Kotlin 1.4.0
The release contents the JVM version of the Kotlin compiler, and also the Kotlin/Native compiler for the supported platforms: Linux, macOS and Windows.
New Features
Provide a way to generate JVM default method bodies in interfaces delegating to DefaultImplsKT-30330
Introduce KotlinNothingValueException and throw it instead of NPE on expressions of type NothingKT-38435
Support suspend conversion on callable references in JVM backend
NI: compatibility modeKT-39728
Declarations fromkotlin.reflect
resolved to expect-classes even in JVM modules in IDEKT-40153
REPL IDE services completion fails on imports completionKT-40404
Mixed named/positional arguments: argument can be passed twiceKT-40544
NI: "TYPE_MISMATCH: Required: MutableList<out T!> Found: List" caused by Java interface functionKT-40555
NI: Spread operator allows inferred nullable typesKT-40646
NI: TYPE_MISMATCH: "inferred type is Unit but Observer was expected" caused by LieData.observe inferenceKT-40691
UnsupportedOperationException: no descriptor for type constructor of (CapturedType(out TResult)..CapturedType(out TResult)?)KT-40824
Usages of a typealias lose nullability and annotations in deserializationKT-40843
Unhandled exception for suspending methods that return Result typeKT-40869
Recursion computation inside compiler resolve on a correct codeKT-40893
Error "Captured values initialization is forbidden due to possible reassignment" when attempting to use the plusAssign operator with a java list inside an inline functionKT-40919
kotlin.collections.ArrayDeque requires an explicit import when compiling with kotlinc 1.4-RC and -language-version 1.3KT-40920
Regression in JvmDefault: incorrect access to missing DefaultImpls on default methods in Java interface overriding Kotlin interfaceKT-40978
Prohibit using suspend functions as SAM in fun interfaces
- Objective-C/Swift interop:
- Added native-specific frontend checkers (implemented in the main Kotlin repository: GH-3293, GH-3091, GH-3172)
- .dSYMs for release binaries on Apple platforms (GH-4085)
- Improved compilation time of builds with interop libraries by reworking cinterop under the hood.
- Experimental mimalloc allocator support (-Xallocator=mimalloc) to improve execution time performance. (GH-3704)
- Tune GC to improve execution time performance
- Various fixes to compiler caches and Gradle daemon usage
Docs & Examples
Fix misleading in JavaDoc forcreateTempDir
Provide a visual illustration of source sets structure generated byios()
Language Guide: MPP reference: add sample of language settings for all roots instead of common root only
IDE, MPP: False negative TYPE_PARAMETER_AS_REIFIED in common codeKT-40494
UAST: "NoSuchElementException: No element of given type found" with use-site target annotationKT-40639
Shift IDE plugins updater numbers for Kotlin plugin
IDE. Code Style, Formatting
Hard freeze on formatter: infinite recursion
IDE. Gradle Integration
IDE: Unresolved reference in MPP module (androidMain source set) for annotation from common module (defined in commonMain and with JVM target)
IDE. Gradle. Script
Deadlock in ScriptDefinitionsManagerKT-40675
Gradle build file is not highlighted until navigating to symbol
Create new projects with kotlin.js.generate.executable.default=false
IDE. Script
Kotlin script support freezes IDEAKT-40242
gradle.kts: Deadlock in ScriptClassRootsUpdater
IDE. Wizards
New Project Wizard: provide more referential info on project structure editor screenKT-39904
New Project wizard 1.4: update Frontend Application to make it run with JS IRKT-40149
Gradle project wizard: templates for Kotlin/JS are not properly formatted
JS: support function references to functions with vararg if expected type ends with repeated vararg element typeKT-40083
K/JS-IR: java.lang.IllegalStateException: has not acquired a symbol yetKT-40892
KJS, IR: Unresolved references on importing classes from kotlinx-nodejs
Libraries native artifacts are published without sources
Tools. Gradle
Provide a possibility to specify intermediate source sets between platform-agnostic and platform-specific test source setsKT-37720
Replace ArtifactTransform with TransformActionKT-40559
Adding the stdlib by default triggers warning in the Android Gradle Plugin
Tools. Gradle. JS
Incorrect updating version of Kotlin/JS dependencies in package.json
Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
Provide a way to reuse same sources for similar Native targetKT-40058
NPE from mpp gradle plugin on kotlinx.benchmarks
Tools. Gradle. Native
Gradle CocoaPods integration: Cannot change a framework name
Backend. Native
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.impl.IrValueParameterImpl@76484173KT-40367
Kotlin/Native-Swift interop (iOS): Array member initialization failing in release builds
Type mismatch when callable reference is resolved with a functional expected type and SAM conversionKT-37388
Consider relaxing rules about inferring Nothing inside special constructions (if, try, when)KT-37717
NI: "IllegalStateException: Error type encountered" with @BuilderInferenceKT-38427
New inference in branched conditions (if, when) results in odd behavior with inconsistent compiler warnings and runtime errorsKT-38899
NI: overload resolution ambiguity between functions passingT
with a contravariant receiverKT-39618
NEW_INFERENCE_NO_INFORMATION_FOR_PARAMETER: unable to infer generic type on @BuilderInference annotated lambda parameter with receiver typeKT-39633
NI: Incorrect type parameter instantiation based on contravariant type argumentKT-39691
NI: Missing SAM conversion for nullable lambdaKT-39860
Make Kotlin binaries publicly available (set KotlinCompilerVersion.IS_PRE_RELEASE = false)KT-39900
NI: Incorrect type inference in a lambda returning UnitKT-39925
New JVM default compilation mode doesn't check that JVM target is 1.8KT-39943
Write information about all-compatibility mode in metadataKT-39953
NI: ClassCastException "cannot be cast to java.lang.Void" with if-else in return statement in ANdroid projectKT-40045
NI: lambda’s receiver type isn't inferred properlyKT-40057
NI: provideDelegate org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.CompilationException: Back-end (JVM) Internal error: wrong bytecode generated for static initializerKT-40060
NI: postponed variable from the builder inference flows to back-end and leads to throw an exceptionKT-40112
Kotlin Gradle DSL: COMPATIBILITY_WARNING onkotlin.sourceSets
Kotlin Gradle DSL: "Expression 'main' cannot be invoked as a function" fordistributions.main
DSL blockKT-40128
Introduce compiler key to disable compatibility resolution mechanism for new inference featuresKT-40151
NI: postponed variable isn't substituted for top-level CR inside builder inferenceKT-40214
AbstractMethodError in gradle subplugin which is used in Android appKT-40234
Deprecation level "hidden" has no effect on callable reference argumentKT-40247
NI: false positive "function should be called from coroutine or another suspend function" for suspend invoke operator in try-catchKT-40254
Rewrite at slice with two callable reference argumentsKT-40269
NI: "disabled Unit conversions" error has appeared on green codeKT-40337
NI: false positive "function should be called from coroutine or another suspend function" for suspend invoke operator inwhen
Prohibit reflection on adapted callable references
Paths in KotlinJavaRuntime library aren't updated after you run IDE from a different directoryKT-39989
NullPointerException when opening Kotlin facets in Project Structure dialog in IDEA 192KT-40311
Create change_notes for 1.4 in IDE plugin description
IDE. Debugger
(CoroutineDebugger) Doesn't start with kotlinx-coroutines-core >= 1.3.6KT-40073
(CoroutineDebugger) Change minimum supported kotlinx.coroutines version to 1.3.8*KT-40172
Restored frame variables isn't shown for suspended coroutinesKT-40635
Coroutines Debugger: make IDE plugin accept coroutines 1.3.8-rc* versions as well
IDE. Gradle Integration
No dependency between Androidtest
and commonTest source sets with kotlin.mpp.enableGranularSourceSetsMetadata=trueKT-39037
'None of the consumable configurations have attributes' in MPP IDE import with transitive project dependency on self
IDE. Gradle. Script
IntelliJ would get very slow when editing gradle buildSrc(using the kotlin dsl)KT-36078
Gradle Kotlin script context is not reloaded when gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties file is changedKT-39317
ISE “Calling invokeAndWait from read-action leads to possible deadlock.” on importing simple Gradle-based project in nightly IJ
IDE. Inspections and Intentions
Inspection to flag usage of the wrong Transient annotation on Kotlin Serializable classKT-34209
Switch default behaviour in 1.4 for insertion (to build script) via quick fix of the compiler option enabling inline classesKT-36131
