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Patch quest scripts
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Updated decompiled quest scripts with patched quests.
Patch includes all fixes from Daggerfall 1.07.213 patch, "Fixed Quests"
patch by Ancestral Ghost, and DFQFIX by Donald Tipton.
These fixes includes corrections to text, quest flow, rewards,
consistency, task triggers, and more.
With fixes in place, Template v1.11 was able to decompile a few more
quests than before.
I want to extend a huge thank you to all the earlier community members
who helped create these fixes for every Daggerfall fan to enjoy. Thank
you! :)
  • Loading branch information
Interkarma committed Jul 7, 2017
1 parent b1cd55c commit 7848b16
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Showing 96 changed files with 5,191 additions and 3,445 deletions.
410 changes: 288 additions & 122 deletions Assets/StreamingAssets/Quests/40C00Y00.txt

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions Assets/StreamingAssets/Quests/80C00Y00.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
-- Quest: C:\QUESTS\WORKING\80C00Y00.Qbn.
-- StartsBy: NPC
-- Questee: anyone
-- Questor: Malacath
-- Repute: 0
-- QuestId: 0

Item _artifact_ artifact Volendrung anyInfo 1013
Item _note_ letter used 1030

Person _qgfriend_ group Noble female anyInfo 1011
Person _murder_ face 1 factiontype Province anyInfo 1050 rumors 1051
Person _ruler_ group Noble female anyInfo 1052 rumors 1053

Place _mondung_ remote dungeon

Clock _1stparton_ 00:00 0 flag 18 range 2 5
Clock _delay_ 01:00 0 flag 1 range 0 1

Foe _monster_ is Daedra_seducer

-- Quest start-up:
dialog link for person _ruler_
dialog link for person _murder_
start timer _1stparton_
reveal _mondung_
log 1020 step 0
give item _note_ to _monster_
_note_ used do _readnote_
place foe _monster_ at _mondung_

_1stparton_ task:
end quest

variable _2ndparton_
_pcgetsgold_ task:
when _npcclicked_ and _mondead_
give pc _artifact_
start timer _delay_
Clear _npcclicked_

_mondead_ task:
killed 1 _monster_
say 1015
create npc _qgfriend_

_npcclicked_ task:
clicked npc _qgfriend_

variable _clearclick_
_delay_ task:
end quest

_readnote_ task:
add dialog for person _murder_

_rulerclicked_ task:
toting _note_ and _ruler_ clicked
prompt 1041 yes _S.09_ no _school_

_S.09_ task:
say 1040
change repute with _murder_ by +15

_school_ task:
get item _note_
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Assets/StreamingAssets/Quests/80C00Y00.txt.meta

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions Assets/StreamingAssets/Quests/A0C00Y04.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
-- Quest: C:\QUESTS\WORKING\A0C00Y04.Qbn.
-- StartsBy: NPC
-- Questee: anyone
-- Questor: peasant
-- Repute: 0
-- QuestId: 4

Item _artifact_ artifact Chrysamere anyInfo 1025
Item _ingredient_ lodestone
Item _token_ pearl

Person _qgiver_ face 1 group Chemist
Person _agent_ group Questor male
Person _dummymage_ face 1 faction The_Mages_Guild
Person _dummyorc_ face 1 named Orsinium
Person _dummydarkb_ face 49 faction The_Dark_Brotherhood

Place _dungeon_ remote dungeon
Place _meetingplace_ local apothecary

Clock _extratime_ 00:30 0 flag 1 range 0 1
Clock _totaltime_ 90.00:00 0 flag 17 range 0 2

Foe _guardian_ is Daedra_seducer
Foe _monster_ is Orc_shaman
Foe _orc_ is Orc_warlord
Foe _daedras_ is 2 Daedroth

-- Quest start-up:
start timer _totaltime_
reveal _dungeon_
log 1010 step 0
give item _ingredient_ to _guardian_
place foe _guardian_ at _dungeon_
place npc _qgiver_ at _meetingplace_

_giveingredient_ task:
toting _ingredient_ and _qgiver_ clicked saying 1013
give item _ingredient_ to _monster_

_hitguardian_ task:
injured _guardian_

yes task:
log 1011 step 1
get item _token_
restrain foe _guardian_

variable _no_
variable _clickonqgiver_
_givetoken_ task:
toting _token_ and _qgiver_ clicked saying 1014
cast Silence spell on _monster_

_shamandead_ task:
killed 1 _monster_
start timer _extratime_

_givereward_ task:
when _givetoken_ and _shamandead_
change repute with _dummymage_ by +25 saying +1015
change repute with _dummyorc_ by -10

