# This Makefile compiles a library containing the C++ runtime for the TensorFlow # library. It's designed for use on platforms with limited resources where # running a full Bazel build would be prohibitive, or for cross-compilation onto # embedded systems. It includes only a bare-bones set of functionality. # # The default setup below is aimed at Unix-like devices, and should work on # modern Linux and OS X distributions without changes. # # If you have another platform, you'll need to take a careful look at the # compiler flags and folders defined below. They're separated into two sections, # the first for the host (the machine you're compiling on) and the second for # the target (the machine you want the program to run on). # Host compilation settings # Find where we're running from, so we can store generated files here. MAKEFILE_DIR := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) HAS_GEN_HOST_PROTOC := \ $(shell test -f $(MAKEFILE_DIR)/gen/protobuf-host/bin/protoc && echo "true" ||\ echo "false") # Hexagon integration ifdef HEXAGON_LIBS LIBGEMM_WRAPPER := $(HEXAGON_LIBS)/libhexagon_controller.so ifeq ($(shell test -f $(LIBGEMM_WRAPPER) 2> /dev/null; echo $$?), 0) $(info "Use hexagon libs at " $(LIBGEMM_WRAPPER)) else $(error "hexagon libs not found at " $(LIBGEMM_WRAPPER)) endif ifdef HEXAGON_INCLUDE ifeq ($(shell test -d $(HEXAGON_INCLUDE) 2> /dev/null; echo $$?), 0) $(info "Use hexagon libs at " $(HEXAGON_INCLUDE)) else $(error "hexagon libs not found at " $(HEXAGON_INCLUDE)) endif else $(error "HEXAGON_INCLUDE is not set.") endif ifneq ($(TARGET),ANDROID) $(error "hexagon is only supported on Android") endif endif # HEXAGON_LIBS # Try to figure out the host system HOST_OS := ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) HOST_OS = WINDOWS else UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) HOST_OS := LINUX endif ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) HOST_OS := OSX endif endif # Where compiled objects are stored. HOST_OBJDIR := $(MAKEFILE_DIR)/gen/host_obj/ HOST_BINDIR := $(MAKEFILE_DIR)/gen/host_bin/ HOST_GENDIR := $(MAKEFILE_DIR)/gen/host_obj/ # Settings for the host compiler. HOST_CXX := $(CC_PREFIX) gcc HOST_CXXFLAGS := --std=c++11 HOST_LDOPTS := ifeq ($(HAS_GEN_HOST_PROTOC),true) HOST_LDOPTS += -L$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/gen/protobuf-host/lib endif HOST_LDOPTS += -L/usr/local/lib HOST_INCLUDES := \ -I. \ -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/downloads/ \ -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/downloads/eigen \ -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/downloads/gemmlowp \ -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/downloads/nsync/public \ -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/downloads/fft2d \ -I$(HOST_GENDIR) ifeq ($(HAS_GEN_HOST_PROTOC),true) HOST_INCLUDES += -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/gen/protobuf-host/include endif # This is at the end so any globally-installed frameworks like protobuf don't # override local versions in the source tree. HOST_INCLUDES += -I/usr/local/include HOST_LIBS := \ $(HOST_NSYNC_LIB) \ -lstdc++ \ -lprotobuf \ -lpthread \ -lm \ -lz # If we're on Linux, also link in the dl library. ifeq ($(HOST_OS),LINUX) HOST_LIBS += -ldl -lpthread endif # If we're on a Pi, link in pthreads and dl ifeq ($(HOST_OS),PI) HOST_LIBS += -ldl -lpthread endif # proto_text is a tool that converts protobufs into a form we can use more # compactly within TensorFlow. It's a bit like protoc, but is designed to # produce a much more minimal result so we can save binary space. # We have to build it on the host system first so that we can create files # that are needed for the runtime building. PROTO_TEXT := $(HOST_BINDIR)proto_text # The list of dependencies is derived from the Bazel build file by running # the gen_file_lists.sh script on a system with a working Bazel setup. PROTO_TEXT_CC_FILES := $(shell cat $(MAKEFILE_DIR)/proto_text_cc_files.txt) PROTO_TEXT_PB_CC_LIST := $(shell cat $(MAKEFILE_DIR)/proto_text_pb_cc_files.txt) PROTO_TEXT_PB_H_LIST := $(shell cat $(MAKEFILE_DIR)/proto_text_pb_h_files.txt) # Locations of the intermediate files proto_text generates. PROTO_TEXT_PB_H_FILES := $(addprefix $(HOST_GENDIR), $(PROTO_TEXT_PB_H_LIST)) PROTO_TEXT_CC_OBJS := $(addprefix $(HOST_OBJDIR), $(PROTO_TEXT_CC_FILES:.cc=.o)) PROTO_TEXT_PB_OBJS := $(addprefix $(HOST_OBJDIR), $(PROTO_TEXT_PB_CC_LIST:.cc=.o)) PROTO_TEXT_OBJS := $(PROTO_TEXT_CC_OBJS) $(PROTO_TEXT_PB_OBJS) # Target device settings. # Default to running on the same system we're compiling on. # You should override TARGET on the command line if you're cross-compiling, e.g. # make -f tensorflow/contrib/makefile/Makefile TARGET=ANDROID TARGET := $(HOST_OS) # Where compiled objects are stored. GENDIR := $(MAKEFILE_DIR)/gen/ OBJDIR := $(GENDIR)obj/ LIBDIR := $(GENDIR)lib/ BINDIR := $(GENDIR)bin/ PBTGENDIR := $(GENDIR)proto_text/ PROTOGENDIR := $(GENDIR)proto/ DEPDIR := $(GENDIR)dep/ $(shell mkdir -p $(DEPDIR) >/dev/null) # Settings for the target compiler. CXX := $(CC_PREFIX) gcc OPTFLAGS := -O2 ifneq ($(TARGET),ANDROID) OPTFLAGS += -march=native endif CXXFLAGS := --std=c++11 -DIS_SLIM_BUILD -fno-exceptions -DNDEBUG $(OPTFLAGS) LDFLAGS := \ -L/usr/local/lib DEPFLAGS = -MT $@ -MMD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Td INCLUDES := \ -I. \ -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/downloads/ \ -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/downloads/eigen \ -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/downloads/gemmlowp \ -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/downloads/nsync/public \ -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/downloads/fft2d \ -I$(PROTOGENDIR) \ -I$(PBTGENDIR) ifeq ($(HAS_GEN_HOST_PROTOC),true) INCLUDES += -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/gen/protobuf-host/include endif # This is at the end so any globally-installed frameworks like protobuf don't # override local versions in the source tree. INCLUDES += -I/usr/local/include LIBS := \ $(TARGET_NSYNC_LIB) \ -lstdc++ \ -lprotobuf \ -lz \ -lm ifeq ($(HAS_GEN_HOST_PROTOC),true) PROTOC := $(MAKEFILE_DIR)/gen/protobuf-host/bin/protoc else PROTOC := protoc endif $(info PROTOC = "$(PROTOC)") $(info CC_PREFIX = "$(CC_PREFIX)") PROTOCFLAGS := AR := ar ARFLAGS := -r LIBFLAGS := # If we're on OS X, make sure that globals aren't stripped out. ifeq ($(TARGET),OSX) LDFLAGS += -all_load endif # Make sure that we don't strip global constructors on Linux. ifeq ($(TARGET),LINUX) ifeq ($(HAS_GEN_HOST_PROTOC),true) LIBFLAGS += -L$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/gen/protobuf-host/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/gen/protobuf-host/lib endif CXXFLAGS += -fPIC LIBFLAGS += -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition -Wl,--whole-archive LDFLAGS := -Wl,--no-whole-archive endif # If we're on Linux, also link in the dl library. ifeq ($(TARGET),LINUX) LIBS += -ldl -lpthread endif # If we're cross-compiling for the Raspberry Pi, use the right gcc. ifeq ($(TARGET),PI) CXXFLAGS += -D__ANDROID_TYPES_SLIM__ -DRASPBERRY_PI LDFLAGS := -Wl,--no-whole-archive LIBS += -ldl -lpthread LIBFLAGS += -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition -Wl,--whole-archive endif # Set up Android building # LINT.IfChange ifeq ($(TARGET),ANDROID) # Override NDK_ROOT on the command line with your own NDK location, e.g. # make -f tensorflow/contrib/makefile/Makefile TARGET=ANDROID \ # NDK_ROOT=/path/to/your/ndk # You need to have an Android version of the protobuf libraries compiled to link # in. The compile_android_protobuf.sh script may help. # TODO(satok): Support all CPU architectures (Currently only armv7 is supported) OS_PATH := ifeq ($(HOST_OS),LINUX) OS_PATH=linux endif ifeq ($(HOST_OS),OSX) OS_PATH=darwin endif ifeq ($(HOST_OS),WINDOWS) $(error "windows is not supported.") endif ifndef NDK_ROOT $(error "NDK_ROOT is not defined.") endif CXX := $(CC_PREFIX) $(NDK_ROOT)/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/$(OS_PATH)-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-g++ CC := $(CC_PREFIX) $(NDK_ROOT)/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/$(OS_PATH)-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc CXXFLAGS +=\ --sysroot $(NDK_ROOT)/platforms/android-21/arch-arm \ -Wno-narrowing \ -fomit-frame-pointer \ -march=armv7-a \ -mfloat-abi=softfp \ -mfpu=neon \ -fPIE INCLUDES = \ -I$(NDK_ROOT)/sources/android/support/include \ -I$(NDK_ROOT)/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.9/include \ -I$(NDK_ROOT)/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.9/libs/armeabi/include \ -I. \ -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/downloads/ \ -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/downloads/eigen \ -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/downloads/gemmlowp \ -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/downloads/nsync/public \ -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/downloads/fft2d \ -I$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/gen/protobuf/include \ -I$(PROTOGENDIR) \ -I$(PBTGENDIR) LIBS := \ $(TARGET_NSYNC_LIB) \ -lgnustl_static \ -lprotobuf \ -llog \ -lz \ -lm \ -ldl LD := $(NDK_ROOT)/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/$(OS_PATH)-x86_64/arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld LDFLAGS := \ -march=armv7-a \ -L$(MAKEFILE_DIR)/gen/protobuf/lib \ -L$(NDK_ROOT)/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.9/libs/armeabi-v7a \ -fPIE \ -pie \ -v AR := $(NDK_ROOT)/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/$(OS_PATH)-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-ar ARFLAGS := r LIBFLAGS += -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition -Wl,--whole-archive ifdef HEXAGON_LIBS INCLUDES += -I$(HEXAGON_INCLUDE) LIBS += -lhexagon_controller LDFLAGS += -L$(HEXAGON_LIBS) CXXFLAGS += -DUSE_HEXAGON_LIBS # CAVEAT: We should disable TENSORFLOW_DISABLE_META while running # quantized_matmul on Android because it crashes in # MultiThreadGemm in tensorflow/core/kernels/meta_support.cc # See http://b/33270149 # TODO(satok): Remove once it's fixed CXXFLAGS += -DTENSORFLOW_DISABLE_META # Declare __ANDROID_TYPES_FULL__ to enable required types for hvx CXXFLAGS += -D__ANDROID_TYPES_FULL__ endif ifdef ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_HEXNN_OPS CXXFLAGS += -DENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_HEXNN_OPS endif endif # ANDROID # LINT.ThenChange(//tensorflow/contrib/android/cmake/CMakeLists.txt) # Settings for iOS. ifeq ($(TARGET),IOS) IPHONEOS_PLATFORM := $(shell xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-platform-path) IPHONEOS_SYSROOT := $(shell xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-path) IPHONESIMULATOR_PLATFORM := $(shell xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator \ --show-sdk-platform-path) IPHONESIMULATOR_SYSROOT := $(shell xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator \ --show-sdk-path) IOS_SDK_VERSION := $(shell xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-version) MIN_SDK_VERSION := 9.0 # Override IOS_ARCH with ARMV7, ARMV7S, ARM64, or I386. IOS_ARCH := X86_64 ifeq ($(IOS_ARCH),ARMV7) CXXFLAGS += -miphoneos-version-min=$(MIN_SDK_VERSION) \ -arch armv7 \ -fembed-bitcode \ -D__thread=thread_local \ -DUSE_GEMM_FOR_CONV \ -Wno-c++11-narrowing \ -mno-thumb \ -DTF_LEAN_BINARY \ -fno-exceptions \ -isysroot \ ${IPHONEOS_SYSROOT} LDFLAGS := -arch armv7 \ -fembed-bitcode \ -miphoneos-version-min=${MIN_SDK_VERSION} \ -framework Accelerate \ -Xlinker -S \ -Xlinker -x \ -Xlinker -dead_strip \ -all_load \ -L$(GENDIR)protobuf_ios/lib \ -lz endif ifeq ($(IOS_ARCH),ARMV7S) CXXFLAGS += -miphoneos-version-min=$(MIN_SDK_VERSION) \ -arch armv7s \ -fembed-bitcode \ -D__thread=thread_local \ -DUSE_GEMM_FOR_CONV \ -Wno-c++11-narrowing \ -mno-thumb \ -DTF_LEAN_BINARY \ -fno-exceptions \ -isysroot \ ${IPHONEOS_SYSROOT} LDFLAGS := -arch armv7s \ -fembed-bitcode \ -miphoneos-version-min=${MIN_SDK_VERSION} \ -framework Accelerate \ -Xlinker -S \ -Xlinker -x \ -Xlinker -dead_strip \ -all_load \ -L$(GENDIR)protobuf_ios/lib \ -lz endif ifeq ($(IOS_ARCH),ARM64) CXXFLAGS += -miphoneos-version-min=$(MIN_SDK_VERSION) \ -arch arm64 \ -fembed-bitcode \ -D__thread=thread_local \ -DUSE_GEMM_FOR_CONV \ -Wno-c++11-narrowing \ -DTF_LEAN_BINARY \ -fno-exceptions \ -isysroot \ ${IPHONEOS_SYSROOT} LDFLAGS := -arch arm64 \ -fembed-bitcode \ -miphoneos-version-min=${MIN_SDK_VERSION} \ -framework Accelerate \ -Xlinker -S \ -Xlinker -x \ -Xlinker -dead_strip \ -all_load \ -L$(GENDIR)protobuf_ios/lib \ -lz endif ifeq ($(IOS_ARCH),I386) CXXFLAGS += -mios-simulator-version-min=$(MIN_SDK_VERSION) \ -arch i386 \ -mno-sse \ -fembed-bitcode \ -D__thread=thread_local \ -DUSE_GEMM_FOR_CONV \ -Wno-c++11-narrowing \ -DTF_LEAN_BINARY \ -fno-exceptions \ -isysroot \ ${IPHONESIMULATOR_SYSROOT} LDFLAGS := -arch i386 \ -fembed-bitcode \ -mios-simulator-version-min=${MIN_SDK_VERSION} \ -framework Accelerate \ -Xlinker -S \ -Xlinker -x \ -Xlinker -dead_strip \ -all_load \ -L$(GENDIR)protobuf_ios/lib \ -lz endif ifeq ($(IOS_ARCH),X86_64) CXXFLAGS += -mios-simulator-version-min=$(MIN_SDK_VERSION) \ -arch x86_64 \ -fembed-bitcode \ -D__thread=thread_local \ -DUSE_GEMM_FOR_CONV \ -Wno-c++11-narrowing \ -DTF_LEAN_BINARY \ -fno-exceptions \ -isysroot \ ${IPHONESIMULATOR_SYSROOT} LDFLAGS := -arch x86_64 \ -fembed-bitcode \ -mios-simulator-version-min=${MIN_SDK_VERSION} \ -framework Accelerate \ -Xlinker -S \ -Xlinker -x \ -Xlinker -dead_strip \ -all_load \ -L$(GENDIR)protobuf_ios/lib \ -lz endif OBJDIR := $(OBJDIR)ios_$(IOS_ARCH)/ LIBDIR := $(LIBDIR)ios_$(IOS_ARCH)/ BINDIR := $(BINDIR)ios_$(IOS_ARCH)/ DEPDIR := $(DEPDIR)ios_$(IOS_ARCH)/ endif # This library is the main target for this makefile. It will contain a minimal # runtime that can be linked in to other programs. LIB_NAME := libtensorflow-core.a LIB_PATH := $(LIBDIR)$(LIB_NAME) # A small example program that shows how to link against the library. BENCHMARK_NAME := $(BINDIR)benchmark # What sources we want to compile, derived from the main Bazel build using the # gen_file_lists.sh script. CORE_CC_ALL_SRCS := \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/*.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/common_runtime/*.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/framework/*.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/graph/*.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/grappler/*.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/grappler/*/*.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/lib/*/*.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/platform/*.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/platform/*/*.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/platform/*/*/*.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/util/*.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/util/*/*.cc) \ tensorflow/core/util/version_info.cc # Remove duplicates (for version_info.cc) CORE_CC_ALL_SRCS := $(sort $(CORE_CC_ALL_SRCS)) CORE_CC_EXCLUDE_SRCS := \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/*/*test.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/*/*testutil*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/*/*testlib*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/*/*main.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/*/*/*test.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/*/*/*testutil*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/*/*/*testlib*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/*/*/*main.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/debug/*.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/framework/op_gen_lib.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/graph/dot.