Suggest to add a missing module dependency on an unresolved reference in Kotlin codeKT-37462
Add "Add dependency to module" quickfix in multimodule Maven projectKT-39869
Add whole project migration usages of kotlin.browser.* & kotlin.dom.* to kotlinx.browser.* & kotlinx.dom.* respectively
IDE. Wizards
New Project wizard 1.4+: nohttps://dl.bintray.com/kotlin/kotlinx
repository is added for kotlinx-htmlKT-40037
New Project wizard: update Ktor versionKT-40092
Wizard: the templates panel on mac OS is too wideKT-40232
New Wizard: Android Sdk path doesn't have backslash escaping on WindowsKT-40371
New Project Wizard: Frontend Application / Library results in broken run configurationKT-40377
New Project Wizard: Frontend Application defines NPM dependencies that are unnecessary with Kotlin 1.4-RC+KT-40378
New Project Wizard: Frontend Application, Disabling JavaScript test framework has no effectKT-40407
Wizard: do not add stdlib by default for Gradle projects in wizard
JS. Tools
Update dukat version in toolchain near to release of 1.4-RC
Make sure K/JS Reflection API documentation is correct and fix it.KT-37563
K/JS: stacktrace is not captured for exceptions without primary constructor inherited from Exception/ErrorKT-37752
Generated typescript incorrect for constructors of derived classesKT-37883
KJS: Generated TypeScript uses 'declare' rather than 'export'KT-38771
JS: support non-reified type parameters in typeOfKT-39873
Update Kotlin JavaScript wrappers due to NON_EXPORTABLE_TYPE diagnostic introductionKT-40126
[JS / IR] NPE while compiling interfaces with invoke which is passed as a delegateKT-40216
KJS / IR: AssertionError caused by an anonymous object in the dependency project
StringBuilder common functionsKT-35972
Add contract to builder functionsKT-37101
Mark following api with DeprecatedSinceKotlin("1.4")KT-38360
Make sure that JB libraries correctly define their npm deps and republish them (after KT-30619)KT-38817
'capitalize' should convert digraphs to title caseKT-40168
Remove StringBuilder.capacity from common and JS parts
Middle-end. IR
Assert during fake-override generation
Tools. Commonizer
Commonizer loses nullability of abbreviated types
Tools. Compiler Plugins
Add diagnostic that shows is serialization plugin compatible with serialization-runtime
Tools. Gradle
[KJS / Gradle / Legacy mode] Directory with whitespace is not processedKT-39809
Kotlin Gradle plugin: ServiceConfigurationError: org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinGradleSubplugin: Provider org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.internal.AndroidSubplugin not a subtypeKT-39977
Collect statistics of used -Xjvm-default optionsKT-40300
Fail the build if in MPP plugin no targets configured
Tools. Gradle. JS
Investigate how to improve migration experience from pre 1.4.0 DSL to the new oneKT-39654
Default CSS settings in webpack has priority over user's settingsKT-39842
Kotlin/JS Gradle DSL: peerNpm dependency failsKT-40048
[Gradle, JS] Deprecate kotlin-frontend pluginKT-40067
[Gradle, JS] Public package.json for mixed JS/TS projectKT-40210
Fail the build when Kotlin/JS target is not (properly) configuredKT-40320
Gradle JS: make migration to the new Gradle DSL smoother
Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
Custom configurations inside Kotlin JVM Gradle projects can't properly resolve multiplatform dependenciesKT-39897
[Commonizer] Fast-pass for library fragments absent for some targets
Tools. J2K
J2K: Access is allowed from event dispatch thread with IW lock only
Tools. kapt
KAPT: Flaky NPE throughorg.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt3.base.ProcessorLoader.doLoadProcessors
TypeTreeVisitor.visitMemberSelect IllegalStateException: node.sym must not be null on JDK 11KT-39876
KAPT: Serialization of classpath structure is incorrect if there are dependencies between types in jar/dir
New Features
Deprecate with replacement and SinceKotlinKT-38652
Do not generate optional annotations to class files on JVMKT-38777
Hide Throwable.addSuppressed member and prefer extension instead
Performance Improvements
Compilation of kotlin html DSL increasingly slowKT-28650
Type inference for argument type is very slow if several interfaces with a type parameter is used as an upper bound of a type parameter
Incorrect bytecode generated when inheriting default arguments not from the first supertypeKT-25290
NI: "AssertionError: If original type is SAM type, then candidate should have same type constructor" on out projection of Java classKT-28672
Contracts on calls with implicit receiversKT-30279
Support non-reified type parameters in typeOfKT-31908
NI: CCE on passing lambda to function which accepts vararg SAM interfaceKT-32156
New inference issue with genericsKT-32229
New inference algorithm not taking into account the upper bound classKT-33455
Override equals/hashCode in functional interface wrappersKT-34902
AnalyzerException: Argument 1: expected I, but found R for unsigned types in generic data classKT-35075
AssertionError: "No resolved call for ..." with conditional function referencesKT-35468
Overcome ambiguity between typealias kotlin.Throws and the aliased type kotlin.jvm.ThrowsKT-35494
NI: Multiple duplicate error diagnostics (in IDE popup) with NULL_FOR_NONNULL_TYPEKT-35681
Wrong common supertype between raw and integer literal type leads to unsound codeKT-35937
Error "Declaration has several compatible actuals" on incremental buildKT-36013
Functional interface conversion not happens on a value of functional type with smart cast to a relevant functional typeKT-36045
Do not depend on the order of lambda arguments to coerce result toUnit
NI: fix tests after enabling NI in the compilerKT-36706
Prohibit functional interface constructor referencesKT-36969
Generate @NotNull on instance parameters of Interface$DefaultImpls methodsKT-37058
Incorrect overload resolution ambiguity on callable reference in a conditional expression with new inferenceKT-37120
[FIR] False UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE for public and protected member functions and properties which are declared in object inner classKT-37149
Conversion when generic specified by type argument of SAM typeKT-37249
false TYPE_MISMATCH when When-expression branches have try-catch blocksKT-37341
NI: Type mismatch with combination of lambda and function referenceKT-37436
AME: "Receiver class does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method" in runtime on usage of non-abstract method of fun interfaceKT-37510
NI infersjava.lang.Void
from the expression in a lazy property delegate and throws ClassCastException at runtimeKT-37541
SAM conversion with fun interface without a function fails on compiling and IDE analysis in SamAdapterFunctionsScope.getSamConstructor()KT-37574
NI: Type mismatch with Kotlin object extending functional type passed as @FunctionalInterface to JavaKT-37630
NI: ILT suitability in a call is broken if there are CST calculation and calling function's type parametersKT-37665
NI: applicability error due to implicitly inferred Nothing for returning T with expected typeKT-37712
No extension receiver in functional interface created with lambdaKT-37715
NI: VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack with varargs generic value when type is inferredKT-37721
NI: Function reference with vararg parameter treated as array and missing default parameter is rejectedKT-37887
NI: Smart casting for Map doesn't work if the variable is already "smart casted"KT-37914
NI: broken inference for a casting to subtype function within the common constraint system with this subtypeKT-37952
NI: improve lambdas completion through separation the lambdas analysis into several stepsKT-38069
Callable reference adaptation should have dependency on API version 1.4KT-38143
New type inference fails when calling extension function defined on generic type with type arguments nested too deepKT-38156
FIR Metadata generationKT-38197
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space: failed reallocation of scalar replaced objectsKT-38259
Map delegation fails for inline classesKT-38401
FIR: protected effective visibility is handled unpreciselyKT-38416
FIR: infinite loop in BB coroutine test 'overrideDefaultArgument.kt'KT-38432
FIR: incorrect effective visibility in anonymous objectKT-38434
Implement resolution of suspend-conversion on FE only, but give error if suspend conversion is calledKT-38437
[FIR] String(CharArray) is resolved to java.lang.String constructor instead of kotlin.text.String pseudo-constructorKT-38439
NI: anonymous functions without receiver is allowed if there is an expected type with receiverKT-38473
FIR: ConeIntegerLiteralType in signatureKT-38537
IllegalArgumentException: "marginPrefix must be non-blank string" with raw strings and space as margin prefix in trimMargin() callKT-38604
