっ……あぁ……=Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Nnn--... aaah...... ひゃああああ……!!=Hyaaaaah...!! -んあああああっ!! ……はぁはぁ……=Nnaaaaaaah--!! ...Haahaa... +んあああああっ!! ……はぁはぁ……=Nnaaaaaaah--!! ......Haahaa... お前……ったく……=You... goddamnit... いかされちゃった……よ……=You made me... cum... んんっ……気持ちよかったよ。=Nnn--... that felt great. @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ いい、いいよぉ……めちゃくちゃにして……尻をもっと……=Keep going, keep going... make a mess out of it... a sopping mess... アソコ、こするの……また、熱くなっちゃうな……=If you, rub it like that... it's gonna, get all hot again... はぁん、おまんこまたこすられて……=Haaan, you're rubbing my pussy again... -気持ちいいよぉ……こんなにこすって……だめになる…・・・=It feels really good... if you rub it so much... I'll turn into a hopeless case... +気持ちいいよぉ……こんなにこすって……だめになる…・・・=It feels really good... if you rub it so much... I'll turn into a hopeless case...... そう、今度はもっとお前の手を感じさせてくれ……=That's it, let me feel your hand even more closely... んんっ……おまんこ、また汁が出ちゃう、な……=Nnn--... my pussy, it's gonna overflow again... だめ、またお前の指で汁があふれるぅ・・…=No~, it's overflowing again, because of your finger... @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ おまんこから、お前の指が伝わってくるよ……=I can feel your finger, inside my pussy... ひゃん……そこ、まだ弱いのに……=Hyahn... even though, I'm still so weak there... また、おまんこ気持ちよくしてくれるのか……?=Are you gonna make my pussy feel good again...? -んっあっ、んっん……おまんこ、またしゅごいことになってる……・=Nn--, ah--, nn--, nn... My pussy, it's starting to feel amazing again... +んっあっ、んっん……おまんこ、またしゅごいことになってる……・=Nn--, ah--, nn--, nn...... My pussy, it's starting to feel amazing again... 汚いっていってるのに……=Even though I told you that it's filthy... 尻に、また入れるの……?=You gonna put it up my ass again...? あ、あつい……また、尻があつくなるよぉ……・=S-So hot... my ass is gonna get all hot again... @@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ うぅ……ぁん……あそこ激しくされちゃう……=Uuu... ahn... my pussy's gonna get done in... あぁん……また、激しくしてくれ……=Aahn... do it roughly again... お前の指、また私のなかかきまわしてる……んっ……=Your finger, it's churning up my insides again... nn--... -……こ、今度はもうちょっと優しく……=...P-Please be a bit more gentle this time... +……こ、今度はもうちょっと優しく……=......P-Please be a bit more gentle this time... この感じ……尻を指でかきまわされるの、好き……=This feeling... of having my ass being churned inside out, I love it... 今度は、もっと激しくしよう……=This time, let's do it more roughly... こ、これ以上はげしくするのか……=A-Are you going to do it even more roughly than that... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c07_02_00/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c07_02_00/translation.txt index d3608cc744..283943f291 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c07_02_00/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c07_02_00/translation.txt @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ おっぱいに、そんなこすりつけて……じゅる、んっんぁあ……かわいい=It's rubbing so much, against my boobs... jyuru, nnnaaah... so cute. んっ、あぁ……これで、いいのか=nn--, aah... is this, alright? くわえてもっんっんっ、大きくなってくるな=Even if I suck on it, nnn--, nn--, it keeps getting bigger. -じゅるっんっ、お前楽しんでるだろ……=jyurunn--, you're enjoying this, no?... +じゅるっんっ、お前楽しんでるだろ……=jyurunn--, you're enjoying this, no?...... んんっ、じゅるぅ……オチンポ、ビクンって、口の中で震えてるぞ……=Nnn--, jyuruu... your dick, it's twitching inside my mouth... んぁ、じゅぅ……パイズリしながらのフェラは、難しいな=nnah, jyuu... giving head while also using my boobs, is pretty hard. んっちゅう、気持ちいいのならなによりだな……=nn--, *suck*, as long as you feel good, I'm fine with it... @@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ また胸で感じちゃって、お前らしいな……=Feeling good being held between my boobs again, that's just like you... これで、おっぱいどうすればいいんだ……お前の好きなようにしてくれ=Now then, how should I use my boobs... Use them however you like. おっぱいをこう挟んで……すんなり、といけた=Push together my boobs like this and... there, it went in easily. -挟むだけじゃ、芸がないとか思うなよ……="Don't think stuff like You're too unrefined or whatever because I'm only squeezing them together...""" +挟むだけじゃ、芸がないとか思うなよ……=Don't think stuff like "You're too unrefined" or whatever because I'm only squeezing them together... ははっ、んぁ……おっぱいで、また気持ちよくなってくれるんだな=Haha--, nnah... you're gonna use my boobs to feel good again, aren't you? んんっうんっ、またおっぱいの間に汁が垂れたよ=Nnnnnnnn--, your soup's started oozing out between my boobs again. じゅるぅ、んっ……舐めるの、たまらないな……=Jyuruu, nn--... I can't stop, licking it... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c07_03_00/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c07_03_00/translation.txt index f463dedc19..d4e9cdefc6 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c07_03_00/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c07_03_00/translation.txt @@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ もっと他のところをだな……おまんこは、もう準備いいから……=Go for some other spot... my pussy's all ready to go, so... だめ……ちょっとお前にやられすぎて、痛いんだ……それより、もっとあるだろ……=Don't... It hurts, because you went a bit too far... Rather than that, there's other spots you can try, no?... んっ……あぁ、きちゃってる……=Nn--... aah, it's going in... -んっ、そうだ……そのまま……はぁん……=Nn--, that's right... just like that... haaan... +んっ、そうだ……そのまま……はぁん……=Nn--, that's right... just like that... haaan...... あっあっ……んっ、はぁん……=Ah--, ah--... nn--, haaan... い、いいのぉ……んっ、奥まできてる……=K-Keep going... nn--, it's going all the way to the back... -っつ……痛ぁ……あぁ……=--Urgh... it hur... ts... +っつ……痛ぁ……あぁ……=--Urgh... it hur... ts...... ちょ、んっんっ……急だな……=Hey--, nnnnn--... that was sudden... はぁはぁ……一つになれたな……=Haahaaa... we became one, didn't we... んっあっ……お前の、まるで凶器だな……っあ、あぁん……=nnnnaah... your thing, it's like a weapon... --aah, aaahn... @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ ちゃんと、伝わるから……あぁん=I can feel it, just fine... aahn-- お前の本気は、こんなもんじゃないだろ……?=Surely this shouldn't be, the best you can do...? ひゃあ、んっ、だめ……おちんちんが、出たり入ったりして……=Hyah, nn--, no... pull your dick, in and out... -おちんぽの形が、よくわかるな……=I can feel the shape of your dick, so clearly... +おちんぽの形が、よくわかるな……=I can feel the shape of your dick, so clearly...... お前に愛されてるって、よくわかるな……=I can feel your love, clearly... んっあっあっ、そこ、そこ好きぃ……=Nn--, ah--, ah--, there, right there, I love it... 腰が勝手に……動く、よ……=My hips are... moving, on their own... @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ うぅ、あぁん、いっ……こ、こんなにするなんて……=Uuu, aaahn, i--... i-if you start doing it like this... ひゃぁ、んあ……お前の、おちんちんが尻に……=Hyah, nnah... your, dick is, going wild inside my... おちんぽが、膨らんで…あっ、んっ、だめっ=Your dick, is swelling up... ah--, nn--, don't-- -あ、熱い……ひゃあ! おちん、ち……あつい……ひぐぅ……=S-So hot... hyah! your, di... so hot... higuh... +あ、熱い……ひゃあ! おちん、ち……あつい……ひぐぅ……=S-So hot... hyah! your, di... so hot... higuh...... これ、触られながらだと、んっ、だめ、そこは……=If you do this, while touching me there, nn--, no, don't, that's... そこは、よ、弱いんだが……はぁん、んっ……=I'm, w-weak there... haan, nn--... 私の体、はぁん……お前は、よくわかってるん、だな……=You sure do, haaan... know my body, well... @@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ もし赤ちゃんできたら……んん、いや、いまはそれより、もっとエッチなことしてくれ=If I really do get pregnant... nnn, no, forget that, fuck me some more instead. 