Scraping data from The Car Connection
Original repo forked from nicolas-gervais/predicting-car-price-from-scraped-data
Original Reddit post: I scraped 32,000 cars, including the price and 115 specifications
From the /r/datasets subreddit
Modifying the Python Script to scrap the used car section, plus optimizing it using some async libraries like aiohttp, asyncio, and joblib Also using pickle to store the results of each scrap so we don't need to repeatedly hit the same web pages multiple times.
Really interested in gathering some data on Toyota Sedans in my area:
To run, first install Python. You can find the latest and greatest Python version on
Then, grab the Beautiful Soup, Requests, and pandas python libraries. You can follow the Python User Guide for Installing Packages
Or, run the following in bash/cmd:
- Ensure pip, setuptools, and wheel are up to date:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
- Install Beautiful Soup, Request, urlopen, pandas, scipy
pip install bs4 Request urlopen pandas scipy
You should see messages like "Successfully installed XYZ package" in the console window.
- You might also need to install lxml if you run into an error running If you see the following error:
bs4.FeatureNotFound: Couldn't find a tree builder with the features you requested: lxml.
Do you need to install a parser library?
Then follow this Stackoverflow post, which basically says to install lxml:
pip install lxml
- My async version requires aiohttp, asyncio and joblib to run async web requests and process the specs data in parallel across multiple CPU Cores:
pip install aiohttp joblib
[asyncio should be installed already, if not pip install it too]
Run the scipt using Python in bash/cmd or with an IDE like IDLE. The scraping script takes a while to run, so give it a chance to run.
Run this script with 64 BIT PYTHON. 32 Bit Python will throw memory exceptions due to the insane number of URLs to scrap (~3800 - ~3900). The default download on the page is 32 bit - go directly to the latest version of Python (3.7.3 as of this writing) and download the x86-64 version for your platform. My machine is a 64 bit version of Windows 10, so I grabbed this download:
Windows x86-64 executable installer
Which can be found here:
Running this script requires a ton of RAM. I saw RAM usage spike at around 10GB on my machine. You should have at least 16GB of RAM, and a strong processor such as an Intel i5 / i7. The more cores, the better, since I have joblib setup to use one less than the total number of processor cores. For example, my i7 4790k has 4 cores / 8 threads, so joblib will run across 7 threads to process all the data that comes back.
It took me around 53 minutes to run a complete web scrap and process data into the final CSV file. This is with a fairly powerful desktop machine (mentioned above, but i7 4790k plus 16GB), so your results may vary. Probably best to not run this on a laptop, ancient desktop, toaster, etc.
Place config-highlight.cfg inside HOMEDIR/.idlerc/ and go to Options → Configure IDLE → Highlights and switch on the "Custom Theme" (should default to Custom Dark), hit apply to turn it on.