The release contains the JVM version of Kotlin compiler and also one native system dependent version for every major platform (Linux, macOS, and Windows).
Android lint tasks fails in Gradle with MPP dependency
New Features
Refine rules for allowed Array-based class literals on different platforms: allowArray::class
everywhere, disallowArray<...>::class
on non-JVMKT-33413
Allow 'break' and 'continue' in 'when' statement to point to innermost surrounding loop
Performance Improvements
Suboptimal compilation of lazy delegated properties with inline getValueKT-28507
Extra InlineMarker.mark invocation in generated suspending function bytecodeKT-29229
Intrinsify 'in' operator for unsigned integer ranges
Confusing error message when trying to access package local java classKT-9310
Don't make interface and DefaultImpls methods synchronizedKT-11430
Improve diagnostics for dangling lambdasKT-16526
Provide better error explanation when one tries to delegate var to read-only delegateKT-20258
Improve annotation rendering in diagnostic messagesKT-22275
Unify exceptions from null checksKT-27503
Private functions uses from inside of suspendCoroutine go though accessorKT-28938
Coroutines tail-call optimization does not work for generic returns that had instantiated to UnitKT-29385
"AnalyzerException: Expected an object reference, but found I" for EXACTLY_ONCE non-inline contract with captured class constructor parameterKT-29510
"RuntimeException: Trying to access skipped parameter" with EXACTLY_ONCE contract and nested call of crossinline lambdaKT-29614
java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack - in inlining, crossinline in constructor with EXACTLY_ONCE contractKT-30275
Get rid of session in FirElementKT-30744
Invoking Interface Static Method from Extension method generates incorrect jvm bytecodeKT-30785
Equality comparison of inline classes results in boxingKT-32217
FIR: support delegated properties resolveKT-32433
NI: UninferredParameterTypeConstructor with class propertyKT-32587
NI: Type mismatch "String" vs "String" in IDE on generic .invoke on generic delegated propertyKT-32689
Shuffled line numbers in suspend functions with elvis operatorKT-32851
Constraint for callable reference argument doesn't take into account use-site varianceKT-32864
The line number of assertFailsWith in suspending function is lostKT-33125
NI: "Rewrite at slice INDEXED_LVALUE_SET" with Mutable Map set index operator inside "@kotlin.BuilderInference" blockKT-33414
'java.lang.AssertionError: int type expected, but null was found in basic frames' in kotlin-io while building library trainKT-33421
Please make NOTHING_TO_INLINE warning shorterKT-33504
EA-209823 - ISE: ProjectResolutionFacade$computeModuleResolverProvider$resolverForProject$$.invoke: Can't find builtIns by key CacheKeyBySdkKT-33572
Scripting import with implicit receiver doesn't workKT-33821
Compiler should not rely on the default locale when generating boxing for suspend functionsKT-18541
Prohibit "tailrec" modifier on open functionsKT-19844
Do not render type annotations on symbols rendered in diagnostic messagesKT-24913
KotlinFrontEndException with local class in init of generic classKT-28940
Concurrency issue for lazy values with the post-computation phaseKT-31540
Change initialization order of default values for tail recursive optimized functions
Docs & Examples
Update docs to explicitly mention that union is opposite of intersectKT-34086
Website, stdlib api docs: unresolved link jvm/stdlib/kotlin.text/-charsets/Charset
'Move Statement' doesn't work for statement finished by semicolonKT-9204
Shorten references and some other IDE features have problem when package name clash with class nameKT-17993
Annotations are colored the same as language keywordsKT-21037
LazyLightClassMemberMatchingError$WrongMatch “Matched :BAR MemberIndex(index=0) to :BAR MemberIndex(index=1) in KtLightClassImpl” after duplicating values inside enum classKT-23305
We should be able to see platform-specific errors in common moduleKT-23461
Move statement up/down
attaches a comment block to the function being movedKT-26960
IDE doesn't reportactual
placed into a custom platform-agnostic source setKT-27243
LazyLightClassMemberMatchingError when overriding hidden memberKT-28404
Gradle configuration page is missing from a New Project Wizard creation flow for multiplatform templatesKT-30824
No highlighting of declaration/usage of function with functional-type (lambda) parameter on its usageKT-31117
AssertionError atCompletionBindingContextProvider._getBindingContext
when typing any character within string with injected KotlinKT-31139
"Override members" on enum inserts semicolon before enum bodyKT-31810
Paste inside indented.trimIndent()
raw string doesn't respect indentationKT-32401
Exceptions while running IDEA in headless mode for building searchable optionsKT-32543
UltraLight support for Kotlin collections.KT-32544
Support UltraLight classes for local/anonymous/enum classesKT-32799
2019.2 RC (192.5728.74) Kotlin plugin exception during build searchable options (Directory index may not be queried for default project)KT-33008
