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skenow committed Oct 11, 2015
2 parents abe2fa8 + 3c47867 commit e410310
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Showing 1,164 changed files with 21,758 additions and 48,157 deletions.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions htdocs/editors/CKeditor/ceditfinder/_auth.php
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
* ImpressCMS authentication for CKEditor
* Specify authentication and configuration settings based on access level
* @copyright ImpressCMS
* @license
* @category ICMS
* @package Editors
* @subpackage CKEditor
/** Be sure this is not being accessed inappropriately */
defined('ceditFinder') or die('Restricted access');

/* turn off logging in the display */


$groups = is_object(icms::$user) ? icms::$user->getGroups() : ICMS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS;
$gperm = icms::handler('icms_member_groupperm');

$agroups = $gperm->getItemIds('use_wysiwygeditor', $groups);

if (count($agroups) == 0) {die(_NOPERM);}
367 changes: 367 additions & 0 deletions htdocs/editors/CKeditor/ceditfinder/_browse.php
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
* Functions for the CKEditor image browser plugin (ceditfinder)
* @category ICMS
* @package Editors
* @subpackage CKEditor
* @author
* @author modified by ImpressCMS
* @todo needs security review
defined( 'ceditFinder' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
function dirList ( $directory ) {
// @todo properly validate $directory, limit to the imagedirectory

$results = array();
$handler = @opendir( $directory );
if ( $handler === FALSE ) return $results;
while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handler ) ) ) {
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && preg_match("/\.(jpg|png|bmp|gif|svg)$/i", $file))
$results[] = $file;
closedir( $handler );
return $results;

function getThumb( $folder, $file ) {
// @todo properly validate $folder and $file

// Returns path to thumbnail - creates it if one doesn't exist
global $cfconfig;

//echo '<pre>' . $folder . ' -> ' . $file . '</pre>';
$thumb = $folder . $file;
if ( $folder == '' ) $thumb = '/' . $thumb;
$thumbfilepath = $cfconfig['fileroot'] . $cfconfig['imagecache'] . $thumb;
$origfile = $cfconfig['fileroot'] . $cfconfig['imagefolder'] . $folder . $file;
if ( file_exists( $thumbfilepath ) ) {
// Thumbnail exists... check it's creation date is newer than the
// original file (otherwise it may be out of date)
if ( filemtime( $origfile ) < filemtime( $thumbfilepath ) ) {
// Thumbnail is up-to-date
return $cfconfig['imagecache'] . $thumb;

// Check thumbs folder exists
if ( !file_exists( dirname($thumbfilepath) ) ) {
// Create thumbs folder
if (!mkdir( dirname($thumbfilepath), 0775, true )) {
echo '<pre>' . dirname($thumbfilepath) . '</pre>';
return false;

// Load image and resize to thumbnail size
$image = new simpleimage();
$image->load( $origfile );
if ( $image->isImage() === FALSE ) return FALSE; // This is not an image!
if ( $image->getWidth() <= $cfconfig['thumbwidth'] && $image->getHeight() <= $cfconfig['thumbheight'] ) {
// Doesn't need resizing, so return link to original file
return $cfconfig['imagefolder'] . $folder . $file;
$image->resize( $cfconfig['thumbwidth'], $cfconfig['thumbheight'], true );
$image->save( $thumbfilepath );
return $cfconfig['imagecache'] . $thumb;

function showSubfolders( $folder ) {

function showParentFolder( $folders ) {
global $browseURL;
if ( count($folders) > 0 ) {
// Show folder to move up a level
$parentfolder = '';
//echo '<pre>'; print_r( $folders ); echo '</pre>';
for ( $i=1; $i < ( count($folders) - 1 ) ; $i++ ) {
$parentfolder .= '/' . $folders[$i];
if ( $parentfolder == '' ) $parentfolder = '/';
echo '<a href="' . $browseURL . 'folder=' . urlencode( $parentfolder ) . '"><p class="imagefolder">Parent folder</p></a>';
function showFolder( $folder ) {
// Displays the pictures within the given folder
global $cfconfig, $browseURL;

