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Calculator sample

This example shows how to use Kotlin common module (located in common/) in different environments. Currently for


Common Kotlin module contains arithmetic expressions parser.

Android App

The common module may be used in an Android application.

To build and run the Android sample do the following:

  1. Open the project in Android Studio 3.1
  2. Create a new Android App configuration. Choose module android.
  3. Now build and run the configuration created.


The iOS project compiles Kotlin module to a framework (see ios). The framework can be easily included in an existing iOS project (e.g. written in Swift or Objective-C)

To build and run the iOS sample do the following:

  1. Open ios/calculator.xcodeproj with Xcode.

  2. Open the project's target through project navigator, go to tab 'General'. In 'Identity' section change the bundle ID to the unique string in reverse-DNS format. Then select the team in 'Signing' section.

    See the Xcode documentation for more info.

  3. Now build and run the application with Xcode.

The iOS application is written in Swift. It uses Kotlin module as a library. Kotlin module is built into Objective-C framework by invoking Gradle from custom "Run Script" build phase, and this framework is imported into the Xcode project.

Plain JVM

The common module can also be used in JVM application built by Kotlin/JVM compiler with Gradle. To build and run it, go to jvm directory and use

../gradlew run

To build the distribution:

../gradlew distZip

(the result will be available as jvm/build/distributions/