2016-07-04 12:30:01 - Rip - DEBUG - Ripping initialised 2016-07-04 12:30:01 - Rip - DEBUG - Checking for DVDs 2016-07-04 12:30:04 - Rip - DEBUG - 1 DVD(s) found 2016-07-04 12:30:18 - Makemkv - DEBUG - MakeMKV found 1 titles 2016-07-04 12:30:18 - Makemkv - DEBUG - MakeMKV title info: Disc Title: ['The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey'], Title No.: 0, Title: ['The_Hobbit_An_Unexpected_Journey_t00.mkv'], 2016-07-04 12:30:19 - Rip - DEBUG - Attempting to rip The_Hobbit_An_Unexpected_Journey_t00.mkv from Hobbit Part1 2016-07-04 12:55:08 - Rip - INFO - It took 24 minute(s) to complete the ripping of The_Hobbit_An_Unexpected_Journey_t00.mkv from Hobbit Part1 2016-07-04 12:55:08 - Compress - DEBUG - Compressing initialised 2016-07-04 12:55:08 - Compress - DEBUG - Looking for videos to compress 2016-07-04 12:55:08 - Compress - INFO - Compressing The_Hobbit_An_Unexpected_Journey_t00.mkv from Hobbit Part1 2016-07-04 14:28:15 - HandBrake - DEBUG - [12:55:09] hb_init: starting libhb thread 2016-07-04 14:28:15 - HandBrake - DEBUG - [12:55:09] thread 7f95fd54c700 started ("libhb") 2016-07-04 14:28:15 - HandBrake - DEBUG - HandBrake svn7412 (2015082501) - Linux x86_64 - https://handbrake.fr 2016-07-04 14:28:15 - HandBrake - DEBUG - 2 CPUs detected 2016-07-04 14:28:15 - HandBrake - DEBUG - Opening /home/nick/Videos/Output/Hobbit Part1/The_Hobbit_An_Unexpected_Journey_t00.mkv... 2016-07-04 14:28:15 - HandBrake - DEBUG - [12:55:09] CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G1820 @ 2.70GHz 2016-07-04 14:28:15 - HandBrake - DEBUG - [12:55:09] - Intel microarchitecture Haswell 2016-07-04 14:28:15 - HandBrake - DEBUG - [12:55:09] - logical processor count: 2 2016-07-04 14:28:15 - HandBrake - DEBUG - [12:55:09] OpenCL: library not available 2016-07-04 14:28:15 - HandBrake - DEBUG - [12:55:09] hb_scan: path=/home/nick/Videos/Output/Hobbit Part1/The_Hobbit_An_Unexpected_Journey_t00.mkv, title_index=1 2016-07-04 14:28:15 - HandBrake - DEBUG - udfread ERROR: ECMA 167 Volume Recognition failed 2016-07-04 14:28:15 - HandBrake - ERROR - HandBrakeCLI encountered the following error: 2016-07-04 14:28:15 - HandBrake - ERROR - udfread ERROR: ECMA 167 Volume Recognition failed 2016-07-04 14:28:15 - Compress - INFO - Compression did not complete successfully 2016-07-04 14:28:15 - Compress - INFO - Queue does not exist or is empty 2016-07-04 14:28:15 - Extras - INFO - No videos ready for filebot