Implicit suspend conversion on call arguments doesn't work on vararg elementsKT-38680
NSME when calling generic interface method with default parameters overriden with inline class type argumentKT-38681
Wrong bytecode generated when calling generic interface method with default parameters overriden with primitive type argumentKT-38691
NI: overload resolution ambiguity if takeR
and() -> R
, and pass literal lambda, which returnsR
False positive USELESS_CAST for lambda parameterKT-38802
Generated code crashes by ClassCastException when delegating with inline classKT-38853
Backend Internal error: Error type encountered: Unresolved type for nested class used in an annotation argument on an interface methodKT-38890
NI: false negative Type mismatch for values with fun keywordKT-39010
NI: Regression with false-positive smartcast on var of generic typeKT-39013
202, ASM 8: "AnalyzerException: Execution can fall off the end of the code"KT-39260
"AssertionError: Unsigned type expected: Int" in rangeKT-39305
NEW_INFERENCE_NO_INFORMATION_FOR_PARAMETER: unable to infer deeply nested type bound when class implements generic interfaceKT-39408
Using unsigned arrays as generics fails in 1.4-M2 with class cast exceptionKT-39533
NI: Wrong overload resolution for methods with SAM converted function reference argumentsKT-39535
NI: Inference fails for the parameters of SAM converted lambdas with type parametersKT-39603
Require explicit override in JVM default compatibility mode on implicit generic specialization of inherited methods in classesKT-39671
Couldn't inline method call 'expectBody'KT-39816
NI:ClassCastException and no IDE error with provideDelegate when DELEGATE_SPECIAL_FUNCTION_MISSING in OIKT-32779
Rewrite at slice
in array access resolution in coroutine inferenceKT-39387
Can't build Kotlin project due to overload resolution ambiguity on flatMap callsKT-39229
NI: resolution to wrong candidate (SAM-type against similar functional type)
Docs & Examples
Document that @kotlin.native.ThreadLocal annotation doesn't work anywhere except in Kotlin/NativeKT-37943
Conflicting overloads in the factory functions sample code in Coding Conventions Page
New Features
Add Code Style: Import Layout Configuration TableKT-39065
"Join lines" should remove trailing comma on call site
Wrong result when move statement through if block with call with lambdaKT-14757
Move statement up breaks code in function parameter listKT-14946
Move statement up/down (with Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down) messes with empty linesKT-15143
Kotlin: Colors&Fonts -> "Enum entry" should use Language Default -> Classes - Static fieldKT-17887
Moving statement (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+Down) messes with use blockKT-34187
UAST cannot get type of array accessKT-34524
"PSI and index do not match" and IDE freeze with library import fromsquare/workflow
UAST: UBreakExpression in when expression should be UYieldExpressionKT-36801
IDE: Unsupported language version value is represented with "latest stable" in GUIKT-37378
Remove IDE option "Enable new type inference algorithm..." in 1.4KT-38003
"Analyze Data Flow from Here" should work on parameter of abstract methodKT-38173
Reified types do no have extends informationKT-38217
Make Kotlin plugin settings searchableKT-38247
"IncorrectOperationException: Incorrect expression" through UltraLightUtils.kt: inlined string is not escaped before parsingKT-38293
Throwable: "'codestyle.name.kotlin' is not found in java.util.PropertyResourceBundle" at KotlinLanguageCodeStyleSettingsProvider.getConfigurableDisplayName()KT-38407
Drop components from plugin.xmlKT-38443
No error on change in property initializerKT-38521
ISE: Loop in parent structure when converting a DOT_QUALIFIED_EXPRESSION with parent ANNOTATED_EXPRESSIONKT-38571
Rework deprecated EPsKT-38632
Change the code style to official in tests
IDE. Code Style, Formatting
Formatter: Minimum blank lines after class header does nothingKT-31169
IDEA settings search fails to find "Tabs and Indents" tab in Kotlin code style settingsKT-35359
Incorrect indent for multiline expression in string templateKT-37420
Add setting to disable inserting empty line between declaration and declaration with commentKT-37891
Formatter inserts empty lines between annotated propertiesKT-38036
Use trailing comma setting does not apply to code example in Settings dialogKT-38568
False positive: weak warning "Missing line break" on -> in when expressionKT-39024
Add option for blank lines before declaration with comment or annotation on separate lineKT-39079
Trailing comma: add base support for call siteKT-39123
OptionAlign 'when' branches in columns
does nothingKT-39180
Move trailing comma settings in Other tab
IDE. Completion
Completion of static members of grand-super java class inserts unnecessary qualifierKT-38445
Fully qualified class name is used instead after insertion ofdelay
IDE. Debugger
Debugger couldn't step into Reader.readKT-14828
Bad step into/over behavior for functions with default parametersKT-36403
Method breakpoints don't work for librariesKT-36404
Evaluate: "AssertionError: Argument expression is not saved for a SAM constructor"KT-37486
Kotlin plugin keeps reference to stream debugger support classes after stream debugger plugin is disabledKT-38484
Coroutines Debugger: IAE “Requested element count -1 is less than zero.” is thrown by calling dumpCoroutinesKT-38606
Coroutine Debugger: OCE from org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.debugger.coroutine.proxy.mirror.BaseMirror.isCompatibleKT-39143
NPE on setCurrentStackFrame to Kotlin inner compiled class contentKT-39412
Failed to find Premain-Class manifest attribute when debugging main method with ktorKT-39634
(CoroutineDebugger) Agent doesn't start if using kotlinx-coroutines-core only dependencyKT-39648
Coroutines debugger doesn't see stacktraces in case of the project has kotlinx-coroutines-debug dependency
IDE. Gradle Integration
Performance Improvements
Poor performance ofmodifyDependenciesOnMppModules
Gradle Import fails with "Unsupported major.minor version 52.0" on pure Java project in case "Gradle JDK" is lower 1.8 and Kotlin plugin is enabledKT-36673
Gradle Project importing: move ModelBuilders and ModelProviders to kotlin-gradle-tooling jarKT-36792
IDEA 2020.1: Some module->module dependencies in HMPP project are missed after import from GradleKT-37125
Imported modules structure for MPP project is displayed messy in UI in IDEA 2020.1KT-37428
NPE at KotlinFacetSettings.setLanguageLevel() on the first project importKT-38706
IDE Gradle import creates 4 JavaScript modules for MPP source sets with BOTH compiler typeKT-38767
Published hierarchical multiplatform library symbols are unresolved in IDE (master)KT-38842
False positive [INVISIBLE_MEMBER] forinternal
declaration of commonMain called from commonTestKT-39213
IDE: references from MPP project to JavaScript library are unresolved, when project and library are compiled with "both" modeKT-39657
Language settings for intermediate source-sets are lost during import
IDE. Gradle. Script
New Features
: use Intellij IDEA Gradle project sync mechanics for updating script configuration
Performance Improvements
Deadlock inScriptTemplatesFromDependenciesProvider
Deadlock in ScriptClassRootsUpdater.checkInvalidSdks
Bogus "build configuration failed, run 'gradle tasks' for more information" message and other issues related to "script dependencies"KT-34444
*.gradle.kts: special storage of all scripts configuration on one fileKT-35153
build.gradle.kts: scripts in removed subproject remain imported, but shouldn'tKT-35573
Request for gradle build script configuration only after explicit click on notificationKT-36675
move .gradle.kts ModelBuilders and ModelProviders to kotlin-gradle-tooling jarKT-37178
build.gradle.kts: Rework the notification for scripts out of projectKT-37631
Unnecessary loading dependencies after opening build.gradle.kts after project import with Gradle 6KT-37863
Scanning dependencies for script definitions takes too long or indefinitely during Gradle importKT-38296
MISSING_DEPENDENCY_SUPERCLASS in the build.gradle.kts editor while Gradle runs OkKT-38541
"Invalid file" exception in ScriptChangeListener.getAnalyzableKtFileForScript()KT-39104
“Gradle Kotlin DSL script configuration is missing” after importing project in IJ201, Gradle 6.3KT-39469
Gradle version is not updated in script dependencies if the version of gradle was changed in gradle-wrapper.propertiesKT-39771
Freeze 30s from org.jetbrains.kotlin.scripting.resolve.ApiChangeDependencyResolverWrapper.resolve on loading script configuration with Gradle 5.6.4
IDE. Inspections and Intentions
New Features
Intention to add missing "class" keyword for enum and annotation top-level declarationsKT-17209
Provide intention to fix platform declaration clash (CONFLICTING_JVM_DECLARATIONS)KT-24522
