A backup and restore utility (reference customized scripts) for very large Oracle databases (tens to thousands of TB) that leverages Oracle RMAN incremental merge technology that can reduce the backup time by a factor of x30 and the restore time by a factor of x100. The utility manages InfiniBox/InfiniGuard snapshots to capture RMAN Incremental Merge backups, provides block-level-incremental-forever backups and near-instant switch to copy restore.
- 7x9s availability with Active-Active-Active topology.
- Performance – Up to 6GB/s BCT throughput (changes only, Incremental forever).
- Can leverage BCT for low servers’ overhead.
- Backed-up images are stored in native format.
- Near instant switch-to-copy restore, online data move.
- Easy recovery/validation, and Dev/Test usage.
- Replication to a remote site with different retention policies per each site.
- Snapshot-Lock and Data-encryption.
- DBA self service option.
- No backup-software licensing costs for 100s TB databases.
- NFS, iSCSI, FC supported.
- Changed blocks + Compression (No Dedupe, but not significant).
- Management via CLI/API/Host-tools (No GUI).
- Zero data loss recovery option.
InfiniMerge reference utility consists of 2 customized scripts:
- infinimerge2.sh - capture and restore InfiniBox snapshots that contain Oracle Incremental Merge backup files.
- snapc2.py - backups/snapshots lifecycle management (validate, present, delete expired).
./infinimerge2.sh -h|–help # Display usage
./infinimerge2.sh –v|–validate # Check settings
./infinimerge2.sh -c|--capture {instance} –r{DAYS} [-L] # Take a snap for the given time, SnapLock option
./infinimerge2.sh -l|--list {instance} # Show snapshots
./infinimerge2.sh -e|--expose {snapshot} # Take a Snap-of-snap and Expose it to the host
./infinimerge2.sh -u|--unexpose {snapshotOfInstance} # unmount and delete the Snap-of-snap
display usage
validate configuration
- verifies that the target directory for backup exists and is mounted.
- verifies that the expose directory exists.
- verifies that the init file (password file) exists and is readable.
- verifies that no files are open on target directory.
lists available snapshots for an instance.
creates a snapshot, locks it for desired instance.
exposes a snapshot - creates a snapshot for a locked snapshot, creates an export and mounts it.
unexposes a snapshot - umounts, deletes the export and the snapshot.
- validate can run as a pre-step for other options (create, expose or delete).
- other options (create, expose, unexpose or list) cannot run in conjunction.
Create a dedicated pool on the InfiniGuard
- pool.create name=infinimerge physical_capacity=500TB ssd_cache=no compression=yes emergency_buffer=UNLIMITED
Create a new user on the InfiniGuard as a pool-admin and assign it to the relevant pool
- user.create role=POOL_ADMIN name=infinimerge password=InfiniMerge email=a.a@a.com
- pool.add_admin user=infinimerge pool=infinimerge
Set the NetworkSpace (NAS/iSCSI) or create IBOX host (SAN)
Create volume (Block mode) or filesystem (Filesystem mode), call it {snap_prefix}_{DB_NAME} (example: BackupTarget_orcl)
- fs.create name=BackupTarget_orcl size=200TB pool=infinimerge snapshot_directory_accessible=yes thin=yes ssd_cache=no compression=yes
- vol.create name=BackupTarget_orcl size=200TB pool=infinimerge thin=yes ssd_cache=no compression=yes
Create the host (Block mode only) and set the WWN initiators to it
- host.create name=<DB_SERVER_NAME>
- host.add_port host=<DB_SERVER_NAME> port=<Initiator_1 WWN>,<Initiator_2 WWN>,<Initiator_3 WWN>...
Map (Block mode) or export (Filesystem mode) the volume/filesystem to the host
- fs.export.create fs=BackupTarget_orcl export_path=/BackupTarget_orcl
- vol.map host=<DB_SERVER_NAME> vol=BackupTarget_orcl
Install InfiniShell (for NAS) or HPT (for SAN) on the server
Set the InfiniGuard credentials to the user
For NAS - use infinishellrc file:
infinishell --write-default-config
edit the
file and replace-
username with ibox username
password with user password
default_address with the InfiniBox address
For SAN - use Infinihost
- infinihost credentials set [--system=SYSTEM] [ []]
- If iSCSI is used, connect the server to the InfiniGuard iSCSI interface
- infinihost iscsi connect [--netspace=NETSPACE] [--hostname=HOSTNAME] [--security=SECURITY] [(--fix | --auto-fix)]
- Verify the host settings
- infinihost setting check [(--fix | --auto-fix)]
Set the sudoers file to allow running mount/umounts with non-root user:
%staff ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/mount,/usr/bin/umount,/usr/sbin/mount,/usr/sbin/umount
Set the configuration file - On the directory where infinimerge utility is located, edit the "./config" file (should be aligned with the configuration above)
nfs_ip='' --> replace with NAS network space address (for NAS option only)
target_dir=/INFINI/target --> target directory for backups
expose_dir=/INFINI/snaps --> directory for mounting snaps
use_sudo="/usr/bin/sudo" --> path for sudo
snap_prefix=infinimerge' --> an prefix to add to newly created snaps
target_prefix="BackupTarget" --> prefix for FS name based on instance name
pool=inc_merge" --> pool to check for free space before alerting the user
mode=filesystem --> connectivity mode – filesystem or block
Create mountpoints
chown the mountpoints <oracle_uid>:<oracle_gid>
For Block mode, create the filesystem on the volume and mount it to the host
- infinihost volume provision <vol_sizr> --name=BackupTarget_<$ORACLE_SID --thin=yes --filesystem=ext3 --pool=<pool_name> --mount=<target_dir> --system= --yes
- infinihost volume mount....
For File mode, Mount the InfiniGuard volume or NFS-share to the local filesystem
- Linux: mount (-o nolock) <nfs_ip>:/BackupTarget_orcl /INFINI/target
- Solaris: mount -F nfs -o rw,bg,hard,nointr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,proto=tcp,noac,vers=3,forcedirectio <nfs_ip>:BackupTarget_orcl /INFINI/target
Add the mount to /etc/fstab (Solaris - /etc/vfstab)
If a recovery is needed, it can be recovered from the snapshot
The following are the required steps to recover the database and performed on the database server
- infinimerge2.sh -l [ORACLE_INSTANCE] #Choose the snapshot that was taken at the requested time
- infinimerge2.sh -e [SNAPSHOT_NAME]
- RMAN> catalog start with ''
- RMAN> switch database to copy;
- SQL> select file# , fuzzy, checkpoint_time, checkpoint_change# from v$datafile_header; #Check the most updated [SCN] under the CHECKPOINT_CHANGE column
- RMAN> Recover database until [SCN] ;
- RMAN> Alter database open resetlogs ;
The recovery process should take few minutes regardless database size.
The InfiniMerge Life Cycle Manager utility is available as a set of Linux RPM, or as a VMware OVF file
code is available in Gitlab.
python3 snapc.py -s - one time only, sets the initial settings for this utility (username, password)
python3 snapc.py -m status - shows a table with all the backups/snapshots taken for all the oracle instances, with the expiration date
python3 snapc.py -m delete - deletes backup/snapshots that are expired