IDEA does not report in MPP: Upper bound of a type parameter cannot be an arrayKT-33316
Kotlin Facet: make sure the order of allPlatforms value is fixedKT-33561
LazyLightClassMemberMatchingError when overloading synthetic memberKT-33584
Make kotlin light classes return no-arg constructor when no-arg (or jpa) compiler plugin is enabledKT-33775
please remove usages of org.intellij.plugins.intelliLang.inject.InjectorUtils#putInjectedFileUserData(com.intellij.lang.injection.MultiHostRegistrar, com.intellij.openapi.util.Key, T) deprecated eons agoKT-33813
Poor formatting of 'Selected target platforms' and 'Depends on' in facet settingsKT-33937
delay() completion from kotlinx.coroutines causes happening of root package in codeKT-33973
Kotlin objects could abuse idea plugin functionalityKT-34000
Import quickfix does not work for extension methods from objectsKT-34070
"No target platforms selected" message for commonTest facet at mobile shared library projectKT-34191
Since-build .. until-build compatibility ranges are the same for 192 and 193 IDE pluginsKT-21153
IDE: string template + annotation usage: ISE: "Couldn't get delegate" at LightClassDataHolderKt.findDelegate()KT-33352
"KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: Couldn't get delegate for class" on nested class/objectKT-34042
"Error loading Kotlin facets. Kotlin facets are not allowed in Kotlin/Native Module" in 192 IDEAKT-34237
MPP with Android target:common*
source sets are not shown as source roots in IDEKT-33626
Deadlock with Kotlin LockBasedStorageManager in IDEA commit dialogKT-34402
Unresolved reference to Kotlin.test library in CommonTest in Multiplatform project without JVM targetKT-34639
Multiplatform project with the only (Android) target is incorrectly imported into IDE
IDE. Completion
Import completion unable to shorten fq-names when there is a conflict between package name and local identifierKT-17689
Code completion for enum typealias doesn't show membersKT-28998
Slow completion for build.gradle.kts (Kotlin Gradle DSL script)KT-30996
DSL extension methods which are not applicable are offered for completionKT-31902
Fully qualified name is used fordelay
instead of import and just method nameKT-33903
Duplicating completion for imported extensions from companion objects
IDE. Debugger
Disallow placing line breakpoints without executable code (changed)KT-22116
Support function breakpointsKT-24408
@InlineOnly: Misleading status for breakpoints in inline functionsKT-27645
Debugger breakpoints do not work in suspend function executed in SpringBoot controller (MVC and WebFlux)KT-32687
Disallow breakpoints for @InlineOnly function bodiesKT-32813
Exception on invoking "Smart Step Into"KT-32830
NPE on changing class property in Evaluate Expression windowKT-33064
“Read access is allowed from event dispatch thread or inside read-action only” from KotlinLineBreakpointType.createLineSourcePosition on adding new line before the current one while stopping on breakpointKT-11395
Breakpoint inside lambda argument of InlineOnly function doesn't work
IDE. Folding
Folding of "when" construction
IDE. Gradle
Package prefix is not imported in non-MPP projectKT-33987
Serialization exception during importing Kotlin project in IDEA 192KT-32960
KotlinMPPGradleModelBuilder takes a long time to process when syncing non-MPP project with IDEKT-34424
With Kotlin plugin in Gradle project without Native the IDE fails to start Gradle task: "Kotlin/Native properties file is absent at null/konan/konan.properties"KT-34256
Fail to use multiplatform modules with dependsOn with android pluginKT-34663
Low performance of MPP 1.2 during import with module-per-source-set enabled
IDE. Gradle. Script
Gradle Kotlin DSL new project template: use type-safe model accessorsKT-34463
New Gradle-based project template misses pluginManagement{} block in EAP branchKT-31767
Gradle Kotlin DSL new project template: use settings.gradle.kts
IDE. Inspections and Intentions
New Features
Quickfix to remove redundant labelKT-28049
Suggest import quickfix for operator extension functionsKT-29622
"Move to separate file" intention should also work for sealed classKT-33178
Use a new compiler flag -Xinline-classes during enabling the feature via IDEA intentionKT-33586
"Constructors are not allowed for objects" diagnostic needs quickfix to change object to class
Override/Implement Members: better member positioning inside the classKT-14899
Quickfix "Create member function" inserts too many semicolons when applied to EnumKT-15700
"Convert lambda to reference" does not work with backtick-escaped referencesKT-18772
"Introduce subject to when": don't choose an object or a constant as the subjectKT-21172
Join declaration and assignment should place the result at the assignment, not at declarationKT-25697
Replace with dot call
quickfix breaks formattingKT-26635
An empty line is added afteractual
modifier on "Create actual annotation class..." quick fix applied to annotation if it is annotated with commentKT-27270
"Add jar to classpath" quick fix modifies build.gradle of MPP project in a way that fails to be importedKT-28471
"Add initializer" quickfix initializes non-null variable with nullKT-28538
create expected ...
