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KT-48640 Performance regression in 'longDownToLoop' benchmarks
KT-29822 Generate specialized bytecode for loops withIndex over unsigned arrays
KT-48669 Generate optimizable counter loop for loops over indices of unsigned arrays
KT-49444 Possible performance degradation with UInt downTo loop
KT-48944 Possible performance regression with comparison of local KFunctions
KT-17111 Eliminate redundant store/load instructions when the value stored is simple
KT-36837 Generate more compact code for for-in-range loop in JVM_IR
KT-48947 JVM / IR Possible performance regression with string templates
KT-48931 JVM / IR: Performance degradation with string concatenation
KT-36654 Generate more compact bytecode for safe call in JVM_IR
KT-24643 Prohibit using a type parameter declared for an extension property inside delegate
KT-51747 Make KtCallableDeclaration.getContextReceivers default to preserve compatibility
KT-49658 NI: False negative TYPE_MISMATCH on nullable type with when
KT-43493 NI: @BuilderInference prevents compilation error of "Operator '==' cannot be applied to 'Long' and 'Int'"
KT-51649 Kotlin/Native: reduce binary size of watchosArm32 and iosArm32 targets by limiting inlining of runtime functions
KT-48626 JVM IR: incorrect behavior for captured for-loop parameter since 1.6.20-dev-723
KT-51036 JVM / IR: "NullPointerException: Parameter specified as non-null is null" with synchronized and companion object
KT-51471 Native: incorrect debug information when inheriting suspend fun invoke implementation
KT-51352 "ClassCastException: class ScopeCoroutine cannot be cast to class Iterable" caused by coroutines and context receivers
KT-51271 "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 3 out of bounds for length 3" with inlining of context function
KT-47084 JVM IR: "AssertionError: inconsistent parent function for CLASS LAMBDA_IMPL" with tailrec function default parameter nested inline lambda
KT-30616 Script: "Don't know how to generate outer expression" for top-level variable reference from static context (companion object, enum)
KT-50520 "NPE:…lDeclarationType.REGULAR) must not be null" with implicit type on self-referencing lambda in a builder
KT-51353 IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected non-static field com.soywiz.korim.color.Colors.BLACK
KT-48945 JVM IR: special bridge for get is not generated in a Map subclass
KT-48499 Interface call with an inline/value parameter generates AbstractMethodError after rebuilding the module, but NOT the file.
KT-49998 JVM: missing default value for annotation parameter of an unsigned type
KT-49793 JVM: IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected non-static field when property delegation uses receiver of another delegated property
KT-51302 Kotlin/Native 1.6.20-M1 compiler fails because of assertion in NativeAnnotationImplementationTransformer
KT-51148 "AssertionError: At this stage there should be no remaining variables with proper constraints" caused by two type parameters
KT-50970 Kotlin/Native: use arm instruction set instead of thumb-2 for iosArm32 and watchosArm32 targets
KT-50843 Kotlin/Native: LLVM constant merge pass does not work for Kotlin constants
KT-51157 JVM / IR: "IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1" caused by interface hierarchy and UInt method parameter
KT-50498 Exception after analysing an erroneous lambda
KT-50258equals() returns false on the same enum instances if we check it for the second time in when
KT-51062 Progressions resolve changing warning isn't reported for Java methods
KT-48544 JVM / IR: "UnsupportedOperationException: Unknown structure of ADAPTER_FOR_CALLABLE_REFERENCE" with callable reference ::arrayOf
KT-50978 [Native] Error while building static cache: NoSuchElementException at IrTypeInlineClassesSupport.getInlinedClassUnderlyingType(InlineClasses.kt:341)
KT-50977 [Native] Error while building static cache: IllegalStateException: Class CLASS ENUM_ENTRY is not found at KonanIrlinkerKt.findClass(KonanIrlinker.kt:229)
KT-50976 [Native] Error while building static cache: IllegalStateException: No descriptor found at DescriptorByIdSignatureFinder.findDescriptorForPublicSignature(DescriptorByIdSignatureFinder.kt:157)
KT-51040 Type inference fails on 1.6: "Cannot use 'CapturedType(*)' as reified type parameter" with EnumSet and elvis operator