足りない顔だな、私は……言わせるな=You look really unsatisfied there, and as for me... don't make me say it. おちんちん、すぐイッちゃったな……私のもだけど=You came so fast... me too though. -この場合は、幸せとかいってくれ……="Say something like I'm happy or something, for fuck's sake...""" +この場合は、幸せとかいってくれ……=Say something like "I'm happy" or something, for fuck's sake... 足りないなぁ、まだ不十分すぎる……また勃たせてやるからよ=Not enough, not enough at all... I'll have you pop a chub again for me. 体力は、まだあるから……大丈夫=I still have, stamina left... so it's alright. こうも一緒だなんて、相性抜群ってことなんだと考えていいか……=To think we'd do even this together, I wonder if we're just made for each other... @@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ 体をこんな密着させて、中だしなんて最高すぎる……=You cumming inside me, when we're glued to each other like this, it's the best... 抜いた瞬間、また少しだけイッちゃったんだが……=When you took it out, I came a little bit again... 思い出しただけで、顔が火傷しそうだ……=Just thinking back to it, is making my face burn up... -今日が危険日だと、思えないな……="Man, I really can't think of today as a dangerous day...""" +今日が危険日だと、思えないな……=Man, I really can't think of today as a "dangerous" day... これ、傍から見れば……強姦、見えるな。んっ、それもそれでアリ、かも=You know, I bet this looks like... rape, from the outside. Nn--, that might be fine, in its own way. いっぱいだ……んっ、少しだけ中に残そうかな……=It's full... nn--, maybe I can leave a little bit of it inside... だ、大丈夫か……私は、いつもより、その、……すごかった=A-Are you alright... For me, it felt, way more, uhm... It was amazing. @@ -1020,7 +1020,7 @@ たまに、お前のオチンポは、特別なんじゃないかと疑ってしまう……=Sometimes, I wonder, whether your dick is normal or whether it's special... 呆れはしないさ、ただもっと好きになってしまっただけだ=I'm not fed up at all, I've just fallen more in love with you. 好き、とか耳元で言ってくれ……私も、女だからな、不安になってくる=Whisper your love for me into my ears or something... I'm a girl too, so I get worried. -物好きとは、お前のことを言うんだな="You're the sort of person the fetishist label is reserved for.""" +物好きとは、お前のことを言うんだな=You're the sort of person the "fetishist" label is reserved for. 今日もお前にアナル犯されました、って誰かに自慢したいな=I wanna brag to someone, that you ravished my ass again today. 痛いとか、そんなの最後にはまったく思えなかった……=Pain was the last thing on my mind, near the end there... まだ、アナルにそれが入ったら、私は壊れるからな=Still no good, if that thing went up my ass, I'll break. @@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@ 好きだからこそ、こんなことしてるんだろう……ありがとな=You're doing this because you love me, right?... Thank you. ゴム……んっ、外すとき気を付けてくれ=Be careful... nn--, when you're taking the condom off. こんな凄いの知ったら、他のやつには絶対教えたくないな=I don't think I'd want to share something this amazing with others. -ゴムあってよかった……とは、もう思えくなったな……なんでか="”I'm glad we used a condom... I don't really feel that way anymore... wonder why." +ゴムあってよかった……とは、もう思えくなったな……なんでか=”I'm glad we used a condom"... I don't really feel that way anymore... wonder why. 穴空いてたら、シャレじゃすまないな、これは=If it were to pop, I don't think we could even laugh about it. ゴム、まだ少し残ってたか……=Did we still have some condoms left... 続きするか? なら、私がゴムつけてやろう=You wanna keep going? Then, I'll wrap a condom around you. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c07_04_00/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c07_04_00/translation.txt index fcd8b3062b..0976741282 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c07_04_00/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c07_04_00/translation.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ んぅ……何だよ……オナニー、見学したいのか……? んぁ、仕方ないな……=Nnn... What?... You wanna study how I wank...? Nnn, it can't be helped... んぅ……鎮めるだけ、だから……もう少し……=Nnn... Just a bit more... enough to calm it down for now... んぁ……もっと……もっと気持ちよく、なりたい……=Nnnaah... more... I wanna feel, even better... -んぁ……気持ちいい……ん……=Nnaah... It feels, so good... nn... +んぁ……気持ちいい……ん……=Nnaah...... It feels, so good... nn... んぁん……身体……疼きっぱなしで……んっ、んぅ……=Nnnaaahnnn... my body... it keeps throbbing... nnnn--, nnn... あっ、ん……身体……震えてる……=Ah--, nn... my body... it's twitching... あっ、もう少し強い、刺激を……んあっ、あんっ……=Ah--, gotta make it, a bit more stimulating... nnnah--, aahn--... @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ んはぁん、汁が……延々と……溢れていく……んあっ……!=Nnhaaann, my juices... keep overflowing out... on and on... nnnah--...! んぁ、このまま、きちゃい、そうだ……!=Nnah, I'm about to, cum, like this...! んは、じゅぷじゅぷってエッチな音も……んあっ、私のエッチな声も……いっぱい、響いて……んあっ……!=Nnhaa, the sloppy lewd sounds too... nnaah--, my lewd moans too... all of them, are echoing so much... nnah--...! -んあっ、どうしよう、止められない、んあっ、あっ、ん…………イクぅぅぅ!=Nnaah--, what do I do, I can't stop, nnaah--, ah--, nn... cumming! +んあっ、どうしよう、止められない、んあっ、あっ、ん…………イクぅぅぅ!=Nnaah--, what do I do, I can't stop, nnaah--, ah--, nn...... cumming! んぁぁ、私、オナニーに夢中で……もう、止まら、あっ、あっ…………イックぅぅ!=Nnaaah, I'm so lost, in touching myself... I can't, stop any, ah--, ah--... cumming--! あっ、ん、はぁん、私……オナニーでイッちゃ、あっ、んぁん、はぁん…………あぁぁぁん!=Ah--, nnn, haaann, I... am gonna, cum from wankin--, ah--, nnaaahn, haaan... aaaaahnn! はぁ、んはぁ、あっ、快感……せり上がってきて……んあっ、あっ…………イックぅぅ!=Haa, nnhaa, ah--, the pleasure... it's washing over me... nnah--, ah--... cumming! diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c24_00_00/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c24_00_00/translation.txt index c3c70c01b6..894bd983b4 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c24_00_00/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c24_00_00/translation.txt @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ 恥ずかしいです……♡=It's embarrassing...♡ 好きな人の顔が目の前にあるって、安心しちゃいますね♡=Having the face of the person you love right in front of you is really relieving, don't you think?♡ 今日も素敵ですよ♡=You're so lovely today too♡ -私の視界があなたで埋め尽くされています♡24時間こうだったらいいのに……♡=My entire field of vision is full of you♡ If only we could stay like this 247...♡ +私の視界があなたで埋め尽くされています♡24時間こうだったらいいのに……♡=My entire field of vision is full of you♡ If only we could stay like this 24/7...♡ あ、あ、あの……そんなに近くで見つめられたら、私……♡=U-U-Uhm... If you look at me from so up close, I...♡ ずっと私の目を見つめていてください♡=Please stare into my eyes the whole time♡ あなたになら、殺されても文句は言いません♡=If it was by your hand, I wouldn't mind even dying♡ @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ うう…お尻汚くないですか? ケアしてるので大丈夫だとは思うんですけど、恥ずかしくて……♡=Uuu... Isn't my butt really filthy? I do maintain myself down there just for you, so I think it ought to be fine, but it's just so embarrassing...♡ 私のお尻なら、叩いてオモチャにしてもいいですからね♡=Feel free to use my butt like a drumset if you want♡ あなたに愛されたくてヨダレを垂らしてるおまんこが見えますか?