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3-SMART Quick Start Guide

See NEWS for information about changes in this and previous versions

See LOGBOOK for details about the 3-SMART developments

What is the 3-SMART pipeline ?

3-SMART (3'-Seq Mapping Annotation and Regulation Tool) was setup to process 3' sequencing data from sequencing reads. It includes the trimming, mapping, peak detection, filtering, annotation and differential analysis. If you use it, please cite : ##


For any questions about the pipeline, please contact

How to install it ?

The following dependencies are required :

To install the 3-SMART pipeline, simply extract the archive and set up the configuration file with the paths to dependencies.

tar -zxvf smart_2.0.0.tar.gz
cd smart_2.0.0

Annotation Files

The pipeline is using a couple of annotation files with gene annotation and last exons information. These files are based on UCSC Refseq gene. In order to generate all required annotation files, please set the ANNOT_DIR, ORG and UCSC_EXPORT in the configuration file.


3-SMART will start by creating the annotation files in the forder ANNOT_DIR/ORG/ The annotation only have to be generated once. Human annotation are provided with the pipeline.


To treat reads with adapter, it is necessary to know adapters 5' (P5) and 3' (P7):


How to use it ?

PART 1 : reads processing 3-SMART can be used for a single sample. In order to use the pipeline, please set up the configuration according to your analysis, and run the following command to make the preprocessing data:

/scripts/ -c CONFIG -i INPUT_FILE -s STEP -n SAMPLE -o OUTPUT_DIR [-h] [-v]

-c: The configuration file

-i: The fastq format file of the 3'-seq sample. CAUTION: only the files in fastq.gz format are accepted.

-s: The steps of this pipeline that is to be launched. There are 6 differents steps: 
trimming: Remove reads which have had problems with the sequencer and remove adapters
remove_stretchA: Remove A stretch in 3' side and select a read size
fastqc: Quality control for fastq file
mapping: Map reads with bowtie2 and use the mapping quality to select reads. On this step we create a sort and index file.
peak_calling: Detect peaks
filter_peaks: Select peaks without stretch of genomic A in reads
all: Launch all previous step

-n: The sample identifiers (number or letter; no symbols)

-o: The output directory

[-h]: Help

[-v]: Version

PART 2 : annotation multisamples Annotate peaks present in multiple samples. Run the following command to make the annotation of multiple samples:

/scripts/ -c CONFIG -l INPUT_LIST -s STEP -o OUTPUT_DIR [-h] [-v]

-c: The configuration file

-l: The list of BED files (SAMPLE_NUMBER_peaks_filt.bed), obtained from the PART 1 (See input_list_annotMultisamples.txt)

-s: The steps of this pipeline that is to be launched. There are 3 differents steps: 
merge_peaks: Concatenate, sort and merge all peaks present in different samples
annotate_peaks: Annotate the merged peaks
peaks_description: Create different pictures and table
all: Launch all previous step

-o: The output directory

[-h]: Help message

[-v]: Version 

This is a input list of BED files obtained thanks to the PART 1, for the PART 2, input_list_annotMultisamples.txt

Sample2        path/Sample2/Sample2_test_peaks_filt.bed        Test
Sample4        path/Sample4/Sample4_test_peaks_filt.bed        Test
Sample1        path/Sample1/Sample1_ctrl_peaks_filt.bed        Ctrl
Sample3        path/Sample3/Sample3_ctrl_peaks_filt.bed        Ctrl

PART 3 : differential analysis Create a table of counts with all samples and make the differential analysis. Run the following command to make the differential analysis:


-c: The configuration file

-l: The list of BAM files, obtained from the PART 1 (See input_list_compare.txt)

-s: The steps of this pipeline that is to be launched. There are 2 differents steps:
quantification: Quantify merged peaks and remove peaks which are on different genes
differential_analysis: Make the differential analysis
all: Launch all previous step

-o: The output directory

[-h]: Help message

[-v]: Version

This is a input list of BAM files obtained thanks to the PART 1, for the PART 3, input_list_compare.txt

Sample2        path/Sample2/Sample2_test_MAPQ_sort.bam        Test        1
Sample4        path/Sample4/Sample4_test_MAPQ_sort.bam        Test        1
Sample1        path/Sample1/Sample1_ctrl_MAPQ_sort.bam        Ctrl        0
Sample3        path/Sample3/Sample3_ctrl_MAPQ_sort.bam        Ctrl        0