KT-51080 Line number in mapping for the first instruction is lost
KT-49526 JVM IR: Function reference with non-denotable intersection type argument is not inlined and is incorrectly approximated
KT-50399 Error: unexpected variance in super type argument: out @0
KT-50649 JVM IR: ClassCastException when returning Result as generic type
KT-50617 JVM IR: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException "Empty list doesn't contain element at index 0" when class and interface have the same name and extension function is used
KT-50856 SAM conversion generates invalid bytecode for generics
KT-45693 False negative INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES with when with generic subject
KT-49903 JVM IR: InlineOnly optimization leads to behavior change for println with mutating System.out
KT-51022 Fix error messages for resolution ambiguity with stub types
KT-51035 PSI2IR: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi2ir.generators.ErrorExpressionException: null: KtCallExpression:" caused by recursive call of java function
KT-50797 Implement fix for false negative UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED with generic typealias using not all type parameters as arguments for underlying type
KT-50878 Usage of contextual declarations from third-party library is allowed without -Xcontext-receivers
KT-49829 Wrong "cast can never succeed" diagnostic with builder inference
KT-49828 Improve builder inference diagnostics with overload resolution ambiguity
KT-50989 CCE cause by EmptySubstitutor in ResolutionWithStubTypesChecker
KT-49729 Implement deprecation warning for private constructors of sealed classes
KT-49349 Implement deprecation for invalid if as expression in rhs of elvis
KT-46285 [SEALED_SUPERTYPE_IN_LOCAL_CLASS] Error message isn't adopted to local objects and sealed interfaces
KT-49002 Allow OptIn marker on override if base class has the same marker
KT-48899 Report warnings on overrides with wrong types nullability
KT-49461 Implement prohibitation of access to members of companion of enum class from initializers of entries of this enum
KT-49754 Kotlin/JS: @JsExport on enum class reports NON_EXPORTABLE_TYPE warning
KT-49598 Misleading error message "Using @JvmRecord is only allowed with -jvm-target 15 and -Xjvm-enable-preview flag enabled"
KT-44133 Inline classes: class literal in annotation arguments uses underlying type
KT-47703 ClassCastException: Programmatically created annotation can't hold Array<KClass<*>>
KT-47549 JVM / IR: Null argument in ExpressionCodegen for parameter VALUE_PARAMETER CONTINUATION_CLASS caused by suspend function inside "fun interface" in another file
KT-50120 HMPP: False positive [NO_VALUE_FOR_PARAMETER] for expect function usages
KT-49864 JVM IR: NoSuchMethodError calling default interface method with inline class return type in -Xjvm-default=all mode
KT-49812 JVM / IR: "java.lang.VerifyError: Bad return type" when using Result type attribute + extension function with same name
KT-49936 Extension property in a data class with the same name as the constructor parameter leads to incorrect component function being resolved and generated
KT-48181 "ISE: Null argument in ExpressionCodegen for parameter VALUE_PARAMETER" on creating instance of kotlin.Metadata
KT-50215 VerifyError caused by missing cast after is check in when
KT-49977 "Parameter specified as non-null is null" when inline class implements interface method with default parameters
KT-50385 DUPLICATE_LABEL_IN_WHEN is reported on incorrect branches
KT-49092 JVM: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on compiling call with if expression and TODO() arguments
KT-48987 JVM / IR: Smartcast, which never succeed, crashes the compiler
KT-50277 Invalid bytecode generated for inline lambda in suspend function
KT-50219 FIR DFA/CFA: no smart cast after null check and assignment
KT-44561 FIR DFA: extract non-null info from comparison against variable with initial constant value
KT-44560 FIR DFA: propagate non-null info to original variables in not-null assertion or cast expression
KT-50278 FIR: accidental resolve to inaccessible value parameter
KT-47483 JVM IR: "NoSuchElementException: Sequence contains no element matching the predicate" on compiling Array instantiation with TODO
