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Extended Groovy Console

This module registers in the tools page an alternative groovy console with additional features.

Using a custom script

You can run a custom script here, writing or pasting it into the textarea.

If your script has to generate some output, you can use the built-in logger:"Some output")

Using a predefined script

You can as well package in any of your modules a predefined script, which can then be conveniently run from the console without you have to copy and paste it.

Your predefined scripts have to be defined in a specific folder:


You can as well define your scripts in src/main/resources/META-INF/groovyConsole. Those scripts would be available in both the regular and extended groovy consoles. Be careful to not use any specificity of the extended console then.

To avoid encoding issues, prefer UTF-8 encoding for your scripts.

Script configuration

If a predefined script requires some configurations, then you have to create in the same folder a file with the same name as the script and .properties as an extension.


In this file, you can declare and configure the required parameters (simple example here)

  • script.title: title of the script
  • script.description: short description of the script
  • script.visibilityCondition: visibility condition for the script
  • name of a dedicated sub logger for the script
  • script.parameters.display.width: width of the column displaying the parameters label. Default: 400px
  • script.parameters.names: comma separated list of parameters
  • type of the parameter xxx
  • label for the parameter xxx
  • default value of the parameter xxx
  • if defined and equal to false, the parameter is reset to its default value after the script is submitted

Parameter types

Allowed values: checkbox, text, textarea, choicelist, editablechoicelist
Default value: checkbox

Parameter type: checkbox

For a checkbox parameter, the checkbox is unchecked by default, use true as a default value otherwise

Parameter type: text

For a text parameter, the input field is empty by default, unless a default value is specified for the parameter.

Parameter type: textarea

For a textarea parameter, the input field is empty by default, unless a default value is specified for the parameter.

Parameter type: choicelist

You need to declare the values to be available in the list.

  • : comma separated list of static values. A value can be just a key, or a key and label (separated with a column).
  • : dynamic values generated by a choicelist initializer (using the same syntax as in a CND file)

If a default value is defined, then it is preselected. Static and dynamic values can be combined.


script.parameters.names=workspace, site
script.param.workspace.values=default, live sites;jnt:virtualsite  

Parameter type: editablechoicelist

Same as choicelist, but the user is not limited to the provided values.

You might need your script to be available only on some environments. You can make its availability depend on some parameter or system property.

The script will be available in the list only if the parameter environment.continuousIntegration is defined and equal to true:


The script will be available in the list only if the parameter operatingMode is defined and equal to development:



script.title=Hello world demo
script.description=Tell your name to the script to get a personalized hello message!
script.parameters.names=active, name name


if (active) {"Hello %s!!!", name == null || name.trim().length() == 0 ? "world" : name))
} else {"On mute")

Do you want to test it? Just run the below command in the console:

System.setProperty("modules.xGroovyConsole.display.helloWorld", "true")        

Using a custom script with configurations

If you need to make a custom script configurable, like the predefined ones, you can embed your configuration declaration as some comments in the script, and save it to add it to the list of predefined scripts.

The configurations use the same format as the one for the predefined scripts.

After writing or pasting your script in the code area, give it an ID and click on "Save".


if (active) {"Hello %s!!!", name == null || name.trim().length() == 0 ? "world" : name))
} else {"On mute")

// Script configurations
//script.title=Hello world demo
//script.description=Tell your name to the script to get a personalized hello message!
//script.parameters.names=active, name
// name


If you have secured your Jahia server according to the page , you have to add the following pattern to the list:
