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Jared Whiklo edited this page Jun 15, 2016 · 5 revisions


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:


  • Jared Whiklo 🌟
  • Ben Rosner
  • Bryan Brown
  • Luke Bainbridge
  • Marcus Barnes
  • Martin Dow


  1. Complaining that we didn't go to Dublin
  2. Sprint stuff - Issues
  3. ... (feel free to add agenda items)


  1. We all wish we were in Dublin, even Martin.

  2. Bryan can't assign issues to himself, is there a permission level to allow people to assign themselves issues but not give them write access to the repo?

    Martin will open an issue related to his use case from last weeks call so it can be discussed/worked on.

    Ben is considering the File Service, but as Diego pointed out that the ResourceService already handles binary files, we have scoped this to be more of a PCDM File Service to deal with the data modelling around adding pcdm:Files to objects.

    Ben and Bryan are going to collaborate in their PCDM development to allow them to bounce ideas of each other.

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