This is a processing code, to create a 3D printable 3D map out of an image, using the mouse position and the darkness or brigthness of an pixel. It uses Processing 2.x.x.
Hi, I wrote this code, to create 3D maps from normal images. The program uses the bright/darkness of a pixel and the mouse position ( X ) to create a 3D map. the resolution can be changed by using the + and - key on your keyboard. When you press i , it will invert the image/3D effect. Press h to get help ( in the console ) and s to safe a .obj and a .jpg file.
Your input file has to be declared as "input.jpg" and should have a smaller resolution then your desktop (otherwise its hard to control it and the files get too big).
+ / - change resolution
i invert image/effect
s save a .obj and .jpg
h help
intput file:
it may creates some very huge files
if you press a key, the funktion will happen, it may take time
the fps go down by increasing the resolution
it runns on Java
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
test images:
Optimal Blender settings ( to print it ):
Rotate it, that it lays down
move to 0,0,0
set prescaler to 0.2
export as .stl