if ( $folder == '/' ) $folder = '';
if ( $folder != '' ) {
$folders = explode( '/', $folder );
echo '<h3>Current folder: ';
$path = '';
if ( $folders[0] == '' ) unset( $folders[0] );
if ( $folders[count($folders)] == '' ) unset( $folders[count($folders)] );
foreach ( $folders as $subpath ) {
if ( $subpath != '' ) {
$path .= '/' . $subpath;
echo '/' . '<a href="' . $browseURL . '&amp;folder=' . urlencode( $path ) . '">';
echo $subpath . '</a>';
echo '</h3>';
} else {
echo '<h3>Current folder: root</h3>';
// Get file listing of folder
//echo '<pre>' . $imagefolder . $folder . '</pre>';
$filelist = dirList($cfconfig['fileroot'] . $cfconfig['imagefolder'] . $folder);
if ( count( $filelist ) < 1 ) {
echo '<p>No images found.</p>';
showCreateFolderForm( $folder );
showUploadImageForm( $folder );
} else {
//echo '<pre>'; print_r( $filelist ); echo '</pre>';
$pichtml = '<script type="text/javascript">
function SelectImage( url ) {
var CKEditorFuncNum = ' . $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum'] . '; CKEditorFuncNum, url );
$subfolders = array();
foreach ( $filelist as $file ) {
if (is_dir($cfconfig['fileroot'] . $cfconfig['imagefolder'] . $folder . $file)) {
$subfolders[] = $file;
} else {
$thumb = getThumb( $folder, $file );
// echo '<pre>' . $thumb . '</pre>';
if ( $thumb !== FALSE ) {
// Create image view
$imagediv = '<div class="thumbviewimage"';
/* if ($_GET['CKEditorFuncNum'] < 1) {
$imagediv .= '><a href="' . $browseURL . '&amp;action=edit&amp;name=' . $file . '&amp;folder=' . $folder . '" onmouseover="Tip(\'Edit image\', DELAY, 0)" onmouseout="UnTip()">';
$imagediv .= '<img src="' . $thumb;
$imagediv .= '" alt="' . $file . '" /></a></div>';
} else {
*/ $imagediv .= ' onmouseover="Tip(\'Select ' . $file . '\', DELAY, 0)" onmouseout="UnTip()" onclick="SelectImage(\'';
if ( $folder == '' ) {
$imagediv .= $cfconfig['imagefolder'] .$folder . $file;
} else {
$imagediv .= $cfconfig['imagefolder'] . substr($folder, 1) . $file;
$imagediv .= '\');" >';
$imagediv .= '<img src="' . $cfconfig['baseurl'] . $thumb;
$imagediv .= '" alt="' . $file . '"/></div>';
// }
// Create controls view
$controldiv = '<div class="thumbviewcontrols">';
$controldiv .= '<a href="' . $browseURL . '&amp;action=edit&amp;name=' . $file . '&amp;folder=' . $folder . '" onmouseover="Tip(\'Edit image\', DELAY, 0)" onmouseout="UnTip()">';
$controldiv .= '<img src="images/edit.png" alt="Edit" /></a>';
$controldiv .= '<a href="' . $browseURL . '&amp;action=delimage&amp;name=' . $file . '&amp;folder=' . $folder . '" onmouseover="Tip(\'Delete image\', DELAY, 0)" onmouseout="UnTip()"';
if ( $cfconfig['confirmdelete'] ) $controldiv .= ' onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete ' . $file . ' ?\')"';
$controldiv .= ' >';
$controldiv .= '<img src="images/delete.png" alt="Delete" /></a>';
$controldiv .= '</div>';

// Add image to display
$pichtml .= '<div class="thumbview">' . /*$controldiv .*/ $imagediv . "</div>\r\n";
if ( count( $subfolders ) > 0 && false ) {
// We have subfolders, list them
foreach( $subfolders as $subfolder ) {
if ( $subfolder != 'cfthumbs' ) {
echo '<div class="folderlisting">';
echo '<div class="deletefolder">';
echo '<a href="' . $browseURL . '&amp;action=delfolder&amp;folder=';
echo urlencode( $folder . '/' . $subfolder ) . '" onmouseover="Tip(\'Delete ' . $subfolder . '\', DELAY, 0)" onmouseout="UnTip()"';
if ( $cfconfig['confirmdelete'] ) echo ' onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete?\')"';
echo ' >';
echo '<img src="/cms/images/icons/delete.png" />';
echo '</a></div>';
echo '<a href="' . $browseURL . '&amp;folder=' . urlencode( $folder . DS . $subfolder ) . '">';
echo '<p class="imagefolder">';
echo $subfolder . '</p></a>';
echo '</div>';
showCreateFolderForm( $folder );
showUploadImageForm( $folder );
echo $pichtml;
//addImageForm( $id );
} // SQL error