=Can you see how my pussy's drooling? It wants to be loved by you just that much. -あの、照れてダメとかイヤとか言うかもしれないですけど、全部イイって意味ですから♡="Uhm, I might say stuff like don't" or "not there" from embarrassment but, you can do whatever you want, just so you know♡"" +あの、照れてダメとかイヤとか言うかもしれないですけど、全部イイって意味ですから♡=Uhm, I might say stuff like "don't" or "not there" from embarrassment but, you can do whatever you want, just so you know♡ こんな体位初めて見ました♡ もっと私にエッチなことを沢山教えてください♡=This is the first time I've seen this position♡ Please teach me lots more lewd stuff♡ うふふ♡ 実は、こうしてもらえるのを待ってました♡=Ufufu♡ I was actually waiting for this♡ あなたがどんなにアブノーマルでも、私は嬉しいだけですからね♡=No matter what sort of stuff you like, it only makes me happy♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c24_02_00/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c24_02_00/translation.txt index 83e5179086..db0940a436 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c24_02_00/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c24_02_00/translation.txt @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ 貧乳なのを利用して、こんな風にしたら良いのでしょう?=If I use my small chest like this, it's good, right? ナイズリに興奮してくださいね♡=Please feel good from this no-tits-job♡ 大きな愛がこもった貧乳で、ご奉仕しますね♡=I'll service you with these small tits of mine, full of big love for you♡ -こういうのをナイズリと言うんですよね♡="They call this sort of thing a no-tits-job", don't they?♡"" +こういうのをナイズリと言うんですよね♡=They call this sort of thing a "no-tits-job", don't they?♡ これ、私も気持ちいいやり方なんです♡=This feels good for me too♡ パイズリはおっぱいの大きさではなく、技術ですよね♡=A paizuri is more about the technique than it is about the size, isn't it?♡ あなたが私のちっぱいで気持ちよさそうにイッてくれたから、このおっぱいが好きになったんです♡=I came to like these small tits of mine, only because you seem to love them so much♡ @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ このまま私のお口に出してもいいんですよ♡=You can shoot it in my mouth anytime you want♡ 最後の一滴まで搾り取ります♡=I'll wring out every single drop♡ こうすれば小さくてもパイズリフェラできますね♡=If I do it like this, I can give you a paizuri fellatio even with my small chest♡ -ナイズリの神髄を見せてあげます♡="I'll show you what a no-tits-job" means, in the truest sense of the word♡"" +ナイズリの神髄を見せてあげます♡=I'll show you what a "no-tits-job" means, in the truest sense of the word♡ 貧乳パイズリもかわいらしくて、だからこそいやらしいでしょう?=A paizuri with a flat chest like mine is sexy because of just how sweet it is, no? あなたが貧乳マニアだから、私もこんなに上手にちっパイズリフェラできるようになりました♡=It's because you love small chests so much, that I've gotten so good at giving you a paizuri fellatio like this♡ おちんちん全体を気持ちよくするようにします♡=I'll try my best to make your entire dick feel good♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c24_03_00/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c24_03_00/translation.txt index ad0fae69fe..0884849532 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c24_03_00/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c24_03_00/translation.txt @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ あなたを独り占めしているわけですから、いくらでも好き勝手してくださいね♡=I'm already monopolizing you for myself, so you can do whatever you like, I don't mind♡ 乱暴なはずなのに、優しさを感じてしまいます♡ あなたがもともと優しい人だからでしょうか…♡=Even though this is supposed to be rough, I still feel your gentleness♡ I wonder if it's because you're just kind at heart to begin with...♡ うふふ♡ もっと乱暴にしてください♡=Ufufu♡ Please be even more rough and violent♡ -私を24時間お股おっぴろげのコンビニ女扱いしてくれて、嬉しいです♡=It makes me really happy, when you treat me like a 247 Sex vending machine♡ +私を24時間お股おっぴろげのコンビニ女扱いしてくれて、嬉しいです♡=It makes me really happy, when you treat me like a 24/7 Sex vending machine♡ 私も、一刻も早く入れてほしかったんですけど、言いづらかったんです♡ ありがとうございます♡=I wanted you to put it in as soon as you could too, but it was hard to say♡ Thank you♡ (アナル処女)これが私のお尻の穴です♡ 気持ちいいですか?=This is my butthole♡ Does it feel good? あぁ♡ お尻の中があなたでイッパイです♡=Aah♡ My butt's full of you♡ @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ 自由に動いてもらっていいんですよ? それとも、私が動いた方がいいですか?=You can move however you like, you know? Or would you like me to do it? え……? 私、何か気に入らないこと、言いました?お願いします、やめないでくださいっ=Eh...? Did I, say something offensive? Please, I'm sorry, please don't stop-- 抜けるときも気持ちいいですぅ♡=It feels good when you pull out too♡ -オマンコが、あなたのオチンチンはどこぉ?って、ギチギチに締まっちゃってますよ♡="My pussy's collapsing in on itself, like it's shouting out for you, going Where's your dick, darling~?"♡"" +オマンコが、あなたのオチンチンはどこぉ?って、ギチギチに締まっちゃってますよ♡=My pussy's collapsing in on itself, like it's shouting out for you, going "Where's your dick, darling~?"♡ あんっ♡ いきなり抜かれると、身体の力が抜けちゃいます♡=Ahn--♡ If you pull it out all of a sudden, it saps away all my strength♡ じ、焦らしてるん…ですよね? うふふ♡ いじわるしないでください♡=Y-You're tantalizing me... right? Ufufu♡ Please don't be such a bully~♡ び、びくびくしちゃいますよぉ♡=Y-You'll give me a heart attack♡ @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ あなたがいっぱい触るから、そこも好きになっちゃいましたぁ♡=Because you touch me there so much, even that spot has started feeling good♡ そこは嫌なんですけど、意地悪されてるって思うと、全部の穴からヨダレが止まらなくなっちゃうんです♡=I don't like it there but, when I think about how you're trying to bully me, I can't help but drool from every single hole on my body♡ 貴方が触りたいんですもんね、我慢しますよ♡=I'll endure it, since you want to touch it♡ -そこは…うふふ♡ 嫌よ嫌よも好きのうちです♡="That's... Ufufu♡ Even No" can often mean "Yes"♡"" +そこは…うふふ♡ 嫌よ嫌よも好きのうちです♡=That's... Ufufu♡ Even "No" can often mean "Yes"♡ おちんちんで突かれると、嫌なところも好きになっちゃうんですぅ♡=When you're pounding me with your dick, even the things I don't like feel good♡ 本当はおちんちんに手中してほしいんですけど、うふふ、私が動けば解決ですね♡=The truth is, I want you to focus on your dick for now but, ufufu, that's easily solvable if I start moving myself as well, isn't it?♡ そこだけは許してください♡ そこだけはぁ♡=Please don't do it there~♡ Please don't~♡ @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ キスとピストンであなたに侵食されてるぅっ♡ 私がいなくなっちゃうぐらい気持ちいいのぉっ♡=I'm eating eaten away by your tongue and your pounding♡ It feels so good, I feel like I'm going to wear away into nothing--♡ もっと私を貪ってください♡ おまんこも、唇も♡=Lust after me even more♡ My lips, and my pussy too♡ 舌伸ばしてください♡ 私がぜんぶ吸っちゃいます♡=Please extend out your tongue♡ I'll suck on the whole thing♡ -こんな魅力的なキスハメされたら四六時中エッチなおつゆを垂らすドスケベ痴女になっちゃうぅ♡=If you kiss and fuck me like this I'll turn into a pervert that's wet 247♡ +こんな魅力的なキスハメされたら四六時中エッチなおつゆを垂らすドスケベ痴女になっちゃうぅ♡=If you kiss and fuck me like this I'll turn into a pervert that's wet 24/7♡ あなたが上手だから、初めてなのに気持ちよくなれちゃいました♡=It feels so good even though it's my first time, because you're so good at this♡ 私、イッちゃいそうですぅ♡ あなたにイカされちゃいそうですぅ♡=I'm about to cum♡ You'll make me cum♡ 愛が燃えて、身体が熱くなってきましたぁ♡=My love for you is burning up my body♡ @@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ あなたの愛が深すぎて、体中快感まみれでおかしくなりそうです♡=Your love for me is so deep, I feel like I'm going to go crazy from all this pleasure♡ そろそろきちゃいます♡ あなたの愛が身体から溢れ出ちゃいますぅっ♡=I'm going to cum♡ Your love is going to overflow from my body♡ もうダメです♡ 私の存在ぜんぶ、あなたのDNAに組み込まれちゃいますぅ♡=I can't anymore♡ My entire existince, it's going to become part of your DNA♡ -もうあなたのこと独り占めしたいとか言わないから、いい子になるから反り返っちゃうぐらいイカせてぇっ♡="I won't say stull like I want to monopolize you" anymore, I'll be a good girl, so please make me cum so hard that my back warps♡"" +もうあなたのこと独り占めしたいとか言わないから、いい子になるから反り返っちゃうぐらいイカせてぇっ♡=I won't say stull like "I want to monopolize you" anymore, I'll be a good girl, so please make me cum so hard that my back warps♡ あなたのためなら、初めてでもドスケベな女の子になれちゃいます♡=For you, I can be a perverted girl even if it's my first time♡ もっとガツガツ突いてくださいぃっ♡ 私、イきますぅっ♡=Please pound me even more greedily♡ I'm going to cum♡ あぁイク♡ イク♡ イッちゃいます♡ あなたのすけべピストンで、イキますぅ♡=Aah, cumming♡ cumming♡ I'll cum♡ I'll cum from your perverted pounding♡ @@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ Hのときだけでいいからあなたを独り占めさせてぇ♡ オチ 今日は安全日ですから、奥にぐりぐり擦り付けてもいいですよ♡=Today's a safe day so, you can rub it in all the way in if you want♡ これ、タマタマの精液ぜんぶじゃないですか? 