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JeremySkinner committed Apr 29, 2010
1 parent 1211db2 commit 5d86531
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Showing 135 changed files with 32,093 additions and 32,093 deletions.
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions .gitignore
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions .hgignore
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
syntax: glob

syntax: glob
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Build.cmd
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@echo off
@echo off
lib\Phantom\Phantom.exe %*
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions BuildWithSilverlight.cmd
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
@echo off
build.cmd silverlight default %*
@echo off
build.cmd silverlight default %*
226 changes: 113 additions & 113 deletions Changelog.txt
@@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
1.2 RC - March 11 2010
* Re-enabled MVC1 integration.
* Tweak ModelValidator behaviour so that all errors are run in one go (again)
* Added AssemblyScanner.
* Upgraded to MVC2 RTM.

1.2 beta 3 - Feb 14 2010
* Fixed issue with MVC2 MetaData throwing exceptions.
* Initial support additional options (such as When/Unless) on child validators. Needs refactoring for next version.
* Child validators no longer bypass the Validate method on the child validator instance.
* Tweak ModelValidator behaviour so that all errors are run in one go.

1.2 beta 2 - Feb 6 2010
* Issue #4903 - Allow Name Resolution to be pluggable
* Changed the .SetValidator method to require an IValidator<TProperty> rather than an IEnumerable<IValidationRule<TProperty>>
* Removed unnecessary CreateDescriptor overload from AbstractValidator.
* MVC2 Integration - FluentValidationModelValidatorProvider (serverside & clientside)
* MVC2 Integration - FluentValidationModelMetadataProvider
* Removed ComplexPropertyRule / NestedCollectionValidator. Replaced with IPropertyValidator implementations.

1.2 beta 1 - Jan 23 2010
* Upgraded MVC integration to ASP.NET MVC 2
* Model Binder now works with empty prefixes
* Added Adam Schroder xVal integration in the new FluentValidation.xValIntegration project (experimental)
* Allow the validator cascade mode to be set globally. The existing behaviour is the default (Continue). It can now also be set to StopOnFirstFailure:
ValidationOptions.CascadeMode = ValidatorCascadeMode.StopOnFirstFailure
* Allow the validator cascade mode to be set at the rule level (overrides the global option):
RuleFor(x => x.Surname).Cascade().StopOnFirstFailure()
* User state can be stored along side validation failures.
* Updated Silverlight project for Silverlight 3.
* Added the OnAnyFailure method. This delegate will be invoked if any rule attached to a particular RuleBuilder fails.
* Added ExactLengthValidator (error message needs localising...)
* Patch - Swedish language resources
* Added WithPropertyName
* Patch - InclusiveBetween/ExclusiveBetween validators.
* **Breaking Change** Removed generics from all the IPropertyValidator instances.
* Introduced PropertyValidator base class
* **Breaking Change** Removed the ValidationMessageAttribute
* **Breaking Change** Removed the DefaultResourceManager
* Simplified PropertyValidatorContext
* Adding ValidatorFactoryBase to make creation of Validator Factories easier.
* Additional overload of Custom that can access the current ValidationContext.
* **Breaking Change** Deprecated and removed the CommonServiceLocator implementation.
* Removed unnecessary IValidatorOptions interface.
* Added InlineValidator.
* Added ValidateAndThrow extension

1.1 - Jul 17 2009
* Spanish resource translations.
* French resource translations.
* EmailValidator now uses regex from

1.1 beta 3 - Jun 15 2009
* Patch - Dutch language resources
* Deleting the deprecated 'And' operator
* Major refactoring of the fluent interface.
* Adding an additional overload of Validate to IValidator<T> that takes an IValidatorSelector.
* Removing the IValidatorOfProperties interface
* Moved the methods that were on IValidatorOfProperties to extension methods on IValidator
* AbstractValidator now holds a collection of PropertyRules directly, rather than storing the intermediate RuleBuilders.
* Introduced the PropertyModel
* Marking AbstractValidator.CreateDescriptor as virtual.
* Adding a protected Rules property to ValidatorDescriptor.
* Allow a custom message to be definied in the ValidationMessageAttribute in addition to a resource key.

1.1 beta 2 - Jun 10 2009
* Added support for validating nested collections
* Implemented issue #4446: Additional property values can be accessed from within custom validation messages.
* *Breaking Change* Validation messages now use custom placeholders such as {PropertyName} rather than {0}, {1} etc. This means that custom validation messages arguments now start at 0.
* Added a ValidationMessage attribute which can be applied to property validator classes to specify the resource key to use when looking up the error message from the DefaultResourceManager.
* Now using a more comprehensive regular expression in the EmailValidator.