Suggest to move typealias outside the classKT-30263
Detect redundant conversions of unsigned typesKT-35893
Support Inspection for unnecessary asSequence() callKT-38559
"Change JVM name" (@JvmName) quickfix: improve name suggester for generic functionsKT-38597
Expand Boolean intentionKT-38982
Add "Logger initialized with foreign class" inspectionKT-39131
TrailingCommaInspection: should suggest fixes for call-site without warnings
Missing QuickFix for Multiple supertypes availableKT-11865
"Create secondary constructor" quick fix always inserts parameter-less call tothis()
Quickfix to add parameter to function gives strange name to parameterKT-17121
"Implement members" quick fix is not suggestedKT-17368
Don't highlight members annotated with @JsName as unusedKT-20795
"replace explicit parameter with it" creates invalid code in case of overload ambiguitiesKT-22014
Intention "convert lambda to reference" should be available for implicit 'this'KT-22015
Intention "Convert lambda to reference" should be available in spite of the lambda in or out of parenthesesKT-22142
Intentions: "Convert to primary constructor" changes semantics for property with custom setterKT-22878
Empty argument list at the call site of custom function named "suspend" shouldn't be reported as unnecessaryKT-24281
Importing of invoke() from the same file is reported as unused even if it isn'tKT-25050
False-positive inspection "Call replaceable with binary operator" for 'equals'KT-26361
@deprecated "ReplaceWith" quickfix inserts 'this' incorrectly when using function importsKT-27651
'Condition is always true' inspection should not be triggered when the condition has references to a named constantKT-29934
False negativeChange type
quickfix on primary constructor override val parameter when it has wrong typeKT-31682
'Convert lambda to reference' intention inside class with function which return object produces uncompilable codeKT-31760
Implement Abstract Function/Property intentions position generated member improperlyKT-32511
Create class quick fix is not suggested in super type list in case of missing primary constructorKT-32565
False positive "Variable is the same as 'credentials' and should be inlined" with object declared and returned from lambdaKT-32801
False positive "Call on collection type may be reduced" with mapNotNull, generic lambda block and new inferenceKT-33951
ReplaceWith quickfix with unqualified object member call doesn't substitute argument for parameterKT-34378
"Convert lambda to reference" refactoring does not work for suspend functionsKT-34677
False positive "Collection count can be converted to size" withIterable
Wrong 'Redundant qualifier name' for 'MyEnum.values' usageKT-34713
"Condition is always 'false'": quickfix "Delete expression" doesn't removeelse
keyword (may break control flow)KT-35015
ReplaceWith doesn't substitute parameters with argument expressionsKT-35329
Replace 'when' with 'if' intention: do not suggest if 'when' is used as expression and it has no 'else' branchKT-36194
"Add braces to 'for' statement" inserts extra line break and moves the following single-line commentKT-36406
"To ordinary string literal" intention adds unnecessary escapes to characters in template expressionKT-36461
"Create enum constant" quick fix adds after semicolon, if the last entry has a commaKT-36462
"Create enum constant" quick fix doesn't add trailing commaKT-36508
False positive "Replace 'to' with infix form" when 'to' lambda generic type argument is specified explicitlyKT-36930
Intention "Specify type explicitly" adds NotNull annotation when calling java method with the annotationKT-37148
"Remove redundant.let
call doesn't remove extra callsKT-37156
"Unused unary operator" inspection highlighting is hard to seeKT-37173
"Replace with string templates" intention for String.format produces uncompilable string templateKT-37181
Don't show "Remove redundant qualifier name" inspection on qualified Companion imported with star importKT-37214
"Convert lambda to reference" with a labeled "this" receiver failsKT-37256
False positivePlatformExtensionReceiverOfInline
inspection if a platform type value is passed to a nullable receiverKT-37744
"Convert lambda to reference" inspection quick fix create incompilable code when type is inferred from lambda parameterKT-37746
"Redundant suspend modifier" should not be reported for functions with actual keywordKT-37842
"Convert to anonymous function" creates broken code with suspend functionsKT-37908
"Convert to anonymous object" quickfix: false negative when interface has concrete functionsKT-37967
Replace 'invoke' with direct call intention adds unnecessary parenthesisKT-37977
"Replace 'invoke' with direct call" intention: false positive when function is not operatorKT-38062
Reactor Quickfix throwsNotImplementedError
for KotlinKT-38240
False positive redundant semicolon withas
cast andnot
unary operator on next lineKT-38261
Redundant 'let' call removal leaves ?. operator and makes code uncompilableKT-38310
Remove explicit type annotation intention drops 'suspend'KT-38492
False positive "Add import" intention for already imported classKT-38520
SetterBackingFieldAssignmentInspection throws exceptionKT-38649
False positive quickfix "Assignment should be lifted out of when" in presence of smartcastsKT-38677
Invalid psi tree afterLift assigment out of...
"Convert sealed subclass to object" for data classes doesn't remove 'data' keywordKT-38829
'Remove redundant backticks' can be broken with @ in nameKT-38831
'Replace with assignment' can be broken with fast code changeKT-38832
"Remove curly braces" intention may produce CCEKT-38948
False positive quickfix "Make containing function suspend" for anonymous functionKT-38961
"Useless call on collection type" for filterNotNull on non-null array where list return type is expectedKT-39069
Improve TrailingCommaInspectionKT-39151
False positive inspection to replace Java forEach with Kotlin forEach when using ConcurrentHashMap
Kotlin JS Browser template for kotlin dsl doesn't include index.html
Open Quick Documentation when cursor inside function / constructor brackets
IDE. Navigation
Method in Kotlin class is not listed among implementing methodsKT-33510
There is no gutter icon to navigate fromactual
and the correspondingactual
declarations are in the same fileKT-38260
Navigation bar doesn't show directories of files with a single top level Kotlin classKT-38466
Top level functions/properties aren't shown in navigation panel
IDE. Project View
Structure view: add ability to sort by visibilityKT-38276
Structure view: support visibility filter for class properties
Kotlin REPL in IntelliJ doesn't take module's JVM target setting into account
IDE. Refactorings
"Change signature" forces line breaks after every parameter declarationKT-30128
Change Signature should move lambda outside of parentheses if the arguments are reordered so that the lambda goes lastKT-35338
Move/rename refactorings mess up code formatting by wrapping linesKT-38449
Extract variable refactoring is broken by NPEKT-38543
Copy can't work to package with escaped packageKT-38627
Rename package refactorings mess up code formatting by wrapping lines
IDE. Run Configurations
Don't suggest incompatible targets in a drop-down list for run test gutter icon in multiplatform projectsKT-38102
DeprecatedMethodException ConfigurationFactory.getId
IDE. Scratch
Kotlin scratch files don't take module's JVM target setting into account
IDE. Script
Kotlin plugin loads VFS in the output directories
IDE. Structural Search
Optimize Kotlin SSR by using the indexKT-39733
Augmented assignment matchingKT-39769
"When expressions" predefined template doesn't match all when expressions
IDE. Wizards
New Project Wizard: multiplatform templates are generated having unsupported Gradle version in a wrapperKT-38810
Incorrect order of build phases in Xcode project from new wizardKT-38952
Remove old new_project_wizardsKT-39503
New Project wizard 1.4+: release kotlinx.html version is added to dependencies with milestone IDE pluginKT-39700
Wizard: group project templates on the first step by the project typeKT-39770
CSS Support in Kotlin wizardsKT-39826
Fix Android app in New Template WizardKT-39843
Change imports in JS/browser wizard
JS. Tools
Kotlin/JS console error on hot reloadKT-39498
Update dukat version in toolchain near to release of 1.4-M3
on JSKT-35857
Kotlin/JS CLI bundled to IDEA plugin can't compile using IR back-end out of the boxKT-36798
KJS: prohibit using @JsExport on a non-top-level declarationKT-37771
KJS: Generated TypeScript does not recursively export base classes (can fail with generics)KT-38113
Review public API of JS stdlib for IR BEKT-38765
[JS / IR] AssertionError: class EventEmitter: Super class should be any: with nested class extending parent classKT-38768