私のおマンコってそんなに気持ち良いんですか? うふふ♡=Isn't this all the semen you had in your balls? Did my pussy feel just that good? Ufufu♡ あなたの生命力の強そうな精液が、子宮口にべったりはりついています♡=Your lively energetic semen, is sticking to the entrance of my womb♡ -あなたの精液がビュッビュッて子宮にかかると、私って女の子なんだぁって感じるんです♡="When your semen pours inside my womb, it really makes me feel Ah, I really am a girl, huh?"♡"" +あなたの精液がビュッビュッて子宮にかかると、私って女の子なんだぁって感じるんです♡=When your semen pours inside my womb, it really makes me feel "Ah, I really am a girl, huh?"♡ 他の子にはちゃんとゴムありでしてあげてくださいね♡=Please properly use a condom when you do it with other girls, okay?♡ おちんちんもおまんこも、お互いの体液まみれですね♡=Both your dick and my pussy, are covered in our fluids, aren't they?♡ うふふ♡ もし妊娠が発覚しても、ママになった私とボテ腹セックスしてくれますか?=Ufufu♡ Even if I do get pregnant, will you still have sex with me? Even if my belly is all big? @@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ Hのときだけでいいからあなたを独り占めさせてぇ♡ オチ うふふ、とっても素敵でした♡=Ufufu, you were so lovely♡ また混ざりあっちゃいましたね♡=It all mixed together again♡ やっぱり生で同時イキって気持ちいいですね♡=Cumming together while doing it raw really does feel amazing, doesn't it?♡ -これからは、「ナマ」という言葉に過剰に反応してしまいそうです♡="I feel like I'll never be able to hear the word raw" in any other way ever again♡"" +これからは、「ナマ」という言葉に過剰に反応してしまいそうです♡=I feel like I'll never be able to hear the word "raw" in any other way ever again♡ あなたのおちんちん、まだ勃起したままです♡=Your dick's still rock hard♡ こんなに幸せで良いのでしょうか♡=Is it really okay for me to be this happy?♡ また同時になんて、気が合いますね♡=Together again, we really do get along well, don't we?♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c24_04_00/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c24_04_00/translation.txt index f21199fd7c..9668981393 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c24_04_00/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/00_00/personality_voice_c24_04_00/translation.txt @@ -5,17 +5,17 @@ ん……全然、物足りません……心が満たされるまで、何度も……んん=Nn... It's not, enough at all... I'll keep doing it, until my heart feels satisfied... Nnn. んぅ、ん……あの時の事を……思い出しながら……あぁん……=Nnn, nnn... you were... so cool that time... aahn... ん、ぁぁ……もう全身が、性感帯になっています……♡=Nn, aah... my entire body's, turning into an erogenous zone...♡ -あんっ、身体の火照りが、おさまりません……=Ahn--, my body, won't stop burning up... +あんっ、身体の火照りが、おさまりません……=Ahn--, my body, won't stop burning up...... あぁん、あっ……蕩けるような快感が、んんぅ、堪らない……♡=Aaahn, aah--... this melty pleasure, nnnn, is so irresistible...♡ んっ、あぁ、んぁ……いい、いいです……このまま……んぁ……!=Nnn--, aah, nnnah... good, so good... I'll... nnah...! あんぅ、激しく、んあっ、身体壊れるくらい、乱暴に……もっと刺激を……あぁん♡=Ahn, intensely, nnah--, so rough, that my body breaks... more, more stimulation... aahn♡ あぁん、鼻血が出てしまいそうなほど、興奮してます……んぅ……!=Aaahn, I'm so aroused, I feel like I'll get a nosebleed... nnn...! んん、あっあっ、オナニ、オナニー中毒で、私……はぁん♡=Nnn, ah ah, masturbation, is too addicting, I'll... haaan♡ んあっ、オナニー、イッちゃ、イッちゃいます、んぁ、あっ…………はぁぁん!=Nnah--, I'll cum, I'll cum from, masturbation, nnnah, aah--... haaan! -あっあっあっ、私……惨めに自分を慰めて、んあっ、あっ、イッて、イッ、あっ…………はぁぁぁん!=Ah, ah, ah, I... I'll cum, from pathetically, nnah--, ah--, touching myself, aah... haaan! -んぁ、あっ、あ……愛液、だらしなく溢れ続けて、んぁ、あっ、あぁ…………はぁぁん!=Nnah, ah--, ah... my love juice, keeps overflowing out, pathetically, nnah, ah--, aah... haaaaan! +あっあっあっ、私……惨めに自分を慰めて、んあっ、あっ、イッて、イッ、あっ…………はぁぁぁん!=Ah, ah, ah, I... I'll cum, from pathetically, nnah--, ah--, touching myself, aah...... haaan! +んぁ、あっ、あ……愛液、だらしなく溢れ続けて、んぁ、あっ、あぁ…………はぁぁん!=Nnah, ah--, ah... my love juice, keeps overflowing out, pathetically, nnah, ah--, aah...... haaaaan! んあっ、あっ、あっ、いつ腰が抜けても、おかしくないくらい、ガックガクに、なって、んぁ、あっあ…………あぁぁぁん!=Nnah--, ah--, ah--, rub it so hard, that it won't even be weird, if my hips give in, nnah, ahaah... aaaaaahn! -んあっ、あっ、あぁ、私、愛しいあの人が見てる前で、オナニーッ、んぁ、イク、イッちゃう、んあっ…………あぁぁぁん!=Nnah--, ah--, aah, I'm, masturbating, in front of my beloved, nnah, cumming, I'll cum, nnah--... aaaaaahn! +んあっ、あっ、あぁ、私、愛しいあの人が見てる前で、オナニーッ、んぁ、イク、イッちゃう、んあっ…………あぁぁぁん!=Nnah--, ah--, aah, I'm, masturbating, in front of my beloved, nnah, cumming, I'll cum, nnah--......... aaaaaahn! んんぁ……あぁ、オナニー……気持ちいいけど、少し切ないです……=Nnah... aah, maturbating... feels good, but it also feels so miserable... んはぁ……イッたばかりなのに……次は何をオカズにしてオナニーしようか、考えちゃってます……♡=Nnhaaa... I just came but... I'm already thinking about, what to use as fap material, for next time...♡ んぁ……私のオナニーは……誰にも止められません……♡=Nnah... nobody can... stop me from masturbating...♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/06_00/personality_voice_c07_01_00/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/06_00/personality_voice_c07_01_00/translation.txt index b9d3279d61..9c39dba606 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/06_00/personality_voice_c07_01_00/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/06_00/personality_voice_c07_01_00/translation.txt @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ ち、乳首は感じてしまうからよ……あぁん……=M-My nipples will start feeling too good... aahn... ん……もっと、乳首を弄ってくれ……=Nn... fiddle even more, with my nipples... はぁん……んっ、だめ……=Haaann... nn--, don't... -はぁん、あっ…・…乳首をそんな……=Haann, aah--... if you play with them that much... +はぁん、あっ…・…乳首をそんな……=Haann, aah--...... if you play with them that much... 頼む、もっと……感じさせてくれ……=Please, more... make me feel even better... さ、先をつまむな……あぁん、だめ……=D-Don't pinch the tips... aahn, don't... す、すごい……乳首弄られると、身体がビクンて……=A-Amazing... when you fiddle with my nipples, my body quivers... @@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ あぁん……だめ、気持ちよすぎ……る……=Aaahn... don't, it feels way too... good... んっ、やば……おまんこが……お前ので……んっ……=Nn--, damn... my pussy... with your... nn--... 私のおまんこを、もっと虐めてくれ……=Tease my pussy, even more... -そ、そこは……んっ、なんだ……体が疼いて……んっんっ……=T-That's... nn--, what... it's making my body throb... nnnnn... -うん……もっと、おしりを弄ってくれ……=Yeah... play with my butt, even more... +そ、そこは……んっ、なんだ……体が疼いて……んっんっ……=T-That's... nn--, what... it's making my body throb... nnnnn...... +うん……もっと、おしりを弄ってくれ……=Yeah... play with my butt, even more...... あぁん、もっとおしりを犯してくれ……=Aaahn, violate my butt even more... お、おしりが熱い……=M-My butt's so hot... あぁん……ち、力が入らない……=Aaahn... I-I'm going limp... @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ んっ……乳首を虐めるなよ……=Nn--... Don't bully my nipples... 