1.1 beta 1 - May 26 2009
* Validators can now be chained together: RuleFor(person => person.Address).SetValidator(new AddressValidator());
* Marked the 'And' property as obsolete. It is now possible to chain validators without it. This will be removed in the next release.
* Introduced ValidatorSelectors which allow certain validators to be excluded/excluded when validation occurs.
* Initial work on the metadata API (added ValidatorDescriptor).
* Added some additional marker interfaces to make obtaining metadata easier.
* Added FluentValidation Model Binder for use with ASP.NET MVC.
* Added ValidatorAttribute and AttributedValidatorFactory.
* Added the ability to use a custom ResourceManager in place of the DefaultResourceManager.
* Assemblies now marked as CLS Compliant.
* Public fields can now be validated.
* Made AbstractValidator.AddRuleBuilder public.
* Added overload for AbstractValidator.Custom that can return multiple ValidationFailures.
* Fixed issue #4236 - Error message for the 'Equals' validator showed the value entered not what the value should be.
* Fixed issue with AddToModelState - empty string prefix should be treated the same as a null prefix.
* Fixed issue with AddToModelState - SetModelValue should be called to ensure ASP.NET MVC's built-in HTML Helpers do not throw NullReferenceExceptions.
* Fixed issue with email address regex - plus character should be allowed.
* Fixed issue in Silverlight project - the Resource files were in the wrong namespace.

1.0 - Mar 27 2009
* Support for multiple validators on a single property by using 'And' RuleFor(person => person.Surname).NotNull().And.NotEqual("Foo");
* Added EqualValidator
* Custom validation messages are now formatted in the same way as the default messages
* Assemblies are now signed

0.3 - Jan 21 2009
* Added ShouldNotHaveValidationErrorFor extension method for testing
* Can now validate specified properties in addition to all properties (eg validator.Validate(person, x => x.Surname, x => x.Forename)
* New validators (RegularExpressionValidator and EmailValidator) contributed by Liam McLennan
* German localisation of validation messages contributed by Philipp Sumi
* Additional overload to 'Must' that takes a Func<T, TProperty, bool>

0.2 - Dec 29 2008
* Added Silverlight compatibility
* Moved support for the CommonServiceLocator into a separate assembly (FluentValidation.CommonServiceLocator.dll)
* Adding additional interfaces for some of the validators (ILengthValidator, INotNullValidator)
* AbstractValidator now implements IEnumerable<IRuleBuilder<T>>
* Added ShouldHaveValidationError extension method for testing validators