*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/lib/gif/*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/lib/io/zlib*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/lib/io/record*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/lib/jpeg/*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/lib/png/*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/util/events_writer.*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/util/reporter.*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/platform/default/cuda_libdevice_path.*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/platform/default/stream_executor.*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/platform/default/test_benchmark.*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/platform/cuda.h) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/platform/cuda_libdevice_path.*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/platform/cloud/*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/platform/google/*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/platform/google/*/*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/platform/jpeg.*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/platform/png.*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/platform/stream_executor.*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/platform/windows/*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/user_ops/*.cu.cc) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu_device_factory.*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/grappler/inputs/trivial_test_graph_input_yielder.*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/grappler/inputs/file_input_yielder.*) \ $(wildcard tensorflow/core/grappler/clusters/single_machine.*) # Filter out all the excluded files. TF_CC_SRCS := $(filter-out $(CORE_CC_EXCLUDE_SRCS), $(CORE_CC_ALL_SRCS)) # Add in any extra files that don't fit the patterns easily TF_CC_SRCS += tensorflow/contrib/makefile/downloads/fft2d/fftsg.c # Also include the op and kernel definitions. TF_CC_SRCS += $(shell cat $(MAKEFILE_DIR)/tf_op_files.txt) PBT_CC_SRCS := $(shell cat $(MAKEFILE_DIR)/tf_pb_text_files.txt) PROTO_SRCS := $(shell cat $(MAKEFILE_DIR)/tf_proto_files.txt) BENCHMARK_SRCS := \ tensorflow/core/util/reporter.cc \ tensorflow/tools/benchmark/benchmark_model.cc \ tensorflow/tools/benchmark/benchmark_model_main.cc ifdef HEXAGON_LIBS TF_CC_SRCS += \ tensorflow/cc/framework/scope.cc \ tensorflow/cc/framework/ops.cc \ tensorflow/cc/ops/const_op.cc \ tensorflow/core/kernels/hexagon/graph_transfer_utils.cc \ tensorflow/core/kernels/hexagon/graph_transferer.cc \ tensorflow/core/kernels/hexagon/hexagon_control_wrapper.cc \ tensorflow/core/kernels/hexagon/hexagon_ops_definitions.cc \ tensorflow/core/kernels/hexagon/hexagon_remote_fused_graph_executor_build.cc endif # File names of the intermediate files target compilation generates. TF_CC_OBJS := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR), \ $(patsubst %.cc,%.o,$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(TF_CC_SRCS)))) PBT_GEN_FILES := $(addprefix $(PBTGENDIR), $(PBT_CC_SRCS)) PBT_OBJS := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR), $(PBT_CC_SRCS:.cc=.o)) PROTO_CC_SRCS := $(addprefix $(PROTOGENDIR), $(PROTO_SRCS:.proto=.pb.cc)) PROTO_OBJS := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR), $(PROTO_SRCS:.proto=.pb.o)) LIB_OBJS := $(PROTO_OBJS) $(TF_CC_OBJS) $(PBT_OBJS) BENCHMARK_OBJS := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR), $(BENCHMARK_SRCS:.cc=.o)) .PHONY: clean cleantarget # The target that's compiled if there's no command-line arguments. all: $(LIB_PATH) $(BENCHMARK_NAME) # Rules for target compilation. .phony_version_info: tensorflow/core/util/version_info.cc: .phony_version_info tensorflow/tools/git/gen_git_source.sh $@ # Gathers together all the objects we've compiled into a single '.a' archive. $(LIB_PATH): $(LIB_OBJS) @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(LIB_PATH) $(LIB_OBJS) $(BENCHMARK_NAME): $(BENCHMARK_OBJS) $(LIB_PATH) @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) \ -o $(BENCHMARK_NAME) $(BENCHMARK_OBJS) \ $(LIBFLAGS) $(LIB_PATH) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) # Matches on the normal hand-written TensorFlow C++ source files. $(OBJDIR)%.o: %.cc | $(PBT_GEN_FILES) @mkdir -p $(dir $@) @mkdir -p $(dir $(DEPDIR)$*) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(DEPFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@ @mv -f $(DEPDIR)/$*.Td $(DEPDIR)/$*.d # Matches on plain C files. $(OBJDIR)%.o: %.c @mkdir -p $(dir $@) @mkdir -p $(dir $(DEPDIR)$*) $(CXX) $(patsubst --std=c++11,--std=c99, $(CXXFLAGS)) -x c $(DEPFLAGS) \ $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@ @mv -f $(DEPDIR)/$*.Td $(DEPDIR)/$*.d # Compiles C++ source files that have been generated by protoc. $(OBJDIR)%.pb.o: $(PROTOGENDIR)%.pb.cc @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@ # Builds C++ code from proto files using protoc. $(PROTOGENDIR)%.pb.cc $(PROTOGENDIR)%.pb.h: %.proto @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(PROTOC) $(PROTOCFLAGS) $< --cpp_out $(PROTOGENDIR) # Uses proto_text to generate minimal pb_text C++ files from protos. $(PBTGENDIR)%.pb_text.cc $(PBTGENDIR)%.pb_text.h $(PBTGENDIR)%.pb_text-impl.h: %.proto | $(PROTO_TEXT) @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(PROTO_TEXT) \ $(PBTGENDIR)tensorflow/core \ tensorflow/core/ \ tensorflow/tools/proto_text/placeholder.txt \ $< # Compiles the C++ source files created by proto_text. $(OBJDIR)%.pb_text.o: $(PBTGENDIR)%.pb_text.cc @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@ # Makes sure that we don't compile the protoc-generated C++ sources before they # and the proto_text files have been created. $(PROTO_OBJS): $(PROTO_CC_SRCS) $(PBT_GEN_FILES) # Host compilation rules. # For normal manually-created TensorFlow C++ source files. $(HOST_OBJDIR)%.o: %.cc @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(HOST_CXX) $(HOST_CXXFLAGS) $(HOST_INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@ # Compiles object code from protoc-built C++ source files. $(HOST_OBJDIR)%.pb.o: $(HOST_GENDIR)%.pb.cc @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(HOST_CXX) $(HOST_CXXFLAGS) $(HOST_INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@ # Ensures we wait until proto_text has generated the .h files from protos before # we compile the C++. $(PROTO_TEXT_OBJS) : $(PROTO_TEXT_PB_H_FILES) # Runs proto_text to generate C++ source files from protos. $(PROTO_TEXT): $(PROTO_TEXT_OBJS) $(PROTO_TEXT_PB_H_FILES) @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(HOST_CXX) $(HOST_CXXFLAGS) $(HOST_INCLUDES) \ -o $(PROTO_TEXT) $(PROTO_TEXT_OBJS) $(HOST_LDOPTS) $(HOST_LIBS) # Compiles the C++ source files from protos using protoc. $(HOST_GENDIR)%.pb.cc $(HOST_GENDIR)%.pb.h: %.proto @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(PROTOC) $(PROTOCFLAGS) $< --cpp_out $(HOST_GENDIR) # Gets rid of all generated files. clean: rm -rf $(MAKEFILE_DIR)/gen rm -rf tensorflow/core/util/version_info.cc # Gets rid of all generated files except protobuf libs generated # before calling make. This allows users not to recompile proto libs everytime. clean_except_protobuf_libs: find $(MAKEFILE_DIR)/gen -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name "protobuf" ! -name "protobuf-host" -exec rm -r "{}" \; rm -rf tensorflow/core/util/version_info.cc # Gets rid of target files only, leaving the host alone. Also leaves the lib # directory untouched deliberately, so we can persist multiple architectures # across builds for iOS. cleantarget: rm -rf $(OBJDIR) rm -rf $(BINDIR) $(DEPDIR)/%.d: ; .PRECIOUS: $(DEPDIR)/%.d -include $(patsubst %,$(DEPDIR)/%.d,$(basename $(TF_CC_SRCS))) ifdef SUB_MAKEFILES $(warning "include sub makefiles, must not contain white spaces in the path:" $(SUB_MAKEFILES)) include $(SUB_MAKEFILES) endif