KT-50304 EXC_BAD_ACCESS at IntrinsicsNative.kt starting coroutine on object with suspend fun as supertype
KT-49765 JVM: ClassCastException when trying to add object to EmptyList
KT-46879 "AssertionError: Stack should be spilled before suspension call" with Flow and reified type
KT-50172 "AssertionError: Not a callable reflection type" on local function reference with the same name as local variable
KT-49443 JVM IR, Script: "IllegalStateException: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER INSTANCE_RECEIVER" with constructor call of class that has a top-level extension function call
KT-50193 Garbage collection is not working the same way after jvm-ir-backend change
KT-19424 Compilation exception for script with property delegate calling operator invoke on an object
KT-43995 Script: "IllegalStateException: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER INSTANCE_RECEIVER" if companion object initializer calls method on list
KT-47000 Allow graceful migration to -Xjvm-default=all-compatibility by allowing to inherit from interfaces even in the old (-Xjvm-default=disable) mode
KT-50180 FIR: not enough information to infer type variable for definitely not null type
KT-50163 FIR: ISE unsupported compile-time value BLOCK on complex annotations
KT-50171 JVM IR: "UninitializedPropertyAccessException: Parent not initialized: IrVariableImpl" on SAM-converted property setter reference with Double parameter inside lambda
KT-50140 Internal error on explicit string concatenation of generic type value with 'String' upper bound
KT-49992 Anonymous object should not have access to private members from supertypes
KT-49973 Check existing of default error message for all diagnostics
KT-50019 Property delegated to callable reference: "ISE: Local class should have its name computed in InventNamesForLocalClasses" with -Xno-optimized-callable-references
KT-49645 JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: Local class should have its name computed" caused by default suspend function in interface and value class
KT-48621 FIR: SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files for protected JvmField
KT-48381 Invalid LLVM module: verification failure of createInlineClassInArgumentPosition.kt
KT-48527 Native: top-level properties in files with @Test functions are initialized eagerly even if lazy initialization is enabled
KT-48559 IllegalArgumentException: Unexpected super type argument: * @ 0 during IR lowering
KT-48687 IR dump mismatch after deep copy with symbols in IR text test
KT-44811 [FIR] Exception in body resolve of new contracts
KT-48363 FIR behaves differently in case of resolution between classifier and top-level property
KT-48801 "AssertionError: Stack should be spilled before suspension call" with Flow and crossinline
KT-46389 JVM / IR: "ClassCastException: class IrGetValueImpl cannot be cast to class IrConst" with inheritance of supertypes member functions with similar signatures
KT-47797 Regression during migration to 1.6 in compiler
KT-47987 Can't infer a postponed type variable based on callable reference receiver type
KT-48446 "IllegalStateException: IrErrorType (getErasedUpperBound)" caused by suspend function reference
KT-48651 Collect intermediate annotations during type expanding
KT-48754 JVM IR: in EnclosingMethod leads to IncompatibleClassChangeError on Android 5.0
KT-45034 Use the new type inference for top-level callable references
KT-49001 OptIn marker should spread from class to its members, taking into account real dispatch receiver type
KT-49038 Generics are discriminated during callable references resolution (false negative)
KT-48954 JVM IR: IllegalAccessError when using Java method reference in constructor
KT-48284 JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: Function has no body: FUN STATIC_INLINE_CLASS_REPLACEMENT" caused by inline member toString of value class and string interpolation
KT-49053 JVM / IR: "AssertionError: Unbound symbols not allowed" on inheriting a protected Java method that returns a package private class from a differently-named file
KT-49106 JVM: infinite recursion with overridden default suspend interface method where override calls super
KT-45345 FIR DFA: FirDataFlowAnalyzer seems to add wrong type constraints for type parameters
KT-44513 FIR DFA: extract non-null info from x?.y!!