quick fix illegally createsexpect
member with a usage of a platform-specific typeKT-28549
Create actual/expect quick fix for class/object doesn't add import for an inherited memberKT-28620
Create expect/actual ...
quick fix could save @test annotation on generationKT-28740
AE “2 declarations in var bar: [ERROR : No type, no body]” after applying “Create actual class” quick fix for class with property which has not specified typeKT-28947
Backing field has created after applying “Create expected class in common module...” intentionKT-30136
False negative "Redundant explicit 'this'" with local variableKT-30794
Quickfix for unchecked cast produces invalid codeKT-31133
Liveness analysis on enum does not take into account calls to 'values'KT-31433
Incorrect "Create expected class..." for class with supertypeKT-31475
"Create expect..." should delete 'override' modifierKT-31587
modifier before primary constructor after createactual
"Create expected ..."/"Create actual..." quick fix:val
modifiers are misordered in the generatedexpect
"Variable declaration could be moved intowhen
" inspection suggests to inline expression containing return (throw) statementKT-32012
Change parameter type quick fix: Don't use qualified nameKT-32468
False positive SimplifiableCall "filter call could be simplified to filterIsInstance" with expression body function and explicit return typeKT-32479
False positive "Redundant overriding method" with derived property and base function starting withget
(Accidental override)KT-32571
"Create expect" quick fix incorrectly treats multiplatform stdlib typealiased types as platform-specific onesKT-32580
"Remove braces" QF for single-expression function with inferred lambda return type: "ClassCastException: class kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KClassImpl cannot be cast to class kotlin.jvm.internal.ClassBasedDeclarationContainer"KT-32582
Ambiguous message for [AMBIGUOUS_ACTUALS] error (master)KT-32586
"Make member open" quick fix doesn't update all the related actualisations of an expected memberKT-32616
"To ordinary string literal" doesn't remove indents, newlines andtrimIndent
"Create expect" quick fix doesn't warn about a platform-specific annotation applied to the generated memberKT-32650
"Replace 'if' with 'when'" removes braces from 'if' statementKT-32694
"Create expect"/"create actual" quick fix doesn't transfer use-site annotationsKT-32737
"Create expect" quick fix addsactual
modifier to an interface function with default implementation without a warningKT-32768
"Create expect" quick fix doesn't warn about a local supertype of anactual
class while generating an expected declarationKT-32829
"Add .jar to the classpath" quick fix creates "compile"/"testCompile" dependencies in build.gradleKT-32972
No "remove braces" inspection for ${this}KT-32981
"Create enum constant" quick fix adds redundant empty lineKT-33060
"Cleanup code" does not remove 'final' keyword for overridden function with non-canonical modifiers orderKT-33115
"Replace overloaded operator with function call" intention should not be shown on incomplete expressionsKT-33150
Don't suggest create expect function from function withprivate
False positive "Redundant overriding method" when overriding package private methodKT-33204
False positive "flatMap call could be simplified to flatten()" with ArrayKT-33299
"Create type parameter from usage" should work with backticksKT-33300
"Create type parameter from usage" suggests for top level propertyKT-33302
KNPE after "Create type parameter from usage" with typealiasKT-33357
'java.lang.Throwable: Assertion failed: Refactorings should be invoked inside transaction 'exception occurs when extracting sealed class from file with the same nameKT-33362
Inspection "Extract class from current file" is not available for 'sealed' keywordKT-33437
“Argument rangeInElement (0,1) endOffset must not exceed descriptor text range (0, 0) length (0).” on creating Kotlin Script files inside packageKT-33612
"Replace with safe call" quick fix moves code to another lineKT-33660
"Convert to anonymous object" with nested SAM interface insertsobject
keyword in the wrong placeKT-33718
"Create enum constant" quick fix adds after semicolonKT-33754
Improve error hint message for "Create expect/actual..."KT-33880
"Convert to range check" produces code that is subject to ReplaceRangeToWithUntil for range with exclusive upper boundKT-33930
Don't suggest "create expect" quick fix onlateinit
top-level propertiesKT-33981