_extratime_ task:
make _ingredient_ permanent
end quest

_totaltime_ task:
make _ingredient_ permanent
end quest

_revealmonsters_ task:
when _giveingredient_ or _givetoken_
create foe _orc_ every 1 minutes 1 times with 100% success
hide npc _qgiver_
place foe _monster_ at _meetingplace_

_betrayguardian_ task:
when _hitguardian_ and yes
create foe _daedras_ every 1 minutes 1 times with 100% success
take _token_ from pc saying 1020
change repute with _dummydarkb_ by -75

_firsthit_ task:
when _hitguardian_
prompt 1012 yes yes no _no_
unset _hitguardian_
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Assets/StreamingAssets/Quests/A0C00Y04.txt.meta

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

43 changes: 24 additions & 19 deletions Assets/StreamingAssets/Quests/A0C00Y06.txt
Expand Up @@ -13,56 +13,56 @@ QuestorOffer: [1000]
<ce> My name is _qgiver_.
<ce> My master has asked me to
<ce> find a brave adventurer
<ce> for a dangerous mission.
<ce> for a dangerous mission.
<ce> I cannot tell you more,
<ce> other than to say that it
<ce> is worth _gold_ gold pieces
<ce> to whoever succeeds. Are
<ce> to whoever succeeds. Are
<ce> you interested?

RefuseQuest: [1001]
<ce> I shall seek elsewhere for
<ce> a hero to fulfill my
<ce> a hero to fulfill my
<ce> master's quest.

AcceptQuest: [1002]
<ce> Go to _meetingplace_.
<ce> There you will find my
<ce> There you will find my
<ce> master.

QuestLogEntry: [1010]
%qdt: I met
_qgiver_ in ___qgiver_,
who told me %g3 master in
the __traitor_ would
_meetingplace_ would
pay _gold_ gold pieces for
an unknown but certainly
dangerous task.

Message: 1011
%qdt: the traitor
%qdt: The traitor
_traitor_ magicked me
to the_ __dungeon_.
to __dungeon_.
If I ever get out, we will meet again.

Message: 1012
<ce> Know me for who I really
<ce> am. I am your mortal enemy
<ce> am. I am your mortal enemy
<ce> _traitor_! I have a
<ce> special fate in store for
<ce> you.
<ce> you.

Message: 1013
<ce> I didn't know _traitor_
<ce> would betray you like that.
<ce> I ain't got no beef with
<ce> I ain't got no beef with
<ce> you, %pcn. %g moved
<ce> to ___traitor_. Look
<ce> for %g2 there.
<ce> to _hidingplace_ here in town.
<ce> Look for %g2 there.

Message: 1014
<ce> I don't know how you
<ce> escaped from ___dungeon_
<ce> escaped from ___dungeon_
<ce> %pcf. It won't do you
<ce> much good though. Prepare
<ce> to die!
Expand All @@ -78,18 +78,17 @@ Message: 1014
-- %qdt occurs 2 times.
-- ___dungeon_ occurs 1 time.
-- ___qgiver_ occurs 1 time.
-- ___traitor_ occurs 1 time.
-- __dungeon_ occurs 1 time.
-- __traitor_ occurs 1 time.
-- _gold_ occurs 2 times.
-- _meetingplace_ occurs 1 time.
-- _hidingplace_ occurs 1 time.
-- _meetingplace_ occurs 2 times.
-- _qgiver_ occurs 2 times.
-- _traitor_ occurs 3 times.

Item _gold_ gold

Person _traitor_ face 1 group Local_4.10k
Person _traitor_ face 1 group Local_4.0
Person _qgiver_ group Questor male

Place _dungeon_ remote dungeon
Expand All @@ -98,6 +97,7 @@ Place _hidingplace_ local random

Clock _escapetime_ 00:00 0 flag 1 range 0 5
Clock _shortdelay_ 00:01 0 flag 1 range 0 1
Clock _delay_ 00:10 00:30

Foe _mtraitor_ is Mage

Expand All @@ -119,9 +119,10 @@ _clickonenemy_ task:

_traitordead_ task:
killed 1 _mtraitor_
end quest
start timer _delay_

_teleportpc_ task:
pc at _hidingplace_ set _revenge_
when not _traitordead_ and _shortdelay_
reveal _dungeon_
log 1011 step 1
Expand All @@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ _hittraitor_ task:

variable _revenge_
_foundme_ task:
when _hittraitor_ and _teleportpc_
when _revenge_ and _hittraitor_ and _teleportpc_
say 1014

variable _questdone_
Expand All @@ -142,8 +143,12 @@ _clickqgiver_ task:

_findtraitor_ task:
when _clickqgiver_ and _teleportpc_
add dialog for location _hidingplace_
say 1013

_clearclick_ task:
when _clickqgiver_ and not _teleportpc_
clear _clickqgiver_

_delay_ task:
end quest

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