KT-44559 FIR DFA: propagate non-null info from not-null assertion (!!)
KT-48648 JVM IR: "AssertionError: Should be primitive or nullable primitive type" with @JvmField generic property with Number upper bound
KT-49069 FIR: False positive INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME on getter
KT-49203 JVM IR: "AssertionError: Unbound symbols not allowed" with lateinit var and plusAssign operator convention call
KT-48993 JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: Validation failed in file <multi-file facade ...>" using @JvmMultifileClass and one of the symbols in the file exposes a @JvmInline value class
KT-48938 FIR: Investigate how priorities should work in case SAM-conversion + type parameters
KT-49076 FIR: false positive "An annotation argument must be compile-time constant" on array of imports
KT-49222 FIR: StackOverflow in MethodSignatureMapper
KT-49083 FIR erroneously requires default value parameters for override calls when imported from object
KT-49135 FIR: ambiguity between type alias and function
KT-49134 FIR makes no difference between lambda with empty parameter list and without explicit parameter list
KT-49301 FIR: Unresolved reference: for object inherited from inner class
KT-49070 FIR: ABSTRACT_CLASS_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED with type parameter / class conflict
KT-49133 FIR: protected java.lang.Throwable constructor is not available
KT-49407 JVM / IR: "java.lang.VerifyError: Bad local variable type" with "Int.mod" inside "Long.mod" and non-trivial argument
KT-38698 MANY_INTERFACES_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED error message: interface is called a "class"
KT-45001 Confusing warning message "This class can only be used with the compiler argument" for @OptIn annotation
KT-49411 JVM / IR: NullPointerException during IR lowering with @JvmField property in loop range
KT-49260 FIR: make FirBasedSymbol hierarchy to correspond FirDeclaration hierarchy
KT-49289 FIR: false positive "return required" for if/else with inlined return in branch
KT-49316 JVM / IR: "AssertionError: SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files!" caused by unreachable code which try to modify val from the other package
KT-45915 NoDescriptorForDeclarationException: Descriptor wasn't found for declaration FUN with circular module dependencies in JPS
KT-49288 FIR2IR: consider generating all fake override calls properly
KT-42784 FIR2IR: first create fake overrides, then bind overridden to them
KT-48816 Kotlin/Native Symbol for public platform.darwin/NSObject|null[100] is unbound
KT-49372 JVM / IR: Incorrect work of the loop optimization for mutable variable
KT-49356 Native: UnsupportedOperationException: RETURNABLE_BLOCK caused by nested return with boxing and inline
KT-49659 JVM IR: Missing value class mangling in SAM wrappers for fun interfaces from different modules
KT-47101 Incorrect scope for supertypes in companion objects
KT-49360 Invalid LLVM module: "inlinable function call in a function with debug info must have a !dbg location"
KT-48430 JVM: ClassCastException with inline class as generic argument for type parameter used in a function type
KT-49575 IllegalArgumentException: Unhandled intrinsic in ExpressionCodegen with circular module dependencies in JPS
KT-47669 IR inliner doesn't handle inner class functions referring outer this
KT-48668 JVM IR: "ISE: Value at CLASS must not be null for CLASS" for modules with a dependency cycle
KT-49370 JVM / IR: "java.lang.VerifyError: Bad local variable type" with "fun Long.mod" and non-trivial argument
KT-23890 Default arguments are not transferred from expect generic member functions
KT-48811 Expect/actual class with default constructor argument values can not be instantiated from a shared source set without passing arguments (with HMPP enabled)
KT-48106 FIR: incorrect type inference in provideDelegate receiver
KT-48325 Safe call operator prevents object from being garbage collected before leaving function