“KotlinCodeInsightWorkspaceSettings is registered as application service, but requested as project one” on opening QF menu for some fixes in IJ193KT-32965
False positive "Redundant qualifier name" with nested enum member callKT-33597
False positive "Redundant qualifier name" with class property initialized with same-named object propertyKT-33991
False positive "Redundant qualifier name" with enum member function callKT-34113
False positive "Redundant qualifier name" with Enum.values() from a different Enum
KDoc: Type parameters are not shown in sample code
IDE. Multiplatform
IDE incorrectly requiresactual
implementations to be present in all the project source setsKT-28537
Platform-specific type taken from a dependency module isn't reported incommon
Provide a registry key to enable/disable hierarchical multiplatform mechanism in IDE
IDE. Navigation
Duplicate "implements" gutter icons on some interfacesKT-30052
Duplicated "is subclassed" editor gutter iconsKT-33182
com.intellij.idea.IdeStarter#main has four (!) icons, should be two
IllegalArgumentException in REPL
IDE. Refactorings
'Search for references' checkbox state isn't saved on move of kotlin fileKT-30342
Move refactoring: suggest file name starting with an uppercase letterKT-32426
Invalid code format after "Pull Members Up" on function with comment and another indentKT-32496
"Problems Detected" dialog message about conflicting declarations on moving file to another package is absolutely unreadableKT-33059
Exception [Assertion failed: Write access is allowed inside write-action only] in case of Move class to nonexistent folderKT-33972
Change signature should affect all hierarchy
IDE. Run Configurations
Implement gutters for running tests (multi-platform projects)
IDE. Scratch
No access to stdout output in Kotlin scratchKT-23989
Scratch: allow copy of a scratch outputKT-28910
Add hint for Make before Run checkboxKT-29407
strange output for long stringsKT-31295
Kotlin worksheet in projects, not as scratch filesKT-32366
Sidebar as alternative output layoutKT-33585
Synchronized highlighting of the main editor and side panel
IDE. Script
Settings / ... / Kotlin Scripting with no project opened causes ISE: "project.baseDir must not be null" at ScriptTemplatesFromDependenciesProvider.loadScriptDefinitions()KT-32513
Intellij hangs in ApplicationUtilsKt.runWriteAction through ScriptDependenciesLoader$submitMakeRootsChange$doNotifyRootsChanged$1.run
IDE. Wizards
Bump Android build tools version atMultiplatform (Android/iOS)
template of the New Project WizardKT-33927
MPP, Kotlin New project wizard: broken project generationKT-34108
Gradle Kotlin DSL: generated project withtasks
element fails on configuration stage with Gradle 4.10KT-34154
New Project wizard: build.gradle.kts: type-safe code sets JVM 1.8 for main, but JVM 1.6 for testKT-34229
New Project wizard: IDEA 193+: Mobile Android/iOS: creating another project of this type tries to write into previous one
Generated source maps for JS mention nonexistent dummy.ktKT-26701
JS, rollup.js: Application can't depend on a library if both sourcemaps reference "dummy.kt"
Avoid division in string-to-number conversionsKT-27545
File.copyTo: unclear error message when it fails to delete the destinationKT-28804
Wrong parameter name in kotlin.text.contentEqualsKT-32024
implementation not to call.next()
more than necessaryKT-32532
MutableList.removeAll is lacking documentationKT-32728
CollectionsKt.windowed throws IllegalArgumentException (Illegal Capacity: -1) when size param is Integer.MAX_VALUE due to overflow operationKT-33864
Read from pseudo-file system is empty
KotlinReflectionInternalError on invoking callBy on overridden member with inherited default argument valueKT-17860
Improve KParameter.toString for receiver parameters
Drop MaxPermSize support from compiler daemonKT-32259
module exported from embeddable compiler, causes problems in Java modular builds
Tools. Android Extensions
IDE plugin doesn't recognize that Parcelize is no longer experimental
Tools. CLI
CLI: Empty classpath inkotlin
script except forkotlin-runner.jar
Set Thread.contextClassLoader when running programs with 'kotlin' launcher script or scripts with 'kotlinc -script'KT-24966
Classloader problems when running basic kafka example withkotlin
Tools. Compiler Plugins
output from jvm-api-gen plugin on classpath crashes downstream kotlinc-jvm: inline method with inner classKT-33630
cannot use @kotlinx.serialization.Transient and lateinit together on 1.3.50
