C++ GUI to read and process in Real Time EEG data collected with Biosemi System
This GUI is meant to read and analyze only EEG (and not other input, such as Ergo input) Biosemi data in real time. The executable file Real_Time_Biosemi_Cpp is located in the zip folder x64 -> Release.
Please, keep in mind that I am following the current format of the BDF file, as reported in Biosemi's website, to read the EEG data in real time.
Unfortunately, it appears that a problem exists in the C++/CLI module of Visual Studio that prevents the executable file generated in a Release mode to be used in a computer that does not have Visual Studio installed. As a consequence of this, please, keep in mind that in order to run the executable file, you will need to install Visual Studio with the C++/CLI module. Luckily, the software is free, so this problem should not prevent anyone from using this code. I tried to contact Microsoft to ask for a soultion, but they do not believe there is anything wrong with Visual Studio, so unfortunately they cannot help me. If you know of a solution to this problem, please let me know.
I upaloded a pdf file named "Guide to Real Time Biosemi" that provides a quick and simple guide to use the Real Time Biosemi GUI. I hope I was able to describe everything clearly.
If you have any questions and/or want to report bugs, please e-mail me (Ale) at: pressalex@hotmail.com