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JPMoresmau committed Nov 13, 2010
1 parent d0396e7 commit 1ee735a
Showing 1 changed file with 55 additions and 0 deletions.
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions todo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
why clicking on run arrow asks me between ghci and hugs? can't reproduce

- several background-typecheck-arbitrary queued when we're building: only keep the last one for each file

- clean up preferences
- no option for GHC/GHCi: we need to know what options to ignore for GHCi, since these options are going to appear in the Cabal file
- GHC options on each project as well

- GHC 6.12 -dynamic option (

- code manipulation: should be pluggable into scion without recompiling???
- broken refactorings (point free, etc...)
- add type signature done as quick fix on warning

- files not haskell in source folders could go into data-files automatically

- project actions
- clean
- sdist (in progress)
-> via scion or via cabal impl directly

- occurences + search for Haskell objects in project/workspace

- run Ghci with proper flags done partially
- ask which cabal component to take
- what about conditional in cabal (like scion: if ghc impl...)
- remove inproper options
- ignore .ghci file option? ( -ignore-dot-ghci)

.ghci file parsing/editor?? (

- integrate HUnit/Quickcheck?
- integrate analysis tools like SourceGraph, hlint, hpc, HaskaBelle
- integrate doc tools hoogle,haddock
- integrate runtime tools like criterion
- integrate HaRe for refactoring?

- cabal install interface (list modules, show new version of installed modules, choose which modules to install/update, etc...)

- debugging
- column on breakpoint??
- try to use :hist to display full stack (can we intercept write to add :trace in front?)
- better system to force evaluation? Done with custom value setter calling :force what about calling seq ... ()?
- reloading modules when stopped seems to cause breakpoints to disappear in GHCi, to check

- add Haskell nature + related file to existing project

- import management (order import, only import what's needed, add proper import for function?)

- project rename

- CAPRI to install scion
- built-in -> install global/local/project

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