KT-50004 Linking kotlinx.serialization crashes on Native and JS IR backends
KT-49311 Missing FIR checker for unresolved references in import statement
KT-48104 FIR does not see NotNull/Nullable annotations on type arguments
KT-46812 [FIR] Make FIR diagnostics not related to Diagnostics from FE 1.0
KTIJ-13020 New compiler settings are applied only after the project is reloaded
KTIJ-21154 StackOverflowError on Companion.extractPotentiallyFixableTypesForExpectedType that causes "Syntax highlighting has been temporarily turned off"
KTIJ-20129 Load "@NotNull T" types from libraries as definitely non-nullable if any module in project loads such types as definitely non-nullable
KTIJ-9793 UAST: KotlinAbstractUElement.equals fails for psi-less elements
KTIJ-16203 UAST: Annotating assignment expression sometimes leads to UnknownKotlinExpression
KTIJ-18720 UAST: @Deprecated(level=DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN) makes method visibility be dropped
KTIJ-18039@Deprecated(level=HIDDEN) elements return false for isDeprecated()
KTIJ-16250 Completion of override with return type annotated with TYPE_USE-targeted annotation suggests two duplicate entries
IDE. Debugger
KTIJ-20716 JVM Debugger in common code can't get JVM-specific view on common code and fails
KTIJ-18562 JVM debugger: coroutineContext.job causes "Failed to generate expression: KtNameReferenceExpression"
KTIJ-20019 MPP Debugger: NSFE “Field not found” on accessing property with explicit getter from common code in Evaluate expression/Watcher
KTIJ-19990 MPP Debugger: Evaluate expression for some stdlib in common source set fails with Method threw 'java.lang.ClassNotFoundException' exception.
KTIJ-20929 MPP Debugger: in a project with single JVM target evaluation of expect function fails with 'NoSuchMethodError' exception in common context
KTIJ-20956 Debugger: coroutine debugger fails to load sometimes
KTIJ-20775 MPP Debugger: Evaluate expression for actual typealiases in jvm source set fails with Method threw 'java.lang.ClassNotFoundException' exception.
KTIJ-20712 MPP Debugger: evaluator fails when evaluating expect function
KTIJ-19344 K/N debugger shows all types as ObjHeader in variable view.
IDE. Gradle Integration
KTIJ-20097 HMPP+Android Project that depends on pure Android Lib fails to import in IDEA
KTIJ-20756 MPP targeting Android and JVM reports 'The feature "multi platform projects" is experimental and should be enabled explicitly'
KTIJ-20745 Gradle: NSEE “Key main is missing in the map.” on project import in AS 212 + Kotlin 1.6.20
KT-47570 MPP, IDE: kotlin-test-common leaks into dependencies of platform-specific source sets
KTIJ-19541 IDE: Kotlin Facets aren't created for Gradle projects added via includeBuild
KT-48882 MPP IDE import: Failing cinterop Gradle tasks shall not fail import
KTIJ-18135 MPP, IDE: False positive "No value passed for parameter" in CommonTest when expect declaration has default value and actual does not
IDE. Inspections and Intentions
New Features
KTIJ-12437 Add inspection to detect redundant (obsolete, unused) @OptIn annotations
KTIJ-15780 Add quickfix for migration of Experimental -> RequiresOptIn
KTIJ-18865 Provide quick fixes for OptIn markers on forbidden targets
KTIJ-18439 Make suggestions for applying opt-in quickfixes more distinct
KTIJ-19985 Provide quickfix for SAFE_CALL_WILL_CHANGE_NULLABILITY diagnostic
KTIJ-20550 False positives in "Unnecessary @OptIn annotation" inspection
KTIJ-20993 Quick-fix for NULLABILITY_MISMATCH_BASED_ON_JAVA_ANNOTATIONS leads to unreachable code
KTIJ-20557 Quick fix to add Any as an upper bound for type parameter to make it non-nullable
KTIJ-20827 Process type mismatch compiler warnings to provide a corresponding quick fix
KTIJ-12578 "Make abstract" quick fix for missing abstract members implementations could warn of potentially broken inheritance
KTIJ-20425 Quick fix to replace @NotNull parameter type T with a definitely non-nullable type T & Any