乳首は、感じちゃうから……=They'll start, feeling really good... あぁん……もっと乳首つついてくれ……=Aahn... poke them even more... -あぁん、んっ……=Aahn, nn--... +あぁん、んっ……=Aahn, nn--...... ひゃあ……乳首、気持ちいい……=Hyah... my nipples, they feel so good... いじめてくれ……私の乳首を……=Bully them... bully my nipples... ひゃあ、引っ張るな……=Hyah, don't pull on them... @@ -135,13 +135,13 @@ し、尻かよ……=W-Why my ass... お、お前だから触らせているんだからよ=T-The only reason I'm tolerating this, is because it's you. はぁん……尻が熱くなってくる……=Haan... my ass is turning hotter and hotter... -はぁん……あっあっ……んっ……=Haaan... Ah ah... nn--... +はぁん……あっあっ……んっ……=Haaan... Ah ah... nn--...... あまり、し、尻でこう……弄ったら……可笑しくなるから=Don't play with my a-ass... this much... it'll go crazy. そこは……んっ……=That's... nnn--... お前……んっ……遠慮するな……=Don't... nn--... hold back... -んっ、お前の手が……ひゃぁん……=Nn--, your hand... hyaahn... +んっ、お前の手が……ひゃぁん……=Nn--, your hand... hyaahn...... お前なら……いいからよ……=I don't mind... if it's you... -ここ触って、私を気持ちよくさせてくれないか……=Won't you touch me here, and make me feel good?... +ここ触って、私を気持ちよくさせてくれないか……=Won't you touch me here, and make me feel good?...... あぁん……お前、遠慮なさすぎるんじゃないのか……=Aaahn... aren't you a bit too lacking, in restraint... おまんこ、こすられると熱くなる……=if you rub my pussy, it'll get even hotter... おまんこ、いいよ……=My pussy, feels so nice... @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ んあ! もっと、なめまわしてくれ=Nnaah! More, lick it all over. お前の舌で感じるなんて……=To think I feel good, from your tongue... もっと、なめて……=Lick me, more... -お前の舌が熱くて、興奮しちゃってるよ……あっ……=Your tongue's so hot, I'm getting even more aroused... ah--... +お前の舌が熱くて、興奮しちゃってるよ……あっ……=Your tongue's so hot, I'm getting even more aroused... ah--...... なめるときのお前は……なんだが、可愛いな……ひゃん!?=When you lick me... you kinda, look really cute... hyahn!? お前の舌、気持ちよすぎるんだよ……あぁ……=Your tongue, it feels way too good... aah... んんっ、そこもっとなめて……=Nnn--, lick that spot even more... @@ -260,8 +260,8 @@ 乳首、ぶるぶるって……すごい……=My nipples, they're twitching... amazing... これ、やばい…もっと乳首感じさせて……=This is, insane... make me feel even better, from my nipples... そんなおもちゃで、乳首が気持ちいいなんて……ひゃあ!=The fact that I feel good, from a toy like that... Hyah! -すごすぎて、声が……=It's too amazing, my voice... -おもちゃで乳首虐められて……はあぁん……=My nipples are being teased to death, by a toy... haaaan... +すごすぎて、声が……=It's too amazing, my voice...... +おもちゃで乳首虐められて……はあぁん……=My nipples are being teased to death, by a toy... haaaan...... おまんこに、振動が……ひゃあ!=The vibration, going through my pussy... hyaah! これ、ちょっといいかも……=This, might not be too bad... も、もう……おまんこ感じすぎて、力が……=D-Damn... my pussy feels so good, I'm going limp... @@ -279,9 +279,9 @@ だめだめ、身体が熱くなって……!=No no, my body's getting hotter and...! もう何も考えられな、い……あっあっ……!=I can't even think anymo, re... ah ah...! これ以上はもう、私でも耐えられ……んっんっ……!=Even I can't bear, any more than this... nn nn...! -あぁああああああ!!! んっ……あぁ……=Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Nnn--... aaah... +あぁああああああ!!! んっ……あぁ……=Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Nnn--... aaah...... ひゃああああ……!!=Hyaaaaah...!! -んあああああっ!! ……はぁはぁ……=Nnaaaaaaah--!! ...Haahaa... +んあああああっ!! ……はぁはぁ……=Nnaaaaaaah--!! ......Haahaa... お前……ったく……=You... goddamnit... いかされちゃった……よ……=You made me... cum... んんっ……気持ちよかったよ。=Nnn--... that felt great. @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ いい、いいよぉ……めちゃくちゃにして……尻をもっと……=Keep going, keep going... make a mess out of it... a sopping mess... アソコ、こするの……また、熱くなっちゃうな……=If you, rub it like that... it's gonna, get all hot again... はぁん、おまんこまたこすられて……=Haaan, you're rubbing my pussy again... -気持ちいいよぉ……こんなにこすって……だめになる…・・・=It feels really good... if you rub it so much... I'll turn into a hopeless case... +気持ちいいよぉ……こんなにこすって……だめになる…・・・=It feels really good... if you rub it so much... I'll turn into a hopeless case...... そう、今度はもっとお前の手を感じさせてくれ……=That's it, let me feel your hand even more closely... んんっ……おまんこ、また汁が出ちゃう、な……=Nnn--... my pussy, it's gonna overflow again... だめ、またお前の指で汁があふれるぅ・・…=No~, it's overflowing again, because of your finger... @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ おまんこから、お前の指が伝わってくるよ……=I can feel your finger, inside my pussy... ひゃん……そこ、まだ弱いのに……=Hyahn... even though, I'm still so weak there... また、おまんこ気持ちよくしてくれるのか……?=Are you gonna make my pussy feel good again...? -んっあっ、んっん……おまんこ、またしゅごいことになってる……・=Nn--, ah--, nn--, nn... My pussy, it's starting to feel amazing again... +んっあっ、んっん……おまんこ、またしゅごいことになってる……・=Nn--, ah--, nn--, nn...... My pussy, it's starting to feel amazing again... 汚いっていってるのに……=Even though I told you that it's filthy... 尻に、また入れるの……?=You gonna put it up my ass again...? あ、あつい……また、尻があつくなるよぉ……・=S-So hot... my ass is gonna get all hot again... @@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ うぅ……ぁん……あそこ激しくされちゃう……=Uuu... ahn... my pussy's gonna get done in... あぁん……また、激しくしてくれ……=Aahn... do it roughly again... お前の指、また私のなかかきまわしてる……んっ……=Your finger, it's churning up my insides again... nn--... -……こ、今度はもうちょっと優しく……=...P-Please be a bit more gentle this time... +……こ、今度はもうちょっと優しく……=......P-Please be a bit more gentle this time... この感じ……尻を指でかきまわされるの、好き……=This feeling... of having my ass being churned inside out, I love it... 今度は、もっと激しくしよう……=This time, let's do it more roughly... こ、これ以上はげしくするのか……=A-Are you going to do it even more roughly than that... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c07_03_01/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c07_03_01/translation.txt index 5610342918..d8fabbcf63 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c07_03_01/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c07_03_01/translation.txt @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ ちゃんと、伝わるから……あぁん=I can feel it, just fine... aahn-- 私の本気は、まだまだこんなもんじゃないぞ?=This isn't even my final form, you know? ひゃあ、んっ、だめ……おちんちんが、出たり入ったりして……=Hyah, nn--, no... pull your dick, in and out... -おちんぽの形が、よくわかるな……=I can feel the shape of your dick, so clearly... +おちんぽの形が、よくわかるな……=I can feel the shape of your dick, so clearly...... お前に愛されてるって、よくわかるな……=I can feel your love, clearly... んっ、奥の、いいところ見つけた……=Nn--, that's a good spot, right there... 腰が勝手に……動く、よ……=My hips are... moving, on their own... @@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ もし赤ちゃんできたら……んん、いや、いまはそれより、もっとエッチなことしてくれ=If I really do get pregnant... nnn, no, forget that, fuck me some more instead. 足りない顔だな、私は……言わせるな=You look really unsatisfied there, and as for me... don't make me say it. おちんちん、すぐイッちゃったな……私のもだけど=You came so fast... me too though. -この場合は、幸せとかいってくれ……="Say something like I'm happy or something, for fuck's sake...""" +この場合は、幸せとかいってくれ……=Say something like "I'm happy" or something, for fuck's sake... 足りないなぁ、まだ不十分すぎる……また勃たせてやるからよ=Not enough, not enough at all... I'll have you pop a chub again for me. 