0.1 - Nov 1 2008
* First public preview
1.2 RC - March 11 2010
* Re-enabled MVC1 integration.
* Tweak ModelValidator behaviour so that all errors are run in one go (again)
* Added AssemblyScanner.
* Upgraded to MVC2 RTM.
1.2 beta 3 - Feb 14 2010
* Fixed issue with MVC2 MetaData throwing exceptions.
* Initial support additional options (such as When/Unless) on child validators. Needs refactoring for next version.
* Child validators no longer bypass the Validate method on the child validator instance.
* Tweak ModelValidator behaviour so that all errors are run in one go.
1.2 beta 2 - Feb 6 2010
* Issue #4903 - Allow Name Resolution to be pluggable
* Changed the .SetValidator method to require an IValidator<TProperty> rather than an IEnumerable<IValidationRule<TProperty>>
* Removed unnecessary CreateDescriptor overload from AbstractValidator.
* MVC2 Integration - FluentValidationModelValidatorProvider (serverside & clientside)
* MVC2 Integration - FluentValidationModelMetadataProvider
* Removed ComplexPropertyRule / NestedCollectionValidator. Replaced with IPropertyValidator implementations.
1.2 beta 1 - Jan 23 2010
* Upgraded MVC integration to ASP.NET MVC 2
* Model Binder now works with empty prefixes
* Added Adam Schroder xVal integration in the new FluentValidation.xValIntegration project (experimental)
* Allow the validator cascade mode to be set globally. The existing behaviour is the default (Continue). It can now also be set to StopOnFirstFailure:
ValidationOptions.CascadeMode = ValidatorCascadeMode.StopOnFirstFailure
* Allow the validator cascade mode to be set at the rule level (overrides the global option):
RuleFor(x => x.Surname).Cascade().StopOnFirstFailure()
* User state can be stored along side validation failures.
* Updated Silverlight project for Silverlight 3.
* Added the OnAnyFailure method. This delegate will be invoked if any rule attached to a particular RuleBuilder fails.
* Added ExactLengthValidator (error message needs localising...)
* Patch - Swedish language resources
* Added WithPropertyName
* Patch - InclusiveBetween/ExclusiveBetween validators.
* **Breaking Change** Removed generics from all the IPropertyValidator instances.
* Introduced PropertyValidator base class
* **Breaking Change** Removed the ValidationMessageAttribute
* **Breaking Change** Removed the DefaultResourceManager
* Simplified PropertyValidatorContext
* Adding ValidatorFactoryBase to make creation of Validator Factories easier.
* Additional overload of Custom that can access the current ValidationContext.
* **Breaking Change** Deprecated and removed the CommonServiceLocator implementation.
* Removed unnecessary IValidatorOptions interface.
* Added InlineValidator.
* Added ValidateAndThrow extension
1.1 - Jul 17 2009
* Spanish resource translations.
* French resource translations.
* EmailValidator now uses regex from
1.1 beta 3 - Jun 15 2009
* Patch - Dutch language resources
* Deleting the deprecated 'And' operator
* Major refactoring of the fluent interface.
* Adding an additional overload of Validate to IValidator<T> that takes an IValidatorSelector.
* Removing the IValidatorOfProperties interface
* Moved the methods that were on IValidatorOfProperties to extension methods on IValidator
* AbstractValidator now holds a collection of PropertyRules directly, rather than storing the intermediate RuleBuilders.
* Introduced the PropertyModel
* Marking AbstractValidator.CreateDescriptor as virtual.
* Adding a protected Rules property to ValidatorDescriptor.
* Allow a custom message to be definied in the ValidationMessageAttribute in addition to a resource key.
1.1 beta 2 - Jun 10 2009
* Added support for validating nested collections
* Implemented issue #4446: Additional property values can be accessed from within custom validation messages.
* *Breaking Change* Validation messages now use custom placeholders such as {PropertyName} rather than {0}, {1} etc. This means that custom validation messages arguments now start at 0.
* Added a ValidationMessage attribute which can be applied to property validator classes to specify the resource key to use when looking up the error message from the DefaultResourceManager.
* Now using a more comprehensive regular expression in the EmailValidator.
1.1 beta 1 - May 26 2009
* Validators can now be chained together: RuleFor(person => person.Address).SetValidator(new AddressValidator());
* Marked the 'And' property as obsolete. It is now possible to chain validators without it. This will be removed in the next release.
* Introduced ValidatorSelectors which allow certain validators to be excluded/excluded when validation occurs.
* Initial work on the metadata API (added ValidatorDescriptor).
* Added some additional marker interfaces to make obtaining metadata easier.
* Added FluentValidation Model Binder for use with ASP.NET MVC.
* Added ValidatorAttribute and AttributedValidatorFactory.
* Added the ability to use a custom ResourceManager in place of the DefaultResourceManager.
* Assemblies now marked as CLS Compliant.
* Public fields can now be validated.
* Made AbstractValidator.AddRuleBuilder public.
* Added overload for AbstractValidator.Custom that can return multiple ValidationFailures.
* Fixed issue #4236 - Error message for the 'Equals' validator showed the value entered not what the value should be.
* Fixed issue with AddToModelState - empty string prefix should be treated the same as a null prefix.
* Fixed issue with AddToModelState - SetModelValue should be called to ensure ASP.NET MVC's built-in HTML Helpers do not throw NullReferenceExceptions.
* Fixed issue with email address regex - plus character should be allowed.
* Fixed issue in Silverlight project - the Resource files were in the wrong namespace.
1.0 - Mar 27 2009
* Support for multiple validators on a single property by using 'And' RuleFor(person => person.Surname).NotNull().And.NotEqual("Foo");
* Added EqualValidator
* Custom validation messages are now formatted in the same way as the default messages
* Assemblies are now signed
0.3 - Jan 21 2009
* Added ShouldNotHaveValidationErrorFor extension method for testing
* Can now validate specified properties in addition to all properties (eg validator.Validate(person, x => x.Surname, x => x.Forename)
* New validators (RegularExpressionValidator and EmailValidator) contributed by Liam McLennan
* German localisation of validation messages contributed by Philipp Sumi
* Additional overload to 'Must' that takes a Func<T, TProperty, bool>
0.2 - Dec 29 2008
* Added Silverlight compatibility
* Moved support for the CommonServiceLocator into a separate assembly (FluentValidation.CommonServiceLocator.dll)
* Adding additional interfaces for some of the validators (ILengthValidator, INotNullValidator)
* AbstractValidator now implements IEnumerable<IRuleBuilder<T>>
* Added ShouldHaveValidationError extension method for testing validators
0.1 - Nov 1 2008
* First public preview

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