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Recursive directory processing example
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kornelski committed Jan 9, 2017
1 parent 5f6b0d5 commit b73eb5d
Showing 1 changed file with 164 additions and 0 deletions.
164 changes: 164 additions & 0 deletions examples/optimize_directory.php
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
#!/usr/bin/env php

// This is a shell script, not a webpage.
// That's because the script will take a while to run, and it could time out in a browser.
if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") {
@header("Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf8");
echo "This file is meant to be run from command line, and not via a web server. Please run it from a terminal (e.g. connect via SSH):\n";
echo "cd ", __DIR__, "\n";
die("php ./".basename(__FILE__)."\n");

// If this line fails, run "composer update".
// If you don't have the composer command, see
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . dirname(__DIR__));
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

function usage() {
echo "This command takes 4 arguments:\n";
echo " - your ImageOptim API username (,\n";
echo " - maximum width of the images (optional),\n";
echo " - source directory to read unoptimized images from,\n";
echo " - and a destination directory to save converted images to.\n\n";
echo "If you omit the size, images will keep their original dimensions.\n";
echo "If you specify a size, the size will be added to images' filenames,\n";
echo "so you can generate multiple thumbnail sizes in the same directory.\ne.g.:\n";
// Note that paths in the example are fictional and you'll need to adjust them for your server
echo "php ", $_SERVER['argv'][0], " exampleapikey 640 /www/ /www/\n";
echo "The above example will read all images from /www/,\n";
echo "resize them to max 640 pixels wide, and save with a '-640.jpg' suffix.\n";
echo "/www/ -> /www/\n\n";
echo "If you have questions, ask\n";

if (count($_SERVER['argv']) < 4) { // the arg 0 is the command name

$argn = 1;
$apiUsername = $_SERVER['argv'][$argn++];
if (!$apiUsername || ctype_digit($apiUsername) || file_exists($apiUsername)) {
echo "The first argument (". escapeshellarg($apiUsername) . ") must be an ImageOptim API username.\n";
echo "Get your username from\n";

$width = null;
if (count($_SERVER['argv']) > 4 && ctype_digit($_SERVER['argv'][$argn])) {
$width = $_SERVER['argv'][$argn++];

$sourceDir = $_SERVER['argv'][$argn++];
if (!is_dir($sourceDir)) {
echo "ERROR: ", $sourceDir, " does not exist or is not a directory.\n\n";

$destDir = $_SERVER['argv'][$argn++];
if (!is_dir($destDir)) {
if (is_dir(dirname($destDir))) {
if (!mkdir($destDir)) {
echo "ERROR: can't create ", $destDir, ". Please create this directory first.\n";
} else {
echo "ERROR: ", $destDir, " does not exist or is not a directory.\n\n";

// Clears symlinks from paths, makes them absolute and comparable
$sourceDir = realpath($sourceDir);
$destDir = realpath($destDir);

try {
$api = new ImageOptim\API($apiUsername);

// This is a fancy way of getting a list of all files in a directory
$items = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($sourceDir, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS),

$nonImage = [];
$skipped = 0;
$done = 0;

foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item->isDir()) continue;
$filename = $item->getFilename();
if (!preg_match('/\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svgz?|bmp|tiff?)/i', $filename)) {
$nonImage[] = $filename;

$sourcePath = $item->getPathname();
$destRelPath = substr($sourcePath, strlen($sourceDir));
$destPath = $destDir . $destRelPath;

// Append .min extension if source and destination are the same
if ($destPath === $sourcePath && false === strpos($destRelPath, '.min.')) {
$destRelPath = preg_replace('/\.[^.]+$/', '.min$0', $destRelPath);
$destPath = $destDir . $destRelPath;

echo substr($destRelPath,1),"... ";

if (file_exists($destPath) && filemtime($destPath) > filemtime($sourcePath)) {
echo " already exists (skipped)\n";

// The process preserves directory structure, so it needs to create dirs
$destSubdir = dirname($destPath);
if (!is_dir($destSubdir)) {
if (!mkdir($destSubdir, 0777, true)) {
echo "error: unable to create", $destSubdir,"\n";

$apiRequest = $api->imageFromPath($sourcePath);
if ($width) {
// You could add more options here
$data = $apiRequest->getBytes();
if (!file_put_contents($destPath, $data)) {
echo "ERROR: unable to save file $destPath\n";

$inSize = filesize($sourcePath);
$outSize = strlen($data);
echo "ok (", ($inSize > $outSize ? "$inSize -> $outSize bytes" : "already optimized"), ")\n";

if (count($nonImage)) {
echo "Skipped ", count($nonImage), " non-image file(s) ", implode(', ', array_slice($nonImage, 0, 50)), "\n";
$nonImage = [];

if ($skipped) {
echo "\nSkipped $skipped alredy-existing file(s) in $destDir";
echo "\nImageOptim API processed $done file(s)\n";

} catch(\ImageOptim\AccessDeniedException $e) {
echo "ERROR\n\n";
echo "Please got to\n";
echo "get your API username, and replace '$apiUsername' with\n";
echo "your new registered API username.\n\n";
echo $e;
} catch(\Exception $e) {
echo "ERROR\n\n";
echo $e;

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