体力は、まだあるから……大丈夫=I still have, stamina left... so it's alright. こうも一緒だなんて、相性抜群ってことなんだと考えていいか……=To think we'd do even this together, I wonder if we're just made for each other... @@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ なかなか、楽しかったぞ……お前だから、怖くなかったんだな=It was pretty fun... I didn't feel afraid at all, because it was you. 体をこんな密着させて、中だしなんて最高すぎる……=You cumming inside me, when we're glued to each other like this, it's the best... 思い出しただけで、顔が火傷しそうだ……=Just thinking back to it, is making my face burn up... -今日が危険日だと、思えないな……="Man, I really can't think of today as a dangerous day...""" +今日が危険日だと、思えないな……=Man, I really can't think of today as a "dangerous" day... これ、傍から見れば……強姦、見えるな。んっ、それもそれでアリ、かも=You know, I bet this looks like... rape, from the outside. Nn--, that might be fine, in its own way. いっぱいだ……んっ、少しだけ中に残そうかな……=It's full... nn--, maybe I can leave a little bit of it inside... だ、大丈夫か……私は、いつもより、その、……すごかった=A-Are you alright... For me, it felt, way more, uhm... It was amazing. @@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ 実感するな、お前が私のことが好きなんだと=Man, I really did feel your love for me. ゴム……んっ、外すとき気を付けてくれ=Be careful... nn--, when you're taking the condom off. こんな凄いの知ったら、他のやつには絶対教えたくないな=I don't think I'd want to share something this amazing with others. -ゴムあってよかった……とは、もう思えくなったな……なんでか="”I'm glad we used a condom... I don't really feel that way anymore... wonder why." +ゴムあってよかった……とは、もう思えくなったな……なんでか=”I'm glad we used a condom"... I don't really feel that way anymore... wonder why. 穴空いてたら、シャレじゃすまないな、これは=If it were to pop, I don't think we could even laugh about it. ゴム、まだ少し残ってたか……=Did we still have some condoms left... 続きするか? なら、私がゴムつけてやろう=You wanna keep going? Then, I'll wrap a condom around you. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c07_03_03/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c07_03_03/translation.txt index c6694886ca..b0441939e2 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c07_03_03/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c07_03_03/translation.txt @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ ちゃんと、伝わるから……あぁん=I can feel it, just fine... aahn-- お前の本気は、こんなもんじゃないだろ……?=Surely this shouldn't be, the best you can do...? ひゃあ、んっ、だめ……おちんちんが、出たり入ったりして……=Hyah, nn--, no... pull your dick, in and out... -おちんぽの形が、よくわかるな……=I can feel the shape of your dick, so clearly... +おちんぽの形が、よくわかるな……=I can feel the shape of your dick, so clearly...... お前に愛されてるって、よくわかるな……=I can feel your love, clearly... んっあっあっ、そこ、そこ好きぃ……=Nn--, ah--, ah--, there, right there, I love it... 腰が勝手に……動く、よ……=My hips are... moving, on their own... @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ ゴムの、このズリズリされて、おまんこ熱くなってる=The way the condom is rubbing against me, it's making my pussy so hot. ゴム……んっ、外すとき気を付けてくれ=Be careful... nn--, when you're taking the condom off. こんな凄いの知ったら、他のやつには絶対教えたくないな=I don't think I'd want to share something this amazing with others. -ゴムあってよかった……とは、もう思えくなったな……なんでか="”I'm glad we used a condom... I don't really feel that way anymore... wonder why." +ゴムあってよかった……とは、もう思えくなったな……なんでか=”I'm glad we used a condom"... I don't really feel that way anymore... wonder why. 穴空いてたら、シャレじゃすまないな、これは=If it were to pop, I don't think we could even laugh about it. ゴム、まだ少し残ってたか……=Did we still have some condoms left... 続きするか? なら、私がゴムつけてやろう=You wanna keep going? Then, I'll wrap a condom around you. @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ 垂れてるなぁ……=It's oozing out... 奥にまで、つめようかな……=Shall we cram it in, all the way to the back... これ全部お前がやったんだからな……すごいしか、言えない=You're the one who made all of this... I can't think of it as anything but amazing. -んっ、そうだ……そのまま……はぁん……=Nn--, that's right... just like that... haaan... +んっ、そうだ……そのまま……はぁん……=Nn--, that's right... just like that... haaan...... あっあっ……んっ、はぁん……=Ah--, ah--... nn--, haaan... い、いいのぉ……んっ、奥まできてる……=K-Keep going... nn--, it's going all the way to the back... ちょ、んっんっ……急だな……=Hey--, nnnnn--... that was sudden... diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c07_03_04/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c07_03_04/translation.txt index b33f430b9c..8232a08abf 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c07_03_04/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c07_03_04/translation.txt @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ ちゃんと、伝わるから……あぁん=I can feel it, just fine... aahn-- 私の本気は、まだまだこんなもんじゃないぞ?=This isn't even my final form, you know? ひゃあ、んっ、だめ……おちんちんが、出たり入ったりして……=Hyah, nn--, no... pull your dick, in and out... -おちんぽの形が、よくわかるな……=I can feel the shape of your dick, so clearly... +おちんぽの形が、よくわかるな……=I can feel the shape of your dick, so clearly...... お前に愛されてるって、よくわかるな……=I can feel your love, clearly... んっ、奥の、いいところ見つけた……=Nn--, that's a good spot, right there... 腰が勝手に……動く、よ……=My hips are... moving, on their own... @@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ ゴムの、このズリズリされて、おまんこ熱くなってる=The way the condom is rubbing against me, it's making my pussy so hot. ゴム……んっ、外すとき気を付けてくれ=Be careful... nn--, when you're taking the condom off. こんな凄いの知ったら、他のやつには絶対教えたくないな=I don't think I'd want to share something this amazing with others. -ゴムあってよかった……とは、もう思えくなったな……なんでか="”I'm glad we used a condom... I don't really feel that way anymore... wonder why." +ゴムあってよかった……とは、もう思えくなったな……なんでか=”I'm glad we used a condom"... I don't really feel that way anymore... wonder why. 穴空いてたら、シャレじゃすまないな、これは=If it were to pop, I don't think we could even laugh about it. ゴム、まだ少し残ってたか……=Did we still have some condoms left... 続きするか? なら、私がゴムつけてやろう=You wanna keep going? Then, I'll wrap a condom around you. diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_00_00/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_00_00/translation.txt index c3c70c01b6..894bd983b4 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_00_00/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_00_00/translation.txt @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ 恥ずかしいです……♡=It's embarrassing...♡ 好きな人の顔が目の前にあるって、安心しちゃいますね♡=Having the face of the person you love right in front of you is really relieving, don't you think?♡ 今日も素敵ですよ♡=You're so lovely today too♡ -私の視界があなたで埋め尽くされています♡24時間こうだったらいいのに……♡=My entire field of vision is full of you♡ If only we could stay like this 247...♡ +私の視界があなたで埋め尽くされています♡24時間こうだったらいいのに……♡=My entire field of vision is full of you♡ If only we could stay like this 24/7...♡ あ、あ、あの……そんなに近くで見つめられたら、私……♡=U-U-Uhm... If you look at me from so up close, I...♡ ずっと私の目を見つめていてください♡=Please stare into my eyes the whole time♡ あなたになら、殺されても文句は言いません♡=If it was by your hand, I wouldn't mind even dying♡ @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ うう…お尻汚くないですか? ケアしてるので大丈夫だとは思うんですけど、恥ずかしくて……♡=Uuu... Isn't my butt really filthy? I do maintain myself down there just for you, so I think it ought to be fine, but it's just so embarrassing...