Semantify-NN: Towards Verifying Robustness of Neural Networks Against A Family of Semantic Perturbations
We propose Semantify-NN, a model-agnostic and generic robustness verification toolkit for semantic perturbations. Semantify-NN can be viewed as a powerful extension module consisting of novel semantic perturbation layers (SP-layers) and is compatible to existing Lp-norm based verification tools. Semantify-NN can support robustness verification against a wide range of semantic perturbations: translation, occlusion, hue, saturation, lightness, brightness and contrast, rotations.
Cite our work:
Jeet Mohapatra, Tsui-Wei Weng, Pin-Yu Chen, Sijia Liu and Luca Daniel, "Towards Verifying Robustness of Neural Networks Against A Family of Semantic Perturbations", CVPR 2020.
author = "Jeet Mohapatra AND Tsui-Wei Weng AND Pin-Yu Chen AND Sijia Liu AND Luca Daniel",
title = "Towards Verifying Robustness of Neural Networks Against A Family of Semantic Perturbations",
booktitle = "CVPR",
year = "2020",
month = "June"
The code is tested with python3 and TensorFlow v1.10 and v1.12 (TensorFlow v1.8 is not compatible). The following packages are required.
conda create --name cnncert python=3.6
source activate cnncert
conda install pillow numpy scipy pandas h5py tensorflow numba posix_ipc matplotlib
Clone this repository:
git clone
cd Semantify-NN
Download the pre-trained CNN models used in the paper.
wget -O
In order to run the color-space experiments (without implicit splitting) we can use the following command:
python --model=cifar --numimage=2 --numlayer=5 --hidden=2048 --eps=3 --delta=0.2 --hsl=hue
with the parameters
-- model (gtsrb, cifar, mnist) : the dataset to use
-- hidden (int) : number of hidden units in the fully connected layers of the model
-- numlayer (int) : number of layers in the model
-- modelfile (string) : specify name of model file (optional)
-- numimage (int) : number of examples to run the attacks for
-- hsl (lighten, saturate, hue) : the threat model of the attack
-- eps (float) : maximum range of attack parameter to test over
-- delta (float) : size of each explicit split to be used
Similarly for the rotation experiments use :
python --model=mnist --numimage=2 --numlayer=3 --hidden=1024 --eps=100 --delta=0.5 --subdiv=100
where the extra parameter -- subdiv (int) : number of implicit splits to use
We have one interface to run the simple grid attacks for the threat models specified in the paper:
python --model=gtsrb --hidden=256 --numlayer=4 --attack='rotate' --eps=100 --delta=0.5 --numimage=200
with the same parameters.