function showEditImageForm( $folder, $filename ) {
global $cfconfig, $browseURL, $rooturl;
if ( $folder == DS ) $folder = '';
if (!file_exists($cfconfig['fileroot'] . $folder . $filename)) {
echo '<p>Image not found.</p>';
$image = new simpleimage();
$image->load($cfconfig['fileroot'] . $folder . $filename);
if ( $folder != '' ) {
$folders = explode( '/', $folder );
echo '<h3';
$path = '';
if ( $folders[0] == '' ) unset( $folders[0] );
if ( $folders[count($folders)] == '' ) unset( $folders[count($folders)] );
foreach ( $folders as $subpath ) {
if ( $subpath != '' ) {
$path .= '/' . $subpath;
echo '<a href="' . $browseURL . '&amp;folder=' . urlencode( $path ) . '">/';
echo $subpath . '</a>';
echo '</h3>';
echo '<h2>Viewing ' . $filename . '</h2>';
echo '<img src="' . $cfconfig['baseurl'] . '/', $folder . $filename . '" />';
<form action="" method="post" name="EditImage">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
<td><input name="Name" type="text" value="<?php echo $filename; ?>" />
<td><input name="width" type="text" id="width"
value="<?php echo $image->getWidth(); ?>" size="6" />px by <input
name="height" type="text" id="height"
value="<?php echo $image->getHeight(); ?>" size="6" />px<br /> <input
name="chkConstrainProportions" type="checkbox"
id="chkConstrainProportions" value="yes" /> Constrain proportions</td>
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Apply Changes" />

function showImageEditor( $folder, $filename ) {
<div id="image-editor">
<div class="toolbar">
<button onclick="">Apply Changes</button>
<span class="spacer"> || </span>
<button onclick="ImageEditor.undo()">Revert</button>
<div class="toolbar">
w:<input id="txt-width" type="text" size="3" maxlength="4" /> h:<input
id="txt-height" type="text" size="3" maxlength="4" /> <input
id="chk-constrain" type="checkbox" checked="checked" />Constrain
<button onclick="ImageEditor.resize();">Resize</button>
<span class="spacer"> || </span>
<button onclick="ImageEditor.rotate(90)">90&deg;CCW</button>
<button onclick="ImageEditor.rotate(270)">90&deg;CW</button>
<span class="spacer"> || </span>
<button onclick="ImageEditor.crop()">Crop</button>
<span id="crop-size"></span>
<div class="toolbar">
<button onclick="ImageEditor.grayscale()">Gray Scale</button>
<button onclick="ImageEditor.sepia()">Sepia</button>
<button onclick="ImageEditor.pencil()">Pencil</button>
<button onclick="ImageEditor.emboss()">Emboss</button>
<button onclick="ImageEditor.sblur()">Blur</button>
<button onclick="ImageEditor.smooth()">Smooth</button>
<button onclick="ImageEditor.invert()">Invert</button>
<button onclick="ImageEditor.brighten()">Brighten</button>
<button onclick="ImageEditor.darken()">Darken</button>
<div id="image"></div>

function addImageForm( $catid ) {

function showCreateFolderForm( $folder ) {
<form action="" method="post" name="CreateFolder">
<p class="imagefolderadd">
<input name="newfolder" type="text" maxlength="100" id="newfolder" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Create Folder" />
<input name="folder" type="hidden" id="folder"
value="<?php echo $folder; ?>" />

function showUploadImageForm( $folder ) {
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"
<p class="uploadimage">
<input type="file" name="image" id="image" /> <input type="submit"
name="submit" id="submitimage" value="Add Image" /> <input
name="folder" type="hidden" id="folder"
value="<?php echo $folder; ?>" />

function ListFolder( $path, $editlink = '' ) {
global $cfconfig, $folder;
$html = '';
$dir_handle = @opendir($cfconfig['fileroot'] . $cfconfig['imagefolder'].$path) or die("Unable to open " . $cfconfig['fileroot'].$cfconfig['imagefolder'].$path);
//Leave only the last folder name
$active = FALSE;
if ( ( $path . '/' ) == $folder ) $active = TRUE;
if ( $folder == '' && $path == '' ) $active = TRUE;
$p = explode( '/', $path );
$dirname = end( $p );
if ( $dirname == '' ) $dirname = '/';

//display the target folder.
$html .= '<li';
//if ( $active ) $html .= ' class="active"';
$html .= '>';
if ( $editlink != '' )
$html .= '<a ';
if ( $active ) $html .= 'class="active" ';
if ( $path == '' ) {
$html .= 'href="' . $editlink . '" >';
} else {
$html .= 'href="' . $editlink . '&amp;folder=' . urlencode( $path ) . '" >';
$html .= $dirname;
if ( $editlink != '' ) $html .= '</a>';
$html .= "\n";
$html .= "<ul>\n";
while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $dir_handle ) ) )
if( $file != "." && $file != ".." )
if (is_dir($cfconfig['fileroot'] . $cfconfig['imagefolder'] . $path . '/' . $file))
if ( $file!="cfthumbs" ) $html .= ListFolder( $path . '/' . $file, $editlink );
$html .= "</ul>\n";
$html .= "</li>\n";

return $html;

function ShowFolderTree( $editlink = '' ) {
global $browseURL;
if ( $editlink == '' ) $editlink = $browseURL;
$html = '<div id="foldertree">';
$html .= "\n<ul>";
$html .= ListFolder( '', $editlink );
$html .= "\n</ul>";
$html .= '</div>';
echo $html;
// end _browse.php

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