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Welcome to my tic-tac-toe game! This is the first project I work on using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for practice with front-end development.

Tic Tac Toe Game!

Tic-Tac-Toe is a game where you compete against one other person to complete a row, column, or diagonal of 3 spaces. These are typically squares in a grid of 9 spaces, and you play by using an X or O as a symbol for each player.


I started by making sure I understood how tic-tac-toe worked. I wrote everything in plain English so that I wouldn't worry about the code that I needed to write until I had a plan. Here is a quick look at what my thought process was like:
-First, needed to make sure that I created a "Board" that would have 9 "Cells" in it, which would be set to empty on every new game.
-Next, I had to set the game so that there were two players, one, "X", and the other, "O".
-Then, I spent a lot of time figuring out the game logic.
-When a user clicked on one of the cells in the 9 spaces, I needed to make sure to add the appropriate symbol according to which user selected that spot.
-I then needed to test if the array of cells was updating when the user clicked on each spot.
-Once that was done, I had to compare the array of cells to a "win-condition"(or another array with each spot filled in the correct order/position).
-Once I figured that out, I had to display the correct winner if that condition was met.
-After I got all of that to work, I would ready to find a way to display the scores of each player's win.
-At this point, I was ready to get started and look for anything I was missing in my planning.

User Stories!

As a user, I want my game to follow the rules of Tic-Tac-Toe without letting me "break" the game or make the same move twice in the same spot.

As a user, I want to be able to create an account.

As a user, I want to be able to sign into my account.

As a user, I want to be able to change my password.

As a user, I want to be able to sign out when I'm done playing.

As a user, I want to be able to start a game when I sign in.

As a user, I want to be able to start a new game even when the game is not completed yet.

Plans for the future!!!

I want to be able to use different symbols and change the look of my game. I had a ton of plans for CSS transitions or animations that I didn't get to. I'd also like to work on my game's functionality between two different computers. I'm excited to learn more about web development and use my skills to create new web applications, as well as update/improve the ones I currently have!


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