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Benchmark to see performance of go-ipfs 'files' API relative to overhead of the transport.

Compare compact byte stream websocket requests to this server.js hosted in a Docker container where the container saves off the data:

  1. in memory only
  2. on file system volume
  3. via IPFS files API on file system volume

The desire is to see if it's worth adding complexity on top of just using the IPFS APIs for buffering writes. If the overhead of using IPFS files directly is relatively small, no need to add complexity.


The server.js, driver.js, and client.js use the same configuration points.

The configuration can be set using environment variables or using npm config commands (see package.json/config ).

Configuration Point Description Sample Value
URI connection URI ws://localhost
PORT connection port 8888
USERNAME basic-auth credential enforced by server.js
PASSWORD basic-auth credential enforced by server.js
FOLDER temp file folder for filesystem tests ./tmp
IPFS_HOST hostname of IPFS service localhost
IPFS_PORT port number of IPFS service 5001

Running Benchmark

With Docker

npm run compose

npm run benchmark

With Kubernetes

Build, Tag, Push:

npm run build
npm run tag
npm run push

Choose a node in your cluster and select+taint it:

kubectl label nodes $NODE app=performance-of-go-ipfs
kubectl taint nodes $NODE app=performance-of-go-ipfs:NoSchedule

Then manually evict all other pods on that node in the "default" namespace: we want to avoid messing with DaemonSets in other namespaces (e.g. kube-system).

When you're done performance testing remove the taint from the node: kubectl taint nodes $NODE app:NoSchedule-

Note that deployment requires kustomize

To deploy: kustomize build k8/host | kubectl apply -f -

The default k8/host deployment uses host mounts for data.


  • to get into server.js container: kubectl exec -it $POD --container test-server -- /bin/sh
  • to get into the IPFS container: kubectl exec -it $POD --container go-ipfs -- /bin/sh
    • view size of /data: du -h -s
  • to see IPFS swarm advertised addresses ipfs dht findpeer $HASH where $HASH is peer ID of node, see also ipfs id
  • to see logs from the test-server: kubectl logs deployment/performance-of-go-ipfs --container test-server -f

Where $POD is the name of your performance-of-go-ipfs pod using kubectl get pods

Open port-forwarding to your pod for running tests and looking at IPFS UI:

kubectl port-forward $POD 8888:8888
kubectl port-forward $POD 5001:5001


  • go into IPFS webui: http://localhost:5001/webui

Where $POD is the name of your performance-of-go-ipfs pod using kubectl get pods


To run the performance tests against Digital Ocean's persistent volumes patch in the k8/digitalocean kustomization:

kustomize build k8/digitalocean | kubectl apply -f -

in bash:

kubectl patch deployment performance-of-go-ipfs --patch "$(cat k8/do-mount.yaml)"

in PowerShell:

kubectl patch deployment performance-of-go-ipfs --patch "$((cat k8/do-mount.yaml) -join ""`n"")"


Runs with test-server and go-ipfs in Docker (Win10/VirtualBox) and driver.js on laptop host

-- 10 burst x 1B (run 1)
store-to-memory x 114 ops/sec ±1.63% (77 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 54.76 ops/sec ±2.58% (67 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 8.81 ops/sec ±25.79% (52 runs sampled)

-- 10 burst x 1B (run 2)
store-to-memory x 112 ops/sec ±2.34% (76 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 57.24 ops/sec ±2.68% (69 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 9.60 ops/sec ±24.47% (55 runs sampled)

-- 10 burst x 1KiB (run 1)
store-to-memory x 75.23 ops/sec ±5.98% (75 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 49.31 ops/sec ±1.40% (77 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 8.00 ops/sec ±28.70% (48 runs sampled)

-- 10 burst x 1KiB (run 2)
store-to-memory x 75.19 ops/sec ±2.11% (61 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 48.53 ops/sec ±2.39% (76 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 8.36 ops/sec ±29.74% (50 runs sampled)

-- 10 burst x 1MiB (run 1)
store-to-memory x 0.70 ops/sec ±15.13% (8 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 0.54 ops/sec ±8.69% (7 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 0.35 ops/sec ±39.39% (7 runs sampled)

-- 10 burst x 1MiB (run 2)
store-to-memory x 0.74 ops/sec ±4.24% (8 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 0.55 ops/sec ±1.14% (7 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 0.38 ops/sec ±23.64% (7 runs sampled)

-- 10 burst x 10MiB (run 1)
store-to-memory x 0.05 ops/sec ±15.17% (5 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 0.05 ops/sec ±9.68% (5 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 0.03 ops/sec ±57.93% (5 runs sampled)

-- 10 burst x 10MiB (run 2)
store-to-memory x 0.04 ops/sec ±16.29% (5 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 0.05 ops/sec ±18.60% (5 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 0.03 ops/sec ±46.83% (5 runs sampled)

The smaller the files the less impact Websockets have and the more important the storage approach.