KTIJ-19997 Inspection "Possibly blocking call in non-blocking context could lead to thread starvation" suggests "Wrap call in 'withContext'" resulting in red code
KTIJ-18291 Quickfix "Add @OptIn() annotation" adds the annotation to primary constructor when invoked on primary constructor parameter
KTIJ-19512 Implement IDE support for new rules of deprecation inheritance
KTIJ-20156 Exception when applying 'Convert to with'
KTIJ-20290 Forbid "move to constructor" intention if class contains secondary constructor
KTIJ-20288 Forbid "move to constructor" intention for actual classes with actual constructor
KT-49736 Introduce import alias fails when qualifier is unresolved
KTIJ-18743 "Redundant nullable return type" applied on actual method doesn't change the signature of expect
KTIJ-12343 Inspection "Sealed sub-class has no state and no overridden equals" is applied incorrectly to expect/actual declarations of sealed classes with nested subclasses
KTIJ-19406 The "Add @OptIn(...)" quick fix does not shorten the annotation when adding an argument to the existing annotation
KTIJ-12351generate equals & hashCode() by identity intention generates incompilable code for multiplatform project modules
KTIJ-13227 Forbid "move property to constructor" for actual classes with actual constructor having at least one parameter already
KTIJ-11328 No quick fixes are suggested for annotation from experimental API used with file target
KTIJ-14427 Meta-annotation value isn't updated for all the corresponding parts of a multiplatform annotation
KTIJ-19735 NSME org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.quickfix.KotlinSingleIntentionActionFactory org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.quickfix.RemoveModifierFix on IJ212 + Kotlin master
KT-41912 KJS / IR: generates invalid defineProperty methods for class hierarchies
KT-46225 KJS IR: tailrec function with capturing lambda in default parameter value leads to UninitializedPropertyAccessException at compile time
KT-50528 Kotlin/JS: IR + IC: TypeError: "combined.get_icpjjy_k$ is not a function" for code calling GlobalScope.launch {}
KT-50512 KJS / IR: IC failed with const val in inline fun
KT-49738 Ensure that @AfterTest is invoked after the @Test function completes for asynchronous tests
KT-45542 KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException" for method with default argument in expect class
KT-50464 KJS IR: Functions with optional parameters and stable names are exported without @JsExport
KT-43374 KJS / IR: "class org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.backend.ast.JsIf cannot be cast to class org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.backend.ast.JsExpressionStatement" caused by if-else expression inside when
KT-20791 ushr Behavior differs in Javascript and Java targets
KT-49844 KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException: IrSimpleFunctionSymbolImpl is already bound" with callable reference
KT-46961 KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException: Can't find name for declaration" when external object contains enum class
KT-43191 KJS / IR: static companion field is not static in d.ts
KT-39891 [KJS / IR] String interpolation and byte shift round Long value
KT-50040 JS IR: "Function must be an accessor of corresponding property" exception on private properties with getter in an exported class
KT-49878 Kotlin/JS, IR: incremental compilation fails with CCE: "class StageController cannot be cast to class WholeWorldStageController"
KT-46202 KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException" on exported value class
KT-42039 KJS / IR: JsQualifier annotation can cause conflicts with built-in functions
KT-39364 KJS: Can't export sealed class/object with subclasses inside the body to typescript definition
KT-50718 Unable to serialize an object with a generic field
KT-50764 Kotlin 1.6.10 custom serializers for a generic type receive the unit serializer on jvm
KT-46444 JVM IR, serialization: "AssertionError: No such value argument slot in IrConstructorCallImpl: 0" with KSerializer of ClosedRange
