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Jianbo-Lab committed Apr 8, 2019
0 parents commit 0386f2f
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import numpy as np

def bapp(model,
up_th = 1,
low_th = 0,
constraint = 'l2',
num_iters = 40,
gamma = 0.01,
target_label = None,
target_image = None,
epsilon_type = 'geometric_progression',
max_batch_size = 1e4,
init_batch_size = 100):
Main algorithm for Boundary Attack ++.
model: the object that has predict method.
predict outputs probability scores.
up_th: upper bound of the image.
lower_th: lower bound of the image.
constraint: choose between [l2, linf].
num_iters: number of iterations.
gamma: used to set binary search threshold theta.
target_label: integer or None for nontargeted attack.
target_image: an array with the same size as sample, or None.
epsilon_type: choose between 'geometric_progression', 'grid_search'.
max_batch_size: maximum batch size for estimating gradient.
init_batch_size: initial batch size for estimating gradient.
perturbed image.
# Set parameters
h, w, c = sample.shape
original_label = np.argmax(model.predict(sample))
params = {'up_th': up_th, 'low_th': low_th, 'h': h, 'w': w, 'c': c,
'original_label': original_label,
'target_label': target_label,
'target_image': target_image,
'constraint': constraint,
'num_iters': num_iters,
'gamma': gamma,
'epsilon_type': epsilon_type,
'max_batch_size': max_batch_size,
'init_batch_size': init_batch_size,

# Set binary search threshold.
if params['constraint'] == 'l2':
params['theta'] = params['gamma'] / np.sqrt(params['d'])
params['theta'] = params['gamma'] / (params['d'])

# Initialize.
perturbed = initialize(model, sample, params)
dist_post_update = compute_distance(perturbed, sample, constraint)

# Project the initialization to the boundary.
perturbed, dist = line_search_batch(sample,
np.expand_dims(perturbed, 0),

for j in np.arange(params['num_iters']):
params['cur_iter'] = j + 1

# Choose delta.
delta = select_delta(params, dist_post_update)

# Choose batch size.
batch_size = int(params['init_batch_size'] * np.sqrt(j+1))
batch_size = int(min([batch_size, params['max_batch_size']]))

# approximate gradient.
gradf = approximate_gradient(model, perturbed, batch_size,
delta, params)
if params['constraint'] == 'linf':
update = np.sign(gradf)
update = gradf

# search step size.
if params['epsilon_type'] == 'geometric_progression':
# find step size.
epsilon = geometric_progression_for_stepsize(perturbed,
update, dist, model, params)

# Update the sample.
perturbed = clip_image(perturbed + epsilon * gradf,
low_th, up_th)

# Binary search to return to the boundary.
perturbed, dist_post_update = line_search_batch(sample,
perturbed[None], model, params)

elif params['epsilon_type'] == 'grid_search':
# Grid search for stepsize.
epsilons = np.logspace(-4, 0, num=20, endpoint = True) * dist
perturbeds = x + epsilons.reshape(-1,1,1,1) * update
perturbeds = clip_image(perturbeds,
params['low_th'], params['up_th'])
labels = np.argmax(model.predict(perturbeds), axis = 1)

if params['target_label'] is None:
idx_perturbed = labels != original_label
idx_perturbed = labels == params['target_label']

if np.sum(idx_perturbed) == 0:
# Do not perturb if all perturbation lies
# on the other side of the boundary.
perturbed = x
epsilon_selected = 0
# Select the perturbation that yields the minimum distance # after binary search.
perturbed, dist_post_update = line_search_batch(sample,
perturbeds[idx_perturbed], model, params)

# compute new distance.
dist = compute_distance(perturbed, sample, constraint)
print('iteration: {:d}, {:s} distance {:.4E}'.format(j+1, constraint, dist))

return perturbed

def clip_image(image, low_th, up_th):
# Clip an image, or an image batch, with upper and lower threshold.
return np.minimum(np.maximum(low_th, image), up_th)

def compute_distance(x_ori, x_pert, constraint = 'l2'):
# Compute the distance between two images.
if constraint == 'l2':
return np.linalg.norm(x_ori - x_pert)
elif constraint == 'linf':
return np.max(abs(x_ori - x_pert))

def approximate_gradient(model, sample, num_samples, delta, params):
up_th, low_th = params['up_th'], params['low_th']
h,w,c = params['h'], params['w'], params['c']

# Generate random vectors.
if params['constraint'] == 'l2':
rv = np.random.randn(num_samples, h, w, c)
elif params['constraint'] == 'linf':
rv = np.random.uniform(low = -1, high = 1,
size = (num_samples, h, w, c))

rv = rv / np.sqrt(np.sum(rv ** 2, axis = (1,2,3), keepdims = True))
perturbed = sample + delta * rv
perturbed = clip_image(perturbed, low_th, up_th)
rv = (perturbed - sample) / delta