Tools. Daemon
Enable assertions in Kotlin Compile DaemonKT-33027
Compilation with daemon fails, because IncrementalModuleInfo#serialVersionUID does not match
Tools. Gradle
New Features
Kotlin Gradle Plugin doesn't allow for configuring friend paths through APIKT-34009
Associate compilations in the target–compilation project model
Performance Improvements
Kotlin plugin configures all tasks in a project whenkotlin.incremental
is enabled
User test Gradle source set code cannot reach out internal members from the production codeKT-22213
Android Extensions experimental mode doesn't work with Gradle Kotlin DSLKT-31077
android.kotlinOptions block is lacking its typeKT-31641
Kapt configurations miss attributes to resolve MPP dependencies: Cannot choose between the following variants ...KT-31713
ConcurrentModificationException: Realize Pending during execution phaseKT-32678
Bugfixes in HMPP source set visibilityKT-32679
Testing & test tasks API in the target–compilation modelKT-32804
Kapt-generated Java sources in jvm+withJava MPP module are not compiled and bundledKT-32853
ConcurrentModificationException when compiling with Gradle.KT-32872
Gradle test runner for Native does not show failed build if process quit without starting printing results.KT-33105
kapt+withJava in multiplatform module depending on other multiplatform fails on 1.3.50-eap-54KT-33469
Drop support for Gradle versions older than 4.3 in the Kotlin Gradle pluginKT-33470
Drop support for Gradle versions older than 4.9 in the Kotlin Gradle pluginKT-33980
Read the granular source sets metadata flag value once and cache it for the current Gradle buildKT-34312
UnsupportedOperationException onrequiresVisibilityOf
in the Kotlin Gradle plugin
Tools. Gradle. JS
New Features
Gradle, JS tests, Karma: Support sourcemaps in Gradle stacktracesKT-32073
Gradle, JS, karma: parse errors and warnings from karma outputKT-32075
Gradle, JS, karma: download chrome headless using puppeteer
Gradle/JS: with not installed browser specified for browser test the response is "Successful, 0 tests found"KT-32216
Gradle, JS, tests: filter doesn't workKT-32224
In Gradle Kotlin/JS projects, thebrowserWebpack
task does not rerun when themain
compilation's outputs changeKT-32281
Gradle, JS, karma: Headless chrome output is not capturedKT-33288
JS: Incorrect bundle with webpack output.library and source mapsKT-33313
When a Kotlin/JS test task runs using a custom compilation, it doesn't track the compilation outputs in its up-to-date checksKT-33547
Template JS Client and JVM Server works wrong on 1.3.50 KotlinKT-33549
Gradle Kotlin/JS external declarations: search fortypings
key insidepackage.json
Js tests with mocha cannot be runKT-33710
Task "generateExternals" for automatic Dukat execution does not workKT-33716
Gradle, Yarn: yarn is not downloading via YarnSetupTaskKT-34101
CCE class org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.targets.js.testing.KotlinJsTest_Decorated cannot be cast to class org.gradle.api.provider.Provider on importing Gradle project with JSKT-34123
"Cannot find node module "kotlin-test-js-runner/kotlin-test-karma-runner.js"" inJS Client and JVM Server
new project wizard templateKT-32319
Gradle, js, webpack: source-map-loader failed to load source contents from relative urlsKT-33417
NodeTest failed with error "Failed to create MD5 hash" after NodeRun is executedKT-33747
Exception doesn't fail the test in kotlin js node runnerKT-33828
jsPackageJson task fails after changing artifact origin repositoryKT-34460
NPM packages clash if declared in dependencies and devDependencies bothKT-34555
[Kotlin/JS] Unsafe webpack config merge
Tools. Gradle. Native
MPP Gradle plugin: Produce final native binaries from compilation output instead of sourcesKT-33645
Kotlin/Native: Compilation failure if a library passed by the -Xinclude option contains a constructor annotated with @OverrideInitKT-34259
MPP Gradle plugin: Support fat frameworks for watchOS and tvOSKT-34329
Support watchOS and tvOS in CocoaPods Gradle plugin
Tools. J2K
New Features
J2K: convert Integer.MAX_VALUE to Int.MAX_VALUEKT-22412
J2K: Intention to replace if(...) throw IAE with requireKT-22680
Request: when converting Java->Kotlin, try to avoid creating functions for constant fields (static final
Performance Improvements
Java->Kotlin converter on paste performs expensive reparse in unrelated contextsKT-33854
J2K conversion of Interface freezes UI for more than 10 seconds without progress dialogKT-33875