KJS IR: generate ES2015 (aka ES6) classes
New Features
Function to sum long or other numeric property of items in a collectionKT-28933
capitalize() with Locale argument in the JDK stdlibKT-34142
Create SortedMap with Comparator and itemsKT-34506
Add Sequence.flatMap overload that works on IterableKT-36894
Support flatMapIndexed in the Collections APIKT-38480
Introduce experimental annotation for enabling overload resolution by lambda resultKT-38708
minOf/maxOf functions to return min/max value provided by selectorKT-39707
Make some interfaces in stdlib functional
Performance Improvements
toHashSet is suboptimal for inputs with a lot of duplicates
Add module-info for standard library artifactsKT-23322
Document 'reduce' operation behavior on empty collectionsKT-28753
Comparing floating point values in array/list operations 'contains', 'indexOf', 'lastIndexOf': IEEE 754 or total orderKT-30083
Annotate KTypeProjection.STAR with JvmField in a compatible wayKT-30084
Annotate functions in KTypeProjection.Companion with JvmStaticKT-31343
Deprecate old String <-> CharArray, ByteArray conversion apiKT-34596
Add some validation to KTypeProjection constructorKT-35978
Review and remove experimental stdlib API status for 1.4KT-38388
Gradually change the return type of collection min/max functions to non-nullableKT-39023
Document split(Pattern) extension differences from Pattern.splitKT-39064
Introduce minOrNull and maxOrNull extension functions on collectionsKT-39235
Lift experimental annotation from bit operationsKT-39237
Lift experimental annotation from common StringBuilderKT-39238
Appendable.appendRange - remove nullabilityKT-39239
Lift experimental annotation from String <-> utf8 conversion apiKT-39244
KJS: update polyfills, all or most of them must not be enumerableKT-39330
Migrate declarations from kotlin.dom and kotlin.browser packages to kotlinx.*
Middle-end. IR
need a way to compute fake overrides for pure IRKT-33207
Kotlin/Native: KNPE during deserialization of an inner classKT-33267
Kotlin/Native: Deserialization error for an "inner" extension property imported from a classKT-37255
Make psi2ir aware of declarations provided by compiler plugins
Not all things can be changed tocreateType
yet, and nowdefaultType
methods are starting to failKT-32241
Move KType.javaType into stdlib from reflectKT-34344
KType.javaType implementation throws when invoked with a typeOf()KT-38491
IllegalArgumentException when using callBy on function with inline class parameters and default argumentsKT-38881
Add KClass.isFun modifier of functional interfaces to reflection
Tools. Android Extensions
Kotlin extension annotation @parcelize in AIDL returns Object instead of original T
Tools. CLI
Support a way to pass arguments to the underlying JVM in kotlinc batch scripts on WindowsKT-30778
kotlin-compiler.jar contains shaded but not relocated kotlinx.coroutinesKT-38070
Compiler option to bypass prerelease metadata incompatibility errorKT-38413
Add JVM target bytecode version 14
Tools. Compiler Plugins
[KJS / IR] Custom serializer for class without zero argument constructor doesn't compile
Tools. Gradle
Kotlin Gradle Plugin: Use new Gradle API for Lazy tasksKT-34487
Gradle build fails with "Cannot run program "java": error=7, Argument list too longKT-35957
MPP IC fails with "X has several compatible actual declarations" errorKT-38250
Drop support for Gradle versions older than 5.3 in the Kotlin Gradle plugin
Tools. Gradle. JS
New Features
Support NPM transitive dependencies in multi-platform JS targetKT-38286
[Gradle, JS] Error handling on Webpack problems
Gradle/JS: rise error when plugin loaded more than onceKT-32531
[Gradle/JS] Add scoped NPM dependenciesKT-34832
[Kotlin/JS] Failed build after webpack run (Karma not found)KT-35194
Kotlin/JS: browserRun fails with "address already in use" when trying to connect to local serverKT-35611
Kotlin Gradle plugin should reportkotlin2js
plugin ID as deprecatedKT-35641
Kotlin Gradle plugin should reportkotlin-dce-js
plugin ID as deprecatedKT-36410
JS: Collect stats about IR backend usageKT-36451
KJS Adding npm dependency breaks Webpack devserver reloadingKT-37258
Kotlin/JS + Gradle: in continuous mode kotlinNpmInstall time to time outputs "ENOENT: no such file or directory" errorKT-38109
[Gradle, JS] Error handling on Karma launcher problemsKT-38331
Add an ability to control generating externals for npm deps individuallyKT-38485
[Gradle, JS] Unable to configure JS compiler with stringKT-38683
Remove possibility to set NPM dependency without versionKT-38990
Support multiple range versions for NPM dependenciesKT-38994
Remove possibility to set NPM dependency with npm(org, name, version)KT-39109
ArithmeticException: "/ by zero" caused by kotlinNodeJsSetup task with enabled gradle caching on WindowsKT-39210
Kotlin/JS: with both JS and MPP modules in the same project Gradle configuration fails onnodejs {}
andbrowser {}
Use standard source-map-loader instead of custom one
Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
Support publication of Kotlin-distributed libraries with Gradle MetadataKT-39304
Gradle import errorjava.util.NoSuchElementException: Key source set foo is missing in the map
on unused source set
Tools. Gradle. Native
CocoaPods Gradle plugin: Support building from terminal projects for several platformsKT-38440
Make error message about missing Podfile path for cocoapods integration actionable for a userKT-38991
Gradle MPP plugin: Enable parallel in-process execution for K/N compilerKT-39935
Support overriding theKotlinNativeCompile
task sourcesKT-37512
Cocoapods Gradle plugin: Improve error logging for external tools
Tools. J2K
Do not show "Inline local variable" popup during "Cleaning up code" phase of J2KKT-38004
J2K breaks java getter call in java codeKT-38450
J2K should convert Java SAM interfaces to Kotlin fun interfaces
Tools. JPS
The Kotlin standard library is not found in the module graph ... in a non-Kotlin project.KT-29552
Project is completely rebuilt after each gradle sync.
Tools. Scripts
Impossible to apply compiler plugins onto scripts with the new scripting API
Tools. kapt
Provide access to default values for primary constructor properties
New Features
Do not include annotations fields into 'visibility must be explicitly specified' check in api mode
Performance Improvements
Anonymous classes representing function/property references contain rarely used methodsKT-35626
NI: Performance problem with many type parametersKT-36047
Compiler produces if-chain instead of switch when when subject captured as variableKT-36638
Use 'java/lang/StringBuilder.append (C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;' when appending single character in JVM_IRKT-37389
Avoid type approximation during generation constraints with EQUALITY kindKT-37392
Avoid substitution and type approximation for simple callsKT-37546
NI: high memory and CPU consumption due to creating useless captured types (storing in approximated types cache, unneeded computations)
Factory pattern and overload resolution ambiguityKT-27524
Inline class is boxed when used with suspend modifierKT-27586
ClassCastException occurs if the Result (or any other inline class) is returned from a lambdaKT-30419
Use boxed version of an inline class in return type position for covariant and generic-specialized overridesKT-31163
FIR: consider replacing comparisons with compareTo calls and some additional intrinsicsKT-31585
ClassCastException with derived class delegated to generic class with inline class type argumentKT-31823
NI: Type mismatch with a star projection andUnsafeVariance
Pre-increment for inline class wrapping Int compiles to direct increment instead of inc-implKT-33715
Kotlin/Native: metadata compilerKT-34048
IllegalAccessError when initializing val property in EXACTLY_ONCE lambdaKT-34433
NI: Type mismatch with a star projection andUnsafeVariance
FIR Java: don't set 'isOperator' for methods with non-operator namesKT-35234
ClassCastException with creating an inline class from a function reference of covariant or generic-specialized overrideKT-35406
Generic type implicitly inferred as Nothing with no warningKT-35587
Plain namespace strings in JvmNameResolver.PREDEFINED_STRINGS are prone to namespace changes during jar relocation.KT-36044
NI: premature fixation a type variable if there were nested lambdas (constraint source was the deepest lambda)KT-36057
[FIR] Incorrect smartcastKT-36069
NI: TYPE_MISMATCH caused by incorrect inference to NothingKT-36125
Callable reference resolution ambiguity error is not displayed properly in the IDEKT-36191
IDE locks loading packages and editing file containingtry
keyword inside string templateKT-36222
NI: Improve error message about nullability mismatch for a generic callKT-36249
NI doesn't use upper bound for T of called function during infer return type and as a result infer it toAny?
