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Daniel Marcos edited this page Aug 10, 2017 · 10 revisions
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Hi, and welcome to JavaScript for Automation Cookbook.

JavaScript for Automation is a new thing in Mac OS X Yosemite. It allows you to control applications using JavaScript language. How awesome! But there's a problem: since it's very new, there aren't many examples...

I created this cookbook because I struggled to find practical guides about JavaScript for Automation. The best resource I could find was its official release note. However, that document describes things at a very primitive level, such as how to access applications, properties, array items, and Objective-C bridge, etc.

To actually write a script, I had to figure out a lot of things and search through various resources scattered throughout the web.

That's why I created this JavaScript for Automation cookbook. It features a lot of examples and links to even more. Where it makes sense, I try to link to the official documentation as much as possible so you can dive deeper.

Contributions Welcome

But still, I don't have everything figured out. I am learning, like you. There is a lot to be discovered in this new JavaScript environment. So, to make it easy to edit and collaborate, I've put the contents on GitHub wiki, which anyone can contribute to.

So, if you have anything to add to this cookbook, just hit that edit button. If you find any typo, also hit that edit button. And if you have trouble understanding some part of the cookbook, you can open a GitHub issue on this repository.

So, please enjoy automating your Mac with JavaScript, and hope you have fun! 😃

                —Thai Pangsakulyanont

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