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AWS Deployment

1. Create two roles

2. Create and launch Ec2 Intance

3. Create Pipeline

3.1 Create Application

3.1.1 Crate Deployement Group

3.2 Create Pipeline

4. Change Security Group

5. Write Scripts (.yml file ,stop_server,start_server,Install_dependecies)

6. Connect Ec2 Instance

7. Install and use nginx to reverse proxy

8. Test

First we need to create two roles

1. First role

IAM-> create roles

Service or use case ->select-> EC2->Next

Add Permission -> AmazonEc2RoleforCodeDeploy->Next

Enter Role Name -> Ec2CodeDeployRole_sumit->Next

2. Second role

Create roles

Services or use Case->select-> codedeploy->Next

Add Permissions -> no change ->Next

Enter Role Name-> name->ex. CodeDeployRole_sumit-> create role;

After creating role we create EC2 Instance

>create Ec2 Instance

Launch Instance -> Instance name -> quick start->aws linux(os)Key pair(logic) -> create key ->Advance Detail -> IAM instance profile-> select created role

User data-> we just enter the script that requires execute while launching ec2 instance

Script Example:

sudo yum -y update
sudo yum -y install ruby
sudo yum -y install wget
cd /home/ec2-user
sudo chmod +x ./install
sudo ./install auto
sudo yum install -y python-pip
sudo pip install awscli

->Launch Instance

Create Pipeline

1. create application

1.1. create deployment group

->search codePipeline


First we create application connect repo. through pipeline

->create application -> application name-> ex. Sumit_CICD-> compute platform->Ec2/on-Premises->create application

Create Deployment Group

Create Deployment Group-> Deployment group name-> Ex. Sumit_CICD_DP->select codeDeploymet role -> (second role)-> Environment configuration->Amazon Ec2 Instance-> Enter key and value-> select created application ->Ex. Sumit-CICD -> disable load balance ( if no more than one ec2 instances are live) -> create deployment group.

Create Pipeline

codePipelines->Pipelines->create Pipeline

name->ex . Sumit_CICD_Pipeline->Next

Pipeline type->v2->Next

Add source stage->source provider->select github->

connection name . ex . Hillborn_Tech_git-> Install new app-> login to github-> select project you want to deploy->connect

->select Repository name->select default brance->->trigger filter-> select no filter->Next

Skip build Stage

Add deploy stage->select AWS codeDeploy-> select application name and deployment group name->Next

->Review and create pipeline

Change security group

EC2-> select instance -> security -> security groups->Edit Inbound Rules->Add Inbound rules -> type http & all traffic -> source-> anywhere ipv4->save rules

Create appspec.yml file

Create a folder name -> scripts

Inside script create 3 files :

1. start_server

2. install_dependencies

3. stop_server

How to open amazon linux cmd panel

Instance-> right click on instance -> connect ->Ec2 connect Instance->connect

To apply reverse proxy for our react app we use nginx.

-To make reverse Proxy possible we go to /etc/nginx/conf.d (directory) and create new file configuration.conf

How to create file configuration.conf

cd /etc/nginx/conf.d ->enter

sudo nano configuration.conf -> create configuration file and read , write operation.

Then we paste following script in this file…

server {
server_name << Your EC2 IP> > ;
location / {
proxy_pass<< Your Project local Port> >;

After this we save this file using following cmd or actions;

Ctr+O -> enter ….save

Ctr + X ->enter …..exit

After this we check ….is our project running without error?

For this we go to our project dir

In this case cd /var/www ->enter

then we enter in our project folder where server.js file is present

Then run the project manually ->

Pm2 start server.js -> to run project cmd

If nvm is not present ….install it using

Cmd2->. ~/.nvm/

Cmd3-> nvm install 16

If pm2 is not install … install it with cmd given in file stop_server

sudo npm install pm2 -g

After this we restart nginx server by giving command

sudo service nginx restart

Then copy paste our Ec2 public IP address to our browser to check is our website is live successfully or not.

(Manually copy ip address and paste in browser)


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