#WiiTUIO Ever wanted to use a Wiimote to get multi-touch on your Windows 7 PC? WiiTUIO might just be what you're looking for. If you would like some instructions there is a good guide here (along with a few handy scripts to automate things) http://goo.gl/Vp9dt.
WiiTUIO improves the stability of the IR sources captured by the Wiimote using some thresholds and spatio-temporal classification. The application can generate native Windows 7 touch events as well as TUIO messages from the stabilised data.
Interested in doing the same thing with a Kinect? Check out Ubi Displays: http://code.google.com/p/ubidisplays/
Each raw IR source captured by the Wiimote is either assigned to the best existing tracked source or generates a new tracker. This means that the touch events can be generated from stable data without the jitter (namely, false-positives generated between two IR sources and the unordered source buffer) that occurs when trying to use the Wiimote to capture true multi-touch IR.
Created as part of the CoffeeTable project. Find out more here: http://highwire-dtc.com/coffeetable/
WiiTUIO v2 John Hardy & Christopher Bull HighWire Programme, Lancaster University 22-06-2010
- Windows 7 is required in order to use generate touch events.
- The UniSoftHID driver used with MultiTouchVista. The code to support touch events is based on (Multitouch.Driver.Logic) by Nesher. As such, I reccomend that you use the whole 'MultiTouchVista' package for better support. The UniSoftHID driver can be found bundled with 'MultiTouchVista' here: http://multitouchvista.codeplex.com/releases/view/28979
Still reading? There are a couple of things you should know before using this software:
- You need to click Connect first.
- Ensure you click calibrate at least once after you have created a connection.
Johnny Chung Lee: http://johnnylee.net/projects/wii/
Brian Peek: http://www.brianpeek.com/
Nesher: http://www.codeplex.com/site/users/view/nesher
TUIO Project: http://www.tuio.org
MultiTouchVista: http://multitouchvista.codeplex.com/
OSC.NET Library: http://luvtechno.net/
WiimoteLib 1.7: http://wiimotelib.codeplex.com/
HIDLibrary: http://hidlibrary.codeplex.com/
WPFNotifyIcon: http://www.hardcodet.net/projects/wpf-notifyicon
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