if the resulting type was intersection typeKT-36345
FIR: record argument mapping for use in back-endKT-36446
NI: "UnsupportedOperationException no descriptor for type constructor of IntegerLiteralType[Int,Long,Byte,Short]" with BuilderInference and delegateKT-36758
[FIR] Unresolved callable reference to member of local classKT-36759
[FIR] Unsupported callable reference resolution for methods with default parametersKT-36762
[FIR] Unresolvedarray.clone()
[FIR] Bug in inference with DefinitelyNotNull typesKT-36816
NI: definitely not-null (T!!) types in invariant positions don't approximate to T inside inference processKT-36819
NI: premature completion of lambdas, which are passed somewhereKT-36850
Incorrect private visibility of sealed class constructorsKT-36856
Throwing exception when there is inheritance in Kotlin from Java class, which contains methods with the same JVM descriptorsKT-36879
Introduce FIR_IDENTICAL in diagnostic testsKT-36881
FIR: completion don't runs for return expressionsKT-36887
[FIR] Unresolved member in nested lambda in initializerKT-36905
[FIR] Unresolved in lambda in default argument positionKT-36953
AssertionError: "Unsigned type expected: null" when there is a range with an unsigned typeKT-37009
FIR: Bound smart-cast lostKT-37027
FIR: Wrong projection on spread + varargs on non-final typesKT-37038
NI: redundant lambda's arrow breaks CST calculation for extension lambdasKT-37043
NI: inference T to Any? if there was elvis between Java out-type and reifiedmaterialize
for this type without out projectionKT-37066
[FIR] Wrong type inference for lambdasKT-37070
[FIR] Unresolved parameters of outer lambda in scope of inner lambdaKT-37087
"IllegalStateException: Can't find method 'invoke()'" for mutable property reference in default value of an inline function parameterKT-37091
[FIR] Wrong inferred type of when-expression if when-argument is not-null-asserted and type is not specifies explicitlyKT-37176
[FIR] Incorrect resolution mode for statements of blockKT-37302
Unexpected conversion:Int
constant inferred toLong
in when expressionKT-37327
FIR: Smartcast problemKT-37343
NI: definitely not null types pre-approximation is inconsistent with OIKT-37380
NI: broken some code with def not null types due to skip needed constraintsKT-37419
NI: UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE_WRONG_RECEIVER is reported in case lambda with receiver is returned fromwhen
Kotlin/JS, Kotlin/Native: fun interfaces: SAM conversion to Kotlin interface is not compiled with RESOLUTION_TO_CLASSIFIERKT-37447
Expression from annotation entry in value parameter inside value parameter should be marked as USED_AS_EXPRESSIONKT-37453
Type arguments not checked to be empty for candidates with no declared parametersKT-37488
[FIR] Incorrect exhaustiveness checking for branches with equals to object that implements sealed classKT-37497
NI: 'super' is not an expression, it can not be used as a receiver for extension functionsKT-37530
NI: instantiation of abstract class via callable reference argument causes run time InstantiationErrorKT-37531
NI: callable reference argument with left hand side type parameter causes frontend exceptionKT-37554
NI: Nothing is inferred incorrectly with elvis returnKT-37579
NI: inconsistent behaviour with OI around implicit invoke convention after safe call with additional implicit receiverKT-37604
"VerifyError: Call to wrong method" in 'invoke' for adapted callable reference to constructor with coercion to UnitKT-37621
NI: type variable is inferred to Nothing if the second branch was Nothing and there was upper bound for a type parameterKT-37626
NI: builder inference with expected type breaks class references resolution for a class with parametersKT-37627
NI: wrong order of the type variable fixation (Nothing? against a call with lambda)KT-37628
NI: wrong approximation of type argument to star projection during common super type calculationKT-37644
NI: appeared exception during incorporation of a captured type into a type variable for elvis resolveKT-37650
NI: it's impossible to infer a type variable with the participation of a wrapped covariant typeKT-37718
False positive unused parameter for @JvmStatic main function in objectKT-37779
ClassCastException: Named argument without spread operator for vararg parameter causes code to crash on runtimeKT-37832
In MPP, subtypes of types defined in legacy libraries, like stdlib, cannot properly resolve on the consumer side receviing bothKT-37861
Capturing an outer class instance in a default parameter of inner class constructor causes VerifyErrorKT-37986
Return value of function reference returning inline class mapped to 'java.lang.Object' is not boxed properlyKT-37998
'!!' operator on safe call of function returning inline class value causes CCE at runtimeKT-38042
Allow kotlin.Result as a return type only if one enabled inline classes explicitlyKT-38134
NI: Type mismatch with a star projection andUnsafeVariance
Inconsistent choice of candidate when both expect/actual are available (affects onlyenableGranularSourceSetMetadata
NI: "Cannot infer type variable TypeVariable" with lambda with receiverKT-38668
Project with module dependency in KN, build fails with Kotlin 1.3.71 and associated libs but passes with 1.3.61.KT-38857
Class versions V1_5 or less must use F_NEW frames.KT-39113
"AssertionError: Uninitialized value on stack" with EXACTLY_ONCE contract in non-inline function and lambda destructuring
Docs & Examples
toMutableList documentation is vague
Performance Improvements
EDT Freeze after new Kotlin Script creationKT-35050
Significant freezes due to findSdkAcrossDependencies()KT-37301
Freeze when "Optimize Imports" in KotlinImportOptimizerKT-37466
Invalidate partialBodyResolveCache on OCBKT-37467
Do not resolve references if paste code is located in the same originKT-38318
Freezes in IDEA
Functional typealias with typealias in type parameters causes UnsupportedOperationException in TypeSignatureMappingKt (IDEA analysis)KT-31668
Complete statement for class declaration: add '()' to supertypeKT-33473
UAST: References to local variable are resolved to UastKotlinPsiVariableKT-34564
Kotlin USimpleNameReferenceExpression for annotation parameter resolves to null for compiled Kotlin classesKT-34973
Light class incorrectly claiming ambiguous method call from Java when one overload is syntheticKT-35801
UAST: UnknownKotlinExpression for valid Kotlin annotated expressionKT-35804
UAST: Annotations missing from catch clause parametersKT-35848
UAST: ClassCastException when trying to invoke UElement for some wrapped PsiElementsKT-36156
Kotlin annotation attributes have blue color whereas white in JavaKT-36275
UAST: UCallExpression::resolve returns null for local function callsKT-36717
Fix failing light class tests after switching plugin to language version 1.4KT-36877
Message bundles for copy paste are missed in 201KT-36907
setting on facet level does not affect highlightingKT-37133
UAST: Annotating assignment expression sometimes leads to UnknownKotlinExpressionKT-37312
"Implement members" intention put function in the primary constructor if there are unused brackets in classKT-37613
Uast: no parameters in reified methodKT-37933
Rare NPE in ProjectRootsUtilKt.isKotlinBinary [easy fix]KT-38081
Configure kotlin in project produces IDE error "heavy operation and should not be call on AWT thread"KT-38354
HMPP. IDE. Dependency leakage from leaf native to shared native moduleKT-38634
IDE: Error on opening MPP project in 1.3.72 after opening it in 1.4-M2
IDE. Code Style, Formatting
"Remove trailing comma" action stops working after applying and cancelling it
IDE. Completion
Delete Flow.collect from autocompletion list or make it least prioritizedKT-36860
Provide convenient completion of extension functions from objectsKT-37395
Invalid callable reference completion of member extension
IDE. Debugger
Implement Coroutine DebuggerKT-35392
Debugger omits meaningful part of the stacktrace even with disabled filterKT-36215
Coroutines debugger tab is empty in Android StudioKT-37238
Coroutines Debugger: dump creation fails every timeKT-38047
Coroutines Debugger: Assertion failed: “Should be invoked in manager thread, use DebuggerManagerThreadImpl” on moving to source code from suspended coroutine in project without debugger jar in classpathKT-38049
Coroutines Debugger: NPE “null cannot be cast to non-null type com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference” is thrown by calling dumpCoroutinesKT-38487
Any Field Watch interaction causes a MissingResourceException
IDE. Decompiler, Indexing, Stubs
IAE: "Argument for @NotNull parameter 'file' of IndexTodoCacheManagerImpl.getTodoCount must not be null" through KotlinTodoSearcher.processQuery()
IDE. Gradle Integration
, IDE misses dependsOn-relation between kotlin and android sourceSets, leading to issues with expect/actual matchingKT-36354
IDE: Gradle import from non-JVM projects: dependency to output artifact is created instead of module dependencyKT-38037
UnsupportedOperationException on sync gradle Kotlin project with at least two multiplatform modules
IDE. Gradle. Script
Drop modification stamp for scripts after project importKT-37237
Script configurations should be loaded during project import in case of errorsKT-38041
Do not request for script configuration after VCS update
IDE. Inspections and Intentions
New Features
Inspection "Inner class could be nested"KT-15723
Add 'Convert to value' quickfix for property containing only getterKT-34026
Add "Remove argument" quick fix for redundant argument in constructor callKT-34332
Add "Remove argument" quick fix for redundant argument in function callKT-34450
Convert function to property