For 1 byte and 1 kibibyte values IPFS is an order of magnitude slower than storing in memory and 5x slower than storing on OS file system.

For 1 Mebibyte values IPFS is half the speed of memory storage and slightly slower than storing on the OS file system.

For 10 Mebibyte values the choice of storage seems insignificant with respect to the Websocket overhead.

Runs with test-server and go-ipfs on Kubernetes node (1vCPU/2GiB mem) on DigitalOcean and driver.js on laptop client

  • regardless if host moutned or using persistent mount, all metrics are very close and are a wash
  • for 1 byte store-to-filesystem is a wash whether using host mount or persistent volume mount
  • for 1KiB persistent volume mount outperformed host mount, but again, it's really a wash
  • at 1MiB network delays are the limiter so storage medium is immaterial

Writing to Host Mount

Run for size: 1B
store-to-memory x 21.73 ops/sec ±5.85% (55 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 16.27 ops/sec ±4.08% (49 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 2.89 ops/sec ±52.42% (27 runs sampled)
fastest :: store-to-memory

Run for size: 1B
store-to-memory x 20.60 ops/sec ±7.21% (52 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 19.30 ops/sec ±6.23% (49 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 3.58 ops/sec ±61.19% (32 runs sampled)
fastest :: store-to-memory

Run for size: 1KiB
store-to-memory x 9.24 ops/sec ±6.53% (46 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 8.38 ops/sec ±12.23% (43 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 2.00 ops/sec ±59.14% (23 runs sampled)
fastest :: store-to-memory,store-to-filesystem

Run for size: 1KiB
store-to-memory x 8.77 ops/sec ±9.95% (44 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 9.47 ops/sec ±5.59% (49 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 3.04 ops/sec ±58.21% (26 runs sampled)
fastest :: store-to-filesystem,store-to-memory

Run for size: 1MiB
store-to-memory x 0.04 ops/sec ±15.58% (5 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 0.04 ops/sec ±19.28% (5 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 0.04 ops/sec ±36.09% (5 runs sampled)
fastest :: store-to-memory,store-to-filesystem,store-to-ipfs

Run for size: 1MiB
store-to-memory x 0.04 ops/sec ±37.31% (5 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 0.03 ops/sec ±41.52% (5 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 0.03 ops/sec ±58.72% (5 runs sampled)
fastest :: store-to-memory,store-to-ipfs,store-to-filesystem

Writing to Persistent Volume Mount

Run for size: 1B
store-to-memory x 19.68 ops/sec ±10.67% (54 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 19.04 ops/sec ±4.15% (51 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 1.08 ops/sec ±74.60% (13 runs sampled)
fastest :: store-to-filesystem

Run for size: 1B
store-to-memory x 15.95 ops/sec ±17.58% (42 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 16.84 ops/sec ±4.47% (56 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 3.62 ops/sec ±43.99% (28 runs sampled)
fastest :: store-to-filesystem

Run for size: 1KiB
store-to-memory x 10.26 ops/sec ±6.74% (50 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 9.55 ops/sec ±3.53% (49 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 2.94 ops/sec ±68.46% (28 runs sampled)
fastest :: store-to-memory,store-to-filesystem

Run for size: 1KiB
store-to-memory x 9.66 ops/sec ±8.07% (48 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 9.10 ops/sec ±5.43% (46 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 2.95 ops/sec ±69.93% (29 runs sampled)
fastest :: store-to-memory,store-to-filesystem

Run for size: 1MiB
store-to-memory x 0.03 ops/sec ±29.54% (5 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 0.04 ops/sec ±13.34% (5 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 0.04 ops/sec ±6.88% (5 runs sampled)
fastest :: store-to-ipfs,store-to-filesystem

Run for size: 1MiB
store-to-memory x 0.04 ops/sec ±11.56% (5 runs sampled)
store-to-filesystem x 0.04 ops/sec ±18.97% (5 runs sampled)
store-to-ipfs x 0.04 ops/sec ±24.58% (5 runs sampled)
fastest :: store-to-filesystem,store-to-memory,store-to-ipfs

Running Dev Server Locally

(for benchmark development)

For running benchmark first ensure IPFS is running and configured (see Configuration above). Not necessary if just running client.js.

npm install
npm run server.js


For local testing--not benchmark--you can enable debug logging:


Running Dev Test Client

(for benchmark development)

npm install
npm run client.js


Benchmark to see performance of go-ipfs 'files' API relative to overhead of the transport.






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