[NewJ2K] InspectionLikeProcessingGroup pipeline rework: query isApplicable in parallel for all element first, apply relevant after in EDT
A mutable container property updated from another class converts to red codeKT-19607
Static member qualified by child class converted to red codeKT-20035
Automatic conversion from Java 1.8 to Kotlin 1.1.4 using Idea 2017.2.2: null!!KT-21504
J2K: Convert Long.parseLong(s) to s.toLong()KT-24293
Bug: conversion of Java "List" into Kotlin doesn't produce "MutableList"KT-32253
Converting Java class with field initialized by constructor parameter used to initialize a different field or named as a different field produces red codeKT-32696
New J2K: java List is wrongly converted when pasting it to Kotlin fileKT-32903
J2K: Static import is converted to unresolved referenceKT-33235
Remove "Replace guard clause with kotlin's function call" inspection and tranform it to J2K post-processingKT-33434
UninitializedPropertyAccessException occurs after J2K convertion of package with custom functional interface and it's usageKT-33445
Two definitions of org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.j2k.J2kPostProcessing in Kotlin 1.3.50-rcKT-33500
Unresolved reference after J2K convertion of isNaN/isFiniteKT-33556
J2K converter fails on statically imported global overloaded functionsKT-33679
Result of assignment with operation differs in kotlin after J2K conversionKT-33687
Extra empty lines are added after comment after J2K conversionKT-33743
Reference to static field outside its class is unresolved after J2K conversionKT-33756
J2K: main method with varargs is converted to non-runnable main kotlin methodKT-33863
java.lang.IllegalStateException: argument must not be null exception occurs on J2K conversion of Generic class usage without type parameterKT-19355
"Variable expected" error after J2K for increment/decrement of an object fieldKT-19569
Java wrappers for primitives are converted to nullable types with nullability errors in KotlinKT-30643
J2K: wrong position of TYPE_USE annotationKT-32518
Nullability information is lost after J2K convertion of constructor with null parameterKT-33941
J2K: Overload resolution ambiguity with assertThat andStackOverflowError
in IDEAKT-33942
New J2K:StackOverflowError
J2K: on converting static method references in other .java sources are not correctedKT-34165
J2K: imports are lost in conversion, references resolve to different same-named classesKT-34266
Multiple errors after converting Java class implementing an interface from another file
Tools. JPS
JPS compilation is not incremental in IDEA 2019.3
Tools. Maven
Maven plugin do not consider .kts files as Kotlin sourcesKT-34011
Kotlin scripting plugin is not loaded by default from kotlin maven plugin
Tools. REPL
REPL/Script: extract classes and names right from ClassLoader
Tools. Scripts
ClassNotFoundException in runtime for 'kotlinc -script' while compilation is fineKT-31704
[kotlin-scripting] passingname
to String.toScriptSource make script compilation failedKT-32234
"Unable to derive module descriptor" when using Kotlin compiler (embeddable) in Java 9+ modular buildsKT-33529
NCDF running kotlin script from command lineKT-33554
Classpath not passed properly when evaluating standard script withkotlinc
REPL/Script: Implement mechanism for resolve top-level functions and properties from classloaderKT-34294
SamWithReceiver cannot be used with new scripting API
Tools. kapt
Incremental Kapt: IllegalArgumentException fromorg.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor.<init>
Kapt error "Unable to find package java.lang in classpath or bootclasspath" on JDK 11 with-source 8
kapt does not honor source/target compatibility of enclosing projectKT-33052
Kapt generates invalid java stubs for enum members with class bodies on JDK 11KT-33056
Incremental kapt is disabled due tojavaslang.match.PatternsProcessor
processor on classpath when Worker API is enabledKT-33493
1.3.50, org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor.KT-33515
Incremental kapt fails when I remove an annotated fileKT-33889
Incremental KAPT: NoSuchMethodError: 'java.util.regex.Pattern com.sun.tools.javac.processing.JavacProcessingEnvironment.validImportStringToPattern(java.lang.String)'KT-33503
Kapt, Spring Boot: "Could not resolve all files for configuration ':_classStructurekaptKotlin'"KT-33800
KAPT aptMode=compile fails to compile certain legitimate code
Kotlin Native
Related Kotlin Native changelog can be found separately.