diff --git a/Guides/Best Practices and FAQ.md b/Guides/Best Practices and FAQ.md index 62e4dfe3f..fdf9eefdb 100644 --- a/Guides/Best Practices and FAQ.md +++ b/Guides/Best Practices and FAQ.md @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ This would only happen if your objects provide *non-unique* diff identifiers. - Make sure your [`-diffIdentifier`](https://instagram.github.io/IGListKit/Protocols/IGListDiffable.html#/c:objc(pl)IGListDiffable(im)diffIdentifier) implementation returns a **unique identifier** for each object. -- We highly recommend using single-item sections when possible. That is, each section only has 1 cell. Each section controller manages a single model and a single cell. This gives you the greatest amount of flexibility, modularity, and re-use for your components. +- We highly recommend using single-item sections when possible. That is, each section controller manages a single model (which may have one or multiple cells). This gives you the greatest amount of flexibility, modularity, and re-use for your components. ## Frequently asked questions @@ -38,15 +38,16 @@ This feature is on the `master` branch only and hasn't been officially tagged an - Core Data ([#460](https://github.com/Instagram/IGListKit/issues/460), [#461](https://github.com/Instagram/IGListKit/issues/461)) - AsyncDisplayKit ([AsyncDisplayKit/#2942](https://github.com/facebook/AsyncDisplayKit/pull/2942)) -- ComponentKit +- ComponentKit ([ocrickard/IGListKit-ComponentKit](https://github.com/ocrickard/IGListKit-ComponentKit)) - React Native - Reactive Cocoa +- RxSwift Yes. **Does `IGListKit` work with `UITableView`?** -No, but you can install the [diffing subspec via CocoaPods]((https://instagram.github.io/IGListKit/installation.html)). +No, but you can install the [diffing subspec via CocoaPods](https://instagram.github.io/IGListKit/installation.html). **What's the purpose of `IGListCollectionView`?**