A very work-in-progress Xbox 360 and OG Xbox XBDM client library written in C# for .NET 8.0.
- Retrieving information on mounted drives
- Browsing directories
- Launching XBE/XEX files
- Uploading files
- Downloading files
- Not too thread-safe but it's fine
Debugging features (for Xbox 360) can be found in my EmDbg project.
A barebones CLI tool for using NeighborSharp.
usage: NeighborTool [og:]<console IP | discover> <command> [args...]
for OG Xbox, use the "og:" prefix before IP address
if running a developer kernel, use the debug IP!
available commands:
info - Lists the name and currently running title of the console.
listdisks - Lists all mounted drives available to the console.
listdir <directory> - Lists all files and subfolders in a directory on the console.
launch <remote file> [remote directory] - Launches an XBE or XEX on the console, optionally with a launch directory.
download <remote file> <local file> - Downloads a file from the console.
upload <local file> <remote file> - Uploads a file to the console.
console discovery:
discover all - Lists the IP addresses and names of all discovered consoles.
discover <name> - Lists the IP address of the console matching that name, if one is discovered.