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Python version of tools to work with AIG formatted files

There are two versions of the code here. One is a standard py file. The other is a Jupyter notebook. The notebook version adds the capability to view the original graph (like aigtodot)

The model and stim files for the jupyter notebook are hardcoded in the first cell.

For the py file:

From Command Line

python -h
usage: [-h] [-m M] [-s S] [-v0] [-v1] [-p0] [-p1] [-p2] [-sm] [-d]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -m M        Model Filename
  -s S        Stim Filename
  -v0         Model Statistics
  -v1         Model Output
  -p0         Print Option: Include simulation step
  -p1         Print Option: Include and gate states
  -p2         Print Option: Include coverage
  -sm         Print Inferred State Machine Transition Table
  -d          Print State Machine dot file
  -g          Generate dot graph of original network (similar to aigtodot

A standard invocation:

python -m modelFile.aag -s stimFile.txt

Verbose option -v0 prints model statistics:

Example output from: python -m aigTestSMV2.aag.txt -s stim1.txt -v0

maxvar          =  7
num_inputs      =  2
  controlled    =  1
num_latches     =  2
num_outputs     =  1
num_bad         =  0
num_constraints =  0
num_ands        =  3
Type: Input  lit:   2                      input: I0        name:I0   uncontrollable      
Type: Input  lit:   4                      input: I1        name:I1   controllable_c0     
Type: Latch  lit:  12 next:   6 reset:   0 input: A0        name:L0   latch0              
Type: Latch  lit:  10 next:   8 reset:   0 input: A1        name:L1   latch1              
Type: Output lit:  14                      input: A2        name:O0   err                 
Type: And    lit:   6 rhs0:   2  rhs1:   4 input: I0   I1   name:A0        
Type: And    lit:   8 rhs0:   4  rhs1:   7 input: I1   A0*  name:A1        
Type: And    lit:  14 rhs0:  11  rhs1:  12 input: L1*  L0   name:A2        

Verbose option -v1 with no print options prints model state at the end of each step of execution where

  • Column 1 = latches before step
  • Column 2 = input stimuli
  • Column 3 = output states             (not printed if none designated in model)
  • Column 4 = bad condition status (not printed if none designated in model)
  • Column 5 = constraint status       (not printed if none designated in model)
  • Column 4 = latches after step

Example output from: python -m aigTestSMV2.aag.txt -s stim1.txt -v1

00 11 0   10 
10 11 1   10 
10 10 1   00 
00 10 0   00 
00 11 0   10 
10 00 1   00  

Note: model aigTestSMV2.aag.txt has no bad conditions or constraints. They are skipped but blank columns are printed (the extra spaces in the example above before the latch final states)

Adding print option -p0 prints model state after the end of each step of execution with the addition of the current simulation step:

  • Column 1 = model step
  • Column 2 = latches before step
  • Column 3 = input stimuli
  • Column 4 = output states
  • Column 5 = latches after step

Example output from: python -m aigTestSMV2.aag.txt -s stim1.txt -v1 -p0

   1 00 11 0 10 
   2 10 11 1 10 
   3 10 10 1 00 
   4 00 10 0 00 
   5 00 11 0 10 
   6 10 00 1 00 

Adding print option -p1 prints model state after the end of each step of execution with the addition of the and gate states:

  • Column 1 = model step
  • Column 2 = latches before step
  • Column 3 = input stimuli
  • Column 4 = output states
  • Column 5 = latches after step
  • Column 6 = and gate states

Example output from: python -m aigTestSMV2.aag.txt -s stim1.txt -v1 -p0 -p1

   1 00 11 0 10 100 
   2 10 11 1 10 101 
   3 10 10 1 00 001 
   4 00 10 0 00 000 
   5 00 11 0 10 100 
   6 10 00 1 00 001 

Adding print option -p2 prints model coverage. Each latch has two bits where the lower bit is having seen a 0 input and the upper bit denotes having seen a 1 input. Each and gate has four bits where the bit represent:

  • b0 = input pattern 00
  • b1 = input pattern 01
  • b2 = input pattern 10
  • b3 = input pattern 11

The output columns are defined as:

  • Column 1 = model step
  • Column 2 = latches before step
  • Column 3 = input stimuli
  • Column 4 = output states
  • Column 5 = latches after step
  • Column 6 = and gate states
  • Column 7 = latch coverage
  • Column 8 = and coverage

Note: It is not recommended to use this option with models containing large numbers of and gates.

Example output from: python -m aigTestSMV2.aag.txt -s stim1.txt -v1 -p0 -p1 -p2

   1 00 11 0 10 100 0101 100000100010
   2 10 11 1 10 101 1101 100000101010
   3 10 10 1 00 001 1101 101001101010
   4 00 10 0 00 000 1101 101001101010
   5 00 11 0 10 100 1101 101001101010
   6 10 00 1 00 001 1101 101101101010

Print options may be used in any combination. -v1 is required to enable any print option.

The -sm option prints the state transition table inferred from the simulation run. It assumes the combination of latch values equates to the unique states of the circuit being simulated. It records the starting state, ending state, and the input value that caused the transition. If a state is never reached during the simulation it will be shown as a '.'. An example output:

python -m aigGrant3.aag -s stim2.txt -sm

Transistion Table

State  11 10 01 00
----- ------------
  0     0  1  0  0
  1     0  3  0  2
  2     0  3  0  2
  3     0  .  0  2

Model Files

The following model files are provided in the examples directory:

Model Stim File Description
aigTestSMV2.aag.txt stim1.txt A simple toggling latch with enable
counter.aag stimCounter.txt An AIGER benchmark file for a complex counter
runnerGame.aag runnerStim1_7.txt A simple 2 player, concurrent game of a runner and blocker
random_n_19_1_2_16_14_2_abc.aag stim3.txt An AIGER competition file with over 1M and gates

Note: random_n_19_1_2_16_14_2_abc.aag is an extremely large model with over 1M gates. Caution recommended on verbose print options used.

As a module may also be used as a module. Usage requires the following steps:

  • Create a Model object
  • Create a Reader to read the model file
  • Open and read the model
  • Initialize the model
  • Feed stimulus to the model


    model = Model()

    reader = Reader()

    if verbose0 == True:

    reader = Reader()

    done = False
    while done != True:
        stim = reader.getStim()
        if len(stim) > 0:
            if stim[0] == '.':
                done = True
                stepNum = model.step(stim[0])
                if verbose1 == True:

Data Generation is a quick script to generate random simulation data.


python ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-i I] [-l L]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -i I        Number of Inputs to Simulate
  -l L        Length of simulation stream to create

The output will be a file containing L lines of binary data where each line is I digits wide.

Known Differences from AIGER

  • Ignores Justifications
  • Does not handle latch reset values outside {0,1}
  • Does not print node 0 as an orange box like aigtodot
  • Does not renumber gates/nodes when building graph - retains original numbering


Python version of tools to work with AIG formatted files







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