intention should be also displayed onfun
Invert 'if' condition: InvertString.isNotEmpty
should beString.isEmpty
Inspection: report useless elvis "?: return null"KT-37849
for supertypes call
Performance Improvements
"invert if" inserts unnecessary 'continue' for statement inside a loop with 'continue'KT-17615
"Convert parameter to receiver" changesthis
tothis@ < no name provided >
IntelliJ says method from anonymous inner class with inferred interface type is not used even though it isKT-20907
Secondary constructor is marked as unused by IDE when called by typealiasKT-22368
"Convert to block body" intention incorrectly formats closing braceKT-23510
"Remove parameter" quick fix keeps lambda argument when it's out of parenthesesKT-27601
False positive "Unused import directive" for extension function used in KDocKT-28085
"Convert receiver to parameter" introduces incorrect this@class in lambdaKT-30028
"Convert parameter to receiver" introduces wrong 'this' qualifier for extension lambda receiverKT-31601
"Remove redundant let call" changes semantics by introducing multiple safe callsKT-31800
False positive "never used" with function in private val object expressionKT-31912
QF “Convert to anonymous object” do nothing on SAM-interfacesKT-32561
"Property can be declared in constructor" causes another warningKT-32809
Convert parameter to receiver inserts wrong qualifiers for this (when nothing needs to be changed)KT-34371
"Surround with lambda" quickfix is not available for suspend lambda parameters.KT-34640
Replace 'if' with 'when' leads to copy comment line above when from another ifKT-36225
KNPE: CodeInliner.processTypeParameterUsages withReplaceWith
for inline reified generic functionKT-36266
NPE when invoking Lift return out of if/when after intention becomes inapplicable but still beeing shownKT-36296
False negative "Redundant SAM-constructor" with multiple SAM argumentsKT-36367
False negative "Redundant SAM-constructor" for kotlin functionsKT-36368
False negative "Redundant SAM-constructor" for fun interfaces in kotlinKT-36395
False positive "Redundant SAM-constructor" with two java interfaces extending one anotherKT-36411
"Put parameters on separate lines" and "Put parameters on one line" actions do not respect trailing commaKT-36482
"Add JvmOverloads annotation" intention is still suggested for annotation's parametersKT-36686
Implement members quickfix puts the implementation before the data class if it already has a bodyKT-36685
"Convert to a range check" transform hex range to int if it is compared with "Less" or "Greater"KT-36707
False positive redundant companion object on calling companion object membersKT-36735
Inspection 'Replace 'toString' with string template' miss curly braces and generates wrong code for constructor callsKT-36834
Convert use-site targets and usages with convert property to fun intentionKT-37213
"Move to top level" intention does not update imports for extension functionsKT-37496
False positive "Remove redundant backticks" for multiple underscores variable nameKT-37502
False positive "redundant lambda arrow" with inline generic function with reified type in object and anonymous parameter nameKT-37508
"Convert receiver to parameter" breaks code in anonymous objects (this@ < no name provided >)KT-37576
Kotlin InspectionSuppressor not being called for the kotlin's inspectionsKT-37749
"Convert to anonymous object" intention is suggested for Java SAM conversion, but not for KotlinKT-37781
"Add modifier" intention/quickfix works incorrectly with functional interfacesKT-37893
i18n: Incorrect quickfix name "Lift return out of '"
Support for showing rendered doc comments in editor
IDE. Libraries
IDE: references to declarations in JavaScript KLib dependency are unresolvedKT-37562
IDE: references to JavaScript KLib dependency are unresolved, when project and library are compiled with "both" mode
IDE. Navigation
UI lockup on find usagesKT-18619
Find Usages of element used via import alias does not show actual usage locationKT-34088
Navigate | Implementations action doesn't show implementations of Java methods in Kotlin files if method has parameters referring to generic typeKT-35006
IDE: "Navigate to inline function call site" from stack trace for nested inline call navigates to outer inline callKT-36138
628 second freeze when doing Find Usages on data class propertyKT-36218
Show Kotlin file members in navigation barKT-37494
AnnotatedElementsSearch unable to find annotated property accessor
IDE. Project View
Project tool window: Show Visibility Icons does nothing for Kotlin classesKT-37632
IDE error on project structure opening
IDE. Refactorings
Performance Improvements
Renaming private property with common name is very slow
Refactor / Inline Function: fun with type parameter: KNPE at CodeInliner.processTypeParameterUsages()KT-27389
MPP: Refactoring "Move Class" does not change the package declarationKT-29870
Inline variable doesn't handle 'when' subject val correctlyKT-33045
Cover Move Refactoring by statistics (FUS)KT-36071
Refactoring: Move top declaration implementation refactoringKT-36072
Empty files are removed on Refactor/Move action with turned off "Delete empty source files" optionKT-36114
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exception on Refactor/Move of kotlin function if it is referenced in javaKT-36129
java.lang.Throwable: Invalid file exception occurs on Refactor/Move of class from kotlin scriptKT-36382
Move file refactoring breaks ktor application configKT-36504
"Extract property" suggests potentially invalid name for new propertyKT-37637
KotlinChangeSignatureUsageProcessor broke Change Signature in Python pluginKT-37797
Useless "Value for new paramater" step in 'Update usages to reflect signature changes' for method with default parameter valueKT-37822
Improve message "Inline all references and remove the kind"KT-38348
UL methods return signature without generic type parametersKT-38527
Move nested class to upper level fails silently: MissingResourceException
IDE. Script
NCDFE KJvmCompiledModuleInMemory on running*.main.kts
IDE. Tests Support
, gradle console output gets extra ijLog messagesKT-36910
There are no Run/Debug actions in context menu for non-JVM platform-specific test resultsKT-37037
[JS, Debug] Node.JS test debug doesn't stop on breakpoints
IDE. Wizards
New Features
New Project Wizard: provide a way to connect with "dependsOn" relation the added project modulesKT-36179
New Project Wizard: it's impossible to make a JVM target friendly to Java code in a multiplatform project
New Project wizard: don't suggest build systems which cannot be usedKT-35585
New Project wizard: remember choices which have sense for many projectsKT-35691
New Project wizard: artifact and group values are effectively ignoredKT-35693
New Project wizard creates pom.xml / build.gradle referring to release Kotlin version onlyKT-36136
New Project Wizard: generated projects are missing m2 Gradle repositoryKT-36137
New Project Wizard: "multiplatform" shall be written as a single word, without the capital P in the middleKT-36155
New Project Wizard: show warning "Multiplatform project cannot be generated" only for MPP projectsKT-36162
New Project Wizard: make the error messages in modules editor actionableKT-36163
New Project Wizard: remove trailing spaces in Android SDK Path automaticallyKT-36166
New Project Wizard: addition of Android target into a multiplatform project doesn't add a necessary minimal Android configurationKT-36169
New Project Wizard: Android-related projects failed to buildKT-36176
New Project Wizard: module templates doesn't work for multiplatform projectsKT-36177
New Project Wizard: it's impossible to add more than one target of JVM kind to a multiplatform projectKT-36180
New Project Wizard: it's impossible to set target JVM version for a JVM moduleKT-36226
New Project Wizard: add Mobile Android/iOS project templateKT-36267
New Project Wizard: flatten JVM targets list for multiplatform projectsKT-36328
New Project wizard fails for certain templates with AE: "Wrong line separators" at KotlinFormattingModelBuilder.createModel()KT-37599
New Project Wizard: Open Kotlin Wizard via hyperlinkKT-37667
New project wizard: implement new UI designKT-37674
Kotlin version in build files includes the IDEA versionKT-38061
New Project wizard 1.4: do not allow choosing build system if corresponding IJ plugin is disabledKT-38567
New Project wizard 1.4+: Improve processing case when project with required path already existsKT-38579
New Project wizard 1.4+: multiplatform mobile application: build fails on lint task: Configuration with name 'compileClasspath' not foundKT-38929
New project wizard: update libraries in project template according to kotlin IDE plugin versionKT-38417
Enable new project wizard by-default
JS. Tools
KotlinJS, MPP: Compilation throws "TypeError: b is not a function" only in production mode
Invalid JS constructor call (primary ordinary -> secondary external)KT-35966
Make @JsExport annotation usable in common codeKT-37128
KJS: StackOverflowException when using reified recursive bound for type parameterKT-37163
KJS: NullPointerException on using intersection type as a reified oneKT-37418
New Features
Add property delegates which call get/set on the given KProperty instance, e.g. a property referenceKT-12448
applicable for type parametersKT-22932
String.format should support null localeKT-23514
assertFailsWith should link unexpected exception as causeKT-23737
JS & MPP: Support exception cause and addSuppressedKT-25651
Add shuffle() to Array, ByteArray, IntArray, etc to match MutableListKT-26494
Create an interface with provideDelegate()KT-27729
Add the onEach extension function to the ArrayKT-29182