♡ 私のお尻なら、叩いてオモチャにしてもいいですからね♡=Feel free to use my butt like a drumset if you want♡ あなたに愛されたくてヨダレを垂らしてるおまんこが見えますか?=Can you see how my pussy's drooling? It wants to be loved by you just that much. -あの、照れてダメとかイヤとか言うかもしれないですけど、全部イイって意味ですから♡="Uhm, I might say stuff like don't" or "not there" from embarrassment but, you can do whatever you want, just so you know♡"" +あの、照れてダメとかイヤとか言うかもしれないですけど、全部イイって意味ですから♡=Uhm, I might say stuff like "don't" or "not there" from embarrassment but, you can do whatever you want, just so you know♡ こんな体位初めて見ました♡ もっと私にエッチなことを沢山教えてください♡=This is the first time I've seen this position♡ Please teach me lots more lewd stuff♡ うふふ♡ 実は、こうしてもらえるのを待ってました♡=Ufufu♡ I was actually waiting for this♡ あなたがどんなにアブノーマルでも、私は嬉しいだけですからね♡=No matter what sort of stuff you like, it only makes me happy♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_03_01/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_03_01/translation.txt index d2e9d088b2..06da9864e7 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_03_01/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_03_01/translation.txt @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ あなたがいっぱい触るから、そこも好きになっちゃいましたぁ♡=Because you touch me there so much, even that spot has started feeling good♡ そこは嫌なんですけど、意地悪されてるって思うと、全部の穴からヨダレが止まらなくなっちゃうんです♡=I don't like it there but, when I think about how you're trying to bully me, I can't help but drool from every single hole on my body♡ 貴方が触りたいんですもんね、我慢しますよ♡=I'll endure it, since you want to touch it♡ -そこは…うふふ♡ 嫌よ嫌よも好きのうちです♡="That's... Ufufu♡ Even No" can often mean "Yes"♡"" +そこは…うふふ♡ 嫌よ嫌よも好きのうちです♡=That's... Ufufu♡ Even "No" can often mean "Yes"♡ そんなところ触っても、私の腰はとまりませんからね♡=Even if you touch me there, my hips won't stop moving, just so you know♡ 苦手なところでも、あなたに触ってもらえると嬉しいです♡ お返しにおちんちんに快感をプレゼントします♡=Your touches make me so happy, even in spots that I don't like♡ I'll gift your dick lots of pleasure in return♡ そこだけは許してください♡ そこだけはぁ♡=Please don't do it there~♡ Please don't~♡ @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ キスとピストンであなたに侵食されてるぅっ♡ 私がいなくなっちゃうぐらい気持ちいいのぉっ♡=I'm eating eaten away by your tongue and your pounding♡ It feels so good, I feel like I'm going to wear away into nothing--♡ 初めてで痛い私をいたわって、キスしてくれるんですね♡ 痛みなんてどこかに吹き飛んじゃいました♡=You're gonna soothe my pain with kisses, huh?♡ I don't feel pain anymore, it's all disappeared♡ 舌伸ばしてください♡ 私がぜんぶ吸っちゃいます♡=Please extend out your tongue♡ I'll suck on the whole thing♡ -こんな魅力的なキスハメされたら四六時中エッチなおつゆを垂らすドスケベ痴女になっちゃうぅ♡=If you kiss and fuck me like this I'll turn into a pervert that's wet 247♡ +こんな魅力的なキスハメされたら四六時中エッチなおつゆを垂らすドスケベ痴女になっちゃうぅ♡=If you kiss and fuck me like this I'll turn into a pervert that's wet 24/7♡ 私、さっきまで処女だったのに、妄想でずっとしてたことできて、イキそうになってますぅ♡=Even though I was still a virgin just a few minutes ago, this stuff, I've fantasized about it so much, I already feel like cumming♡ 私、イッちゃいそうですぅ♡ あなたにイカされちゃいそうですぅ♡=I'm about to cum♡ You'll make me cum♡ 愛が燃えて、身体が熱くなってきましたぁ♡=My love for you is burning up my body♡ @@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ Hのときだけでいいからあなたを独り占めさせてぇ♡ オチ 今日は安全日ですから、奥にぐりぐり擦り付けてもいいですよ♡=Today's a safe day so, you can rub it in all the way in if you want♡ これ、タマタマの精液ぜんぶじゃないですか? 私のおマンコってそんなに気持ち良いんですか? うふふ♡=Isn't this all the semen you had in your balls? Did my pussy feel just that good? Ufufu♡ あなたの生命力の強そうな精液が、子宮口にべったりはりついています♡=Your lively energetic semen, is sticking to the entrance of my womb♡ -あなたの精液がビュッビュッて子宮にかかると、私って女の子なんだぁって感じるんです♡="When your semen pours inside my womb, it really makes me feel Ah, I really am a girl, huh?"♡"" +あなたの精液がビュッビュッて子宮にかかると、私って女の子なんだぁって感じるんです♡=When your semen pours inside my womb, it really makes me feel "Ah, I really am a girl, huh?"♡ 他の子にはちゃんとゴムありでしてあげてくださいね♡=Please properly use a condom when you do it with other girls, okay?♡ おちんちんもおまんこも、お互いの体液まみれですね♡=Both your dick and my pussy, are covered in our fluids, aren't they?♡ うふふ♡ もし妊娠が発覚しても、ママになった私とボテ腹セックスしてくれますか?=Ufufu♡ Even if I do get pregnant, will you still have sex with me? Even if my belly is all big? @@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ Hのときだけでいいからあなたを独り占めさせてぇ♡ オチ うふふ、とっても素敵でした♡=Ufufu, you were so lovely♡ また混ざりあっちゃいましたね♡=It all mixed together again♡ やっぱり生で同時イキって気持ちいいですね♡=Cumming together while doing it raw really does feel amazing, doesn't it?♡ -これからは、「ナマ」という言葉に過剰に反応してしまいそうです♡="I feel like I'll never be able to hear the word raw" in any other way ever again♡"" +これからは、「ナマ」という言葉に過剰に反応してしまいそうです♡=I feel like I'll never be able to hear the word "raw" in any other way ever again♡ あなたのおちんちん、まだ勃起したままです♡=Your dick's still rock hard♡ こんなに幸せで良いのでしょうか♡=Is it really okay for me to be this happy?♡ また同時になんて、気が合いますね♡=Together again, we really do get along well, don't we?♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_03_02/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_03_02/translation.txt index ccdc7ff656..36b742ae6d 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_03_02/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_03_02/translation.txt @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ 私、イきそうですけど、無視でいいですから……♡ 射精のための前戯が終わったと思ってください……♡=I'm almost there but, you can ignore it if you want...♡ Please just think of it all as foreplay for the real thing, to make you cum...♡ そんなにガツガツしたら……♡ あなたより先にイッ……あ、だめです、やっぱり、イっちゃいます……♡=If you devour me like that...♡ I'll cu--... Ah, I can't, I really will cum before you...♡ 声は我慢しますけど、おまんこのビクビクは我慢できなさそうです……♡ ごめんなさい……♡=I can endure my moans, but not my pussy's throbbing...♡ I'm sorry...♡ -もう来ちゃいそうですか? いいですよ……♡ 私のどこでも性処理スケベ穴に全部出してください……♡=Are you almost there? Go ahead...♡ Please pour it all into my 247 Lust-Relief hole...♡ +もう来ちゃいそうですか? いいですよ……♡ 私のどこでも性処理スケベ穴に全部出してください……♡=Are you almost there? Go ahead...♡ Please pour it all into my 24/7 Lust-Relief hole...♡ 何も言わなくてもおちんちんがイキそうなの、伝わってきますよ……♡ タマタマの精液、ぜーんぶ出してくださいね……♡=I can tell that you're about to cum, even if you don't say anything...♡ Please shoot out all the semen you have in your balls, okay?...♡ もっとはやくおちんちんください……♡ あなたの精液が欲しすぎて、おかしくなりそうです……♡=Please move your dick faster...♡ I want your semen so bad, I'm going crazy...♡ 壊してください♡ 電車の中で、私の身体壊してください……♡=Please break me♡ Please break my body, on this train...♡ @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ 電車の中でもあなたに愛されて……いい人生でした……♡=I got to be loved by you even inside a train... I've had a good life till now...♡ ゴムがあなたの愛みたいに膨らんでいきますぅ……♡=The condom is puffing up, just like your love for me...♡ たとえ電車でも、ゴム越しでも、あなたの愛の熱さは変わりません……♡=Even if we're on a train, even if there's a condom between us, the warmth of your love never changes...♡ -はっ、んぁ……っ……(声を押し殺して絶頂)=Ha--, nnah... --... +はっ、んぁ……っ……(声を押し殺して絶頂)=Ha--, nnah... --...... っ……っはぁぁぁ……(我慢したため息のような、声を押し殺して絶頂)=--... --haaa... 