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la-sch edited this page Apr 4, 2018 · 10 revisions

Open Science for Industrial Ecology

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The purpose of this page is to advance science in industrial ecology by promoting open science. First, industrial ecology researchers can find resources with regards to how to implement open science in their own research work. Second, a group of interested IE researchers documents their findings and ideas regarding open science for industrial ecology to provide further recommendations in the future.


Our vision is to enhance IE research transparency, reproducibility, and ultimately impact on human well-being and environmental sustainability.

Join us

This is a community effort. If you're interested in open science within IE, join us! Contributions are welcome! Specific working groups are described in our manifesto. You can follow our recent activities in the minutes of our meetings. Our discussions take place through GitHub issues. Feel free to also join the related mailing list.

Recent achievements

In early 2018, we published a proposal of guidelines and incentives for sharing data. It includes minimum requirements for data sharing when publishing a scientific article, and the Journal of Industrial Ecology agreed to implement these suggestions. Furthermore, it entails a data openness badge system to reward authors who supply well-documented data. Our proposal will continue to be open for debate and revision.