SIZE_BYTES/BITS for Float and DoubleKT-30372
Add associateWith to ArrayKT-33906
Add vararg overloads for maxOf/minOf functionsKT-34161
Array.contentEquals/contentHashCode/contentToString should allow null array receiver and argumentKT-35851
Add setOfNotNull functionKT-36866
stdlib: Reverse range and sortDescending rangeKT-37161
Add #onEachIndexed similar to #forEachIndexedKT-37603
Throwable.stackTraceToString: string with detailed information about exceptionKT-37751
Implement shuffled() method SequencesKT-37804
Add 'fail' in kotlin-test that allows to specify causeKT-37839
StringBuilder.appendLine in stdlib-commonKT-37910
Support Media Source Extension (MSE) and Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) in Kotlin/JsKT-38044
Common Throwable.printStackTrace
Performance Improvements
readLine() is very slow
Double/Float companion values such as NaN should be constantsKT-14119
should beString?.toBoolean()
Names of KProperty's type parameters are inconsistent with ReadOnlyProperty/ReadWritePropertyKT-36356
Specify which element Iterable.distinctBy(selector) retainsKT-38060
runningFold and runningReduce instead of scanReduce
Support optional vararg parameter inKCallable.callBy
"IllegalStateException: superInterface.classLoader must not be null" on class, which implements "AutoCloaseable" interface, "isAccessible" property changing
Tools. CLI
file does not exist:C:\Users\NK\DOWNLO~1\kotlin-compiler-1.3.61\kotlinc\bin\..\lib\kotlin-compiler.jar" from standalone compiler on Windows
Tools. Gradle
Warnings should be piped to stderr when using allWarningsAsErrors = trueKT-35942
User test Gradle source set code cannot reach out internal members from the production codeKT-36019
Implement Gradle DSL for explicit API mode
Tools. Gradle. JS
New Features
Kotlin/JS in MPP: support changing the generated JS file name in Gradle DSLKT-32721
[Gradle, JS] CSS Support for browserKT-36843
[Gradle, JS, IR] Configure JS Compiler Type through DSLKT-37207
Allow to use npm dependency from a local directoryKT-38056
[Gradle, JS] Group tasks by browser and node
kotlinNpmResolve fails in the case of composite buildKT-34468
Consider custom versions while parsing yarn.lockKT-36489
[Gradle, JS, IR]: Correct naming for both compilersKT-36784
Kotlin. JS. MPP – Cannot find project :js when using Gradle composite buildsKT-36864
KJS. Composite build require JS plugin in root projectKT-37240
KJS. Nondeterministic execution order for webpack scripts (from folder 'webpack.config.d')KT-37582
Kotlin/JS: KotlinWebpack non-nullable properties are shown as nullable in Gradle configurationKT-37587
KJS. Karma ignore dynamically created webpack patchesKT-37635
[Gradle, JS] Webpack devtool provide enum for only 2 variantsKT-37636
[Gradle, JS] Extract package.json from klibKT-37762
[Gradle, JS] Actualize Node and Yarn versions in 1.4KT-37988
[Gradle, JS] Bump NPM versions on 1.4-M2KT-38051
[Gradle, JS] browserDistribution doesn't provide outputsKT-38519
JS Compiler per project without additional import
Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
task fails if there is an empty intermediate source set in a multiplatform project with native targetsKT-38746
In HMPP, compilation of a shared-native source set could be mistakenly disabledKT-39094
Provide a way to pass custom JVM args to commonizer from Gradle
Tools. Gradle. Native
Kotlin Native gradle build fail withendorsed is not supported. Endorsed standards and standalone APIs
on jdk > 8 & CLionKT-36721
Deduce a fully qualified unique_name in klib manifest from something like group nameKT-37730
Native part of multiplatform build fails with "unresolved reference" errors if there is a local and external module with the same nameKT-38174
Kotlin/Native: Disable platform libraries generation at the user side by default
Tools. J2K
Convert function reference copied from function callKT-35593
New J2K: method's names don't change between functions declared in Number.java and Number.ktKT-35897
J2K converts private enum constructors to internal constructors and produces NON_PRIVATE_CONSTRUCTOR_IN_ENUM errorKT-36088
J2K: StackOverflowError when trying to convert Java class with recursive type boundKT-36149
J2K: PsiInvalidElementAccessException: Element class com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.CompositeElement of type DOT_QUALIFIED_EXPRESSIONKT-36152
J2K: RuntimeException: Couldn't get containingKtFile for ktElementKT-36159
J2K: ClassCastException if constructor contains a super() call and class extends from Kotlin classKT-36190
J2K: Wrong property name generation when getter for non-boolean value starts with 'is'KT-36891
j2k: Fail with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when converting arrayKT-37052
new J2K: Java private function is converted toprivate open
top-level functionKT-37620
new J2K: IndexOutOfBoundsException (DefaultArgumentsConversion.applyToElement) with overloaded function with vararg parameterKT-37919
new J2K: Redundant line feeds when converting function
Tools. JPS
A Typo (forgotten space) in build output in Circular dependencies warning description
Tools. Scripts
ThreadDeath when running kotlin scripts using jsr223KT-37558
Scripts: implicit receivers don't work correctly when using CompiledScriptJarsCacheKT-37823
Consecutive invocations of main.kts throw a KotlinReflectionNotSupportedError
New Features
Type inference possible improvements: analyze lambda with expected type from the outer callKT-7304
Smart-casts and generic calls with multiple bounds on type parametersKT-7745
Support named arguments in their own position even if the result appears as mixedKT-7770
SAM for Kotlin classesKT-8834
Support function references with default values as other function typesKT-10930
Expected type isn't taken into account for delegated propertiesKT-11723
Support coercion to Unit in callable reference resolutionKT-14416
Support of @PolymorphicSignature in Kotlin compilerKT-16873
Support COERSION_TO_UNIT for suspend lambdasKT-17643
Inferring type of Pair based on known Map typeKT-19869
Support function references to functions with vararg if expected type ends with repeated vararg element typeKT-21178
Prohibit access of protected members inside public inline membersKT-21368
Improve type inferenceKT-25866
Iterable.forEach does not accept functions that return non-Unit valuesKT-26165
Support VarHandle in JVM codegenKT-27582
Allow contracts on final non-override membersKT-28298
Allow references to generic (reified) type parameters in contractsKT-31230
Refine rules for allowed Array-based class literals on different platforms: allowArray::class
everywhere, disallowArray<...>::class
on non-JVMKT-31244
Choose Java field during overload resolution with a pure Kotlin propertyKT-31734
Empty parameter list required on Annotations of function typesKT-33990
Type argument isn't checked during resolution partKT-33413
Allow 'break' and 'continue' in 'when' statement to point to innermost surrounding loopKT-34743
Support trailing comma in the compilerKT-34847
Lift restrictions fromkotlin.Result
Incorrect resolve with 'unsafe call error' and genericsKT-3630
Extension property (generic function type) does not workKT-3668
Infer type parameters for extension 'get' in delegated propertyKT-3850
Receiver check fails when type parameter has another parameter as a boundKT-3884
Generic candidate with contradiction is preferred over matching global functionKT-4625
Poor error highlighting when assigning not matched type to index operatorKT-5449
Wrong resolve when functions differ only in the nullability of generic typeKT-5606
"Type mismatch" in Java constructor call with SAM lambda andvararg
Type inference problem in sam constructorsKT-6591
Overloaded generic extension function call with null argument resolved incorrectlyKT-6812
Type inference fails when passing a null instead of a generic typeKT-7298
Bogus type inference error in generic method call translated from JavaKT-7301
Type inference error in Kotlin code translated from JavaKT-7333
Type inference fails with star-projections in code translated from JavaKT-7363
Kotlin code with star-projections translated from Java does not typecheckKT-7378
3-dimension array type inference failKT-7410
Call resolution error appears only after adding non-applicable overloadKT-7420
Type inference sometimes infers less specific type than in JavaKT-7758
Type of lambda can't be inferedKT-8218
Wrong 'equals' for generic types with platform type and error typeKT-8265
Non-typesafe program is compiled without errorsKT-8637
Useless diagnostics for type parameters with unsafe nullabilityKT-8966
Smart casts don't work with implicit receiver and extension on type parameter with boundsKT-10265
Type inference problem when using sealed class and interfacesKT-10364
Call completeCall on variable before invoke resolutionKT-10612
java.util.Comparator.comparing type inferenceKT-10628
Wrong type mismatch with star projection of inner class inside use-site projected typeKT-10662
Smartcast with not-null assertionKT-10681
Explicit type arguments not taken into account when determining applicable overloads of a generic functionKT-10755
Not "least" common super-type is selected for nested 'if' result in presence of multiple inheritanceKT-10929
Type inference based on receiver type doesn't work for delegated properties in some casesKT-10962
Wrong resolution when argument has unstable DataFlowValueKT-11108
RxJava failed platform type inferenceKT-11137
Java synthetic property does not function for a type with projectionKT-11144
UninferredParameterTypeConstructor exception during buildKT-11184
Type inference failed for combination of safe-call, elvis, HashSet and emptySetKT-11218
Type inference incorrectly infers nullable type for t...