# query the model.
prob = model.predict(perturbed)
if params['target_label'] is None:
fval = np.argmax(prob, axis = 1) != params['original_label']
# 1 if label changes.

fval = np.argmax(prob, axis = 1) == params['target_label']

fval = 2 * fval.astype(float).reshape(-1,1,1,1) - 1.0

# Baseline subtraction (when fval differs)
if np.mean(fval) == 1.0: # label changes.
gradf = np.mean(rv, axis = 0)
elif np.mean(fval) == -1.0: # label not change.
gradf = - np.mean(rv, axis = 0)
fval -= np.mean(fval)
gradf = np.mean(fval * rv, axis = 0)

# Get the gradient direction.
gradf = gradf / np.linalg.norm(gradf)

return gradf

def project(original_image, perturbed_images, alphas, constraint):
if constraint == 'l2':
alphas = alphas.reshape(-1, 1, 1, 1)
return (1-alphas) * original_image + alphas * perturbed_images
elif constraint == 'linf':
out_images = clip_image(
original_image - alphas.reshape(-1,1,1,1),
original_image + alphas.reshape(-1,1,1,1)
return out_images

def _line_search_batch(highs, lows, original_image, perturbed_images, model,
thresholds, params):
""" Recursive helper for Binary search to approach the boundar. """

# Return when threshold is achieved.
if np.max((highs - lows) / thresholds) < 1:
out_image = project(
return out_image

# projection to mids.
mids = (highs + lows) / 2.0
mid_images = project(

# Update highs and lows based on model decisions.
mid_labels = np.argmax(model.predict(mid_images), axis = 1)
if params['target_label'] is None:
lows = np.where(params['original_label'] == mid_labels, mids, lows)
highs = np.where(params['original_label'] != mid_labels, mids, highs)
lows = np.where(params['target_label'] != mid_labels, mids, lows)
highs = np.where(params['target_label'] == mid_labels, mids, highs)

return _line_search_batch(highs, lows, original_image, perturbed_images,
model, thresholds, params)

def line_search_batch(original_image, perturbed_images, model, params):
""" Binary search to approach the boundar. """

# Compute distance between each of perturbed image and original image.
dists_post_update = np.array([
for perturbed_image in perturbed_images])

# Choose upper thresholds in binary searchs based on constraint.
if params['constraint'] == 'linf':
highs = dists_post_update
# Stopping criteria.
thresholds = np.minimum(dists_post_update * params['theta'], params['theta'])
highs = np.ones(len(perturbed_images))
thresholds = params['theta']

lows = np.zeros(len(perturbed_images))

# Call recursive function.
out_images = _line_search_batch(highs, lows, original_image,
perturbed_images, model, thresholds, params)

# Compute distance of the output image to select the best choice.
# (only used when epsilon_type is grid_search.)
dists = np.array([
for out_image in out_images])
idx = np.argmin(dists)

dist = dists_post_update[idx]
out_image = out_images[idx]
return out_image, dist

def initialize(model, sample, params):
Implementation of BlendedUniformNoiseAttack in Foolbox.
success = 0
num_evals = 0

if params['target_image'] is None:
# increasing scale if initialization fails.
num = 1000
epsilons = np.linspace(0, 1, num=num + 1)[1:]
while success == 0:
if num_evals < num:
epsilon = epsilons[num_evals]
epsilon = epsilons[-1]

random_noise = np.random.uniform(-1, 1,
size = (params['h'], params['w'], params['c']))

initialization = clip_image(
(1- epsilon) * sample + epsilon * random_noise,

prob = model.predict(initialization)
success = np.argmax(prob) != params['original_label']
# 1 if label changes.
num_evals += 1

initialization = params['target_image']

return initialization

def geometric_progression_for_stepsize(x, update, dist, model, params):
Geometric progression to search for stepsize.
Keep decreasing stepsize by half until reaching
the desired side of the boundary,
epsilon = dist / np.sqrt(params['cur_iter'])
def phi(epsilon):
new = x + epsilon * update
new = clip_image(new, params['low_th'], params['up_th'])

label = np.argmax(model.predict(new))

if params['target_label'] is None:
success = label != params['original_label']
success = label == params['target_label']

return success

while not phi(epsilon):
epsilon /= 2.0

return epsilon

def select_delta(params, dist_post_update):
Choose the delta at the scale of distance
between x and perturbed sample.
if params['cur_iter'] == 1:
delta = 0.1 * (params['up_th'] - params['low_th'])
if params['constraint'] == 'l2':
delta = np.sqrt(params['d']) * params['theta'] * dist_post_update
elif params['constraint'] == 'linf':
delta = params['d'] * params['theta'] * dist_post_update

return delta

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