(Supplementary Material for "Ideology as a Bunch of Issue Attitudes?: Evidence from Survey Experiment and Text Analysis")
- 秦正樹(京都府立大学)
- Song Jaehyun(同志社大学)
This paper examines, by combining survey experiments and text analysis, (1) whether policy information representing each political party is useful for inferring the ideological position of each political party, and (2) what role policy information plays in inferring the ideological position of the party. To solve the problems, we compared the results of the conventional numeric measurement and the text measurement.
As a result of the analysis, we clarified that the ideology did not agree with the bunch of the issue attitude, because the existence of the "key policy" of the political party lowered the weight of other policies and distorted the judgment. For example, when a party advocates the support for the Constitutional and moral education at the same time, voters change the interpretation of moral education and interpret the party as "liberal party". This paper's findings not only reaffirm the importance of the voter recognition process in issue voting, but also provide an answer to the puzzle of how political parties have maintained their popularity by advocating policies contrary to party ideology.