電車の中でもあなたに求められて……♡ いい人生でした……♡=Being wanted by you, even on a train...♡ I've had a good life till now...♡ ……まだ、カチカチですね……♡ これじゃ、ズボンにしまえませんね……?=...It's still rock hard...♡ It won't fit back in your pants like this...♡ diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_03_03/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_03_03/translation.txt index b8da5ec12a..ad6bdb1807 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_03_03/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_03_03/translation.txt @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ あなたが興奮して射精してくれるなら、私は悦んで3Pしますぅっ♡=If this makes you horny enough to ejaculate, then I'll gladly have a threesome for you♡ あなたが射精するなら、もうなんでもいいですぅ♡ 私たちもイカせてくださいぃ♡=I don't even care anymore, as long as you can cum♡ Please make us cum too♡ ぐちょぐちょで気持ちいいのに、それと同じぐらい嫉妬で狂い死にそうですぅ♡=It's so soppy and feels so good but, I feel like I'll go mad and die from equal amounts of jealousy too♡ -中に……今、中に出すって言いましたか? う……いやですけど、我慢します……="Inside... Did you just say inside"? Uu... I don't like it but, I'll bear with it..."" +中に……今、中に出すって言いましたか? う……いやですけど、我慢します……=Inside... Did you just say "inside"? Uu... I don't like it but, I'll bear with it... あ、あなたが……それで、気持ちいいなら、我慢します……=I-If that... makes you feel good, then I'll bear with it... っ♡ じゃあ、二人であなたの射精をいっぱい眺めちゃいます♡=--♡ Then, we'll both pay real good attention to your ejaculation♡ 私に気を遣って……じゃないですよね? いっぱい外に出してください♡=You're not... doing that because of me, right? Please shoot out lots♡ @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ あなたを独り占めしているわけですから、いくらでも好き勝手してくださいね♡=I'm already monopolizing you for myself, so you can do whatever you like, I don't mind♡ 乱暴なはずなのに、優しさを感じてしまいます♡ あなたがもともと優しい人だからでしょうか…♡=Even though this is supposed to be rough, I still feel your gentleness♡ I wonder if it's because you're just kind at heart to begin with...♡ うふふ♡ もっと乱暴にしてください♡=Ufufu♡ Please be even more rough and violent♡ -私を24時間お股おっぴろげのコンビニ女扱いしてくれて、嬉しいです♡=It makes me really happy, when you treat me like a 247 Sex vending machine♡ +私を24時間お股おっぴろげのコンビニ女扱いしてくれて、嬉しいです♡=It makes me really happy, when you treat me like a 24/7 Sex vending machine♡ 私も、一刻も早く入れてほしかったんですけど、言いづらかったんです♡ ありがとうございます♡=I wanted you to put it in as soon as you could too, but it was hard to say♡ Thank you♡ 破瓜の血が流れてる感触がします♡あなたに傷つけてもらえて、嬉しいです♡=I feel the blood from my broken hymen flowing♡ It makes me so happy, to be hurt by you♡ 今日も私の身体を支配してくださいね♡=Please conquer my body again today♡ @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ 他のコイカツ部員にはできないこと、何でもしてください♡=Please do anything and everything, even stuff that you can't do with the other club members♡ え……? 私、何か気に入らないこと、言いました?お願いします、やめないでくださいっ=Eh...? Did I, say something offensive? Please, I'm sorry, please don't stop-- 抜けるときも気持ちいいですぅ♡=It feels good when you pull out too♡ -オマンコが、あなたのオチンチンはどこぉ?って、ギチギチに締まっちゃってますよ♡="My pussy's collapsing in on itself, like it's shouting out for you, going Where's your dick, darling~?"♡"" +オマンコが、あなたのオチンチンはどこぉ?って、ギチギチに締まっちゃってますよ♡=My pussy's collapsing in on itself, like it's shouting out for you, going "Where's your dick, darling~?"♡ あんっ♡ いきなり抜かれると、身体の力が抜けちゃいます♡=Ahn--♡ If you pull it out all of a sudden, it saps away all my strength♡ じ、焦らしてるん…ですよね? うふふ♡ いじわるしないでください♡=Y-You're tantalizing me... right? Ufufu♡ Please don't be such a bully~♡ び、びくびくしちゃいますよぉ♡=Y-You'll give me a heart attack♡ @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ 今日は安全日ですから、奥にぐりぐり擦り付けてもいいですよ♡=Today's a safe day so, you can rub it in all the way in if you want♡ これ、タマタマの精液ぜんぶじゃないですか? 私のおマンコってそんなに気持ち良いんですか? うふふ♡=Isn't this all the semen you had in your balls? Did my pussy feel just that good? Ufufu♡ あなたの生命力の強そうな精液が、子宮口にべったりはりついています♡=Your lively energetic semen, is sticking to the entrance of my womb♡ -あなたの精液がビュッビュッて子宮にかかると、私って女の子なんだぁって感じるんです♡="When your semen pours inside my womb, it really makes me feel Ah, I really am a girl, huh?"♡"" +あなたの精液がビュッビュッて子宮にかかると、私って女の子なんだぁって感じるんです♡=When your semen pours inside my womb, it really makes me feel "Ah, I really am a girl, huh?"♡ 他の子にはちゃんとゴムありでしてあげてくださいね♡=Please properly use a condom when you do it with other girls, okay?♡ おちんちんもおまんこも、お互いの体液まみれですね♡=Both your dick and my pussy, are covered in our fluids, aren't they?♡ うふふ♡ もし妊娠が発覚しても、ママになった私とボテ腹セックスしてくれますか?=Ufufu♡ Even if I do get pregnant, will you still have sex with me? Even if my belly is all big? diff --git a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_03_04/translation.txt b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_03_04/translation.txt index ab91477a77..2e508f00d1 100644 --- a/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_03_04/translation.txt +++ b/translation/en/RedirectedResources/assets/abdata/h/list/20_00/personality_voice_c24_03_04/translation.txt @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ あなたが興奮して射精してくれるなら、私は悦んで3Pしますぅっ♡=If this makes you horny enough to ejaculate, then I'll gladly have a threesome for you♡ あなたが射精するなら、もうなんでもいいですぅ♡ 私たちもイカせてくださいぃ♡=I don't even care anymore, as long as you can cum♡ Please make us cum too♡ ぐちょぐちょで気持ちいいのに、それと同じぐらい嫉妬で狂い死にそうですぅ♡=It's so soppy and feels so good but, I feel like I'll go mad and die from equal amounts of jealousy too♡ -中に……今、中に出すって言いましたか? う……いやですけど、我慢します……="Inside... Did you just say inside"? Uu... I don't like it but, I'll bear with it..."" +中に……今、中に出すって言いましたか? う……いやですけど、我慢します……=Inside... Did you just say "inside"? Uu... I don't like it but, I'll bear with it... あ、あなたが……それで、気持ちいいなら、我慢します……=I-If that... makes you feel good, then I'll bear with it... っ♡ じゃあ、二人であなたの射精をいっぱい眺めちゃいます♡=--♡ Then, we'll both pay real good attention to your ejaculation♡ 私に気を遣って……じゃないですよね? いっぱい外に出してください♡=You're not... doing that because of me, right? Please shoot out lots♡ @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ 今日は安全日ですから、奥にぐりぐり擦り付けてもいいですよ♡=Today's a safe day so, you can rub it in all the way in if you want♡ これ、タマタマの精液ぜんぶじゃないですか? 私のおマンコってそんなに気持ち良いんですか? うふふ♡=Isn't this all the semen you had in your balls? Did my pussy feel just that good? Ufufu♡ あなたの生命力の強そうな精液が、子宮口にべったりはりついています♡=Your lively energetic semen, is sticking to the entrance of my womb♡ -あなたの精液がビュッビュッて子宮にかかると、私って女の子なんだぁって感じるんです♡="When your semen pours inside my womb, it really makes me feel Ah, I really am a girl, huh?"♡"" +あなたの精液がビュッビュッて子宮にかかると、私って女の子なんだぁって感じるんです♡=When your semen pours inside my womb, it really makes me feel "Ah, I really am a girl, huh?"♡ 他の子にはちゃんとゴムありでしてあげてくださいね♡=Please properly use a condom when you do it with other girls, okay?♡ おちんちんもおまんこも、お互いの体液まみれですね♡=Both your dick and my pussy, are covered in our fluids, aren't they?♡ うふふ♡ もし妊娠が発覚しても、ママになった私とボテ腹セックスしてくれますか?=Ufufu♡ Even if I do get pregnant, will you still have sex with me? Even if my belly is all big?