Tools. Daemon
KT-47522 Provide reasonable resolution strategy for OutOfMemoryError during compilation
KT-51116 OOM user-friendly message isn't displayed if there is main exception caused by out of memory
Tools. Gradle
New Features
KT-48620 Add build information into Gradle build scan
KT-41689 Support statistics for Configuration Cache
KT-49299 Add more flexible way for defining Kotlin compiler execution strategy
KT-21056 Kotlin Gradle Plugin tasks execution should be parallelized by default
Performance Improvements
KT-50664 Compile speed regression going from Kotlin 1.5.31 to 1.6.10 for incremental changes when Java class in a dependent child module w/ kapt is modified w/o a method/class signature change
KT-48884 Configuration performance regression in Kotlin Gradle plugin 1.5.30
KT-51501 Gradle: 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/gradle/scan/plugin/BuildScanExtension' on 1.6.0-RC when applying Enterprise Plugin from initscript
KT-51588 Restoring from build cache breaks Kotlin incremental compilation
KT-50620 Gradle Kotlin Plugin crashes in CI due to hostname resolving issue
KT-48408 Build may fail with strict JVM target validation mode when project has no Kotlin sources
KT-49107 Configuration cache: undeclared kotlin.caching.enabled system property read
KT-50369 Deprecate kotlin.experimental.coroutines Gradle DSL option and kotlin.coroutines property
KT-48046 Gradle Throws Exception From Kotlin Plugin: destinationDir must not be null
KT-50037 Kotlin compile task registers more than one task action and their order of execution is counter-intuitive
KT-49772 Kotlin in-process compilation does not release file handles
KT-47215 KJS: "UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property fileHasher has not been initialized" when running kotlinNpmInstall or rootPackageJson locally
KT-51176 CInteropCommonization: Warn users about disabled cinterop commonization when cinterops are present in hmpp
KT-49089 An annotation class annotated with @OptionalExpectation can not be used in another module with HMPP enabled
KT-48818 False positive warning about used enableDependencyPropagation flag with enabled hierarchical mpp by default
KT-49596 Composite Metadata Jar: Read location of cinterops from KotlinProjectStructureMetadata file
KT-41823 Default arguments not work in iosMain metadata with enableGranularSourceSetsMetadata
KT-50574 Only enable cinterop metadata transformation when 'kotlin.mpp.enableCInteropCommonization' is set
Tools. Gradle. Native
New Features
KT-47633 Accept version when configuring cocoapods for kotlin/native
KT-42630 CocoaPods Gradle plugin: Allow customization of podspec properties
KT-48553 Kotlin/Native: use Gradle Shared Build Service to read
KT-47529 Read list of opt-in cacheable native targets from
KT-49330 commonizeNativeDistribution: "ClassCastException: KotlinJvmProjectExtension_Decorated cannot be cast to class org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinProjectExtension"
KT-49484 Kotlin/Native: XCFramework should include dSYM files for release artifacts
KT-50306 Configured plugin dependencies should be available in kotlin-maven-plugin scripts
Tools. Parcelize
KT-19853 Parcelize: CREATOR field should be available from code
Tools. REPL
KT-20488 REPL: java.lang.InternalError: "Enclosing constructor not found" for class reference on an anonymous object literal
Tools. Scripts
KT-48758 Kotlin scripting: introduce a link from evaluation configuration to the compilation one
KT-48414 Script: get location of the script.main.kts file
KT-40497 “Cannot inline bytecode built with JVM target 1.8 into bytecode that is being built with JVM target 1.6.” for running script without specified jvm-target
KT-49329 Kotlin scripts are compiled with jvmTarget 1.8 by default and in many scenarios there is no way to redefine it, which lead to inlining errors e.g. with JDK 17
Tools. Wasm
KT-49893 Don't publish wasm targets with org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.compiler attribute